University of South Carolina Libraries
4 Y :jf ,N I '. I 1 > ''"' ' >?* -' * ' '? *" ' ^ ?y Special Cor. of tbo Baltimore Uaxette. Impeachment Defunct. Scrnte it tho Smut*?(1? Imp+aeker't Cauent? Vrojeoted /VtQrniraml of lit Vol*?Hum tit Volt Oont to fro Taken?A Cnrione Co?e(/jf of Orote Pnrpoeee. Washington, May 2ft, 1868. " Last thoagh not least." This has been the last day of impeachment, thoagh by no means the leaat interesting. In many respects it has exceeded in profound interest any which bare preceded. The impression had beeoma turn no vote wouia D? inRcn, and b?act ' there was nothing like the ruth upon tbaCdpl- ' tol.whlob hu heretofore characterised the impeachment proceeding#. Nevertheless, the ' Immense galleries were paoked with a brilliant 1 assemblage, while the Diplomatic section eon-, tainod the representatives of twenty-eight loreign countries, all manifesting the most intense interest in the proceedings of the Senate* 1 as each held in liis band a list of the Senators' names. The arrangements for preserving per. I feet order were omuplote, as shown by the (lies of policemen which decorated the aisles and ' corridors. The Ooor of tho Chamber appeared almost deserted, no impoachment Senator being seenThere sat the Conservatives, and there were the seven rocreanls, bat where wore the thirty* , Ave impeachers ? It was a mystery to the galleries, but others knew that a caucus was being held iu President Wade's room to detor- . mine whether they would or would not proceed with the voto. Just before the heur of 12 o'clock, Senator Bdraunds came in and announced confidentially te a low friends around ' him that the voting would be postponed* snob being the determination of the caucus. A few moments later the other Senators entered the | Chamber with an air of indifference, and were , soon engaged in conversation, groups being formed?during which tbs action of the caucus was discussed, and spoculations freely offered ^ ?s su iu? proDaoio cnuci 0! tlio contemplated | postponement on party Interests. \t this time no Senator doubted Tor a mo- , ment that the rote would be postponed?the managors had requested it and tho caucus had voted to grant it?yet tho vote was taken and tho President acquitted, llow was it done ? The dotails will furnish an intoresting pa go for the future historiau. Soon after the Oenr' had organized for businoss and all the drama- I tis persomo were in position, Senator Edmunds rore slowly from his scat, and drawing from ! his pocket, offered a resolution rescinding all I previous rules on the subject of voting. The i Chief Justice thought the resolution was not in order, the Radical majority thought other- i wise, and the rules were rescinded. Next i camo a resolution postponing the voto on impeachment until the 23d of Juno. The Chief Justice considered this out of order but was again overruled by the caucusing Senators. On each of these propositions Senator Bo?*> of Kansas, voted with tho impeachers, and a decided sensation among tbcm was perceptible. Radical Senators were bobbing their bunds at each otber, and a great effort made to communicate and confer ono with another. Ross had defeated tbcm on the eleventh article, and vitupcrativo abuse bad been heaped upon him. Was it possible he had repented * at the eleventh hour, if not on the eleventh 1 yc i article? Conkling offored a substitute for the motion to adjourn, whleh provided that the Senate sitting as a Court of Impeachment < should proceed at once to vote on the remain- < ing Articles of Impeachment. This was nip- ! IWlli'd hv in After In Ka a -- J *? * a "j ??j vu " *???iuh uuvrvu in goou i faith y the Senator from New York, and | when it was rejected hy ao overwhelming vote, | many of the spectators left the galkrioa, sup- , posing the day's performances at an end. The newspaper men,"in their anxiety to outstrip all competition, Bashed the news over the Wires " impeachment postponed nutil the 2.