University of South Carolina Libraries
1/ ' n iV^r'^ r.i! niininiiiiiiniiiii m % *r z=^=.^=-^. V".' Impeac&pvtnU N TJiwl.oudoe Tkae* in uortimeating upon t?e trial;' Kay* t 44 Tin grunt PUto trlaf of the 5?tt World is rapidly approaching its close, and any hour may now .bring Us thtclligeuco of the Judgment pronouneed updtr^ffndrew Johnson by the Aouerksn donate. , It is e strnnge end of a mighty conflict?a- singular oaasajih- of political bathes. Tt? esM gigantic, costly and aanguinasyftWSRgto over known has dwindled lata a prpeeeiriiou yf which we, in tbi* country, can oulyMhidk'lbat it need nover bar* been instituted at all. - Whether tbu Pre* sldent of the Republic did or did not commit the offences imputed to hint is ~e question srhich it really seem* baldly necessary toeh3b Certain, an plain docs the conclusion appear, according t* English opinions, thutthese of* fences were not such as should bar* put-bifu upon bis trial. " The whole charge against President JobrtBT soil amounts to little- w>ro than tins. tlwit ho placed himself iu opposition to Congress. The hinoDtivt Mil the LrgaUturv litv? been for Mint time at vtriinM, but that ie a misfortune which might occur at any time. The Constitution cave power* to Congress aud power* to the JPrcsVient, ami it w?* always possible thut three authorities might differ in opinion. " It seems impossible tn<rcg<ird aa justifying impeachment any of the proceedings ascribed to Mr. Jvhtienn. That ho did not sympathise with lite view* ol Congress ie, of course, notorious, but in America opinions are surely free; that lie spoke without much res|<ct of Congress may bo admitted, hut in America speech is very free indeed. We know <vf nothing said by the President on this subject which might not bnve been sni<1 rtf Parliament or ministers here without creating iuoro thou a passing remark, naff certainly members yf Congress have 'spoken as hardly or Andrew Johnson as aver be spoke of them. There was a political feud between the parties, and party footing ran bigbf hut as things go iu America, and, indeed, in sill free countries, it seems out of all meiisws* to make angry word* !tbo ground of asolctuc impeachment. " The impeashinont of the Chief Magistrate of a nation is an act of cxlrvtna gravity, to fee justified only by overpowering'considerations of public welfare. Wo tail to discern anything resembling such justification in the cure before u*_ It appoars^io us only au unmeasured expression of parly feeling," _ In this opiuion off a loading British journal, we see tbe judgment of an inlpartlal {resent removed from the prejudice* and passions of pi the hour, and, therefore, hut reporting iu advance the verdict, which aa unbiassed postority will pronounce upon the events now transpiring and the pctsona.wbo- huve surrendered to party, what was iucnut for mankind. f > v Cuuritr. s. Wasihsgtox, Xfay 18. It is stated that Cabinet changes are pending, and it ia asserted the new Oahinct will tend to hacioohixk Congrats anil the President, and that the Preiident Will cease obstructing Heconstruetiou on the Congressional plan, the progress of orent* having rendered hi* own impossible now, and tbe material interests of tbe South requiring-iunitedi..Ic representation of soma kind. This state incut Is made on iiigh Republican authority. 0,- WAHaittarov, May 18. A preamble, and resolution was introduced,' authorising the Speaker to add two from those who voted against impeachment to the managers, Co bo present and assist in the investigations j rejected. Stevens offered a rcsclu tioo, colling fur tbo jccrot proceedings of tbo iuipcaehmont rourt, uml ssld no line could doubt that, there was deep damnation sownwbare, and he wanted to find out who was guilty. Answering the question whether Senators would hnvo been juetilied in committing perjury, Stevotis Mid, " WolL air, I dou't think it would have hurt tiioui much." The resolution was passed, and, aftvr refusing to concur wjth the Senate for a recess, adjourned to to-morrow. In tha Senate, tbe Virginia Constitution ?m referred to the Judiciary Committee.? Tbe reeoss resolution s^ka recalled frwto tbe Mouse,^and passed. Adjourned to Thursday. Aann-r *kp ixrrtutnnmt or tmk SavsT-ll Klkov rtois Encamp T^e appended par* agrapha frotQ the Cbarl*<d*>ti plitsrs will tell the tula To'-bti linn dealt with tti the midst.