University of South Carolina Libraries
It sots fsr Mouthers of Oougrese, Lcglslaund ntbat Slate Officer*, ho followlng-gentleMen froro elected U til olltMt T ' ? . . , W3l.'A. HUDSON, /VeWsfrM. n. T. 8TB0JUD, JOHN W. SOiPF, Strttorj, DANIEL FOWLER, 7Veee?rer. SNRY M. SMITH, 1 T. L. FOWLER, i. If, MtURIfOT, BxeePtVre Cone. CHAI.LKfl ttttt, ' L. B. AtJSTtlf, . _ emoUfd, Thtl th? Editors of the OreenvUI* trpr\tt be respectfully requested to publish e proceedings. "* . * WM. A. HUDSON, W. 8111PP, : Chairmen. liiSHiry. Xhe next Mooting will W held on Saturday, I the llth Inst.,-at 11 o*ctoek A. If., and will be 1 addressed by Judge CAst'SRt.i.. The cttlsans * of the enrrnnndiiuc country, whits and oolorwi ?raqnMt?4 to tU*o4. ' *1 ro* nts hctoiin kntxnprisk. up?rable Objections to the Hefro-Tankee Constitution In the first plM*, it was not frtmnl l?y Convention of th? people of {tooth Carolina, 'but "by delegates representing exclualvely the negroea. This Constitution lahea from the white people ell government end every <>Oee in the State, end trenefere them to the freed men, who have a large majority of .the votea In South Carolina. 5 *"11 diofranohiees all the d!?tingnl?h?d men ^of the ?tate and niost of the wtedom and patriotism of the State?every one who has I- iever fiifed any office, So-1 enfranchises every male negro over the age of twenty-one whether a ennviet, felon or t psnper. (t destroys the principle of taxation and. ' representation whieh eausod the An.erlean ^ Revolution, l.y subjecting the property of - the Slate to be taxed, ad libilum, by those who own no property. The Constitution provides forfrae eohools all over the State, at so expense of five or six hundred thousand dollars, for the purpose of educating the negroee, and forces the white people to tend their children to the same schools. It hold* out a fraud and a deception to those who are in debt, by promising the exemption of a homestead from past debts and the repudiation of negro debts, when ? the Constitution of the United Slates ex ^ preeaJy forhide any Stale Impelling the ob * ligation of eontrsata, and onseqaeotl/ the courts must deolara euoh exemption and repudiation nneonatltutional and null and void. ' i It throw# the whole burden of taxation on property, except A poll tax of one dol lar pijr head, and consequently tlia enor. luoue taxation for the enpport of tha free schools, poor house, penitentiary and jaila, all filled with negeoee, must be paid by the whtta race who own tliia property. The Constitution provides that tha Legislature may fceep up a standing army in time of- peace, end the eooreqnenee will be that a regular military force of ten or > twenty thous-od negro soldiers will be t' raised end paid ten or twenty millions of doHars, to keep the white race in auhj?e tion to their former slave*, yankee adventurers. and Southern renegades, Under this Constitution, Ignotsnt and vicious negroes, and viler white men, will fill all the State office*, civil and military, II tha District offices and jury bates Judges are prohibited from charging ju rvs on the (acts of tha case. and (hers la ne ppaal from the verdict of a jury. The life, liberty property of every one, will be held at tha mercy of negro juries. Justice* of tha peace have jurisdiction. In all cases, under tbis Constitution, as high a one hundred dollars, in torts as well as eontracia, anil exclusive jurisdiction in all criminal eases punished with 8ns. The onseqnanee will baa wide spread and Interminable litigation all ?vtr the State, wii|? the worst reeulti to tha peace, good order, and prosperity of tha eountry. ron TUB