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S*B5iPHWBWS95-JJ11 J' J 11- . 1 Tbey ere ? the debtor*, u4 tbe wild wcmk'n speculator* generally are the note holdura. The poor men cannot pay theic delil* without ruining hlmeclf and family.? Tbe creditor can lote tbe amount* without eerioue Injury, and thry mint do *o. I do not ' Contend that it la morally proper to take from ilu creditor and give to tbe debtor, noitbor I* ft tight to Cake from tbe debtor all ho may liev* left, after emerging from a ruinour wer fw whteh nearly the whole people were com"men participant*, and giro it to tho crodltor to satiety claim* bated upon property which haa beee lo?t, or oa real eMete whieb bee dc? creased lb t*lM inaot fold, ri I have m was* In point which eiwna nrnh-r my observation. tn 1800, a certain piece <>f nrouirtr war Worth, and would not have told , for mora than f8,fr)0. In 1863 it ao|,| for 920,009, to bo paid in three annual payment*. The firat and third, 98,388-, Worth a'?out $4,i0? In guld, waa paid down) the aocond thinl, $8,333, Worth about $ I, Ortrt In gold, waa paid In 189* | the la*t payment, which Wei due lar I *18111, waa rent to the creditor, tttt tailed Co reach bito.' The army fell back, and tbo laat. third wa* never paid. The affair wtta nrhitra- j . ted in 1800, ami judgment rendered ugatnat the debtor lor $8,500 in greenback!. Tho, e.iine property waa told for balance of pur-; -chaee money, and brought but $.1,200. Tho debtor turned out of a home, with a debt bauglng over bin head of $5,300, he having already paid over $0,000 In gold, or ita c<yu?r-1 aient, and aut rendered tho anmo property to* ita former owner. Aa it waa no fault of the debtor that the money waa not paid when it beeatne due, I now aak, where ia the jmticc, or equity In auob trananctiona? It ie alio enid that no man with ono ^ratn ' of eotiae or honcity would require the creditor to become the inaurrcr of the debtor. We do not- ao regard the trananction. Itotli debtor and creditor entered the lute content upon the anme footing, atnking all ilieir pnaecaiiuna. Both t??at their alave properly, real citato , and peraonai property, and all their available nnean*. The creditor! now hold the pmmiira ; to pay of theae unfortunate dobtorr, nnd un> j Veaa tlicy can ral*e a few hundred dollura with which to eo into hmikroptry, they inuit re main under bondage, ??r?i than slavery over ! ?n?; or on flic other litml, if tlivy surrender ' nil, wlnst portion of its net mil value would any ' -property bring under the sheriffs hntntrcr?? ! Not one-fifth, I will answer. Hut, says an ' " artful dodger i" ItWimld wot '.o to the inter- j est of tho creditor to lnrrc the debtor sold out! under such rhmrcnStances. T,st u* see how that may he. Suppose I dhst In IIs(10 yon purchased a farm of me, ( giving your note for #5000, Toirr fsrm is I old to-day for purchase money. Tt would Wing at-oiit $1,000?no more. Tho note is time worth $7,450. I buy in the farm and slitl have a ctaisn against yon of $0,450. If I receive ths money, where do ym get v duo received far the same. But then we lists heard, and pT comic mut believe it, that creditors who have been so honorable, high minded and obliging ws to not push their debtors to on unreasonable extent, particularly when they could not do So by law, would not thiuV of taking so despicable nn'ml vantage of tbelr fellow man when the opportunity might arise of *o doing. * this convention tnslce an equitable adjustment of, or forever oxtiugu'.tli nil old lis. hilltlcs. I,et us provide for the granting of Mticrol charters to responsiblo parties, and wu will thereby deVelopo our mineral resource!, In- | crraso out wewlth many fold and furnish al'! necessary relief to the laboring class. Allow me to call yoar attention to tlie principal cause of our present condition. On the IVtli day of January, ISItt, when certain 208 of our Representatives, in their