University of South Carolina Libraries
sc : ^ ~ -?L-zr f, ^ ? * I * 1 wish 1 was no edl'or, / I really d<> ln'lr. d; It ircnii to rue that editor? it . Get oeen thing they need. They gel the bigir'st and the led Of everything that grower And get ?n free to circnaea And other kind of rhowa; A?d when a mammoth choree is cut They always get n "lice. For ending Mrs. $mith. knows how T?? limka It ruM< ?!?*? .. .T. J . _ The laigctt pumpkin, -lot gest beef, Ami other g.irden t' u(T, Is blown into tlie enaction hy An editorial puff; The higeeet hog will speak to tlm'U, No no it- r how they dree#? 'A ?UM} r-??\t is nothing, if Yon owt a printing prere ; At ladies' fiora they're almost hugged By prc-tv girls, ybu know, That th?y may crack up everything The ln<li? ? have to show ? And thus ' hey got a Mow out free, At ? < ? ? patty feed ? The reason is, hooause they write And ulli?r people rend. 1 , . On the Wrong Side of the Star. Cj I hurt heajd hh amusing storv of * mw Irisailor, wit" ?as ealle<l to tlv? ship's wheel ono uighl to the ves eel. Tlio captain was intending to take a liltlo rest. As the green sailor might not understand sleeting hy th<? com pass, he pointed out to him the North Star, ami told hint to steor towards that ; not to take his eve off from it. and to keep ilia ship headed towards it - all the lime. " Never yon feat," said the confident sailor, u I'll keep one eve on the little darling, amfsteor right into her.", ; With some anxiety the captain left his mail, with his eye fastened upon the star, as if he never mount to look ?.t an) thing eUe, ut.d tvetll down to Ids lierth. "Oli, v/H purtv litllo thing. you needn't keep winking out of your bright eye lo me, f ?r I shan't let you out of mr right for a minute," said the yirond Irishman, as li0 ginspeu toe wheel, am] turtivJ the ship until .it lay exactly under tire rnv of the star. All went ou well for some I into, Patrick talking lo his " little hearty," a* lie affectionately culled 4he star, and keeping li in ore- atcadily npou tlii? beautiful lighthouse in the sk*\'il I Put, |>y and l?y, Pirtririy g'cw weary at lii? post. I-.vcry ami ihen lie *iodrlesUT<" the ? l,eeh ami" wheu he Tecov^uJ },,, j;n,j |,fs star at h Co/>hide:.,r,Ie distance cither titlhe light Xrr left. Finally he elititely loaT himself in sleep, and had quite a nap before lbawoke. lu the i.ciiu'iiiie, tl.Q wind had changed rnd freshened, and the having no hindrance front the rudder, had fairly swung round, an-1 was thing away towards the Sou.lain .XVoovjiisUnd of ll 0 Jini.tb Star. At length our libit fi??-t?vI i?Tou4t?d b'v tfiC Happing of the f-ails. ihihbing liia eve's, he pens into the heavens f-r his *' luiglit pnriieiear star." Of ro-urse, it was now lore to bo seen, in ^ the diioctiou in which ih.y were then tailing. Turning round. in bis cor.fu?ion, ami looking behind him, sure enough, there it was, blazing away as brightly as ever I Down into the calili lift 1:?:ri ?1 : " Captain ! captain !" he rhouled hi the top of 1)16 voice, "come light up h?'v? this Dfcser.t ininit!" " What V the mutter now ?" said lJ ?* 4 captain, leaping from his berth. " Why. ve jest ?< ? ." sniil Patiick. "tlial I've sailed eir.iiely hcvoml mv ?lar, ami yc will have to |>i< k nie out ^another." The alar was all light but the poor tailor was turned around himself, ami moving in the wrong direction. I am acquainted with many voting people who have sailed beyond their - atar. I know a voting man with relig ions parents, who has himself j?ir.ed the (?hurcli,ai>d had been aided hv hia friends to aecnro a pond education.? Ifo entered college. Here he ?