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[ Bill of Bight* a* Pasted on the ?trinl Beading. Wis, llw Pfiijili of the Slate ot South Cn> rollna, in Convention assembled, grateful Almighty Oml fir tills opportunity, de Uberately nod peaceably of entering into #n explicit and sol. inn com [met with enoli other, and forming a new Constitution of civil government fur ourselves and posterity, reoognlaiiig the necessity ol the protection of the people in all that pel tains to their freedom, anfety and tranquility, and iinplor In* the dir. i-iion of the final Legislator of Hie IToi vera#, do agree upon, ordain and establish the following Jttclaration of Ilight* ami form of Qovrrn mmt n? the Conetitutlon of the Commonteeal fi of Smith Carolina. article r. our * emu or moors. FkcHom 1, All men lire born free and equal?endowed bv tlieir Creator with certain inalienable rights, among which are the rights of enjoying and defending their Jive( and liberties, of acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and o( recking and obtaining their ?i)fety nnd happiness. SrcTion 2. Slavery shalt never exist in thisSfatf; neither aliall involuntary servi tnde, except aa a punishment for crime, whereof the party ahull have been duly convicted. Strnojf 3, All political power ir vested In and derived fioni th? people only ; thera tore they have the rljii, at nil times, to modify their l< nil of government in such manner as they may dertn expedient, when the public good demands. SwrrioN 4- Fvery of this State owea paramount allegiance to the Constitution and Government of the United States, and no law or ordinance of litis Slate in contravention or subversion thereof can have any binding force. Sixtio.n 5. Thin State shall ever remain a member of the American Union, and nil at tempts, from whatevor source, or upon whatever pretext, to dissolve tlio anid Union (hall he resisted with the wliule power of the Slate. ' SrcTiox 6 The right of the peopla, penee ably to aRsemhle to consult for the common good, and to petition tlia Government, or any departm tit thereof, shall never he a1 ridged. S*?Ttov f. All perrons may freely speak, write nod publish their sunthm ntw on any snbjeet, heing responsible for the abuse of that l igbt ; and no laws shall he enacted to rertrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press. SbttioK 8. Iu prosecutions for the puhli cation of papers investigating t!.e official conduct of (.nicer* or men tn public capao?. ... ...?? .i * j, * * i wurn me inn i i?t ptiiiuHK'iit? proper lor ptthlio Informal! >n, t\io truth thereof tuny he given in evid nee j nnd in nil indictment' for liliol. the jury nhr.ll be the judge* of the Inw nini the fuel'. $kittii* 9. No person sln?ll be deprived of the right to worship God aoeoidSng to the diotnto* ol hie own conscience ; /Vum vidfit, That the liberty of conscience hereby declared shall not jii-lifv prnctiocs incon siMcnt with the peace nnd inurnl sn'oty of Boctciy. Section 1h. N<? form of religion shall lie established by law ; but it shall lie I he duly of the General Aesnildy to pis* enitable laws to protect very religion* deoominn boa in the peaceable enjoy in?nt of its own mode of worship. Fe<tion 11. The ri^lit of trial ly jury shall remain inviolate. SrcTl"N 12 No personation \.o disqualified as a witness, op he prevented from ue quiring. holding and transmitting property, or he hindered iu Acquiring education, or h? liable to any other punl-dirm-nt for any offence, or he suhj-cted in law to any other reatrninta or disqualifications in re gard to any personal ri*rl?? * than ouch na arc laid upon others under like circumstances. Section 13. No person shall ho held hi answer for any crime or offenee until th< eaire is folly, fairly, p'ainly, atiha'antln'lx and formally described to hiin ; or he compelled to accuse or furnish evidence agninsl liirns'lf; and every person shall have t right to produce all proofs that may to favorable to him, to meet (he wilneseci against him fare to face, to hsvs a speed] and ptihlie hy an impartial jury, nut to be fully hoard iu his defence hy him elf of hy bis counsel, of hy both, as he uua> altet. Section 11. No pcrtnn shall he arrested imprisoned, despoiled or disj-ossesscd of hii property, immunities or psiviliges, put oui of the protection of tho law, exiled or da prised of hit life, liberty, or estate, I.tit bj iii* judgment oi in# peers or Ibe law of iln Imid. Anil 111# General Assembly nS?ll no enact any Inw tlint eliall rul j.