law making ea. Mciir. saw proper to declare Georgia a free and independent Statu, tho peoplo were extensively embarrassed, nml but for the disastrous affects of that stupid declaration which so effectually destroyed that species of property which w?? tho sole totei* of Southern credits^ those liabilities c<>old and would have been promptly met. From that day dstot o?r financial and political ruin. The yearly Increaseoi slave property Was sufficient to liquidate all expenses of tho planters, and they, above all others, wore fast becoming extremely wealthy, and the aristocracy of the country. Their cotton crops sought investment in lands sud labor. In a few more years all lands in the Sotttl^ which were worth cultivating, Would hato passed into their bands. This species of prop_ rrty hiving been swept from existence, ouf large plantations cannot bo profitably cultivated glth the available labor at our cominatid, I.abor will not enter the Btate so long ss all is discord and distrust, and until we hare gtven relief and established stability, these fertile lands must lie uncultivated, decreasing daily in value. You will now allow me to call your at. trillion to the famous stay law of 1H00. Thii was one of the causes of our distress. Tbii few was passed ostensibly for the bensfit ol the amsses. Oat oh, bow doceptlve in characf?r. Thf? few was net the poor man's friend, and hat for it, our people would l>? this day cut of debt, and the cry for relief would no' foe heard erasing up (md every section of th? flfcta, Who he* not seen the evfl wtuKings of thai law t Debtors felt that there wis no pressure epor them, and frequently beeame cureless. Al other times vbey were well able and wllllm* t< discbargo their liabilities, bet creditor* would not receive the currency. Sb*t1 we bred their ory of u neon at Slut ion el whenany relief measure [coffered for their con. eiderelion f No, never? never will I *fiwp< my course in tbU'metter to suit the wishes of i few everleiou* money thirsty individual*, wbc Without the slightest remorse of conscience^ Would willingly see every dobtor of unr State hurled down into the dark, yawning ahysa ol ft Anuria I ruin, lost beyond the possibility ol (ademption, with his family beggared end set adrift en the charities of this eold blent world. Let us sympathise with our people gpd regardless ol theee false accusation* which will be beeped upon ns, let us some u| fearlessly to the rescue of our friends and neigh bars, knock off their shackles, take t".?em lata Ike ark of eafety, land tbewi again saf?l\ aa their own native eolL Then will foe al1 their dark forebodinge f want end misery wil! give way to peace, plenty and happiness, and with hearts light and free as the birds of hea car pc'ljlo will begin life anew, with ?n. THE i ,1.1 "* 1 ' -u v. erKI renewed, with will m<I determination In*. vigor a ted, and f re tbo lap** of innny years, will he more prosperous, wealthy, intelligent end happy then erer before. Wlich trc consider the low end doitrttxtlrtn of properly on which onr indebtedness- wt? based, tbe depreciation In tirtuo of real estate 1 nnd personal property Which yet remain*, the total failure of cowrtdef itlon in ?U owe war transaction*, the great Scarcity of money wltb which to render ourselves comfortable, and the unprecedented distress Which wilt surely ensue if some strong measures are not fatten, we are forced ioto the conclusion that not fang shot* of tbo adoption of the first inatorllv renosl of flio Relief Committee will < ever restore our people to the position from [ which they mny ho able to V*gln life i>no?, a* it were. In their present deprcaacd condition, they itro helpleaa n children, nmf without assistance ninny thuuennd must go doWn to their gr?