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, . \ V s. * 1 ^ I *" ? " *_t . 1 t "humorous. ma/9PX- . " * " ..... J .. 4?h? Storjr of Jo??]?1j. . v iAaJpldtbtf Murk Ttraim, in*Apt totters **' jrotti the Holy Zand,~J To?eph bad eleveu brothers and a father, making twelve ip ell. He is dead .now. Jo?eph was the youowest l?ul one, and - l?? b??t beloved^FSlo well belov^J waa he, that hie father gave liirti a coat of njaoy colore. They went a pood deal on cnate of many colors in those days. Joseph was only a thoughtless lad of seventeen, a,nd tflat coat corfaledTiin sympathies. l]r need to swell around and put cr> manr ftills among his brethren ; .insomnch - * ' thai they ree*o^?al am oft g themselves, and said : '* As Jacob, our father, liveth, there is too much style alxuU this UDStart. For. hehohl. even before thexe dava nv* were down on hitn.H Not satisfied wiib hating a coal bf inaoy colors, Joseph proceeded to furthet atrocities and began to dream dteafO*. And he had a fashion of interpreting them in a way thai waa rerv comfortable to himself?in a way ((bit , *cem?'d to foreshadow that ho would one dav he exalted high" above (lie father J icob ami his other brethren.? These things uifltde the wrath of the eloven to increase by many fold, aCcfcfn a greater degree than ever were they dotfn on him. i. fn the fullness of time Jacob sent liia son* away up in the north Country to pasture their flocks, atid by and by the mails got irregular and be wondered if anything yas the matter, because of his not healing from llietji, So be sent Jo*o|ih to look \nlo the matter, nnd jiist like abov,lie started off through * the vifeat, rockiest, dustiest country in Asia, tricked out in his trotting harness ??gotten up regardless of expense?arrayed in the pride of his heart, his beautiful claw-hammer coat cf many colors. When the other bora >aw him coming, they said : " Ln, lipre is the dream or?let lis kill him.". 1'ttt Reuben pleaded with tender eloquence for bis innocent brother, and said : ** Oh, pity him !" Wherefore the.V pilled liim.? An<J' !>? fplfsame pit that they pitted liiin in is here in this place, even to tlii* day. \ And here it wilWemawi until the next detachment of image | breaker* and tomb desecratnra arrive* j from the Quaker City excursion, irtid |' they will infallibly dip it up and earrv ' it away with litem. For behold in 1 thetn i* no reverence f>r the solemn ' monuments of the pa?t, and wjiithch soever they g> they ilestrov and spare ' not. Then the brethren sold Joseph to ' Rome l>btnaelite?, at the rulinp rates, 1 ^ ten per cent, off for cash, daubed bis ' coal in the blood of a kid and sent it I to their father, who rent his garments 1 and believed that his hov, the j**wr| of;1 his heart and the j >y of his old age, was gone from him to return no more ' forever. The Islmiaelites look Joseph into ] "Egypt and sold him to Putiphnr, an officer of the King's household, and lost ( money on him. winch served them right. Joseph became foreman of Pol* j iphar's affairs, and prospered greallv. lie had the run of tho whole establishment, and was trusted to the utmost. lie got into trouble with Potiphar's wife at last, nnd they both gave in their version of the affair; but tbc lady's was plait-ibis, and Joseph's w a* most outrageously shaky. So they I "threw him into prison and he staid ! there two years. lie got to eating too i much and consequently he got to J rlrAfeminnr. Tltf> )*umA w taft lira nnwu : with the oilier prisoner*. They nil wanted their dreams interpreted". This was Joseph's strong suit. The inter pretalimia proved correct, 'ibis caino to IMintaoh's ears after a while, and ! jno?t luckily, just at the time he had a I couple of cutious dreams himself, and | had run so shoit of dreaming material j that he dreamt them over again, which astonished him. Joseph enlightened him. Ha said t "Sire, your dreams signify that there ate going to he seven sears of extraordinary plenty in Egypt, and they will he follower] by a howling famine that will diMie-a the whole woild for fwU seven ytars." 