-ct any pcrsoi to punishment without trial by jury; nni shall li# be punished bat by virtue of a la ? already established. or promulgated pi en to I lie oftenae, and UgaJly epplivd. Smtion IS. AH CourU aball be public and every perron, for any injury Ik may receive in liia land, goo la, person 01 reputation, alinil have remedy by dm course of law and justice administer, d w kit , put unneceevnry delay, Siwtio* 18 All person* si all, before con v ration, be bailable by siiffici?iit snrctl- a except for capital offencca, when the proo ie evident or I he presumption great ; an. % rxoeseive I sail shall, not, in anyone, I e re quired, nor corporeal punishment inflict.d ftroiiox 17. The privilege of the writ u Jlnhran o'o?/m* rliall not. he appended, ex. cept when. In case of Insurrection, rehelllnr or invasion, the public aafcty may rcqnir. It. Hwtioh 18. No person, afler having b?et once acquitted by a jury, shall again, foi the same nfT-nee, b? put in j oparly of l.^i life or liberty. JtntTiox 19. All oftenccs Icsa than felony, SipL ii. <rhi?A the | nnislirn. i t docs not e <.d # 8ne?f one I undred dollars, or im T Hi SI l>rieor>tiirnt for thirty diy, ?hntl bo tried j tutnmarily l? a .hut ice of lli? r?aee, or i< "titer officer authorised by law, on Inlorma t lion under < nth, without indictment or In- n terventlon of n Untnl Jury, raving to (ho j defendant the right of appeal; ami no per- ? on ahatl be held to aniwrr for any higher r crime or offence unlet* on i-feeentment of n Grand Jury, except In catce .truing In the > land and naval ?ervie?, or In the militia , when in actual aervico in lime of war or t public danger. I Fectiox 20, No peraon ehall ha imprianr. j ?d for debt, except in caeca ?f fraud ; and n I < r-aaotiable amonnt of property, as a home | | tend, ahnll be from sc'sure or , snl* for the payment of any drlili or i itie?, exeept f.>r lb* payment of urh ot.llga i liona aa era | ruviJcd for iu U?ia Coneiilu llo?. ' I Sittnax 2'. No 1 ill of attainder, t* po*t j faeto law, nor any law impnitlng the obll | gallon of contract*, ahnll ever l>e enacted ; , and no conviction aball woik corruption of ( blood or torfoiture of eatate. Kkotiox 22 All peraon* liava a right to be aecure from nnreaaonabli ararcbra or 'ixor>*a of their peraon*, honaen, paper* or poaaeariona All warranla aball l>? nopported by oath or affirmation, and the order of the warrant to a civil ? Qb-erto make enroll or admire In rttapecled place*, or to ( nrreat one e* more suspected person*, or to ael/.e their property, alinll l>e accompanied with a speclul designation of the peraon* or i object* of aearch, nrreat or aeixiire ; and no wnrrant ahnll b? l**u?d but in on e* and j with the formalitie# prescribed by the law a | SrrmoN" Private property ahull not I e i taken or applied for public uae, or for the , u?o of corporation*, or for private uae, ( without the e?n?ent of the owner or a just j compensation being made llieio'orj I'ro- , vided. however that law* may be inadti *c? j etiring to persona or eorj>oriition* the right x of *?v over the bind* of eitbor person* o? r temporal ion*. and lor wnik* t?f Internal im- , proveinent, the right to e?lnt>li*b depot*, f station*, turnouts, ete.; but a |iut. eoinpeu t ration, shall. iu all cares, be Hot made to | the owner. , Srcrtox 24. The power of suspending the , low*, or the execution of the law*, ahnll , iiev? r be cxerehed but l>y the General A*- | tnb'y, or by authority derived Ihsrefii.tu; I to be exerui*e.l in aueli part ioulnr ojmws only ( ne the General Assembly shall expressly providc b>r. frianw 2,r?. N>> pors-in aball, In nny ens*, be sulje.-t to martial law, or to any pains ( nrprnaltic* by villa* of that law, except | 'those oo pb?y?d in tins army or navy of , Phhtid Ssivt-s, nsd except the mi'l'ia in nc- ( tunJ arrvico, but bj- authority of the Gone- | rnl Acrmbly. PnTt.'X 20 In tli * government of tbl? Common wealth, the hcgk-l.ilive, 1-i.t cut v and Judicial poweis ot the Government ( ball be forever aeparnte and distinct fr m each e.tber. and no person or person* exercising the functions of one of *ul d part inrnie eitoii adMun* or ipd^linrge the duties of liny <vilies. Srtm?N 07. The fieaerol A??