University of South Carolina Libraries
$' " ' rt )* . ) I- il ?; ) -1} af' V- M.? *;> !<*?/? > ?? Vv^f v.. ?, riirfHMriU f>- V' 'J * vmafc?t?&An ? 1' ' i ^ ir .p.M y ?r?i. v ..> : VOI.UME XIV. '1- J-' ??U.?J?.'A -aiiULXUUU. Ul.ij? 1 6. IV, TOWN E tS. k KDITOH. rj. c BAILEY, Pro'r. nd Axiociato Editor. Rntrfmsumioir Ttgo Dollars pw annum.. AnyRMViatUKXT* inserted at the rate* of one dollar per ixjunro of twelve Minion litre* (this type) or less for the first insertion, fifty rent* each for the second and third insery t".n?, end twenty-Ovo rents for suh-equent insertions. A*early contracts.will he nmde. All.edvcrtiscinuht? mast hare the number f Insertions marked on them, or they will ho inserted till ordered out, and charged for. Unless ordered otherwise, Advertisements will invariably be - displayed." Obituary notices, and all matters inuring to l'\ the benefit of any one, aro regarded as Advertisement*. V : Very Important Order from General Canby. The following order, just issued by General Canhy, will be read wilb general interest.? It will be seen by Section first that the election on the <|Uoeti?n of adopting or rejecting lite constitution to be presented, as framed by tile tyeconstructiun Convention now in sssaiouand also for 9late and Federal offices will he commenced on the 14th proximo, ahd hy Section -second, that the books of Registration aro-to be ro-op'ened and revised. Wa commend the order to the perusal of our readers ! llrangt Anrans Pr.roxn Mm.itaiit Piar.. 1 Charleston,.R. C., March 1.1, 1S08. j O' rftr*, .So. 40) The Constitutional Convention of the State nf South Carulina,;lu conformity with the Act of Congress of March M, 1S4S7, suppleuu-atary to the Avt of March 2, 1S07, " to provide for tho more efficient government of the rc>cl States," having framed a Constitution sad HbCivil Government according to tlio provisions of the aforecited laws-; and having l>y an Ordinaftco adopted on the Oth day of March, '-SOS, provided that the said Constitution shall lw submitted " fhr ratification to the persons registered under the provisions of this Act, (March 21, IS6N, Hiction 4,) at an election to be conducted l>y the officers appoints 1 or t l>e appointed by (he commanding General as hereinbefore provided, and to be h:id a fie the expiration of thirty days after the notic j thereof to he given by the snsd Convention and having further prorided, hy the ?tn~e?aid ordinance, tl?nt at tlio sumo time nn c action hall be bcld fur Onvernor, Lieutenant-Governor, Adjutant and Inspcctor-Gcnem1, Secretary of State, Comptroller-General,-Treasurer' Attorney General, Superintendent of K.lnratie*, and members of the General Assembly. ?nd further (lint in each Congressional District of the Slate an election skull be huld for a mi ni' cr in tbe House of Representatives of the United States Congress, and for two moss befs at large ; It is ordered. First. That an election bo hold In the State of South Carolina, commencing on Tuesday, tbe I Ith da* of April, and ending on Thursday, the I At It day af April, 1U8, at which all registered voters wf said State may ruts " For Constitution " or " Age ust Constitution," and also mt Uie seine ballot for the State officers and member* of the House ot Representative* specified in tbe aforccittd ordinance. Second. It shall be tbe dot* of the Heard* of Registration in South Carolina, commencing fourteen day* prior to tbe election herein ordered, and giving reasonable public notice of the time and place thereof, to revise for a period of five day* the registration lists; and upon being satisfied that any person not entljfi tied thereto has boon registered, tn strike the name of such person from the llsta..and such person . sba|l not be entitled to vote. Tbe Hoards ef Registration shall also, during tbe f. same period, add to such registers the nauies of all persons who at that time possess tbe qualifications required by said Asta, who haw not already been registered. . Third. In decidiug who are to be stricken from or