<-!! into bad company; am] in the thoughtless liours lie tno'c his eye ( If fiom thu Star of, lr?w?n|s which luhad been sailing, lie does not sceni to lie aware of it him-elf; he is cer luinTy ade*p as to eternal thing*, hut he hns turned quite around in ids course, aud in tiyi'-g along hike the wind in the oppo-iie diieeiipn. Tim star is still shining, bui it is behind him. I wonder if he over tuins to look nt it ? There go a compnn'v of bid* Into. n billiitlj tndyOB,. laughing MS lllAV go.? They are meinlniH *?f ihe fc?4?h.t:!i School, and on Sunday (he Mar thai hung over iho place where Jean* wjts, sheds his lighl ilpon them ; l>iu I Am stire thejr l?*?ro behind ilmiu a* they close the door of that salo. h upoi themselves. God have me?cy upor tliem, and grant (list U:cy may ihnl i:< hallowed light again h? fom the night <> deal h settles down upon tlitem j When I Me young people fulling 01 - , walking for pleaauie on the Sabbath while others are galheiing in the Jibtlst ?>/ God, 1 cannot help feeling and any ?ng to myself, 44 Those mistaken vnunj people have ?*eitinr?ly failed hex on. iljtir alar| a fearful ior?';e la before Ut*m without OUJ ehcciin/ rw] if light," .- *. ; r r. ,j .t;Duiing the e?dd wen liter in St* IVnl fiosl giili(iM*.f on the wiml'.yv, pane YVe t * Don t Trifle "With Oils. , Rend the following, sod recall to mind the scores of other like accident* > rrsnlring from. explosions of diflfvietit 1 kinds of oils, that have been publish) d t in two year* past. We don t cortstder < nny oil non exploitive, and treat them I ell with cere. do not trifle with ft in i env way, nor differ carele** person* or children to handle it Mote accident* follow front the*e oil* then from gun* ( powder, end the reason is, that people ( admit the danger ftom powder, but do ( not consider there is rick in the oil*.? One is guarded against, and the other is not. Kerosene, Aurora or E-trelta oils niny he ell **fe in steady, thought- , fid hands?but hono aro safe under other care. A few nights ago. a terrible accident occurred to the family of Jonathan 1 Mast, in llohncj County, Ohio, The IJnlrnoa Farmer save : During the evening, a lamp in which they were burning aurora oif, sold a* non explosive, became low. Mr- Mast lighted a caudle and extinguished the light front the lamp for the purpose of Ailing it. Ilia son, a child about nine vears old, vvaa bidding the candle, i while the father filled 1.1 its lamp from a two gallon jug. anil bv some mi.-bsp lighted the oil, which exploded, blow ing the jog to pieces, and immediately enveloping the room in 11itries, Jen persons being in the room at lire time.? i | All were immediately rendered helpless, ! except Mr. litb, who exerted himself to J l|re utmost to. savo the olheis from I death, lie succeeded in getting Mr, Mast, and perhaps some others from (l.o hduse, and ran to Mr. St?l?ei*<j i i about a quarter of a mile distant, for help, I Its way could he plainly traced | after wit id* by blood and pieces of flesh, i | which fell from his lady. Timely as-j ( sblaiice saved the building, arid, it is hoped, some of the inmate*. Mr. Mast . lived about an hour after the accident, , and his little son some time longer.*? ^ One of the chihlnsi?Mr. lltdmetli's ^ son?died Monday tdght. Of the re- ' loainino seven, all were alive on Tnes- < j ??