<niVly might fr>qn nrly to nuern.Me f??r t! ri'ilr<N oj grievances, iin-1 fir mnLing new I.ihk t< the common I in iy require. Stjtion vs. The people have n ri^lit to Vi1 it it >1 lunr ?riii? (<ir tii<" eiiintiiiiii ile fi'lidn. A* in timm ii( | #?c<, ntmiea die Jnnv:w?ti? t<> lilt* r'y. th? j* hi phi not to lie oiniiitnino'l without the consent of the Oen ernl A?e*-itilily. The military power ou^hi always fv> bt? hrVl r? nit Mid snliordlna tinn to the <*iviI milkni'Uy and Ue j4<>vera?d l?y it. Fkitiox 29. Iii lime of p nee no rohlhr elidll lie qunrteri'i) in any lioiiae u illicit the coiiarnt of the owner; nml. in time of < war, tiu'h quartets shall not he mud* iiut i i i it tnnnner prescribed hy lew. Pt.iTf'x :;0 No p?non who conscientious* 1? scruple* to bear nrni" thall he co p.-ll. <1 so to do, I.lit he shall pity an iquivul lit for pi r^niAl set t ice. , Suction SI. All eleetmn" shall l.e frea . and open, mid every i'lhaM'aiit of this Commonwealth possessing the qu?liHeutiou* provided for in this Constitution, slntll have I an tj'inl right to elect officer a and be rl.'Ct? ed lo nil public office. Sr?Tiox 3a. No pfper'y qualification 'I.uII l*d neaeaaary for an <1 clioii lo or the hulling of any office, and no o&i'e! I a created, the appointment to which fliail 1>? for n longer lima limn good behavior. After ll?e adoption of tliia Conalilution, any perron -Aboehall fight a thivl, or read on 'accept a challenge |or tl at pnrpoac, or be an aider or abetter in flghliog a duel, ahull ba deprived of holding any office of horn* or trurt In lltir State, and ahu3 be other* wire punIrlied aa the law rlial! preecribe. SriTio* St. The right of anflVage rlmli he prolicted by l?a? regulating election*, , ar.d proldl.itii g. under n?l. quote pcnallh a, all undue influence* pom power, bribery,' j ttnnii't or Improper conduct. Pi-Tiny 3-1. Ifeprva>inlAlios ehrUI he ap> portioned accoiding to population, and no j 'parroti in thia SptU rltalf l.e dWfranehifrd or deprived of any of the right* or privU j lege* now enjoyed except l>v the law of the , hind or the judgment of hie peer*. Ui-nwfAw t K - ' ? *? !?? ?rn.piini) mvrnre irom in* Sin( ali til not forfait a naiJence nnco obtained. 8wi'i"N 31, All properly anVj'-efc to tax* tio.i shall !> tax?d in proportion In its ( mill'. Fnch indirllniil of anefety ha? a ' right In I * |iro'aet?-?1 in ihe enjoyment of : Ufa , 1 herty and property according lo standing l??i Ha *honM, therefore, con' tribute his share In tho expense of l>i? proI act ion a tol give I. In personal oervica whan ' necessary. ' BEctIo* 87 No eidaidy, char/a, hnpoat Inx or duties shall l>e e*taMshed. fi*od, laid ' or levied, under any pretext whatsoever, p without Ihe consent of th? people or thcle rapre?er?lAl.ire? lawfully assembled, Pitori"* 8d. Excessive finaa shall not h# , imposed, nor aruel and unusual punishment > inflialed, nor shall witness, s l.e ware laonnMy do'ainad; JUJTHEBD Bmthin 89. No till# of nobillt) or litrnilary emolument aliall wer !?? granted tn < liU Hi ate. I>Utino|lon on ???<>?n? of fw 1 >r fiili-r, in any cnaa wbnlaver, alinll be 1 >r<0iibi<?i1, ami nil claraea of eiliaena ehall 1 i J >y i (j'inlly all common, |>ul?lu\ U*al and 1 lolltical pilvitsges. Sm.Tiom 10. All navigable waters shall ems in forever public highway*. free to the illscus df the Slate and lit* United Slate#, aHlionl lax, import or tolt imposed ; and no Ink, toll, impost or wharfage shall be mixiiml. or received from the >wner of any merchandise or eommoiity, h.r llir use of I lit- shores or any \v liar f erected >h Ilia all urea, or in or over llie water* of *ny navlgn'le ? r??m, tinle*a the Mme lie uithor'zel liy tlie General A<*oiubly. Pjutiok 41. The enumeration of right* in this Constitution ihall not foe conHrued to impair or deny other* retained for the pro. |.)a, and all pawns not herein Jvbga'o 1 re iiiuin with the p. opl?. d?jit fantljmt (Eultrprisf. CRKEyVfLLE, S. C. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1868. L*on?rosslonl JVewa-.PolHIcnl ProspoctsWhat's to Com*, We give nttr reader* the chief matters of uteres! in fjbngress aa they have occurred. The great movements going 0?i in Wash* ington, wi'lproduce ejtclt. ni-nt n??t only In thi* country, hut throughout Kurope. The repiitulion ot the "Great Republic," fur irdcr, stabilky ?nd,t*lute?n.aii*hip In it* r)ov?r'*iiicnl, is nr.w expos'd to the rrilies' faze of all mankind. And the transaction* if the present time will, foim an ura in our lialo y, Mtpp'em*nt*) to the liine_ of the var. II h tlic fire' ineianc# ?f the inr each- ' nenl of a President of the United Slate*; ' ind I lie proceeding hie developed Itself a* >n? of.