l/tTtiiD ENTrernraK. The New Constitution. Mrttri ltdilor*: Why do 1 support the to aomt|iutisn ? * IlecaO*e U tommencn a system of relief .. for our bardtoaoasa Indebtedness, ky abol. tolling the negro debts; bees use it saves a homestead lof my little ones from lavy and tale { beeauaa It protects the inheritance of ny married woman to her ova oea and support; because It substitutes a milder oath for the iron clad oath, width any one who accepts office must now tska; and baoaitea It leads aaa hack as a eiilwn, ini Booth Carolina as a Btata, tha Union of my fare fall >ers?finishing, at laat, tha hor. rors of war, and opening before oa the flowery paths of peace and pro-perily. If some trembling sou's should say this la nogro domination, 1st htm show me a single negro w>iu win i>? oen-DMXi t?y tbe repudiation of th? negro debt; the exemption of hie liouiMttid; or >M of Me wlf-'a inheritance-from levy and Mile; nod the eb rotation of the Iron-clad oath. If tble fearful eaint yet treniMee before life Egyptian penle, let him eonfeiw e fndgruent upon hie negro and ether debte; invite the eheriff ap to eel! hie old homestead; and eaerlflce the patrimony of life wife iipod the -eeurt house bte|>e; then let him drown himeetf in the eilent nook of eom? river, and refuee the helping hend of the bleek man. who triee to pvll him out, heen nee he is a negro. Verily, sueh a man would rote against the new constitution if it contained nothing bat fha Tan Commendmenfa.', .. ; Sueh deepeeated host Hit y, If it (neana any thing at al\ means tear. Common men predict It, end any ekiltal philosopher n ho will look upon the shifting combinetioae of the political eheae board most f-?resea the separation . of the laro color* for Utile. -Tt'nVfM\ttW ,1 iIM m > T'M-1 S i'l-.v.'*. i mi-***,'*.: TT~ II* who iitd I* theregiTift aturra.v< bo Mill." alone tan |>o?p oil upon the ti^tiMad water*. Let U1 d? #lnit ?? m to a V ert th% <1?ng.r, l?y supporting th? Maw coiiMitation. and leatlag lb* kwiato lire Wine* bf pfeae*. Vbry troly, yo?r oUdi?Hg*rV*ufe^ , , Vtjt K.T. 8t*t At Hons. OkntlsmkM.?'The Charlott< rvil!r, Va? Clii anlde appUr* .the following bllater ptaater tn the backe o' <n?l?>lent property liold.-i?: "Stay at kouvr; genii* men, and ink* ear* of y >?r If you ehooaa, and let the n*grn Radical* get eontrol of ih* Slate; hat don't grumble aft-rward*. when tha llttl* per rent, you make ay*ryur farm la taken away from you by a nigra tax collrotor. (to be idandeiwd hy Rddteol official*,) at tl>? b?h#?t of a non- I tax paying majority. Don't grOmMa, wlien you, without ? vote, fall to pet jqetioe against the vof?r who ateal* your hog, from a o?rrhpl radical Justice of the pesewaNow lathe time to exert yo?*selvce, end it won't do for you who belong to the elate who ere mnet interested, if you fail to work now, t? come hereafter, making co operation from tltoae Who with yon to join them now, tot who will lill if too are lukewarm.' Strife now, or give It up /'fewer, for thia U certainly your lir-t chance to help yourselves."?Morning Star. Armmnw, Wumt Mrs !? ArrurARLR to South Caroi.ira.?The following u fToui lite Morning Star: The Bogus Constitution require* that all children aball attend school for a certain length of time before they arrive at a certain age. It creates public eohools ; end the unfortunate white man who la too poor to eend hie litUochildren to a private school must scud them to the some school with the littlo negroes. This is the clear intent and meaning of the educational provisions of the Constitution In faot the Convention 'hat framed It Toted down au amendment proving that the