University of South Carolina Libraries
i v ColCmbja B km ik a nr.? The Theological Rcmlnary at Colmmbfa, Booth Cerolioa, la emerging" In some degree, from Ite difficulties. Ita buildings and library are Intact. Of Or. \ Vluaier. lately added to the Faculty, the ret p?>rt of the Directors says i . L ** The Rw. t)r. Plutner, the Professor elected t>y the last Assembly to fill the chair of Dldactio and Polcmlo Theology, entered prompt ?? ? .f Li. -IT. t?_ ? I ' J/ ' J'1"' ?u? UUUCT VI U IP UUICV> TI V UITU son to to thankful Tor hi* appointment !! brings with Lim to thia responsible po*itlon, ho fruits of enlarged, thorough and iaboriou* study, and extensive experience In tho way of teaching. &fnco entering upon the dntie* of lii* department in January last, he bns prosocnted them with great energy and without Interruption to liw close of the session, giving the greatest interaction both to bia associates ) and the ymng man under bia inatrnction. We cannot but regard him aa a precioua gift from the Great Head of the Church in a time of ur- . gent need, nnd wo confidontly bolicre that, if '. liia valued life ta spared. bo will to made the hmK'eil instrument of doing much to rratore our tolurv?* Seminary to its former usofulncat.'' Rbv. Jonx wwar, D. D., of Charleston, ft. C., has com pie tod t^ &*d year of his pna. tnral charge of the English Lutheran Church in that city,. Twe FtntT Cnscaic FAb~?>"T.??Wo ere pleased to chronicle the fact that . responsible onaepaoy toa been formed, buildings erected, uad the machinery ordered, for the manufacture of cbeoee in thia bounty. It is iu tho hands of aueh persons aa will aarurediy giro the enterprise a complete trial. A competent Cheese Maker from Kqw York is engaged in it, who fcoia fanguino of aucccss. We ahall soon see tho matter fairly tested, and there is . no doubt in our mind that In a fbort time this j pioneer chceao Factory will devwlope the fact ; that the Mountains of Kortb Carolina arc as capable of producing aa good an article or , choose, at lets coat, aa any portion o( the world. In h few years, this enterprise, smnll as it may he flow, will practically toach onr farmers that they can get rich on the grasses but will beoome poor on corn. Wo lisil the cnterpriso with great joy, and moat heartily wish it aud all concerned in it Ood speed. It is bnt the beginning of the material improve inent of tlio condition of oar pooplo and socti<?.?A fhcrillf (iV. C.) A'tire. TstnnniLe A? cu?kkt rr.osi tub Ejtri o?ro* or a Lamp.? A tea* nights ago a UTrii acsi dent oecoit d to the family of Juni'lhan Mut, iu llolniOfCowidy, Ohio. The Holme* Farmer say*: During the evening, a lamp in which thsy were burning aurora oil, aold a* nonexplosive, hceame low, Mr. Ma<-t lighted n riodl* And extinguished the light from the lamp for the purpose of Ailing it. Ilia nnn. ? child about nine year* old, waa holding I he candle while the father filled the lamp< from a torn gallon jug, and by some niidtap. lighted the oil, which exploded, blowing the jug to piece*, and immediately envelop ing the room in flame*, ten persona living iu the room at the time. AH were intnn-diately rendered helpless except. Mr Erb, who exerted himself to the *ave the others from dvulh, lie succeeded iu getting Mr, Mast and peihsp* pome others, from the house, and rsn to Mr. Stulier's, about s quarter of a mile di* tant, for help. Ills way could be plainly t raced afterward* by blood and pieces of flesh which fell from his body. Timely as sistftnet Saved the building, an 1, it ia Imp* ) some of the inmates. Mr. Mast lived about an (tour after the accident, and his little son nine time longer. One of ths childrenMr. Ilulmtth's s?