University of South Carolina Libraries
'*< 4- * . # % K # \: . * r * . * . OoTtmor Otr. *> The Mhwbf ealoghin wm pwpured, i*;? tktCntuBbl* Fknalt, ty a pnlkn^M, oho? ' (kngh MffiHni from iki QoVint} somewhat JMbls oplolona?belieVes that kb political * tMrH ku boom misunderstood by tba |?ml pobH*i * Mill L. OBU, OOVWnptOM or MOUTH CAROLINAMartin Luth?rwm persecuted by,tki Ro Biibti for opinion sake, and vol hi* nam* It iUf? and cbsrisbed In tba tniuds and memory of a Christian people. His records hAte boon registered upon tba pages of Immortal praise And admiration for bis unflinching faith, for what bo conceited to bo tbo true doctrine of saltation for bis follow-man. ? Ntbicbwlntim, the Ilabylonlau King, to applied the melting proves# to Rktdrub, Meshach tod Abednego, that th#y might ha forced to adopt hi# peculiar eresd. Vpoo their refusal, the King ordered them to he eaet Into the fiery furnace and tbat< K he heated " one seven timet botUr than ui ml" This edlet carried with it no ffcar# for them. Their faith was planted unalterably in the Meet Uigh. They paeeed triumphantly through that ordeal in the pretence of the * moneter tyrant, which demonstrated to him that prineiplee and tnith were ellpowerfhl and tnuet prevail. In politic#, a# well a# that of religion, the teat of persecution ha# been applledlo every age j and erpectally In rerolu' tion, inquisition follows; and often their best and purret statesmen aud honest thinker# were terlided to the altar of prejudice and party poire#. Wo man born within tba hreete of a palmetto hae been more denounced In unmeasured term# than Jaate# L. Orr. lie see# what they eaanot see. span* what they cannot grasp. He fathom# the political wstore and plants in hi# understanding the element# for tho country's future prosperity. Not appreciated or underetood, therefore, hie motives are impugned. The development# of time will place him be* fore his country and the world a# a statesman of no common oagaetty. Time will award to him due credit in having achieved not only the natural righta of the people of hia native ftste, bat in Carving out a policy predicated on principle, based upon patriotism, honesty sua sincerity, mat will restore the equities that belong to our common country. Posterity will point to James L. Qrr ilia morning and avsnlng star of thia Hepublle. Ilia record wil' tand in bold rolicf upon the page* of biatorie Coma. Ilia name will b? printed in gold and Itia memory an graved upon the. heart* of a free people. .Generation* yet unborn will reror to kim aa not only a atnteaman of wide and expanded vlawt, but the political apoetle of the niuetccuth century. COLUMBIA. lamTAiT DILI. RiooLtma rna PNMI. eilTUL Succession.?The Bill Introduced in Congreaa on Monday by Mr. Cburcbill, of New Torfc, i* looked upon by all partloa a* of g.-eat Importance, in view of the complication* which ere possible In tb* preeent difllcultie* that have arisen between the Kxecutive and tha I legislative hranchee of the tioeernmcot. The Aetef I 7UI provides that in caae of the death ef the President aud Vioe-1'reeident, the Preeideut wt the Senate pro tempore, aud nest the Speaker of the Honoe of Representatives, halt succeed. Tha Hill of Mr. Churchill extend* the eueeeaelon to the Chief Juatlo* of tb* Suprstoe Court. Aleo eout# eerioua double ' have ariaen ae to the necessity of tb* Secretary ef Stat* ordering an election nest fall far I'roeident to aervo in tb* event of tb# convie iea ef Mr. Jebneon during the unexpired Una ef Mr. Johneon, a* wall ae the election fa Preeident M serve daring tbe regular term ef four year* from March 4, neat. Mr. CbarehiU Bill reuoraa