*5<1 of June." No one doubled the fact, except the parties engaged in the desperate guito. Conkling's purpose proved to ho to draw out an expression from Ross, who, understanding the game, iu turn set a trap for the impeacbersRoss voted squarely against Conkliug's substitute ; another l>u?? was beard on ths Rmlical side of the Chamber. Sumner left his seat, end hurriedly passed to the seats of Sett* ators Edmunds, Williams and others, holding brief conferences with each. Other Senators leaned towards each other and passod hurried wrWda. Spectators continued leaving, and the telegraph hnd already spread the news In every direction thut the Senats had voted to postpane, which was virtually the case when the vote was taken refusing to proceed. But now the nudcrcurrent was seen and fel s though its exact character waa stilt unknown, pome new development was about beiog made. The countenances of U?s impcaehers seemed to brighten np, and some unexpected tnrn in pvents evidently anticipated. Ross hnd been ' drawn out; lie was upon the record with the ' impcaehers on every preliminary question; ' be, too, seemed to be acting in tbe best faith? ( presto, "We won't postpone," said the im* ' pciw Iters, " but while Rots is voting kioiit we will give him a chance on tbe second article.'* 1 They voted down their own caucus resolution I to postpone until th? 23d of June, and moved I to go into a vote on the seeon J article of im- f pcachment. ' , Tbe Impcacher* were now oil smiles. They I bad by adrqituers ascertained erectly bow ; llos* would yote, as they supposed, and now tliey would convict Johnson certain. They little suspected that there were two parties to their game, and quite as little suspected tbe t modest, unsophisticated Senator frotn Kansas f of intending to entrap tbirty-flve impeacbers , at a single haul.* The foil Was called amid ? breathless silence, and tbe interest hicghtened | as tbe votes of tbe doubtful Senators wore ( {cached?culminating when the name of B?n?- ( tor Ross win called. * Vow came the tug of jrsr. Tbe trapeechers , bod hesarded everything upoq. lbi4 \o\o-? could it be possible that thirty-flva polUicino* ( hud been orer-reached by one man t It was trite 1!! iloss bad set bis trap, and caugfet tho whple party, and when ho anatMrfed in a ' clear, ringing voice, "not guilty," there were, countenances on the Radical side pf tbe Cham her which would iiavc furnished subject* wortflWflHk of llogy'b. Impeacbiptnt had been loag ' ICint^i now it was Uhried Bingham and 1 JjHKty hurried froin th^ Chnnther. Rutkr ' v fJ?BPf bis scat until the third article was * > 'J /'* y~\ * : i e *>' ' > * TNS t The Court of Itnpeaofcaaeat, for tba trUl oj Vndrew Johnaoa, Preaident af the United State*, bariog adjourned tine die, A* crowd aade a ruih for the Hooae to too the cttfrlir id and disappointed autotgen wreak thoir rengesnoe upon Colonel C. W. Woolley, wbo eas there under arrest, charged With contempt n refilling to answer the impertinent and illegal questions of Manager Butler. Never bare the proceedings of the American Congress ?een more humiliating. The Bear Garden cones bare boon disgraceful, hut the injustice uid oppression of the llonse to-day should muse every freeman to rise in bis might.? The proceedings should be read by every citlicn, and the eloquent protest of Jndge Mar' ihall, of Illinois, should be pondered. J us I think of ex-Manager Bontarell offering a resoution to eonvort the Capitol of the nation intr i prison?a resolution which was sustained bj ivory Radical Congressman! As Chief Jusice Chase said, * The time has come for at who love their eountry to hand together against the Jacobins." ?l)t Jrmtfytni Cnttrpriw, GREENVILLE, sTcT WEDNESDAY. JUNE S, 1S6S. Another Speech from Hon. J. B. Campbell, of Charleston.---Speech of General W. B. Martin. "the Democrats In Charl?atcn had another meeting i?n the 28th inat, General W, E. Maktin made a capital speech on the oc ra-ion ; its length pre eludes ns from pub lishlng It !n full, lie concluded hie re marks with there very fit and propei hrord*: * In oor.cluaion, the speaker paid a handpome ttibute to their Mends in C??ngreei ind at the Noith. who had made the groateat sacrifices in their behalf. It waa s great mistake, he eaid. to classify tlw Northern people by wholesale, as the en* mieS of the Southern people. He hoped morn would lie no division in lit* rank* ol the Democratic party of this S'ct*. Therr was no reason for it They had the sam? purposes nod same wi,h to succeed fn oar rylng the Demoer?U? party through trinm piiantiy They should give that party *11 the moral support tiiey could, and he woulil d precate division among their friend*.? Let ua, he said, go on, raise our banner ami earry it on high, not diecourngd by nnj obstacles, but let ua be true to nnrrelrei and ?ucee?e will crown our efforts.