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ja ? - - - Cjit fnutjjrrn Cntrrprist.' . GKRENVlLLE^8.Cr? ] WEDNESDAY. APRIL 1#. IMS. Tb? Colored Men of Oreenvtlla and the Demoorntio Party. Ronio of the eoloro^ men are voting the 1 Democratic ticket, and we predict jfent before very long hundreds of tho mnro'Intelligent among then will support tho tame party The Dotuocraoy ha* been always the most enlightened friends of liberty and justice to all classes, and the negros have sense enough to know, many ?i them, that it wou't do to trust a par. t* that aims to put them abero the white people, by making tho blaek population rulers of the 8tato) that if raised to such a height, a fill must bo the consequence. All tbnae colfored men -who expeet to be imhiittrioua and mako property, do not wish the tlovernmont of .the State to be In the banda of any class who i pay no tuxes, and have no property to pay on ; they, aa well aa white moa, do not deelre to be the taxpayera of taxlayers, who are not tax- ' payer*. Such ij the Government offered to South Carolina by the Radical Republican P*r*7??? Striking off White Voters. Yesterday morning we were natounded on boing told by a friend, one of the )arge*t and beat farmer* of tho District, who had never taken an oath of office in hia life, that when he went to vote he found hia name stricken off the list, becnuae he had nnee acted aa Commissioner of the Poor! lie alao informed u* that nnothor white man, of exeellcnt eharne- ' ter, a reaidont in thl* Town, had hi* name ' stricken off, beeauac ho bad made salt in time of tho war ! ! It i* astonishing. Who did it or advised it? Can any good exenae bo furniehed lor striking off a man who never took an oath of office, and for striking off from the privileges of a freeman another man because he made salt in time of the war. Why net atrlko offovery whitemnn nt once. Surely* there Is a?mc mistake, hut tho military may have so ordered; if so no 6???/y ia to blame. Hegistration in Grconvill?. Wo last week espresm-d the opinion of many that tinfairnea* had bacn practiced liy . . the regioter*, or aotna of them", in tht* uintrlet, In not giving newapaper notice of the time ami placa of rr opening the ragiMrrc hook* and al*o for not opening the liook* nt Greenville. W> here 1 een informed by one of fh# Register*. whom re ki'ow lo be ft correct m?n, end good eitlxen, that the whole mat. ' ler wa* conducted according to the law laid down lo them. They only Imd th? right to o| en the hook* ?t tlie center of eaeli battalion in tho DUtrlct, and no right to ndrertice in the ncwapapcrs, unleM at their own individual expenao. The nbore explanation ia'due to th? register*. The great fault I* in tlie exceedingly arbitrary and unfair law* and the mdera under* under which they have acted, ot which a Helical Cotigreaa ia the fouti tain. Impeachment. The defonre of the Pretidcnt has bean entered into before the Penate, Mr. Cnnri*, one of hi* rounial, made the opening sp.acrb. flan. Thomas ha* !>?cn examined on the part of the defenoe. l^rttor writer* are now expressing , doubt* a* to the final result, hut the general opinion teem* to be at ill that tho Radical* will convict and remove the l'restdrnt. What the^ 1 do, It moy be well for them to do quickly.? Thia great matter will be the turning point in American hiatory. If the Provident i* now removed for party reasons, wa may expect instability and Mexican revolution* to bo com* rnou thing* hereafter in thego United Plate*. mm i ? ? Negro Suffrage in'Mlehigan. Tho constitution giving univorial sufTrngo to nerroet iu Michiiran. ha* hern dofrntod l>v thirty thousand majority. Michigan i* one of the moat Republican and Radical States of tho Northwest. This shows what the Radicals think of the whito trash and negroes of tho South. Tho Union roon and Loyal League* of the South aro Just fit to ho governed br ' nsgroos, but the Radicals themselves aro not willing to allow so inurh as a vote to the miserable scattering negro population iu their own StaUa. i Governor Orr in Greenville. His Excellency, Oovernor Ona arrived at Greenville, on Monday evening, to attend a fowling of the Directors of the Greenville ami Columbia Rail Road, and remained in Town on Tuesday. Wo take from tho Columbia / fcrrnrV a communication laudatory of Governor-Own. Tho Governor has lately received considerable ohliqny from tho Press, and should ho not likewise receive occasional commendation t ^^Sr r. Turn Oat and Voto. All who have not voted, ami are entitled to do so, should turn out at once, to-day, and to-morrow, and do their duty. What la ithat doty t I?oea or onn it be poswibla that any unbiassed person ean think that it is their duly to put lbs .Stale under tha flov eminent of I lie 1 >la<*k rnn J??r?ly f ? ' " Free Ec'iool in Greenville. Our t<'Hd?r?, ''I"' "uranlvea, hue? dotlhtle*# icnined with greet nfl?