-of hit Iriudilog honor* wa* indeed a humiliation for the tVnator from Edgefield. Hut tye weep not (or him; neither do we Idush, lie is nuns of ours, "ila the'mis r guided negroes who should weep; and. as they cannot blush. they would do wall to turn extremely tmlo " [frlgr/rU A AarO'ser. ^ AaacsT or s Dh.mjat*. ? Frnitfc At trim, a white delegate to the Convention from Edgefield, was arrested a few days since by tha United States' Marshal Cor fraud ami einberxlement of Government funds; and ta row confined iu the jait. The charges were preferred agmnnt Arnlm virile |ii tha Convention, but lots posit ion prevented hi* rre?t at that time. Ha baa since been nominated foe? the State Legislature by the Republican fkirtf. but reiljier his post nor prospective honors could save Itiir Irom the clutches of the law. This case will be tried before tbe United States Court. r /o. j /i ^ i/iiur trmvn vv'iriwr. ~ OBITUARY, V TUTS MPS at Hu' rt.v Vista, S. C? oil the morhing of the Itlh May. 19A8, CtlAKLI15 EDNA DAVID, youngest ?'?n of L. B. and N, D. Auali?, aged four months end sixI?m Bfe " It te well with the child." " Slight messengers from henrcn wore wit neeelog the scene ; Tbey ?um m (lad had wot thorn, were near him, bow him die. They caught him in their pinions, and wafted hiiu on hi^h." A KK1KND OF THE FAMILY. s "-i-J?J ??HethotfUt District Meeting THE Method let Churches, under the juris dlolton of Rot. A. B. Stephens and em. Braced in tho District ever which he ie Presiding Elder, will hVd their ANNUAL piSTRJfCT MEETING at Greenville Court House, 8. C., Beginning HVtinetday, th* Kd fl/Jun* next, and continuing "Until the 7lh, inclusive. The eervicee of the meeting will ^ be opened on Wednesday night hy a a*r mon frhm Bishop Doggett. of Virginias In tha afternoon of Sunday, the 7th of 'Jene, [ tha Annual Celabrallon of GraenvHIa llathodlat Sunday Sahool "will <aka jdaan. and addraaaaa wi'J ba daliwrad by Prof: Jauti H. CarltaU aad -Prof. A. H. Leatar, of WqAtad Oollega. Haveral diaflnguiahad Mloiatera ara expaetad (o at land the ma?t log. Dalagataa will nil at tha atora of M M Oainea, on Main Strati, wit ara iliay will ba diraotad to tha familia* who bar a kindly conaantad to antartal* tham. Tha ttaaaiona of tha I'latrlet Mnaifog will ba puMU, and |ha eltlxana generally are Ittvlled to atland tha Baligiona Aer?ie?n?nlilali win ha held from lima Jo tima tiering tha oeeatinn. ' JA. DAVID.' pbalrtoan of Cvm?toitt<a of Arrangameota NvH H 9 n - ?" - ' ' i ' TIB t liltkKltVII.LK, 8. 0.. Mny 10.. Wo qaojo Cotton SO @ 29?little offering. u ^ Xnw Yo??, May 1*. Cotton qblet and rnther bcaey : sale* 2.000 hales, at *2?mie ralos raxMuai as luw u , -11*. ?..ld3U3. i Bti.Tinonn, M*./ IS. j Cotton dull, at SI. Flunc dull sad anoban 't rod. Wheat dull?prime Maryland red 2-80. . frit 3.00. C'?m steady?white 1.14 @ ?.19' . vclloW 1.22 @ 1.26. Oats 80 (Si 84. ? - 4 CharlvbtoK, May IS. 1 Cotton?rather mora doing ; quotations an- . changed: agios 800 bales?middling 30*; raeei|ds00. ' . .. .. ' 'i*. ArnnTi. Ma* 18. Cotton market flat?nominally 29}. LiVr.nronv.^fay IS. _ " t Cotton quiet; enlcs 10,00.9 fcaftb ; pricce * Mm*.' . Religious Notice ON Ilia fifth Saturday and Sunday, tlie ? 30th and Sift, of May, the bexl Union Meat ' inty of th> Ty?fr River Aaeocialion. <T)ietriob No 2.) will bo hold with-iho Church al I'lt-am lit O rove, 0|r*n*ilU Dlitrhl. Introductory Sermon to he preached by Hear. J.VMRS fc. FUHMAN. IL 0} Charity 1 SV-rmon, by II v K U. L'NUKKW()OI>; Kar??y u> bo |?rapared i?y Krr;JASOS I1UD |j SUN. Vi. T BMtTU, 8-orotrrr. } May 1# . : ?1 , H . ' for cle hk of court. WK tree authorized to announce W. A. i McDaXIEL. K?q.. a candidate for Clerk ?