'J hen he closed one e\e and looked t xoeedingly shrewd out of the other, after the man irer of a man who ktiowelk t!:at which . he is aliout, and said : " Heboid, thou and thy servants can gather together livers and sundry shekles out of this thing?let us Lear the market and huy ( e gainst the season of famine." And ( I'haraoh said: " I perceive tbit thob art one of ibern that know not to come in when it dolh rain ; behold, it shall J l>e even as thou Wherefoi9, bo made Joseph ruler i mer all the land of Egi pi* Hud gave : unto nim cbroirits and horse, and *erv ants to wni: upon him ; and clothed | him in sumpui mis garments, whereunio '< ihe coat oi n any colors was not so ] much as a rbcitm?tai)ce. 'I hen did Joseph show what manner of a man | le \*a?. lie beared the maikel an?U bought a'l :i <?iii that was to he raised ii ! . . f -r seven rears to come, I end it away. Ard when the' fir?t rear of the famine was approach- 1 ing he bought again at six months I buy-r ft option, and surprised the hoys* , vei" 'greatly, f<d when he called his j stocks 'hey could not delixer. In that , day many a man sold ahoit and Joseph |, had them on the hip, and their name* , wete posted, and they f.rfeited tbei b reata in the lioa-d. Ami during all b thoae years of famine, ships came from ' far countries that were in distress, ami j lo. this corn that Joseph bought at for- , ly cents he anhl it, unto them at seven i i ollars and a half. itef o-e a timo ard ! ;t half or two ti oe? had passed, nter - * T ?B~ V their b&*d?,'Joeepu.4nd Pharaoh ownd b?ut two-thirda of Egypt; and it m ealipHiled thnt if Pharaoh could have <frean?ed one more dream, and got Jo epb to interpret it, they would have fhortly owned the balance of it. By and ny Jacob rent ten of hi* ton* down to Ejjvpl to buy corn, Jovepli knew them, but never let on. He call ed them vpiee; and blackguarded them until he thought'he had got even with them for their veiling hrm out, and then he void them corn, hid their money .in their' racka, end vent'them home. But he held on to Simeon and hound him. lie appeared to have a innriu! orriitlurA BtTMiitftt RIm<v\n Il? I fc' ** "ft' K ....WMt lie would hold on lo Simeon and crowd l>iin till he could unlit they brought down Benjamin, the one they had left home. So he made it li\ely for Simeon. . Jacob was sore distressed when he heard the Hews, hut as the hoys had only brought one sack of corn apiece after traveling all the way lo Egypt, they necessarily ran out shortly and were morally obliged to go ngain.? Jacob nerred hia heart and parted with his young boy. The brethren saw Joseph, and ngail bo know tliein, and said no word.? They got their corn and went awav, hut once more they got into trouble.? Young Benjnthih, with tlio artlesa sim plicitv of youth, nipped a silver cup. and the Fervent of Joseph found it in his sack. Then there was a weeping and wailing, and gnashing of teeth.? They had to go bark, though, to the palace, and then can.e the climax <( Joseph's, sttriing diama! While the sorrowing strangers stood with bowed heads before the mighty lord of Egypt, lie fell upon Benjamin's neck and cried : ' Ila ! the strawberry upon' your aim! ? it is ! It i? my long lo>t brother!"