added to the registration lists, tba Hoards will he guided by tbe law of March 3, IMS,* and the laws supplementary thereto, nod their attention is specialty directed the supplementary Act ef July 19, ISfiT. Fourth. Any duly reuiatered voter of tbia State who may have removed from the Distrlet in which he wes registered, shall lie en. titled to vote in the District (C'ouufy) to which be be* removed end resided for the ten days peat preceding this election, upon presort tation of a certificate of registration from the Dietrle* In which he was originally registereit, or upmi hie affidavit or other satisfactory evidence that he was so registered, and that he has not rnteii at this election. It shall he the duty of the Kcgfxtrarr, upon the application of any duly registered refer who htfa removed or is abuut to remove from (ho (vreeinct In which ho was originally registered, to furnish him with a cartHkate that ho was ao?rd)ilstere<t, and to note the fact in the registration books of the precinct. To default of the eertlfcate, the affidavit ef the voter must Set forth the Dlatrlc* and product In which he was originally registered, and the length of titoe he has resided in the country in which r- he desires to vote. In dnuktfnl csnW, the Registrars or Manager* of Kh-ctianfr shell require such additional evtdunee as may he necessary to satisfy thorn that the applicant is legally entitled to vot*. Blank forme for the ecrtiflcates and for the affidavits herein-re? quired, will he furnished the Ifeglstrars and tM Managers of and when used trill be Attached to the ballots east by such voter*, and will be transmitted ta- District HH^osrtm with the returns required by ,< ?UB.-; " , Fifth. The said election will be held In each District at such plasms as may hereafter he designated, uhder the supevtutsndeuce of the Boards of Bogistrusiosi $m providod by law, and in accordance with Iwetrue'-iona hereafter to be'given to said Hoards in oonformity with flLa Acts of Cuiigres* and as far as may le M* .withgbo lews of fUutb Carolina. wHL ?, Kiglb. Aafs^s shall be opened at such plaoVgl ?U o'clock iosloe fmoiiooJt V EEFLI , f .W- f? V > -IW -V ? ~y 1 li . '.-'. -.I' .... w and cloned at aix o'clock in tlio afternoon of aacb day, and shall ho kfpt open during thero boors without intermission or adjournment. Seventh. All judge* au<l clerks employed In conducting raid election iksll* before commencing to bold the same, ha strum to the faithful performance of their duties, and shall also take and subscribe the Oiitb of ?>Bce prescribed by law for officers of the United States. Eighth. No member of tha B- anl of Reg titration, who is a candidate for election to any office to be tilled at this election, shallsertro as a Judge or Maungcr hf" tho Election in any precinct which be seeks to represent. Ninth. Tlve Sheriff aad other peaco officers of each County arc required to be prrseut during the whole time that the polls arc kept open, and until tho election Is completed ; j and will l>c made responsible that there shall'' | be no interference with Judges of Elections, : or other Interruption of good order. If tbera should be more than ono pulling place in *t,y ' Cuuoty, the Sheriff of the County is cnapow. eacd utid directed to make such assignments of his deputies, and other pence officers, to the other polling places^ as in his judgment best subscrva the purposes of quiet and 6nkr; and be is further required to report those arrangements in advance to the Commander of the Military Tost in whielt bis County is situated. | Tenth. Viohmcc, nr ;hreata of" vioclruce, or of discharge from employment, or other oppressive means to prevent any person from registering or exercising his right of voting, is positively prohibited; and any such attempt nili tc reported by the* or JnOgcs of Elections to the Post Commander, and will cause tliO arrest and trial of the offenders by military uuthorily. The exhibition or carrying of dead1 r weapons in violation of Ucnerul Orders No. 10, of 1347, at