* Hon. J. B. Cami'bki.l, according to thi Courier, spoke at some length, but the late nee* of the. hour pr? rented a full report ? We give a synopsis as reported. Mr Camp skli. line expressed villi great pointednc* and force the situation in which the whib population of this ittate is pinced hy tb< doepoliaw of a Radical Congress and lh< miiiUrv, which nmkea it impossible for nnj ran# aliita man, (it moms to ua, with al deference to tie f?w differently inclined.] to do otherwise than support the greet Democratic party of the North. " Hon. J. B. Cauraci.t. wan next called upon and ad Iresaed ihe meeting. lie said since he liad the honor of addrcesirg Iheui ^a'uidnj evening, a great change had conn aver them. It was hi* good fortune In tell them then that there waa no middle coursi left for them. Whether it was inspipstioi or knowledge, it was prophetic, and thi prophecy has already been verified. Yos are, he said, placed by the military powei under the dominion of the African race,? He knew ihrre were those who were limb and nervous about expressing their op:n i?n?, luit so long as he had a voice, so long as he had an American heart, he wonid ex< press his voice He had no fears of mili larjr power. Tbey hud taken from* bin that which was dearer than anything wide) they can ng?in take. They had subvert* the Constitution under which he was born and taken from their own raee their nativi privileges, and consigned them to the bar baristn of Afiica. If it were any use, hi would denounce them with every accent hi could conlri I. But lie did not wish to bi understood as saying one unkind won towards the negro race. He acknowledge that they owed tho deepest obligations li that raee. In the Convention lately heh they showed themselves vastly superior It I heir deportment and in ability to thi white element. They represented a oon tituencv comprising the labor of the oo'in try, and they honored it, but the white c|?j rnent had no constituency. That el* men I lid not represent property or charaster, sertainly not a gooi character. " Mr. Cainpl??ll dwelt at some length si to the future action to ba taken by the par ty in this 8' ate, and expraaaed the hope that the clause in reference to negro suf 'rage in the platform adopted at Columbia i.. iL.I ?? 1?1_ - >een already repudiated l?y the Demoeralii >arty in (lie North." Nice Cabinet Work. Mr. W. B. Joxxa, who resides ?'>me four een miles east of this plane, near Clew Spring Ohureh, b prepared to do all kindi >f Cahiuet Work, and executes it In a tua'j ind substantial style. Mis prices are very low, considerably lees than any wa know >f. In faw weeks hs expects to send I el of his nawly-mode fyrnilors to town for isle, and those who prt-^ir uia hons.rhold (nods ip his line to scoond lined article* an hear this paragraph in mind- The ar ic.!e ha made lor us gives entire aatirfac i?n. We recommend Mr. J?xks aud know hat bis work wHI give sotitfaotion, * "J? Eaaloy'a Brill**. We invite attention to tire advertisement ?f the Commissioner, who will 1st oat U .ho loweat bidder, fflp/epairing o( Easi.it1 Bridge, os SelurdaynWxt. * . v \ v : *v ' v . . ' " " ' > > i II immii iiffu % it Hill > i .1 I. . ^ - The Bnpubltoan XmUoc In the "Oon|rt V v Hou? on Monday Might. Th? Court HoOn *?i Iliad chi-fly with colored and women. N*ml while >< men, alro, nod JVmecraU MWang them-? t Mr. J. M. Aunt wan called to the Ohalr, > and introduced R*r. Mr. who, we Mitra was on his ft ret visit to Greenville. i We have read and heard a good deal aboat I this gentleman, and some heavy complaint# i as to his manner of addressing the black** bnt we were ah attentive listener to all he ' said, With sundry other Democratic geatle' men of lb* town, and the eftinlon Is qsdi* ridad, we .believe, I bet hie ad drees on thie occasion wee kind end conciliatory in tone ' per, end nol calculated, or seemingly intended to stir had pawions or trrilate feelr ings in any parti e. Meek or white Mr. Ppkxcii evowe the tnoet Implicit ho 1 lief in l'roiidence overruling all thing*. , add aeorihea to tbet source, the emancipation of the ncgroea. He frankly admitted i that it wae not Ike intention of the North. nor the Government of the United States to | liberate the elavee of the South, at the be ginning of the war. hnt liter had followed the indication* of Providence in *o doing.? Mr. Finwi gave some good advice to the negroes ae to their duty in practicing honeet indurtry and thrift, educiting their children, Jt-?.; of coarse. advi?