whites aud Macks should ba taught in acparate rcuooi#. JT there is a poor white nv*n in North Carolina who will Tote to indict this damnable infamy on hia own daughters, bo doaorroa to bo enalared. Taa Dbmocratio Corvbbtio*.?This body adjourned laat night, at 10 o'clock. Ita actio* waa harmonious in an unuauAl dog roe. The aptritof dignity, oourtoay and moderation waa admirably preferred. Tbo Convention avugbt a peaceful aolution of tbo great question which now agitates oar State; and we believe that ita action will bo approved by the great body of our people. It propoaea peace and justice; at the same tinto, it was distinctly ins dlcated that the Mea of negro supremacy > could not for one motneut be entertained. We hope fur the best results from the action of this ConTontion. At the close of the proceedings, an admirable address was made by the Hon. A. Burt, the Preaident. Hi# analysla of the proposed radical Constitution was able and searching, and ought to array against it every man, whether white or black. The nominations made by the Convention will be supported by the party and meet with general approval. Let our people now go to work? the road is puved.?Phcrnix. Rsw.koao Btunnc Burnt.?Tho railroad bridge over Rooky River, near this plane, waa burnt down on Thursday morning last. It la presumed that the bridge caught from coals dropped from an old freight engine, in passing ovsr a few lienta previous to the time it waa diaoovcrwd to be on fire. The bridge is a total low.?ittibrws Inttlligmetr. COMMERCIAL. OnKKRYll.LK, 8. C.. Ap?l 8.. Cotton, <tarlng tho week, bad advanced about Seta., but last night had leceeded ]@t| ceat? per pound. Quotations to-day, 20 0 25, cxtrctues. OAnt.Rarott, April 8. Cotton nominal; no sales; receipts 1,100 bales. Aroirsra, April 8. Cotton market opened at SO for middltaa, but closed at a decline of rales 870 bales ; receipts 800?middling 28028$. Savannah. April 8. Cotton quiet and unchanged?middling 30 ; ales 300 bale* J receipts 2,55.5. ttai.titsna*. April 6. Cotton quiet, at 20. Flour active and prices unchanged. Corn strong?white 1,11 \ yeHo% I.18@1.10. Oats flrtn, at 88003. Rye steady, at 80. Mess pork quiet, at 25.7602th? Lard quiet, at 17. Iiacoh active?rib sides 1.5$; clear rib 18$; thottldttt 13$; hatns 18020. Xaw York, April 8. Cotton decidedly less settee; sales 2,500 bales, at 29020$. Quid 37$. Liverpool, April 6. Cotton irrognlar and generally easier; sales 15,01)0 hales?uplands on the spot 12|012$; float 12$; Orleans 1t|012$. OREENVILLE PRICES CURRENT toUKM'Tltn WRRRI.T, IT MKS8R9. DAVID h 81AADUV, MERCHANT 8. (IRKKNVTliLK. fl. C? APRIL T, IMA. APPl.KH, V l.u?h?t, lirwn 81 Ml C<i> 2 "0 ?* 6 " dried, pT.i4l.26<j*$l.50 - u n H unpeoled, 86 (g> $1 OA bacon. t? m 17 ($ jo r, HALK HOPK. 71 B? ~ ? 18 20 ?. BAGGING. G?iioy, %?, yd ....... 30 ?. BUTTER, ?l 25 (? 30 .. BUCK W lit AT FLOU K,^) 10un>?,|t.OO(g,6,00 HKK8WAX. ? fc ?.l6c. OT1TOKKNS, W h?*d _*0 e. COFKKK. V B'. Ri<V?~ ..??? GO 33 ?. CORN, *A l.iiihol,,.. ..$1 16 (a, $1 20 KGGA, 7* doien ll?. FLOUR, %? ??ek 4? 00 <? $7 00 MIOLD ,, ... .. $1 40 1NOIUO, HiutntsW FU?t,.?. >2 0003 25 HA. CA., 41 76(rf,2 00 TftON, 71 1t>, AII,or'e*n< " fi.kai), ? n> a LEATII KK, V Ih, Sole. Hemlock ?..40 e. " " - " 00,...a .'....50 e. " " " lT|iper, 70 . ? AO lli.r.i.'-K, ..65 r, MOLASBX^V VfoRoo, MumuvvIo $1 00 * * Syrup $1 25 NATLS. "PW A..88 60 0 flO (Ml OATH, ft W??l,.4. (A 76 A. PEAS, " " II 10 pKAClfEfl, V *?w, IhM, poeta!.. $4 00 44 44 44 44 QtllMMM ft| Ail POTATOES, ID biuhol, IrlX--T5 (A $1 00 M H-w?ut,..?.76 (w $1 00 HALT, V M?b? Liverpool, .43 00 (,i, 3 23 SUGAR, VI B>, Brown IA (,t> 20 ? ? * ? ." CUrifled 20 0 224 ??.' - " " Cru?hrd,.