or in tha vicinity of any polling places daring the election hureiu ordered, will bo regarded mod treated as an additional offence. Eleventh. Ail bar-rooms, saloons and other places lor the salo of liquors by rot ail, will he closed from six o'clock o( tho evening of tho 1 St1* of April, until sis o'clock of the tuorai:ijf of the 17th of April, 1SAS, and during this time tbo sale ?f all intuiteslli; liquors ?t or 1 near any polling place. is prohibited. The police officers of cities and towns, and tho Sheriff* and other peace officers of counties, will bo held responsible for tho strict en furcctnent of this prohibition, and wilt pron.p'ly arrest and hold fbr trial all persons who may transgress it. Twelfth. Military interference with elections, "unless if shall he necessary torcja1 the armed eueaaive of the Uuitcd States, or to keep the peace at the polls," is prohibited by tho Aet of Congress, approved February 2o, ISC6, and no aoldiors will bo allowed te oppcar at any polling place, unless as ciiiaens of the State tbey are qualified and arc registered as t oters, and flicn only for the purpose of voting; bat the Commanders of Posts will keep their troops well in hand on tbo dsys of election, and WiT! be prepared to nc. promptly if the civil authorities arc unable to preserve the peace. Thirteenth. Tho returns requited by law to be made to the Commander ot tbu District ef the foralta of (his election, rendered by the Boards of Registration of the several registration precincts through the Commanders of the Military Posts in which their precincts are situated, and In' accordance with the detailod instructions hereafter to be given. Fourteenth. The State officers (o bo voted for at this election are t 1. Governor. 2. Licuteuant-Governor. 2. Adjutant and Inspector-General. 4. Secretary of tttale. , ? 5. Comptroller-General. 6. Treasurer. 7. A^ornry-General. 8. Superintendent of Education. 9- Member* of ths General AssejnMy. Fifteenth. The Firit Coajrrolontl District i* fumpoiil of the Counties of Lancaster, Chcstcrfhdd, Marlboro', Darlington, Marion, Horry, Georgetown, Williamsburg, Sumter, Clarendon and Kershaw; the Second U com p<?scd of the Counties of Charleston, Colleton, B?^nf?rt and Barnwell; the Third Is composed of the Counties of Orangeburg. Lexington, Richland, Newlwrry, Edgefield, Abbeville and Anderson; the Fourth is eompoeod of the Countinr of Oconoe, Pickens, Un-L-nville, Laurens, Spartanburg, llnion, Yoik, Chester and Fairfield ; in earb of which one person shall be elected as Rcprcsentatire to the Congress of tho I'oiled States. In addition, two other I members of that tiody will he elected by the ! ballots of tbe registered voters voting at | large Lhrogbout the State. Fly command of Brevet Major-General Fd. R. 8. Cajibv. LOUIS V. CAZIARC, AiJ-tlt-Cfttnjt, A. A. A. liwcrtl. ?? ? ? Il?>w 10 (iK.r an Kjh'catiom?Boy* ay to men, We want an education; but we are poor, and father i* poor, and we cnu'i get II ; to we are g"ing lo learn m IrmV, or go into A store, 01 do fGltiething els*/' Now lei n? nay ! ever) l>oy ilut wants mii education, If lie will bend lite force 10 it, cen gel just a* good en one am lot want*. The way i* open. Education doe* not enae ihrpugh academic*. college* rim] *?ifti naiie*; llt?*^e are help* , but it coinet bw study and r<a!ing end computing. And All l)?e school-, end colleges end teiniiMiiee in the woild, will ?ol make a scholar of a man without these; end wiib ihem a man will lie one if he newer see* a college. And what i* true of boy* i* true of glils, aik! what is Hue id thi* pursuit i- true of ant other. The fori* must be from yourself; m I )Ou init'l d? velop it. it is that iudotnilab'e i van,** set* a iuan astride . thwOfcuihl. a i ?: 11 Hi * CX OF P . ?-. . (jlUCKiNV1I.I.K, >SOI 1 1 -J-'J?g Extract from the Internal B event] Latra. 8ro IrtO A*il it il-further ennfttj, Tti nny pcwon wli<? aliatl i>H> r ?? rlpnM fi *ate any < ! lie * tmmiinI in *clied?t O. or lit any amendment* thrret?, wit el In the ticl?