? [Slow music ] .Forgiven, and the pad forgotten, the brethren of Joseph rejoiced with a joy they had ne\ei known before. A fend was spread, and. surrounded bv the grandeur of princely Egypt, they pa1tnok of the t-qua rest lueal that had passed ilieir lips since the day that the famine came upon the land.' Let us draw the enrtain over this sacred fami ly blow on'. It was splendid, nnd cordial, and never cost the bielhrcn a rent. One day Jacob lif.ed up bis eyes and aw a caravan winding iis long line aver the hills?a caravan like lin'o the caravan* that bear princes and their goods. And when it was come nigh, behold his sons were with it, and ibev aid : " These are for thee r for In I iWph. ill) *on, liwelli, and i? lord over sll the land of Ejjvpt The j >v of Jacob, and the words that he rp>ik<\ *re thev not wri'ten in the ohr ?r?icles of the hook that is called (Jctie?i? ? ? So .Inc.>h wont down into the land of P'% B"d tiippfd and fell iyton Jo ?eph'* nrck ; hot Joseph caught him ill light, and said? "(??> alow, tlovern* r?r !" nrfd from that hour ihe happiness f .lacob ?a? complete. Through Joirpli, he and his eons were honored in [he land all their days ; and they prospered mightily, and never knew sorrow any more. So ends the story of Joseph?the most touching and he>-utiftil. and al?o the most diama'ic, in the Old Tee In ment. Of all the patriarch", Joseph was the nohlest. In his perfect character one can fin.! no lisw. From his hot hood onwaid to the day of his death, he was hot It great and good. At one lima or another of their Ipe*. the other palti arclis did things that were not entirely cieditable, hut Joseph's record wr*.s char from the beginning unto the end. I will go down into this gloomv pit where his brethren cast him into thirtyfive hundred years ago, and drink to his honored memory a cup of its waters mingled with certain drops of the cttii oils cordial I have brought hither front I tie strange lands Hint are beyond the sea. - Mark 'I wain. Church Choirs \V? ftml in au exchange the following rules for llie benefit of Choirs in Churches : Mewsiik is t of the Arts ?it *1ghent sea. A singer is a ailist, a singing master is a sighintist if he teaches sigh en'.ifieally, otherwise he is a humbug. To tlieur as wants to excell, a phue roo|e?| w ill he very pcrc?-ptable, <fe by f .llerin whi'ch you can succeed, 1 If ton sing in a quire ollwaze hold the la?t toon after (he re-t is dun, so that peepnl can lienr joti seporeight. 2. When you come to a high thro your head back & shet your ire, itmakes i'. lunar expressive. 3. When you gel done with the hi lone and wants to see the line, open your ize again. 4. Ockashunly ait still and let the rest of the q iiry M?g the him withpt^t you ; it spiles the effeet of your voice to lime it too common. 3 Dnoring the sermon aad prayer <i._ i -r ? rvrvj/ < imuiii wic: ?h*j irnvw (M ymir book?it flhotfl you are devoted to mewsiokle peraoota. G. Doant forget to witbper some?it taken away emharra?tm-eni and helps to pass liute av?a. 7. Never ring exzif.tle with (lie lee iler? keep a leeile behind out of leopect for bim, or el?e .keep a leetle nbed which will encuriidgA hint with your pxatnple. If the rem of the quire ring* ahod of the leeder. you keep behind ; and if the real sings behind, you keep ahead, this will give variety. 8. Follow these rcolee daly every Sunday. A if you have good *ucce->a, pou will be sure to suck^eed. Wht ia your noae in the mi I He < f our f,?ce ? Ihjcauee it is the Scrnkr, % Jti niiwn .V ? ?*. . .. .. I . ? . ? * * *# C M T ISI1 "i V.:- A.?; r - . "n'^- A writer in Once Week ??y*: I * You read the n*w<q>ajper?, will you I i fail in* what you conceive to In* the final sensation of an editor after a k' week's work I Thrice in one day )ie has been ' glad to ol>aeree^ Kut on the Mint day he ha* been 1 pained to1 .remark,. 