>n?die i Monday night,? Of the remaining seven, sll were alive on Tuesday, but three of ihent cannot live, and it ia feared all will die. This is the ino*t terrible accident that Jiai ever occurred iu th*e county. Tiik New Kail Koad au rtu New Vil Laup,?It is well known, (says the Edgefield Advertiser, of the 2#tli ult,,) that the Co lumhia k n am burg Rail fload Is entirely finished as far as Lexington C. II., indeed aeveral miles further; an I that trains n >w ran between that point and Columbia,? And knowing ones inform us that hy the ' * first of June lite car* wilt be running to I Hnrtlej's. near old Leesvillo, end near the dividing line between ttdgeAold end tat- ] ingtoit; end tbet thee end there will spring tip*repidly a flourishing village. At this! pint e depot Is to be established ; and we hear that lota thereabout* ere already being old. And we hear that the officers and engineer* on the said road say that, with n little pecuniary eld, they ean finish the road by, or la the court* of September next. If thar* are any men in Bd.'rfl-ld l>istriet who ean extend this pecuniary aid. in pert or in ftaO. w? rarnetlly hope thry will hasten to do *0. X Ova Nr.W Matoh.? From the reports published elsewhere ear readers will see that the City of Charleston has to-day a new Mayor. Mayor Ualllard has been removed by military order, and Oeeerai Hums appointed in his toad. The formal inauguration took place at tha City Hall last evening in the preeonc* ol a few eitlseae. (lonera) Bora* Is a grad. aato of West Point, lie is represented as a Maan of gAufl ttfln tnd irond fenlinir. oilrl hit appointment if ' ? eatiffactorjr e* an; that could be made under the ciroumataneef. General Bnrnf entered Waft Point from Ohio. He wnf a eadct in 1841, and haa been to the United 8Utee rervlee ever ainoe. In '47 he waa la the Third Infantry, and in 1830 waa Firat Lieutenant. During the greater part of the recent trar( he waa in command at Hilton llead. [Ck'trlnton Mercury, 2|lf, CourofiTioa or rite Cowvkntioxb.?In Yir. ginia, 93 out of 103 delegate* to the Conatitu. Convention, or leaa than one-fuurth, are eo| |*1 men. In North Carolina, IX out ol 110 delegate*, 07 leaf then one ninth, era eel. nred. In Mhalfeippi, It out or ltd. In Im. laiana, the hleehf hare a majority of 10. If Florida, 98 ont of 00 are colored.. In Omafht 14 ant of 103, or leea than one-eleventh, an colored. Alabama, 18 are colored, about one. ftfth of the whole body. In Aakeu-ea, 8 eul of 78 are colored, in 8?uth Carolina the Iwt face are about equal in the Coarentien, Ii 1-? -. . T ME; 1 CiiAiiLic?Tviw. Mnreh 2. The Convention worked effectively to. dev. end pa seed eighteen aeotione of I lie nrti?1? on education. The Stnte ta divided into echoo) di?trieta; poll tnx for the rup port of aeiioola; board of ennifuutioinna, and attendance of pupil* A resolution an adopted to petition Congress to take no action looking toward* a repeal of the present import dntj on riee, on the grout d In at the ahnlialinieot of the pr-soM taiiir will inlro* dure India rice at a low figure, and et-m I *ta with hoina production, ihna rendering iiiv cuiiur** ui in? vinpiu unnr??m?iMc anu deprive tlii) Slate of on* of it* chief rei"urcff. A resolution to adjourn finally on the lllh March failed. Tbe Convention it working rapidly an<! with moderation. Tnx English Government, which never, at any time, made a concussion to tho Irish peoplo, except upon compulsion of soino sort or uuilcr threat of disturbance. i? now nntiminelog u reform hill for Irulmtil, aud otliolf good