( i the Court for Greenville County at the en- I Mting elci-lioO. May d SO t?l , * ~ for tax COLLKtrrOH. 1 WE are authorised to announce Mr. 1IEXWY UP.069, a candidate for Tax Collector of Greenville Diatriot, at the eufuiug election. May A 90 td TFOR SHERIFF. WK are authorized to announce A. B. VICKKItS aa a cam) date for Sheriff at the euetting election. .? April 22 49 td . FOB JUDGE OF PROBATE. WE ate authorized lo announce SAMUEL J DOUTHIT, Kfq, a candidate for JUDGE of PROIlATfi, at, the eneuing election. A pi *29 49 td Strayed, m OX Sunday last, from the ubaerlher, a light Sorrel MA UK, with ^Hsooi?oiie white hind'oot, blaze face, one glare ere. The MAllE it medium tiic, and when idle elraycd wae in good order. A satisfactory reward will be given to any one to brio# her back tu int. or for information thai I may get her. She wee ruined t>y Jamks Amblkii in l'ickcna District. ELIJAH PIKE, 'Near (Irct-nvHic 8. C. May 20 62 S Notice. ALL persona indebted lo the Estate of JtOKBKT GREENFIELD di-eaae.l. are hereby notified that the NOTES and ACCOUNTS are in my hande for eolUetiou Nu further nolioe will lie git-rti. JAMES imtiYTR. Attor ey ai Law. Greenville C. II., May 19, 18US. Hay 20 62 1 Piano Tuning and Repairing. JOSEPH KliLY, Ironi Charh a nn Infiivnia I 1% a lmliuA a i./l 3 ? V ^gentlemen if (frtenville and vicinity. tliat lie is h<r?, pr?|*r?l UilTKK and KKPAIR. Pianos, Organ# and Melnd* one. Uitl'r* leftjviili liint at tin* Man-Ion House, wilt mast with pwnipt attention. No charge will Iw roa-le if ?aU?f*ciicn it not given. May 24) fii I* TSUMMER GOODS! lliijBBfll SULLIVAN & SON HAVK just returned from Charleston, one of the Tory cheapest markets, with a LAKUK AND KLHUAKT STOCK .OF * VBSKlKBlk GOOES, WHICH THEY WILL OPEN ON TO MOERQW, And offer for sale, al Ike rery htcfl ftriete for L\i?A? TI1KIK STOCK OF It large an?l fine, not to be aurpaaaed by any Id Ike market. Tbc eap?<-ial attention of the Ladle* la called to their large arid varied block of And other Article* in their line. GIVE THEM AN EMILY CALL. SULLIVAN ft 80N, JVuxioa Houf. flreenrlllc, 8. C.t May JO, I860. 42-lf GREENVILLE LAND AGENCY. _ TI1F. undersigned offer their eervien to the public aa Agent* for the aale of Real Katate. They purpoee conducting the Imaineaa n|>or? the plan adopted by the Virginia Innd Agencies, which have auceocded eo well in that CUta, and hope by advertising through other agencies and in other ways and hy an energetie uee of all proper m-ana, to invite capitalists from | abroad to purcbavc here. To partlea who de?ire to aeil a portion of their Lands to invest otherwise, and to thoee who are compelled to sell to meet their indebted neo, w- think w? ui afford an opportunity of tailing to much greater advantage than at a other wIm possibly he had ; and we hope that debtor* and creditor* will find it mutually to their Interest to agree upon a eertain per eent. of the indebtedness to be paid and received, at in full, and placa Latide at they may agree on in pur hand* for sale to raise the money. We thiuk that, offering a number of, (kaeta of Land for sale, we will invite more attention and consideration, and ean afford to adv-rtlee more eitensively than iudivid uals ssn, We propose to undertake the rale of Lend, in (ova or country, improved or Otherwise, to the h#et advantage, and for not leM than t specified price, within a reasonable time to he specified, and for a small per cent, to be regulated according to value. If ne rale ia effected, no charge will he Made, save a small one for entering desosiDttou of the Land and drawing the papers. ILYTHI ft 1A&LK, Oreeeville. - 0. A. ULtmift WM. B SASIS, Attorney at Lav. K*v 90 ? if .? -T-. . * w * * .. ?mm Strayed or Stolen, FROM the ?ilaerih?>, nn iljHW 'the Ru i h'erford K'm<l, ?^^cr ~ tjakk-klfd, no iidrnki), ribssrshnulndlr cow.