1 aMnundcd to consider,' and anxious -to know.' < In the same column be is happy . to .bear of the safety of a missing teasel,.""la grieved to learn that the condition of lliia or tliat statesman grown rapidly worse, and again is delighted to' ohserve that some vmiarun are IWIIIff mall* II) IIIB pork*. What in the ultimate result of thin constant gladness, grief, delight,pain, astonishment and fear I'" The French Prince Imperial, on Monday, Mnrd) 10th, had his twelfth birthday. It was observed on the occa sion, that he is the Hist heir apparent to the Flench throne, who for nearly a century ban lived to be so old it? that | character. Louis XVI's son died at the. age of nine. Napoleon's son, the "King of H.nie," was exited at the agfe of three. The Duke of Bordeaux *a* scarcely ten when the revolution of July hroke out. The Count de Pari* was still younger when Louis Philippe fled from Pari* in 1S48. Tiik power of the press was latelv illustrated in Dublin. The rejiorter of a Fenian paper was driven out of an Orange meeting. Alarm then took possession of the assembly, and it wn* detetmined to let hiin re-enter. Put the reporter stood on his insulted dignity an<l refused to return unless an official invitation should be sent him, and the Chairman should conduct hini ro a scut on the platform. The assemblage humbly agreed to, and carried out these terms. RKTtriDi'TtoN is sometimes slow, hut ahvaxs sure. The four principal tools upon whose evidence Mis. Surrall was executed, are at last thus disposed "ft Laker is a fugitive from justice ; Montgomery ha* been huk"d up for emberdement ; Cleaver has been ct-nueted of an infamous offence, and Cwnover is in the penitentiary. Adiely, Hinghnin and llolt are si ill at large, building up the temple of impeachment, amid the ruins of which they will doubtless find their political graves. A TitavKLLFR, who was recently in r ;< !.. D....U ? .1. -i ... wtk, /?ik., mih recorua lit* experience at I lie principal K< >t *<1 ih?r?: 1 "The fare I* nut in proportion Jo it* charge*. Four dollars per day ought to aMow mora than four. bonne to ? enp of C'lT?e ! At !>reakf*?t i?n? of the guest* deMiei| the waiter to lake l?:?ck hi* cup of c flee and pump Mvrie of t!iu water out of it. A ain l?arri?ter, cuoe tikiiiinin^ awitrie?H in Ihihlin fomewhal rudely, A-kcd him if lie had nerer hi en before a police court. " Y**,H **??d he, " i ?va* fined for a**aull. A harriw'er no annoyed ma on cio?* examination that I knocked him down when he came out of coin I." ? *** ? ?' Tits li.tle nun of a I*i11- Reld (Mare.) I e'er gym an, seeing hie mother making hi-cnit on Sunday, f ir supper. n*k ed her^if it wasn't wicked to work on Sunday ? lining answered in the afiirrn aire, the three-year old rtjoinefl, ** On'll catch it when 'oo get to Ileaver!" I " .IrVKIVu " ..oi.l u lllfl- ? -:~l - ? ? ?" O...C I hnr ciil In that lady, ' mother my* y?*11* 11 oldeege her with a stick of wood,' fill ilii* cruet with vinegar. put a little dab of soft soap in this pan, and p!ej(?e not lei your ?>l<| turkey roost on our fence no more." ? A Dkt good* clerk relates that a lyli.-h tonus; lady- requested to nee -ome laveider kid gloves, and was drown several diflerrril shades of that color. living a little puzzled hv the variety, *!?? ingeniously a*ked : " Wliicli of those pairs are the hvendwrest f" Thk statement lb h startling one, hut it i* said to he true, thrtt San Frarci-co. with a hundred and twenty thousand inhabitants, pays more money into the internal revenue of the United States than New Yotk city, with its eight hundred thousand. Evoi.tati papers report that Archbishop Manning has ordered that there shall be no m >re choir singing in any of the chnrchya of hi* diocese after Ka^ter, The service in future is to be (Jregoiian charted by the piiests. M Mack." the Washington eorres pondent of the Commercial, hi* a ffa# conception of the President's trial, when he says Iw ' i* on the eve of conviction before a tSenuhiican caucus, comrnnnly C M J 1r>/^ n 111r*It OAlirt A# -1 ? v-'u.? ui impviivunivnv Tkacii h child that there i* barm in er?