University of South Carolina Libraries
' - * " "if ??' *?? >*ti gStiL.'J ' 1--1?t. ' h.. - * ' A - 1 * , t%\ ) \ T ' * r . * At AiJihmm, on Thursday ? negro killed lh? Sheriff, Ikrt. Turner who was attempting to arrest him foi the murder of three colors| men. Tin negro then mounted the SheriffV horre, and escaped to the hills by the aid of some e.lou'd people, lie .wn* fob lowed by ofTiceis and eiiifc/ns.-and hi . fired upon them, wounding Mr, Sebastian Poj-eu A squad of soldier* at rived, and wounded the negro, who died in a short time. la Indiana, a railway engineer wa? recently kilM by an Accident, and th* ii'liiitijiltitAr of hi* estate brought a suit against the parents of threo l>oy? who had placed obstruction* upon the track and canard the Accident. and n X 1 I !.. ? I # timvi wr? ianu?r?u iu m* laior lur inv mhi of 05.000. A man named Jordan, living near I-oud<>nviUe, Ohio, diauk a pin'. ?>l wM?ky and p?pn?*r one day lint we*-k, tb break an attack of fevi r and ague, with which lie was troul led Tl?e fever wai ' hn>ke, " but it* sudden stopping killed the man. Ax editor recently heard two yont.g ladies discussing what they knew won hi he their feeling* when they were being married. One ?m certain ahe would faint ; the other wa? ao featful i f the ef f-cim upon her that >he inteuduJ to takv rhlor*/ortn. .. Tr a bee Ming yon, will yon go to the hive and destroy i< f Would not a thousand come upon you f If you receive a wrong don't 1m> anxious to avenge it. Let it drop. It in wisdom to ?ay little respecting the iujuriea you have received. s lx)VK Love L like a running river j tit goea downward and downward, hut doesn't come back in the spiing. The poor old granny in the chirrney corner m a withered tree Up the stream, and <he youngest horn i? a pteity flower on the hank below. Love leavm the old tree and' goea to the flower. A UTTiic three year old boy, already eet apart for a lawyer's calling, luting taken iu tiaod will) a'md, after having keen foibidden to pick another pear fruin a favorite dwaif tree, indignantly wtclaim- d S * Niemann, I did not pick off ohetpear; you cnaM aiwl see vf 1 slid."" Sure enough he didn't, lie imply mood there and eat it. and tWa cure wac ilill dangling fro? the a tern. A kbcknt writer upon t)t? euljecl ?f angling Imx (kwutel gvent deal a/f spm-o in Itia wQrfc to prove that fi?l?* ?a feel no pain froin fidi hooka. f]? thinks that i? lit* respect t|?ev are like insects, who appear qpii'e indiffnenl t? mutilation* that would cause iiistam death to animals. ? , <? ? * Man* witii a Cow.?TV re ts a man living not far from Danville, who. when ..." war (IomI, finding himst-K without s liorse, a ninl? or even an Md steer, liiieh*tl np his milrfa cow and msl? a good ? He fed the ecw 1> ami site not on!j ploughed nis laud, but gava biw nit'k foi Itla tabl i. TJttm negroes of Madison. C.eorgi* f initg to get lire lend and mtd** prom i?cd, lun a radical electioneering ngen ogt of town the other day. > *' COMMERCIAL O urk> vili.k, 9. C.. A pi II 1,18*18. Corros?This article lias again advanced and we quota at 18. @ IS cents. The'i qnolatioss do not include the tav, and ar< equivalent to 1<4 @ t4j. and ar? fullj u| to Columbia and Charleston press. Columbia, 8. C., March 30. Pale* of cotUa lo day M bale*?middling 36. faABLMros, March 36. Cotton Kit** and advance I & 1); aaloi 1,060 balee?middling 27) | reeeipt* 214. ArarwrA, March 30. Cotton market more active, bat itiff and un Milled; rale* 040 bale*; receipt* 80?tnid tiling 24) fa 26. . Baltimoiir, March 30. Cotton very 6nn, at 27). Floor aetlro ant Arm?low grade* ) higher. Cora Arm? white 1.10; yellow 1.20. New. Ynna, Match 30. Cotton opened active end excited; fttlly le better, bat tinder tinfarora' le advice* Iron Liverpool c lured dull, with the advance par tlally loet ealee 10,000 bate* at 27 @) 27) with bo boyere at over 27. Ould 38#. . GREENVILLE PRICES CURREN1 COBBBCVKO WBRKLT, Br MES8M. OAVIO *81RA01EY, MERCHANTS ORKENVILLR. 