conciliatory measure* are in ?tore. Something will be don*, probably, but in a tardy and ungracious manner, which will leave thu main body of the people as unfriendly nod thaokleaa i\s before. It ia announced, at the same tint*, that Dabtin ia to get ?1011,000 l>y Parliamentary grant, for an institute of science and art. and Cork and llelfast the same amount each for lb* improvement of tho harbors there. I>E*Ttt or as Umtsd Ftavk* OrrickR.? The Hag at |be Citadel w-se nt half mast ycsteiday, iti consequence ol the sudden death of Maj. John McCloary, canscd l?y hcmnirhnge of tho limes. M?j MeCleary wn* Captain of tlie Six'b United States Infantry, and received the hrev?-l rai.k o' Major for gallantry on the field of Gettvaiioig. He bore a high reputation as an excellent officer and c-<urt<*uiia gentleman. [ Charleston Aetes, 'lllh nit Rirritsitto IIom*.? We are gratified to see that several farmer* in (his sec lion of llie State who moved nvrtv in I8G0 and 'C7, are returning, satisfied that they cannot better their condition. Unfortunately, many have returned much poorer than they hft. But we ate glad to oee them la-'k. anyhow, [Charlotte Democrat. I?u*t it very atlVcdtig lo behold at wedding the sorrow-stricken air of a parent as he " give* the brida awav," when you know thai for the last ten year* he has been Irving to get her off his hands. A Ci.khovmajc coming out of the wa (er w ith a woman he had baptised, ask ed her how she felt in her mind. He was not a little surprised to hear her answer " Bully " In a low n in Maine there liv^d a man who, (hough yet in middle age, had put on mourning for three woe*. In L? ..r , .. i. I. i . tic \?i iinir n i?jui%i? ?> n"? imwii^iii home, arid in ll?e course of Ii??r dealing up and putting tilings to rights. she f ?und it> the mi lie a lung piece < f >i?.l In-Hid, and wan aliout launching it out of lite window, when Jiitle Sal|ie inter posed and said: '* Oh don't, tnarotna ! that ia the board pupa lay* nut lii? wi%e? on. and he wants to save ii I" Never ilieloss, out it went. A boy of six summers surprised bis mother with the reitiatk : *' I have three fathers!" " Who are they f" was the niHtetnnl inquiry. " My father who buys my (slothes is one; George Washh gton, the father of o?ir country is another; and "Our Father who art in jjeaven,' is anoilt.irT* Turning to hi? little si-ter, he said: "If you are not a good girl, God won't he your father." KrtauatioN.? A wilns s in a late divorce suit kept saying that the wife had w very retaliating disposition?that she " retaliated for every Utile thing." "Did \Ou ever re.* her husband kins her ? " h-Iced the w ife's counsel. * Yrrs, sir. often. " ' Well, what did -lie do on inch occn. . ions 1 " fiho always retaliated, sir. " [Great laughter and wife triumphant.1 GREENVILLE l'MCES CURRENT. COnRKCTKD W KICK IT, ?T GRADY, FEHGUS'JM 81 MILLER, MERCHANTS. GRKRNYILI4K. S. C.. MAR. 3, 18C?. APPLES, "B bushel, Dried .. $1 25 REEF, 'p tn, freih, according to cut, 6 (r? 8 c. BACON, Y lb, MCI c. UAI.K ROPE, -p lb .. 25 (& $3 e. III.UB STONE, Y? lb 20 e. UAtiOINtl, Gunny, V. 331 ?* BUTTER. t? &? 25 c. BEESWAX, Y lb 20 c. BRANDY, ip gallon. Peach $4 00 CHICKENS, Y bead, 15 Qy 20 e, COTTON, Y tb,.., 121 6. COFFEE, V lb, Rio 30 <& S3 e. " " " Java, - 50 t. QDRN?Y* bushsl $1 00 CANDLES, *p lb, A:Uinantiuc,..._ ,30 c. '? < Sperm 44 " 44 Tallonr 25 e, COPPER Art, Y lb, Engl lab,-. .. lo r. EO(l3, p di.aun 10 r. FLOUR, "p barrel, $14 00 MOLD .. $1 40 OINGKK. P lb 40 e. IRON, Y lb, Swood, 121 c. " " ' Country, 8 ?. " 44 44 II?r<a Bhoa..S .....10 r. IXDIUO, p tb, South Carolina, $1 50 44 " " Spauiali Float, $2 25 LUMBER, p 100 feet, Pino,..".