>e? in poverty end ruim A gfcnr dcel having been said abottt tfm eflirh blambf wliich e*Wta in the Btate upon thin Mt>Je4h I Woahl fcepWHilly request you to cart one glance u??t thin honrwnvblc body, and another at tbo lobby nichibtrk. Count the number of long anxinwa facaa in thie room, w'no in great miacry and aimott Unbearable suspense, mn awaiting the remit of thia de* bate, end trembling with fear at the pfoeprct wf neVer apthi being iride In hy tlieWt hnnda upon Ilia rtiront of the ruined debtof and force liiiu to deliver over tii? fust farthing, of drivp him into tho felou'a coll. Oh ! you blowif ruckera, Well may you tremble, for your time la near at hand?prcp.iro to meet your fate. l*rt\J?n.-?Pi-rliA| a the taoaf euriewa aoeia) pfienonomenon of modern civllir.?l ion i? the etnlgrdllon of the Iriah from Ireland?a fertile country, in ctoae connection with the rioheat and moat, powerful island in the world. The CnmmKatopef# of Kinlgtntion in Ireland hav- jiul atated that the number of thoae w ho left the Uland, Irorn 1817 to 183t, waa 1 .fiJO.fh-O } from the IhIIt date to 18U2, 4S<i.i*k>. nod from 1802 to 18?7, &2ll,lltit) In 1881, the popu'atlon waa 7,7?7.<mh? |q round numhera; in 1811, it was 8.17A,O0tl. At that rate of tucrlaae the number in 1831 should have been about ?,00O.tM)n. It waa only 8,571,000; for that interval included the famine ai.d ? rerinp ao eternally disgraceful to the policy and pretensions of Kngland. Between 185f and 1801 the number had coma down to B,7l?7.? >8? about l.fl't.QtX) having emigrated In ihe rime decade. In acven yeara since 18CI, the emigration haa amonnio<1 to 001.00A. It the decrease by emigration continue in the ratio of ilia la*t aeven yeara, the population of Ireland?which waa o ot>?,(too in in* middle <>r 18rt7??nuM he fi.SOO.OtiO in 1871, ft greatly exceeded that numhvr in 1821. In 1391,there might rn< l?? found enough of people in the Dlund for the Fenian* to aw-ar l?jr. 4 4^^ ? I?n. II u.t, givea lliia advice to 1t lie*.? Have a roeking cdialr ill anine Unre r>om. at the top of the In two. nil cox--, quiet nn<l elmn, ni d In aome of tlm t>|<l fnmi Ur tune* of the Village church of your childhood, ring by the hour, with an open month nod a huid Voleo, not on a penny whittle pitch, the pea)me and hymn* and epiritual eixgt of Watte and Weelry, of David and Moee*. and " Deuteronomy and all of them i" n?i I xing away and rock away, and d >n'l l.e afraid if your neighbor# do think you arc a MethodUf } lot if y?m aK> a live one, the aug-da won't he aidiaim-d of yon t tint while you nr? singing think what the word* no-itu an J lei your heait go out in 0 at meaning; think, too, of the many who *?e.i to ring tlieae aame tonga with you, aide hy ?id? in the enmc pew. !?** who can eiltg I he til no more now, for their lipe are at ill in d<ath, and their aweet vofcea ate Inched in the tdmreli yard grave, to he iteaid no mora until j-ou join together in fnging the Wa'hlt^ha of the ak'ew W A eHl vfl-fTW M A rail it Dudley Field, In arguing the MaCni-dlr eu?, look (lie ground that the preamble* t? the Reeonetruiitloh Aots ere fnlee; hence extreme meanuree ere unneceMnry. ee xv el! it nneonetlt utional. The cpercli la much praMi f"li?m f.?tn*( March 6. The Contention i* neitlnft tie eloee. The PreiMenl, to-day. announced lliet nil crdi neneee reported fom committee* had t>een eeted on. TV di vi?f>n of epoil* will oeeupy the attention of the Contention during the rctnaiuder of the *e**ion. i KiroxviUk. Tim*. Mereh tl. fn e whb-ky rerenne row tn Claiborne . County, three men were killed. A company > of cavalry li enroute to eld the revenue 1 officer*. I.OXHOJI, March tl. D!*ra*!i waa reeelred with cheera from ' Imth *1 lea. He raid the queen had enlruaied him with the reformation of the cabinet, and he eouid net d< dine the grachm* offer. 