-. She wm utM?u in the >orJ ot Mia. Latimer, on luncvAihe Street, to whom shy formerly ivlonged. any due giving information ending to her re?ov*ry wilt reo. We n-SttiV >u reward. ' k. h. WillTAKKIt. may 80 58 i -f-? ? ^. Votlce. ru continuity with requirements of Tntornnl I. revenue Lew#, i horehv (in notieo to ill persona who may claim a still, car and VORM. Kciicd on the promise* of jrffrk'ON KINO, hi Anderson District, s. c., on he sixth" ?f May, l?t*. because of having eon uwl hi violation of mil Internal Heremo Lew*, to make ?u< li elaiuia liefore uic. rithln thirty day* from the first publication of hie nytleo. - a. i,. coiiu, yo|iui/ vol lector. Maj 10 51 J * Notice. > [N conformity "with the requirements of Hie Internal IWvrnua Ijiug I hereby five notlec to all |hii ign? who mey claim a >VIIIVK ROIV-HiaONfi HORSE WAGON. I'KKT CLOY'lf ami HARNESS and ONK BARREL and it KEG of.WHISKY, a.i*.d imr Govransvtlle. on Wednesday, tSth iniiant, liy E. II. IH NO U A M, Inspector of ,1'l [>isliict, 8. C-., from \VM. I.ONO, beemtee dtey were being o?ed In transporting whisky in violation of Ilia Internal Revenue Uw>?to make suoit claims before me. within 8t> days from tli? first pnhl'cittio.i ?f this notice, tl?e above property hiving been loyally turned over to ran. a. ?. conn. D- puty Collector 3d District, S C May 18t It, 1868. 52-3 United States Internal Renanue. Dttr. Vol'h Orrca, 3t> Dirt., S. C., I OurKNviti.u. May 0, 180S. f BY virtue of an order from A. S.,lV*t. lack, Collector Internal Revenue, 3> 1 Collection District, S. 0., I will sell, to tlie biglx-sl bidder, at public otifory< at M?rit-U a, on Saturday, Ull/A May. instant, TWt> RAY HORSES. ONE ONE llOl'SK WAGON, and also all the RIOIIT. INTEREST and ESTATE of HENDERSON GOODK in a certitin tract of IhiiH, on Snlndu River, containing 981 Act?s and a half, more or less, hotiuiifd by lauds of .1. Ilatvey Clevehtnk, Gibbon, Guest and other*, said persona I 'property and inteie-t iu the resit*. Sold us the property of HENDERSON UOOUE.. at the suit of the United State# for Revenue Tax, assessed f?r the distillation ? ( Whisky manufactured on the premises Te'ma of sale. cash. Hours of sale, ftotQ.12 to 1 o'clock. A. U COBB. Dep. Col. 3d Diss , S. C. . May 20 bl 2 I80LETTE, THE FEMALE SPY. A Story of Charleston and the By J. Witlierspoon ErvinTN the i-Atte I.f the YORKVI1 LE EN ft QiTIKKK for "lbs 41li of June, wil bo commenced the publication. of the atx>ve thrilling and interesting iniuvrlttltv written expressly for i's column*, by oo< of the most pojiibr authors of litis State Tin* principal tcrtrt of the atory ai* laid in Charleston and vicinity, ami tin- story cm not fail to pt-?ve ml erecting to nil who are familiar with tlie oVriita which occurred'iy that locality during tin- (ate war Our of th? most |AOi rful circumstances copnected w ith the h? lO'C defrnra ol t'narlesinn, during its three year* of siege, is to la found in lbs fact, (hot daring all tliis time, tl?rie were peieors in the c'ty, " t? A'yti fife," who wele engaged an spies in sending iMfuraisltati to the besieger*.? lira wings of tbe fortifications were furnished, weak points noted, and the movements of troops indicated aa soon as begun, and the fleet notified of the time of arrival and departure of blockade running vessels. 80 cautiously d>d th??e emissaries of the ene. my crHotuiU their work, ilint for a 1i>ng lime the skill of the most < tniueot delcctivci was baffled in tlieir endeavors t? br *?V uf the illicit correspondent-*. These epiei were the source of extreme annoyance t< the Ootuniandei a in Clinrb-ston, and the information tlicy were euriilrJ to furnish often thwart' >1 their best matured design tipon the em-SUY. As n proof of the com pletencsa of this echrspiracy. it may l>? re. marked, that the dnily papers of the ci'y were frequently >?ud on lautrd the Idockadt fleet, the same day of their publication The author of *' Isolette, or the Pemnlf Spv." baa taken the principal character! And incident* in thta ntfuir. and tinder as sumcd iiarm-s. lift* presented them ill tlic form of a thrilling, and well written ro j ntsnce, historic ond imaginative. The circumstance* ?f the atorv are detailed a* beginning ihi Janes I-dnnd. and in ennneetion with Bom* of the 6. C. Regiments stationed there. After rolny thrilling adventure* in which the "female spy " figures largely the heroes of the plot follow their regiment to Virginia, belore the wall* of Peterahorg. .The surrender ol General !