*d them to , eupport the Repnldiean Party T>y hit very ingenious and insinuating arguments and > statement*. If. we hed space, we would like to give - more fully the vUwa of the epeakcr, and to - answer some ol the points. Alter Mr. Fnicxcn had concluded hie lengthy addreae, Uev. F. L. On annuo, Seeretary of State elect, under the pew ConsUtn tion, was introduced and made a short and i mod eat address, clothed in handsome Ian gunee, showing that he is an educated man. i Il? repudiated the charge that they are aiming for negro supremacy, and insisted that it wae disproved by the State ticket I being white men, ?tc. We must say, in r answer to all such di*elnim? rn, that facta are > elohhvra thing*. The Republican* or Red? icale of these United State*, and of this . State, have, aa far aa iu lh"tn lira, nrceaearily established negro supremacy in the I Stale of South Carolina, formerly so called. 1 by carrying out the Radical reconstruction . programme of universe! ucgro suffrage. I there being a decided supremacy of uuiu bene among the negroes in the" State at t Urge. Look at it in Charleston; n<-gro supremacy already exists. Look at it in the L-gialnUire; negro supremacy already - exists there Look at it in Orrnuville, even np to the time of thi* writing although there is in this District a tnajori'y ot white r pan pie. The R tJionie wielding the negro r pt-wrr, and the power ot soma deluded r white men, have e*rri<-d Greenville in the > election! 11 OI-mI, . f. V ..j?. a.,.,*-.., a.,.. ?? therefore, bf Cwngr- Miunal i enactments, and the votes of negroea in ) this State. The Sp-ftoh VS?, ns wo hevr [ said. brief, and like the .one preceding It, kiixlly tone and manner. Sueli speeches I merely, would never stir np Utter etrife; , (hat arise* Irom the measures advocated, i however mildly. This eternal voting of negroes ftgsiu't the lniye noise of n-e|tecta I bin white men, and against what these con> ceive lite safety and welfare of themselves i and land ice, must produce a wide separai> tion between the whites and the blocks, i nnd nii^iii the wliitemaii's Whig compelled, r hi ?elf defence, to employ and encourage . only those who ara his friends. It i? not I an ordinary paiiy question, by nn means. The speaking closed with the address of I Csns'iA. .Me is a slightly colored nun, a . native of Cb trlrstuii, und educated in Sco(> . land. t The Chairman concluded the meeting i with a few words of advice to the colored } men preset t: that they should not, when votuig, linger around the poll*, hut deposit , their hallot, and return Imnw to their bue - icess ; all of which we tkon^ht was very proper. He made do remarks of a political t nature. ] Religious Anniversaries In If aw Torfc? Feelings toward the South. , The month of May is the regular time fot < various religions anniversary meetings is , N-w Yo'k Helievlug that our reader* , would l>e interested in heart.ig something ft out that quarter, especially ia relation L< ilie ?!nt- ol (Veling now rxiaiing toward tin Smith. in a .me of llt?> Chrirtian Ohurehee ol L the North, we take the Iib<-rty of pulilinii. in? an extract from a private letter which wag written l?y .1 eery worthy and intelll ? K**Mt yonnf gentleman of our town, sow raetding in the great oily, awl who *m oon. , neeted with the bonen of Kv.\*g, Gaanwna <1- Co , Importer* and dealer* In dry good*. We hope he will exeuae ua for the liberty , we have taken, and hope be may And it ( convenient to write u* occasionally, wme thing wlih an expre** riew to pwMioalhm. Krw Toac, May 87, IMS > I wa? very eorry I could not go to Bal timoce to the Convention, although I have * acao a little of I>r. Broadu*, Dr Manly, I>r ' Boyee, and eome other* hero. Yon ought Ia k>m nAau a* I a ihu t wnl? rlrt'llMf, if shnply to ha*r Dr. Broad ue folk plainly to tha Bum* Miaaionary Soci ' ?ty, Toaaday night. Ilo gave them o plain, manly, prudent talk of aTelra South, particularly the rtligkur condition of Ilia colored pi opla, alluding to the condition of lb? whiter, nlao. Tha add r rue waa well re erivid, 1 think ; and the aenaihla racn North niti't regard it aa timely and good a.lrloc. He argued that in their offorti in behalf of the?a people, they moat have tha eo operation of thegoo-i , they would eiaraiaa the greatest Influence I for good, and that they might raeora thii co-operation if t.hay plsbad it, Ha pro poeed that tho IJiailoiiary Board hrra ahonld rend only auah men South aa the .