1 The poiloy of Lord Derby wouid be followed fn domiwtle, andF that of 8fan!ey, tn for: e'gn affair*. , Ru*ata in a conaolidarted empire, and not I a mere ag-jrra?lon. aa waa tha ancient Ro, man. flha la by nnture impregnable, and I if attacked hac onlv to retire noon finerf! ml tide lie-r lime lor retaliation. Site ha* I *ix nnivernltiee, end lirr reimrifio ?ohonli are among the l>eet in Europe. The re triotinn* upon t]iv pre** are h lug removed, 1 and Ihe ta?le fpr Freneh novel* 1? giving 1 w?y to a liking for native production*. | Notion. . A I.T, perron* indebted to ttio Frtahe ol 1 i\. RICHARD (iOOIH.ETT,deceased, will t make payment, and all to whom the raid K<I tat* i* Indebted, will prcrent their claim*, to the underrigned, or to C<>|. W. II. CASIP* PF.I.L, bla Attorney. PKTBR CAUM.F, , Administrator, With Will annexed. , M . .. II 43 S 1 NoticeA I.I. perron* Indebted to Ihe F.rlate of It. A- OOOD' KTT, demoted, will make 1 payment, and all to whom the raid Krtale '* I indebted w !l prevent their claim* to the un. dersigne I, or to Col. W. II. CAM I B3I L b j 1 Attorney. CAi lll.h, Administrator. .J Mer-h II, 41 *3 ! ? 8TlBR W Atiiixurutf, Uneh 6. At 1 o'clock, CHrid entered and called the Semite to order. The journal of yHl?r day'e liii|>oi?lini?nt proceeding* wne rea<1. Some debating ?c?ued, when Wit.l- wot tr-trn at?J nit organisation completed ? After eome remark* fftfm llie Chief Justice, the rulea adopted on the 2d instant, were mnde t<> govern the court of impeachment, and a munition* wee iieued to the I'rcshlenI, returnable on Friday, the 19< li. to whieh time the eourt adjourned. Wade then took , the chair, and after a abort executive ?*' lii>nt frljiMiriwd lu Monday. " In i Uc Uuuw, Ihh>Iii>-m unimportant. Impeachment matiagei* art- allowed (a .1 during -aaaaiona, a-nd for |?nrtni and ' pa| era. nnd exuifclne witiieM*a und. r oath A<lj>iUfll?k aee - ? I^oni?1'lac, W[<? Match W. Thr htfli aehovl wm burnrii to daj ; loe# COMMERCIAL. ' " Colombia. 8. C., March t. Pulea of cotton to-d.iv 100 bale*? middling ?:< (oft Kktfr Yonx, March 9. Cotton?Tair Imalnera tmt rather <(uivl; ruler 0,290 b?lr>, at 251 0 20. Hold 4*4. liALTiMona. March 9. Floor and wheat firm und ipiiet. Corn or tivc ttnd higher?White 1.14 Qi) '.I4j yellow 1.17 f.llt. CVuta firm, nt 89 0 8.1. Cotton 25J 0 20. CbAHIMTiW, Murch 9. Cotton opened In fuir detnandi became nctlrc und excited. ndraticcd 1} fit, 2f.) rlured owlet lr fnlca 2,000 hulos-~mi'lilliiig 24 0 2rt ; receipts to day 090. Ai'tcm, March 9. Cotton mnrhct firmer? a*k-s fTO bale*; ro1 eoipta 400?middling 2(1. 1IYM i: \ E A I*. ; , M*itmat>, on the 281 dav ol February, at the teatdeoee ol thn hridr'a father, hv lh?lUv A. Acker, ilAMKS W. PO )R'C and Mia* COHUI K I*. lOX. yoongeat dnnvflitcr of Mr. Aloicr Cox All of thia Itiatrict. UREKNVIU.K PRICES CURRENT conrrtevrrn wKrKf.r. nr MESSRS. OAVID St SI RAftlEY, MERCHANTS. ORKKN VIl.Lli. 8. C.. MA*. 40. 1808. APPLKd, ^ bushel, t)rccn,.....$l 50 0 2 00 uriou, p, 5 " " " ' U41|l?wlu(l) 9 ft c. (?p $1 00 BACON, Y It> 17 Gu 1* BALK HOl'K. V ni 19 (??, 20 r. UAUOl.VO, Oiiiuiy, >1, y.l 20 r. * " UuntHte, ' " .....19 @ IS c. BUTTBR. tt SO < <. M ?. B uck w ii v. at r i,o t' li, V i oon.<, * ?.oo'<$ *.:<? UKKSWAX, f* |tr.....v...* ~ 2?r. CHICKKNS, (T hevl 1ft (.1) 20 r. COTTON,}* !?>,...? >ft (<a is f. C'OFFLK. V IK. m\ (& 3:t < . COKN. bunhcl, *1 Ift <& $1 2ft BOO A, f* llllltll .... 10 r. FI.OITU, Y n.'ick $0 50 ( * 57 M liOtiH $l #7 0?. *1 ^0 I HON, VI tti, American, S r. 1.1!ATI, V > n < . I LKAT1IKK, Y l*?. H?l?, IH uilnck I<> r. Ouk _....ftO ?. " " " I'|i|?or, ...70 r. " " " Huriier* ftft ?. MOI..UPE8, Y W. 1 00 f,? ?l 00 " " " Fjrrup mi.<81 2ft NAILS. Y keir $0 oo op 911) no OATS, "(J bu?liH, Oft i'l r. I'EAS, ?l on PKACIIKS, Y bn, Uriel, p.tlc.l $1 ifl " " uiiiittf'.etl.l.ft ''(>1.92.00 POTATOES, Y 1'Urhel, 7i (jj, *1 00 S M.T. >* ?t?ok, Liverpool, * > 2ft Sl'OAK, H>, Brown 10 (n, 20 r 44 44 44 Ctnrifiel 20 (<y 2?1 r. 44 44 44 Criikhel 221 ? 2-"' r. SllIHTINO, cvcn-cighus Y H (<b ' ? rYAllN, Factory, "|l bunch >PI 7A ?I ?I I ?I I ! I I ! Diasnlntinn Copartnership iH-retlnre rx!