<?*' Army, in 1886 finda them Again among lite Suutee hilia, where tlte narrative cloara. Persons who wish to eecttra this interest ing atory complete, should send In their subscriptions at onee, as only a limited number of eo|<iee of the paper will be printed to supply future orders. To nccntumodule persons who desire the I&tQriRKK, on acoount of the Story, the following are the term* in aibtnce : 1 copy. 3 tnor.the,, ........ vtl Of 10 eopie*. t months, 7 5< 1 copy, 1 year, 3 6f or Ottr exchangee will-please give th? above a few Insertions and direst *U*ntior to the same editorially Tlte favor wlil Ik reciprocated wbeusver the request i* made Address, I, M GRIST, Yorkville, 8. C. May 20 82 tf rmHt iinn lanifn limit nntvnmv aha lift mum lunram OF HARTFORp, COW. ORGANIZED 18 50 E. A. Bl'LKLKT, Prpt1!., T. O. ENDKK81 Scc'y D[VI0BXra for tbo last (In years, Ml pe cent.; Receipt* new over $500,690 pc month. No. of PnljfMi iwMd ia 1667 15,251 Amount in cured on Mine, $44,804,872.01 Assets Jan. 1, 1807 4,401. ReceipU for year ending Jan. '08, 6,120,447..1$0,631,281.21 Paid claim* hy death, $51.1,861.50 All other expense*, 1,478,787.85$1,002,80S.8i i7,538.012.3; i need by al the old and responsible Companies. fftf Branch Office, 242 Broad Street AUGUSTA, OA. CHA8. W. HAHRI8, Manaffar. OOWK& A WORTHING TON, Agents Greenville District, South Carolina. Ma; 51 8m ... . B B1 * i K I mr sin 14.000 ^ ciioira'a-csTEr.; 300 S?ek? Extra Family N. C. FLOUR IOO Suck* Standard Liverpool SALT , 23 'Kvri NAILS, assorted siact 20 Bales BATKSVILLK SHJRTIXO 10 ?*?? McIlFU SlIIUTIKU 20 COTTON YARN 20 Bogf Prime and Fair RIO COFFER 20 Uarrella SUGAR I 10 IIAQS Durham Smoking TOBACCO , I 2 ?A?3 Spanish Smoking TODACCO. ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK or Shoes, Hats, Dry goods, drugs &<\! Our Stork of HATS and SHOES la very ' large and o. in pie to, and wo will guarantee our entire Stock wilt cihntwire with any in Town, both as to (quality and price. A c*H will satisfy you. 1>AVII> Si STKADLKY. May 13 41 tf Greenville and Colombia &.B. Co. FBTIIIS Cetiipany has now for sale, in lieu I of " Sanson llekela," a T?CKKT which entitles a person to travel over tlier HO A I) ONE THOUSAND M1LFKFOK flO, within one year from date of purchase.? Hie Ticketa can be purvh-?ed fietn the Agents at Colombia, Newberry. Abbeville, Anderson aud Greenville. W. ALSTON GU'BES, General Ticket Agent O. & C. 11. R. Co. May IS 81:' C K K It O S E N E Oil., Warranted Government Proof! Free from Sanger. CAM BE HAD AT mm% Sr wreTmn I*ihi uiuiiuiiii w nbdiicuuLuaiiUi). MaxSIOH liol" HK Uuil.DI.NC. May 13 &l tf TO ABBIVE ON TO-MOEBOW OB NEXT DAY. TWO Cases of Beautiful 8prlug Print* and Ciilloocr. MuRlins. Illusions, Jaconet", U gaudies, Lawns, Ac, Ac, wuh ?u clcgaut Stock Of OtHtUmcu'* Drcf Cnninttrr* Frtiiek and A'ojftith. /.??>>/* Ciuduncrcta, Summer Jeans, Cadet, Keokuk, Alpine Check, Wilmington, Xeversiilk, Lincoln, Kuitncete, Cloth*. Blny I.incn, Chinese flnth, Spanish, Checked Linen*. Striped do., Hinsdale Caahmoret. Italian Cloth, Ristou Cheeks, Fancy do., Franrnuia, Ac. Ac.,* also, lVu>|Oc Check, Nankeen, Whittcuden, Pemherton, Kaglc, Locknivar, Hillside, Palestro, Philadelphia and other t'otUmadtn and I?aus ; be. title* nuuivroi^ other articles too tedious to incution. Amongst which aro tho following, hut which constitute only a small portion of the many articles 1 eoniiantly keep on hand, and am receiving every hiw days, troin the best Xortheru Markets, the very stylo* [ and fashions of all kind and descriptions: Also, n lo w' heautiful lot ol French and American Artificial Flower*, Ribbon*. Ac., Ac., at JOHN l> A vll Molt! .