-V v< v.'" ' .-V.;' - J.' *? *>- jrfkj t '? 4 V/>. x.' ) : r*jf?* '? ' ': <.? j iL M,1 *i 'i,'I .BiaMaaeaaft I B? T 8 Jt.l l 1 . " 1 * 1 plauee often. Thie/mode of expreaeliig approval grated harehly on Southern ear*, when practiced >? it ehureh. Alexander w ntooh entprirt* when he ftfnt heard it. ae I'oertalnly wu,. Bat I did not intend to write of tfceee mratinge. for yon will get full aaeounte from the D. Da when they return.* * Xmpriaonmeat for Debt in OertMur- ' By telegram in New York JftraM, May to, 18?8? rfe having cheering aewe for the frieftd* m auuinit; and imerty. " BaM-lx, May 29, 1 908. The CI or eminent ft North Oerinany has abolished Imprisonment lor debt." Those Senator* hud Representatives of the State of South Carolina who voted down the proposal to abolish imprisonment for debt In this State in I860, will bo perhaps grieved to learn the progress of huinaoe and Itbsrsl principles in tbo old Monarchies of Europe. One by one the elvilised governments of the earth are abolishing imprisonment fi>r debt. The military power has forced its abolition in this State. Wo confess however, that one ff the numerous disappointments we experteeeed by the Intervention of the military and reconstruction laws or Congress was in being deprived of the satisfaction ot seeing the good people of thia Stnto rise in their might io the October elections that should bavo been held la-t year, and hart from power all those men, who could remain so insensible to their duty of affording relief from old barbarous laws. Improvement of Some of the Street*. The Town Council will forever have the thanks of onr citisens, fur the way in which it is improving the Street west or the Baptist Chnrch and leading to the River. The Baptist Chorch Corporation having consented to give five feet of land for the widening and reparation of the sidewalk, has set the fence back that distance; and Col. R. 8. In visa, with a like generosity and public spirit, has also -permitted bis feuee to be removed flee feet, fur the same purpose. These parties give the land and tho Council pays for Hie workTon feet will allow. ro< m .piite sufficient te erect a good aad substantial walk on each side, thus making It a great deal more pleasant to persons parsing that way. We keow of no pert of Town that will We more improved, after the desiges of our municipal authorities ha7o been carried out in reference to this locality, then of which we speak. Methodist District HMttnr Our Town tenders will Itenr in mind that the Methodist District Meeting is to e?tnmrnro this evening, at the Church in this place, st "H o'clock. Itixhop DncO>tt, of, will inaugurate the exercise*, slid ,wt have no donl.t the building will be jammed to hear bim. Heveral distinguish* rj miiilsteif are expected, and ths mwtiiw will cootinne until Snndny ? xt. In the afternoon of the 7'h, there will he s Sun* day Scho -1 Celebration, at which addresses will !>e delivered ly Prof*. .1. H Cabijui and A. fi. ?r*1|s, ol Woffctrd College, and d"tthllr#a ?-thetS. Tli? pulpit* of the other Charehes will djiibtl?-ss be supplied by ministers attending this meeting. We anticipate for the Town sn occasion of mush Interest. O. V. Dyer?Tailoring. The advertisement of onr old am) much esteemed Irleod, Mr. Oco. H. I)run, bee been inserted several times, which our readers have doubtless read. Mr. D., wc arc pleased to know, bos recovered to a considerable extent front the prostration which Las afflicted him so king, snd is now able to resnmo bis business, which be has done at bis resi<lease, on 1 Main tftreet, opposite Messrs. Qoscs, Cox, Marki.kT a Co. His reputation of mors than twenty years as tbs leading Tailor of Oreenvillc, will |etmr* bias a large share of public palr-magc, and we tmst hia old frienda wilt bear him in mind. Poabody School. We hare been requeated to atate that application for admission to thia School, ninat be made to Mr. Tb*sia? Stkkk, at bta aterc, who will give those who may be permitted