*lin/ ImX Iwcch Jo||N W. OlIAbV. JOHN" VKW OUSOM and .tAcon P. MJf.l.Kn. nndef Ifte nnine and style of tIKAIiY, FKlUlt'SON A Ml I, Mil:. i* tliii< ilny dissolved l.v mutunl content. March 4, Iffi*. JOHN W. ORADY. JollX FF.RtiUSON. jAfoll 1>. MtbLEIl. March it 42 2 Auction Sale. ON Monday, March Iflili, nt 10 oV'ork. nt my office, t will toll, at AUCTION, to ihc highest bidder, a lot af CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND DRY GOODS, ConfMinjr, In pwvt of Tllnck iTockin ! Satinet: Flannel; Olnphiifn* I Del.nitis f Dress Pattern*, 12 yard* each ; Hoop Shirts ; I'mlTflilrti; Shirt Front* ; l,ndic*r Pocket tlnniikcrchtef* | It? 1 ?r>..rnI Skirt* ; Oent*', Ladies', and Children's Mixed, IVhole and Hrotrn llosn. flranile Rtrer Rutin*; Mafof Pitrdifrr* flow!*; Clip* ami Snuccr* , Freak fast, Dinnci and Soap Piute* ; Milk l'an*| linker*; Chamber*, With roVcr*. Ota** ; fJnhlcfs and Tumbler* ; Lemonade* i T>l?lie*; Decanter*; Stand*; Hotter* and Salt* Ola** and lira** CaodleaMck*; (lln** Lamp* Oil Cloths for Tables; 5 M PcrctMvion Caps and many other articles. The above (fart be seen at my officer. ON HAND end for private ??' , Cooking and Parlor Stover and Stove Ware; Peruvian tluano; Raw Hone Phosphate; sett* Foggy liorneii, (n'? ;t Furnitnvc: Ac., do. JULIUS C. SMITH, AnvtlonoeT. March 11 42 1 Religioua Notice. rpHE nut Color. Meeting of (he lat T>iaI trlct In the Tyger River Aaaoefatlnn, will Ite helil itiruM Rnada Plwrch, cummoncIn; Suhirdnjf Murrh, |S(W. ' ! Introductory Pennon to l.e preached l>t i Rev. J. I.. NORMAX, Rev. .\T. LAXKFORIJ alternate. Sermon on Sundae by Rev. J. (1 LAXDRITM, Rev. R. r. Wnh.DP.N nllcrnnle Kaaay by Rer. T. J. FA H I.E. J AS. II. TAYLOR, Clerk. Mh II ? 3 STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. OltKENVII.I.K DISTRICT. ' fly A. fX)C'T/HT, K'q., Ordinary of to it ftlmtrirl. W IIK UK AS, T. h. tVOOPSTDK.ha* filar Petition In my Office praying th? letter* of Adininlatration dr bn->? wo* ?>n *1 mil ni^ulnr the giant* and chattel*, right* ant ercdl?? of JOHN COOK, late of the Dlltrle aforeaakl, daccaacd, ahould be granted to hin Thf* ore, iksrs/nrt, to cito an<l adinoniat all and aingular tha kindred and erediton of the aahl dcoearcd, to he and appear In tin Court of Ordinary for amid IMrtrict, to Im , luddrn at t2reen>ill? Court Iloure, on /Ac 21 : d'lji ' / A/'irrk, ?'? ?., to ahow rauae, If any wliy the aaid Adminiatration rhould not tx granted. 8. J. POCTIIIT, rt.1l. D. Ordinary'* Olce, 7th March, 1863. Mh li. 42 % n iiTiii NoticeALT. perann* 1nil.?Me?l to tli* K?lulo of Al?A.M BTKNIIOVSK. iloccim-.|, are huroliy notiftcil In tnuko jmyiuent at ?ii? to llic iiti<ler?ljtne<l; parlloa bavin* claim* n*a|n?t Ilia Km Ate, will prtnont them dnly attcateil t*i tbo an ine. | IAARKLLA fflTEXHOUPE. ? t, . .. I KMZAUKT1I M. l'KDEX. """ 1 Mh 1 1 42 3* Notice. T11F. next Union Mietinp nf tli? T?ft-?r River A*aoeiation, (DiaT'ot No 2.) will be livM with tlia Mountain Creek lUpiiat ] Clnnoli, eomuiriioilijr nu Hal ill.Ny he to I e the Ji/'tli So/>b<itJ? in Mareh. the 28 h sn#|. fmiro-looiory Sermon t.v J. A. TJUOaIHJ"*, D. 1>. Charily Sermon .hy J, I'. lit)Yl!K. I>. I?. E^ny bjp Hi. WILLIAMS, |?. I>. W. T SMITH, Secretary. March Mi, 1808. M.i r ,11 42 4 AGENTS WANTED. WANTKIl?Axrnt* to r.itt Pr. Win. Suiuli'a Dictionary of the IMbUt." ] It contain* over lint* ep-avly printed, tlnkhle column, ocfurn poxe*, from new oleotrotypo plate*, on / O"'! p;i|Mir, ami la appropriately II tnstratod with more than 200 engravings on ?ImI and wood, mid serial of line, authentic ratpn, Ac. 1 tt eo?.prl?e? tho Antiquities. r.ligrafMiy, Ocogruphy, Nfatnrnl History, "Typography, nti'l i> fttnffl]iicle Cyclopedia ?f Ik Seiiptiit-cO-. 1? I* necessary to overy llihle render, indie- j |n-r??Mc tn every Minister and Sunday School J Teacher, ami ought to !> in every family. 