-a *o ulTrred or ?|><trd are it ported or a^Cof foreign Or domeaite mam taeturr, ahnll he d>-?nu-d tlte t'naanfaeldri tliei and ?t|lj*et to all I he dull-*, Haiti i tie*, and- p-rtalHoe Imposed bylaw in * Ipird t<* the tale <>f dnmeatio article* wir i ut the uae of the proper atamp or *lnm| denoting lb* tax paid iherewn, ami atl *o< aiticle* imported, or of f *relgn in*no tie Inre, thall, in addition to the import duti inifHou'd on the aatne, In ruhject to tl ' atamp tax, n**p-.cti??ly, pre?erlhed 1 liedule G, a* aforetaldT I'roviJtd, Th, whan aueh imported article*, ix-epl p*a ing caida, lueifer or friction matcho*, eig< light*, nnd wax tapeia, ahall he aold in tl and unbroken package in with lite boltha or other eticlo*ui?* wete paeki ' by the manufacturer. ilia perron to *ellir aaid article* rhnil not be au'Jcut to at penalty on ticcouut of lite want of tl proper attain p. SCHEDULE C. Mitmctxis oa raici'ARAttoxa. For and upon every packet, box bottle, p?t, phial, or other enclosure, e.onUinIng any pill*, powdor*, tincture*. tr? clt.e, hix-nge*, ay rap*. cordial*, Miter*, anodyne*, tonic*, pU^'erg liniment*, ra'v-B, ointments, pa*tea,'drop*, wat*. a, ca*. nee*, rpirile, oil*, or o'her niedleinal preparation* or coibpo* ti<-n* whataoetcr, made and aold, or removed for roit*tnitp?iou and aale, by any per* n ' 01 peirolte, whatever, wlli ftiit thr p< rlun making or preparing the runic ba?, or claiiua to have, any private formula or occult secret or art for the making ' or pr-|>aring the *a<ne, or Ua* or olaiina to have any exclusive right or title to the making m preparing the, earn*. or which are pi par d, nltered, vended, or expo*ed for sale mid r any L iter* putent, or hi Id out or recommended to the public by the nftaker*, vender*, or prop* l> tot* thereof n* propri* taiy medic I ma. or a* r-medie* or apeciflc* for nay- dheare, dbcnsea, or efT?-?-ttoti* whatever ult^U In|; thf TiuniHti or nnimnt body, as fol|)<W?t Wtl re ?Uc!l packet, In-*, Inilt!*, pot, |>hial, or other Micbwrf, with iti ?ohlrfiia, shall not ftwil, nt retail price, or va'ue,"the sunt of twenty-five ct*t?. one cent, Where such jtaohetphnx, bottle,- pot, phial, or other enclosure,' uri It its iontehla, shall exceed the r<-l*il price or ea'ue of twenty-live eentf, and nut rxcied the retail prive or value of fi IT cent*, tw ? cents,...,........ Where such packet, i?dx, bottle,- |o?l, phial or other enclosme, witli it? contents, ahall exceed the retail price or value of fifty rente, and ah elf not sieved the retail priea or value of sevtn1y five cento, thr?a e-.nta Where euch pocket, box, buttle, pot, phial, or other encloeore, with ita eontriit* eha'l exceed the r?-talJ price or value of seventy-five e nta, and shall not exceed the retail prise or value of one dollar, four cents. Where eu?-h packet, box, boiiSo, pot, phial, or o*her enclosure, with ita cont-nte, shall exceed the retail | rice or va*oe'of oaa dollar, for each and every fifty canto or fracihtwsl part thereof ov?*r and atu?ve the one (totUr, aa hefui? mentioned, an additional two ceuta *. rrawnrar t*n common, For and uj on every paekrt, lioi, liotllr, pot, phial, or other enel. ore, containing any eaecnre, extract, fnilet water, ooemetle, hair oil, pomad*, hair drawing, Itair reatoratlve, hair dye, toothw-N?h, dentifrice,, ar-matia caclione, or any aimllar article*, Ly ab>toarer nana the tarnt heretofoia Uv? teen. now nre, or nay hereafter be railed, known Or diit-tignieliod, or to h? ted or applied aa perfume* or eppiiaati n? to tlie l<a?r, mouth or akin, made, pr. pared, and ?>ht or removed f.?r eonanmptioa and a)a la the United Stitera, where Mob picket, box, bottle, jmt, phial, or other eneloaure, whit ila eon ifmf, n .1 exeewi, at tl>? retail prioa or tiIm, th? sum of twesty-flve rests. una e*nt Whera audi packet, lox, hollU, pot, phial, or otltor eneloeere, with ita eontenia. shall c?a?el lha ratail price or value of tweuty.flra e-nU, and shall n?t rxcwd tha ratal! price of talus of i fifty oenU, two cent-........ ....... Whsra s<tSh packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other enclosure, with Its contanta, shall exeeel lha retail prlca or aloe of fifty a. nts, ant shall not ax crad the retail pries ar train* of seventy -fiaa ci-nts, Ihrea amis. Whera sueli packs', box, bottle, pot, phial, ar othrf enclosure, with Hsaoataata, shall exeeed the retail price or value of eeveely Ira oanta, and shall not axaaad tb? r-tail pries ar value of ooa dollar, foar cents Where eoah paeket, bos, bottla, pot, phial, or othar enclosure, with its eontouts, shall exceed the ratail pries or ralua of one dollar, for each and every fifty cents or fractions! part thereol ov?r sad ab-ve lite ear dollsr, ax b?iSnt. I sfls ^ ? i Hi i ^ 1 , II I . rft ** * * 1? : v*. ' 03PTJ T j AI ? - ? i i??? LITH CAROLINA, APRIL 1. f>?* IMCllt loll S ll, KM KilllltilMul IWO 1 ? * *1 KkWtimm maTouk*. tirliii-ifrt matcher, or i?r M'irr ?nl?lw mad*- In pari wf wood, le a hit naed far Hke |?.riiw?, in pir?-l* *r or package* eonlainlng one hundred it mstehis oa Ifm, fur each jwtrcel or n- |mrkage, one cent. ?<.... 1 ei When in parcel* af package* containing il more than on* hundred and not mora e- than two hundred loetrhca, fur each h parcel or package, two cent*. 2 f>* And for arery additional ore hundred :h matches or fractional pert lhcr? of, one a- cent........... ........ 1 cs For we* tap ra. donhle the rat . a herein te intpoee I upon friction or tveif r nta'.ehin ra; on cigar lights, made in |art of at woo.f, wag, gin**, paper, or other niey tcrial*, in parcels or package* contain r ing twenty-five lighta or lota in each ?c petrel or package, one cent 1 ib Wiiea in parcel* or packages containing ?l more than twenty-five and nut more ig than fifty lights, two cents....... *- 2 ty For ereiy ndditlonal twenty-five light* or i* fractional part of that nt'tiil er, tut* , cent additional. , 1 Platino o.mid*.?For and upon ev.ry pack not excoding fifty two ear la in iinniher. irrespective of price or vn!uc, jltir erttttu fi Can top mkat\ F?r and upon every can, liottle, or other eingie package, contai'iing meat*, fiidl, aliell fi-lt, fruit*, Vegetables, sauces, syrup*, pr- pirod iuu.-lard, jam*, or jellies contained therein and pneked or scaled, made, prepared, and told, or "ff<t#l for sale, or removed for consumption, in lha United Slates, on and 4(U?r the firat day of October, eighteen Ituudrad and sixty ais, when auch can, bot|h-a or other riitgl* package, with Ita contents, ah ail not exceed two pound* in height. the sum ?if <m? cent... 1 wi.en inch can. bottle, or other -ingle package, with ita content*, thall ?xc?d two pound* in weight, Inr every additional pound or fractional part tli-re>f, one cent... 1 Walter Scott A few <l*y* ago Hon. V?'m. E. Glad -lone made an audie*s h? England on the life and writing* of S:r Wallet ^coll. Hi* estiinaio of S'colt U aliovvti In the following paragraph* : " There were two great nn?] memoI table namen that were allowed to aland at the head of liuiuan kind. One of tltetn wi? Homer, who lixed piohablx three thousand year* ago; iho other was Shak-peatc whom we were allowed in tlii* Country lo call our own. The ^ verdict of the literary wo?ld wan nea-lv iinanim .iif that those two were by fai the greatest painters and porlraj era ol tinman character that had e er lixed ? lie believed he whould not be too audacious if he claimed for Scott the third pfatw among the poet* and wiitera t f * all the nation- of the world. "Sir Walter has left tu a double treasure?the memory of him-elf and the poin-csMon of ItU work*. Both of I... - ? ....11 ? 