< ...22) 25 e. SHIRTING, .evrr.-eigl.U, fl l.?te,15 ? . " *? rrrwM..., iHe. TAI.I.OW, V* B?.Ja..... .. 15 e YARN, Factory, |>> bale, _.t2 *<i 0u??b~..........2$ , ' <% - . f. ??ae*w?*i?esBSB3 ir M*?m?i>, at Pnirea*!', go,, on iTihl W.t-oh, 19ft8, (UV. T. A. KBll), of 0#nrKin. Jelnrped Afrr^n hi*4.*al"y,and MM VI ft HE T. AklMEft, daughter of the late dea eon Ben|?him Afr.faien. or ratreattlK TW ceremony wee performed In th? BapUet church of the* .piece, hy Roe. O, Cray. OPITtrARV. .thle Hfe. no ftatm-dny night, the <8h of March, 1868, EIJZA JANE, wife of 8, 8. PimMitiw, to the thirtieth year of her age. Cut down in the prim* < ( tier life and tuefulnnu, the l-mml.d dhad hne gone to her ear'.y grace, followed hy the tear* of a In* In* hn?l>an<l. end t)? e Utile ehl'dren, b- tides Tier lUicko parent* end mefiy friend*. . ' ' _ 8he hi. gone lo reap the refkra or a life literally devoted >o nulr. Eschewing, almost from early childhood, the plruurri of the onler worlil, ehe joined the Metliodlrt Episcopal Ohnreh, in the Iwrlflb jrkr of her eg* ; and einee ber marriage, which occnrred in her eiehtsehlh veer, Hm sought only in the circle of hoifie, In the tl-ep love ah* inspired there; and In Hie aeryice of hrr O ?d. for earthly heppine**. ThW ehc enjoyed In a degree larger than n?hnl1y allotted to tomrtala, hot im* transplanted to high?t and f?ni>r realm* of bhe*. he i*, doubtless, tnro'ngh iRt'onrtj of a b neficent God, enjoying the reward of h life well spent, and duties well fulfilled. r. L . L .. ...1 1 . .11 . .... Amateur Club. (Benefit of <A? Educational Fund of Qrfenviile ) WILL give an ENTERTAINMENT at, the Court House, on Piiday, April I7lh, to conslit of Vocal ane Instrumental Music Bnilrtqna, Faroe*, Comic Songs, Ac. Everj thing ih the tliyhleU manner oh. jeotionnhle, is avoided, so that the moil fast'dun* need not fear to attend. Admission 26 cents. 8 F.TONQ, Manager. April 8 46 3 Tailoring THE Stthserlber re*pecifn'.1y Informs hi* friends, and the put.He in general, that hia health being Irt a measure restored, will r<*ume business strain. lie *111 CUT. MAKE, and RKCA1K all Clarnienti for gentlemen, on reasonable terms, for ca>A or enuntry pr<-daee. Will he found at hia residence, sornsr Main Sheet. opposite the C'-aeh Factory. GEO. 11. DYDU. Greenville, 8; C., April 6th, 18C8. April 8 46 8m Bvrinflr Millinerw Goods. MIS8 M. A. V.KAY hi. in?t received, and will k??p DRXTSKtieoiutantly <?n lumd, n wellJmnl .ehctod .lock of MI I.LIN Kit Y ANI) STRAW GOODS, to w ulj BW wliioli .he invite, the nitonlioo of. the Ladiea. Thankful w I/V for the pttroiic*, 10 liberally extended to her, ?hv respectfully- *oli?-U. a continuance of ilia Mine, at her new a'and, Main Htrent, oppoaitc the store of Mr. Th-inta* Steen. Braiding dona at re.soi.aMa terms. April 8 48 ' 8* WE 8ELLTHE PURE KEROSENE OIL AT 90 CENTS. YOU CAN 1JUY AN INFERIOR QUALITY AT A LOWER-PRICE. BUT IT 18 T1IE ItKARF.R OIL, AS IT BURNS OUT nccu FASTER, AND YOU ARE LIABLE TO LOSE YOUR LIFE AT ANY MOMENT BY IT. ffS f.'A,V8KLl SUOn AT 8KVKNTYF1VK CENTS. BL'T DO NOT WISH TO DO IT. ?C=2 mrm ?r if arc: mc 9 m a? A a? mea. ipixih aia. TL W. FOLGER A CO. April? 48 tf Class for Young Ladles. I PROI Oflli opening, on tha in.t? . CLASS IN FNG ^KMjiXl.iSH ANALYSI"*, fur (he b-ne01 of young Indira, wlio may desire a thorough knowledge of the English Language The Course will consist Of Twenty-five (three each week); ami, whilet making the Analysis of Simple, Complex, ml Compound Sentences. the main study. Etymological and Syntactic*! 