>vthing. Iirt?e*n* innocent, and at *onn at it oi covera the cheat it won't tee in in anything. Thnt'a the rea?oa deacon'* son* mm out ifl, and preacher'* daughter'* are married through a win (low. A minister, traveling in Loni-iana, discovered a colored church remarkably supplied with ofBoer*. It had flee minister*, f?nr leaders, flee shepherds, five shepherd ***er?, four church int'bM, one mother of the watch and a fending ?ong>ter. " Wiit d?? frtshmen resemble the wave* of the Atlantic I" ask* Judy. " liec*u?e I hey never erase lavin' the shores of the old oounlbry." T?i* real champions of the Ring? mother* with daughters lo marry, i ?. ? [Judy. -.: v * ' N 'fir ' T ' zf- "T t r. ' J* ?" ; .,*/' \-J. i*' ' .? < ? w- V. , V V v 'si-.'X }j >. ,__L iLi- J1 , ifeaga I gf TTfl the sunui utuna ' PVILlllll). AT .\'-v j. . (JRKKNVILLE, S. C. 0 j. TOWMES, Senior Editor. JHO. 0. BAILEE, Jro'r. ft Aiiociat* Editor a>iaij?sis9f ea jpSiik ONE DOLLAR TOR NLX MONTHS. I Ctnb* ?/"'9 oneenpy i:\nrgr N-OW it-the timo t? aubsertbe. The Newt 1* important and exciting. Mutter* | general and local worthy attention and diacuai eion. The Editor* take pain* to present to the reader* of the KNTEKPHI8K uct* and coin-, menta at to " current event*," and will continue to advocate auch tneaanrca mf in their judgment will promote the p*Mi? weal. Aim giving a fair presentation nod hearing to both aide* of public question*. Cotton and other prndnee .commanding One Krice*. No family Vhould be without a (Qod fewanaper. It i* the cheapest of all mean* of Information,' improvement, education and regular entertainment, anil profitable to every business. tlrecnvllle, ?. O., February 23, 1888. "ARRIVED til mm on 21ST iKTunr. A FINK LOT OF TOBACCO, TOBACCO, Both Chewing and Smoking, SOMfcmrXO Extra, wbleh baa under pone a New York Internal Itevenne | Inspector's Examination; and therefore ia obliged to be fine, which 1 nnt selling cheap j ?'very cheap f< r ita quality. It is indeed a delicious weod. ~ Cigars, f?r cheaper than yon have seen them for many a day: Real' Cui>a for CO cent* per Dozen, at. JOHN D ASIIMORF.S, A very large lot of Liulit-a' nod Misses STRAW 11 .ATS. latest styles, trimmed and untrlmmed, amongst, tfmch ate the Ore*I eian. Grecian Norma, Norma, and Florence Norm*, besides mnnv other slvles, at JOHN D ASli \HJUKR Also, a mngt beautiful lot of French and American Artificial Flowers, Ribbons. Ac., A ? st JOHN l> AFUMORKH Also, a great variety of Trimmings for Ladies' Dressing, Braids, Bullous, Velvet. Ribbons, TnfT?-t*\ and Bell ditto, Thread, i Silk, Flax and C' ttoo. nt JOHN I). A"(WORK'S. | Also, Gloves, Hosiery. Under Onrm? tits. Corsets, (fistich ) India Rubber Garters, Chord and Bmht*. Needles, 1'ina, Hair 1'ins, Combs, of every stvle and variety, at 'JOHN D. ASIWOREH I Also. India Rubber Balls, Mnrhles, (Olasa and Marble Hock,) Gun Flin's, Gaps, M'iaI feet ditto, I'owdcr, Shot, Ac, h-aides n hundred or two other little aid Fancy Ar iele* loo tedious to mention; irclu'lti'g Toilet Sl urs, remarkablv clisnn P-nnn'liM", IIrt Oil* and other Toilet Arleles. besides Ilair Rrn?he* mid Citndis. nl JOHN l>. ASHMOKI.'3. A'ao, o very extensive lot of CrurkorJ and Glassware. Tumblers at 60 cents per ?e?t. Cupvard Haueeia, do., wiih a tin* selection of Piiglbh and I In wtborne Granite Diehe*. Snip and Itinner Plates, Cup/ and Saucers, Howls, 1'jlohcr*, Ewers and liasius, i Jtc? Ac , at JOHN O. ASflMOHF.'R '< Al??, a choice lot of Sugars, C"ff-e. Yen*. H> 0 Hive Qvrup, l liip'riot *riiel* "to ihe ' Golden '? or " 'Migar House " Syrup*. llui*. In*, Curinnl*, Citron, Mar*. Nu'ui'*, ("1 *? *, E-iwr**; fundi#", Na?