(teli?e, th? *ucce**fnl ritbrrription of f?..' 00 by flic eilixen* of Ih? Town iuoI * few |> *of>* of tho Pirtriot Outride '>f it* iiniit*. M'e Iruxt ami holier? that thin i* flu- foMHiietlow 'tw? of ft permanent nyitem ? of Irnr C f >f ibe Town, $3,.'>00 ere TlAw nr.n..? ?? ft fund to a any on the *y?4(-HI for |2 Month*, Ami arrangements will l*e in mil* i*. Juo time to continue it. Tli"_'4. whe hat? not n'i*<*rilH>'l yet, we hope m ,-l rt^pond to the request ef the Con*. H minlomr* itnl contribute coni'-thin^ to aid in the ?-gtm e*pen*p? Incident to ft commencement, ' ?1 fw- - -m + ? ?- *? * f/~ Attention i? oel'cl to the oolite of th.- So A'dir Clut", wlio wi!| yire am enterI :iii iriniit At the ('curt lionee FrUny night ' i very l might to go. The young men i 1 trtcrve coniiiutflKtion for their |iuhlie epiiit, Wr intend to g% fttid will giy? thrwi ft ftoli'** to *1 ?' i k t i . ? ' , S-L- '* 1 HEiS | Jijr.V f-wi h'-.-fi* 1 rf Another Republican Meeting-*-Speechaa ?| . in vhe Oou>t Bodm- 1, On Monday Kfenlog, Mr. Sawta* and fuUDf "Macker and R.O. DiLiiioi and R<vr. R. H. CAta also made ipercbti to a eonildiratile collection ef ertlored people and a few white*. We learn alao that Uer. T. D. ti win, C Democrat, addressed the orcwd. W* hare re- u ceived no a|>ecial report of what waa said. \Vr f< were aot al io to attebd and alt vnt the meet- n ing, and if we had done so would not undertake t a full report of what waa aatd and done. The erening war very cloudy and raining, and we heleive the meeting waa rather thin, and a portion of it Democrats aa woll aa Republican*. Wo hardly think that the enterprialafc speaker*, who csnie so far to -eultgliton the tlrcou- g ville folk*, accomplished much hy the under* f, hiking. Vfe douSt If any 7<?tea were changed. | The Suction In South Carolina. 1 Bufure our paper can reach plie?r remote * frarn Greenville, tlie Election# will be over, i end it will be known whether while men a end eeneible negroea ere to have (bell right* o and llberliee ? governed by the ignorant * masses of late alerea and the office seeker* 1 from abroad. *. . A Plasnrs. i It la a pleasure for ua, at all timos, to be able to lay bofore our rcadors atstomonts thai t will be of advantage to tlicin, for wo take a t very great Interest in tbelr prosperity. . Tbb t statement* that we now allude to, have refer- n enco to tlio new atoclcs of spring good* being <j receivod and openod by our dtffercnt mer- . t ebante. At will bo seen by our eoluinna, Mr, t Ilovav la not behind any of bis colleagues, n and ao informs bis numerous friends. Mr. II.'a a store hna fhr yeara past boon regardod aa tl>* lading' store, and, some bow or other, fbr an af- k tiule to come through IIovkt'k bands gives l* t an additional value with tbe ladies. It being e " the IvJiet' store," all we have to do is to tell I thorn that his shelves aro full. I t t; Dissolution of O 'partnership. The firm of wai.tkw ? \v K*tm?iiKi.Axr> has baan dissolved. TUo b'laiunss will be carried on I>r. J. W. Mono ax and Dr. Jaaaa M. , WrHTWarlAsn, who have entered Into copartnership. They will occupy the old stand, aud will keep up a full stock of drugs. Success to thriu. rnn Tint aouiitaax kntruprisk. Co-operation 8tore 7o tJi* ff?riM?r? ?*?// lfas.Ae.a.a'-a /I?? _ ... v. ?v VJ uimnur (I /hatrict, *>d othrrn : tl Who lire (lie men that need help ?t thin tl timet In it tlie men that. ere full handed1 *< if it the #pecu'alor ? or i# it the Termer* end ? mechanic# of your Diftrict, end men of * mall mean#! Who ere the men that make " ? eotlntry rich T It U the men tliet go to n wtU, end not the peculator. The fermer 111 mid mechanic (to the work, the merchenl ^ ell* thcin good*, and the lawyer collect#? Why #houhl not thie exprnee tie *ev#d, and |a divided with lite farmer* end mechanic*! Ily uniting our in tercet, we can make our j country whet It onee *??, I have ecen , r? and felt the benefit of a few farwere unit* ing for each other# benefit, and I feel it my (i| duty to do ell I een for myeelf end my tl neighbor#. W ho have the tax to pay t The woikicg men; and ehouhi not that cl??e t? unite together for each other#' l?e#tollt T It Ii a man cae eave money hy helping hi* m neighbor, doe* tie-not benefit both hlmeclf b; and hi# neighbor f n< My propoeitlon ' % I hi#: That the farmer* and mechanic# of thle Dixlrict unite and ^ CI make, by e joint ?tnck. and bare a etor* et ^ Greenville Court Mouse, for their own lieu tl cfit, which will be known a# the " Farmer#' end Mechanic#' Store" It will he for the (l In-fir Mi or ell the etockholder# I em *ati?