{?v, hut thice of them cannot live, nrd I it i? foaiA't >.11 iuiH ilia OTIIHi APClOf-KT8. A young hulv Dallied o, Milts, wh? fatally burned hy n 'kern wire lamp ?"x|>li>sion, in I'hilade.l|>hia. on Sunday. ! In New- Vo?k, on Suudav night, *n ' explosion occurred rM ilio kero?;?:e oil w'oik* of CulhAn ?fc King, at (Ji'ePii Point. Po"fr McEaga, employee, was badly bnrutJ. Miss CJrecnougb, aged 17 was burned dp death hi livnl?natini?< Vt., on j Sandal* hv,;lit., Iter clothes tnUiu** fiije ; from the cx'i'osioti of a kerosene liunp,. 44 Prr ;.ny latter hero !" said n eniui j try (Mis'onn'f, who walked in to a ?11y j goids >tU>H ill S|l? Ulglield, id I Hlid ; Iii< ki ll innHi like a oharnc ?t who knew ' a gi ea I ileal of hi tint if loan he | fill I'll to 1| IU Nil, sir. we ilol.'l wj.-Jl lo hay ftliy," , K-|.li. d the ioiiichant. " V\f hi?t nnv i'i'jji V' 44 No, sir, we k> op a d*r gooJi store >' hep," 44 Su ! wa'i then, maV he vnoM like to hyy some fat chicken*? fat as and a loigh'v tight nicer, lew." "No, ?ir, I tell yon \v?. don't deal in anything hnt dry pond*." ** Couldn't I tell yon a nice fat ahoid der of |ioik ?" 4 J tell yr u *ir, we deal in dry y*xxh exclii??ve|v." ' Wa'al, what'!I you give for dried (IJ'J/h-S *'* .r- * : - ? - >i . I A I'hu-k onitli win lately summoned t > )i country cuii t as w itness in a dis ( Hie ween two of his vo l men ? I he .1 udge, after hearing i he testimony., n-k<*'l OI.O A'IIV lltt << U! IK't Settle, H< 11. ? ' 0O.-I3 Inn! it!reft.!y Amount"! lit three jImih'a tli'o (li-pnlw! Kim. !! * icj.liVd : ' I lob! 1 be fool* to'settle?for 1 siiiif lire ti!< rk? Muni 1 uke their cok<?, the l.iwyei* their chit!*, ah.I if lliev ^..t in ' your Ikxkj! '? court vouM skin 'em." -f*f 2.0fH> fmli'iiifl Hro mnrcliSL flia Sweetwater Country from ! I<l-ifW mid Montium, Tliuy are 011 tlie 1 ?ar fwfll. J*n?l have (>n n?*?l nil the raficbftn XiVrtfi of Seneca Sp'irtes. mii| (Jriven ? l!'all ;b? -lock. T.'utv a 1?<.? burro i-<l tin- houses nftii cunrtclhd two ranch nun lo llj'lbf safety. (ii*s. Sicki.fh, wbile spi nkinrr in ? liftll at Manchester, N. II., on l.rlinSf ?.f 1 lie radical candidate* of the w ,rs lris.-eil by some bulk" ill iIik crowd, wlru vr?io tir.ully ejected by tbo police. A tiers " real name is said (a be Me Mullen. IU> Hintfwr, we mo (ohf, vnt it !W>?- I Urn*. "I liH-litrtoml, w !n>*?> ltn>1 I It it ~ t m in I war |>r, Wood, 6r VVm <ti? of 1 MWrmrtrfa. 8|ie nfl?rwiir(|r tOftrQAl I) 1 Mr. Mc.M'iUon, amj MovoU to i!lo. I # "i i Thk lk>*'.oB Tran??iipt >? : * Tit* <]< ].vh of J'rtml in the gionnd lliit winter i it pron'ofineerl 1>V r*ilr<tft(j men greater i tluin for any winter for forty years." J Thk latest f?'?l. fur a eirrua acrobat consist.' in turning n ?I?? ..!>Ivimr-H over rix'i'c-n mtnjtela with fix*.I It >y> f onel*, ?li?* ipiif l-eiiig fired i?t tIto mo' Hient of tlit* leap. A CJf.inr^-e propheev in n tmppresrcd , lK>i?k.jittt foirml oil', fnrctelN the down| kf.fT vf tlm Wjjjfntnj{ Tttpar elm*. ami t that h foreigner will hki ltd (lie throne j of China. Somk one call*. the limo of ?qia?*ing girkt- hands the palmy season of life. ' trJ ohn 0, IlrcelcMi'Mtra Cen fc rUniinojtle, DeoemLur l.Mli, cm >v?t* <or % ' < nnmn Rate* of State TaxationWe fcopy ill* following statement of lite ?t? of Stale Taxation from the Charleston Kewe. It will be found to be ?-f much use to alt lex-p.ijers, ae, by releelng to tl, any one wiil babble to tell at a glance I He tax NT which he U liable, ae well *? Xl.e tiu>, at which eu?h tax is due: Rk*L KSTATR. On all real estate h?