>; ] A very large lot of Ladies' and Missc* I 1 STRA W IIAIM. latest styles, trimmed and j unti tunned. amongst which ate the Gre? cian, Grecian Norma, Norma, and Florence 1 Norma, beside* many other styles, at JOHN D AS LI MORES. Also. India Rubber Ralls, Marbles, (Glass and Marble Rock,) Gun Flin's, Caps, Mus ket. ditto. Powder, Shot, L?#d, Ac , In aides > a hundred or two olhei little and Fancy ' Ar idea loo tedious to uenlion ; ireluding 1 Toilet SjcftpN reinaekably cheap, Perfumery, 1 Pomade*, Hair Oils and other Toilet Ar1 tides, besides ilsir Brushes and Combs, at JOHN I). ASH MOKE'S. 1 Also, a very extensive lot of Crockery * and 0Unaware. Tnmlders at AO cents per Sett, Cups and Saucy*, do., with a fine selection of Kngtlsh ami Hawthorne Granite Ifisheo. Sons and Dinner Plate* Cnrwt imt Snue-r*, lk?*ie, I'iuher*, Ewi-rs and Basin*, ?lc.. Ac., Ht JOHN T). ASH MOKE'S. ' Alert, it choice lot of 8ug?rs, C"fFee. True, Ri-o Hive Syrup, a superior article to the 1 " Golden " or " f-'wgar llnusy " Syrups. IC isins, Currants, Citron, Mace, Nutin. a, Cloves, E-sences, Candle*, Maecaroiii, Cheese, Soda Cracker*, (fresh,) with many other articles 1 i>< the Grocery line, which I can sell on ' more moderate term* than ever before since 1 the war. Also a large assortment of Men > and Hoy's (lata; Wool. For, Felt and Silk, I Slruw, i'ltmuiia, white aod colored. A!?o?, it very large assortment of Ladies, ' Misses, Went*. Youths and Hoys Shoes, for Spring and Summer; including Calf, Kip, IVtit-le Seal, and Lasting Bootees, Gaiters, Balmorals, and Congress Ties, aud I ace.", Ac. Ac. I Also, a large lot of Spring and Summer 1 Calicos, Prist*, Mo-dins, Love-Veil*. Veil*, Handkerchief*, Towel*, Tablecloths, and almost every other kind of Dry Goods kept in a l?nck country store, all of which will be sold at prices lower than heretofore, at I JOHN 1). ASllMOUbX 1 A large supply ot Shillings and Sheet* ' ings. All the foregoing Goods, Iw4<le* ' many other* not mentioned, were selected I .L -L:-*.. !.. ' - " * ? ?vi me. uiiioiy 111 nfw 1 or* uiiy, ny?oQin> * em ineu doing business there, of long and large rxptrirMf, who ire more competent to make choice selections lima myself, and have been sent la me at prices. (with the exemption of a very lew ariidea,) below sny that lias lieen brought to this market since tha eloae of the war, and will be sold (o my old friei.da and patrons, as well as the pub lie generally, at a very small profit for cash or country produce, only. Call and see them at Jiio. D. A?Uiiiorc'?, One Door South New Court House Main St. Oraenville, 3. 0., April 27, 1868. pO-tf WE SELL THE : PURE KEROSENE OIL i AT 75 CENTS. ? YOU CAN BUY AN INFERIOR QUALITY U AT A LOWER PRICK. HUT IT 13 t TilK DKARKK OIL. A3 IT BURNS OUT arm FAST1> KR. ANI> YOU AUK LIABLKTO 1.08 K V YOUR LIFK AT ANY MOMENT BY IT. WB CAN SKLL SUCH AT 81XTYl FIVE CENTS, RUT DO NOT 1 WISH TO DO IT. , QTZ3 ?T? *9" JfcT< *13 9 AW <& ?D mfOm SPIKE R. W. FOLGER & CO. i' April 8 it Q > 1158. ~ TO P1UNTEKS. 1 TllK ut>#c*ril<ert ntnnu luetic.* Tvp*. Ro reiving Double uuj Single C) I toiler i'liul- ' J i>K Hiuviiitiea. Bod aud Plntlcu POTTBR PMSSB8,. FOR - * NEWSPAPER, BOOK,JOB AND CARD PRINTING, ? . Tl?ey wonW on 11 attention of PuI'lUher* >( NvW?p?per? to their iirw RAILWAY Which is specially cRwigued (o supply Sewspapera of moderate e--fcuUtIon ?itii a ? plain but serviceable Priut'ng Machine, and'one capable <if_,doing. .lob Work [?f every description. It can be run eoaily by one man at a speed of 8ia) Impta-sinns ? per hour, nud by %H1 gi\e 1,000 l?? 1,'JOO p? r hour, without noire or jar. Tha Prea* occupies a space 5^*10 fee', and ean be worked in a room 7 feet iiijb J Weight., boxed, 5,ikm) lba. Tbeir 8IN0LK LARGR CYLINDER HAND PRINTING MACHINE. OR COUNTRY PRESS, T* also a conveideiil- and durable Printing Machine, capable of doing the entire work , of an out or town office it is designed run by baud at a speed of 8 0 pet hour. Roil Machine is warrant.