*c?ro?i1,' Cneese, Soda Cineketv (fresh.) with many other article* in the Grocery line, which I am cell on more mmfcrafe l-rms than evar before *ince ihe war. A No ? large assortment of Men and ftov** 11 ai a ;* Wool. Fur, Fell and Silk, Straw, Etinnma, while arJ colored. A'ao, a very large aMorlmout of Ladies, Mie*e*. Oeot*. V- lilli* and Jtoy* Sh'iMi for Spring ai d Summer; including Calf, Kip. Pebble S"?l, anJ I,neting lloelrr*, (taller*, Halm'<t ids, and Congreaa lies, and Lace*, fee . Ac. Also, a la*{?e lol of S| r'ng and Summer Calico*. Print*, MtiMiea, Lovo-Veils, Vcile, f Handkerchief*, Towd', TaM-cl -tha, and almost erery other kind of Dry Good* kejil 1 In a hank country afore, all of which will hc?old af prices lower than heretofore, at JOHN I). Asll.MOKKS. A large supply o| Shi) ting* nnd Sheet, inga. All flic foregoing Good*. h**ide* ' many others nol mentioned. were selected for uie. chiefly in New Yoik Cify. hy South ??.. men le-rup niieinea* mere, of long and large ?-X|>erleno??, who are. more competent to make choice e*l?-ctlon? than tnyreff, and have been aent tome, at prrti-e. (?ith the exception of n very few article* ) In-low any that haa been brought to till* market etnee the rdoee of ti o war, ami -will be rol<l to my oM and patrons, tie well a* the |?ttb lie generally, at a very email profit for earh or cottnlry product-, only. Cell and fee then) at Jno. II. AftliiRorr,?, One I)oor South New Court House Main St. Mar 2ft 44 tf 4 ^ : r ' ' t ^ . / A ? E If T I FOR WEED'S SEWING MACHINE - \ 'FM4E beet and mmt *imp'e Machine now L in ??*, nod i? unncdled l>y unv ?v?r presented' t?? the pnliflit, KhtIh|; all fh? latest i<np?r?*e?p?dt* ; ?* ? the straight N? 1 dl?, makes the Tight l.oolc S>itch, which ia [ the only reliable ore, ano eliows the mine on both slice. It ia simple, easily worked i nod kept In order; It will Stitch, Hcip, Fell, Hi. d. Cord, Braid, Ruffle, Tuck, Quill, I Hen. Stitch, Gather and Hew. at the came time, performing a greater variety of Work than any other Machine, on the lightest to I the heaviest fnbriea. It received a medal at the recent Paris Fxpnaitlon. We warrant them to give satisfaction ; if not, return them. Please call aud examine them. We alao keep constantly no hand, a ?n pert or assortment of Oeatlemen's FURNISHING (lOOI)S and TRIM VINOS, from the cheapeat to the heat qualities, and low for cash.? We will CUT and MAKR in the heat and latest improved styles, all Oarmenta for Gentle men and Oents' Wear, Ladie** Cloaks and Racks, Ac. All Work warranted. : 1 Jan la U . V - ' - - . " ' * - k - * . ' * V . ? ** >-* .. ' - : * X'' J* '"*-/ Lllug ' . UI ' . J'l -JiUlL1 ! .1 KiiiiMnffiC" ANOTHER ELEGANT ASSORTMENT 0* PRINTfp * - BLEACHED AND BROWN. SHEETINGS i AND : Shirtings, (SEA ISLAND, AC.,) To which wo.wjuld invito attention. ALSO, J& ?WI?3Kai3 JLOW <DW.(I0IHF.S, TEAS, (MAR, MOLASSES, " RICE, CHEESE, &C.,t All of which wo will sell m LOW no they tit he bonj-lit in any market in the Btato, trans- j portation added. Wo keep conotnntty on hand, nil kinds of Provisions, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. **r- OUR TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASH.jpi Williams & Whitmire. Greenville, S. 0., January 8, 1368. 33-tf FRESlf ARRIVAL, JSiIS fTtltE i? s?