1 It i* highly commended l<y all learned and eminent men, and hy ihu Press generally in all pnvls of the country M the licat hook of the kind ?r the Kngliidi InlhgOAgc. Do not bo Deceived! | Owing to the HMiyrer*dented popularity of ' < ! tlti? Wotkp a miMtill liii'jli'h nbrid'jnirnt, in dimI dec I mo form, of shout 6U0 |>ngca ha* bean ro- I ' printed in lids country in larger type, and j tjuemt over S00 octavo paged, evidently?hy ' tnaking n larger hook than the original "-lo give tho impression easier lhat it f* our edition, j h hit f ihiin hntf tkr reaili,>!f mutter of oar., and in *old considerably higlier than the fcng. Iii*h edition of the mine hook hi ?hi* country. Some agent* arc endeavoring to pnliu off this jiireuilr edition for ours. T.'vi'hcrr, Slmfenta, Ttetired Clergymen, Farmers, and mvrgctfc TVomcn find tho agon- ] ey for thin vtork both |ll?lhM mid IMtratlve employment. Send for circulars, giving full particulars, terms, Ac., to . H. 8. PCH ANTON A Co., Hook Publishers, 120 Asylum St. ilnrlfurd, Coliu. .Tore.-" Any Newspaper in the country giv- j ing tho ahovo tin insertion six coneccnliva times, eridi displayed,.and sending a marked copy to the puMtehcro shall hivvo a copy sent them gratis. Mil IT 4? fi MRS. ELLEN HOWELL, 1 Jt3>iLtfS3:3 ]KCAS%aiW? HAS just received some t"ery pn-ltv llRAIt) ST AMI'S, suitahlc l?r Staiop ing Sacks and Skirl*. Also-. nciV Sleeve Patterns and Oorcd Skirl*. UllKSS M.AKINU ] and other SKWl NU done a* usual. Ail \Vurk ' promptly executed und nl reasonable price*. 1 Thankful for the liberal patronage received, she hope* to merit a continuance of the same. Two doors nl.ovo the I'm*-ylcriun | Chunh. 41-H March 4. , is. M. MURPHY, OF ClUKKN VILLK, S. C., . WII.L l>* fendv. at nil tinier, I ?vintir noil tuur PI a N< > j J if j u KtlUTES, OIMJ aNS. M KI.OI iE <>NS AND KOI I \N ATfAt IIMEN'IM ?fi I ho Ih'?1 of Stylo, ami oil a, leufohaldc term* iis <>fin l>c uHorde-f. March 4 41 4 HAWTHORN & AGNEW, a<;knts foii 'i n k | PlllLETOl FACTORY. IFAVIN'J been n| |H<lnlC?l AmMiisfor the I iViiileton FnHcry, *? will on bund ftml *'11 ('< I'lTON Y A UN nt h'<frlnYi/ i-ricttt, ?iiolf?nV nflti HAWTHORN A Afc.\\ lloncii I'IItli, S. C, March 4 <f 4 MILLS HOUSE, CORNER MtETlMl AND QUEEN STREETS, CHARLESTON, S. C. THIS well knunu FIRST CLASS HOTRL ha* jr**t -SHi TiS ticcn tln?f???i jjliTy repaired, refitted mill ru-fttrriiaficd, anil is noA fortdy lor the accontiiMxIulion of tliw travelling public, wliono patronage I* ?c?j?retfKI!^ ?<>licitcd. Merchant* vinitihg tliu eity, are reapertfiilly invited. livery accotnmodatlnu will be ufl'ered them, doarhua always in rraiflftoM io convey pnv reni?iT? lo and frnin I ho lintel. The Proprietor prmniac* to do all in hi* power lor the eoinfort or hi* giieM#. JCTSfcPH PtiRCEl.l., Proprietor. i Mar eh 4. IS?W. 41 tr ' TO Tli ft I'L'iiLIC. 1 THE PAVIUON HOTEL, C/fAHLKSTOX, S ( , _ SO f.(*0 and nl.lj con dueled l.v the Inte II. I.. '' HL'TTliRlrEU), Will KiiU i! ?*n^iH" lm leapt open for the nccum nn?litiiih of lite traveling public And lt? former friend* and patron* will find the f ttatial necointnod/iiioii* and attention* he f nlowt tl on thrill a* formerly, and lite ptiMir ' ftvoe?, air >Ndv an ?*el| e*faf>liVlirr{ atTlIK llnTW.oflhv'tltAtfil.lftCI MERCHANTS of I lie Sunlit, will, l?y ear neat effort*, lie faithfully preserved. &Umlt *. lRf.H 41 If Tho State of South Carolina. QREENYILLK DISTRICT. IN FQtJITY. ' ELIZA J. PRINCE, Kxerntrl*. v?. NANCY 1 Me KINNEY, (I. W. SULLIVAN ?t *1.? Hill for lhmer, Stile of I.tutrl, fiijuaction, iff, f|1IIK erodltnr* of the late JASPER J. X PRINCE are notified that an Injunction Ita* l>een granted in the above ca*o, re training them from atiinfr the Kxecutri* at law. JAMES P. MOORE. C. K. O. P. February Llth, 18(18, 40-3 Feb 38 '| KINO & GIBBON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS CHARLESTON, S. C. a. W. K I Mi. ORO. R. OIRRoN. OPFKK tlieir rervicen Tor the rule of COTTOR u4 OflfKR PIUIIH OK. Strlrt Attention flren to buiincM nnd proni|>t return* mixta. Jt'/rrmcf ?A. M. Ifsmilton. Rofit* A Ttonnld and Stone A Rlehnrilnoii, tVlllliiiti?tnii, 8. C. 40-4 Pub 30 Job Work DONE *Wi nod di?f>?tcti n' imuofpjce. P M S IT SKLI.IXG OFF AT I- 11AVR A LAll<J H LOT Ofr I >) GrtkJerie# Hardware . i Ladies' Ti iintfcfngs Kihlmns lluta and Ca]>6 Bonnet* Ready-made Clothing Bucket* T'llw B rooms SVith many, very many o:her Article?, which I am slum! off at cost. tggr a ny persons wanting to my am d?