all these doubts, and declares that no ouch election for the unexpired term (ball take place. Tbe Bill Will he brought before the UouSa fbr action St the earliest moment, and tbera appears to be the utkasst readiness to adopt It. [Ckurlttton Charter, ilk imt. CUV. Vue*.?Qov. Vance states in a latter U he found oa oof first page, that ha cannot accept any invitations te add roe* the people at petals hilt ef Charlotte, believing that ha caa accomplish more good in tbe Western eountlre. Wo suggested, some time since. I that Gov. Vanco would in all probability adopt thia couraa in cuneeqnenca of tba noar approach of the election. Mo ia now doing gallant aerrice in the mountain aeotion, the people turning out by thouraud#, and, in many reeee, walking twenty mIlea to bear him. Th? * rata of tbia aeotion of tba State will aatoniab tba Radiaala. The mountain b?y? bare no aart af fancy for nagra equal It y. ) I Morning Sirtr. a<aaae ' Craaii Diatr.?Coroner Whiting Waa ealled upon yaaterday morning to hold an inque at on the body of Commodore George A. I'rentlaa, of tba United State# Navy, who died in the Sen lb Carolina Railroad paaaenger ear*, a hla Way front Auguata to tbia olty. On entering tba a?fa at Atlgweta, Commodore i'fenIlea appeared ia good health, and from etatemaata of Coadnetor Daffey, there waa no artHence of lllncaa until tbo oara reached Wind* eer, tome thirty in ilea from Auguata, where the Jcceaeed fall in a kind of tt, and died al* aaeet Immediataly. Tba eerdlet of tbo Jury waa that wbila traveling on tba ftnuth Carolina Railroad, oa the night of tbo fitb instant, he died of apoplesy.-? ClmrUHam Mrrrwry. Gan. Robkrt E. Lnn.?A latter from Leilagtoa,.Va., in the Naehvllte Dennor, aayat "Gen. Lee waa recently confined to bia mom for eome daya, bat be ia now performing hie aeual da ilea. I think there U a perceptible change in him ainoe ba name to Lenlagtoit, Tbia Ufa ol confinement doea not agree with him. lie leefca the* < L-ii Illaney of i;? that were peculiar to him when h* commanded hi* fiery legion* at Cfaaneelh>r*vttW, ot ?? on that mournful day when he wriw4*l*4 hi* war-worn hot veteran soldier* <4 |h* lost hu*. Jan Fotvm or tm Socvn.?Mr. TTonry . Care/, of Philadelphia, the well known publicist and statistician, in a letter on the in. comparable endowment* and advantage* of tb* South iay* > " Seeing these thing*, aad ing, (artber, that it* whole upland country pTMentaene of the most magnificent climate* of the world, eaa U be doubted that the day I* at hand when, emigration to the 8onth and Southwest most ink* the place now; occupied by immigration 40 the West, and when power U to pass from the poor soil* of the Nortbevt ' te those richer ones which now offer themselves ' in inch vast abundance in the centre, the South aad Iho Southwestf As I think, It eaaaot." Pant, April It. Ths United Pl-rteu Legalisn ie continually nvsr-rtm wtll^ Frenchmen, anxious to rtoape liability of n> liUry sorvlee under ths nsw army hillf hi, American n at utilisation p(apsnt ? ' 4 Vv.' . % % . s ? -4*# , # y .-.?? " .*V >. ^r--' -Tt r, r v ?*> ' " * 4RI 8 . r V 1-u-fii.-- ' .. 5*. "sn^ T?n fvllowing Domocratto AOitfnatlent hare been Ditdt i . _ ' 1 KiMiariiti.n.?Senator-?H. W. A<l<tl?>?.~R?pr?inCillm?J?bn Cutbroetb, George W, Nixon, D?nJ. K. Hlobulwi, A. 1*. Bailor, W|l> llam T. Gory. ANOBR'ton?For Senate?Dr. J. H. Rlrd. For Uepreeeelalire*?II. Frank Sloan, John B. M"or<', Dr. J0I1 n WU*on.| Amrik^k<?Sonata?R?r. J. X. Yunnir. Rvj>re??ntativee?.Dr. Goorge W. Preetly. F. A. Connor, Robert A. Fair, J. Martin Laltlmrr, J o moo C. Willard. _ Lavnairx.?Senate?B. 8. Jon**. KeprefeoUtlee*?W. Wood, B. W. Ball, l.udy II. Little, Br. Win. Phlllpa. YonariLi.t.?For Senator?John II. Adam*, of Bethel. For Rc|>ro#cnt*tlTM?Peler Oarrlfon, ??