University of South Carolina Libraries
1?^ ?i - ' n <mi\mv> - T ^ ' JF*" > * !?!_ Li 1 '. " " .n. . . ? BMdotB of a IMT. T.eopold, Duke of Lorraine, bed a "tewf wjuned "^iareb, wftdch ,*a* kept f? ? xnull rion or but, placed in a barn.? .- During the winter of 1700 loiiie *yt . . y*)<>r people. *h?t #eew neatly JWWINI a^tli the eofd, went into the barn fur . rhelter. Among the#e poor people -tilore ivba p jiiile boy. w lobbying very cold, and seeing thai MardbV den waan . ?nng and warm place, uent'intn it.jvithoul thinking of the danger of doing 8o. Marco, however, ln#t**d of ' tearing the poor little tfillow all til piece?, aa night have been expected, took liiiyi betVeen hi# paw# and hugged him to hia brea#t, pud kept him *aim ynd conrlWrtable until morning'; be then let him go to ran.ble abuut the alreeta of the city. At eveolng.the boy returned to tbe near, who was glad lo tee lurn, and fork hiin between his pews and kepi him warm as before. For several _ nights the poor little boy had no oilier place to sleep but with the bear; and what is still more singular, the animal kept part of his food to give hint* for his supper when he came. The keeper of the few Jtnew nothing of this for a nnmber of days. At length, go'ng one evening later than usual to give the bear his supper, he was surprised to see the animal roll his eyes in a furious manner at him.? The cause of this strange conduct the keeper did not at first umleralaud, hut on looking more closely, he saw, to his astonishment, that the bear had a child clasped in his arms, fa?l asleep, and jhat his fierce looks were intended to warn iniu not Xo asvaken the child by making a noise. The keeper found, when be placed the food h?f,?re liim, that the aaimal did not seise upon it as usual, but Uy still without touching it, for fear, as he supposed, of awakening the child. A report of this strange slory was soon carrhdd lq the duke, who, with sotne of bis nobles, wisher! to' see so curious and interesting a sight with their own eyes. Thev, therefore, one night went and stayed near the bear's IiiiI, where they could now and then J noli in and see what wa* going on.1? cannot |?|| you,* * Because I he rpirror i# polished, and the man is not.". Vk'nrn Richard Piere, prin'sr, of Boston, worked off from his hand pre**, on the 26th of September, 1080, the first newspaper ever published ip Amer ica, the Uenetal Court toofc the sheet into custody, held solemn debate over the daring disturber of the public quiet, and voted that it "contained reflections of a very high Bature," and that ^le publications was contrary to law. It jraa not allowed to appear agsio. They saw, with a^tunUjnnc.nt, that (lie animal never stirred so long as tLe l?oy lav still and continued to sleep. The child awoke very enily in the morning and was much ashamed to tind that the duke and his gentlemen were looking at hint; he was .also. atiaid of hcing punished for ; heing found there. The bear at this lime was trying to make the hoy eat what had been brought to him (he night before, end which he finally did at the request of the gentlemen. The duke was so much pleased nl this- eingn)ar friendi-hip that he had the little hoy fed uud taken care of. * . . < t Saint Fajricji.?"Saint Patrick yras a gynlljeiuanJ' according to the old ?Onff. hut he was not, a* is generally believed, |Mi Irishman lie was born, pear the mouth of Clyde, in Scotland, jn 3-72. At sixteen years of age he was captured by a band of outlaw* and carried a prisoner to Ireland. a. captivity of six months he escaped to Scotland. The pirates seem to have had a fancy for the young man and gaptured him again; he was equally fortunate in escaping a second time.? lie was resolved to heroine a mi-sionary |p Ireland, and after a long prepaiNlion was ordained priest, and finally ronse crated bishop. He enieied on hi* la bors in Ireland in the year 432, when he was at the age of sixty. His yieaphjng wae attended with such surpass that ' before his death, he convened the whole island lo Christianity. lit* bap tizecl the kings of Dublin an<l Mini ster, and the seven sons of