%purely party character Kvery aia ;V iVmverat voted agaii a< it. sod only two ' publican*. It was thine in ha*te and arilhout allowing anything like ?h lulls or li*cii**h>n, and the charge* f.iunded on a hlTercnee of opinion a* t<> the rlgtit of the I'reaiil ni to remove a Cihinet odfeer, that lie never bad n( p diited, ami which h* olaiies he ha* the light lo do, eon?i*leiilly villi the provision* of the Tenure of Office law. lie contend* firt'nr, that Ihi* act C'llld not Veatruin htm, l?'r?US* of il* unpads* itutioRulity, sdmillcd hy Svax-r-n i.,1? ...i t -i ..r 1 *i'i? i iiuiipvMi ? ?* rui?j-v? ?'i rrni'?Tn*. i nil* in* r?-jr*nU liiius.-lf ?c lorliflad l?y Ilia law m <J ilw Iii^ million)v "f tlie Coiiatlm'ton, nml nmwt f'ftl lna nlj-H in i-*iiin?r ! ?.* iirler f'?r ilrn removal uf .'T* Witt anil ll a iipp.lntinenl of a ?.iac',?*or. wm in procure a (I ?'i?ion of ilio innMnr l.y Ilia Su| r.-itirI'uiirl of th" United Stiilif, a triintnai In wl.'mli may roMitl r??ry ei'ie-n In iM'r in in- Ira ri.'I'M. from 'In* I'r.tiel. |tl eli?jrn In tlie low m olli in', or In mM* I private par*>>n. Whit wif W Ilia nonirqiicntri nf the ant. vie'Ion of I1'iv ill III to tin* t l.olf t-ilinli v. it it ImpoiMililr lo iloleriidtie. Ami to ii? ttceln upon the South no out u in te!l kJoti^r* m, liillicrlo, Ii.ik r-i'U< t'ly lii*ap<d upon ilia while people- ,J t o- Se.ti'h, Ilia vaii^rauaa th-y Imva f.iileel In wrank upon Anoiiiw Jn.VSMVt. 11 a lint al'amplatl to attal ?iii liia p-liay l.y ave*ry menu* in hit power, Mini lo net at a prntaclnr n' Ilia Aou.heril panp'a, nnel ihr u> ic lia luta dnn* < <> Ilia alwrper lint lo an ?htf aaonr-iaa I diet <1 upein letin liy firtijjir?i. It it if tha ma. j.ritv in that l-nely jj-t aupieina control of t'la Kxe fiiliva and Judiciary d-pni Intent*, will I If y continue to |ivrnt?ui? nml dmf.nnCiierl Mow |oi|{ will Ilea |woplo of ilia ^{jrlli pi-ruiil it ? llww I*our will ("oi'ifaaa* il\wira hi pemiali if permitted? Tin M aio queetiuua nnawi rleea, yd iureeeant. Tlia r null of tli? now coming ni in l'i? !?orther? State* will Imva a powe rful influence nn ilia politic* of |ha whe.le eouuiry N?w ll .wi el.ira *nt. <| Tu.-o'ay. lifli Intl. Tlie r.-atill cnnanL l.? ?e?>i.. '1 l>y 11* i V>i wei k, we auppoae, t>*fbre goi'g Iw Pl?H llolh paetiea hnv#? Woen raiiguine, ami if the I triune'at* <)u not auceee>l in oiiv^ a majotily, Inrt eo'y re iliie* enn*h!*rahly tint of the t'lutirat*, It will be elaira <1 a* a triumph- It lliev rea'ly carry lb* Stole, it will I>e ilmuit a certain eign of the r* e> It of the IYe?i.l?ni Ul ebilinft, nex? November ; ? pceUUy If i?. in fo)b*w*<t ii|> by continued auoee-a ii> Connectieu', the i'.jU SUite in lit* or<ler of voting. Tlio revolt of tko JlflW tfampahirn el clion (as la thought l>y antm } will liave a material influence on the impeachment, trial of the I'reehlcnt, lint it woulil li? lianl to determine whether It will t o for tho lirt. tar or for the w ore*, a* to lilm ptnomlly If llHigrraa reganlr Ik- continuance in office of tli* P. eahlant a* the eau?* of their lo*? of popularity in the North, they may hurry the unatvfalion. An<l they moy equally he inclined to lior y It^n c?a* the ol*cll?n prove* favonlilt In llirlr i!4?raa l|ir; will regard it a* n sanation of their po. aent proceeding. Every thing, thaiefor*, that th* Preaid- lit or people ilo, or have (-'one hlih rata, accrue only U? l.nrry Cumtrea* to greater evtrenutie? egninal him ami I ha. Sou lier n people. We Ibar tllafr nothing will Ik* 4 >ne arfonlinf to sober reason and justice, so furs* the Routh 1* concerned, till after the next Presidential election, If then. Of course, i? dl-pcnds <?n tit* result as to the parties, aixl much on the tnnn that rosy he elected. At one titna G~miIrast would hiwve been neeopfed as the candhlato ?>f the country generally, nn?r not as a mere party candidate, hut now he Ix regarded at having Seeome a tnere political instrument in tiio hand?a of the cjr*rcpie Radical*, and consequently his eloction To the Presidency would be regarded by l>rui?crat? and tba Conrcrvativcx aa a Radical triumph, and will, we presume, he unanimously opposed hy all who are opposed to tho worst measures of that pnrty, tinier* he ^oclnitu* (.pinions different from thosohe is now supposed to entertain. 