( Rbrtteier j Dr. A. P. Campbell, of Now Centre,; J. B. Williatn*on, Knq., of Buffalo; John 8wilbhtfq., ?f Broad Hirer. NawsKnar.?Senate?E. 8. Keltt. Rrpre*eati*tife*?Dr. John K. Gary, W. A. Clink. and Y. J. Popn. FAinricin.?Senate?Abrihim F. Lumpkin, Representatives? Dr. E. A. Gibson, Jus. K. Dsrli, and A. 8. Donglme. Ksmkw.?Senate?Qen. J. B. Kershaw. Itaprceentutlreo?W. U. Shannon, Dr. K. M. Roykln, W. L. Do Pass. ^ Poi.iTicat. Du*aii.m?s.?Mr. Wilson Introduced In the 8cnete to-day a bill (wblcb was referred to the Judiciary Committee) to remove.the political disabilities of certain cltlteas of Georgia, between five and nit hundred ia all. The Mil was accompanied by resolutions of the Georgia Contention appointing Roster Blodgett and J. R. Parrot!; (President of the contention) a committee In inglneer the measure through Congress, and appropriating three hundrod dollars each to defray Inetr expenses in so doing. [ lfusA ingtn r? Express, ItA last. W a ?a a t Joans, the porter of the Astor House who died recently, had arcuntulated an estate worth from 8.10,0(10 to 810,000. For thirty-three years be was nercr- absent a day from duty. He had. in the discharge of his duties, aeen and spoken with ail the distinguished men of-more than two generation!. HYMENEAL. MarRiro, at the reeidence of the llrlde'a brother, on Thursday, 2d instant, hv Rev. A. B. Stxpmxns, Mr, ll'MMEA R. K JBIRON and Mia L. 41. J). COX, daughter of the late Col. Ronarr Oox, all of Greenville Dietriet. Oaaravirt.r, S. C , April 14 Cotton, 20 @ '28, extrruiea. Nsw York. April 18. Gold 384- Exchange 0|(?(?| M> ncy 7. Fh-iir 10<tf l5e. b -tler. hires pork dull new 27.00. Wheat l(JJ3e. better. Corn l@2c. belter. Cotton a shade firmer, at 8l<3)31i for middling uplands. Fieighla dull. . " v\ . . Daltiwocc, April 13. Cojton firm, at 80. Flour fiiru and active'; priera unchanged. Wlmat very aetire. Corn firm?white 1.) 1(^113, yellow Oate eteady, at KU@S?0. Lard quirt, at 18J. Bacon vary fi'ni?r?1> side# lrtl(3| lt>|; clear aidta 174(g) 17 J; ebowldtre uieuf r CllAK(.a?rr>D, Al'fH 1*. Cotton (I'm ami advened i(#le; aalaa XX) ball*#? middling 31 ; receipt# 403. Ai)du?TA, April 13 Cotton market firm: aalaa 860 l>aUa; receipts 130?middling #0$. I/tTRRroeL, April 13. Cation $1. higher?upland# on lha rjnit and afloat 12$; Orlaana Hi. LnritMot, April 13. Cotton firmer and advancing?uplanda on tha spot 11$; afloat 12$; Or I ear a 12$; transactions unofficial?be nee no record of aalaa QKEENVILLE r KICKS CUUKENT roanitrTBn wrbklV, nr MESSRS. DAVID <t SIRADlET, MERCHANTS. ORKKNVILLE, 8. C., APlltL 14, WW, APPLES, M butbol, 63 (of 2 00 " " -.-dried, pTd,*l.36(4*1.60 M u u m unpaaleil, 66 c. <<3) $1 00 BACON. y* lb, I...W...17 (TO 20 a. 1IAI.F. HOPB. 1b?.? ?... II ? 20 c. BAl.OTXt), Ognny, %>, yd 30 ?. BUTTER, >? lb 36 30 e. BUCK WII HAT FLOUH.'ftlOOiba,*4.00^)6.00 BEESWAX, W lb, ~....T6 e. C1IIOKKXS, TR head -SO <*. COFFEE. lb. Rio,........, 30 ? 33 e. CORN, V bnrhel *1 16 (& fl 20 K008, >4 ,|??n ,....J0 e. FLOUR, ? sack,..., .*0 00 (ft. 37 Of .JOLD ., .. .....*l 40 INDItlO, KpanUh Fleet, *2 00(?,2 2.1 r?o. u?. 7?(n,1 00 IRON, ? It., AiMrlci?,??? 8 e, LEAD, V lb .. 10 c. LEATHER, V *. )I?i?liK:k 40 t. - " * - Oak, 60 .. " " 44 Upper, , ?.70 e. " " 44 Harneri,.. ,66 ?. MOLASSES,, Mttacovado, |l itO . " " 44 Syrup fI 26 NAILS, TS kr*. ,$tt 60 (g) 810 00 OATS, TA ba.hel, 06 @ 76 e. I'KAS, ? " 10 PEACHES, Orfcd, peeled..* *4 00 " " " *? mMwInl 81 &0 POTATOES, V be.f.ol, IrMw'u'Q ft'oo " M Sweet,.....76 6$ II 00 SALT. V eaefc, tlferpool,..