teenier, a eartiftcato. Mr. 6ns* wHI alee be in attendance at the School rrery Monday morniog, from to VJ o'clock, fur the baaineee of receiving thoee jast entering the institution.? No boy ever lea years need apply, aa all above 1 that age will poeitieely be rejected ; provlsft* ' will be made for tbem at do distant day. Veteran Sunday School Advocate. I Rer. Mr. McCvLLornw, of Kentucky, now I on a vlcit In the Booth for bit health, wai preaent at the Bnptiat Chbreh Saaday Mtoi i Celebration leat Sunday evening, and made aa addreas of oneomntoo excellence. He la aa , eloquent, feeling aad peranaaive apeaher. lie la Scotchman by birth, and was converted hi the Chnreb of the great Dr. CaALnxna. Rev 1 Mr. Joxxa, of North Carolina, mod Rev. Mr Pannow, of Abbeville District, made, aa nanal with theee gentlemen, moat excellent speeches, also. We are lorry we bare not apaos ior a ore fuller aeeeunt of the proceedings. The Sleetlon. We give the melt of the Brat day'o votln| for DUtrlet oflleora at Orronvillo. Conaerra tiro aad Democratic CaodidaU a, tba blgboat 242 rotoa | iowoat III. Radical Candidate*, bighoat 210 rote*; low aai 208. To. day Wodaeaday oar paper goe# to praa< boforo counting oat, bat wa ara confident ttia< the Democratic lie bet |a (till running ahead confident bop50 ara antartalnad from tba foci ' of great change* at other bo*?? that th* Dam1 oerata ara eleetod ia tbla Platriet. At 1 o'oloeU, tba boar of going to praao 108 votao had baan polled, and It war tlioogh I the Democrat* were abaot fifty ahead?IbL i on tba aeoond day'a rota, W. T, Aahmara, Vatr tba Dapat. Peering tba abora gentleman* (tore, a Iba ' day* algae, ba baltad ar for the purpopa o howiug that ba bad a meant mpply of gooda H ia Bool* and Sbaaa ara rary ebrgp, aa alar 1 a (a bia Sugar*, Ooflaea. Tiga, Ae., Aa., and i^;r^ r t?> < .--- ? v.vW '% ' *f' ' y - ^".*V '..X'"* ' /V v > * V . :-. ; : ; ?: > :V; t, : . ? ' - J ' ., ft> -? " V % > " * ^ cw ' ? s * ' - ' * ? ' .$!** . = ? '* >.. . .n r r ' iii ,'nn">v> "af i aiwd?jW S^,R-?i;S "*? ' '''ua'waaifihan'" ?. Ill i .V. . ;/ The article of paper on whteh tU Kttltr. frioo is laeued, *M manufactured by M. Hlt,M 0. Otuvr, who la ?4^ pruprhtor of tha h)Ht MUli formerly otread by bis fattier, Mr. Jo*S Vf. dRA0f. Friend Hater maintains, by attention, assiduity and good management, the reputation of ill aatabiiehmont, wtolofe we know he trill continue to do. He alee etpeeta to introduce considerable Improvement in the mill at no distant day, and we advise our friends at the prene^ who tf Ifk to leeote paper that ie both uf proper wbltenee* and Weight of body, to send. their orders to tbo Greenville Paper Mills. 1^.1 -A Printing paper (a now worth fifteen cents per pound, delivorod at the Railroad Depot at Mil* place." ~ v ' Agricultural. The Journal / the Farm, with 111 Sftil prouptuear, ia laaned, and peiaoaa who wUb to .Introduce on their farm the aaa of Hew nuum, will flml natter la It that ttill be bt ad rentage in applying the mm Cepiea Can bo had by calling at the.offlco of Mr. JtTLiua C. Smith, who has a number to giro a Way.? Wa are indebted to Mr. Rrily, hla aMlataat, for the laat. Thome* C, Oowor. Will ploaao accept oar thanha for very lata New York, DalMaon. and Waabiogton paper*. Mr. Oowkm baa jnrt returned fr?ia the meeting of the General Assembly of the Preabyterian Church at Baltimore, to which be waa a delegate. ron tut aovmaaif RKTuaritrse. Meeting of Greenville Demooratio Club. The regular monthly mooting of the Oreenrllle Democratic Club waa held ia tho Court Houto on Monday Jane lat. at It o'oloek M. Delegate* reported from Tariou* Club* aa follow*: Colombia CtnK.?Iter. A. C. Stepp and Col. J McCullongh, report about alaty member*. Dnteerllle Clab.?W. A. Hudson, U. M Smith and lieu jam In Vaughn, report aisty tlireo meml>cra. Falrcicw Clab.?CoL T. L. D?soman, Dr T. L. Wuodaido and H at. Celvjr, report forty members. Lniarel Creek Clnb.?W. 8. Miller, J. F. Wateon, F. It Martin and W. T. Smith, report twenty throe member*. Coder FaW* Clab.?Dr. J. M. Sulllraa, report owe hundred end too member*. Clear Spring Club.?Salathiel Martin, report eighty Are member*. There Warn also iI*1muI*.i fe.m rarlnm nllirr Club*, who hlWti to rrport. All represent their Clubs as befog in rsry flourishing con ditlon, and constantly gaining accessions. Governor