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Old Skitea.?Cartaia L&cture to Mrs Mark Twain. "Oh.tfo to deep, votl old fool !"' . *'Mr. Twain, I am surpbed and grieved toe?" " Doti'i interrupt me, woman! I toll you it'* absurd?you learn to kate 1 You'll be wanting to plav fairy in the Black Crook next. I tell yon skating it an accomplishment suited only to youth and comeliness of faeb and eymme'ry of figure. Nothing is so charming as to see a beautiful (.' 'k in the oorpitliish cs'ume ?<f the rinks, with cheeks rosy with exertion, f.nd eyes beaming with excitement. ekimnaing the ico like a bird and owixtpmir d.Wh upon a group of gentlemen vi 1 ''ending she can't atop "herself, Mini ! Hiding in the arms of the very young man her father don't allow her to know?and darting away again and falling on her head and expesing herself?exposing herself to remarks about her Cirelossnp?s, madam?hold your tongue?and always taking gare 4o fall when that young man is near by to pick her up; it is charming 1 "They look pre'ty and interesting too, when tbov are just learning? when they stand still a long time in one placa, and then start on a foot gingerly, and it makes a break for the other side of the pond, and leaves the balance of the giils sprawling on this side. I3ut you?you look fat and awkward, and dismal enough at any time, and when you ato on skates you waddle off as stuffy, and stupid, and tin- | gainly as a buxmrd that had hall a horse for dinner. I won't have i', madam. And you get under a little precarious headwar and then put your feet together and drift along, etoopir.g your head and shoulders, and holding your arms out like von expected ? church was going to fall on you ; i' ag gravales the life out of me! And Tuesday, when I was a?s enough to get on skates myself, and kicked the Irish giant's ere out the first slash, and fk on my head and cracked the ice so that it looked like the sun with all its rays had dropped where I struck, and thev fined mo ninotv two dullnrs f ,r " ~ J * mining tlio man's pond. I was lonifled with (he conviction tliut I had gooe through to the imide of tlie world. because T taw the parallels of latitude* glimmering all about tin1, and what wa? it but you, in your awkward ness, fetching up over me with your lilter?on? You've pot to discard those things, I cau't stand the pew rent, and I won't. " Mr. Twain, I am sure?" " Hold j our chatter, I tell you. yon shan't hrinp odium upon tlie family by your disgraceful attempts to skate, sprawling around with jour hig Let. like a cow plowing her way down liili in slippery weather. Max he von wouldn't be so liandv about displaying those feet of jours, if \ou knew what occurred when I took your shoes down to pet mended." "What was it? Tell tne what it was?tell me what it was 11 1- minute. 1 just know it's or.e of your lies " " Oh, don't ntii.d ; it ain't of any Consequence?go to sleep." " Hut it is of consequence. You've got to te'd me; yon shan't nppravate me in this way; I won't go to sletp until yon tell me what it was." 4 Ob, it wasn't anything." " Mr. Twain, I know better. You're just doing this to drive me to distrac tion. What did that shoemaker sav about my shoes? Wlat did he do? Quick ?" " Well, if you must know, he?lie? be?however, its of no consequence." " Mr. Twain !" " Well, he?ho look It and gaz -d upon it a long lime in silence, and put Iris bandketchief to his eves and Lip si into tears." " Why, you born fool? Twain are you (roioifsta k. staring crazy ?" " He jiut stood there