*, ?|3 00 Op * 26 8U4AR, VI lb, Brown, .~..I6 (a, 20 . m ? ?. ClariAe.l, 20 (,j> 22| ?. ? ? m Crutbed, ...22* (<$ 26 e. SHIRTING, eeren-elgbti, V bale,..,... 16 e. ** u retail...., 18 o, TALLOW, #18...... ....... I6?. YARN, Factory, by bale,.... /.....?82 00 , 44 u bunch ?a.......|2 26 AMATEUR CLUB. (Bentft of the Educational Fund of Ortonwiil* ) WILL (fire an ENTERTAINMENT at the Court Houee, on Friday, April lTtli, to eonelat of Vocal ana InrtrumenUl Mueie. Butleequee, Paroce, Oontie Songe, Ac. Everything In the alir/hUm manner <>l jeelktneble, la avoided, ao that the roo?t faat'doua need not faer to attand. Admleaiuu 2ft eente. S. F. LONG, - Manager. Aprils ? ' * ? iJ. FOR 8ALE, CHEAP, I mm |~i' ? OFF LIGHT TWO iIiagk4 E CA R ON K HANDtOMK ON If HOR8K CAR KIAOK. ... Both la elegant order. Rnqaire of JLLIHH 0. SMlYll, or * ' DAVID A t-TRApLEY. April 18 41 - If , M , * . - . __ - % m . . a ^ I ^ * . . *' V , * * v . * . - 1(,A . . - . 4 V ? : ,V V / ^ t * % . - .4 I . . rpftty L JW r ft~t~ ***+?*> ? IHlJIH.lf II IIHI' .'I. 'J ilSTHSR -~fc . '.** ?'. . ;g.i .; :x ir-im.n. . ?s. United States Interns 1 Kerennei)?e?T* Coi.igtcTon'a Orrrca, I OrMnTQU, 8. C., April II, IMS $ T)Y virtu* of an order from A. 8. S'At X> ' T.ACJf, Colloetor 3d DlaftW. B. C., will ??ll, to tho hlghiS Milder, before tb Court Hour* door, on Friday, ttl /?* / .Vtri JSCS, ?t1t o'nlvck, 3d., one ilUlKIV. -I,*vi*< on m tho pmp*rt,r ami aold for th* tax mom d attain*! RICHARD WHITE. at Iko auitu tha jtnlted 8la lea for Revenue Tax. Txnius CA?n. A. L. CQBD, Depot/ Colleotor. * April 15 47 4 * , hT nti en ' II m vhvvl 2? conformity with tbo mjuirsmrnt* of thi Interna) Revenue Law*. I liolrli* irivi notice to nil permit* who may claim a 8TII>li CAP AND WORM Mitvd on the premise* n Mr*. HDLDY ROPKR, about 12 mil** frou tlreenvitl* Court liouso, on Sntuntny, 11// i'mI., because of violation of the Internal Hot nu*, to make ouch claim* before u* within SO 'day* from the first puMieatiou o this notice. A. Ii. conn, Dep. Col. 3d D?*t., 8. C. . April IS 47 t Hotice A LL persons owning or baring charge o J\_ any 8TILL or STILUS In Oreenrill District, are required (by foroe of author it; from the Commissioner of Interne! Reronne to Register tbelr names with nsc on or befor t'>e Is* i/oy ?/ June. I SOS, stating the nuin ber and rise of the Stills, under penalty of lor felting the same, in case ol Refbsal or neglect ED. 1IUD80N 8MITII, Assessor Int. Rerenne, ? (Ireenrllle District, South Carolina. April 14 43 td FOR SALE OR RENT, i iJi the Town of Green villc, H 0., poss-sMun on o HhjKiJ before lftth May, 18rt8. i rtil iBsi HOUSE. with a Targe Gar den, pleasantly aiiuated on Biincomb Stre't, eix good Rnomt, a Lot of about on acre, with fine Shade and Fiuit TrccaPcars, Applee nnd Peaches?and well u beat Water, Ternte easy. Apply to JUI.IUS C. SMITH, Auctioneer. Greenville, S. C , April 14, 1868. 47-8 Tailoring 'piIK Subscriber respectfully informs hi JL friend*, and I lie public in goneral, tlia hi* health l-elng In a messurc r?et?red, wtl resume business again. II* will CiJ'f MAKK, and REPAIR all Garments f<? gentlemen, on reasonable term*, for co?A o country produce. Will be found at his reel dence. corner Main Street. opposite tin Coacl. Factory. GEO. H.DYER. C., April 6th, 1808. April 8 46 8m Tresh, arrivals Of Prints, Bleached and Unbleached Shirt ings; other Dry Goodc and Notions, this day Cotton advanced, bul our prices have notour goods have beei selected with judgement and good taste SULLIVAN A SON. Opposite Mansion Houso. April 16 47 It AND FRISM ST06B AT TI1K WARTHEN STORE, 21 MILES BELOW GREEBVILLE JT8K2B Jm Jmst i nn?iiirf ? ^ TIIG Suhacribar baa filled hi* e?tal>li?h mailt from orlltr to garrrt w ith NEW AND FltK^ll GOODS, to auit th? seaaon 'id deniindsof the country. I.iatcf ariirle too numuroua to put in no ordinary notic* CuMomere era iiivi'od to an examinntion o hia Stock. Price* low. I'lraee remeinbe my Good a are to till, not tJ keep, to rua out, or duat out I JAMES M. SULLIVAN, Warthan, April 10, 1808. 