$! 50 @ $2 IM LEAD, Y lb 20 e. LEATHER, *p It., Solo ... 50 a. 44 " " tipper, 60 70 e. MADDER, Y - ?.2? ? MOLASSES, Y We?t India, $1 00 - 44 44 Sugar-1100 aa, $1 25 V A M It. Pirk.r Kill 121 ? OAT*. J} bu.hel W.......70 e. PKAS, " ? - ?1 00 PORK, ?, - 194 ' POWl>tR, V lb,..,. .*. 75 e. PKPPKU, V It-, r.l.vk, 40 r. PKACIIR8, 1* boehel. Orio.l $2 Oft POTATOK8, "J? buahol, Iruh 75 e. ? ** ? * wool. 75 c. RICF.. V m & 17 " 8TKAL. T* I*. ''vt, - 3? ' 8ALT, V ?**b. I.ivor|iool $Jl 25 " " buatid, ' ? I 50 8UOAR, & P>. Ilr"?n ...I# (t 90 e m ? ' CUrifloil ,....*0 e. SHOT, V ?*> ?*? r flOIJA, ? ?? ' STARCH. ? lb 90 ?. ' SPICK. ? lb, SO r. 8HlRTIN?l,<?brc?. f.urtha.) 12J e. , SlIIRTINU. (aryan ci#bte.) T* V?, ?18 a. Tl'RKIKS, V kM?l 75 t. (cn $\ 00 TORACOA, Manufactured, ^ lb, 5?r.W?2 00 ? TALLOW, lb ...... 15 r. . TKA, \1 lb. Uunjx.wHwr, $2 00 I ' liy*oRf>,n 2 25 A <? .. HUr-V || 50 <? |2 o > * WI5FAT. TO W*1hi1 #9 5.1 ijf-W W:Hit IOcn Okrnam Fri.i.ow-Ciiiskf? will read with Interact the cable telegram, which wo publith thia mortl/ng, atallnr >hat a treaty baa I 1'ccn negotiated hy Mr. Bancroft with tha | North German Confederation, by which all | German* who hare resided fivo years in tho j United Shite*. and haro become naturalised i cititcns, ore exempt ftotn tho military duty : customarily exacted of thorn ill their native land.? Ckarltuhm Set?*. COMMERCIAL* I Nbw Tor*. March 9 - 1 J..1I t ... 1 1 /? uprDQ'1 rery nun, l?UI WOWd Uf W Mil moderately active; sales 8,200 bale#, i 24. BAt.TtMn**, March t. ' Cotton fiimer at 23. Flnnr mure active. Wheat Mteixtv?prime to choice red 2.65(d) 2<to. fj?irn dull and declined?white 1.15 ($1 13; yellow t 12(31.16; mixed 1.12.? (hit* steady, at 78@SO Rye steady, at 63 @10. . Oijtoixaan, March 2. Flour quoted firmer. Mesa pork doll, at 24<023. II icon in Rood demand?shoulders 11$; clrftr shle? 14j. Lard freely offered at 16$ ? no buyers. CltAHT.aeTos, March 2. Col to* has partially advanced?$@lc.; sales C60 balee?middling 22. CiiAHi-rem*. Febrnary IP. Cotton In i?ood d' Tiiand, at $ cent decline; ea!?s 1,000 bales?middling 21$. Arot'STA, February 29. Cotton Market steady ; sa es 845 bales; receipts filo?middling 2<t@20$ ; stock on I hand 12,>>20. | MRS. ELLEN HOWELL, liDjaiitifiiw hji&IKIWZv nAS just received Borne very pretty lilt A ID STAMPS, suitahlo l?r Stamp. I ing Sacks nnd Hkirts. Alan, new Sleeve pattern* and flared Skirts. DRESS MAKINfl smi other SKWINQ dono as usual. All Work promptly executed anil nt reasonable prices. < Thankful for the liberal patronage received, fhe hopes to merit a continuance of the same. , Two doors above tbo Presoytorisu 1 Church. 41-4 March 4. Tax Notice. IllEHF.RY notify the tax payers of . Greenville District, who have paid , their State tax f>?r the rear 1837. that thev are due the CONVENTION TAX, and 1 I will he at Greenville Court llou?e from the 9th to the I4th of March to toccive the aiue. A C. PEACE. T C. G D. | March 4 41 4 ( S. M. MURPHY, OK GREENVI1.LE, S. 0.,' a?e WILL he rendv, at all times, i rrpnfr and tune PIANO J J ?lJ U FORTES, ORGANS. MRLODE ? ON8 AND KOLI \N ATTACHMENTS m he heat of style, ntid on a. reasonable terms as can be afforded. March 4 41 4 I hawtiFoTFn"* agnew, ' AOKNTs FOlt TltR FIIBLETOI F&CTI1T, : HAVING lisen appointed Agents for the * I'ei dleton Kaeli.rvj *> will keep on ' hand and s. 11 COTTON YARN at /infory price*, w noieea e nnu reioji. hawthorn a aonew, 1T<> ?-n 1'uth. S. C. Marcl. 4 v 41 4 < Tho Stato of South Carolina. 1 GKKLNVILLE DISTRICT. Ily S. J. DO V Til J T, ?.'?