the King of {Jonnaught, with the greater part cl their subjects. A popular legend asscribes to him the banishment of all the snakes and venomous creature* from the Emerald Isle, by means of his crosier or staff, which wn preserved in Dublin with great veneration its late as 13?U. Musical Cow IW^t^.?It is said that cow bells of rolled sheet it on, ten inches deep, with a mouth thiee bv six indies, can be distinctly heard front ibtee to five mites. A farmer in Eng laud provides all his cows wi'h belt* tuned to different notes in the scale, and the whole running through several . octaves. A visitor to thia faun is charmed by the music a* well as the sleek oattle. Sometime* he hears *ev eral notes in unison, then a alight die cord, and then a swtet harptorry, and { all varied by distance, and by tLe ris ! ing and falling of tljp btet-zc. A gentleman, one evening, was seat ed near a lo\.Iv woman, when ihe com pan? around were proposing cotniii- | drums Jo ya< h o'lter. Turning to his I companion, he said j H Why is a lady unlike a mirror f" She gave it np ? V Because," *aid the rude fellow, - a mirror reflect without speaking; a lady speak* bout rcfleTting." f% Very good,' sa d sl;e. ' Now answer me.? Why is a man uiilikn a mirror t" * I . - T ? S 'S Th? Ab8Droitt ojr Dftivftmo.?Itl hua become a tori of popular.?alrroat * rational?llint it U not poneible ?? ba truly Irnppy uulefta \?>u driiilr.~ Among wrinin 'Jtbey am by no niMi i xclrtnU-elv tbn lowent? diiokihg is i lies beginning apd em I uf nvet^ibing.. Tiie very name of. liquor, in held to 4ye nynouyinonn with erjovluenl, mix} the deaier the liquor the tpom it it prised and coveted. Yet j eveiy n.nn alio h not n donnrigkl ; drunkMtd. jn well n* nre ihnt the plena* .uie? of drinking nie, Iwyoud a pertain ' rtoint. a ttiixrlierv. a ileliwion uit a snare. i pot it to any one who he* stood half the night in chib mom, J dtinkiag, smoking. and bandying rrckr less talk. if the enjoyment of nuch en ! evening has been anything like that of a few quiet hour* sjteul at hojne with * book or tie*a|Rper{ The evil influ* ence of pleasure t n the health in loo obvious to kg dnied by any one, and the iHusory nature of the pleasures ihefnsehe* would'he undeniable al?o, tf the peisona who indulge in them did not dvr^hre tlu-mselVt* and put the truth out of right. No ore t ver brought any good out of a drinking bout yet. it j? a short foverMt spasm of animal enjoyment, which leaves nothing hut moro*ene?s, regret, had temper, t-elfi-li reproach-and headache. it ... Wiijsky vs. patkrotibm-*-mr. V#n Wyck's report on the *vhi-ky bund* furnirhes some sliiking itlu.-tiatioiiR of the effects of oppressive taxation on the prorata and the productive interests of a people. Wherever the tax has Ireen collected, and the provi ions of the law tigidiy enforced, production has en'irely ceased. In districts where bribery has/eJnapd the eie* of the in pectorlt. the number ot di?til!eno? lias increased *?rn* eight t?r ten thousand j?er cent. In |vnh Ca*e* the revenue i? tmnfticietii to defray the cost of its coN lection Not more tjiatt ad? eighth of the wlikkv iiinluifactiirvd pay* .any tax at all. and the market pi ice generally rules h?low the lax. Taiiff niali.'As he is, Mr. Van Wyek is forced to dta com clu-ion that it is indispensable that the tax should be reduced, lie is cornpell ed Jo admit 'hat, while radicalism is a great priiifipjp, whisky in a stil} greater i one; and that, in a contest bet seen the two, the former is no wheier Patriot i?mi if mi frfj in i o vny j uin when pa!rioii.-in demand* thai people pay I wo hundred wHiinni a year for tlie privilege of buying lot-ir liquor. p>?tiioii-m gi>r* too far, ami will prol>al l\ find il convenient, mi view of the coin ing election*, to lum'ify i'? i jew*'on the liquor jjuesiion. [ Churlcs!ui> ?? - - 4*4?'k- ? 