47-2 PARTNERSHIP NOTICE r| "*Jl fi fmrdata'tfnad Kate thia day enteral 1 into a PaETNKIWIIIP, for the pur poaa of continuing Hia aula of : GRUGS. MEGtCMES. AND FANCY ARTICLES at fie atand heretofore oocnplad by WAl I tpr * wt'sTMnnEl Attn u ik. u.ui~. House building. They respectfully solid a continuance of the liberal patronage liith erlo extended to the lata firm, and a?nir 11 oew euatomera that their Order* wi! recelre prompt and polite attention. PRE8CE1PT1 O If 8 carefully and correctly compounded, J. W. MOHDAN. M. D. J. U. WESTMORELAND. M D. Orrrnvjlle, 8. C., April 14, 18)18, 47-8 A OARD. IK withdrawing from the huaineaa latch conducted by WALTER <k WEST HOMELAND, the undcralgned feeling i nonae of obligation to thia community an< the public at large, would here feebly ex press hi* #in*ern and heartfelt thank* foi their liberal support and patronage durii>{ his past tan years rn*ad-nce among them My return to the people of my ehoiee, aftei a short sbrenoe. was an rarnett of my great ful sense of their uniform kindness and evar< ready willingness to sustain me. Hexing taken up my abode and cast mj 1 * here, f shall ere long (J). V ) appeal in my former eeppci y. pact experience en o-'Uraglfig my hopes lor the future. / F. A. WALTER. Jr. April IS 47 1. r # 1 " * " ~ a - fJWu ' ? ' ^ ' * '%Ji ^ ?*\ H 6 R TBR "iBSIS. IIU1SU 6 Mffiill jnmfmtm WOULD Inform ? m"2BSSU&Mend* ar?>1 *!? ptiMm I g^n?r*Uy, llial tli*y liavo j-mt * reo?iv?<] isd o|>?ne<i a i Complete Assortment "of Goods in their line, . ConMiiin( of Jll<wl!?nfO?? wnl S<-'iool 1IOOR-, French ami American l'a| ora B tml KnTrlvprt I li?? ??f Ttla*k ? ami Copy llnokft IS bW? ??d T'?Uinrii tl, Bapliat f PsnluiAdy stiil Psalm? l?t, 8ii it I h r r ii 1 M thodist 113 inn Hooks, - riilMrorm' T?y llaukt, flu* of Steel 1 Pons >J||| I Villi*, also llir 1*111011* Indelible f Pencil, an! * lnr go lot of SlntM. Among their Stock will he ! tind the fol lowing KKW ANI) POPULAR WORKS: " Inea," by ?nthor of St Elmo ; Life of Prince Albert, l?y Queen Victoria; III** Mtilbach'e lntereeilii* Hook* ; Reverie* of ' * ikclielur; Attic Phi'osnph. r ; Surrv of f Engl*'* Not ; Token .Upon Tru?t; * Tli* f Changed Croes"; Apple!or*' moily Avv 't eantaedition of Dickens. *nd various other new and interesting Work*. ? They also keep on band, and are con stantly reoeving, FRESH SUPPLIES OF GENUINE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC r MEIMCIKES, JmSTUFFS 1WINTS, OILS, A13U OFFER FOR SALE. f PURE AltTICLES OF 53^^5331, \VI.\i: IP WHISKY, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. ? t i kink onaND or . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a We sell nothing but Pine and Genuine r Goods, and guarantee all Article* to be aa represented. Keep in stock all popular f Patent Remedies: Hall's 8'cilian Hair Renewer ; Chevalier'* Life for the Hair; Allen's Long Balsam; Ayer'a Cherry IVtinral, and olhrr prepare " Hons, too nutnerone to mention ; nil of which we propose to sell nt reasonable rates . F O R C A S H . ^ Attention of housekeepers Is respectfully . called to our INFALLIBLE RAKING POWDERS, and MAGIC WASHING > FLUID, wnrrnnUil to l>( equal to any preparation* of tint liln<I in Uie market for t purity and excellence. b lir