</., Ordinary nf mid Diitriel. WHEREAS, JAM I 8 0. YEAUGIN has (Uo.r a l'vlUimi in my Office, praying tint T/lt?n ??T Administration, <>u all and siojru'ar the poods and chattels, rights and credits of MISS E. A. YEARUIN late of the District aforesaid, deceased, should he granted to him. Throe arr, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred aud creditors of i the said deceased, to ho and appear in tire Court of Ordinory for said District, to be bidden at Greenville Court House, oh ike 12sA day of Mttrek next, to show c mso, if any, why the said Administration should not he granted. 8. J. DOliTlfIT, 0. G. 1*. Ordinary's Oflice, 27th February, 1868. March 4 41 2 MILLS HOUSE, CORNER McETlNG AND QUEEN STREETS, CHARLESTON, S. C. iy^Lp^X THIS well known FIRST CLASS HOTliL has just lx>cn thoroughly repaired, roll t ted and re-furnished, and is now ready for the accommodation of the travelling public, whoso patronage is respectfully solicited. Merchants visiting the aity, are respectfully iuritad. Every accommodation will be offer*?<1 them. Coaches alwiys in readiness to ennrcy passenger* to mid from the Hotel. The Proprietor promises to <1? all in hi* power lor tho comfort of hi* puests. JOSEPH PURCKl.T,, Proprietor. March 4, 18A8. 41 If TO THE PUIILIC. THE PAVILION HOTEL, ciia rlkstox, s. r? a ?- - hVO LONG and ?Mjr eon dnoted hy the late H. 1.. bUTTKRrlELD, will Mill Eo-tjCpyj^Cr 1?? kept open for the neeom omlitieti ol <he trnvelii ? ptiblie And it* former friend* and petrous will find the usual aceomftoodntiona and attention* l>e stowed on them a* formerly, and I he publie frvors, air -ady *" *te|| established a* Til E 11< tTKLof tHe TK A V Bld>TG MKMC IIA NTS of the South, will, hy rtinctt cffoiU, he laithftilly preserved. March 4. IHA8 41 jff The State of South Carolina. I GRKEXVILLK DISTRICT. IN FQtJITY. F.I.fRA J. J'nrSCB, KxAentri*. v?. NANCY M. KINNKY, U. W. SULLIVAN ct al.? IHIl fnr li'urtr, Sale of Land, /uJmitlU'H, it'C. fjtllK frMltori of tho Into JASTKR J. X I'ltlNCE nre n<>?iti.-.l Ihat an Ynjni.e- j lion ha* I "ton granted in tho nbnxo on-o, ro- I (mining Ihein frt?m Miin;* the Executrix at I Uw. J A/MRS P. MoOnK, f. K. U. I?. February 13th, IftCA. -I Vat. JA KINO 4 GIBBON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS; CIIAItL.ESTO.1f, S. O. o. w. ki*?. . ,v (to. b. oiaaox. OFKhi 11 UmI' MrrleH for tho fala of Cl>T? TON and Ol'UKR PROIHJCK. Btrici I attention glreu to bnalaess Mil prompt return* j matte. / . A. M. Hamilton. Roger* Jk ( DogfcU and litout A Kichaniai.n, Williaiinton, II BIBB I Ol> f J T.iT'h a r?r O n L Li 1 L\ u urr AT I IIAVE A LARGE LOT OF Dry Goods GrtKjerios Jlardwuro Ladies' Ti imiuings ItihbotlS Hats and Caps ' DonnoU Ready-mado Clothing Duckets TuU Droo:ns With many, vory many other Articles, which I am 8EIMC OFF AT COST. [37** Any persons wantiug to buy snn do 8*i now. |9@r* Cull, cxamino and judge for yourse vos. J no. D. A&Iimorc. M,.r. li 4 41 If ^ JUST arrived, from New fiT^V.,.1. n t.?? ,.r sii.Mlr VI IfffJf GAR?. COFFEES ANDjg&Sj! BSSWTEAS. Cheapest Hold inliftSSSi' .bis market sinoc tlin war. At JXO. D. ASIIMOUE's. Raisin*, t'lirrnnls, CITRON, Ginger, Fpicc, Pepper, Nutmegs, Almonds. UmmmdI, Cheese, Candy. -'Reaper Uiau the choa|>cst. At J SO. D. AS1IM0HE-S. refiToats, SALT. 720 pound Sack*, at coat and charger ; Peruvian Guauo, genuine, at oust and ibarges. 3fevery description, arriving every week from the New York and llaltimoru markets, cheaper than hns ever been sold in this market, (esi in ate J on a gold baais,) either l-cfo're or eiueo the war. At JNO. D. ASllMORE'S. February 20 40 tf Notice. rl UARDT tNS, Trustees and Receivers are jt rvtjuirod to make their ANNUAL RETURNS to this Ofliob by the firttl tiny uf May or n Hair will lie issued against tlieio. J. P. MOORE, C. K. G. D. Commissioner's Offlco, Greenville, February 24th, 1808. 