9 9 Is the time id Oliver C'omwell, themagistrate* in the, North of England ponUbed drunkenness hv making lh?m carrv what is nailed the '^diuiikaiilV cloak." This ?aa a large barrel, widi one In ad nut am} i) hole in the other, iliiouglt which ike olfenhr was made to put hia head, while Ida hand* were drawn through two mini! holes, one or. each hide. Willi I Ilia he Was - com pel I d to march along die public street*.? What a htrange sight it would be .were all the di link irds dow-n-dnv? CowtH-jl cd tp ijiaith about wealing bant'ls f.<r cloak*. -? ? WijKiJ a voting lady takes lo singjug hctniltiental songs, j* fond ?f being ahiiie. for wiib orle oilier. 1 admires the I (ier|i l.inu sk v, hiiiI i? peciallv taken [ with ilii* yvo'ing stai* and other heav | fitly bodif*,' ii cnii wfely he judged that not only her eye himI Hie ; under geniltf n pit avion, hut aUo that o'her ingan, commonly known as the | hettit. lUr core will generally hriw sttied b\ a romse of inattimony begun .-Hilv mikP puti-md with paiiince and J peatevet ance. ' ? I '?rgept organ in the world i* said to be in the ijllle city of Fieyhurg, in Swioetland. W hen in full play, it pours forih a Mnpest of sound* through a fpre>l of pipe* 7.800 in nupiber, shaking I be wa|U ant) lj?? foundations of lire old c-t?|iic|i pi which it stands. Sap.?Said a poor littIp pjiJ. ju the Fotirlli W aul of New Yoik, a* she was dying, * I am glad I am going to die, for now my brothers and si?teia will have enough ?o eat!" Nothing could he written or thought mote sim ply pnihetiu. Very Important prd?r from General 1 Canby. Tlie ftdfowing order, hot t>y Rmrril 1 ?nMT, Will M ruao WIIU general Interest.-[t will be men by Section flr.-t' that tliu election on the uneation of adopting or rejecting the foiislitntion to Ik1 presented, ax fragiwl by the R*mni?tfucli<ii) Convention n?w in auniun, and also for Slate atiil Federal office* wtil ho ' commenced on the 141la proximo, and t>y Sec linn second, that the hooka of Heaixtration era to he re opened and revised. We rntnmend the order to the perusal of oor reader* : llsanor am mm 8*conn Mii.itart Di*t.. ) Charleston, H. C_, March 15, |M?8. j ,V?. 40] The fmmtitutloual Con von lion of the .State of South Carolina, in conformity ^itli Ihe jd ot COngfess of March if, 1807, nupptrrneitl taTy to the Act of Msrcli t, 1807, ** to provide for the more efficient government of the ret?l States," having framed ? Constitution and Civil Ooveminent according to the provision* of the olorecited taws; and having by an l)r> dinance adopted on the 9th day of March, 1808, provided that the said Constitution shall be submitted M for rati^cst'ion p> the persons | registered under the' provisions of this A<*t, (March SS, I8f>8, Section 4,) at an election to ' he conducted by the officers appointed or to be appointed by the cowmen ding (Jeperal as ' herein before provided, and to bo held after ' the expiration of thirty days after the notice | thereof to be given br the said Convention nod havhtg farther pre . Med, hy the aforesaid . ordinanee, that at the same time an aleetiun | shall be held for Governor, LtcwUimnt-Gbvi ernor, Adiutai.t and Itispoetor-Oensrai, Kocro riwsff "J 1 < '1 * ' ki^* of Suite, CoatpttoUor-QcMral, Trenrorrr' Attorney fleneral, Beperin.teudeot of JBduee tW, aud-mrinber* of the OeaeSi AMOmbly. end farther tlmt to oaeh "CongrMidoeAl IH"trii.t ?f Ui* l<Ut? da ?WfHon Anil ho hold for #mm' rr in the Horn* of K$|inernUtK? of tlrrf r?1M Rtater Oengrorr, and for two anem:it T?r-i- ; l t i Vtrrt. Thnt an election bt Md in.the State of 8<a?eh -Carolina, cuaunrnei&Jt AO Yuc*<ley, th# 11th day of April, and ending 6o fhwt* .for, the t?th day of April, rrhioh el) registered voter* <4 fold Stale may vote " Pnr Courtiletiun " <>r " A>ca ??l Constitution." mm elan ?>a the some ballot for tho Bute olHecra end raeBt)fT? of the iHonre of Representative* rpehillrd hi the eJhrocitod ordtnatiee.' fwofid. It eh all he the data of the Heard* "of ftcyietrntinn lit fnath' Carolina, romm?fir Injf fi>ort?en day* prior to the election herein ordered. nnd ?i~i?y intwiirMk public notice of tho time and pine# thereof, to retire for'* period of Irt day* the nyittTktim tide ; and Upon htiti| ratUflcd that any perron not entitled thereto haa been yeyiateml, to tirikt Hie name of rrteh perron from tin lirtr. nod rordi gtyonn eh* II .not ho entitled to rote. Tho ooiitdt of Iteyiatration rhall alao, iturlrg the raene period, tuid to anrh rtgiiitn the name* .of nil perron* who #1 that time porter* the qualification* R?