> -? JL op?nBrt ?'irKAUtilI/L LOT OF " ' if^SSf gw ASSW) jSW^UPIWU Which bender* te bis customer, and tha public generally, at " GREATLY REDUCED- PRICES. Thankful for the liberal patronage reeoired, ho hopes to merit a continuunco of the same. W. H. HOVEY. Jan 8 SS tf Notice. ALL persons Indebted to roc, arc requested to come turward and make payments immediately. Lunger indulgence cannot be given, geltlo- merit* must be made. W. H. HOVEY. Jan 8 S3 tf Washing Machines. I HAVE an hand and for sale, tin "SOUTH CAROLINA WASHING MACHINE,'* which Vrlll be sold cheap for cash. , - T. W. DAVIS, B'Jncomb* Street. Jan W "' . '.85 - tf LAW CARD. GOODLETT Si THOMAS, Attornoys at Law, . AMD SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, W AVE thla day formed a Copartner | a a siun is th? pmHirt of J,A W and KQU1T\ on I lie Wenu-rn Circuit, Office in the old Court House Building. *. n. aonpLETf, WM. M TIIOMAS. I>M SO SO I# W. K. KARl-RT. a. a.-WALLS. EASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, OKEKNT7LLE, 8. C.f PH4CTICE in the Courts of the Ptate and of the United HUIch, and give especial attention to esses in Bankruptcy. Jim* w 3 tf Law Notice?Change of Office. CI F. T0WKE8 has removed Lis Law X. Office to tho building north-east corner of the PuhUc Square, in part occupied by Juliet C. tMiiith. Auctioneer, and the Enterprise Printing Office, up stairs. Jan 8 S3 tf WEP .P3?tCET~ ATTOHNEY AT LAW, DAHLQNEGA, GA? WILL practice in tho .Counties of Lumpkin. Dawson. Uilnicr, Fannin, Union, Towns, White and Halt. Jan 10 S3 ' tf T STarthuB) ATTORNEY AT JLAW. WILL practice In the Districts composing the Western Circuit. AlsJ in the UNITED STATES C0UET8. IX Office over the Post Office. Dec 4 29 KINO & GIBBON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS CHARLESTON, S. Q. 6. w. kino. or.?. r. qikow. OPPKH thalr aerrteea for the rale of COTTON and OTHER PRODV.OB. Rtrlog attention gireu lo bniincH ami prompt roturna in n<lo. Hefrrmf'n ?A. M. Hamilton.Itogara k, Donald and Btone k Kichnrdaon, \V illi?ip?U>n 8. a 4?-4 Feb 28 FARMERS AND H8USUEEKK8, 8AVI YOUR D1MESI. ajju TUB subscriber respectfully |nf|j informs the public thnt he lit |11 HI now located in the HuiMing UjLi|l occopied by Mr. J. C. C. Tur>' C'T h ner, neit to the Engine IJo'iae, where he will MAKE TO VOHbER or RRPAIB FURNITU RE, Ate., in the boat manner, end t the lowest poeaible price* for Capb or acceptable Country Produce. ' R. W. 8TONR March 18 48 8 Job Work irtiar4,4 4i^M'' # w ^ _ # >^LlaSt. *5 I*-'". b . UJI MM'.III ' .. ?. L".. - \l \ " '. . - \ "* c fo-j ''/ ' V. * ':^ . . .: ; ! v. -1 . Wtf * , . AGENTS WANTED. \\TANTED?Agents ' to Mll Br. TTm." . TT v 8?ith'? * BWtl.jn.ry of >We Bible." . 1 * " * r It cnoUlna cnrer 1000 otoaeiy printed, dqubla * column, octem pafda,fV<>uinew oleetrotypo plate*, on paper. arid (? appropriately'TU iurtretrd with more th.n *00 engraving* on ^ steel and wood> and eerlea of fin?, authentic umpr, Ac. ' . It eotwprlae* tha Antiquities, Biography, Geography, Natural History, Typography, and ia a complete Cyclopedia ef the Scriptarae. It it necessary to crery BihU reader,,India* ncnsnble to erery Minister and Sunday Sehov! Teacher, and ought to be in aaery femllyt S It if highly commended by nil ianrdhd |ad * ' eminent men, and by tha Pfeaa generally In ill parte of the country ae tbe beat boos of the Wind-of tb? English Language. Do not be Deceived I. " \ Owingto the nnprec* dented popularity of ', tUr? Work, a email liinjlieh abridgment. In duo-' . -' declmo form, of about 800 pages he* been reprinted iq this country In forger type, and prod over 8W octavo pager, evidently?by g making a larger book than Ibe "original?to give the impression easier that It laouvedition.