40-10 m souTHERi? mmmi rrni.iatiKD at G REENVILLE, S. C. O. I. TOWNES, Senior Editor. JNO.C. BAILEY, Pro'r. * AwocUtc Editor. ?a ONF. DOLLAR FOR SIX MONTHS. Chtbt uf 10 trill rrceiet one eojiy frtettf rh'tryr, OW is the timo to subscribe. The News ia important and exciting. Matters general and local worthy attention and disensaion. The EJitora take pains to prcaer.t to the readers of the ENTERPRISE facta and enmiitcuts as to "current events," and will continue to advocate such measurva as in their judgment will promote the puldic weal. Also giving a fair presentation and hearing to both sidrs of public questions. n. tt .1 ?lk... K...,l..aa - - ftn. VIM VUIl III1U "Ujvr vuiiiiniuiiii^ nini price*. No family should be willumt a good Newspaper. It is the cheapest of all means of information, improvement, education and regular untert ilmuont, and profttublo to every buainota. Greenville, 8. C., February 2ft, 1808. I^OR the convenience ?f persons residing in the several nniued Sub-Kloction 1'recinct|, I hereby give notice thut I will attend nnd take A88R88M KNTS of the ANNUAL TANKS of I.W j a* fallows ? At Grove Station. Monday, 9th March. At I.riiderninn'a, Tuesday, 10th March. At McNccly'*, Wednesday. 11th March. At Fairview. Thursday, 12th Mareb. At Sullivan's, Friday, 13th- March. At McCuJ lough'*, Saturday, 11th March. At Arnold'*, Monday, tilth March. At Kitnpsonville, Wednesday, 18th March. At Walker's Cross Road*, Thursday, 1'Jth Mar. At Chirk Springs, Friday, 20th March. At tiro**', Saturday, 2l*t March. At Gowensvillc, Monday, 23d March. At Dickey'*, Tuesday, 2tlh March. At McKinney'*, Wednesday, 2fttb March. At Hodge's, Thursday, 2flth March. At .T. II. Goodwin'*, Friday, 27th March. At Oil Camp, Saturday, 28th March. At Marietta, Monday, 30th March. At Montgomery'*, Tuesday, Slat March. Thia Assessment includes the taxable In eoine of the calendar year of 1837, and thi Taa on Carriage*, Uoid Watches, Billiard T? hies, Gidd and Stiver IMate, owned March lat I SOS. K??-h parly will please note wuii a* it hi* Income prior to the date of Assessment. Persons, Firms, Companies or Corporation in any business occupation or profs'* sion within iho litnita of Greenville Diitrict for which a Special Tax I* required, must dnlj apply ar.d register llieir natnoa with ino, nni the prosecution of their business without sucl iippiiratioii will render them liable, Ignor anee i? no pica fur failure to comply with tin law of tho land. . Furthermore, *11 person* who arc intercstei in any Legacies, Distributive Shares, Inher iianci or *iKK.-es?ioo?, either an AdminUtra tor, Executor or Trustee, must uwike Itetari n* in their case provided. . KD. HUDSON SMITJ?, Assessor Orennvllln District, South Carolina. Greenville, 8. C., Fab. S-t, 186ft. 4U-& OA 8ACK8 of EXTRA PAMII.T FLOUR OU fait rectited, and for ante low fw caab, ab T. W. DA VIS'S I t ft I 8 i 0 INTEHBAL REVENUE. United States Internal Revenue, Dr.p. C?l. Orrica, Ohieitiui!, K. C., I January 28, I8fl?t. ) I j V) V virtue of an nr ler fr<?:u A. 8. Wall.tea, | ) Collector <>f Internal Revenue, Sil Collection bLtrh *. N. fj., I va ill tad!. to tho hlghMt h|4<|er, on TliWrfaji, 2</ u/ A/n it, 1368, at tlio ri-riiirtiro of defon Innt. ut Marietta, UrenVille District, 1 ^orrtl !! >,*< ; 1 Jfajjtf //vim, .nn?l T nut knrme Also, one TRACT of LASI>, containing 1 to Acre*, l?dng the Tract on which defendant now resides, adjoining lands of J. 11. Cleveland, John Uucst, Oihhon and others. Levied on as the property and sohl for tho tax assessed against IIKXDKKSOX GOOD. at the suit of tho Uuitad States for hevunuc Tax. Terms .