5 1 T i f1 Looking ?t the political condition of tbo :<>uutry, tbcro appears no refreshing spot in :ho dreary doaort before ua. Tbo triumph of iho Democratic par'y in tho next Presidential lootion, or tbo success of tbo Itadicala, nro alike hidden in the future, and utterly uncertain. Could tbo rooult of that election bo fnreaocn, tbo strong aide would become atill stronger by numcroua desertions from what waa aeon to bo tho weaker party. There are thousands alwaya indifferent between partiea. ready to aorra (Jud or Ilaai, whichever becotnea the most popular. They care not which i? right and true. If fag<i/ry la popular and the eftwoy aide, they are tho inoat Ingat of mnn * ailt ilmiu ... .11 .1.1 ..J? I elates. Many of the iam? sort of inen In the Smith wcro boisterous RunftdcniUi before tbe war turned against them, end aorao of thein In the North, once ultra Democrat*, Itke the notorinui (loneral Dt', of Massachusetts. Thnro are thouannila of common port of people likewise, that bare no mind of their own l? politic*, and never hnd any, that are carried about with the nhiftlnjt enrrenta of popular opinion ; they atick to nothing, but run like looee abut to either end of the groove thnt 1 happens to prcpomHirutv; there they atay, just aa unreasoning as ao much lead, till aw explosion aeattrrs ?heiu, after which they will belong to whoever picka tbcin up. All litres consldeialiura only ad<l to the confud-ti and unecrtalnly of the futuie.? It i? in vain to throw the Maine of all the wrong on Congress. They liars been saa tnined l-y their con'titucnta in tho past' hopeful na we may b? that ihej- will not be tints runtaiticd in tbe futu's. The Atiieiican people have been educated ta abhor despotism, and Usavy taxes, utul heavy national debt*; y?t tbey have run ui to tliein nil wilh.niorc gin dim fs than any people uudur the sun. Tliey have sympa lliiaed with every country in the world that ha* struggled (or Independence ami self government, yrt when a portion of thv Status contieoied with llient thought they would try In lie ind*-|>cnd?ut and self goveviiing, they waged the biggest war, end ilia fiercest, dial has bcli fought on the ea III in H ty years, and nftsr thsy had destisiyinl the pow. r of I lis Southern States, by the lores of supsrhir muiilers msl re sources. thsy ha*e eontimieil to persecute their home aspirants for independence, in a most uncess'iu and augiuenting manner.? IVnple arc fickhi all over the world, and the A met lean p???ple are like the rest There is no pmpheeying M what's to wna," ws only hope at irthers for thu I os*. Tho Convention-?Btll of Bights. Mr. .1. V. Ai.l.ttx having furnished us with the Hill of Itiglits as filially passed, by Monday's train, wo have b.-en onubicd to lay it before our re?vlcr? this work. Tho Conei-nriorv bav passed irti Ordinance providing f.?r an election ?>n the Constinition tvii'l tw.iiliiwi?e?> aiof lur an election or tJnvern?e, TJcnIciiihiI fJorcrnor, Adjutant and Inspector HtiiomIi Swrrlarjr of Slate, Comptroller IJer.oril, Sup.rii>I.-n.lont of KdiiriUtun, Member* of tiro < an.) lor Itopreaeiilativea in Congroea. Thia election wilt take place on Ilia I till I11. and Ififh ila/r of April, ISfiH, Imt li e lima may Wa extended to fire day*. Within thirty day* alter the riiifi.ulwn uf t!io Conatilution. an alcetion will lai liel.t lor the pa/pom- ot fflttny all of tlia county office* required l.y ewt.l Constitution, Wa copy tho /'hrai/t telegram of M?uda, '* pr-tccvdirgi, which will Im f.uui.l of iu?~ port unco " The Convention. adopted on ordinance eonrp'.-lliiii; all who Vote for * t'onafitulioli,' to ?Lpp..rt the regular n.onfncr* of the party; alao, reltiMod lh" report ol the committee on Fiiiiuhiso, provid tig that after 1S7i every permit) coming of age ahull ho compelled t? read and write; uma-U however, that , no la-tBoii now disqualified ahirlf Sold >>fc-e, *_n-r thai the l,rj|iiliiture ahull not removu dl<al.iliiy. A number of negroea have l,cen nominated for office*. There ia much excitement in the Convention over the eiuidid.ilia of both color*.* . ? ? % ?