-M on the 1st of Jan | nary, I8U8, txoepl such Inmle as may be in ihe p> asecsion of the liurenu of Uefttceoe, Kreetlirten ami Abandoned Latule, on the I .1 ? - . o., o > - Biuutiirv, lofto, nuu iiw uwiitr or claimant ia llnrel.y deprived of it* oeeupalion and u?e, 2d cent* on every 8 100 ad va lorem. 0 1 oa* MCIIIT <OMP.%K:B*. On the capital ?t?>ek of nil gua light oonipauiea, 25 cents on every |tl00 nd valorem. MAM-rXorvuKb ARTICI.KS. On nrtlclre manufactured f?r sale, larter or exchange, lietween the 1st day of January, lfiftf, nr.d llie lat day ol January (8(18. to l>e pnld by the manufacturer, 20 cent* on every 8 100 ad valorem. woo i On hand IM of January, (888, 81 on ?v fry 8(00 ad valorem. CAfcnl.tua*. ' Ou hand tho latof January, 1888, 81 on every 8lt>0 ad valorem. coi l* and aiLvrn rutr. On hand lat January, 1808, ?i on every 810O ad valorrsa. WATCIIIft. On hand lat January, JSCS. 81 on every 8100 nd vnlt Mil. i*tr?Lar. On hand lat January 1S08, 81 on every ^JOOad valorem. ir Ate n. On Land 1?t January, exm-pt when ?ald by dealers for iho puiyman of tali4, 8' mi every 8liW) nd valorem. 'U^uvu aiK ffrfcaa iivaomas derived from can |il?j?iHii|, faeubies and profeeaiona, inelud lug the proO salon of l U-ulistry, (whither [n the piofT-ealon of the law., tlio ineorne be derived Irom the coal a iff anlt. or fere or other proleaelufinl ioomiioe.) excepting cler gyiuen, 82.50 ?r> cv- ry *lf'0. ?ox:Ulef)t..N/t 1'rAlU cntmisrioiis received by bl"kvra, va..<loe loaatcra, factor*, conunbsiiHi merchants, dm Vein in CKelinue'*, {fuvellfn und dontMtle.l or Sn rtioilgngr*, bond-, and oilt cr in gotiijLXn paprr*. $2 .Kb on every ^loO. iNi?i:n.\vcK- cvMi'V<iii Ff-oni y>r<~minm? n*i?oi*-?-<1 by in?I?riO*M ?nii^Muie> -or uinlirwilt-T#, *2 an <eV???y A IUU. . xr.w. r.u-rr?, From *?'>1? of tn w-piipora or nniga f *ino*. AI on cv? rv *1 no. Kw>p*r*us i\ yuk sT/.^r On tin- ui"<>*? nT im*ip?)i?r> pub li?lK'<l in l!i?* Simr, 2<> -lit rvorv jtwcs. ??n H.wkl'a i.\SttrtTn?.Np. On lb* vr>'tf pmfllM ? f all ' links 01 liaikii.j* inaiitiiM- it*. ?2 on i'*-ri ?|mi. iu? T.'onaniiN? ?-n n?/;i'iitito TVfiMi O-i llo-gr. *? we->inr* ?Uiiv*J bout llonfls <if plml.i./i i>p|iii g nr 0 giiOTi olyi'li'f, f I tut *v*i v flop. INCH.*;** KKaii -sa?.Ai;iis, M:xt. MTH-ENM ANU M 'JfV AT* IN l?;r.V?T. Iii rX'<S># of fl ail rv#r| *100. nnTfciA All p'rwiti* >pppinir lintr!* pfinll pay n I rty OH HI-PHI Ifiromp. fi on pvprf $1oo. W.lC IW NT * OR t AH Ml IUM>KH, AH formm* ki-rping rvplnnratiti* or out iiiii lioiiu'f flmtl |-ny n tax on gi\>?? iliC'iin* $2 on <V?-ry f I<'iI, mykhy Srxni.M. A II |T-rH?l M ktHpilitf llVi-iy lablc* rlmll pay u tax on gives inc r.i , ?- on cvtYy flt/O. wrnuCTH. AH I'lilchrf' slinll !>> n trx on grog* InCUIIIn, (J Oil I Vt-ry A 11Ml. iiriusTK"*. AM TmoKAlt-rR rbnll jwiy a tax on gross inriinii', $1 on ?vmy $ I on. Blf.I.f Atttl Taw K?>. All fprgon* ke? pnig billiard tabb-a ?1n?ll pnv * tax on give* income. $3 on v*ery $100. ll.rlll.XO Al.1,1 V*. All p'r?>o* kipping l-iiwlnn? f?l|.-ya shall pay n lax on gross ineoni-, *5 on t-rery AI no. 1MB ReOWi." , All persona keeping l>?r?ro->m?, whether eoiiiiO''l<'<l wiih n hotel or itHirrciw, nlmll p*v a t?* oit gi om income, *10 on every *100. prnnix* or muw* All pnirou* Vexing fai rion or hrilge* eliall j>nv a Lo4t on groM inooiur, $1 on ?t*ry floA. ' iimk*. IT| on rn?K ptthlio hnek drawn l?y two or tnoro lo.r??