8. C.. MAR. IJ^186ft. . APPI.E8, be.hel, <lreen,...^l 40 fa 3 01 - " - dried, pT.Ul.Afetl.M " " - ? unpoclod, 84 o. (?4 i oo r^' RACOlf, VI lb,.'....... ... 17 fa 20 BALE ROPE. VI 18 fa 20 * UAOOINfl. fluany, II, y.l M e ntlTTKB a B ?<? ? - niTKWHlT\TfiofK,TM00fc.,??.0(S^6.n< IlEESw AX, 1?? 3ft * ohiokknh. p M-rtWi n r* 31, COFFER, *1 ?. Rio,.... *0 ft M , CORR, Tft U.bol $1 3* 0 ft) 3J . F.OOB. RHown 10 r FLOUR, V ">< 35 (ns 37 0< OOLD 31 41 IRDIUO, 3PMtab Flaat, 33 ?0ft3 ii ? Ka. C?. 75<lfi3 ( TIOH.R 3. Awarican, 3r LEAD, ? P>,.............. .. -.33 e LBAT1ISH, V 3>, 8ota, ll?*nl.?k 40 ? - '? ? ? OaV,.. 40 a " " * " tVl**', m....74? - M " H?moa?, 55 * MOLASSES, ? ftfuaeavado 31 * m " " Syr*p,. 31 71 RAILS. ^ 3a* *4 N (<ft 3?0 0< OATS, 13 bnabel, * ......? * ft 7ft a FRAHj" ? 31H PIAOItESrR So, Drift, paAnt ..34 04 M MM ? niwaWI *1 U POTATOES, ? Vuahal, TrUh 'tV^' 3f*C< - * Swact, TJ A |1 M SALT. 33 ?Mk, Liverpool, 31 34 8UO AR, p I??. BroM?..w 10 A M? ? * * Clartftft 30 ft 334 a * . ?. ? " Ovnabft.... 334 ft 3ft a SHIRTIRO, aarrn atfbU, 1ft Ift ? u Mail. AlIT? * TALLOW, p *.4 -..ftf* a HHBHlBBii * ' ' fr ? -v-r^Wf tjv J . ;...! .jL JJ TBI S BPECIAK NOTICES. ' KiTkIux Kl?n ' i MElCTal ibr ii-tmlointd gr?>and, ?l Ik# ' uwitl lu>ur, on Saturday night, April <ifi? I to Itnlulstuf j:i?(iv?. 0 3 K. K. K. > AdI 1 A1 l A Religious Meeting f WILL take ptose io the Preshytcrian Church, on ??tiinU]r tint, at 4 o'clock^ P. M. Rov K. Capsrs will preach on Saturday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. On Sunday Morning, at It o'clock, tha M?tli?4Ut Congregation will worship with the Presbyterian, and tlia Rev. Mr. llARPkit proaeb, ami than tha. two Churches will uuito hi cclet>n?tltij? the Lord's Supper. ; In the Afternoon, at 4 o'clock, tho Iter. Mr, Hart will preach in tho Presbyterian Church, and at night, Rev. Dr. BrtnT will preach at f tho Methodist Obnreh. " Itehold. how good and bow pleasant It is, Cor brethren to dwell together in unity." April 1 44 1 ; ?: , ^ ? Amateur Club. c* V()U are requested to meet next Friday j night. Yuu may b j sure tlint fun is ahead j A pi 1 4S 1 Meeting* to rcrm Dsmocrstlo Clubs and j for Mutual Safety. A MEICTIN'O o* i it iron* w ill 1>* held at HOWES SCHOOL llOU^F., on the Horse Road, at ten o'clock, A. M., on Sat > unlay-neat. i Also at Marietta, at four o'clock, f. M. on i the same day, Saturday. 4th ?f April, inat 1 Dr. J. P. UoYt'K, and oilier candidates 1 nominated, sr. respectfully Invited to at1 tend the meetings. MANY CITIZENS. April 1 45 1 i ~ iA CARD. , To the Yoters of Greenville District. IN |-reneuii?K myself before you as a e indid ?te for a seat in the next L glslature, . I deem it proper to preeonl to you my , view* on ths political t-.'J'les of Ilia day. " I am native here and to the manor bornam identified Ih feeling and interest with th? District, snl have at Inart ths well bring, pruap*rity Mini happiltca* of all rhtMM. I d? not entertain any nnkimi feeling toward the white raoe, nor have I any interest, antagonistic to any d.