> Cotton. The price Ima advanced n^.iln. u titlr. since our lbat xve k't ls*o?, aa will l>? ori by tlm report* of the ma* ltd*. \V? refer to nn ralrnet ftinn the (Tiarlsston A'eir?, that g|vc? good reaaona for the lolief Hint the advance will be permanent, fi.r tlia balance of (lie aeaaon. We hone the i.lantern in i),l? .n.t ?or. ing I'Mriet* have still a y.a>d portion o( ili?'teinpi?i ?s*?lf tli'imflci o( the rise. Onr (Jrcnvl 1* merchant* will again kid liberally for it. Cot I on i* rolling In tliiw market al 19 cento. The Firat Ojtton Duyer in Green villa. Strung" a? it may em, there w?a iierrr. a* we h#lieve, any regular eot'on trade in Greenville, till the pa?t Fall and Winter, and Ool. Jotiv D. Asiim ?na if we nun'eke not, U the first merchant who ever really ailvei llaeil hi deal in the article; and he li entitled to the rrrd'l <4 inaugurating a ho?|. neae In the Town, which haa heen of great advantage to it anl to the country, March IS umber of the Southern Cultivator. We have reeeirnl tMa number of the Cultivator. Fjke ila predeeweoia It la full of valnslde matter I? aM tUlera of the toil. We would he plraoed hr? ?ca it generally pn'ror.Wxf. The rot>a?rlplion pr'e* i# $1.00 [ cr annum; aix e?jdea for $10. Addrc** VVw. A W. I. Just?, wfilori, at Alloni Oo>l||U Bo fanuirr la prapnly prrpnnd lo make progr-aa withot-t a good agriouhu rol paper. Auction Ski* on Monday. Wf c*lhh* attention ot our r>*nd'r? to the larp* and carted a*aor?ni<-i.t of (Slana* *nr<-, Oookrrjr, r>ry flood* , at the A i el i /fi t-'oorn of Jvi.m* C. Smith, which an In ha nlJ on Monday, Mih inat., al'n Htov a. Firtilu ra. An, at private nal*.? Tartona d pairing cheap Oooda, ahonill at triad ihoaafe on M >ndajr. , Sec adverti-rnenl in another column. wr I'iom litoccfor aard, our Qnanri la I'rleaa Currant will I* forrrcted I-j Mrara, Ftatii? k STaani a*. fbir readers will nofire that arvrrai important changes have lean mad a Ode week. hmmmhwh ' R I S 1 o roK Til* MTIIU KNTKarKlf*. Threeaeor? Tears and Ten. BT LAURA QWTH l? We've teen our tliroeeore years ?>n<1 Ion, ^ We're old, good wife you ?iy, But it only teems * little while, ( Hi nee we were blh It* mm* gny? And young?the tweet Mwy time of life, ( And then (he June! When love end Joy and hope, dear wife, M?<lc music nil In tune. And yon in krlUI robe* w f?frt At |?*f( ftxteen, you know, . Walked with mo through the euminer itr ^ "A hUle while ego I" t We're old?we only Ht at niglU And hear the etWk't cry. And weave our old time fmu-hA * And Ulk of ilnj't goue by? i And of thoee who lung hare l<-en aeleep i ftenealh the church-yard clay, I Wlioee grave# nrc green with many a spring. t \Vlio*e work* have pareed away? t Wlmsa very n tints* will he forgot < When we are dead, you know, I (tut I hey were proud and gr?r?J> and gay, i " A little while ego P i I Ah ? life Indeed I* hut a span? Tie hardly worth our while T" grieve a> fortwue"# eviiatruke. Or triumph in Her entile. We need not. weep for petty woe* Or lltl le e >rea t hat ceaee? 7le but a tbty ere we eltall wear The rolira of endless peace? Only the wr-mga we've dear wifW, Should entire our tear* to flow? The wrong* that, gtieved eonte poor tail tetil" A little while ago." to* Tttt. eutTiiKaM r.xrrnrntaa. The f.dluw ing neaolutiona were adopted hy the I'nlmetto Firemen, at their meeting on the 3d of March, itielnnl : , WtiKittt.t*. water being an indispensable j element in the subduing ai.d prevention r>| , the spread of fire, anil it being higb'y im | purl ant that the location of every well and | clalern, both p-ivnte ami pnolic, within the , incorporate Ikni'e of the Town, alioi'l I be | known to the firemen, in order Ibat im i pwrtanl lime should not be lost hy delay* | being made in ceiling cur engine hit* poet- | lino on occasions of Pure ; tberetore. he it i UfJetd That ? eoiinuittee of six, to he known and designated a* the Water font- , milter, be at once appointed by lite I'rrai- ( lent. Un JnJ, That it ahall Im the dutv of raid Water Council I ee. with a* little ddav a* |?enrtie*l?le. to awrertaln lh? location of ev ery private cistern and f'nillow well in Ik* Town, and make * nolo of !li? pimwi', i together with the niort iiMiT^iiWnt w#y of gelling lloreli, Tlml- *ai?l Commiti** eh nil tnnke a report to the C-mpiny, and that a ! Ii?I of' write unit detente he po-teii in lite K"clu? llmne, eo thMl every nflicer and mowC'Cc may know their loewtron. w \??ov ?o mm i nr. k. Chub-man, C M. MfJeii.kii'. F*>r Ward ! No. I, C. U Mi-iknikiti ; Wmi| No 9, H. A. Cauhle; Weid No. 3k A. A Foetor; Wnri ; No. 4. I'. II. linilly ; Ward No. A. Jninr* Montgomery ; lV*nl No. A, I). A. Bell. I A Sueasssf >1 Arjr.rmcnt for tho Aboil. It in of Old Debts. 