Call and exaniina our Stock, Next Door to tho Poat Office and Oppeeite Mention Home. I April 16 47 If ; W. II. 1I0YEY, DF.AI ER IN FAKCY AM) SlPAPitl DRY GOODS, .MvEl Jfrel ^ V\J OUI.D respectfully cell the attention k ? ? of lii* old customer*, and the public {generally, nn.l ilie Indira in particular, to liia large and carefully a?l?ctrd , M1W AID SUMMER % *' ?. consisting, In part, of i Figured Orenadines, English Brregrs, Clrene ' Poplin*, Figured Muslins. Plain /Colored l/?wn?, I'liiiu Cnlmed Cliamltrera, While and T/.llA.. Plain and Figured ? SWiwea Jaconet*, Mull ami Nainsook Mtulifut, Kil^j ik? and Inserting*, Ribbon., Gloeea, Fancy llnndk.rrJiief., I^ivc , Veils, Crape Veil#, Silk and Cotton Ho.#, Roo.bezincs, American Print., Rutton., Trimming*, Black and Colored Vd*?li, A?? Ac j Ato. Abo, Wall Paper and Bor' derio* a larA? uvf or ' HATS, CAPS, SHOES, AND REA&Y-MADt CLOIHI^R, I Oantlemeii'a Oooda, IIom..r un?. Shirting* Sheetinira, Ticking*, Toweiinaa. and many oilier Articles, too numeioti* t<> mention. w / do not intend to he nudtrtold JW Coma, one and all, and .ftamlae my Slock and pricey before buying elsewhere. We H. HOVEYApril 16 tf tt J AUCTION. Monday, April 20th, at lrtf o'clock. VJ at my oftiee, I will aeR, at pnblie auction, on aeeeSat of Two bbla. PfroWn SUGAR. Immediately alter, I will aell a lot of t SUAfDKfRS, animating. In part, of (lentle men'a Linen SltirU ; Under vent a; Shoe*: ' Kruihfi, (eloihfn iml liiir ;) liut'on* ; K-ly" tng?; Hoeicry \ NnMwa; and many other articles. JUUUS C. SMITH. " Kerosene, Guano and Phosphates. JUST RECEIVED. 10 ton* Mapea' PHOS PH ATE In bbla.; 100 Galloire HERO b* K N H OIL in lire gallon eatm. To arrire. and e* pec ted daily?0 Tone , lUw Bono PHOSPHATE* it Ton a PERUVIAN GUANO. JULIUS C. SMITH. J. April 16 47 v ' 1 * > . , DISSOLUTION. f I^FIE Arm heretofore exiating under the I name and alyle of WALTER A < WESTMORELAND, D this d.y diaaolvad by mutual content, r F. A. WALTER. I J. M. WESTMORELAND. r The Notes and Accounts OF the late firm till he left In the handa of Dr. J. U. WESTMORELAND for r collection. Parties Indebted era urgently f and moat reepeetfolly requested la ovute . forward and settle. f. A. WALTER. J. II. WBRXMOftELAND.' | April 16 47 |1 1 " > i . .sag* 1 WE SELL THE ' PURE KEROSENE OIL AT SO CKNTfc YOU CAN BUY AN INFERIOR QUAUTY AT A LOWER PKIUK. BUT IT 18 . TUB DKAKKK OIL, A8 IT ;Jk? BURNS OUT Ni oit FAST* ER, AND YOU ARB LIABLE TO LOSE . Your life at any moment bt it. we 0.1* sr1/l such at 8evbntyfiyr cents. but j>0 not WIKI1 rn nil ? ?. .-4 * *r i * * **P!S!!5, : ? * ' ? >??? ???i?? South Carolina Railroad. 1 OKXKRAL Al'P'TS OFFICE. ) Cnini.KHTux, 8. 0., Mtrah ](, 1841. I ON tnd iflw Sunday, March XV, tha I'm. ?onger T(?iui oil tk? rinwth C*nllo? Kailroad will ruu ** follows, via : (<f?r?Chirl?ttnq for Columbia (1.30 a. m. Arriva at King* villa 1.39 p. n, Uavr KinKirill* 3.H4 p. pi. Arriva at Columbia 3.AO p. u>. l,o?vr Colombia A.00 a. m. Arriva at Kinxavlllo .. 7.30 a. ni. U?v? Kingsr ill*,.... 9.00 p. tn. Arriva at Chariot Inn... 3.10 p. m. The Pasionger Train oti the Camden II ranch ! will connect with up and down Columbia Train* and Wilmington and Manchester HailI Voad Trains on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. Kight Ntprrti Freight and Prtwnipr Ae? mniiiiodatiou Train will run at follow* : Laava Charleston for Colombia.. 5.W p. m. Arriva at Columbia .....4.08 a. m. Leavo Columbia...; 6.30 p. n. Arriva at Charleston.......... 1 6.40 a. m. II. T. TEAKS, tiaa'l Sup't. April 16 47 tf Secretary's Office. wwiMiaB UnbkNtillr ink Col.ruvia h. r. Co., | Columbia, April 10; IS#9. ) fpilE annual meetlnv of the ACiaBLota..