-parlm-nt of industry or cntrrpriae ; believing that oooud ' policy dictate* the encouragement of all 1 pursuit*, and moot particularly theng-icaltural, manufacturing and lit* mechanic aft*. If fleeted, I ahali take advantage of every | 'ireaaion to'present the varied fntereet* of the Diatriet to the favoriblc action of the r Legislature. . I am in favor of adopting lite " Conaiitn i tion" framed hy the recent Convention of I 8ou'h Carolina, in favor of a uniform eyetcio of moderate Inxuti-n, ?o that no peroon or int?r?U rloo.l l lo unequally or , wnju.ll, I ?t riloiwit. I am opposed to I all high taxc*. and in favor vf econ- iuv. 1 am for peace and harmony, and utterly opposed to any diecu*-i"0* having a tendency to rxeile l>a-t feeling between any elaete* of society ; and in canvassing the Diatriet ( ahali so ctMoluct myself a* to merit r?'?|M'Ct and kindncea which has , | alway keen shown me. -I V-rv Resnectfllv. : LUltLKY TALLEY. A pi I 4ft 1 ' il flEIMIJMIMS. FOR GOVERNOR, > GEN. R. K. SCOTT, r OF CHARLESTON. FOR LIEUT. GOVERNOR, r HON. LEMUELBOOZER OF LEXINGTON. ' FOR COMPTROLLER GENERAL* DR. J. L. NEAGLE, ; OF YORK. , FOR STATE TREASURER, N. G. PARKER, OF CHARLESTON. ; FOR SECRETARY OF STATE, F. L. CARDOZA, ' OF CHARLESTON. FOR AtXI <fe INS GENERAL, F . J . MOSES, JR., . OF SUMTER. ? I CAD t TTAtl UPV APVfn . r rvi? n i ivuiiDl ! D. H. CHAMBERLAIN. Or I1RRKLKY. i 1 ' ; FOR STATE SUP'T. EDUCATION, ; J. K- JILLSON, 0F KKHftHAW. | April t M ' 3 J Republican Nomination* ro* OfcNATC. JAMK4 M. AI.I.KH. ro* I KutKiATVOli. 8MMUKI. T1NSLEV. J. 11 IIYI?B. - WILftONt'OOK. I ' WILEY manor, i M?r i? 44 4 \ Notice. I rPHK Union RopnotVnn (Vi?did?tM for ( fi Logiolatnro oi>?t Rtotn Senate, will mi| rfrooo ibo titlifU of Oreen villa Uielriet. at tbo Mtanlag h?M ao?t plana*: At Jono.', on , tbo *tb of April; KlchonU-. on tbo 7th; at , Rh-x-kloy'*, on tbo Ptb; nt PI'UiBt llill, qo tho j . 1Mb ; nt 44Immwt kfnanMin, ? tbo ItHh ; at . M*r1rtta, on tbo 11th; at MroenvHo Cwnrt , I IIoam. on tho 11th, At 11 A. SI.; eio jit At tbo TerriTi t k- .?? IS * i.tfrrr p'?y? ni?lli>g*trrl?r?Tnrgt Vi.. ii colored mollier in l?n?cl kn?lt t?? lend in pmyer, fkereliy'tmpoatofclier kin*, when the delicto wks r?ocgtii? J hy one of the lirtfw il lieitiK Iter own riylilhi) i.rop iftf, *nd * icfiw not entirely tlevotionnl enaoed. -.iV*' Owe of the inconvenience* of kwildinpr i? rftftrcjld ?iT"i? iTie prtilHe# ? # iUtiftruled ft-e Hum aim U-Iien an anoint nan nf ll.? . track. and w a rod ?top|?<l until U had rub Inlu *.he vrmilf HO frcl f???m the track. A rnuiNis* quarrel In war iIm+Ik! ?Af umarlilnf a keen- | *n? lamp over the lira-1 i?f Iter antagonist ami I'urnli-ir li#*r l?> death. , ARRIVAL OP SPRING GOODS, BUNCOMBE STREET. i BBS! SRB f|>UG iisHncriHor take* thU occaxion to In1 forui Die public, ami the ladle* iu pur- , tic-alar, that he has received hi* SBAgOSJABltE. GDOM. And w?uld naV an eauaritmtlou thereof. Ills xtock eoHalata, iu part, of A Fine Stock U DRY GOODS Fiench nn<) American PRINTS MUSLINS AND DcLAINES CNKeittierea. Linens ' MARSEILLES Shirting. Long Cloths Brx?ts ami Shoe*, in great abundance TRUNKS luwliw' and Gents' II ATS Ladies' Gloren and llo>iory Ribbon*, Neck Ties. ParasolI'Al'KR COLLARS Fine lot of 11 aid ware and Cutlery DUCKETS Crockery and Glassware auq rr.PPFirti Tirvc FUh, in kits mkI l?*rreU . RICH DRIED FIGS, CANDIES, Ac. ' Al&S?* ALWAYS on band, Quro, Wlicat, Rjr?, Flour, Rneon, Uril by ilia, kit, Sugar limine and IVmI India Molnaacr; in fact, a full Mock of UROCBKIKS. Ho likvwiac keep* on hand a largo aupply of S<da and Upper LEATHER. AH of the aburc, he utter*- niF.AP FOR CASH, and hope* hi* friend* will givo him at Icart ? portion of their favor. / iJ" 11 ijrlicet prion paid for Country Frodaw, in riudi or barter. /frwmiirr wy Stnw?