Perry offered the following resoIdtlone, which were unsnimoas)) adopted Wl areas, the Executive Cunniltee of tho Democratic Party of 6??tb Carolina bare rerjucrted each Central Democratic Club in tbo4 State to rote far two Delegate* to represent the State at largo, and one for their Congresaioual Diatriot, in the Democratic Conrentlon in Nrw York ow tho 4th of July next ; Be It, therofora Resolved, by tho Control Demoeratie Ctub for flreenvllle District, that the vote of this Club U east for (loneral Wado Hampton and tho lion. WSD. Porter for Delegate to represent tho Slate at largo, and Sam* uai McAHIley and W. D. Simpson for Delsgates to represent this Congressional District. And, lw it farther Resolved, That tho Secretary of this Club do forward a ropy of Ihii Resolution to tho Executive Committee la Colombia. The President then read a Circular fr?m the Central Demoeratie Committee of Columbia, calling upon, the various auxiliary Clubs throughout the Stats for subscriptions to dc> fray certain general necessary expenses of tbs party. On motion of Col. (1. F. Tonaos 1* was Unsolved, that a Committee of thro# bo appointed from the Qreenvllte Democratic Club to solicit swbsrriptioas from the members } the proceeds to be applied first to tb* defrayal of oar own neesrssry expenses, sad the balance to bo forwarded to the Central Committee. Also Resolved, that the auxiliary throng-bout the District be requested to appoint like Committee* for the one purposeThe following gentlemen were appointed a Committee from .thi* CluU: Win. Beattic, Prank MeBoe and 8atuucl Stradlry. Col. Townee al*o preeentcd the following Leeoltrtlons, supporting them In a speech of some length : Wlicrcae, we are tb?ro?gWy convinced that aw issdmtriotu and thrifty white population are the natural friend* ot liberty, of good Got. erameat and apposed to oppresrWu (n a/1 UB forma; and, whereas, there ia in this Bute a , rast amount of idle Ms and large opening I for an la create of population, and believing that there It no settled part of the United , State*, where greater inducements in ehenp v and productive lead* exist ta attract foreign i Immigration, ae well ae immigration from the more densely settled Northern State*; there, fore, I fftohtd, That, ft ia every way destrablo and important to encourage hsmlgratian from En\ rope and the North, and that It ta iueambeat en every good eitiaen to oae every effort to Indues such immigration by all lawfal and proper means, t JlraoiMd, That, a committee of Ave he appointed to open a correspondence with anoh ' persons na may assist In this object wherever *hav mat ha. and that aneh sMnuiitu t? ? <|uoatad to procara liforpatloR from partner throughout tkia Dirt rial, and part* adjoining ac to Ian da, to bo aoM or t??l?4 to white Inwt* 1 grant*, whether horn Sarop* or tha North, a* wall aa to proeora information a* te ?be da* 1 at and for hlrad labor in aither Agrtealtoral or ' incehanieoi amploymanta, and that tbo eom. miUoa do aoteteanieata information *o acqulr od to pkrooao abroad who nop anoonraga m.0 1 protaoto th? 4a*iaed immigration, ' Am?W, That, It ho Intmitod te tho ante, arttao to drrir* tbo hoot pUu for Marring oot tho ehjoet, aipraaoad to tho fofagofog pro* , arable and roootettow*, and thai they ho ap{ tboriaod to aolJ pohtte meeting* to nfo?on thereto, wbenoror dooaod en pad look Pt'aUnA, Tho* towteoeh, ao there hp* I been a great deal of *y*te?e?e fcieet hood and miartpreaaotatteo, reopeetlog tho . f . : f>v - * - . \ h . ?. ... y* & * >' | / " * " *v* i tm b^wi u- Wn . mmmaj ' : , y x C ^ J ' ' - V*n$l to itliituM (l? I follow eitiMM of ill Ma> ftiprMofcnrt, AM * ? ? kwi Mnmif ?? ? l ' . eUte?w??ir?(?f>?ll9rktNbntt.iCrMUM > *?V " Mm North with mMM welootn* ?ii#t>' j m< ?' wamupwrng^y " m*j m|le aaaw>f *i Ibr (If parpnmw af po- <% . \ metiatf their own welfare, wilt be wiwmfly >?