*r, *lo e?rh. fcTAUE tVAtlirS. Upon enelt pul.lic ?fav? e?nch drawn hy two or riioft horwr, $10 eweh. Ht<y\an w>uox?. Upon nark public hngenftr wagon drawn l?y tlW or more horaes, f 10 each. omiivtM. Upon <*neh puMIe onmlliut drawn l>y two or mora lioraer, $10 end). Each dray drawn \rj one li?rw, $5 each. CART*. ICaoli carl drawn #?y one borer, $6 each. txrawi WAU>X*. Upon cm-li Kxprere wa^on, drawn l<y one how, $3 caeli. CMARTRRX. Upon dvary liking out of a charter, except for religion*, charitable and edncaMontd birth tutiune, $20 each. Ijntwii or cwAptntra. Upon each renewal of a charter liable to tax uader Uti* order, $10 oarli. (All companies iaeorporaUd in otbif ftfaici ball pay for the prirllego of carrying oa thcli "" S B TE#1 l>?*OS. Kach and every pmon keeping a d?g or doge sbAll pay for each dog $1. ' CAVITATION TAX. A Capitation Tax shall bo paid by every mala person between the ages of 21 and 00 residents of the Stato on the 1st day of jfanu> ary, 180$, tl each, except ruclfeas are iocopabte of earning a supppmt l>y reason of mental or physftal disability. Ail taxes levied by this order, except when such taxes are payaMe qnarterly, shall be duo and payable as follows : One half on or bgfore' the 81st dny of March, 1808, and tho remain, {ng half on or before tho 80lh day of June, 1868. Any fierson desiring to pay the whole amount of bis tnxes (except such as are returned quarterly) on or I of?re the J 1st day of March, shall havo the privilege oi ao dying; and shall he entitled to a discount of & per cent, upon the amount of tho taxes Tailing duo on the 20th, Juno, 1808. A O E N T 8 WEED'S SEW INC MACHINE be?t and nmet slniplo Machine now i In use, mid in unexcelled by nnv ever Cr<*?nled l?? the ptthlir, having nil the it eat improVeini ill* ; uaef tlie Mlmight Nee die, ninki'n tlfr Tight tai-k Slitoh, which is the only reliable ore, an1 shows lh? mine on hoth ?Mef. It is simple, easily worked mvol kept in order; It will Stitch. llCni, Foil, Uh a. Cord. Ui Mi.l, tt. fll-. Tuck. Qollr, llein-Siheli, (hither nnd Sew. nt the mm* time, p> rimming iv greater vnriely of Wotk t hnn any ??' her Mncliine, ou Ike lightest to the heavieft hihriof. It recoived ? modal at the relent Pari* Expiwltien. We warrant- them to giro satisfaction ; II not. return tbein. * i'lcueo call and oinnlm: them. Wo alfo keep eoiirttinlly on hand, a superior niMortiaont vf Gontleinru's FURNISHING OOOItS nnd THfMMlNtiS, front tliu cheap, rat to the heft nihilities, unit low for enfb.? We will CUT and MARK in Ilia bent and Intent improved style*, all Garment* for Gentlemen and Gents' Wear, hadioe' Cloak* and Sacks, Ac. AH Whrk warrant. <1. 1'ICIvIjK & POORE. Greenville, S. C. Jan. U, HMS. 'mi I.. .14 tf J. W. KOHWOOD, SU HOI X > N I >K N T J ST, CJKKEXYIl.LU, S. 0. 4 BTItTCLAL TKRTI1 eonatmeted by any /\. proeef*, and at prieee to euit tliu tim. r. Teeth Extracted without pain, hy me one of L'leiti Aioeftlicfiii. Kvory Operath>n eotitli-rlablo, and toremh r good fcirieo. jpCT Offico over Wlii'tniro A Ferguson'* l)ry Good*-Store, Main Struct, ftoc t it , .1# ."Un J) LT K11A M * SMOKING TOBACCO. T IA.YIN.18 r? ctivol, th* uc?j-cv of the 1 f. _cit i?Vt? niaIIV p?tl?iln^i??.J ' * ' w.- will wait* it in vihii* H.n-rinl in Imj. Ir?<iii u*. J<\.r i<y wlHitr.<iic I r*-ni\ , liAVll/ L ?