1 The following epreeli ie s very ahl* argil I men! in fetor of the pr inciple of r.'ti' sing g-neral bid*htedne?a in I lie i uineJ Southern State*, liy Hie lu-ifirweiits of Mr. Oooi-win am) other*, offered hi live Georgia Con trillion, the invneure proved *tierea?ful. and the Convention adopted an ordi< alio* >ul.?t;intially carrying out lt?? rr*olulioa diccutred. Tti* O. wrgia court* are not allowed jurlMliet ii-a in liie cascr of old <Whi*i Tlie ordinance i? ifrawn with great iagenuitV n"d al'i'Uy, ami tui^U ha taken a* a pattern hy the Sooth Carolina Convention, provided it adopt* til* tame mearur* of r<ficf to I lie people of tliia Stat*. who certainly wen/ it far inor* tkau Georgia, bud a* the condition of the people these may be. Kevavii oa iio*. w. l. coonww, or babtovt. ' /V/ivereJ b'fur* tA# (Jttm/'t /Jeeewtlrnrti>m* flmwlfn. ?i-J " V..r.r.<.fy OMI. IOU9, vr? nc Sk^o* n/ Miff fur the Ptnjflt. Tlio <pieeiW?n <>C relief oae af Importance to our people, we puldl*h f.y request) the following rxtraete from the rperch of Mr. Goodwin, which may he rtid with tome interest. The qpeetion being upon the adoption of the following ret ulutl'in of Mr. Goodwin i R- it acWeed, That kite Committee on Ike Judiciary be and they ate hereby (net mete?l to ineert in that part of the Comtirw tina whieh dh&ot-a the power of.tha Aide, alary of title State, the following tee)ion: No Court in thia State ehall have jurie diction at any time to hear or determine, i or rruder judgment agaioat any eitlaen of I tlile State, upon any eontraet or judgment made or entered Into, or f?>r any tort or injury committed prior to I ho firet dey of i June, 1941, nor ehall any Connt or ntii.late rial officer of this State ever have jurnd'c uon 10 enmrc* any judgment m execution rendered or iaaiiad u|Ntn any contract or agreement, or for any tort or injury mail* or committed prior to raid Oral tray ol June* 1865. Mr. Goodwin raid : ,lfr PftitUnl and Mrmb*r+ of Mi* Crmvan Hon: Tito iiilij'-et of relief haa, for moatha part had * devoted advocate in the perron of , myrelf. Itei-ig ona of the Committae which (Vamed the origina* majority report, whh-h I have off red aa a aul>*tilul*, I ahall make a few remark* in Ita eupport. and. without attempting to rntcr Into an argument for lha purpoaa of ahawing the eonatltniionality ot title measure. I ahall content iityevlf l.y giving a few reasons why it ha alwolnt* ly nereaaary for the sit nation, of our people, that wa ahoulj ad..pi It. 1 v . I l . 1 . -iJ. _ i uijaiuf In eo doing. I ahal) cell your attention to ?e preaent and profpntlri dbtNN af the tin try, it* fir#t great mmi, It* only aparent remrdv. and the real effect the aplieation of lliia remedy will have a poo tbo onntry. The manufacturer, merchant, mechanic, rad-r, firmer, laborer?all have their repi-ctive elalina upon relief. Eren the iravy capitalist# tlmulJ be relieved of ear* ain liabi.iti*-*. But the men of moderate lireumstancee, the email fainter, trader or nechanie, are, perhapa, thoee who woold e mo?l benefited by aneh meaeurcena are ?ere advocated. To theae it le a aulJeet tt } r|ta! Importance, affecting them either for real or for woe. through the prceent and fa* re generation*. V ifljjgiV f r Up to the proent hour the great body of ...? ii-.- a '-.i.i- ?- i-? n-??? W?rril WWW w voniruf rnongli of their tffvcn to bear them aafaly >ver the *iormy aea of fininiUI ruin ; or, n other wunli, to prevent them inking en. .i-ely beneath the ear*. Dot now they unit be ?w. pt down by the whirlpoeT of laelftivlion, twice* we extend to them fietp'n^ hand Jtietlce demand* that thereiliould be a ep-edy and effective adiuatment if onr fliancal einltarraaainenta. Ileaey liabilities hare be?n banging over our head* for many yeara, which might hare been Mtitfftrd ere thia. hut for the diaastrout and ruiuoti* war which engulfed na. In very mar.y hmtaneea, the hneband^ fither, rone, ar? all gone to their la?t long Uotnre. Their lire* laid down in a " loet ruiv ih?ir widows end orphan* left in ruin, toiling on. eking out a meagre aubalatenre, barely able, through extreme frugality, in keep rotil and body together. Tliey, too, inn at he robbed ; they, too, muat eoon have llieir Inat proepeet blighted, their lit* lie hemes aeia-d, o'phwna turned houaeleae and hoiaeleaa on the cluuttieaof thin cold, heart ink world, furred from a onee happy fin-fide. In roam onr rvnntrj over In eeareh of d.iily labor, that their few eeanty earning* may yet render comfortable that poor iihl *iivery-hend'-d mother, who waa ever mo?t happy in natieipnting and providing fur tlieir earlier* wnnta. She ie now reduocd to abject poverty, attffering not only for I lie luxuriee. hnt for the aetnal nee<ea*rtea f life. Ail fur what f To aatiafy I aldhilea not of her own contraction?