and wep! a? if bia heart would break, poor devil !? There, now, let's go to ?leep." "Sleep, you lunatic! I'll never close my eves till 1 know what thai id iot was crying about?and you won't either. I can tell you that. Come !"' MOh, it don't matter." " Mr. Twain, if you say that acr-dn. I aay I'll make you sorry for it. What was that numbskull crving about J" " Well, be?he?" ' " W e I I, he?" Out with it ? I>-> you wart me?to?to Twain ! I'll snatch them pet hinges off, till the side of your head is an bald as the top of it." " Well, lie?poor fellow?lie said lie doled 011 Iter. She Iim?I turned him, Ton know, because his mother whs feeble, and so? Well, he came to this country fifteen years ago. and first he set up in the vegetable line, and pot along prettv well, and was about to send to England for the obi lady, when bard times came and he got broke, lie went into fruit then, and after that into milk?into all soils of things, yon know; but lie got di-aprDinted eterv time till (his pi est nI usiness biclu-d him out at U~t all light, and he sent tight otr for the old woman, fche landed here tour weeks ago, but died (be same night. It wa? bard, very hard, after all his waiting and toiling for fifteen years, to get her here at last and have her die on hit hands. Ho?lie?wall he was disgust ed. However, he laid her out, end lit and his ft lend* sat up with her, and bj and bv tbe memory of her vii tries softened lids bitterness and turned it to t tender giief?n settled melancholy thai hung abt^trf1da spirit like a pall fiv tos^^d ever, by pa'iepth bfs inr^i^^jf was finally beg'nning t< 'f hi* e?ld I'tue cheer T Hi S fuliu'8*. wlun jour time reminded him *r. painfully of hi* poor sainted grand* mother's colli 11?" " Take that. you biute, and if you 0aro to couie back lure I'll kick y*u out again. You degraded did lufliau !" ? - -4^8 ' Womkn on tiik Prkf8?Soma of ibe best wiiiing in New York pnpert* is done by women. Within a few rear*, the field of labor for women ban been greatly widened, and it now af* fords remunerative employment to n i i. ~t u: ?' - ?._* - in-Ku iiuiuutrr ui I f 11 ** 11 ^flll raUHS.? Nine tenths of tlie fashion unifies are written by women?as thev should be? and much of tlio tni-cellr-noou* literary work of the dailies nnd weeklies is per* formed bv Iho same sex. Women itie also employed in composing rooms, and they are found just as useful nnd reliable as men. The World employs iarge squads of female con posiiorr, and is pel foe1 ly sa tolled with their performance. Many of the female writers for the press are related to editors aud reporters, and obtain employment through their influence. The rate of compensation is generally ** high a* men receive for the same kind of work, and when the wo?k is as well done as men could do it, there is no good teason for a difference in p?.y. About one | hundred women in N??v Voik support themselves comfortably bv their work on the newspaper pre-s. not to speak of 1 those err.ployed in the mechanical branches of the institutions. Tiib Goosk Honk.?From ' liine immemorial " as is generally known, many worthy persons have regarded a goose hone as possessing s. me peculiar and mysterious power of divining the char| aetrr of weather that would prevail for months ahead. W hc'.her this ancient I belief has any foundation in fact, or not, the believers in i s prophetic rapacity I never waver in their firm faith ; and year after year the hone is carefully ?x amined to determine what kind of weathet will he experienced