/n':AlU-KY. or | A Pl'I.lfATlflSJirlll In .uncle fur Cl.arlerr /\ I'nr iiru Orplu.ii* 11 mum*, in (Irsvnrille i?i*'rict. wiij ft?r wliilo mill tliv oilier for imIutod cUMmi. T. II. EDWARDS. Hoc. Sfltli, 1A67t J <" 1 W ' A ^ Dissolution. r?rwr. rn:M ..r iurk^hale, rrnm* * A l.'u. i? ilv/uln-,1. Parties lo wlioiu i|u- s* I* iiulvt>le<l, will pree.-ut |iit?ir Clni'iiS *1 lite Foolurv, ?-r l?? io? nt (Ircrii #?S C " \V. M. THOMAS. Jnoii.i' y 7, 1867. , J?h *4 j_. RS Washing Machines. IllAVK on Imliii anil fur rule, ijir sMMII CAROLINA WASHING MA01.1X1*,' ?tl?li will L? *'i'?l'< lir?p Tur ciuli, T. W..DAYJ& T(ii.cumli? Slroct. , Jau tt 33 tf 8IJORT t'REOITS LONG FRIENDS, R w?ii?l<l nio.t ri-?pi-rlfully mil tin tt alien* tun ot our iu my friends sin MtlnM'it tu tlii-ir |uii?[ mniuniiff aeemmt* nn.I l??-g tit-nt |o coll ami wlflC the same A'si, lluil fmiii ili? date. uf tlite nutine, w. ii'trnd krllin^t our S'HUOTI.Y FOF 0.\S|l. Parlies. therefore. Order* will pleaee aeeoiupan v whit the Money. Walter & Westmoreland, Qrvstivill*, it, 0., Jm,vsrjf 'ioilt, Im'i8. Jan -li < X6 If I AW f'AIITt UODDLETT & THOMAS Attorneys at Law, A.lll * I HOLIOITQUS IN EQUITY, HAVK litis 8*y fo??ne?i a <*opartn?r nliip in Ihf prAclie* of LA W aim JvQUITY op lite Wenirrn Oircnil Office in tlie ol<l Court 11<.im? BniMinp. I>, QO IDMCI1, WH. M TIKIMA. i??o '20 80 - If W. k. K.OI.KT. O. O. WKLLI EASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Lav ANP IN EQUITY, UKEENfrlJiLK, 6. C., PttlCTICffla lite Cwirli nf tkn Sltla ah of (he CniM and j<ivu I attention lw canoe in If.inkruplcy., , >' June IS * i ' # * ' 1 If Law Notice?Change of Office. GV. TOftXES Hm tremorcd hi* !? ' , Office In iho l.all<liti,< iiorlli-etu-t coi ix r of the Public SijuHrc, in part occupied b Jutivs 0, Smilit. Anclkalwr, ami the liulu primi Priming Olfi-c, up fUu*. Jim 8 s3 tf WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW DAHLQNEGA, GA.. VIT" H.L|lraellow in I bo PnanfWe of I.uiii| Vf WU? JOjwutt. ?Hiu?r, Kwiuirf, Uuki Tinrn*. IT bite..,I II.H. y Jan 18 * M If ??--i - w??-?-* ?l T. 8. ARTHUR, ATTORNEY AT LWV |'1 XI f ILL jnrnclW In lb? flirtrWte colhporia W tiio Wortera Circuit. Ainu, ill II m 4f' >^ 1?9khr.# i *.*> (* n^'.k' .^ir / 'iKi> < *?*%*"**% I WW ^ 5j K S a THE GREENVILLE DRUG-STORE. Hext Door to the Xansloa Hou*? -Sign of th? Qoldon XorUr. MTiaifESTiSEHB V. ^ - KEEP oonetautly ^4on and ore v rn^niviiinf New an<* &vn*un DR.T7 OS, isjeiiss, C1IKMICAI.S, fSM, wifcfcfcWiej ! And, in short, nny and everything pertaining to a well regulated and First Class DRUG STORE. ?b!jsicIqRS Ejihlilicg May rely upon tho PURITY ot everything bought, and depend on the ACCURACY cf everything: put no, in our Establishment. I *3T V rescriptious nnd Family j lteoipes attended to pkksomally, with the strictest enro and atterttiill. . Item ember tie vlace?Next <luor to the Mansion House. Walter & Westmoreland. GREGORY'S Oyspeptlc Mixturo. r|",UR folio*lnj? Utiiit oiii* of Ihf tiun<ir?A? L of <Vrlifintli-? tM' lveitiil furor of Ihi# ju.ily Molkln*t ' 'Jo J)r. John (tray, C/mrlotlc, A'. C.: .. Pi it: Ifi iiij; in'firrnivilli-, H. I*., Inti-ly, and in a stun- of jjrei' iL-lifliiy niui |>r<>Fl>-ntiiin the i ff'ot of |??r.ily*i? o> uurrioR in NovumI Sfit, niui iiilli:rinitJiineli incoit?--iii?-nc?from torpor of the li wok, my Ht.l--n?i?w WM ilirt-otfil liy 11*. J. XI. U' MTNimll AXlt In OKF/iOUYH OYSt'Kl'TIO MIXTUKK.?J Prom my iiilv?ne?-"t #(!*, * ivi-ll n* tin* ntt I I lire of till* iti.OHHO. 1 WHS OOHllv linmhll of I \ ieli?*f, 1ml 1 am happy '!<> b? able In i?v ! (lint I'.e ? ? <il l!