|uind by'rdid Act*, who bare not already..been reft let qirod. Third. To decidinr who m to be rtriehen f"itn or ndded to the rryirtratioa llrtr. the Hoard* will be yitidcd by the law of Mareh t, lFfiS. and the lawa rnpplomentary thereto, anil their attention ir menially directed tho | rnpnlementiiry Art of July 1ft. 18fiT. fourth. Any duty reyirtorcd voter of tfci* Rtate who may hare removed (Vi>m tho !>{*| trirt in which be wer reyiatered, rhall bo elf. i billed to vote io the IHrtriet frouniv) to ' wlilrh be hji* minored ami reaided for the ten 1 daya next prrceilto* thin election, npon prvtmlrHin of a itrlifrrli of reytatration fro/n tbn T>i?lrlo. Tn which he war ort'/lnaHv r-'srt*terrd. or upon blr efli.lurit or other raHrftn-io ty evidence that, be war *o rcgirtarcd, and that he baa not voted at thi* election. Ft rhall He the duty of the Roeiatrara, upon the application of any duly TWylafered voter who ha* removed or ir ah.ait Ut remote from the lireeinct in which he war nrtiriimlly rey'lered, to furntrh him with a certificate that he war ro reyiafercd. ?nd to note the fntfln the real** tra'lon of the pnaeincf. In defaoit of Ilia certificate.- the affidavit of the voter mart Ml forth tho Pirtric* and precinct in which he war originally roeiatered, and" the lenyth of time he ha? reridod in the country io wlth-h be dceiree io vote. Tn doubltnl Marl, the RcTinrara or Manayera of Kh-cliona rhall require audi additional evidence a a may he fieccrrarr tp aatlafy them thai the applicant i? legally entitled to vole, RtanV forma for the certificate* and for the affidavit# herein rr? on'red. will ho fhmiahed the Reyiatrnr* and the Miitinsrr* of Rlrctiona. and when IIred will l-c attached to the hallnt*. cant hv ruch voter*, mill will he trtmnnilM t? T>i*trict H'-ndqnnrtcrt wilh t!ir return* required by law. , IPiftb. The said Hrrtlim will W hrM In well lii?trirt nt ?ueh |daec* nf mar hereafter <u 'Iftljnutnl, no.lor tbc rupnrjntcwdenre of thh fi??pl? of Registration m provided by low, and in oreor lonne with instruetiopa horcaftcr in he riven to raid Ttoard* In ennfhrmity with the Ante, of Co ngres* and a* far a? may be with the law* ?f South raruliwi. Pii'ti. The poll* rbafT be opened nt such voting place* at *1* o'clock in the forenoon, and closed nt si* o'clock in tlie afternoon t?( each day. and ybaU he kopt open (luring these tlotira wiiimnt inletcuitrion or adjournment. Seventh. All judges and cloak* employed in conducting *nid election ahall, before commencing to hold the s.?m?s Ira rwom to the f.Mihfol performance of ttteir djeiir*. ami shall at.e lake and suhncrihn the ?aWt of office prescribed hy law for o|)J<:c.ra of the Railed ht-ilan. Eighth. No lucniher of the ll< ard t f Registration. who is a eaadidate for election tr ' any rtllii'r to he fflhfd nt tiib Httibn, shall serve as n Judge or Manager of the JKlcetioc in any precinct wliieh he seeks to represent. Nlitih. The Sheriff and other pence'officer* of each County are required to_ he pri'ptt) dpring the whole time that the ualll are k?qd j ojwn. and until the ebrttan is completed ; oi'd will Lc made rcepoueihtu thai Ihcru ahall j he no interference wilh -Judge* of Election*, or other intetruption of good order. I( tberr . should l?n mnit than one polling plaeo in ntiji Connty, the Sheriff of the County hi empoweacd and dtreeted to nmka ?neh aislgnineuti of his deputies, and other peare officer*, to thi other polling place*, a* in his judgment bffal ifl'Mrrt the purpose* "of qniel and or?ler: am he < fbrtlier required to report t litem arrqugp uient* in adranee to the Cnmnuullrr of thi MiNfary Tost in which hi* County is aituuted Tenth. Vio'anee, or threat* of vioelence, 01 of dia.-hargo from employment, or other tip precsive mean* to pmvent any person fron | ritgintcrinr ?r exorcising M# right of voting in iti? oly prohibited nod irtr/ nuctl will If rrp>irlfn 'l>; tho Kf(i?ir*r? or Jtnltfi of F.lcotion* to lint Punt Commander, and w|l miiw llif inrffl and trial of the nlfcwdera hj military authority. The exhibition or curry inr of deadly ureapnfta in rioUtittn of tlenera Ortlrr* No. i<V. of ISA?. at or In the vicinity o %!