- jj liisliiiti ik.? ... a?i *- f ' - ?= - i iur iiumirtn lArmrrt anil t! mechanic* in thin District that will lake ? from twenty to filly dollar* apiece, when o they *ee the benefit and tho money they *i will aftve. A good and gafe manager ic firrt needed, which I know we can get,? i1 Twenty dollars fr>m each stock lio\l?r?**y ' li\o hundred?make* $10,000, which will *' make n good heghtning. Wa mu?t hare a " Jfloil eleik. Rents and tnaea arc to lie 11 paid, a per cent, levied to oover tho above u mentioned e*pen?es, and each stockholder ^ can gel hi* supplier nf co*t atid carriage; gay t?*n or fifteen per rent., or just Ortongh to defray expenses. And then yon will ?cw ^ and feel the difference between fifteen per j root. and fifty or on# hundred. If it i* j fifty, and one atoekholder spends one him- o; lied dollara for hie family, von gee?you ? readily *ec?Hhe difference 'bet we*n fif? ???? ii and fifty. There are thirty-five dollar* g| awed; and ray there are five hundred ei >toekholder*, would gave at tha game rate* a icventi'on thousand and fifty dollar*; and l> why ahould we not rave that anionnt unonpst ourselves? You men, that rairo d >orn and hogs, when yon come* to your own a gent, he ean gi?e you tha c**h price f?r ft pour produce, and lot yon hava your good* T tl co*t and carriage, if you ore a stuskhoM- 0 r. The Mine with thoae that rai*n cotton. *' V'onr ag?nt can hoy your ?alt, iron, lio-a ** tnd lugging, by the quantity, much cheap ?r thaii you can hy the amall By uniting ^ n thi* way, w? will gave, at tlie least eat- ^ lulalion, $ftO,tK?0 a year am-aget the farm ^ iri. HnH in a t*m wAa?a "u* * " tappy ettret In t?*"* IMatriet. It U to ha * mati transaction w-ith all. We can select o) hree or four men to examine the hooks, iml see tlint Ilia business ia properly Conluetcd. - . ' f 1 |iave talked with at least, one hondred c< n?n in ihia 1 >inii!? ?, and they say it I* Just *' what we want, and that they ara read;*, tiui sill take stock at onee* and pay the hi none/, an l p??t the thing in motion, to we art get the >?-r.rftt of eaeh otltere etiiMli ' took, that ii required to do eo mnch good n a com mo i<ity. |ln? mapy wtdoWa that m lewd jual inrh a store aa this, and they or ^ ny one else may participate, and all ^ toehlio'dera will fare elike, and aeeornmo- |M late others ?t a low rate for cash. I do |g tope ilint every good farmer, large and ra mail, will e?me up to hia own interest at Ti nee, and save more than donhle His slock ' l>< Ills t anr, ami when tlila is nsderwteod, and ' le 4 a ' * % " * ?a 1 umtnmrify " " before a Jnpllc* of Ikt Pmw, or *Mrr ojflctr, authorised hy Itw, on Information inder oath, without indictment or lntervon. ion of a Grand Jury." Can any thing ba mora lespotio or alarming, than tho power of an gnorant, vicious nagro Juntica to fine and inpriaon any and every man in the State f Suction 21, Enables the Legislature to anboriso and empower any one, a police or lulllia officer, to suspend tho law* of tlie Stnto or be execution of the laws ] The Constitution if tho United States limits tbo suspension f the writ of habeas corpus hy Cungreu, even n cases of rebellion or invnsioni. Itnt here be whole laws or the State, in time of poacp< nay bo suspnuded by some worthless ir.lulop, uthorisud by tho Legislature ! Suction, 25, the General Assam, dy to subject any one to murliml / ??-, or to he pains and penalties of martial law, when* iver they think proper. This infamous power a given tho Legislature under the guise, too, of protecting personal rights. It seems to hove ieen suggested by the minority of tho Eu ireme Court's disrooting opinion in Milhgen's ase. Tbey held that Congress could authorso the trial of n nVurn by a military court.? 