1'areing, with Roles for Funatuatton. and ?bc Proper Uae of 01 her Marks in Writing) will receive dub attention. . teHni for Courte of Twealy firi Leaaona (In vanef)?0&.OO. Text Book*?Qrebne'a A n ft* y sis, Bullion's E' glieli Grammar, Quackenbos' Compost lion. N B. This Cobrie preaents great advan tags* to young ladies who contemplate | teaching ; am) f rWpcctfully iutUa any whe are interested to attend Three Lessons The Claea will meet for organization, at Mr. HwandaWy ftt 4 o'efoek, P M , Monday, the lxth Inst, D. C ANDERSON Greenville, April 4th, 184#. April 8 46 1 CHAHGE OF SCHEDULE. Charlotte ft South Carolina B. R. Co. SUPERINTk'NUENTS OFFICE, GotCMMa. 8. C , March Si. 1868. vr - ? - - - - - ? Un ana m?r in 11 dale; lb* Trains ovet Iliia Road will run M follow* j Leave ColumMa at. # 4.00 p m. Arrive at Charlotte at ? .11.00 p. m. Leave Charlotte at 11 86 p. in. Arrive at Colwmtda at.. it.OO a. nt. Pnvaeagerv taking this route, going N?rth n?*ke eloee connection* at OfrtnrUre, Wi-1dnn end I'ortaoiouih, to all |?riiici|>nl North era ellirt tr Ticketa optional from CJraen shorn, eitln-r via lhavlllr or Ralrigh ; and front Poiiamr-nth either via lley l ine or Annameeaia Route, Unit-rape cheeked through. 1ST T1NR AS QUICK and FARE AS LOW aa bjr nay other n?ut? 1'aavengera front (iraanvtlie RaMfoad going Worth,- make aama time, hy inking Oils route at 4 o'clock p. m., as they will hy leaking hare at a. m, as the Urn# to ail point* North of Richmond ia the Ntma ? Ira tea, of this route coming South, make connection with train# of Urosnville Road. For TIlltoUfJM TfCKKTSto Richmond, Washington, ltaltimora, Philadelphia and New York, apply at Tlelcvt Otfio*. Jbot Ulanding atreet. OA LRU nOUKNIfillT. Soperiutou leal. A pi I'M If 3*55H55SHJP55E55H??Ste95!*H5"H H E H T B E ?-?=gsg=? " +1-^= Vaifid States Internal Revenue, A?w)>'e Ornon, En IturmrrS,,. iJa.. I Amt.April I, I8?8. f AXOTIOK la hrraby glrrn that on (lia i.V Mod day of ApHI. 1858, at my. oltlfev In AmUHknti, afiwodla mill bo received tuil d%b*Hi>ln*d rtltuv# to ahy ferroneoiia 01 axWaoive valuation^, m? wiimU or ana mrnllnn* by lh? AMMwr or AnlrUnt A?*| Mtani* of lh? annual laacc for 1888, which i b'lTt been IuwihI The AiMMnr'i Ofllco la flM* daily, during ItifinrM hour*, tor th< )iMrlnp| Of Ap- 1 prpls by |>arti?-? wl.o shall appear volume- < rily before hU?i, relating t<> ?*y t>.*V? j which have lireo akottril, and nrliiih hava 1 not bean committed to tha Collector. All apprala to tha AiMiwr aa aforeoald, ' meat ba Mia do io writing. lud apret'.y tba j pari icolor tcauae. n teller ??r Uilng neapefciiun which a d,*iMnn Id requr?iltd, ntad n?u t, moraim, Mate the ground Or principle of drtcl cohiidalhed of. II. O MERRICK. U. R A*a???or. fW Colombia Phtmim, Edgettald ridrrrt??d% NewhrVry HeraldI Ij?ur<-iiivtlle H*raU, Greenville' iinterp^ite, Abbeville Pret, I^ekenfe frofiKef,. bf> ir'anlmrg Spartan, Uuionvflle i\mA, YorkVille Knquirtr, Cheater Standard ond VoleS-ld M.?.U ? time and lorwsid bills to Oil* office. Apt 8 4? 1 ARRIVAL OF SPRING GOODS, AT t9 msv BUNCOMBE STREET. rf"M!K subscriber take* thH hWoston to in'I form the publiti, a Oil the litdies it) pafrtteulnr, that trc bits received bis *. iiiaovarui gqoss. And Would oak an examination thereof. His stock consist*, in part, of A Fine Slock ?f DRY OOODS French and American. PRINTS MUSLINS AND DoLAlNES CttaMitierc*. Linenfc MAUSEILLKS Shirting. Lon? Clothe Routs nnrl Shoe<s *u g'C;41 abundance TRUNKS Ladies' Ami Gents* llATS Ladies' Gloves ami Ilo-lerv Ribbon*, Neck Ties. Parasols PAPER COLLARS Fine lot of Ilaidware and Cutlery BUCKETS Crockery and Glassware SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS Fibh, in kits and hariels RICE DRIED FIGS, CANDIES, &o. AkHsSS <& 9 Always on hand, Com, Wheat, Rye, Flour, Bacon, I.anl by the kit. Sugar lioase and West India Molasses; in fact, a full stock of (1 HOC Kit IKS. II* likewise keeps on hnnd a iiirgo supply of Sole and Upper LKATHEK. All of ll?? above, be offers CflEAP FOR CASH, ami hopes his friends will giro him at least a portion of their favor. J?4f Highest price paid for Country Products in caab or barter. . Jfif Jtrm ember my St omit?ftrlt door nborr Cumble't It lock emit k Shoji, ItuHcomhe Street. T. W. DAVIS* k April I < ? 4ft tf NEW FIRM. KliM pD?[Q)?> SULLIVAN A SON, OPPOSITE Tilt mm USE, ?SJ STPiaas^Tep IN TUB SWANtoALk BUtLDlXO, ARB NOW RECEIVING and OPENING tholr ? MEW AHQ) FRESH &TOCR, CMfhkl OBNEkAL VARIETY, wbich baa been purchased on most fatorahle terms, rid wow offered to msiotbcrf at Iticb prices as oanaot fail p? give tatitfaction, bur Term* CASH ON D^iilVERTt f? i???um ivgpiu i? prcmnif or present cixuiiliuu of the parties who ma; favor us with tboir patronage. OHR STOCK BJ1ALLBE ItEUULARLY KEPT PRKSJI. as tbo demands and wants of thu country may require. JAMES M. SULLIVAN. J? MIMS SULLIVAN. Gmcnvillkj 8. C? April 1st, 1868. 4?-lf ? COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, II. 8. INTERNAL RBVltNLK. 1 CoLDMats, 8. C., March 26, 1868. j THE attention of all dealers, and other parties interested* it called to that portion of the Revenue Laws, known as Suhednlo C, requiring Stamps, to he attached to all PATENT MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS, Perfumery aod Cosmetics, Vrlntion Matches, Playing Cards, Canoed Pish, Sauces, Syrups, Ac., used, sold or off, rod for sale. Arrangements have been perfected to ro a-innai wiru Ibi* la? IhmeghoMt (ho Third Collection fciriricl of South Carolina. The penalty of $Z0 for each violation of law will bo enforced. K. II. JlIKGIIAM, Inapector 3d Collodion Dixt., 8. C. April t ?? 2 SAMUEL BLACK, BARBER. WODLIi reepootlully inform the public | that ho line opened n it A Kit KK Mini' In the building fotmerly occupied !>y JOSKI'll AI.KXANOKK m a Ilamou Klinp, and l>c- j tween the 8 to re of Mr. Tomaa llolarii and the building formerly .occupied by iho Poet Offltw and Kntrriirrm* (tflfoe, aeoond door ahere the rtilna of MrHee'a Itwll, where h? baa hx-aM. Being a /Vi>/?w'<mal Hurhtr, he hopaa. by a1 tea lion to butineta, together with polite^ neee to all, to merit a portion of |fciblie palmr%<re, In CUTTING, BllAVUfO AND SHAMPOOING. April 1 4b if I F'? T * 8...:". In the Diatriot Court of tt United Statoe, for District of Boath Car? luo. la Um Matter of 6AMUEL KEA, bankrupt Im ffuftrHf.tey. rj^Ulrt w foftrVK KOTICB, tfefct M Mia A. nil or March, IMS, * Wirnot In UafckrnpMy was issued ag^thal the Estate uf HAMUKL UK A, of UrecnVllle DfslVict, in th? State of South Carolina, wliii has keep adjudged 1 BANKRUPT, upon hti mm petition; that the paythcul of any debt, and the drli??) ry of any property U-l .ngiug to avid Bankrupt to biwi or for his Vise, and the ttnnslyr of any property bjt hlUh are forbidden by lats; iSat a ttseetthg of the c*aditotr? of be id Bankrupt, to prove thsir debts, and to choote One Or more nssiguces of his Estate, Will be hold It a Oilrt uf Bankruptcy. to be holdeu at Yorkrtllo, 5. (\. hefora W. I. CLAW80N. oaa of the Registers in Bankruptcy of said tobirt, tm like StA day of April, A. V., 1808, kilo oVlocV. A. M. J. P. M. EPPJNG, U. 8. Marshal, | As Messchgetr by T. W. Clawaon, Deputy Messenger, April 1 45 1 In tho District Court of the United 1 States, for the Diatiiot of South Carolina. In the Matter of WILLIAM F. M'OUBIS, , Bankrupt.?