1 ^ Ti II - iuu-c niium ruuuii'. lite rrci'iieeitoil Oof * character so noble, so simple, so * generous a* bin. could nul pas* away. All lliMt v as be>t and highest in the %gc i.f chivalry wa* brongnt i!??n by him into the midst of an aga of iiivvntion, of cri?hi-in, of movement, of inter mil nature, and, possibly, an incrcn* ing severity to the wealth ami luxniy which, by the use of tho-e power*, we * were enabled to attain. As to hi* wo. ks, they were immortal. Notbirg but tbe extinction of civilization couhl possibly extinguish Scott. If we di-l not now appreciate biin aa we ought, it wm our inbfor'.une, not hi*. Tbe fashion of the me men t might prefer tbe uewesl to tbe l>e*t; but ae the onlm order of nature wae renewed after a so the permanent judgment of mankind would regain lie oqoilib liuHt, and would render the honor* of I vomica I and literary achievement* wlmie tliey wete due." . .. Tiik runaidkirt'a Nomine* for trrw War Orrifca.? Mr. R?ing i* one of the statesmen of bv gone generation of great inea. lie was in the S.nate, a Whig member from Ohio, in tbe day* 1 when bo"h of the great parties bad their I*e?l intellects in that body, and wu among (ha foremost in oharacter mid ability. He served during the greater pm i of bolb terms of (veneral JmvLmjii, and on ilia d?ff?t of Mr. Vmb 1 liuren in 1840. bream* a .tneuiber of Urnrral 1Iarri-on's Cabinet in March 1841. Again, when th? Whig* mic seeded with Oeneml Taylor, in 1848, Mr. Ewing wm made Secretary c.f the interior, from which ho wat transferred I again into the United State* Sana'a. He haa been long out of public life, and ia now neatly eigh'y years of age, perhap* the ohleai living man who ha* been in the Unhed Stales Senate, a? ; Oeneral Imertzo Thomaa, who the Pi*a4 idant selected ?.e Secretary ad interim, ia the oldest officer In ibn military service of the United States, having enter ed the army in 1828?forty-Are year* ago. r Mr. Ewing is father-in-law of Lleuc.Gen. Sherman.?Macon Tcieyraph. > .M?h*yWO , - S . 1808. - > ? Wabhinoton, March 23. ? Al 12 30. \Vade announced, Mt-pen??n of bodiless f??r impeachtyenf.? The order v a* argued unrjl 1 uVloclt. when Cha?e |>iooli?i(n.?l Ili?* court o|trn. The manager* wore informed, Mini the. I 'resident's conn ml appeared* etc. I >a ' vis submitted m iito.ioli, that tin* Srnn f, < ms cons ituto'l, did not ootvnitule an iinprMeliitirtt court Ms contemplated In i the Cnnstiunion ? ten Siitirr whliom -t their cono-nt, being iginir?l, (hd\ , I?m nnd M.;Oreery, both ??f K ntiii kv, voted aye. Cha*<j intimated iliat il?e comt was ready for the 1' vsideat'* an- * *wer. S'.anburv said it w*< ready, Inn coun-el had devoted every liour allowed. ignoring private Imdncm ar.d ?nc roai liinjr on imln u'il refreshment and creation, lo ill* preparation. The I'reident claimed his Cons'i mi<? mI power ot riiuiol, lie coi.aid -r* the organ ita ion of the War l)o.part tur nt and the relation* of the N'C.|fi?iv ol War to Ida adurinUt ra ion. elaiming him as hi* Constitutional hJ vinsr, and showing t'oe Ihe-id-ni's re rfOUMblliiy for the Secret at vV actions. , lie proceed* to slow (Iini Siantun had Income hostile to the Admiui*',rati< n, and could no longer occupy tlu* po i* tioii toward* the Adinjnirtrnlion con tetnplatcd by the father*, and that the 1 1'ie-ident cow It! n^,lougcr assume re ' .ponsihilry f.?r hi * action*. lie fuithei cihiino, that ihe mc iou of the Semi c , did not restore S.anton to llie War . OtHce; hit that the War Ollic? wra- ' technically vacated when he appo in led Thomas Fatiiiliai laws and prvc?-deifl* *cre quoted mi l-itg'h to ?ti>iain this tx>*i.ioti. lie denies having or intended ' -.totaling the Con-tiui'i.ti or law*? ' Anaweiitig ihe second article. l!ie Pre*- 1 nfeiit assert* that the War OUice wa? ' vacant, and quote* law* to sustain 1 Thomas' Answer to the 1 third, is a gen. r.?l denial. Answer to * the fourth?lie denies anv con-piracy ' w'naiever; Ids action *u confin d to 1 the note* to Thnnia* wild Stanton, ap- ? pointing one am! removing the other; ' and in answer to the Huh, sixth and < ??<Venth, the same allegation* occur, i and l?a-Iced hy the asseition that he had no ot j ct whatever hut to ins<n ain < the preroga-i*es ?.f Ids idhce hv legal i uti'ins. An?werii g the eighth, he di?