- >, prepared I* ?u?t*ii> the eomtnoa latereat of >. ^ % the State again ?t the machination* ofafeea- V ? ^ tnrer* and rti.egadee of every iUk. < lite. M. F. 8?okee aire *poke jn aapport -vf _ V % the Rerolptlou*, which W*ro unanlmoatly "Vi adopted. CommiU**.?Col. 0. F. Toiraaa, Cot. B. P. Jonaa, W. II. Panar, K?j., Dr. 8.1 BM> ball, Dr. B. Caorr. ' Tha meeting woe than add reared by Rav. 1. C. Btepp. COl. T. L. Boicman, Dr J. M, Sullivan and other*, who pre rtrj Wroenj* . lag" report* of tha (baling of the people' in . their respective portion* of the Diatriet and -V furaUhed tome additional Information mm- i ff' horning tbcfr aercral Claba. On motion of W. II. Parry, Beq-, a Commit lee atftflrifctg of tiro persons tVom each Wardot th* its# appointed to call upon each . of oar Olliatns for tha parpaaa of abUialotf slgoattarea fcf ti4t Conatitutioa. Tha foiloWJ .. . lag aru tha mcirtHer* of that Ctoflmriltenl Ward No. i--Iir. f. X. We.tmor.imd au<4 T. W. Davia. Ward No. t?John II. Ooodlett and Capt. J. hi Southern. Ward No. B-M.J. Ferguren, and Wm. Bel- ' land. r Wurd No. 4?Sanaol ClvJa, Capt. J. Mia*v Sullivan. "*> Ward No. 5?William Ware, Tlcnry lag ran*. ' Ward No. ft?Capt. Laaaard William*, Dr*. ! P. X. Mile*. ron the fotrraaa* ixraamif. An Extr*et V . . PVnwi the ifinnteeof the Meeting of the fair- ' > view Democratic CVoA Maay freedntan being preaent at thia mealing. Ilia question aroae ?a to tha di-poailion to Iw made oi thoae who wi?hed to join. AAar aomc debate, it wna decided Ur receive their nemea on onr roil. On motion, tha re?olutio>i of tha Rielithnd Damperatlc Club wa* adopted; via, to give to , each colored member of tha Club a printed ? eeriifioate of memherahip with a reconi mendation from tha Clut?. On motion, tha Gaeuutiva Committee were ordered to have one hundred copies of aald certificate a'ruck off. An Election for iMmmMa f?e Jiclge ?n<) ShHeitnr wultfd ?? Mlowi: W* II. Campbell, for ; I. H Nash, for Solicitor. Moved sad carried, that ths at" Unliou of I lie Qrsenvills Club be oalLd to the importance of the Rl^fltuld relief measnr. a On motion, it vat d.-cbled to > hold our next regular meeting on the Saturday before the fourth Sonde/ in June^ at *, 1!? M. A motion was unanimously carried to invito Judge W. IL Campbell to nddreee tbia Club at oor next regular meeting. There bring no more bttdnes before the society, a motion *? carried for adjourn ment. T H STALL* See'ty. Fair view, Hay STOth, 1868. ? - ---? rot TOR rOUTIIRS* t*TKVraiec A CardMettr*. Editor*: ' ? During my recent vielt in Baltimore, t learned of my nomination, by the Neptune Fbe Company, for the position of Intend, ant of Oreeaville. OcnWmplated bHsinees arrangemenu for the preeent year, will render n proper discharge of the duties of tits office impracticable. *Feeting grateful lor thie eaprereion of eooftdeaee, I must reepectiuilj dvctina tba nomination. JULIUS a SMITH. Greenville, June I, 1888. -J * roa tub lorriitt Karas reran. Laufst Creek Demooratin Otub. At a meeting of onr Club on Saturday afternoon,. Mth sit, foer new meet wore added v to the Kst. Great ewtlmetsem prevailed. After disootrim the amnrirtw ?/ W.Mi.. meeting* ? different pNtt of A* that, it W>*e wu trnenlmoutly ltrtotreJ, That ovroilt Meeting bo it KmI/ Creek Meeting Ilouoe, on Bwtordey afteromo, 13th Jane, ftt X o'clock, 7. M. VT. SAXBY MIDLER, ] 'Wstdbtti^ P. E. Mirth, Secretory. i ??? * Stxttoh'o Faoewoia?The following hi the letter' of Stanton to the President i? nuneing hV departure from the Wer Office. M Fewnoy " cloim* tbot it it i ot o r reign etVm, and quotes the loot tbot he rUll tub* oeribr* liioweif os " Secretory of Woo J*. Woo Dirnrntow, I Woftnsovow Crv*, May 24, 1848. f Sir:?The rooolotioo of the IJhoaU of the Uoiled Butw of the 1M of fibrtorf loot deoloring tbot tho President hoo no power to rioeti (ho Seereterj of For ondl designate ony other officer to pwrfortn the dntie* of the Office ad interim, boring thlw doj felled to b? supported by two-third* *4 ' the Senator* proooat end voting on thw < article* of impeachment proforrod ogaloop you by iho House of RepreaeatatteM, I * liovo rotinqaiohed charge of tbo War Dw. porlmoot, and have left the oaoM and thw book*, archive*. paper* and property ia noF^ ousiody u Secretary of War la eare of Brevet M?j"r General Toanaeod, (he eraior Aaetunnl Adjutant General, subject to jour direction, ftfWIN M STANTON, " bverQtary of War, To tbe President. v . *' ' - ' fa-QeTHRjroa Brow, >ayt a Aeepateb froan f Okktgo, made a renubable ipeeeh la tbe , * ; Ooorentioo, cm VedaaMay. Me *ae at ir?? ' apytaadedi bat before ha eea?lndad. ?>a r.di- , eai men la Um Coaptation frana?ee* ?? #.,, read enable* a ?M, etnglat ?tt wblle ba > ?* Wbt% ba aaee-a?e4 tbat be jju eoald aa? Mpfurt any potkytbat waa|# pat the ncgroee of it* Mtk aver bit owe mm,