/-? Firri rfimr ?lmr? C?at/c'i ftim k*mith Skuji, 11minimiIw Strict. T. W. DAVIS. April I 45 tf NEW FIRM. mmimsm SULLIVAN & SON, OPPOSITE TBS mm HOUSE. ?ssr mla'JS? simis jy TUS s WAX DALE BUILD1XO, oSaacyaS 382*55 4S6SSS& bSB Are now receiving and opening Mi MEW ANBFRESH STOCK, Comprising a GENKRAI. VARIETY, which bu bc?ii purchased on mml fuVuraMu terms, and now iifftml to customer# at inch prieoa an cannot fail tv give autiafaction. Our Term* are " CASH ON DELIVERY, In all caret, without regard to prcvioua or prcfent condition of the parties who nn.y favor aa with their patronage. OCR STOCK SIIAM. ItK KKUufiARLY KEPT FKKsn. aa tho deiuanda and want, of the country may require. JAMES M. SULLIVAN. J. MlMS SULLIVAN. Greenville. K. C., April 1st, IJW8. 4tMf LOST." ON TV cdncadny night of Court Week, an mo where on Mate Street el?d ttear the Court Itnuae, a POCKET BOOK, containing the fallowing paper*: One Note on it. W. Cnretoo, for $58, with a credit of $M t another Note on Thoroa# Toileaoit for is, credited with ; togathrr with about four or Are dollar* in laauey, and raripua receipt#. Tha Ruder returning tho Pocket Rook and paper# may retain the money and receive the thauka of the loacr. JOHN T. CUREtON. April i 4k i* COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, vr a 1 vftnoki t DDt'uvtTD \ v? o. i^innnnu rvr>> c. .> \j Vt , ? Cot.rtiDU, 8. C.. March 25, IbftS. J TJIK attention of all dealers, an<l other parlies interested, is called In that portion ot the Rurens* Laws, known aa Schedule 0, requiring Stamps, to be sttacbed to all l*ATBNT MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS, Per fbmcrjr and Cosmetics, Friction Matches, Playing Cards, Caused Fish, Snores, Syrups, Ac., used, sold or offered for sale. Arrangements have been perfected to reSi Ire a move general compliance with thle law roogho'it the Third Collection Dletriet of South Carolina. The penalty of $50 for each violation of law will be enforced. K. II. BlXtlHAM, Inspector Sd Collection bint., 8. 0. April 14* 3 SAMUEL BLACK, BARBEB, WOULD respectfully inform the public that he has opened a BARBER SHOP in the bail dine formerly occupied h y JOSEPH ALKXANDRK aa a Harness Shop, and between the Store of Mr. Teniae Roberta and the building formerly occupied by the Post Office and Katurprii Office, second door ahere tbo ruins of MrBee'a Hall, where l?e has I nested. Being a /Yij/Vmiomo/ Hnrhtr, he hopes, by attention to besiaer*. together with politeness te all, to merit a portion of public pn? > - ; - b " I IWI I II i in Sri The State of South Carolina,; CUKI.MIM.E I'lVl nut j Djt S J DOUTiriT. /;?? , Ordinary of I ?a/rf Pi?tHrt. \\; IIKUKA8. A1.VX.1N.HKR >*11111 linn 1 * a IV1i\>>n in ttiy l j llmt LcM.if <il ration on nil ntnl 1 niiiffn'nr llf nr?l olmtt-U, ?I ^li?i" nml crrtli'i of MtOAJAU T ><M1 I II, ' <* ( thr ) llN?rirt nf<rri>?til, dicraK'il, ?tiouiJ lm > grnn'o I lint ! J Thexe drr, ihtrrforr, to ?1?tl H'WrtitnMi j nil nn>l i>(n^iit:ir il.e k'ti>1r<tl (n<t (srrililiitit of lit? .hKI ilfroifr'tj, to ! ? mot t in Ik. tVnit ! ! Oxlii irv fur *;t?l |)>mrict, to I'f holt)-u t\J Ori.titill. U- uit lloitH-, ot. " tlie 9 fr Jtiv ?J A/>ril urtt to fliow onii*-*, If -J nut, wuy IIIC till.I rtlotllll " not f t granted. H. J. DOVTWT, O. ( r?. I a Ordinary V Office, 2tUh March, 18?'>8 4-V-2 ^ In the Di triet Court of t e United j States, for Distr ct of South Caro | lita. I In the Matter of SAMUEL ItEA, Bankrupt.' ' /? //.mlfii/(if?. | * r|>Iir.4 IS TO i;iVE NOTfCK. that on the I 1 Jfttth of March, 186S, a Warrant in I Bankruptcy w?