*. -? X *'? ttreanvlll* aud Ci/ltfttibla R?Um*il Company will bo bold in Columbia, on Thurt* day, the XViH Inat.. at 10 o'clock, A. in. Stockholder* Will be parted over .he Road ' to attend the meeting /w, na heretofore. Kuob i.tdiridual proxy to represent atock at the meeting, rtvpiirm a ten centa Internal Revenue Stamp to be attached nnd cancelled. C. V. CARR1KUTOX, April 10, 1S08. Secretary. April IS 47 3 Spring Millinery Goods. fMISH M. A. McKAY haa jti?t received, and will k en eoiiMantly on hand, a well choted atock of Mll.r.tKERY AND STRAW OOOIAS, to which the invitee the attention of the Ladle*. Thankful for the patronage, ao liberally extended to Iter, aim respectfully #<?.'h-tta n continuance of the tnnio, nt her new stand, Mnin Street, opposite the store of Mr. Thomae Sleen. Iti Hiding don* at re?*ot,ahle terms. April 8 49 8* ARRIVAL. OF , Sl'KlXG GOODS, ?? w. saws', BUNCOMBE STREET. I' V^wni' ill I SB* r|A|I K anhecriher take* thl? -weaelon to 1nI form the public, and tho Indica in Particular, that ho baa received bia SlASOHJJZtX GOODS. And would ask an examination thereof. Ilia stock consists, in part, of A Fine Stock of DRY GOODS French and American PRINTS MUSLINS AND DeLAINES CasMiiterea, Linens MARSEILLES Shining, L?>ng Cloths Boots and Shoes, in great abundance TRUNKS LadieV and Genls' HATS Ladies' Gloves and Hosiery Ribbons, Neck Ties. Parasols PAPER COLLARS Fine lot of Hardware and Culler? BUCKETS Crockery and Glasswarfc SUGARS, coffEes, teas Finh, in kits and barrels RICE DRIED KlGS, CAXf)IE3, Ac. /i\ III 8 iD y ALWAYS on hand, Corn, tYheat, Rye, Flour, Huron, I.ard hy the kit, KO'gar House and Wert India Molasses; in fn<H, a full slock of tiKOCEllIKS. fin likewifo keep* on hand a largo Supply Of Solo and f'pprr LKATIIKit. VI Si; ' All of tho aliovs, he offers CrfEAV FOR CASH; and hope* hi* friend* will grve Uiui at least a portion of thrfr favor. Highest price paid for Country Produce, in ciuih or barter, ItemtHilier my Stand?First tfnor attars Catsblc's filar ktmill Shoji, liunramhr StrcrU T. W. DAVIS. April t fV tf NEW FIRM. SULLIVAN & SON, 0PW15ITI TBI 1111111)1 mm UWUIMftU 1UU H1MWB1UH UUUUi), SELAu&r a-ieKtomim*, lv t11e 8 wan dale duildinu, SfiiS? AKK NOW RECEIVING and OPENINU their MEW AMERESHSTQCt, CataprMnjt a (JKNKHAI, VARIETY, %hleh him mod purchased on inoit favorable IrrniH, and now offered to anitomcri at audi price* an cannot fall to give lutiafoclion. Our Tortne tre CASH ON DELIVERY, In all caaca, without regard to prevlon* or preaent condition of the partio* who mar favor ua with their patronngo. OfJJfa KTOCK HIIAI.LRK KKOULAltLY KEPT KKKRfl,-. aa tho dentnnds and want* of the country may require. JAMES M. SULLIVAN. J. MlMS SULLIVAN,' OroenvlHe, 8. Co April lit, IfUW. 4ft-lf 70 Sacke of Salt. T UST receive', anrJ at f# T. W. I?AVlfr. i A|?ril 1? , 4h if v 4 mjm set* mr* ate: # me a? A o? o'iTc. frafia R. W. FOLDER 4 COi Aprils.- 46 If j | _ i * - * ^ *- * r United States Internal fteVenne< Dkp. Owl. Urnoi, Green* file. 8. C? i March 18. "J By rirtm of an order from A; k WaL* LACE, Collector Internal Revenue, 3d Diatriet. 8 C.. I will eel|? at fhn roeiacne* of Mr*. 8a?aii MuGotIuu). aboSt ten ml lee from Oreeovllie 0. H? on the Anderson Road, on SatUrJny, |g(Ji ddy fif Aprit, IMS, lh- following property ; to whr (tne STILL GAP and WORM 0 fti KR STANDS s drawing kegs 1 SINGLING TUR 1 WORK BKNCII and CARfl^NffcRS' mTOOLS 1 email TRACT of I/AND,- adjoining <>f Jaiiira TotnpLlne, ifcancjr and AVin Sattci field, and olli'h. I.St-iea Oil at (bit property, and "old for tha Ul neaeWad J It Tiniufiwj - * * ... ...Hi ni.ia ?l MM PU11 ()J IM United States fur Revenue Tex. 7?ftn* Ca.h. A. T* com*, , . Ot put v Cul. 3d District, 8. 