-ash. A. L. COBB, Deputy Colic- b>r. January 28, 1888. - 38-10 United States Internal Revenue. Dkpvty Cm,. Omen 8t> I)iht., 8. C. 'J Greenville, February 16, 1888. f BY virtno of a warrant, fT.un A. 8. WALLACE, Collector of Internal Revenue, 3d Collection District. 8. C., I will roll to the highest bidder. nt the resilience of CHEVU8 C. MONTHOMERY, on Tuesday. lOtfc </..* .1Inrrh. I>ctween tho hours of 12 and' 1, the following described TRACT OF LAND, containing 880 ncrcs luoro or less, situated in Green rlllu District, about 13 iniles from Greenville C'utrt House, on Briimuiett waters of Haltida river, adjoining land* ?>f Mrs. Thniuas Powell, E. Cunningham. Win. Cog, Mr*. Joseph Bate*, and others, levied oil as the property, nnd sold for tho tax assessed sguinst CHKVDH. C. MONTGOMERY. nt the suit of tho United States fur ltercnue Tax. Ten** CASH. A. T,. COBB, Dep. Col. Iut. Rov., Greenville, S. C. Feb 10 30 * Notice. T"N conformity "with the requirement* of the 1 Internal Revenue Laws. I hereby giro notice In alt persons who may claim a STILL, CAP and WORM seised by Ed. Hudson Smith, on tbo 7tl? day of February. 1S88. on or near the premises ol DKMARCU3 POOL, 12 or IS miles from Greenville Court IIousc, because of being used in violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, to make sueh claims hvfoie mo, within thirty days from the first publication el this notice. . ' A.L.COIIB, Dep. Col. Int. Rov., Orocnville, 8. C. Feb IV 3V S Notice. TIf conf. rtnily with tho requirement* of tho Internal Revenue Laws. I hereby give notice to nil pcr?on? who may claim a STILL, CAP AND WORM, soiled in Anderson District, on the premises of ALLKX COTHUAN, about S or 4 miles from Calhoun, on tho 10 th of February, because of being used in violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, to make such claims before mo within thirty days from the first publication of this notice. A. L. COBB, Dep. Col. Int. Rov., Greenville, S. C. Feb IV Sit S MPIIiAiMhliftBn dhll AT SEVENIY-FIVE CENTS. MMnsoTpErajii. OYSTERS 35 CENTS PEIl IK)X. \H R. W. Folger & Co. February 2tt 40 tf Tho Slato of South Carolina. QREKN'VII.I.K DISTRICT. fly .9 J. HOUTIIIT, A'?<J., Orilhiury of HI hi Ih'ilrirt. HKIIKAS, M. J. I.OPKRI?a? filed n 1 1 Petition In my Office, praying that Cltcttof Administration. with 11??* Will Annexed, on nil nn.t aiiigt\h.r the goods and chattel* right* and credits of JKSSE J. I.OCKE Inte of the Dal.let aforesaid, de t:oA**d, ahonM he granted to Itiin. Thftr nre, thtf/urf, to rite and admonish n*I i.ti.l singular the kindred and creditors of the said d> oensod. to he niid Appear in the Court of Ordinalv foe said District, to t,? I...I i.o. ?i a.. -;"i- i' it ? 9f/? </?ty i>f March next t'? ?liow cause, if nv, why tlie said A.'tninieli .tlion should I not lit* grunlcJ. K J. ! OITTHIT.O O T>. Ordinary's Office, ~*24th February, IbGi. . Frl. 2rt 40 2 BOOT AND SHOE MAKING. TIIK *ub*< linr- r-Cs-* I\ Intj now in hi* employ jt^a? I % ory C 0 U P 11 J' E N J ' tki. WORKMEN, aiol kc<pin?? const jitfly on haiol the very boat M.\TKKIAl? *>r Ue ?p?u>r>-, takes pleasure in anni>Uii?j4*jto l^a'^tililie that lie i* prepared to (ill oil o??lu f"" HOOTS ANI> Pll<?K8, lit sht<W holme, ami I an irnnicea all Work to bo done iit rlic inuat fash notable anil durable maimer. Alio KK' PAIltS promptly attended to. Shop on Art-nuo Flroct, first door eait ol Main. J. C. HICKS. Feb IS 33 4 Taxes! Taxes!! T N arcordnneo with the order of Mnj. Grn. I F.. R. F. Cnnby, I hereby jfivo notice that I will be in attendencc at the following; places and lime*, for the pitrpoac ?f collecting the laviifl fs?r Ilia vaar rtiinnitinflnj <*n *!?.? fir-? *?f October, 18117, and ending on tbo 8t>th 8eptemper, 1868, tut imposed l>y *?id Order, via: At llateavillc, Wonday, 17ih February. 