during tire winter. Several members of the Farm eis' Oiub ba*e experienced n desire to test the predictions made by this -trargu oracle. Dr. Sptur brought one io the Cluh room on last Saturday. It predicts that we are to have an exceedingly Cold and dry December, January ami February, but a very wet March.? Our teadeJs can make a note of this, and ascertain l<>r llieniselvca wltethei " the goose is light" this lime. [1'urmcrt Home Journal. ? ? ? ? "Jon piloting!" exclaimed an old woman the olhei day, as she pi-epeil over Iter spectacles at the at liertisiiig page of h countr* paper. " 1 \>ur Jolt they've kept him pinning, week aflvi week, ever since 1 lint h-aml to read ; ami if hi! wiun'i the mo?t pathoiest man that ever wan, he never could iiavi .-loud it so long. nohow." - Tiik resolve of it.e landlords?" Let us piey." The fountains' imitation?"Let u? I -piav." The r? ii'iest to the cairier?" Leturs, I |M?y. A pion? iit\ i ntion?" u? pny.1' An older at dinner?" Lettuce, pray." The Advertiser says a negro paper called the Kreent n's Standard ha* l.eeii stalled in Savannah, and is conducted by Lev. James M. Sinious. Savannah is now erpial to (ir.flin. The recent advance in the pi ice of coMoti ha* heen an unexpected Messing to the Southern people, w Imse (mines has wonderfully increased within the past few wieks. 1 .T ft AO I mi-n ill T .111.1.11 ' far aigiied tltc ai!tir? M of loyally lo l!? Quei r.. and 400 prie-l* of Ir?-In?? : have signed liie declaration in fniurof.he ro I enl <f ihe union. $40,0(0 in (ountfif. ii fine i.?n;i| enr rency wa? reiz d by the police, in ('hi capo ceMerday, aid four alleged coun eifeiters weia nm-?U?l. Tiib New Yoik poor aie ho?rafter to he fed h? the public expen*e. The coin-mi-*ioiiera of public ehaiitie* and cor mclioii in thai city hav-? mule arrangemini* lo feed ihem daily between the hoti'8 of V and 11 a. in., at three of the New Yoik piisona. A tknimkkt house, in Thompson .(reel. New Yoik, wa* burned on the 2l>t, by ihe explosion i f a kerosene lamp, and eight children were seriously burned by the flame*. Tiib Freed men'* Ihirenu ecn?ed to exI i*>( in Kentiu kv on Satindav. ihe order j of (!en. (riant for iin di-cotoinuance iioi having been reroked by Mr. Stanton. Tmb Kufaula (Alabama) iVcte* say* : " The remit of the re registration, jnat completed in this Slate, show* a differ ence in favor of the w hilea of nearly three to one." Tiik chap who wrote (he following gem had an acute percepiion of ihe Mile lime: I would not die in winter, when wi?kev piiM'heg flow, and preitv pah ?re ssanng ???-r oolite ot mow. v? fitT ?.?meat is frving. and hickorv nuts are thick, I would not think oi living, or even gelling sick. i A man in Stanton hns invented i i bar loc k. Turning tLe kej throws n ha behind the door. Hoftutifiil wan the reply of a renera ( hie man to the question whether he wn p "til! in the land of the living?"No, bu 1 am almost thetc." f The fare on the Southwestern Hail ) ro>d has been reduced to five ctnle pe mile. ft 8TB i IB B Rates of State Taxation We copy tiie fallowing tinlenient of (lie J tntet of State Taxation from the Charleston ! New#. It will lie found to be of uuicli ?#? to all tax-payer#, a#, by relering to it, any one will be able to tell at a glare* the tnx f r which lie Is liable, n# well na li e time 1 at which atich tnx ia due; nr it Kinatx. I On nil real relate b?