> s now. f5?T* Call, examine cmd judge for } out so vc8. Jho. I>. A nIi in ore. March 4 41 If ra?s?w?? ^ J I'ST urri\ > .1. fr<>in N w lux iitaikvl iilicu flu- war. At J No. I>. ASHMOllE'S. nni?in?, Currant*), ClITllON. Olnjp-r, Sj<ii*n. IVjipcr, Niiimnjr*. J / Almon'U, Miiccnroni, Chwtt, CntuIX?b??rH-r ttiwn (lie ch?H|>< ri. Ar J NO. 1). ASIIMOHK'S. RF.FI ) OATS. SAT.T, 220 |><)un<l SkcIj, tit emit nml rtlnr^l: _ lVrurinii Uuntiu, genuine, ut eoHl ntul I'.utgil. Df every <l< ?cri|itlnn, arriving every wctl; from tlic New Turk nml lliltiiimi'p market*, elienjv pr thim Iiiih ever liwn ?nl<l in tlii* miirkel. (? *tinintcil nil u jjulil lin*in.) either before or flure the wnr. At JNO. I). ASllMOllK'fi. Fftirinirr 2ft -40 tf Tho Stato of SoU h Carolina ORRKNV IUiL' nlSTItirr. s.j. hot rifi r, f:-,., y../ ta;,t fh'ihirt, "lAT IIKUEAF, JAMFP 0. VEAItlMXlia* * V filed i. Petition in my tffitec, prnying III it Iiotter* nf A'liiiiiii4tr:itlimt otf all nml aiiigulnr tlio good* nml crliiilt>-ls. ri^'lit< mid eredii* f MISS I". A. YKAHtilJl Jnle of ?l,(. Dimrii t aforcfutif, ih-r?iiK*il, idiouhl lit grunted to him. Tlif.r llif, therrjore, to cite nml mlIllotlitill nil uml fingtlnr the kiwAnd nml creditor* of the H.tid iIiti'ii.ViI, lo 1^! {inil ii|ijnnr in the V?ttrt of Ordinary fnl* mitt frit-tricl, to Im lm|. den nt (Ireenvillo Cmiff Ileum-, on the 12th it i y of Murrh ire.rt; tit Jhnw on HHP, if tiny, win In* fifid A'lirvinii-t i ution idinuld not tip grunted. fl. .f fXH'TllIT, O. tl. 1). Ordinary'* OTSee, Ji'tli February, 1.S0S. March 4 H 2 Notice. GrAniliAXS, TrtMtccii I?nil lluerivcr* arc ri'i|uirv1 t'i tiinke tbeir ANXI'AI. III'. Tl,'HNS l? thin Oflioe by tlio Jixet i/oy nf May next, or n llnlc will !>? IhhupiI n-rainnt Ihom. J P. MOO UK. 0. K. O. I?. Conitnirnioner'a Office, <i recti villo, l'Vliruary 2Ilk, isiiH. .4(1-11) INTERNAL REVIM, ~f ?*on the convenience of perinn* maiding in \ (lie Severrfl haiiM'H Sub-K Ice t Ion l'r?elticta. I hereby (!'< ? nulirt that I will attend Mini take ASSKSS.MKNTS of thu ANMC AL TANKS ?f ISfiH ; oi follow? : At tlrovo Station, Monday, 01 It March. At lifiiili'ftiiti'.', Tuesday, IOiIi Mirth. At McN?ly'?, Wcdnwrtiiy, lltli Mitrt-h. At Fairview, Thursday. 12tl> March. At Sullivan's, Friday, Kith March. At McOullonjih't, Saturday, 111It March. At Amold'/, Monday, 16th March. Af STmpaonville, Wednesday, Itfth March. At Walker'* Cm** Riwih, Thursday, 19th Mar. At (.'hick SjtritijfH. Friilay, 2llth March. At tiroa*', Saturday, 21*t March. At tlowenavlllc, Monday, 23d March. At l>ickcy'a, Tuesday, 21th March. At McKinncy's, Wcilnratlay, 2itli March. At Ifodire's, Thursday, 20 tli March. At .1. II. (Inodwiir#, Friday, 27lli Mafch. At Oil Camp. Saturday, SfSlh March. At Marietta. Monday, 3fllh March. At M i>ulX"ntcry'it, Trtcwday, it I at March. Thia Assessment includes the taxable Incoma it! the calendar year ot IK07, nntl the Tax on Oarriajrea, tlohl Watcher. It ill lard Tahiti*, Uohl nntl Silver I'latc, owned Marsh I at, IStlH. Kacli party will please n<>t? well ax it hia Income prior to the dato of A<xc*rinoiit. Persona. Finns, Ctimpnnic* or Corporation! engaged in any hu-duoa* orciipatioii or profrs aioh within tho liiuita of tireer.vills District for which a Special Tux ia required, must duly apply and register their natiica with loo, noil the prcaccntlon of their hnainraa without sue! applicntion will render them liable. Ignorance ia no plea lor failure to comply with tin law of the land. Furthermore, all perrons who are iotcrestci in any legacies, Distributive Shares, Inhcr Itancea or Successions, either aa Adn inixtra lor. koiiiIili .... ......i I." U n? in their race provided. F.I). II ID SON SMITH, A ?rft tor fSrcenrlil? Dintriet, South Carolina. Uraonrille, S. L\, Fob. 21. 