|ts lurdicjiit above men* lioh'd lT??r?l? *1 rolief. rcAnrliti tins ahnnti i??i*|icinlfi!' function* to a healthy ndlflii, without prilling. purging, or any olh?r jw Orpllbio bad e(Te?l. " I I Me l.||e Inc. I it-Ill* now only when tome a|w-rb;rl coins In be ne*ile?l, and it luia nut Ml.-.l, fit far, in a tingle instance, to have the desired * IF ct. It MANLY, Sr. - AU, .1 ft., 1 K?7 Waliiu' it Wiviittiii'flnndi . Ap. nil* for Greenville. I Oct SO ' S* ' " tf N2W tIijeouly cthSalth The Life of all Fleih Is Blocd. The Health of all Life is Purity of Flesh. Without Purity of Ehod, no Ilesh free from Disease. H E1N ITSH'S ghiis?3 an , ANTIDOTE TO DISEASE. ' 'PJIK GREAT AMF.IUOAV ALT I. IIA I TlVKanrf tfbOOJ) I ihmntl perfect vegetable rnni|Mitinil nf tl'ff r.H>e* and tonien. making It the ino?l ilfeelive, invigorating, rejuvenating and blood. oL-an*t<ig tuirtKnl known lo the World fur I lite cure of all lho*e dUttti which may lie , ! traced lo a vltlafcrl condition ?<f ih? blnod. i Tim tlienrv it ilmt blnod in the lilt of all j tle?li. nnd. if impure, the lift* of nil .lie- at*. Life and ho'ilth it only to b* maintained l?v the circulation of |*tre arterial blond. ft ' i* obvious, iheicfore. lo rv.*ry reflecting . mind, thai unlet* lli* blood in pur*, m tup pljinir Hi* wm*i* ti-*ue? with malarial, it ' I ritual l?? tlir cau?e ?f innumrrahU ills and j rnn*lif iillonnt di?6rd?IH, snrli a* Srrofuln,, )C < i?*ii 111 -i I ism, Hepatic dcr?, Inllamn 11 tuna, Wvers, l.iv.-r C.>ni| l-hi', C>r<Miin|>lion. Kind's Kvil, Cari'Uiieb , Un-U, I'oV.i'ig * Hum >r of tbr S*kin, Ery*i|odar, Skin Di? raaca, Trlter, MnitHhneM of t)i? Skin, l'imlllnlchiv, P?ini in ilia bono, nl<l Ult ncrt, ftyikili* mil Sypliilillo K?m, lion, infldMiuniUon of Ilia liUilili-r and Kid ney?. l'alna in lh? Mark, Orueral UrMlily, and tor ad cmplalat* arising Ironi JW.Ieicn V and poverty if blood. j COPYRIGHT SECURED. HTPr-parrd onlr by B. 11. IIKINITSII Pharmacist. For ?al? 1 y FISIIER & IIE13UTSII, | l>rnygit?, Columbia, S. C. PIT For *)? by r HUSKY E. IIIIEHITSII, KI'AKTAMUMO, *. C. Jun 1 *<| 3m ' { WOIlKl IIJkRBLE HT0KKM : asaa^-as w&&?.tt! r|*ifE ?uWril*r liaa on lwn.1, i?<l will * & omdiimn u> r??<>lw, ? so-xl nitMi^ineiil of Toy II STON16*, ol nil and H**1I. >. tin, '|1iw? In ?*?l ??f any tnlnar In ll?ai ?, lini?, will do w?li In call at Umi Port Oilier lwfc>r< |i?r>'liiMiu| dvwht rf, tJT t'vunlry i>r?HliK' tnknn Id <*t?WiAd? - (.* work , JAilR-t M. Ar.f.Ril. '4 GrectiviUc C. II., Nov- A, UM. 24-tf Votice. % A LI. pr-rton* MiWlt to m*. an rt^Mrid W I to Ma? ti.rnjr'l as<t >?alianp??MpO h " V ? . * j t _ ?. * ?- ^ -u^ > v South. Carolina Bail-road emmaa oknl surBRiNnw orrtcB > Ciiari kitton. H C., January IS, 1868. J ON and nfUr Sunday, Junaary 1?, Itw I'nwiiHiT Trains on the Soath Ctralit.* Il.itI roml will ran m followa, via: L-aVf Char'eaton fur Columbia". 4 SO A 1C Arrive at Kii.puvllle U IS A M Leave Kineavill* .11 40 A U Arrive at Columbia.4.?. .... .. 1 10 P If 1,-nve Columbia.. 10 00 A M Airire at Kiiwravllle ...11 WAN Le?\ e KlngeviMe .IS OS P M Arrive nl Charleston.......... 1 OS PX The Pa-?euger Tiain on the Camden Draii-h *"! conn ret with op and down (Mumbla Traine and Wlluoingtew and Manslifitrr Kail-rwnd Train# on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS ?nd 8ATURDAYS. Ni?(ht Kxpreu Freight and Ptmnger A* ?/u? T?>aIn will run M to'loWB t i.e?r? CharleHon for Columbia.. .6 40 P 51 Arrive at Columbia. , .< .. 06 A Bt Leave Columbia ? Arrive at Cliarleaton. 