'ho frnmere of this Constitution did not Irtmill to leave the legislative power doubtlul in his particular. Sr.rtioji 28, Clearly and distinctly empowers nd the Legislature to keep up nnd inintnin n ttnndiny nrmy in tier of ynct !? 'his alarming power, is given, too, most adt>1tly, Under the protroce, that armies boing angerous to liberty, ought not to ho mainlined in tiino of peace "wi/eowt the con?< *! of in Gmnrmf Amrmhly The purpesn of this pction is to enable the Legislature to keep up regular force of five or ton thousand negro ildiers to suppress and keep in subjection the liito race, after the United Statoe forces ere imeved from South Harolina ! The Constlitton ef the United States expressly prohibit, -,y State " keeping troops or ships of war in me of peace." Hut this Constitution deciavee may be done with the oonsent of tho Lvgisdure ! Farnoe 2 of Ahticls 4, Provide* that the ndgea of tlie Puprenje Court shall be elected ir $ix yr.nrt, an 1 section 1J of the aarna aril, e -ordain* thai circuit Judge# ahall hold their dice for " a term of four year#." Tbl* clef oya the independence of (he Judiciary, and lakes them political partisan* with all the mpta'iou* and corupfiona of politiciana.? d order to secure their re election, tLoy iu*t become subservient to the Legislature, j whom they are to be re-elected, Thoy will id Jure to docido an act of the lifgislalure Dconatitutional, nor will they venture to op. n?e their judicial opinion* to any popular trrcni which may be sweeping ovor the Htato. fhilat the Judge* of Knglsnd were in coin tiaaion during the pleasure of the Cfown. ley wcro alw.iye a tyrant's tuenoula. Here, jfore the Judiciary of thi* State elocted fof fe have alwaya been abovo reproach, and !ieir ermino hn* never been aulllrd with a Lain of suspicion. Honceforth the Judiciary f South Carolina wilt bo a# corrupt and as iibyerrlent as tho ltadica) Party itself. Skcvtost 22, tlivo# Justine* of the Pcaco irisdiction ill eases of bastardy and alt conTacts and torts aa high as one hundred do|ira. This will open tho flood gates of litiga' ion and keop the peoplo in constant excitetent and comtnntion. Pettifoggcr* will spring p all over the State to disturb the peace and uiet of tbo community. Ignorance sod preidioe will ho ailtiog In jiidgiueuton the right* nd liberties of the people. Hrctio.s 2d, Itauios the Judges the right of barging juries in respect to matters of facts ! n most cases tried io our Courts, it is absolute, r necessary for the Judgrflo analyse tho facta in rder for the juries to properly understand them nd give a correct verdict. This will be more nperativo hereafter when our former slnves tiall (> pitting on these jurio*. In coin pi Iated civil chip, before a stupid, ignorant jury nder this restriction, tbo trial by jury will e a mockery of justice. Prcrto* 33, Takes from the Legislature all iscretlon as to the adoption of tlio proposed menilniont of the Fodoral Constitution, clissnehising the people of South Carolina.? his infamous amendment, repudiated by bio, California, New Jersey and even Mnssahanctts, was suhinittod by Congress to the >?eraf .State Legislature* for their adoption r rejection, as to them should seem proper hey were to judge of It* merits and derido >r themselves. Rut this sociion swears them store hand to adopt It, whether wise or un< iae, just or anjust I ' PrrTin.t 34, Declares null and rotd all roa acta for the purchase of slaves. In violation r the Constitntton of the United Stales, kick declare* that no fttat* ?hnll pin* any w impairing tbo obligation of contract*.? hi* ?octl?n wtii in ten i le<l ?* a fraud and ?1oiption, a bribe, to induce the people, owing ich ilohtx, to rote for tho Constitution. ft i* nullity, and will bo an declared by the Feded Court*. Dirt tl?l* will ho after the cheat is bad It* effect*, and accomplished It* purre?. < Bartta* 2 or Annri.^H, Enfranchise* arery ale uoyro orer the aye of twenty one, bother a convii't, felon or a panpor, and dl?an<hi*e? esery white man who haa hetd office l.PoMth Carolina. Intelligence, vlrtne and itrlotlsm are l? give place, in all etectlena, to noranoa, stupidity and trlea. The on potior co ie to be niade subservient to tb* inferior. ?xatlon and repreeentatton are no longer to i united. They who own no properly are to *9 all laser, and wake all appropriation* 1 r v A 5 (9 T B S R I '. ' 'r rv9.-rx^ -- ' r r|y, r-rrr~ihera lb? lotitflt, tliay will ??y, I kit* alock t Ym, yoo may. *Your# RaapactfullJ, A PLOUQHMAff. la not thla a mote In tho tight direction? 