^labilities In the hands ot that claaa of men which now hulde onr unhappy people in it# graap |i ia very truly raid that no exception* are made in I hi* report in favor of any ela??, and mo'e particnlar'y the helpteaa and dependent, or nirninst thoae wlio atill hold valuable property for which they have not yet paid, and thereby totally ruining widow* nn?l orphan*, whoee property had been in the Irmvla ??f (aiilrle# Lrutlee*. We *r?- well awnro thai no general Itw can l>? frame I for tha many which doe* not baar lieavil) upon eomc. Tli* atatenient la frequently made ami rxteiiaively ?licollated that comparatively few of the citizen* of (Joorgi* need m aak lor relief, Gentlemen who openly and boldly make *110)1 *t.*i omenta are certainly very poorly in'ormed on the eoudilion of Ilii* people, or otberwUe ara unwilling to impart the true ctriit af their information, and would rather impute to etlfieh clamor 1 he number)*** petition* received hy member* of thi* body, from tbe widow* and orplinria, the plant** Mid laborer, who are daily and hourly enpeeling aotne aaaistanea at our hand*. Il U contended- that, aa the colored man i? not in debt, it would rather injure than hem-fit him to pa?a a relief ordinance ; that it wi'l deetroy hht eiedit. 1 claim that tko credit ayaletn I* a #uree to ony country, ood hereafter if our people indulge in it, let no do ?o li*?ing the credit on the lienor of tlio debtor, nud not on wliat property he may ehauee to poaeeaa. There will then be far |_? n>?ku. W, >L 1. 1 I ........J ?- ? Hinni||ll unu IfM rMCSIiljr praotierd Wy baudwient debtor*. B.V a m ne'ly caeli ysiem tnc merchant could ditl>o*e of hU good* at rhorter profit*; Ilia m- ehanie and laborer could work lor lea* and punctuality would bring proap<*ri?y. Pnwpcrllj to llie merchant "and planter would give abundant labor to Ilia mechanic and laborer, which would albrd the gr*a't?t possible amount of relief to thi# alaaa. It ie, tKerelore, extreme folly to aaeert that aay tingle alaaa of baioga im Oec-gia would bo materially injured by iheae aieaaurea.. The iucr?aaed prosperity which would immediately eneue, would, before two yrara have rolled around, empty repay every creditor for the amount he might lose by the pawing of aueh an ordinance. It i* aetd a* en argument that Ih# United rtiatea bankrupt law and our Horn eat end law, kihM auMcieot relief for the debtor. Are not the individual* who make tbla aeaertloa wall aware that not one titbe of th* debt* ora of Georgia ar* able to go into Dm!" rupicy t?n't having rudiment mean* topay the lawyer'* fe*. With that amount t ready caah, many of thorn ooold tornnrnmlo iln-tr i?it-t.i.Ji>? - ? J " ? , w?r, | I BW| BUM HWrCUJ preventtb* apparent iliigrwi of that A?i. Tba B?ftkiup( law ?*? marie for the u?#r . bun*, l>ai.k?r and ?p??nlilor, and seldom, U of any aerviea to the farmer or mechanic. If lbe*e gentlemen wUb to foroa our people. * wiiM Into ienkruptry, let t|xm, nhti* to grant the meajur* ?aked for, aad we will Iban, ha a nilne?l, bankrupt people, with almoat tb* ontff* property of tba debtor* of tba State. tvrnori Into tba hande of n few note bolder* capital!*!* and lawyer*, and not one>helf of tbelr prewint inileiitadnna* aatiafied. Thl* would inaritably work tba daatrwetiea of tba majority, and at tba tan*a Una build up an. arlatoerntle minority. WbIM on tba otber hand relief men propoaa to ruin nana, but henallt all. W* formed a general romp* at, and alaked our all In tba lata war. 1* la*t our entire alara property | our foal eetate dwindled down to almoat nothing la value, and there I* no juat ruaaou why tb* not* bolder abould not bear hi* portion of qui^m**i.? It woe net tb* poorer clnae wbieb brnugbb en rebellion?tbey were foroa-l Into tb* meeker*. in i