>>' poHfwg )>UffS d|t/inir the election he(eii ordered, will he regarded uod treated at w additional nfffnre. Klerrnlh. All bar-mnm*. anloonr and othe n'?ff? lor I he rale of liquor* by retail, will ? fl'ffd fr?'W *1* "frltak ?tl the evening of tfci IJtih of Apr!'. notfl six o'clock of the mom injr of the t7th of April, )M8. and Hprltif 'hi time the able of nil intoxicating HqnoM al o near any polling ptnru U prohibited. Tin [ police oAcer* of cities and town*, nut the Sheriff* and other peace oflh-er* nf fnaa tie*, will be held rer|>owethtn -for the alrh-t en i foreemcnt ot thi* prohibition and will prompt i ly eryeet and hold for trial all persona nty [ mi* trnq?aac?? It. J *; ; VrTwelfth. Military interference with ohtc three, " ?nle** It shall Hi wecreeary to rep* the armed vnetni * of the fritted Htotri, or b keep the peace at the putts," in prohibited hi he Act of fon-'ree*, approved Kehrnary 3U Iami no enldwr* will I # allowed to ap i*ear at any polling FHw-e. wwler* as eltirewe o tire State they are qualified and are rwgii-t?rc< a* vofers. ami then ooU for the purpose n voting; hot the Commander* of Host* wll keep their troopa well in hettd on the day of election, and will be prepared to a* promptly if tbe ciril authorities art unable l< preserve the peace. thirteenth. The returns required hy law l< he made to the fowunnmler ot tho Drstriol v the remit* of this elrethm, will he Tenderer by the Hoards of Regi?tratien of tbe cerora reiriatretion pre.ineu through the C'onrtearr Hera if the Military Poets in which their pre rinr'w are situated, end iw accordance wi'l the ?leta?*e?1 tiwJKlloM h?mrin to k giv,-o Pi.nrl-?n?h. Tb# 8UU ofttcr* to be rvUi i fnr ?i tkif i lfdtloi m? IV???r??r. ? J. X. Adjutant and tnepeetor-Qaovtal. 4. Snrrettry of Slate. 1 5, rnunirnlltr-dtMral. X. Tr Ifur*. T. X. ffi?pnrinlon<t.-?nt of ({duration. * Mrnjhors of llir OoMraJ An?jM,r. FifU-eiith. The f irat (*,,nKf?*# < ? ! iNftd* J l? cnnipoa'd of l"? ?>naiulee of f.anrartrt I fhtiftrVM. Marlboro*. Darlington, Morion florTy. O?i?wlo?ii, iVilHinnbarg, Saintui I Clarendon and Knrrljaw ; the Second w eom 1 powil of thr ^ounlira of Cliarktilna, Colleton | Fenwfort and IUrn wall ; I ha Third ia roaipoa cd of tb* CountUa of Orangeburg, Islington i KirhUnd, Newberry, Edgetnld, Abbeville am Anderaon ; the Fourth ia rompoaed of lit ! fountirr of Owbn, Fiekana, flraenrilla, Lao . rona, HparUiibyirg, Union, York, Cheater am Fairituld : ia rjrk of which one peraen aha! ' be oWtrd aa Repreaantativa to tke (lonjrrrr { of the United Rtata*. In aflviition, two othe ! mraahcra of that (tody will be aleatad by th< ballot* of tMb ragiatemd rotor* voting large throgWout the Slate. By oontinand of Brevet MgjorOeaeral Fd R. 8. Caaby. , 1.0UIR V. CAZTARC, I A Id-da-Camp, A. A. A. Aaaaral. - - -Vi> . , . 1 w 4 V 4 , T . . - * ' .' V: -w txdjXV'H'j a .i.I * n-iiify '". c LW'iit i ifci'iijfinn1', . Rut fflwamS Q. T. TOW**, Senior ; mo. C. BAILBY, h?'r.? AnoeUti Editor irao* Awsswaa* ONE DOLLAR FOR SIX MONTHS. 'flW# 10 im'H rrtw'et oar ou/jjr fm-tif rb~Jpt, NOW W the time to nkwdhe. The X??M la and eaeUioft. Matters teneral add VKeferoeOby.hlteatjvp JA<> diaraetpKML * ? ,1 y? VtW Sditore Aafce peiro to erWt to the reader* of the KNTBftPRIBR heti and Comment* *i to"c?irmut ?v?nti,"'kii(l will Wtotioae t? atlvvcat* m?k iMMfM M l? judgment will pnvaule the weal. Alee (irlu a fair presentation m<1 bearing to l??tb Idea of public qneaftana.' f Cotton and Other produce ?u?m?