6 40 A ? II T. PE AKK, G-neral 8uperinUndeBt G1IANG& OK BCUEDULE om nit Greenville & Columbia Rail-road. ON AND AFTER FRIDAY. Ike 6'd? laKimit P.monger Train* will ran daily, Sunday* ejeeepted, aa follows: Leave C dumbla at LT 00, A M. " Ala* "n 8 66, " " N*.-wherry ....10 86, " Arrive at AbheT?D.......8 80, P. M. " An<i?i?in.t 6 16, " " " Greenville..,.. .6 00, ">Nrn?nl?ti,......t 00, A.M. " Anderson ..........6 46, ** - Ahh,< ville 8 46, " * Nawianji86, P.M. Airlveat AUion.........8 00, " " " Oilumbi* 6 00, " Ti aim. on the Il|ti* Ridge Rail-road will n!g> run daily, Sunday! exerpted, conneevinir witli the up and down train* on the Gteenville and Colombia Rail road, aa feD low?: 4 Leave Audei*o? at ...6 80, P. M. " Pendleton at 6 80, M Arrive at Weltinlla at B 00, " L*-a\? V\ aMialla at ..4 00. A. M. lVnd|.-ten at 5 40, Art ive ?t. And.-r*on. .......6 4*>, " The Train will return from Helton to Audvr*vu uii M<>ndnv and Friday tnornlage. JAMK8 O. MEREDITH, tieuvral Superintendent. Tho Groat Popular Paper! TIE millSTi BillY IE*S. j SmSORIPTIOK priee, alt dollar* a 'Fear I T1IK rMARLV.BTON TRI-WEKKI.T NKWA, three dollar* a yvar?two dollar! for SIA munius. TERMS, CASH, IN ADVAIICK. No l'.ijiwr scut ualosf the Ca(li aceoronle> tlio dr?lrr. ' "1' . JTil" Xo l'nj?cr sent for a longer time than jmiil for. RIOBDAN, DAT* SON * CO., PROPRIETORS. Jan S 33 tr ' Stato of South Carolina. UUliENVIM.E DISTRICT. In Equity. Salt mi A. Em)an, Executrix, vs. M. L. (t'M.iiLriT et a'. IX i>ureufttire ?>f tlt? TVeretal Oi <U?r In 1. (lie til-ore alnlnl caar, the Creditors of rtie lata CJ..I. OUAUUW J. KLFOUD are hereby r?-q<iiie?l to ooiilili.h. bv propar proof, ilielr claim* against the Estate, before me, within kin; mvntht (roin thia tlato, or bo t arr?J. , -. J. I*. MOORE, CE.O.U CommWuioner's Oilier, July IS, 1867. July 16 8 Vm ^ Stato of South Carolina. UREEXVI.LLK DISTRICT. In Equity. \V i i.i. t .w TI. AfsTir, Ail minis trator, vs. M. I. OoMjKkN et al. IX pursuance of the Roontel Order In (he above ititol case, the Cnditora of the lute Dr. W. I? M. AUSTIN are horebv reonlr. ?l to enttiMiah their de innnds ipinii the Bi- * tute, b?l?n in(j, witliiu m?M? wmUi from tkU, or Lkj bMR'l. J. P. MOOTIR, 0. M. 0. D. Coinmianitner'a Office, July li, 1867. Jjr IS 8 ftp Stato of South Carolina. UKEEXVILLK DISTRICT. > Iniquity, _ ? Joski-h P. Latimkb, Aduiluiatretor, re. MauT l>. I.ATIMKR ft uf. IN |>nr*ti?nr? of the Deere!*) Order in the nl.ove tnlnl mm, the OiwIMiin of the lute JAMBA M. I.ATIMFR?r* hereby reqnir? cd to iihiUbb tkelr il.wiili k(ftiui.tlw Nutate, before in.-, within .ii'n. -woniAe Irom thie Jute, or lx> burred. J. r. MOOR*, C. K. O.D. G?miui*.loncr'a 0?or. Jnljr 18, 1887. ' Jy 18 ?m t7w. davis, WATCH MAKER, J C*P _ WOULD Reapectfully lrv ] ^" ""VQform th* people of Greenville (f -1 'A/ft And the surrounding country, Jggg^gj^u'k** he kne ma M&jmmmm-mrsdo 1 Kr-.m hie Ot.D AT AND in the Good- jfl lull liouK*, to t more IOXYEMKKT . tie, three door. North of ike Man*I"IB limit., nest door to I'ickle A Poof, on I Muin Kir-ct where he ia prepared to do -II wo. k la, l.t. I-..-1. -v . tlw, iu a workman ilk) maimer, and oft ;v r?ie>Hitli|i) leriua, Aiijj SO IS tf THE OLD STAND BAKERY All ClUKiY. ; Maiu Btrft, b$ i'fft vjtf, 13 op'n at atl koom of ilia day and ??? I ninjr. BREST).'lltMK, and varied r<f CAR1 KM, aoiiAaatly an kaod, k , Inkel ?? AhW1 - ' ?? I Ao iiAllXUSUWOoN UtoUepenad in 4 iw. '\7y.] 1 U' 'i'o1 o?v'i'Kh' d.AM ,Dd