1 fOH. 40 A Q/"\ SACKS of KXTItA FAVIJ.Y FI.OUIl O'/ iu?t received, ninl for aid- low foi caah, at T. W. 1>AVI>'8 litiiti-otn'x Street. ! Jan 22 35 tf < A A SACKS oi SALT. low for caah, a 1UU rw.iMViv, I'liiiconibo Street. Jolt 11 #5 tf UlftllFST murk*! price In ?1 in rath fo COTTON, at T. W. DAVIS* )luii?niiib? Stiant. Jan f?5 U - - Tii WE'mm. rrfcMeitr.n at CRRENVlLLE, 8* C. 0. F TOWNES, Senior Editor. JIIO. C. BAILEY, Pro'r. ft AeeoeUte Editor: s?Ka?:.iig i?iaca A\mww&ir ONE 110M.Alt FOH SIX MONTHS. Vtuitm nf |0 tritt in nitf fojiy/Vkt/eior^ NOW i? the tim? to lulwurtta. The Howe U important iWtd exciting. Matter* Kvm-ral and lotal worthy attebtlukl dud dlacueiion. The Editor* t?k? peine it? fttclent to the reader* of t'-e KNTKUPK1SK fnetr and cum incnt* h* to "current event*,H eud will nuntinno to advocate inch inco*urc? e* in their judgment will promote tho piiMie weal. AUn ^ 4 < mil I'l'-rvnirtHUil ll?U UURTUIg IV Will1 ?l?l?* of public uucstiou*. rvtloii.and otlu-f utoduea commanding flow' {JriePJ. No fiiioriy Mio'utJ bo witbutit a (fund Newapaper. ft in tlio chbapeat of alt ineana of information, improvement, education anil trcciiliif ciilcit ilnuicnt, and profitable to evcry * timlnm. Ureouvftlc, P. C., Fulronry 25,186(1. RieesMieii, At SEVENTY-FIVE CfcXTS: Fonit rcuisDs dhdffee fib in. OYSTERS 525 CENTS PER POX. ?3jlS!3& R. W. Folget & Co. tfel ruury 2d -10 tf United States Intei nal Revenue, Dm*. Coi.. OrriCK, Orkrrvii.i.b. h. C., i fun nary JH, IfrtH. J nV virtue ?f no order from A. S. WalUcc, Collector of Internal ltcveDile, ltd Collection Di.trict, S. C., I dill sell, to the higher! hhlilcr, on n.iK/nj, 2?/ ?/ Aprit, ItW, at the residence of defendant, at Marietta, ttrvenvillo District, 1 Aorre/ Ilornt I //a* HorlWi and 1 ?#?? hour H'iiwih." Alae, one TR ACT 6r I.AND. contnlnlng i 40 Acrra, l>clng the Tract on which defendant now rtaidoa, adjoining Innd* of J. II. Cleveland, John (jurat, Oikhon nml other*. I.cvied ou aa the property and void for the tux H.ararcd ngalnat llRNDlJUSOX tlOOD, til the ruit of tho United State! for ltoveuue Tiix. Term* caah. A. L. COI1U, Deputy Collech f. January 2S, ISfiH. 30-lu FIIKSII ARRIVAL IB PIMIK mxlMrioinicd ha* Ja?t roceired 1 i.poncU u BEAUTIFUL LOT OF Trunin? asm? Which lip ollor* to lii? iintumef* nfTil ftl? }>abUt jjencrully, nt GREATLY i;EDUCED PRICES, Thnnhful for the lilieral petronajjo recoiled, ho ? |o merit o runtiiiuuuco of the sttrttv. W. H, &OVEY< J:.n S .1.1 ' tf ?E IMS! RECEIVE!, ANOTHER KLEtSAXT ASSORTMENT OF PRINTS, GINGHAMS, m.ftACUKD AND BROWN SII E ETINGS AND Shirtings, (.S- A* ISLAND, * C.,) To which ire w.,uld invite i*ttcntioA; ' ALSO, L\ <3?S>aiaiB II,(DTP ?37 rniTm teac curio UU1 1 \AA3, 1 Liltt, DLUiUl, MOLASSES, HICK, CHEESE, 4C.f All of wliioh we will Mil an I.6W n* tlioj ma i'o Ixnifrlit in nnjr market ill tlio Statu, trnuapiirtnlion iul<lo<l. We kc*|, ronvUntl^ on hand, all kimda at Provisions, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES; yv?~011l T Kit MS ARB STRICTLY CAH1I. Williams & Whitmire, ' Greeurille, H. C., Jnnnftry ft, 1815ft; 83-tf ! W. H CAMMEB, PRACTICAL QURCMITH . AN f> MACHINIST. C10RN S?nT-M RS. PoMon Oina, Locke. ) KToi?n? Oil Ijiitip#, Ke*?ir>$ M*? chine* n m?I Famed*. I; KI * AI It KL> * illV prompt n*>>> a. Cliaipo rea?onahle. . nr Country l'roiluoc taken in txcliMga \Y?rk Fiend?At Wc?1fieUlV old Simp. Jail ? *5 \f BATE8VILEE J MMIUG COHPASY. HAVIXO heca appointed Agent* far ttiia Compaiiv, we arc prepared to cell WHIHTINOS A2vl> Y AuN at Factory . pi lcea. r Daviil A Mrntfloy, (>r?ccp? and CnlMiidaaion Merchant*. Ore*#*!!!?, S. C. or ? 24 tl