* hnuuil njjninst the E.'ttlc of I SAMi'KL UKA, of Ureenville District. in the! f State of South Carolina, who has boon n.ljiulg- i ed a BANKRUPT, upon hi a owii petition:] that the payment of any debt, and the dolive- ( ry of any property belonging to said Bank- i ( rupt to liim or for his uso, ami the trunsler of| ^ any properly by bim. aro forbidden bylaw;! that a meeting of the creditors of raid Bank-1 rupt, to prove their debt*, and to choose one or'inore arkigneea of hi* Estate, will be bold * nt a Court of B uikrnptcv. to l?o bold on at ; " Yorkrllle, ft. C.r beforo W. I. CI.AWHOX, , ? on* of tbe Registers in Bankruptcy of Said i I Court, o? tkr 6lh (/?y #/ April, A. D.% 1WJ, ! 1 at 10 o'clock. A. M. 1 J. P. M. Kl'PJNTi. IT. S. Marshal. t A* Messenger by T. TV. Clawi?on, Deputy Mrtrenin-r. April 1 45 1 , In the District Court of the United > States, for the District of South ^ Carolina. ^ In the Matter id WILLIAM F. MORRIS. Bankrupt."?In Uiinkruptry. TMIls IS TO C.JVF, NOTICE, that on the : I j W.h of March. I8t>8, a Warrant in | * Bankruptcy sai ia-ned against the Estate J i of WILLIAM F. MOHKIS. or Orceuviltc j I Ttistrirt, in the State of South Carolina, who I has been adjudged a IlATKIU'Pr, iii?n i Ids own petition ; that the payment of any debt, a' c! tjie delivery of anv property lw i longing to aaid Bankrupt to Iikii or for loa ? n?e, and th,e lranal?r of any property hy i him, air forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the credit..I * of raid Hni krnpt, to prove j ! their debts, and to choose one or more i > assignees of hi? Estate will l e held at a J 1 Court of Bankruptcy, to he hold-aim Yolk- ; 1 vllle. S. C , before Vy. I. OL.TW^ON. one of I 4 the Reuisirrn in Bankruptcy of raid Court, ot. /A* 8fA tiny of A [it it, A. U , 18<* 8, at lit ( o'clock, M. I J. F. M. KVIMNn, U. S. Marshal. i As Messenger l>y T W. Claw.on, lx-jmty I MrwN-titf#r. April 1 . .41 a PROCLAMATION. BY HIS EXCELLENCY JAMES L. OUR, t Governor of (lio St.ito of South Carolina. WHEREAS, information has Ireon cominnuii-atol to this Department, that one JAM KS Af. KELLETT. on tire Dili day of Dcccnih-r last, in tlio District of Green- . rille, coin in it toil a murder upon the Ixuly of one J. M. HENDERSON, and that the said ' Ki'llett has 11 -.1 from justice: ( Now, know ye, that I, JAMES L. ORK. I ' Governor anil Commander-in-Chief in ami ] ' over the Slate of South Carolina, to the oiul ' that the tiiil JAMES M. KELLETT may k ! ' brought to trial ami condign punishment for I the an ill murder, tlo herehv offer n ruward of TWO HUNDRED (*:tHi) DOLLARS for iiis arrest and safe delivery in any jail tu tho United States. Given under my hand and the Gsent Seal of tl.. Cl.t.. ?! - ~r i t this twenty-eighth day of March. I [SEAL.JA. 1). IfrfiS, and in the ninety.second ; | veer of the Independence of the , States of America. JAMES I,. ORR, I Governor of South Carolina. 1 K. CAPE1IS, Secretary of State. ' April 1 43 2 < DEMOCRATIC CLUB HOKINEES FOR DISTRICT OFFICES, CLE UKi W. A. ilcDANIEfa SI/KH/CF, W. T. SIIUMATB. OKD/XA n r, s. j. l>oUTmf. COiliilSSrOXEIl IX EQllTV, JAS. 1'. MOOKK. T*A-V COLLECT tilt, A. C. PEACE. Leerialntnfe. J. P. BOYOE. lltrn* KrpM?A. C. 8TKPP, ABSALOM BLVTIIK. J. K. DICKSON. A. Mol^E. Marrb 25 44 , 4 " Uh4TIE8T mwrWel pf-icr paid in mail for i OUTTUK, at T. W. DAVIS* 1 Bunconibe tttrMt, ' Jan 22 #5 , . tf k?b?ss?smi AT ' , ' SEV ENTY- Fl V E CENTS. four mm gup for $lh OYSTERS . " < 25 CENTS PEU BOX. a fl O'JSISa OBSB3 ( R. W. Folger & Co. j Kelru.iry 28 40 if 75 Saoki of Salt. ? Jt'ST rrc? Wed, and for *?)* nt u. ^ M, , ARRIVED 10 mm n 2!st mm, A F/XE LOT OF TOBACCO, TOB ACCO, Joth Chewing and Smoking, ^OMErillXU Fvtrd. wl.lcl. line under j gnn? t N?'w V... k Inlcriid I'rf n?c i??p rut** Kxniiiii.n ion \ mot therefore i? 1.1 to lv Alio, whirl. I nni * Hint? oh. > -vvrj?l<w|i'f r ?ta qnalHy. I i*,ind-eU delicious w-?l? Ci({iw. f?r eli'iptr llnm mi Imvc ?m ii for hi my ? tl?;: It. nl 'u a f??r a p.