9l?r.>? t That ta the tuggctllon 1 "Ploughman." It will not t>? long l e>r? viaetlting of the kind ia introduced in tany town and country' loeulittee, alio bruugliout tha Stat*. FOR TI1K aol'THKnR KNTKRPniFB. The Yankee Negro Constitution. Sbctioo 10, Of tba Declaration of ltighti, Una JiiatlM* ?r P.... l-.l~lt.i1-a. -f .11 ?f. *noea, Um than felony, and In whtob the pun. hmerit doe* not exceed a One of one hun. Ired dollar*, or imprlaonmrnt for thirty day*, "hi* la a jjro** inraatoh of that boa*t andbulrark of Angle Saaon liborty, mi rnUL ?r vnr. Any one may he arroated and " trittl w . : % * . v i ' nOTiTi S=?=?? 'T1 The property holder* have U pay thwM tax or, 1 without having any vote* la levying these l The maquHoM Will be, -In effort, coi>n*ca-1 Hon. Tho appropriations to Support fro* seboola for the edueetlon of negro children,' fbr. the rapport of old negroes In the poor' houses, en (tithe videos in jails end the Pencil a ry, together with a Mending army of negro fold lore, will be crushing end utterly ruinous to the State. Every men's property will here to be sold to pdy bis taxes. .Suction }, Expressly prohibits the Legislature passing toy lew depriving e oo.irV't of leraOny of the right of suffrage. It was apprehended that lu e few yeere a Urge proportion of the negro voters might be convicted of larceny, aud the Radical party thereby shorn of their strength In ell electtous. Hut is it not most shamefal, tbet in forming e Constitution, cars should bo teksn to prsvsAt rogues fTom being disfranchised, whilst the same caution is exsreisod to exclude the most Intel!!gent, virtuous end patriotic from the right of suffrage). It would seem that the purpose of the fTamers of this Constitution was to found a community of rogues and paupers In SouthCarolina I And so astute have they been in carrying ntU their purpose that they provide itl Scctinll 11 tliiet all wltn kava wlwtnilv K?en convicted of/?fc>njr aboil ba ftlhrwod to rota! Sscrioa 2 or Auric t?a 9, Prohibits tbo legislature from levying ft poll tax of mora than one dollar on each parson, and declares that tbla tax aball be applied cxclualvaly to tbe public school fund I And no additional poll tax ahull be levied by any municipal cor. porntlon I In other words, tbo property tnuat pay till the tnxea of tbe government, and per* aooa aball pay nothing fur their protection of lifo and liberty. The Idon la tbat the vagraftts and rogues are to bo|u aort of nofcfrsse, exempt from taxation, as was tbo eaee of tbe arlstoeracy in France previous to tbe French Revolution. Tn order to secure the echool fbnd, Section 15, Authorises the Legislature to punish those who ma/ eniheaete It by declaring thorn disqualified for holding any office of honor or emolument tn thia State. Rut, then, true to their purpose of vesting all polities! power In the hands of suih persons, it provides in tbe Snmo section, that tbe General Assembly, " hy a two-third vote, may rcmovo the disability upon payment la fnll of the principal add luterest of tlie sum erahexalrd If a man has stolen inqn^ from tbe public he mny still bold nfAro under tho Governinont If he will "give np like a gontleinen " tbe money stolen !! Sscnoi Id, Provides that no debt contract, cd by this State in bobnlf of the late rubollWm, in wholo or in.part, shell ever be paid. M'hy should the non-property holding negroes, yankecs and Southern renegades in tbo Conventurn prohibit the property lioldor from paying those dahts if they see proper to du so, and preserve untarnished the honor of their State, This wsr debt was contracted with honest creditors, many of them widow# and nrphans, end why should it not be paid ? Tbe property holders, who assembled in Convention in IMA, and who would have to pay tbia debt, never thought of repudiating it. Sarrine 2 or Antirt.n 10, Establishes a uniform System of free public schools throughout tho State, and provides for tte division of the Stats into sehool districts. This will do vary well in New England, where they have a ,l?.. L..S I. > -- he sparse population of Runth Carolina. In many of tho School TH?: riots, four mile* square, there will not he a ohiM to he educated, "In a majority of Ihem there will no* ho children enough to mako a respectable ohool. The expense of such a system will ht at leant one million of dollar*. It