-bl on tlie let of Jan ' mm , I8C8, except tm-li land# n# may be in i the poaeeenion of the Ibirenu of Heflicco#, 1 Freedmon nnd Ahnndoncd Land#, on the ' i l#t of Jntii'arv, 1888, and the owner or j claimant in thereby deprived of its ocenpn| timi and u?e, 25 cent# on every MCO ad vaj lorrm. CA# LIGHT cov'r.i K ES. On tli.1 capful stock of nil ga* l:ght compatties, 25 cents on every $100 ad valorem. MAMFACTUUKO ARTICLES On article* manufactured for snle, Hurler or exchange, between the l?tday ofJanuary, 1867, aid Ih# lat day ol January 1868. t<? paid by llie manufacturer, 20 cent* on every $100 nil valorem. nruai m. On hand lat of January, 1868, $1 on every $100 od valorem. ca a* i a ova. On lnind the l?t of January, 1868, $1 on every $100 ml valorem. COI.D AXD MI.VKR rL.VTB. On linnd lat Jauuaiy, 1808, ?1 on every $100 nd valorem. w ATCtirs. On hand lat January, 1808, $1 on every f 100 ad valorem. JBWBLR V. On hand lat January 1808, $1 on every f 100 a J valorem. i iax 8. On hand 1?tJanuary, I8*'8. ex*ept vrhen held by dealer a for I ho pnrpooa of sole, $1 on wiry $100 a>l valorem, lScourai Upon nil gro?s income* derived from em p'oy nun's, faculties ami professions, htclud lug the pro'. a?lon of Dentistry, (wlidlier In the p'ofeeaion of the law, ll.c income he derivrd Iroin the cos's of anil or fees or other profeaahmal income*,) excepting cler gymen, S'.'.SO on cv< rv *l"0. coMuiaaioxa. From commissions received hy brokers, vendue masters, fnctoia, commission merchants, dealers in exchange, (fmeign and domestic.) or in moilgage*, bond*, and <>t It er negotiable papers, $2 ,r>0 on every $100. insitavcb CoMi'AMra. From premiums received hy Insurance companies or undcrwiit'1's, $ > on cveiy $100. Nsw'PArrr.*. Front the a^le of new. }h't| era or ni.ign xinra, $1 on ev.ry $lOO. xnw.r.vriu* riitipurn tx tiib statu. On the itroaa ri e> ipla of new*pup- r? pi<b halted in the State, 2" ec is on every $lO<?. nvNK.*. on IIAXKI'ti IXBTIIL'TloXS, om 11? vr<'c? pntfi'* i f nil i?nk? or lifinkir.g institir i-n?, ?2 >11 t-vi-ry ?100. p:if-t on.vr:iis? <>n t>a<:rri:kki-tvi'txo. ().i l!i?* gr- inc-'iii's ili'iiti-il frmn llie nt-i* of pli'iiii g nr il g-ierr. otyping, * i on ? vi'i v tl'ml. !.no>mk* n'.om xai.arirs, r.knt. 1*1 vii emu anii >! xi- v at in r wpt. iii oxio's of ?50(\ $1 on every flilo. ii"tr.t.?. all prisms keeping lin'e's rlmll j ny n tax on gross income, on every flmj. nrktairiiant* on sauna inncrx all | ersons keeping rosinuriiiit* or est ing limiiiri uliiill j ny n iax on gross inc. me f'2 on every fli'o. livknr si*. aii pern-im keeping livery stnkle* slinll |my n inx on griss inc n1e, ?2 on every * 11 ifl, ni~rmrn?. ah lintclier" siia'i pny n ir.x on gross income, fl oil every floo. lll'ihstr"* ah linrk?>e~s slinll pity n t*x on gross inj come, !*1 oil evriy slflrt. biij.lalth tabi fx All pi-Mnn? keeping I i 11 i n r? 1 table* Imll I pay n tax on gro?? income. $."> on ovary ?loO. RIIWI.'JCO AM.fTA. All p*r?nn? keeping bow'ling alley* nbnll pay n lax on grue* income, fj on avcty f loo. mit B'-ona A'l peiwm* keeping Inr-nnmi, whether connected with a I* of el or otherwise, ?hn!l fiAy n t*x on gross income, $10 on efery flOO. rrnniie* on r Kir cm. All pAiMM keeping ferric* or bridg. * el hi II p?y a t a x on gross income, $! on ev- j ? ry $100. iiAma. Upon r?eh pulilie liaek drawn by two or I more imr#c?, $10 each, AT.mi t> A' lirs. Upon each pot.lie Mage resell drawn I y , ivro or more hoi see. $lO eaeli. I/Muur. WAGON*. I Upon eaeh pnldic bagirage wagon drawn by two or more horse*, f 10 e*ch. OMNIRI AM. Upon eaeli pnMle omnibus drawn by two or more horses, $ll> each. 1>RAT*. Encli