-r I ? *? n. at JoHN f> ASH MOWKM. A very laeee vf ?' and Mi**** tTRAW HATS. latest smI-a, t?ii)tii.ed anil nlrinioit'd, amongst vliirli,iiip th** Ore? ian, (irieinit KtRitin, N. Kn H. and F'oreiira, b**tdes m*tiv oilier mvl**. ?t JOHN l> ASII ORK/S. AK). n m ? l??-h?illfwl lot ol French .iih) I tierirnu Artifi.-id l''l??\v. re, Rilil-ona. <Ve., ' t\, at John I) A tlMoUKH I AI*o a U"'*' variety *.f r?.??>i?f for I l> .k>I?5, liraiila. Itutiftti*, Velvet ;i>d*oia. T.flT-l'i hn*l Bell dill", TitieH'l, >ilk, Flax ami Out inn. nt .lollN 1>. A^IIMoRRH Al?o, Oli-va. TloiJi-ry. I' r On in* his. 1 Vriiel#, (F*?< eh I I-o'iu ll'il.her Outer*,! 'fiord ami llruMf N.edle*. I'tu*. Hair Tin*, 'oiulif, of eiery ft* l?* ami vsijelv. nt JOHN I) ASIlS.OltFM A'*? fmliii Rnlilwr MnrM***, (O'naa nil M-trMn Uoi-k.) (luti Flin'a, Cap*. M*ia ;rt ?Htto, I'ewilef, S)m, i, ail. Ac, l> *<i|ii. hoii-lmf or Itto nlliei llitle ?rd Funny Vr lclm too IihIioua t*i inoniion ; It (.'tiding r -ilct SoApA, remarkably el.tyip. JVifnnel y, %.imndca. lln-r Oil* niol oll*rr Toilet Ar* | .?Uf, liriiJu lla'r Rr?t?hr? ai il t'unilm, at i JOHN l?. ASUMOKK'S. j A'?o, a very cxiei'ftvc lot of Crockery < tin) Olc-aware. Tumid*!* nl AO cet.ta |*er w't. CUfS at d Snorora, do., mull n fi* e ?e eetion ol Knell-It and Ifaa tliorn* Orsnite ii**lie*, Soh/i and Ifinner Pliira, Gupa and uncrra, Ron-Is, rilthen, liwonuud Uiisiuc, Ire.. Ac , At It'TIN n. A^nvDRFf*. Al4*) a efmine fill ?i| 6'.pars, O (f.-c. lVaa, l e Uici* ^irnp.j fa|Kijiii art trie to the ' GoM'H *' or " r tic?i llouae* Syrtipa, kais*. ns. Curisnig, Citron, Mure, Nti'm I,Clutm, r. aenc*-*, Candies Ma entuiil, Cfi'-rao, Smla 'ruckcw. (lro#l?.) with ninny ?tbrl articles it the Grocery line, which I ean sail on nnre moderate t* rin tli?" eve? I>rf>>r? elnee ho n-ar. Al?i a large a<s*-rini'-nt of Veo *nd Ttov'* lliii*; Wmil. For. Felt and Silk, lira w. Vanoinn, white ard ei-lnrid A'ao, a very la?ve ?**>-rtire t of Li*lie?, j llirtef, Went*. Y* utile and liq\< Hfcmn tor j i-no* ?IK! .-uminer; Ilinxillinj Calf, Kip. I Vlt'*1r S-al, ? *??! I.?*iintr Iln.-le.-a. Gaiter*, !taln?nals, nnil CVngret* Tl.a, nn>l LaCee, kc.. A.:. Also, a lo-ge lot of 8| fine and Slirwtiff Print*, Mndiua, l.-ve-Veils. V?il', llnndkereliic/s, TuM- eland ilhttwl every ntlier of I>ry Oooda kejd n ii l.??-k oh.try ature, all nf ultic'i will e jo!J at price* InWer than here-o for*. at JUllN I>. ASIIMOUEX A laiije anpj-lv ot Shillings and Kln-el. ui^. All the lor-|f?ing O tenia, \>*dde? natiy i-tln r* not nt'iiilnnid. were ttlrHcil I ror me. elm-fly In N?-w YotkCily. hy S- utli- | rrn men <l>-iiii( business there, of long and 1.4i-j{e .-x.o-rienee, trim ore more competent U> nmko cl-oiee s-P el Ions ihsn inyfeif, a ?1 l<ave I ? ???? sent tome at prices. (allh the xcpli'ti of a V' rv lt*w mi tides )h.-low any lint tin* hetli. hmu/lit to this lliarkrt emce lie rl<>?* of ti c wur, nod will be sold lo my I I fiieinl* ami patrons, a* \v. || n? the pnh ic J 'tirrslly. nl a Vi-rv small profij. for cash ?r country prndiMr, only. Call and see Item at Jno. !). A-alnnort-'H, )n? Door South N< w Court lluusc Main Si. Mar 25 41 If "United State: Internal Riven ne. J>KV. C-L. 0?r:Cic. firrrin ilia, S. C.. ) &lu roll 18. 1808. S T>Y virtue of on order from A. S. W AT,1.) LACK., Collector Inlet-mil Revenue, 3d Di*lrift. S C.. I will sell, ut tile ro*i ictie* of Mr* Sa?Aii McG-nVEn*. alnmt five miles from Oiri'inl'V 0 I'., on the And.rioii Road, on Saturilm/, IS/A (lay nf April, 1808, the follow ing piopeilv { to wilt One STUX. CAP nud WORM p STANDS a I>RA?