0. Mnr 96 44 4 United States internal Revenue, Dir. Col. Orfici, Orkditiili, 8. C., I January 2$, IMJ. J BY virtu* of ad order from Collector of Internal Revenue, 3d Collection District, 8. C., I trill (ell, to tbe highMt bidder, oh Solnrtlny, Vth ?f May, 18AH, at the residence of defendant, at Marietta. Ur >envillo District, 1 Snrrrl Hunt; ] Huy /force, and I one k'oraa IIW,?. Aho, one TRACT of I.AND. containing 140 Arra*, being the Trart a which dofendaut now reitde*. adjoining I oula of i. )i. Cleveland, John Duett, Uinlbon mod others, letied on aa the proper!/ and ,old for the tat aaaeened againat 1IKNDKR* SON GOOD, at the auit of the United State* for Rovetiuh Tag. Term* cash. A. L. CORD, Deputy Collector'. January 28, 18C8. SA-lt CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Charlotte & South Carolina ft. R. (W^5i??32JP5 CE?S5S^& BUPERINTkNOKNTS OFFICE, CoivmiiU, S. C , March 31, lees'. ON and after lliia date, the Trains orrf tltia Road will run at follow*: 1/caVe Columbia at 4.00 p. m. Arrive at Cliarlotta at 11.00 pi mV Leave Charlotte at 1136 p.m. Arrive at Columbia at 6.00 a. m.- ? Passenger* takiag tliia route, going North <u?ke oloae connection* at Orrrmbftro, dnn and Portsmouth, to all principal Nortlft era cities. ve~ Tickets optional from Graenabofo* eithef Via Danville or Rnlctgli ; and frdtn' Portsmouth either via Bay Line or Anna*' mrteic Route. Baggage checked through. tar T1MK AS QUICK and FARE A8* LOW as by any other route. Paseehgefs from Greenville Railr'dhiT going North,- make name titne, by taking? iId* foute at 4 o'clock p. m , aa they will'tW " leaking here at 0 a. ut, a* ibe iime to aff prdnt* Nofth ef Richmond it ttie ram*.? Train* of this rout* renting South, make onneellon win, #r?l?? n :>' " ? - ?vr? urn vine IV4IRII. . Fur THROtJfJIl TICKETS to RiolirtidtodV Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia a?t<f New York, apply at Ticket Office, footf Blandiftg street. CALEB nouKNiaiWi . Super intOndViltf. Apl 4fl ' if DEMOCRATIC CLUR NOMINEES FOB DI8TBICT OWICA*. CLKltK, W. A. Me DAM EL St! Kit IFF, W. T. SHUMATE, OH DM A R Yi S. J. DOUTUlf. COMMISSIONER IN EQVIT+,J AH. P. MOOitB. TAX COLLECTOR,A. V. PKACE.Legislature. Smote?J. r. BOYCR. Jlou*, AVj>?? A. C. ST Err, Al\SA'I*.OMl BLYTHR. J. K. OICKSOlt, A. MclVtE. March 3? 44 4 BATESVILL? nimcriuis com. UAViNO been ipn?infril Agents tot tbi* Company, We oVe prepaid*! to i?11 A**v * - -v.. . nwtti j arvii ti rsoiory prior*. flu t Id A ftlrtodl*?, . OttftN and Cotnniiaeion Merchant*, Greenville, 3. (!. Nov ft H it SMOKING tOBACCG-r HAVING received the agency of the above jlially celebrated Brand of TOBACCO, we will make It Jo your infer' rat to hoy from Ma. tfnr tala b^ whole* 1? or retail. ?>AVID A 8TRADLKY. Oci 90 *S if Ye tide. GUARDIANS, Tru?t?e? and Receiver* are' roijiiirail to umko ifcdr ANNUAL It KTORNH t? Ihid CHOc# l?y theday nf May wearf, or JtuU will be in-uedagalPM them. J. ??. MOORK, C. R. ?. I?. CnwmlMlwcr'i Office,' Greonviila, February 21th, ISftft. 40 10 SAMUEL BLACK, BARBER, WOl'lI* raapcrttoliy Inform th? pnhllo that ha haa opened a RARHRR SHOP in the bntbllua formerly oocnplrd by JOSEPH ALKXANDER aa a UarneiMi Shop, and bo-twean the Store of Mr. Toniae Roberta and! the hnildlaff formerly oeenphd by tba Poat Offiea and nttreriN Office, aeeond door above the rein* of MefJee'a Hall, where he harloea-* ted. Wring a /Vo/rniieal Hm her, he honea, l.y attention to hurneae, together with pcrtVten*M to all, to writ a portion of public patronage. ?w CUTTING, SltAVlfU) ANI? RIIAMPO* IKH. AV'M r 45-tf !