/* Ifankryptcy. *V*U1S WTO OIVK NOTICE, lUt on ihte 1 Soth of March, 1808, a Wattuht ih Bankruptcy was Uoied against the Estate of WILLIAM F. MORlUrt, of flrceuville ltistiiet. in the State Of South t'arolina, wlto hat been adjudged a BANKRl'PT, uj on his own petition; that the pnyineut Of any delit. and the delivery of any property belonging lo said Bankrupt to liiin or for li s u>e, ahd iTVe transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law ; lliat a meeting of the eredilm <rf s?id Bai hrnpt, lo prove llieir ilt'lts, kuil to thews oVte or more aa?igiieer of liia Ksla'e will I e held at a Oohrt "f Banki < pley, to he hidden at Yoik IMe. S. C., lie fore W I. OLA \V SON. one of the Recliters In Bankiuptey of said Court, ot# the 8th tiny nf, A. D , 1888, at 10 o'clock, A. M. J. P. M. EPPINO, U 8. Marshal. As Messenger by T. W. Cluwrote, IWputy Messenger. Apiil 1 .2 75 Sacks of Salt. TUST received, and for falt? ?J T. W. DAVIS*. Ap> II I 45 If DEMOCRATIC CLU B. NOMINEES FOB DISTRICT OFFICES. CLEJtk, W. A. MrDAKtliL SiiKurFp, \v. T. Pill!MATE. ' ORMXA K Y, 8. J. DOUTHIT. cvxMfSxroKfift r\ eqciYY, J AS. P. MOO U K. FA A" CO/.LE(*lO fr, A. C. PEACE. ' Legislature. Smate?J. I*. liUYCR. /A?v ?A. C. fTTEPr, AIWALOM ni.YTHK. J. k. DICKSON. A. McDKK March 25 41 4 iiinciiiBm FOR GOVERNOR, Q E N. R. K. SCOTT, OF CHARLESTON. FOR LIEUT. GOVfekfcOR, HONfcLEMUELB0OZER ?>F LEXINGTON. FOR COMM ROLLER GfcNERAt, DR. J. L. N EAGLE, OF YOKN. FOfc STATE TREASURER, N . Q . PARKER, OF CHARLESTON. FOR SfcCRETAltV OF STATE, F * L. C A RDOZAj bF CHARLESTON. FOR ADJ. INS GENERAL, tr * 4. moses, jr.* (.V- OF SUMTER.? FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL, &. Hi CHAMBERLAIN, Of REIlkLEr. FOR STATE SUP'T. EDUCATION, J, k- jl llsonj ? - ? w Olf KKRSIIAW. FOtt MEM HER OF CONGRESS. James h. q o s s . or unio$. FOR STATE SENATE, JAMES M. ALLEN. FOR STATE LEGISLATURE, SAMUEL TINS LEV. J. IE HYDE. WILSON COOK. WILEY BISHOP. Notice. TIIK Union llepunlican CundiditlM for laigialaluro ami Slat* ?otiat?, wilt utidieaa iho oititvwR of (.irvi'nvillo I'nilrict, at the following tituea ami |>lacc?: At Jnora, on the Ath of A|.nl; ltb-h?r<l?', on tho 7lb; at Hhockley'a, on tbu 8th ; ?i l'leawnl Will, ou ttout it ; at Ulaaacjr Mountain, on tbu lOtlt ; at Marietta, on tho ilth; at llretuvrUe Court ' llouav. on the loll), at 11 A. M.; .cx.n-ot at tbu Court liotwo, which will be at 7 1*. >1. I Ma; aa U 3? * r * . - . . * United State* Internal Revenue. Dae. Oul. OariC?. Greenellle. 8. 0- > ?Hr?U <8, 1888. f BY Wiifll of an order from A. M. WAfiLAOS, Collector Internal Revenue,. 3d Dutrlot. S C.. I ?ill aell, at the root * uenO* of Mra Sabam MrOnvxatr. about mllee frbrti Qraeitvillt 0 H? on the Andernib Road, on SaHirday, 1 Hilt day of April, 18C8. the following property ; to wit; One KT1LL. CAR an I WORM ? RKKH STAKIW 2 l>UAWIN<) KKC3 1 SISOf.INO 'lUtt 1 WORK KBNCII and CARPENTERS' , TOOLS . 1 ainall TllACt rtf LAND, adjoining lat.da of Jann-a Tnthpkina. Nancy and Awn Battel field, and other*. levied on aa the property, and ??id For the lax reanl again at <i. U. TOMPKINS at tb? auit of the United SI*tea for Revenue Tax. T?rina Caah. A. k COBB, Deputy tJoh 8d Diatrict, 8. C. 1*1 a r 25 44 4 JPROCIvAMATION. BY II18 fektELLKNCt JAMES L. ORR, Ouvirnvr bf the Stuto of South Carolina. WHEREAS, Information hat> been coMu itiuuicated t?f lids Department, that one JAMKS M. KKLLKTT, on the Vth day of December Inst, in the District of Green rillo, committed a murder noon the body of oneJ.M. HENDERSON, and that the said Kijllctt has fled tYoiu Justice: Now, know