|NO KR'"S 1 S1NOUNO TUB 1 WORK UENcH Rud CARrESTMlS1 TO< >I,S 1 ?m?ll TRACT of T.A^ift, adjoining Int.d# of 4?m. ! Tolni'kiiK. Nntiny ?nd Ann Cullei f.eirt, mid iiIIm r<. I.evied pro|*n?. Mid ?old f.?r I lie lux ttfninrt J. U. TOMl'KINS nt I he Miit ol the ['micd Slates for 1Uv?iiu? Tux. Terms L'nsh. A. L. cotm, t)?pnijr Col. 3d District, S. C. Mnr 25 44 4 Dissolution rV111 - c -piuinrixliip )un i??J(inf e^Ui iiiL' 1 but wren tlio iindeiw^fML tttwhi the imnw and *1 vie ?>f (1. W. tvCr"^ I'AliKlKf, Ii?s? been dUsnlVed by inu iiihI consent. Tliw# indebted will ttine forwsid end p:iy up, wnd those claims will prtsent llieiu. Ei liter I'Hrty cull eln-?e up. i;. w. l\\i:Ki*s, C. A. t*A It KIN'S, flreehville, S. 0., Mmrh 10, 1808 March 18 4H 3 FARMERS AND HOUSEKEEPERS, SAVE VOUS B8MES1 'I'll K niilifciilwr re*peclfull> Iflrnl inform* :li? public thm be in now located in the Duil ling H) I|i rH<it|)lwl by Mr. j. g. o. Torner, nckt lo the Engine flo*i?e. EdtiW where he will M.\KK TO Xe .lOKhKli or KKPA1K KUUN ITIJK'K. Ate., in the b?*l manner, nn<| it the lowest possible price* for Ce-?li i?r iccepteble Country Produce. r. w stone. March 18 43 8 KINO 4c GIBBON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS ui \ ic i.i:st<>>, 8. c. U W. *!*#< , OKO. K. ClKBo*. ( \FKKU their wrier* for the rule ot COT* [J TON sad OTllfcR PROD1C8. Ftricc Mention givou to borittcM ao<l prompt return* u?de. ? Htj'rrmec ? A. M. HamilKm Iiogrw A lonnlil jtiol 8toi>o A Ki< ti.tril*oii, Willmmrton. . 0. 4*-i Feb it HACKHuf FXTIiA FAMILY Fl.OUIl. J V r iurt irtrivrJ, Mid 'or *nj- !? '* t?r .?h, at T. tt^luTlVS f'-ut.r. fn!?? J>. fret. -mm r** ' ."3 1 . r ' ' A U l ; N T s ."""*1 - I \fEEIVS SEWING M ACHINE i 1*1 \ % 1 B . J I^IIF Wsl and mo#! simple Machine n#w in use, and U unexcelled liy any ever prrtt-rlfd to th? piihKf, having nil th# Intent linpmvemrdts; usee the straight Ne#Hl?t mnkvit lit* Tight lirck Stitch, which i# tli.) only rrUabU ore, tin shows th* Mm# on Ixiili ?|.lr*. Ii is pimple, easily worked ntnl kept in order; it wfil Stitch. Il?m, KrP, llir (I. Cor?l, Hiatd. Huffl', Tuck, Qnil*, II iii-Siituli, tinthcr mid Sew, at the rum# time, prlormimr n #r< ntcr variety ?? Work than any oilier Moeliiue, on the lightest to tli- heaviest hrhries. It received n medal al the re~eot Paris Ek? poult ion. M'o warrant them to give satisfaction ; if not. return tlicm. PicnM rfctl and examine them. Wo also keep constantly on hand, a superior assortment of llontlomcn's FPKNIhHlNtl ttonns and TRIM MINUS fr-m the cheapest to the liest qhslitlca, and low ftw rash.? We will CUT and MAKR In the West and latest improved styles, all Garment* for Gsntlcincn and Qeiits' Wear, Laities' Cloaks and Sacks, Ac. AH Work warranted. PICKLE & POORE. Oreenville, S. C. Jan. 15, 18C8. Jan 16 34 it Tho State of South Carolina. QCEF.NVlLLE DISTRICT. ShsttlPi Bales. BY virtnenf sundry Writs of Fieri Farina to me directed, I will aril, on the (Iret Monday is April next, at the usnal hour cf sale, the following PROPERTY, to wit: One HOUSE aid LOT la the Town of CIsrenvHIe, on the west side id Reedy River, Lot containing ^ acres, mors or lc#s. ?dj ininu land* ? f J. M Itenson. Mrs 8. W. Thruslon, II. P. Hrnnmrtt and others And at |h? Store of Oiady Ferguson ?k Miller, r>n Twmhui n/'tr t Salrt/au in ItitW ? IS oV?cW, im<>? One Lot of ftl<-rehandiae, eonahting of Urtfa. S'lora, Ciokery. Dry (ImoU, Noiionr. Iron. Levied on as t)i? p1operly or Rniin, Fcimt.'Ki* A nt lite suit of Patterson * I>n?li not! other*. Alr?