*di*R |m prion*. Wo fnmfly ahvitld ho without a nwnd Wewrpaper. It l? lb* rlienpe?t of aM * * " 'of Information, iwpre?Mwnb *dueaU?u pad ; regular eatert liainent, and profitable to f<ry Urwnrilb, P, felrniv; 25,.IMS. ARRIVED aid mm ei sist iistait A FiATK LOT OF TOBACCO, TOBACCO, Both Chewing- and Smoking, ' I NO Fjtlra, wl.loh ha* nndOr tOW * New >'oik Internal Revenue | Inspector'* K\uu>iiiali?n ami therefor* ia ' obliged to Im fine, which I (na-JJipfrchrijp j ? vt-.ry cheap f r it* quality. It ia ind-ad j a delicion* wml. Cigar*, far clt*?jar than you have erou them lor many a day : Keel jL'gi'U for 50 cents per l?ot-?n, at JOHN 1> ASHMORRS. A very large lot of Ladie*'*nd Mteeee STRAW HATS, latest *tvl*e, trimmed and nutrimmed, uniungii which am the Oreeian, Grecian Norma, Norma, and. Florence Norn*, be*idea.?nairv oilier tylea, at join* n A?IJ Afeo. n mn?' beautiful lot of Trench and American Artificial Flow.-re, Ribbon* An., it -., at JOHN 1) A *11 MURK'S, j Alto a great variety of Trimminffa for IadliV Ibeedtig, Braid*. Ilutioiie, Velvet < Ribbon*, T >ff*ta and Hell ditto, flip-pad,) sdk, Flak and Cotton, at JOHN D. ASIIMORITS. AW, Glove*. lloeiery, Uiol r Gaunt lit*, Corwete, (H'eecli) Iudla RnMmr Garter*,. Chord ai d rirai-lf. Needle*, Pine, Hair Pin*, Combe, of every etvfe and variety, at JOUlf !> AanWmlM. Al?n. India Rulitier fialle, Marble*, (Olaaa and Marble Ko<k.) Qon Klin"*, Imp*, Mua ket ditto. Powder, Shot, lead. Ac, li-aide* a hundred or two Other Ijtt)*> ma] Fancy 1, I?n ?- .1.'-- . 1- Li It T> i|?t S ?)?, remarkably dhaap. I*.'innlira, llair Oil* and oilier Toilet Articlea, Leaidea Hair Rrn-he? at.d Gowk*. al ' JOHN D. ASIIMOI(K*8. 4'?P, A very Mti-ntirf lul ft Crockery and Ol**atrare. Tnnibl?r* al AO ernli prr eelt, <^l)|'* and Saucer*, with 9 Hi ? Mlection id KiikIMi and lJjwthuin* fJr.hlle OidiM, Xnpp and pinner Plate*, Citra and i Sana, r*, ltpwlj, Pitcher*, Ewer* and Ratio*. A?? A?;, at JOJIN T>.'A55||W<)Rira Al??. a clime* lul ol 8"gai?, C-ff-a. t-*f, ' Boliive Swii|'i * ?Mpfi( ? aillele to ih't - (jiilibii " of " ?ugar IUiim. " Kynifia. Rabrk in*, fun ant*. Citron, M?*e, I Candl**, Maeeirotd, Olnor, Sod* 1 Oraolu-rr. (Irtii.) with many other ar)ic|t* I in the Ur^i-ry lirtu, which i can a?il nh . more moderate ! rot* than tv?r Lrfmr finrf I I lie war. AI a larir? a*fe'-rtment of Men ,; and B?y'? ttaia; Wool. For, Felt and Silk, 1 Siraw, Vaii'iniA, ? hit? ki J e??loie?l. ' A'ao, v?iy Inge aaaoffn-a t of Ladi**, Wua-**, lieiifi, Y'-ofba and I'oya flwtr*, lor 1 Hfrinj and Saim>"'f; iunluiluitf Pall. Kip. ' 8-al, and lulling Iturlnrt Oaiiere, 1 Mnlinmala, and Coanrmi '(lie, and Lac**, kc.. A lao. a 1fl? i'f apd Summer Calico*. fVinta, Mii-lin*. ! #* *?-Veil*. YriJ*. r' llaiiilkettlii*f?, Towel*, Taldchlh^ qnri . alni<>?t every oilier Hud of Itry U<k*U kept , I in a l-aek cooi.try rtnrc, all of which will I I.e..J.I .? ...?a I ?- ' ? , | -| [w"T' "I"" nrir 'li'Tf, |? t ' JOHN j#. AMIIMOKKH. * I A l*rve supply of Shit uixi Hh~?rt. I in?a. All iIim foregoing G?n<U, br?i?le? ' many ?>?? ? r* not inrni Wm-d. wri? arlretrd 'or wig. clilcflv In Nrw Y?ik Ci?y. by sJoutli' ?rn M?n bnainraa th?r?, ml lung and li?rg?" cijufiriiM1. wh? ftr- mfft gtmlittoki 1 to make fliftWu irlr?l|oni Ui?|) mywlf, (nd ' Ii?t? been i?nt to ma at pric-a (with tha r rso-ption of a v?rjr f?-w article any p that baa barn tirmiglit to llila market >m? B the c)?*t of ti e war, ami will l>? m>M Ia my i4>1 blend* and patron*, as l| aa the puh k lia generally. at a eerj small profit for cash r or r^vintry produce, only. Call and art s them at 1 Jno. It. Aafatitorc'l, On* TVor South Nrw Court llotuc Jjain tjt. Mar 2? U if *... . a~vka t~.r~7! POH I WEED'S SEWING MACHINE r ^ I BL / rllK Wl mil no?[ limpU UwliiM ran i? ??!?, aitd ir unraorllrd liy nay ?*? > |imwlH< to tha pultli*, h*?ii g all th* Intra* iHi|>rnyrmr|itp , ear* the air eight Nee il?, aiakea the Tight Uc^ Stitch. wbhrh it the duly rrliihU ufp, *gi ahnwathy a^uw on hoth aMaa. It U atmplr. eaaily aroiked and kr|>t in or?ler; it will Stitch, ilrm, I K?r|l, Hit4. IJord, Braid, Jlnffli-, Tock, ^?l|t, , lino (iather and Soar, at tha tain* ' lima, p. (forming a greater varioty of Wotk \ I ban 4<>t i?i |t?r hUebkor, on t|i? lighUat U . Ilia h?atir? fabriea. ' It receiead a arodal at the rtMal Pari* Y.x ^poaittoa. We ^arrant tbaag to glre aatWartiva; il I UO|, rrturo tlniu * Plaaaa call and tualM (hem. I We alan keep ronatoatly oa hand, a anperloi 1 aaaorttnent or Oentletaan'a il'KNIRHlNti . OOOfiR and TRIM MINDS, from the akeap r aat to the beat iiualitle*, and tow fop re*h.? Wa Will CUT and MAKR ia tka beet aad t latayt iaayrored atylee, all 0ara?eala for Oaatlnaen and Bauta' Wear, Ladiaa' Olealt aad . Hack a, Ac. All Wotk warranted. rtraaaelll^*MfTO?ORB!