dray drawn by one horse, $5 each. I CART*. > Each cart drawn by one horse, $5 each. 1 I Kxrnr*s ? au( x*. I Upon each Kxpre*s wagon, drawn by one f . horse, IfA each. CHARTana. I j I'pon every taking out of it charter, except r for religion*, charitable and educational institution*, $20 each. RKXKWAt. or rtfARTrRR. t'pon each renewal of h charter liable to H tax under tlii* order, $10 each, j [All companies incorporated in othir States j shall pay for the privilege of carrying on their * | business in this State the same charter fee a* r Is required of companict incorporated in tin State.] KIT IB I 1)005. Ench and srcry person keeping a dog oi dogs hall pay for each dog $1. CAPITAlloX TAX. A Capitation Tux hull be paid by ever; inalo person between tko age* of 21 and 60 resident* of the State on the lot dny of Janu nry, 18C8, $1 each, except such as are ineapa ble of corning a stipppurt by reason of mentii or physical disability. All tuxes levied by this order, except whet such taxes are p?ynMe quarterly, shall bo dui and payable as follows: One-half on or bofhr the .list day of March, 1P68, and the remain ing hnlf on or before the 30th day of June IPCS. Any person desiring to pay the whol amount of his taxes (except such as are re turned quarterly ) on or before the 31st day o March, shall hnvo Ilia privilege of so doing and hluilI l>o untitled to a ilmrnunt of 9 pel cent. upon Ilia amount of (ho taxes railing dm on tbo 30th, June, ISCR. A O B|Tl FOR WEED'S SEW IMS MACHINE I Ml E best and mo#t simple Mncliinl nn? in ?* *, and is unexcelled by nny evu presented to tbo | tlblie, having nil tin Intent Impruremedu; usm the straight Nec dl?, makes I he Tight Lock Stitch. which ii the only reliable ore, nut shows 1 lie Mim? on both sides. It Is simple, easily worked and kept, iii order; it wiil Stitch, Hem, Fel', 1 ti il. 0"rd, Braid, Unfile, Tuck, Quilt II. ovSiiieli, Oather iind Sew. fit life snnti lime, p-rfnrmliig a greater vnriety ?f Wild tbnn nuy oilier Machine, 011 llie lightest t. I lie Iter,* icsl fabrics. It received a medal at tbo re?cut Paris Kx P'isitlllll. Wo warrant them to giro sntbfuction ; i not, return them. Plciiso cull nnd cxmnino tbcin. We also keep Constantly on band, a sopcrlo: assortment of (lanllemanta FliltMslI IXii HOODS and THIMMINOS. ft-mn tho cheap est to the besr <pi:ilitles. nil I low. for cash.? We will CUT and MAKK in tbo best nn? In test improved styles, all Onrment* tirn tlcinen mid tleuls' Wear, Ladles' Clonks an< Sacks, Ac. All Work warranted. PICKLK & POORE ( rci-nville, fc>. C. Jan. la, l?6?. Jnn la .14 tf J. WI NORWOOD, SUJvO ICON D K N T 1ST CRP.EXVILCK, ?. C. A RTIFiriAL TKKT1I constructed by nnj J\ process desired, and at price* to sui tho times. Teeth Kxtrneted without pain, I.; menus of Loeal Anivstlicsiu. Kvery Opera thin warran led roinfoi'tublc, nod to render gon< scrrieo. J'.p OCico over Whitmiro A Fcr gtiaon'* I?ry Goods Store, Maiu Struct. Bee IS JiO 3m Dl'UlIAM SMOKING TOBACCO. INt* r-eeived 'lit. ngotcv of tli< 1 il'live ju.tlv Celvltl nte.l Brand til I'OIIAO <?. we w.ll unk- it to your inter est to buy from us. For sale l.y wb.ilesah ..r retail. lJ.WIli A STlt ALLEY. O'tid tr Notices A 1>I?? I r* ITIAV ..S . - \. Hiv n i !<>.>,? ill i-c t||utlo for Clinrfrri for iMr<? Or|iluiit? Home*, in <Sritu<riII* I'ii* imu lur while nixl the other tor coloroil children. T. If. KHWAltDS. Deo. Ootli, lff>7. Jim I 22 Sin Dissolution* f|inrc HUM or HAUKSUALE. ITURY ? ?t ("o i-< ili-Mih ?