contemplate* auil furcae tlio education of tha white and black children in the same echovl. This, no one, who lias any regard for the morale, manner* and future r*?portability of bl* cliil. dren, will tolerate. They who are able may employ privata tutor* for their eons and daughter*, hut tho poor children will hare no alternative but to go to tboae school* or be uneducated. Sxonox 4, Make* it compulsory /or nil children between the age* of ail and sixteen to attend school for two yeara. This compulaory r/stcm may suit the (renin* of a despotic government like Prussia, hut la at war with tho spirit ef our free institution*. Thete are inany parent* who sri not able to spare the services of tlioir children at home, and many other* who are not in a condition to furnish their children with suitahlo clothes and books for their attendance at these school*. At least a parent should be permittod in ? free rcpuhlicnu country te govern hi* own hou*obo|d and determine for himself what it best for bim to do. In ordor to support these school*, a poll tax of en* dollar per head is to betevled^ which might raise one hundred thousand dollars. This would tear* nine bnndred thousand dollar* to be paid by taxation of property. 8ecriox 8, Provides for the establishment of Htste reform schools for Jarenite offendors. This Is a new *y?tctn to he Mouth Carolina, and of very doubtful policy. It wil'i certainty add hnndreda of tbousands ol dollars to our taxation- XII the public schools, college* and universities In the Stale are by Section 1? to be free and open to all the children, without regard to raee or color. There aocins to be a etodiod design throughout nli the provisions of tbie moil infamous Ounatitution to degrade the white race and alerate the black raee, to force upon o* social u well ae political equality and bring about an amalgamation of rucea. flncnoa 6 or -Annci-a II, Foreaa aaeb County to provide for the support of^the aged, infirm and nnforlunate. It doea not require children to aapport their aged, infirm or nnfortunatc parent#, nor parent# to prorido for their ehildren, but tbie heavy and moat enormous burden is to be thrown on lite public and provided for by taxation. Heretofore South Carolina baa pursued a wiae policy la refuaing all divoeees. The marriage contract ie not like that of any other, which the partiee may reacind at please re. without injury to aochity. There ie a third party. Inaocent and helplees ehildrea, who are doepty Interacted ia^all dkvoreea. Moreover, It tend# to demoroliae every oemmeaity where it la allowed er tolerated. Hut fleet ion 4 glvaa the Conrta power to grant divorce#.? Tbie aeotion waa intended, perhapa, for the as- . pedal benefit of lb# negroaa. It eaght also to havo legaliaed polygamy, which has libewUa great favor with this class ot people. The settlement of a wife's property, provided for In flection ft, might have beea 1?/l to T <t * the discretion and thflom of tor*. I It U on experMwot, aad'if found jmlscheviuus WWtilM, the Legislature ought U lrnve tbo power of changing or alterlaig (bo law. Bat I this ordinary net of legislation has boon lneor- ^ poratad la tbo Constitution at A ftindauiaaU) lair, not to bo re prated. Attached to tbia Constitution, are severe' ordinances, and nuittngst tb?u> ouo ?|)ich ttpudiatea art pledger of fbitb and credit, on tho g pert of the State, to any corporal leu or prl* rat# Individual, inado ainoe 1850. TM honor ^ and credit of South Carolina, bar good fbitb and most aolotnn pledges, are thus treated aa of no consideration, whatever. ltut this ordl- p nance Is on a par with that dishonor, despotism, and unscrupulous extravagance, -which pervade (be whole Con*tltutIon, And ere worthy j ?f the i<?fauioua aouroe wbano* the Instrument mi iia origin, , ( 4 * The ordinance to create a Board of Larnl I Ceooiuieajonora, authoriaea the porch*** of land* for the purpose of eellhig them oat ia S small tract a to purchasers on a credit. Thia wild and rulnouc achome la, likewise, for the nogroe*, and la likely to heneftt no one, exoept F the land commissioners and their friend*.? State stuck* are to be leaned for the purpose of pnrchasing theae land*. They may be Suid( ] bat tbe purchaser* will never pay for them, and the loai will altlmately fall upon the State. Did any one ever before hear of ao i many effective proeialona for squandering public money, when tbe whole State, and alf the people