*.!, and wi 1 not fail t>> gi\e entire aalisbrct on. We matiu'a ture almost every article required for letterpress. Lithographic *i? Copperplate Printing. Rook-Rinding. E'ectrotvpiog ar.d Stereotyping, and furnish outfits complete for each. We would call attention to our Patent Sectional Stereotype Rlocks, Mechanical Quoin", Patent Lined Galley*, New Cnmpositor's Stands, Cabinets of iicw design* and of all s.rcs. Standing Gul'eys, Patent Pocket Ro.lkins, Printer's Knives, de.. &<-. Rlunketiiig and Type of our own ini|>Oi-taticn, ? d made expressly for our News paper and Cylinder Printing Machines. Estimates in Detail Furnished. A new Cnta'ogue, containing Cuts and descriptions of ntittty new Machines, nut before al-o.vii in tbeir Rook, with directions for putting up, wot king, dm., and oilier refill information, in just completed, aud can be had on application. R. Hoe & Co., N. York and Boston, Mass. p?? >li*h?rs of Nowrprtprr* ir<t nt liberty to in*erl this advertisement, dia. played a? above, three times in their mm tidy with thi* note, hut not without, any lime previous to January 1, lbt'.'J, but no later, provided they purchase type or tna* terinl of our manufacture for four timet the amount of their hilt, which will b? allowed in eettb uieiit of our*, on receipt of ? copy of their paper containing llic advertisement. Ma, 6 60 ' 3 nzw mm SULLIVAN & SON, 0PP08ITE MANSION HOUSE, OX MA IX STllKKT, HAVE NOW ON HANI) A LARUE STOCK OX Mm ?????* SOMETHING TO SUIT EVERYBODY, At Remarkably Low Figures, FOR CASH OR BARTER. FRESH ARRIVAL EVERY TWO OR THREE DAYS. JAMES M. SULLIVAN, J. MIMS SULLIVAN. Greenville, S. C., April 22, l*6s. 4S-tf SALE OF TOWN LOTS FOlt TI1E NEW COUNTY OF PICKENS. FBlilE "indersigned, Commissioners apJL poiuieil I v '',e Convention to select and locnte llic County Site tor tlie new Pickens County, wi'l sell to the highest Ladder st the new location, on Thursday the 25th of June Next, THE (LOTS AT I'M kens c. II., t'omprising, respectively, half aero, one nud two acre lots, judiciously laid out. Tba location is near Hunter's Store, hetween Town and Wolf Creeks, 14 miles from Old Pickens C. II. 20 miles from Greenville C. , and 17 miles (mm Pendle. ton Village, in a healthy section Tim l?. cation is a most desirable uut, being silo- 1 hUhI on a beautif' 1 plateau ami sui rounded I by a fertile region, with thrifty inhabitant*. | There is on noth Town and Wolf Creeks fine Water Tower, with good Saw Mills, and an abundance of the best timber near by The County site is nearly oejul distant be tween Keowre and Saluda Hi vera, with a tine view of the mountain scenery, and will command a large ami profitable trade from the mountains and from North Caru liua. TERMS OF SALKs One third oaah ; balance In two innal* ments of 00 end 90 deye each Purchaser* to give bond and surety for the purchase money. Titlee to he executed, but not delivered until the bond f<?r the purchase money Is fully paid. Purchasers to pay extm for titles and stamps. JAMES LEW IS, Ch'rm'n ^ J AMES II AM HI.Kit, | HKESK BOW EN, V Com'ra. W. T. FIELD, J. R HA GOOD, J For further information apply to the un- ( dersigned, at Pickens C II. J. E. HAOOOD. Kect'v A TreM'r of Hoard of Com'r*. J May 18, ?1 id 4S 7w. II. 1I0YEY,; DEALER IX ?AMST ASfiD OTAKil DRY GOODS, JSsmb ^gy^Ta WOt?IT> r?*pectfully ?all the attention of h'u old cnetoaiera, and the ptibl o . m p>nernlly, an J ihe Udi-? in partioular, lo ns Inrge and carefully eaheoted m o? mm m mm ?3 >c9itmmm* Contislinit, io pert, of figured Grenadine*, English Hregoe, Cheaa P p'ine, Figured Musli.ia, 1*1 "in > Colored Uwib, l'luio Ovlorwi 0 ChmnhiKva While and Co'oreA Tarltone, " . , I'Juin And Figured Sw lanes laeonris, Mull and Nainsook Muslins, EJjisiH nnd Iiuertini/s. Ribbons, Gloves. Fancy Handkerchiefs, I,ovo V'.iU, Ui?p<! Veils, Silk and Cotton ll??e, Ko'ilii/.'in.?, American Prints, Button#, r< Hiitniiijr*. Black and Onlot^d Y?lv?l?, fcc., *< ', Ac. Also, Well iV|>er and Bordering , a t.After. u>t or HATS, CAPS, SHOES, ANO READY-MADE CIO I HI.MG, Gentlemen's Furnishbig Goods. Hemes' uns? Shillings She-tings, Tickings. Toweling*, and many oilier Articles, too numerous to iU"?i'inn I do not in/ftnl to be undersold. All Co no, one and ail, and examine my Stock and pi ices, bvlore buying elsewhere. W. H. HOVEY. Apill 15 At-- U . - AGKNTS WANTED FOR , TFIE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE AVAR, Its Causes, Character, Conduct and Results.?Jltf JIo>i. A Icrandrt II. Stephens.?'A Book for all Sections and all Parties. r|"MlIS groat work presents the only comA pl?