*il. pnrtic* to wlioir .lie mine i< imlclito *, w:*l prevnl tneii t'l-d i s nt the Factorv, ?.? to m* nt (hi-rn ville. S 0 ' W. 11. TUOA1AS. January 7, 1SG7. .In . VI r..i V:* ishiufr Machines. Ill A VK tin lint il i?ml for en hi, t !>c M-IITII ('Alit 11.1 XA U'AS'UMf MACllllilv," which will tc#o!il cheap for rath. T. W .DAVIS, TV-ltiC Street. Jnn 22 35 tf SUOliT CK EDITS MAKE LONG FRIENDS, \\*E wonl.l tno't re*|o>rtfully cull tlx 11 nil rut ion o| nur ni'iny fileioli tm Cll'tottler* to th.-ir hour i.tnndiiijr n ceo tint* nod |u|> ilir-in to eiiM nml ??-lt'e tln> innr A'to, thnl front tlio il.iti- of thin not lee. w< i nt en d M-llinif otir STRICTLY FOll OX-MI. Perti- #, therefore, cinhntf Order* Will plmar accompany with the Money. Walter & Westmoreland, uiHMiviIle, S. C., Jntitmrr Sotli, lsttft. Jut. Ti Rft tf LAW CAHD. GOODLETT A: THOMAS Attomoya at Law, A III I ROT. TCtTOna IN EQUITY, nAYK this <liiy fui met! a ('npartnti in tli- priicii.-A of I.AW tin EQUITY on (lit- Wmi?rii Circuit. Office in ll.e olJ Cu.irt ll(>u*e Building. ?. n. o<> 'in.trr, wii, m tiiomai 1 tec 'JO 80 / If ?. k. a. a. EASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Cotinsellors at La\ ANI) IN EQUITY, UHF.KN VII.I.K, 8. C? T)!UCTK'K in llie Oonrt? of the State mi 1 of the United Sluice, nml Rive erpccii attention t<> canoe in J).uikruplry. Jane 1.1 8 tf Law Notice?Change of Office. I / t V TOWMH? ? ~.t i i- ? I -- - > ita \ JT ? Office to th* hnilili'ig norlhin-t c<> I nrr of tho Public Squnro, in |>nrt occupied I ; .luli'j* C. Smith. Auctioneer, and the KnUprice Printing Office, up etuiie. I J an A 33 tf WM. P. PRICE, j ATTORNEY AT LAW 0AHL0NE6A, 6A Wri.T, practice in tlic Countio* af T.uni kin Dawcon. Kilmer, Fannin, Uni?. Town*. White anil Kail. J iiii 10 .13 tf T. S. ARTHUR, ATTOItNHY AT I a AAV WII.I< practice in the Dirfricta eomporli the Wcalcrn Circuit. Aluo in t UNITED 8TATES C0URT8. {IT Office oter the I\??t Office. ; Pee 4 20 ? s 1 ft i o , the gueenyille drug-store. r next l*oor to tno Mansion House -Sign , of Uie Golden *1 or tar. ( ; WALTER ^TffESTMORELAHD -s KEEP constantly i u hand, and arc 1 - J daily receiving, New ' j?V^y a?d Fresh Siri'UKs rwti or j r 3D n IJG-S, CHKMICAI.S, And, in short, any and everything i pertaining to a well regulated and First Class ' : DRUG STORE. ( ; ?b[jsicd)ns find Families I May rely upon the PURITY ol , everything bought, and depend on i the ACCURACY cf everything i j put uj?, in our Establishment. . Prescriptions and Family Recipes attended to pkksonam.t, with the strictest care and attcuf ti m. JT-W" ftcmenrtn r the place?AV.rf door to the Mansion J louse. r "Waller & Westmoreland, j G!<R(.()PY'> i llyapeptic fixture. , r r UK follow intf i* hut ?n<* of ill.-1 iimlrrft* ' , I of (VrlificiiO a roo-ivcil ininvor of ilti# ' jtolly colflo-nicd Mrtliolno: * To J)r. John Gray, (.'h-irlotte, iV. C.: i-iit: itrinL' in tiieeiivnie, I* I'., Inii'lv.niid in n ptnie of picol drbl'iiy ntu. prortrnt inn lhi? I'ff ol of pnrnl vi* o< eurring in Norton* Iter, I Mi I, H!i?l S'.jIF'-ri'iZ iinwli inc?'li V-t.irl)r?' from torpor of tlie '? Writ, my ?U?ni ion . wm directed l.y Dr. J. M. W'wrMHH ASt?. to t fiUKtiUUY'S ItYSVlilM'IC MIXTUKK.? ; From my mlv.itice.l Hire. u? well ns the mtrrc of Hit* ilLt-nre, 1 was nrmly liopolrr* ?if I roliitf, (ml I Mm Imppv to fce nbln to *ny thittho iirtt ol the iii"'<lioiio* iilo-ve men tiom tl iifTonl* tl re'irf, rrttinin|; I lie nloiort ptppetidnl function* to n limit l?y not fun, ' without irrSt?'ni? I'U'g't'g. of mt>y other per crptihle bnil rir.