* | a?ow* any intention to lake*!. n I id the mom y or property of the War ( Office, and again insist*, hv aryuim-nl. ( i 'uHtiation ami precedent, that lie acted in a Ooiisti .niwHiat m.inner. An??er ing the nil.lit article. Jot quotes the in- ] lei view at length, and Ids protest , xg.iiiiat the rider to the army appropi ( at ion hill, in which he claimed, a* lie | still claim*, that it deprived him of his | Constitutional duty of commanding '.he ; siuiv. Anawcr to the '.en?U article? | the 1'ieaident denies that the rp. citica- , lions give Ituth in verlwge statement, oi in quoting fain his speeches, and in , case the Senate entertain the charge, In* ( deiuitmla a full investigation of what he Haiti and meant. In this answer, tite , President claim*, in a Romow Imi J. fi mi ; manner, hi* freedom of. speech ; lie , claims that, though President, lie i? an | Ameiiemi citizen. Answering the elev | enlh mi liele. he claims that he cannot , answer it, because it designate* no tie | dgn, device ot attempt involving acti >n ( which couhl l?? e.-n-tnej into a high | misdemeanor. The Piesldeht retain* , the tight to a?ld to this answer. The , managers announced their replica'ion would be ready to morrow at 1 o'clock Tho President's contn-ei naked thirty t days. Two houi*' arguim-nt ensued, | ar.d thirty d*ys were rifu-cd ? 01 to ( 12?a strict patty vote. A motion to , postpone fixing the lime until nfier the j replication by the House, failed. Johnson move.l, allowing triitUys as amend , story to the motioti from the President's ( eoutisel f>r reasonable time, but the , Court and Senate adjourned. A Wonu roa Itova?Truth is one of tiie rarest gems. Many a youth has been hint to srreiety by allowing it to tarnbli, and foolishly throwing i away. If It,;. ~.r>, ..:tt -I t? 1 I iui* piviii run runic* 111 y uif T IMP otii, nothing to di or Uun iU lustie. Profanity i* a maik of low breeding. Show u* tin* in mi ?ko com in nod* re* peot ; wn ohiIi never tremble* on lii? tongue. Ke?d the catalogue of riMiieIii<|uiie llie character .of those who Jepail from virtue Without a tingle ex caption, you will ffiul them to be ptoft ne Think of tin*, end do not let vile word disgrace yon. Untie*!), fran IcneM. generosity, fir*" tue?blu?*ed trait* ! lie these your*, my boy, and we ahull not fear. You will claim the re?pi-ct and-love of all. You are wntrhwl by your elder*. Men who are looking for eleika and appren tinea, bare their eyea on yju. * tf yon are profane, rulgar, theatre going, they will not choose yoa. If you arc up right, steady, and iuduktrioua, before long you will Rod good placea, kind maajert. ami the proepeet of a useful life before you. ? ? Wur are hot buckwheat cakes lik* aelerptliar* t Because they are the! grub which aaakes the batterfly. w % - -. ' f* m ?? 1 -*> >* ( i iitui 51 , , > '.*< t jr*i* .r* r T : :r..i i ; NO.j 45. " "" ? ? *:?. .. Pmot Lot* ? A*h mi* young laJy ?bti ?li? think* of " firrt lufri" *< ! Ik* wHI trll > ?? that it U ih? qulntemenea of all that U f r?1aiic, compared with which, Miy u>w|l?<l low that- in?y o<N?tr a*tef h, must he as ?fc* h'tia akimmed milk l? ?liitt? I trMin. P>i% he Mime queatiun to an envinnwred young centl-man of ?lH>ut eighteen, and he will ?ow that it i* the ch?m|<a{ne of the human exi-tone"; to whh;h ?i enbaerpt-nt etffii-' rione. dignified wiili th* nime ol lore, afa mere J.?r?ey c! frt. But the mature of both 'exe*. in' nine ra?e? out of ten, can tell a different ?t.?rv. B ?y etui girl love t? l-tit a faitil.altadow of the InUn** pu??ion which oft? n mid enthrall* tlie middle* *g-d. The capacity fir loving la not fully developed In the young mi a* who ha* ju*t e**t naida Ji-r J .!|a, nor. in 4ha youth. ? htt?e chin i? I ut newly acquainted with the rut >r. The entllusitem of thee* now ice* in the tender paostom ia generally era* ,, n-*ceiit. Of coui*-, there are rome e-oep- ? t ion a I. carer, but, ?? a K>tirr*l ro'e. lo*a Joea no' Ink* firm root In the heart brf.-re * the age ol twenty-five. Prwf*e*iona of on-* A) ing da* ?ti<?n from young men of IV and 50 me not to he trnrted. The question whM?'a*lady who receive* an offer of fltar Inge r'lonld e??n*ld-r Hf ndt merely whefh,; *,<? er alie liar won the uff cllon.