- *, It Jin U?* tkmm kn\f the reading matter if eivra/ and i? sold considerably higher tbaa the Eng^* lish edition of the rente book In tbia Country. Fume agent*.are endeavoring to palm at tbia juvenile edition for oure. . ' ~ . Teachers, Student*, Retired Clergymen, Farmer*, and energetic Women find the agenT ey for thi* work' both pleasant and luorative employment. Send for circulars, giving foil particulars, term*, do., tq * 8. 8. SCRANTON A Co., Book Pablishera, * 120 Asylum 8L llartford, Conn, W?t*.?Any Newspaper in the country gir-# ing the nbove an Insertion six consecutive tuner, well displayed, acd rending a marked copy tn the publishers shall have a copy sent the in gratis. Mh 11 4i v TO THE PUBLIC. TOE . PATliJON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. O., ' _ SOLONH and ably *or?? jL^IL-'V dnetvd iiv the late H. L. fiJS&aL BUtTBHFJELDi will still In kept open for the aceom-modalion oI die traveling public. And it* former friends and patrons will find tjpa usual accommodations and attentions bestowed on them as forincriy. and tire puhlta frvore, alrfady so well established as THE . llOTEI.ofUteTRAVELING MF.RCH ANTS of the South, will, by earnest efforts, be faithfully preserved.March 4. 1888. 41' If UI1ANCE OF SCHEDULE ON TUB Greenville & Columbia Kail-road. f _> 2 .. * e ON AND AFTKR FRIDAY, theftlhla-' . rtant. I'asseng^r Trains will run daily, Sundays excepted, at follow*: . ff L?*ave Columbia at........7 00, A, M. " Alston., ,.8 6ft, " " Newberry.... 10 88, " * Arrive at ^Abbeville 8 80, P. 1L " " Anderson 6 1ft, t? " " Greenville 6 00, " Leave OreenviMe at 8 00. A. M. m r ** Anderson 6 4ft, * ' " Abbeville 8 48. " " Nfwlietry... ..1 ?B, P.M. Arri?? it' Alolon ,.8 00, " " " Columbia..,. ...8 00, " ? Trainson the Blue Ridge Kail-road wlH l?> run drily, Sundays netplrd, connecting with the up and down.trains on ths Greenville and Columbia Rail road, as f?l- , lows: Lost* Anderson At. , *B 20, P. If. v ,a M Pendleton at.,.., .. .6 fO, " ? , Arrive at Walhellw at.00, " , Leave Wathallaat.. 4 00. A.M. *f Pendleton at 6 40, " ? Arrive at Anderson...... ..6 40, " The Train will return from Helton t? t" Anderson on Monday and Friday mornings. JAMES.O. MEREDITH. General Superintendent. * T. WTDZvisT WATCHMAKER, R3 WOULD Reapeetfully la ' the people of Greenville iC 3?and the surrounding country, i^v<jtjyQ^t liat he hae From his OI.D 8TAND in the GoodDU House, to *. more CONVENIENT # * one, three doors North of the Man. sion House, next door to Pickle* Poor, on Main 8lr??t where he ia prepared to do all work in his line of business, at short notice, in a workman Ilka manner, and on reasonable terms. Aug 80 It it MARBLE W0BK.I ITIARIILE WORK!! S&&&S&2 "^7 ?>&&(!! THE vntiecrlber ha* on kaftd, and will oontinue to reeeivr, a good aaaurtmenfe of TOMB STOKE!*, of all etsea aod quailtiaa. Tt?o?e in nead of any thing In that Una, will do well to aati at the Poet Office before purehaeing elecwhrr*, . ir Country produce taken In exchange for work JAMES M. ALt.EJL Greenville C. TL, Nov. 6. 1807. ?4-tf W. H CAMMEE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH AND MACHINIST. . ' - V a. ? y *Rb* i flOftN SHELLERrt, Cotton Oina, Locke, w n?roa#na OU L*mpa, Rawing lf?-' ahinaa and Paraaola, RHP AIHEI) with prompt dm*. Charge* rea'onabla. rgrCountry Produce taken in oxabaoga for Work Aland??At Weatfiald's old Shop, bkj 15 . if .TT1QHK8T ntarkal prlaa.paid la eaab'for , XI OOTTOW, at T. W. I>aVW . Buncombe Straat. , laa M 15 if Q/\ BACKS of EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, * Ov lutl reeetted, and for eala low for <*a.,a? T. W. liAVWB , . Buncombe Hicaal Aao 11 IS if