< Jan IS . M *W ? * t * "" ' JI* +m % '**' . 1 'iiiin it iinim, ANOTHKR VflMARt ARSORTMRMT OW MtfRTS, GIRSKJLRt, BLEACHED AVP BROWJf \ v SHEETINGS - ' V ARB ' r' ? * - Shirt ingrs, ' {SJtA 181 AN D,AC.,) f? wblcb m Wjtld invito aUOndoa. > AhSO, ?S. amPXSiSIB JWDIP <Diy COFFEES, TEAS, MAR, MOLASSES, RICE, CHEESE, &0.? 4Jl! of criiirb we will cell tl l.OW an tbrjf can ho bvnrlii in any market In the State, 4FMM|H>rtalion wld?d. ? *'u lcff) rvuitantlF on band, all JtbwM of Provisions, . AT THE i-OWEST MARKET RATE8, jar- PUR TERMS ARK STRICTLY CAfctl; Williams & Whitmire. ' (IreenviUe, 8. C., Jannavjr (t, ISO*. .13-If FRESlf ARRIVAL TIIK mdtrilirMd ban ioot received opened a BRAVTirUL LOT OK m AA'iiiHi tio hSpm to hU cnitupm and the pablu generally, at . | GREATLY REDUCE!) PRICES. Thank fnl for ib? liberal patronage ho bupea to merit ? cootijunpiee of pw ' W. H. HOVEY. Jam $ M tf - Notioe. Alii por#on? to are, are reqneatod to ?v|M forward and muki p*]riaenli iuiuiuiliutclv. Uipr iuilulgmoo caouot bo given. Settle- uivnta mutt l>o made. Vf. If. MOVKV. jo*I v >3 . sr. Washing Machine*, fnAVK on ha ml and for aalo. ?'ip h< >urn cakolina washing ma. CHlNli.'* which V)M UmM rhmplur eaah. T. W. DAVIS, . Rjlicomba Street,. Jan 2* 8., if LAW CAH1). GOODLETT ^ THOMAS, Attorneys at Law. ASP SOLICITORS I $ F. ft jr J T Y, HAVR ihla day foi m*d t'onAHner ,hip in th* pril ??? # of LAW and FATUITY on tha , Iiruih Office in the old Quart House Building, i. i>. <?o'Di-crr, w?i. m tiiomao. 1>oc SO SO U , , A , i p. i. a . W* J- KAHrr. q. ?. we am. EASLEY & WELLS, . Attorneys and Coaniellora st Law AND IS EQUITY. IfKEKKVILLK, 8. T)lt\CTI K in the Courts of Use Ptale and W~ pf (he Untied States, and give especial iiTtnili>? to vaiei In Bankruptcy. Tu..,- in - *, it I??W Notice?Change of Oftoe, GF. TOW.VK8 bu removed bis Law , Office to tbo building aorlh-eaet cori nrr <>t' (he Public Kqure, In part occupied by Julius C. Snnil). Auctioneer, and (lie Enterprise Printing Office, up staiis. k -!*<? a *3 If W*i7f. PRIOB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DAHLONEQA, 8A? WILL practice in the Counties of Lumpbin. Dawson, tljlmer, Fannin. Union, Towns, Whits and Hall. Jan 1* S3 41 T, S. ARTHUR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. WIT ILL practice la the Districts composing If the \Vu?tern Circuit. Also ia the UNITED STATES C0UET8. or OiRcs o\er the Post Office. t)cu 4 M THE OlsD STAND BAKERY m C0IFECTU9K1Y. ^ Main Strut, by Pott OMot, , TR ?P*M at all Hence uf I Ha Lj ?.) ?? 1 ning. HUE AD, RUSK, tn4 a nrtril wortnifat of CaKFN, wMUailjr on band. Cake*, ko , baked to order. 1 Ao ^ATl^ll SA|/X)!f I* U>be opened In [ ? few days where HUT OOPFRR, H AM and 1 NOGS. OYSTERS Mo , may be lied. , tr Board, nitbeet Lodging, fnrnlehed ' at reaa?nable rate*. (Veil C. M McJUNKlN. BATE8V1LLG ' mmim ceirm, HAVING bean appointed Agents for . this Company, we are prepared to , sell SHIRTINGS AND YARN at Vaeterj I>?tM A hirkdler. Grooers and Commission Meiebaata, I (Arean villa, ft. o. Noe . >4 tf jib Work .. . PONK with naatarea and diepatob a TU* OFFICE. A ^ .-O gn mm m ? * Mm * * * * SBi - ? ** -* *- - . > . < jg AOlWM WANTED. I WANT1D?Agenta to toil Dr. Wm. temlt*'. - liietiopaky o| Um Bible." iMm ' '* 1 :\ Xtooatalna #w ltw doniy printed, doable B pagoe, from new vleotrotypa plate*, ? good paper. Mid la.appropriately Dlurtrated with mure than 200 engraving* on MenI and wood, and aertee of Due, autheotie map#, Ao. fa ?Mb.priaes tin Antiqultiea, Biography, Geography, Natural Hiatory, Typography, . and |a a ooasplete Cyclopedia ?f Um t'rriptwre*. tt Vrn?na>iary te a very. Bible reader, India, poaaatde to erery lllniaier aad Sunday AbhaW Teacher, and ought tebe la every MnMy. fj .Ills highly "eon toandad hy- alt karond and ' ZM etaiaeat men, and by (ha Preaa generally la all paru of the country pa tit beat hook of the kind of the Bngliah Jtaagwage. 