* ol her admirer, l>nt a'?o whether, if won, *he can keep tbam ; to have and to hold, are two llijog*. Krrrc-r or An**vds or Pocxo.?"Dr. H. Ilall* Anlth, of T<o<i!*vil|e, Ky.# l?y ecrta'n luverigntjnna cltim* to have fl'alduhed the truth of the theory that aniuul* living permanently in the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky are pot only without a trace of tha a;? ic n?rve, but are also deatituta of Ui* t nee of healing. At one limo h* pen? tinted about four miles into the interior of the cava, ami cnie four hundred fart tmlow 4 the irfice of the rattb. The *oiitud? aoJ * total absence of sound produced a wry " li?tre**iNg and ahnoat insupportable affeet ?pon him, reeulting in a very pe>c*pilbl<t, hough tentpof.iry, defactioh of hearing and ' itierration of mind. Thi* explain* the faet wl y p-rso** I >at in the care for one, two or liree ?'ny? have always been found, when ?*o, in n ?tntc ?f temporary inaai.Hy ? nnnl and upecnil Mntre, deprived of ilieir nulnnil pthiliim. Hid eiinm'ua, g> adu- ^ illy become weakened, partly* d, .alro)>lii d, and finally, a? far aa external oiariiIr.-utio: a are concerned. n-trly i( not quiu ^ rxiinot. TI.U fact may afford aouie cine to the cauMwf &r?ltniam la ll?o Alpiaa yalbje. i? : ? , hi 1U Happv.? A cheftf il tamper, a \ kindly heart, and a coarieooa tongue, ranuol l<? (no carefully or to6 *-edt)loa?lv cultivated. On the other hand, a die* |M?ition lo l>? glo.imy and captious, to be hitter rnd ill naturcd, to l?e cynical and slanderou*, cann??t ho too cautiously avoided. Tlie habit, loo, la apt to gtO'* and become poweiful as the other. It we permit ourselves to look conktanily on the dark aide, and view everything with distrust and jealou?7, we shall feldotn be ahU to realize and enjoy anything that i> bright, heauiifttl, kii.dly and goneroua, Tbeie ia more t>*?.r, nothing so calculated to impair health, J. face beauty, and lake away from the* l.uinan countenance all 11 tone roar, shilling light* which are admira* lily mi ted to brigliteu and adorn, a* a h-po i(io"n to fiet, vex ami be mhera- ^ !>!#. The soul u thus r. tl c'vd through he human countenance, jiul aa it is jften mirrored in the eve. faccfM ?Every man mail patiently bide hi.- lime. 11a inu-i wail not in boles* idleness, not in useless pa-time, not in querulous (Kj.-ciion, Lot In con* *tant. steady fulfilling and accompli-hin I* hia lank, that when the Occasion cine* he inav l?e equal lo it. The talent <>f aucces* i* nothing more than doing dial rnu can <lo well, without a thought of fame. If it e one* at all it will come because it is de?erved, not hecau e it i? sought after. Il is a very indiscreet and irouldcsotno ambition which cares so much about what the world says to us; to he always anxious about the effect of what we do or say ; to be always shouting to hear the echoes of his own voice.?Longfellow, Tub IIisekia* Social r.?Patrick Donahoe, Esq., lbs editor of the Bo'ton "Pilot," was one of ihe guests invited to attend the u--~?--s -r ?v- h i - .? - < ? mui|uci vi (uv iiiDcniinn rooi xj ?? CDII CJl} Acknowledging the compliment in hla editorial column', ho Mya: "Nothing w.ruld give u< more pleasure tlian ? > be present with oor friend* on the festival of our race. Dnt a 'lift'* rebellion' wm:M occur in Roston were We to be absent on the auspicious fterssfrn. For aiero * than thirty year' the prrijwUfer of 'The Mi l" haa celebrated the day in tht* city. It wnrf apnn the 17th of March, I KM, that it pleuvd Uod to *end bin into the World." [Ohm*. AW?. Girls. do \ on want to get martini, and (to joti w:\nt g.H>d liu-Usrdi I If ?o, caa-?a lo act like finite. Don't inks pride in saving you never did bouse* woik, nnrer choked * pnlr of chtckyo*, nwar mule a bed, ainl so on. Don't, tu n ?p your pretty no w at bonnet induat.y?;iever tall >?:ur fiicnd* that you art not obliged 10 work, vViien you g<> *l>< Pi'itig. . don't take your m iter wi lt you to ,runrrv tii? t-ui?. dU." % % m