yr. D?At I; -JAMES L. OliK. Governor nod Commander-in-Chief in aud over lit s Stute of South Carolina, to the etid that the raid JAMKS M. KKLLKTT may be I'Vctight to trial and condign punishment for the said murder, do hereby offer a reward of TWO HUNDRED ($200) DOLLARS for hia arrest and safe delivery in any jail in tha United 8 to tea. Given Under tarty bahd and tho Great Real of tho State, in tho eity of tTolutnbia, this twenty-eighth day of March, [SEAL.jA. D. ISfifl, and in the ninety-second year of the Independence of tho Uuitcd States of America. JAMKS L. ORR, Governor of Snath Carolina. ?. CARERS, Secretary Uf Rtato. April 1 45 8 Tho State of South Carolina) greenville tttstrict. By S J. DOUTffit, Etq., Ordinary of mM Di Uriel. Wiikukas; Alexander smith has filed a Petition in rnv Office, praying that Letters of Adminlstiwtion on alt and singular the good* and chattel*, rights and erediia of micajah t 8mitii, llMe of the District, aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to him. Ihtte are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor" Of the raid deceased, U* be nhd appear ill the tSiuVt of Outinary for wild District, to l a hidden at Greenville Court House, on the 9lA day nf April next, to show cause, if any, why the raid Administration should hut It a r?? "" y HMTtttlT, t>. O. f>. OVJinif)*! OfFie*, 26th March-, 1S08. FARMERS AND HOUSEKEEPERS, 3AVE YOUft B>[SS0?Qa ijh. THE Itibscriber respetctrhllr JnT? | ii.r.MrtiH tlie ^>bl>kic that he w i| 11 I nb* located in the Building 1111 1 octbpied bv Mr, J. O. O. Tur? Kr^^x ttbr? next to the Engine House, whbrte he will MAKE TO \S IvOttDER br REPAIR FURNITURE. Ac., in the beat tnatiher, and at the lowest possible prices Tor Ca*h or acceptable Country Produce. R. W. STONE. March 18 48 8 DURHAM SMOKING TOBAbCO. HAVING received the agency of tlie above justly celebrated Brand of TOBACCO, we will n ake it to your interest lo buy from us. For sale by wholesale t-r retail. DAVID A STKAbl.LY. Oct SO SS If W. H CAMMER, PRACTICAL 6UN.SMI.TH AND MACIllJIIST. CtORN 8tlF.U-F.ttS, Cotton OU?s. Loeka, J K*roSe?y< Oil, Lamps. Sewing Maehinea And Paritaoii; REPAIRED with promptness. Chnige* reasonable. g^JTT>ilntry I'Cbdbcc taken iu exchange fur Work. , flinnil;?ill. ? CiiUelU 8 old Shop. Jan {5 36 if United States Internal Revenue, Dkp. Col. orpica, gutntiuii, h. C., [ January 28, 1868. J HV virtue of en order from A. S. Wallace, Collector Of Internal Revenue, 3d Collection D'ulriM. 8. C., I will ?ell, in the highMt tiidilcf; dfi Satttrifny, 9th of J/uy, 1868, at the residcnro of dvfcmiant, at Marietta, Grceiirille .District, 1 .Sorrel Hone ; ) Hau thn ?t, nil 1 one knr*e Wmjon. Almi, one TRACT of l.ANf), containing i 10 Aere?, heing the Trait on which defendant now resides, adjoining lands of J. II. Cleveland, Jnhn Guest, Oihhnu and others. Levied on as the property and sold for the tax assessed against HKNDERSON GOOD, at the shit of tho United States for Revenue Tat. Terms jssh. A. L. COBB, Deputy Collector. January 2.8, 1868. 36-10 KING & GIBBON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS CUAIIVsESTOX, S. C. u. w. or.o. R. (ifBBnJI. OFPKIt tb'ir for tlx- rule of COT* TON and O I'll Kit MtourCK. Strict attention given to liuaiueiu anil prompt return* nia'le. Hrfrrrnret *- A. M. Hamilton, R ogi-rg Jt , Donald and Htona k Kiubardfton, \V it lir inalon S. C. 40-4 Feb 26 0/\ RACKttof KXTRA FAMILY FLOCK, OU in at received, and for mIc Jow lor oaal?, at ^W. 1>AVIS'B kin i nit'i Sirtfl. . Jan *2 Xt. |f UIOHKHT uplilct |.ri?c paid in cjirL lor coi^yJpW T. W. 1?A\W j Y'.ntict a,U Street JaO 22 ''' ' "** tf