\ i ho Tract of Land 17 mile* shove Or-mtilleO, 11^ on the Rutherford Road, containing f?tO aerw, more or lee*, adjoinin? land* ot R P. Stone. S. Oft in, Thom*a fhthb ?nd othei*. levied on a* the piop-rty ?f Join Wiavkb deceuerd, at the auit J( Ttionia* R. Acti'-w. AW, one Tract of land. VnoWn ai the . Home Place. eontaitiin? K9I) neree, more or lee.*, adjoining land* of Phihtnon Huff, John T. ItcMoU and o'het-s, Alro, one Tract of I .and containing 4'K) a era, more or lets, adjoining Ian J* of J. T. Dennett, Mr*. Naney A Hal in and oth. r\ Aleo, the Mill Place, containing a? re*. more or leae, adjoining Dmla of (4. T. Hughes ?1 1 , and tVrs. Levied on aa the property of Juan K. Sroxr, at the suit of Jnlitt 0. Farrow and o'lier*, Survivor*, Alj", one Tract of Land, containing 1,000 aciee, more or he*, adjoining landa of Wn. Ol'oice, John S. Foster and otliera. Levied on ua i he property of Ru-iiard F. Fustic*, at the ruit ol Evat a A. Keliy, Also, aix Fine Ohaiia, levied on aa th? pinpertv of Waddy TtiomvoM, nt tl-e suit of David ttokc. deceased, and resold at the i i?k uf I lie former purchaser. W. T SHUMATE S G. D. Sheriff** Office, March 12, 1868. Mai 25 44 1 Stato of South Carolina, . OKllFNVILI.R DISTRICT. Sheriffs Sales. BV virtue of n l)rcrel?l Orrler from the C Ift of OldinnrVj 1 will Sell on. i/Wii^ the CIh of April ncrf, l?? the huhMt liii'drr llie following TUaCTSJ of LAND. \\t \ Lot Nik 1. ftiinated hi Ot-eenvl'le District, on waters of Rocky Creek. bounded |?y land* of A. Win. Grislinm and others, con laining Ninety S,x and a half Acres, more or less. Lot K i. *L Sttnslfl In same District, on wntirs of snid Crivlr, ImiiMdcd liy lands <it Mrs. Htv?. Wni. tiiisham and others, containing Ninety Four Arrf?, more or Iras. Sol.l as llie property of It A Y LIS SM ITU, deceased. for partition among the.heirs. TERMS ?A cied t of twelve months, iwilli interest from date, for nil except so I Knelt ns will pay the costs, which will lis l^eijnirrd in rush. Dutch teere to glvo bond with good security and a mortgage of the prentices, to secure the pay ment of the purchase money . Rnrcbsters to irty for titles, W. T. Si < DM ATE, H G. D. ShrrijT? f ffice, March With, 1808. Mm 18 4(1 S Tho State of South Carolina. GREEN Vll.LR DISTRICT. liy fl. J DOUTIflT, Ktquire, Ordinary of mid l*i*tt irt. t\7 IIKKKAS, M. D. DICKEY, hss filed It ? Edition in my Office, praying tb*t lyett'M of Administration, with the Will annexed; on all and singular the (roods and chstUl'i rights and eredita of LEW IS H. DICKEY, late .lif the Distript aforesaid, deerarS't, nhtintd he g anted lu Iran. Theel t?re; tkrrtfa a, to cite and admonish all and sit gnlar the kind'oil and eredttosa of flis sard deceased lu lu. - " Court ?f Ordinary for hid Dwtrtct, to l>? hoiden at Or< cnvillo Court IIkmn, on Ik* ti/kJoy of April, ttfjrt, to ahnw ean?e, if any, why the Mid A?lmini>tr*ilon r-honld not ha granted. H. J. I (OUT HIT. 0 O. 1>. Ordinary'* Office, 23d March, ltffib. March 25 " 44 2 United States Internal Revenue, Hjsp. Cot. Omen, Haruvftli. >s- C., I January 28, 1883. J T>Y rtrtowof an order front A. 8. Wai.i.acr, I) CoilrrWr of Internal Herman, 3d CotIretioa District, 8. C., I will ?cll, to thn hi*hot hiddrr, on .Wnitiliiy, 20ih of April, 1888, at fbe re*ideno? of defendant, at Marietta, lintrville Diftrh-t, 1 SorrA Nnrrnr ? | liny //.-,r?r, and I owe hnr?r It <iy>?. Alao, one Tit ACT of I.AXl), containing 110 Acre*, being the Trait on which defendant n?w recidca, adjoining * land* of J. II. Clerelahd, Ji hn'ftueat, fiibhon and other*, Ta'ticd on a* I he property ar.d rotd for the tax aeacMed a^iiiprt 1IKNDEK90N tlQOI>. ot-the *nit of iho toiled ftwti.s ar Itavciii.r Tax. Term;* >n.-h. , A. L COlllS, lKpnly Cullc tor.