in it, are reduced to baakrnptey ] and poverty J Well may thoae, who have nothing ?nd pay no taxee, provide fur theaa vaet expenditure* of public fund', after I appropriating'tq thein*elvc* cloven dollar* par day and mileage, and dividing out all the officcsof the Stat*. They have appropriated to ] themselves every office except that ?f Governor, which they generocily beatowed on a cltlcen of Ohio. Some are to b* (lulled State* Sanator*, Members of Congre**, Secretary of Slate, Adjutant and Inepector General. Ae., dr., other* are to All Dletriet office*, and th* , remainder become member* ol the liijiil*tare. Tt tlii* Constitution vm all that virtue, Intelligence and patrlelifin evuld deetre, no *en ' sible and botiorable man could vote for It, en account of the tninrpcd and polluted tourc* ^ whence it spring*. Without axooptlon, the Convention wai composed of rcnegad# Southern white*, yankee adventurer* and negroee, rcpreacnting only tba colored population of "I the State. It inuat remain in all time to come, a hgdgc of South Carolina** diihonor and .leg- V riulotiuu, and especially the dishonor and in. fnmy of every oue who vote* for it* ratification. It will be a brand of infamy which will 1 (tick to hi* descendant* in the third and tottrtb generation. We should not derpalr, however, although ' tbi* block Constitution may he saddled on us. It I* Impossible that such a government can continue, and the day must com*, when tbe ** State will be redeemed from Hadicali*niby the virtue, intelligence, patriotism and manhood ' of her son*. 1). Y. l'K KKT. 1 Far the Southern Enterprise. ?" Orncr. .r School CoMKtaatoacaa \ h Fen tub Tow* or OpiR.uvti.i.n, > April 8th, IMA. J The Cointnieaionera lake pleaaure in repart- & iug (bat Ilia amount of twaoty-flre hundred dollnra baa be?n aubecribed for Publio Kduealion, in accordance with the plan adopted at lha Publie Meeting, Maroh 23>1. Tba kubarHptione ara now therefore binding, and nil aubroribara ara requeeted"te call at tba . office of tba Traaaurar. (at Mr. H. Biattii'i atore,) and pay tba irat initaltnent of ona fourtb. In order to provide for aebool furniture, oiapx, chart* and otbar necaeaariea for a wall* ordered reboot, about three hundred dollar* more aro wanted; aud it i* earnestly deaired that tboae who bare not yet aubacribed, but wbo wiah well to the caneo, ahould add their contribuliona to aupply tbaee naode. Bubaertptiona will bo raeoivod by Ma*ar>. H.- littr* Tia, Tn?o?. Ster. *, W. II. IIovgT, II. Ct Maaki.kt or l. wllliamb. It ia propoai-d to opau the 14 Primary School S? on Monday next. April 13tb, in tba building of the Old Male Academy. Miaa Burma C Swim and Miee Kt.ita Powrll bare been elected taaebera. Ity order pf the Board. II. BKATTIB, Secretary and Treaaurer. ? i i ?i i ?. roa rut aoimxiix XRTcarBieR. (irrrktiii.r, 8. C, April 7. 1668. Tba Palmetto Pire Engine Company met in the Court Itouae, at the uenel hour. A ma lion wae made to enepend rulea for the election of new mrmhera. Six pereona elected ravniuvi* a? w mm woTru ilini ina V/OTnpuny q pane a vote of thanks to tlia Amateur Club foe their substantial prevent of $47.95 ; ftUo, vote of thanks to the Editor* ot the ?h* * ttr print fur bill of advertising, amounting to $5.50, receipted, end presented to the Company ; both of wlilob were carried unanimously. II. A. CAUHLS, Vice Prasldeot. A. A. FoeTtH, Secretary. 1 Deci.iVATio*.?Hon. W. D. Porter publishes a eommuniefttion in the Charleston papers, de- A elioing the nomination for Governor of the tttate, on aeeeunt of ineligibility, lie saysi ^ " The offiee ie not one to whieh I have aspired at any time ; lee* than ever would (l be ,j desirable now. Nor, in my Judgment, was it neetssary or espedient to name candidates for Ktate officer* at this oloetion. Hy the second suet ion, eighth article, of the proposed T Constitution, I am disquulited from holding office under it; and, although I am not insen* f slide to the compliment ef the nomination, I eannet properly consent te be a candidate. Dut this la ef little real eoneaqaeaee, for if A + /V?. vainimwMt /?? C?H (IVI9M the Constitution ; rbieh, after all, it jour great ? hjort. A vote ' against the Constitution,' in tha form proposed in thnl inatrtmout, wll| on war all ;?w putpunt and Mlifjr yonc whala ? poIUiaal duty uudar aaietiag alreulnstaneaa." Hon. Inter W. IIitu cWellnei tit* ?oml- * nation far Attorney-Ounaral, and Ik hll aaad * ?y?i A M Ta rata against Ota OenalUwltoa, la erary white maa'a duty, and a far tMtof negro alia U Urea kit rare, would d*a ao Mm aim; (at 1 fra? that few aucb will ha final." ' I * k ~ f i ? ,.!m. . . . - ..