-ct. I "I us*: lli? nieilipine now only when mime Hp* ri**nt d'ttnt to he needed, tintl it hint not fnihul, po tar, In ? liugle instance. . to have lite d celled tfT*Ct 1 I? MANLY, Sr. " TiA In . .1 It., 18 Uullcr & U i Hiinoi't'luiid, , Ayt**iite for (it'ertiv iile. 0*-i ::o S3 if , NEW TQEOEYCFHEALTH The Life of all Flesh Is Blood. The Health of til Life is rarity of 1 Flesh. Without Puriiy of Bl.od, no Flesh , free ficin Disease. MEINITSH'S &BMF3 ESMflOT* AS , ANTJDOTi: TO DISEASE, j 'PJIE ORKAT amf.RICAN M.TF.RA ' I TlVRnn.l I1LOOD I L'KIFIER, I* the mopf perfect Vltpltlil* Pottipontol of al'crnt|ve? an*! innirt mnVinif it the moot effeclive, in vitrorntir if, rrjui ennlinn ?"d blondcleansing hiuwn to tbe world for tl.a cur** of nil those di?es?es whluh nmy be , tr**ce*l to n v?i in' ? *! oiu.dition of lie hloul. The theort l? that blond i# the life of nil , fltvh. iin*l, if Iui[itire. the Ilfo of nil die H?e. Li In .iiol hfnhli in only to be ntntntained bv iIn* ?*irriil.iiiou "f |?'?* arteiial b'no?l. ft ' is obvious, itieiefnro, to eveiy reflecting , ininfl, that unless the blood i? pure, in nip plvmir the waste ti*?lle? with material, it ' nm?t be the mu<? <>f innumerable ills nml constitutional disorders. such a* Horitfuln, Khttitltnli'in, lli'pntic Disorders, Jiiflviimn lions, Fevers. Liver t'ompl .int. Consnrnplion, King's Kvil, t'nrbni.eb s, Iloils. I'ching Butnor of the Skin, Erysipelas, Skin Bis eases, Tetter, Roughness of the Skin, I'im* pl- s, Blotches, l'sins in the lmnee, old Ul V vers, Sv| liilis ami Syphilitic Sores. Indiceslion, Infl.mutation of the Bladder mot Ki<l ney?, 1'itina in the Hnek, fJenrMl Debility, nntl for a'l complaints arising trout dulieieu cy and poverty of Mood. j COPYRIGHT SECURED. HT Prepared only by E. 11. 11E1N1TSU Pliarniaeisl. For sale I y FISHER & IIEIMTSII, ~ Drrggits, Coluuibia, 8, C. tf For sale by v IIOUY K. If El * ITS II, SPARTANBURG, H. C. Jan 1. ?-2 3m i MIIIBLB WORK! .11A Kill. E WORK!! -i m j I 'J'MIE *nl>rcriln*r !m? on hnnd, and will * 1 eiinlinii<> lu rcwirr, t sonO ???irliMnl of TOMB STONB?. of nil ?i*oa Mid quail* p- tie*. T'tn?o In no?d of nny lido* In tl??l ??? )in?, will do w<-ll to call nl tlit? I'oat Offlr<s before port-liaoiitji elwveliere, ?ff~ t'ouutry jirodooo token In rxehnnge " for work JAMES M. A LI.EN. " Qr? onville 0. II., Nov ft, I8ii7, 24-tf r* Notice. r,1 | A LL persona Itideblnd to mo, ivro re<| netted ',0 J\ lu ronie forward anil muke pay omnia J iintncdiaMy. Longer indul^>-ni*n cunuot be given, tiutlle- incuts must be mndo. W. li. JIOVEY. I 1 Jan? ^4 UJllilWliilMWIiBliilM?.1 1 JJftAJJ ' i'J- i "i 'IWW Be nth Carolina &ail-roa<) GEN'L SUPEIUNTD'H OFFICII, ) piiari kktox, S C., JnDUnry 18, 1808. | ON hi <1 hIYr> Sunday, January lv, tha iWenf'?r Trains on tho Booth Car??*? Rail fi-n-l will run as fallows. ?!* ,.-ave timr c?ton lor Uolumtli. 4 SO A II \riive Hi ICings* ille ..11 15 A M Lenve Kinuaville 11 40 AM Ariive nt Columbia. . 1 10 1* M f.'nvo Columbia ......10 00 A M Arrive at Kinu?vl11e........... 11 85 A M Leave Kingavillc. .18 05 P M \rilv? nt Clinrleaton. 7 05 P M The Pa-senpef Train ott the Camdea Rranoh will connect with up and dow? ' I Columbia Trains and Wilmington and Manillas' .