*t e and impartial analysis of the Causer of the W?f yet published, and gives tho-e iuterior lights and shadows of tha great conflict only known to thoee L.^h officers, who watched the flood-tide of r??oIuiion from i s fountain springs, and which were *o accreddc to Mr. Stephens fro in Lit position as officer of the Confederacy. To a public that hna been surfeited with APPARENTLY SIMILAR PRODUCTIONS, we promise a change of fare, both agreeable and sa'utary, and an intellectual treat of the highest order. The Great American Wur lias AT LA>T found a his toriau w or hy of its .importance,. and at whore hand* it will roc-ive tliat moderate, candid und impartial lieatment which Isu'h und Justice so urgently demand. The intense den're everywhere manifested to obtain this work, its Official character a and ready sale, combined with an increased commission, make it the beet subscription book eve published. Oii? Agent in Easton, Pa., reports*13 subscribers In three days. One in Boetuu, Mass., 103 subacribera in four days. One Tn Memphis, Teon., 106 subscribers in five <1?ys S. ud lor Circulars and soe cur terms, and a full description of the work, witli Pi?m notices if advance sheets, dee. Address NATION \L PUBLISHING CO. Broad Street, Atlanta, Gfc. A pi Sv 49 4 DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES FOR DISTRICT OFFICES. cor XT V CO M MISS I OX MLS, J. 11. GOODWIN, J. Dl'XKI.PN SULLIVAN, ALEXANDER McDEK. FREE SCHOOL COJI)f/*SiOXER, JAMES HARRISON. SHERIFF, A. 11. VICKERS. ' COROXER, II. M. SMIT1I. CLF.KK, W. A. McDANlEL. JCHUE OF I'RORA TE> S. J. DOlTTillT. TAX COLLECTOR, A. C. I'KACB. United States Internal Revenue, Dtcr. Cot. 0? kick, Giikf.nvii.i.k. S. C., i January 28, 1888. j HY virtuo of un onlcr fruua A. S. WiLLiri, Collector of Internal Revcuuo, 3*1 Col* lection District, S. C? I Trill sell, to the Wgliest Hid.lor, on N'.itordity, 30li of J/?y, 18(58, ut tho residence of defendant, at Marietta, Greenville District. I .St.rrrl II..*** . I It.... it uwl 1 one home Watjon. Also, one T it ACT of \ LAND, containing 110 Acres, being the Tract j on which dofendaut now resides, adjoining I lands of J. 11. Cleveland, Jehu Uucat, (libkon nd others. Levied on as the property and I sold for the tax assessed against HKNDKUt*ON HOOI>, ut the suit of the United States for ltoveuuc Tax. Terms sash. A. L. COltB, Deputy Collector. J an liar v JS, l.St>8, 36-10 ! ? Tailoring. nnnE Subscriber respectfully informs liis 1 friends, And the public in general, that lm health leing In a measure restored, vnll resume businesa again. lie will CUT, MAKK, and Kl'.l'AlIt all Garment) for gentlemen, on reasonable terms, for eatk or j country produce. Will be found at his residence, comer Main StiCet, opposite the Coach Factory, GEO. B. I>YLK. Greenville, S. C , Apiil 6th, 1 bOH. April 8 46 3m for sale; cheap. j ^onrelight two i one llANlteOBE OM?: llORHK CARI I:l.M.iv . I U^.L t- -1 A -- ? " i mim hi oroer. mature of ? JULIUS O. RMITH, or ' * DAVID .t SSTRADLEY. April l? 47 tf - Notice A LL perron* owning or baring charge of j[\_ any STILL or STILLS iu tirccnrilU Diatriet, are required (by force of authority from the Coi#uiii?.?ioncr of Internal Roreiiuo) to Kegirter their natnea with ma on or befora the lot (/?,? nf ./liar, IKIIS, rtntWig tbo Hutu, her and *1x0 of tne Stlllw. under penalty of forfeiting ifcc name, in < *??< of It. ru?o< or neglect, El?. Ml 1>S0X PVi H, A*-e?.ior L t.^Lftibuv, fireenrillt Dirtfrf'? Snoth Carolina. April lb <% t4