--i. I M <U (Ovmu MfWHia ' Kactra trnO?oia. ' a uwiw or mtMia l UfWn In tba Cytnu ?f Vwnnd 'K Mem on tk? crfHi of th* Aanr^tw WUI*, iiid It aril by I !) Ohapol of Still Clot Til* livro of lh? kunltina ahrllh. brtlb wHb a nhriak lik* i tool in pal*. Low to ilia rallajr and toud on tip Mil, 'ill It dl*a away Ilka wnw alf In tiraia, In Ilia reada of aba trqgaa HILIraiicnta to loupv I# fioi Vranaoi*,- ' * Will b?int lo-day wli?r* tha wild boar lirooda { - ' . ? laid hr tha flhanrl of Saint E!ui. In the lt>rdIj Auv? rgne woods. * \ '%j.. V- * tad lil? Irt-idn of t week U MU Golsnde, She whom met call " La S?m d'Artois," tils telling bar bands with IIaIm hand In ill* ChaUau of Vermaadota 'vasant and priest look forth Is a wo And ernes themselves as the train swoops. . *>y. r??r tha prineely 8effne?r do Vermandols, Mea say, has tho aril eye. Franooi* Is lamp hunts long and lata. And the flush of Ilia sunset is reJ oa tho snow, __ a - ? }0| llie train somas not to lbs sastle fata, Though the shadow# glide aad flow. t is nH(ht In the Ohatsan of Vsrmaadal% Might in - the hollow and sight oa Vha hill : Jut down in the Chape) of Salat Kloi A dim light fliekere OtllL Acd the Priest kneels there by the Chapel shrine, *' Hut never a tonsnre hs? he, I ween ; And the eyee that gleam under his gsber? dins i* Are ths ejss of Meselre Jeao. ife'sfre Jean, du B-ls Oaronne, Messirs Je?n, le brara, le bssu t Vhat doss he liars while the night creep* on ' And darkens ths pallid snow t ["o the walls of his stately Pieard tower The path Is long through brake and l>rar? Vhr kneels he here in Ilia twilight hour In the garb of a hooded friar f 'risteam, ths hound, has pricked his ears Where hard by the posters he holds hla '' lair, f i 'or stealihily taking tha night, he heard A step on ths turret stair. "he winding rtair that ahnra To thi bower nud* soft with l?tlb?rj ruth, There the Ladj Oolanda her new mode lore . Hits in thn silken hush. >ite end weeree at e good dame should, ? A wondrone welt of orient dyes, lade eweet with the eeent of the Sendal* weod And gorgeooa na orient ek1*e. . >r etrikee her eithero end einge and telle Borne eweet eoft eong of the Prorenee rilU, )r a legend wild of the Draehenfel*, Or a chaunt of the Dauphin# hills. > * ^ iut not la her bower's odor oat gloom, ' Nor in turret nor hall elte the lad/ to* n'ght, . lie web hangt loose from the idle loom And the cithern U tllent quite. [ho pattern gate list opened alow And a form has passed, like a shape la a dream, Vhcre the flickering rtar-bcamr gild the eoow With a wierd, ueearlliy gleam. be bar donned her wimple and dooaed bag heed, And baa passed from the Chateau of Ver? naudois, . , tear heath and woM to the twilight wood To the Chapel of Saint RloL ind tha Priest bu turned from tha ilttr Ihero, That holy man in bU robes oT gray, I* bu thrown back tba oowl from hi* nn horn hair, It* bu toiMd kb lUff m;< fesslra Jean da BnU-Garonne, And alia that war orat kta promised brida in the Arlois bilia a month egooe, Bund rilaotly tide by side. ha ba* bant to kb alafp, Lard Franeata* brida ! Ska ha* bowed to bia lip*, La loan d* Ar- . tols f ilpi that with aaeh kira cry In thalr pride, Ah Golsnde! Lnaora ana foist % rbaro'a a sudden atlr in tba twilight wood, A iwlft sharp glaam 'twUt tba Karl and tha mow, > thrust that ?in it as through aawl aad hood To tba gallant Ufa balow I bora is tba glaam of tba dying light, Francois la Loap! la Aar Francois I lla I Ha, Bonusira !'?and tba blada glaam* brigbb-^ Ha! Ha Encore ana fol* I' ' * * f i,.'. ' rlsiram. the hound, has itltml la hi* l?l. Hy Mi* turret atepa where be lletk low, or t eotind balk (mole of I be ata riled air. Like a abriok of mortal woe. form Iim puad through the poatera.door. That ope? to the Chateaa of Venaeadota,. ut the Lad; Wolande mum beak *o mere ' From the Chapel of Saint Kloi. ut the haatamen that traaka the red, deer'* eli't Oroeeee htouelf with the holy alga, ad the Aevorgoe peaaaat tarriea apt Te pray at the Chapel ahrine. . " . -t . ad on wintry night* whea the wlada aee Htk The warder* whe wateh ad Veraaandat* . ' ear a any that thrill# like ? demon aheut, lie! Ua I Koeota Caa Foil!' r-.ff 9. H. ' , A..' . 9 * ..