90Mt WJ)?<?iT?dl ' , r? Owing to the ?npr+o*d?m*d popularity of tbla Work, a awnU J&nyiisk mhn'rlymtnl, in dnodeoimo form, of aboot AM pagoa haa beenre. v 1 printed In this oonntry In iargv type, and '/tried ever MO oetaio pagoe, evidently?by making a larger book than the original?to give the impreaaloo eaaier that It le oweMlte, 7? tea lr?i than hnlf (if reading at niter onrr, and la euld eonaiderably higher than the Bag. lisb edition of the same book in thla country, Sotpc agenta are endeavoring to palm o this Jnirfilt rdiliuf* for oure. Teaohera, 8tudenta, Retired Ctotgyia, ,:j Farmers, and aaergeUe Women And the agency for tbia work both pleasant and lnorallv# employ went. Send for eirettlan, giving- fall Ktivalara, terwe, Ac., to 1, JtCRANTON A Co., Book PubllabeM, I SO Aiylatn St. ilartfvfd, Otpa, A'-.t#.--Any yeytotwt In the country jfirbig the above a* insert ion els conaecnlive timer, wall displayed, and anadtag a narked cpy to the paklishora-ehalt-have a oopy aent Ibetn gratia. ? mu da MIUSnOtlSB, I CORNER MtETlNR AND QUEEN 8TREET5, CUARLfiSTOAT, S. C. THIS well kaawa VIRS? JEffldda CLASS HOTKIt hps Jan BhIShB been thoroughly so paired, reAtted and ra-faraiahnd, and is now ready for 9 iu? M?<uinviuiua 01 to# travelling dimn, wb<>?? patronage i? respectfully solicited. Merchant* Visiting the eity, tn respectfully invited. Every aeeoaMaudatii>u trill 4m offered tbi-m. Coaches always to readiness to convey pe*.senger* to ?nd from tbe Hotel. The Prpprietor ptMtlm to Uo.aU.ia his pow. air tor the comfort of his guests. JOSEPH PURCELL, Proprietor. March 4, 1848. 41 if TO TUK PjOBLIC. TOE PATILM)N HOTEL 0UARLB8TO2T, 8. 0.. a. * 80 LONG and ably eondliried by tbe late H. L. Idfea mJTTERFIELD, will stll| MlZiZTlfrT^rhe kept open for lite ssesenxetstion ol the traveling public. And its former friends and patrons drill find the usual accommodations and attentions heStowed on Uretn as formerly, and tba public favors, already so well established ae fHK HOTEL of UieTRAVgLINO MRR4JH ANTH of the Routh, will, by eerneet efforts) be faithfully preaerveJ. Match i, 1869. 41 U :?yi :? CHANGE OF SCHEDULE in pn Grconviro & Columbia Bail-road. ON AND APTER FRIDAY, the ffth fa. stant. Passenger Trains wHl ma'daily, Sundays excepted, ea follows: L?ave(/ul|lt^bl4at..,, T 00. A. M, M Alston.......... . ..811, * " Newberry......... 10 Xft, ' ' Arrive at Abbeville. .8 Xtt, P. M. " Anderson ft 16. " " Greenville..... .6 00, " Leave Greenville at. ft 00, A. If, ' Anderson 6 4ft, *~ ' Abbeville... ,'f ? 4ft, * - Newberry., I 2ft. If. Arrive at Alston..., 8 00, " " Columbia 5 6o, Trains on the Itlue llidire Rail-road will al?> un daily, Sundays excepted, connecting irith the' np and down trains on the Greenville and CulOipbia Hail road, a* foil low* 5 Leave Anderron at. ft tO, P. M, ' Pendleton at AM, ? Arrive at WalhalU at 8 00, ? Leave Walhaila at ..4 00, A. If. M Pendieton at........ft 40, M Arrive at Aadervoa ft 40, " The Train will retort) from Beltoa ta Anderson on Monday and Friday mornings. JAMES 0. MHREOITM. General Superintendent. T. wns^is;.? WATCH MAKER. |B WOULD Keapeetfully in/yr?|Qforin the people of Greanvill* Prom hiaOLP STAND la the Good, lett House, to a more CONVENIENT one, throe doora North of the Naa? ?i<? Ho wee, aext door to Piekle A Poor, on Main Street, where he ia prepared to dq all work in hit line of business, at abort notice, in e workman like manner, and reasonable terms. A ?e \t . . u MAUlltB WORK. WARBLE WORKS* ,fr * mnvij 'TllK inbssriber bit mm ImunI, im) will JL ?oi??ln?? lor?e?ir?, ?good aasorURsnt 1 ml Tl>MB HTONEP. of *11 Sam ??d qusllUm. ThoM Im nttH ?f mpt iUh 4* tbi| Jiii^, will .)<> well to ?wli at Ui? Post Oflks 9 bofutw pun-hMlDC ?ksyli??, * MT t'u?Btry-pr<Mli??? uku Is ?ttlisa(i for work J AMES If. ALLKN. , Or?ss*?U C. H-i lb* ft. IM7. H>tf ' * I UARpiAVf, Trastsw ta4 ktiilfin ar? \JT roqoiraal ? aa?k? thstr ANNUAL lit TURNS to Alt OAei k; dmf / Aif 1 aart, or i MuU wflt M broad tftM Aw. J. P. MOOHK, C. B. 0. D. % PimmWMii'i <MU?r'RIrarorIIW, F?>ltisr| J lifc, 146%. - N-U. l 1