*r Unil toad Trains on MONDAYS, W HI?NKST>AYS and SATURDAYS. Night Expro-s Freight and Passenger A* oninmdnlion Train will run a* <? Iowa: l.tnT'- Cl'urlctun for Columbia. ..5 40 P M \rrive at Columbia 8 05 A M UtreCvlnn'liM 5 80PM Arrive at Charleston............5 40 A M n T. REAKE. General Suptrinlsndsaf. JUANUE OF SCHEDULE O.N THE Cireeuvil'e.tfc Columbia Railroad. fiBSmrngmk ON AND AFTER FRIDAY, lha 8th Instant I'asai nger Train* will run daily, ji.ndny* excepted, as follows: L*nv e (' lumhia at........7 00. A. M. A Is'on 8 65, ' " Nrwherrv 10 85, " A'live nl Al<h?x|llr 3 80, P. U. " " Andeirou 5 15, " " " (ire-nriHe 6 00, " Leave Greenville at.......6 OO, A.M. An<l-n?oii 8 45, " " Abbeville 8 45. " " Newl errv 1 26, P. M. Arrive at Alston 3 00, " Colombia 5 00, ? Train* on I lie Iihie Kidge Hall-road will Cs run daily, Sundays incepted, conneetlnt? with the up anil down tiains on the llreenville and Columbia Kail toad, as follow* : Leave Andcr-on at 5 20, P. M. " Pendleton at 8 20, " Airiveat Wnlhollaat 8 OO, w le-nve O n'hnllit nt 4 00, A. M. " Pendleton at 5 40, " Arrive nt Audi raon. .......8 4", " 'Die Train will return f.-.or. rr-r.? .. ?o Aiid?r?on on M--ml?y unci Friday morning*. JAM 1.8 O. MEREDITH, General Superintendent. Tho Groat Popular Paper! !1S EMLEffl DAILY HISrjrn.cruirTTO\ price. *h dollar* ? Tear! Til K CM A r.LKfS TON TM-WEEKI.Y N KWS, three dolhttt year?two dollar! for six month*. TERM:*, CASH, IX ADVAIICK. JZil~ No Paper lent union tho Ca?h acconioie!> the order. JSCf No Paper rent for a longer timo than paid for. , BIOBDAN, PA "A SON A CO, PROPRIETOR?!. Jan 8 33 If State of South Carolina. OREENVII.LE DISTRICT. Id Equity. S.?umi a. EliOud, Exueuttix, v*. M. L. (JooI>1.KIT ft mI. IN i?nr*nniie? of tlie Decretal Older in the al'ove i?i??ed cnic, the Creditoii of ihe hue Col. C1IAHI.K8 J. ELFOUD an. lierehy rrquire.i to establish, hy proper proof, their claim* ngnimt the Eatale, beFore ine, within nine month* iroia this dnU, ?r be barred. J. P MOORE, CL E. O. Ut Commi nioner'a Ulllce, July 15, 1867. July 18 8 vra Stato of South Carolina. UREEXVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. ' . \Vil.t.iAv II. Atari*, Administrator, vs. M. I. Cummin ft nl. T X pursuance of the Decretal Order In the 1_ above stated rare, the Creditor* of the late Dr. W. I.. M. Al'STIX are hereby rsquirnl to establish their demands against the En- . tiite, bcloro ine, within win* month* from thi* dnto, or be barred. J. I*. MOORE, C. K. O. D. Comtni*?ioner'a Office, July 1t, 1607. Jy 18 8 9m Stato of South Carolina. UUEEXVILLB DISTRICT. In Equity. Joski-h P. Latimkr. Administrator, r?. Mart i). Latimkr *i at. IN pursuance of the Decretal Order Iti (hi above Minted cn.<\ the Creditor* of the late JAMBS M. I.ATIMEIt are hereby required to establish their demand* against the Estate, before me, witbiu uin* month* Irom this date, or be barred. * J. P. MOORK, 0. K. 0. D. Couimissioucr's Office, July 15, 1807. Jy 18 8 9m T. W. DAVIS, UliTAU 18 i ?" ? TV M I ufl IYlAIVtK? WOULD Reaped fully Infi< form the people of Greenv\tla i? l',# Mr?,ou?^>Bg *o?oDjr*, - jjg^that lie lies From hi* OLD STAND in the Good* leit House, to a more CONVENIENT < r>e, three doors North of the Man. Ion limine, next door to Pickle A Poor, on Main Htr-et where he la prepared to do all work in lilt line of littaitieaa, at short iv lire, in a workman like manner, and ?vt re.isonahle terms, Aug SO 18 If THE OLD STAND IttHY mo COllFECllilY, Afnin Stmt, by Pott OM<% ISop-n at all hours of the day and evening. BIIKA |>. It USE, and a varied assortment of CAKES, constantly on band. (Jik't, A" , linked to order. An EATING SALOON Is to he opened In I a f'w d .vs where llt/T COPFEK, H AM and I KOOH, OYiTERS, Ae , may ha had. I |y Board, without Lodging, furnished at rnas mabls rate*.