4 Chirk Spring*, TwiiUy, 18th " 44 Urorr't U'riiuunlay, lUlli " 44 Ooarctt?v?lle, Thuradny, 20th " " Dirkry'a, Friday, 21?t 44 44 MrKinnry'a, Balurday, 22d 44 44 llodgo'a, Monday, 241h 44 " Cleveland'* Mill, Tucaddy, 25th 44 44 Mnricttd, IVrdnwdny, 2At It 44 44 Montgomery"*, Thnreday, 27th " " (Irovo Station, Friday, V8lh 44 44 I.andertnan'*. ttaturd?y, 29th 44 ' McNecly'a, Monday. 2d of March ' Falrvicw, Tuerday, 3d 44 44 Sullivan'#, Weducaday, 4th 44 44 McCullough's. Thursday, 5th 44 44 Arnold'*, Fridny. 3th 44 44 6i?np*"tivllle, Saturday, Tth 44 And on tho week Ml-.wing at UreeiiviUe Court House, at tlio Sheriff"'* Office. In order to nrnl** up one hall o' my return l?y the 81#t of Maroh, a# rrquittd hy law, I am neceaatrily emaprllwl to c***e taking return# after the 14lh day of Mureh. An person* failing to make their rrfttma hy that day will find tktbie Tax Kxeeution* again*! them lodged with the Sheriff fur collection. IVw making return* prior lu that tint* and failing to pay the Mm* hy Halenday In June, will find alngle Tax Kxecutinn* it-ued , agalnat tham for eolleetion of the mine. 1 r ; hop* that nil tax-payeta will turn out ami mm 11?cir return*. m u w . v . . ..,i FRESH ARRIVAL. WjSS Bilb > B> ! ffTlIE un<lors>nno<l ho* Ju?t reoelrod J opooo I ? UKAUTlt'UL LOT OF I r?&ssmc js&sid jmpjmi Which ho i?ffero"lo his cn?ioinor? and the pablie gcucrully, at GREATLY 1! EDl'CED PRICES. Thankful for the lihcral patronage recoired be liopce to merit a continuance of the mue W. H. HOVEY. J*n 8 " S3 tt iisHfiir AXOT1IKU ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF PRINTS, GIUGKAWS, BLEACHED AND BROWN SHEETINGS AND Shirtings, (SNA ISLAND, AC.} To which wo w .ulil invito nttontion. ALSO, & etsrcprsias it.?? ?ir COFFEES, TEAS, SUGAR, MOLASSES, RICE, CHEESE, &C., All of which we will cell *j LOW as the/ oaa t'O bong-lit iu mijr market In the State, IrtMportation gildml. Wo keep constantly on hand, all khsds ( Provisions, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. Z-ti" OI K TEHMS AUK STRICTLY CASH. Williams & Whitmire. Greenville, P. C., January 8, 1888. JS-tf PROFESSOR JOHNSON, Toacher of Plano-Yorte, Organ, Melodeon, Vocalisation, Ac. zpj > WORLD respectfully -feki-" a-T notify the citix-Ds ?f gfcJ"' -yS? Greenville, that he will IA ">e '? teaeh ? l?t 5?INipilr outside of tho Ci>U-i|(o, and will wait upon such bk may prefer it, hi tln-ir own homes. Tonu* reasonable, nod in accordance with the present reduced efreurnstwocca of nil. PIANOS TUNEI) in tho best tnsnnar. una iwuhyi-.a rMKIDiUS Kfc-l'AIllfcP, bu? n? olli-r Hi*i>iiir(, 1ST Applications may be made ( lh? Female College, (Inrce building.) and order* for Tumi g left nt the Drug-stores of Welter ?.t Westmoreland, and Harrison A Marshall. Greenville, S. C , January 21at, 1868. Ian *29 86 f W. H CAMMER, PRACTICAL. GUNS WITH * AND MACHINIST. ' (TORN SIIELT.FRS. Cotton flina. I.ooke. J Kerosene Oil I<antps, Sewing Maeh i tie* nod l'arasola, REPAIRED with promptness Ch signs reasonable. *f?~ Country Produce taken in exchange for Work Stand?At W eel field's old Shop. Jan 22 36 tf To Rent. A VERY DESIRABLE HOUSE |}|. A Nil ? ROUNDS, near the Ponilloton liij_ Road, about one inllo from the Public Square in the Town of Greenville. The House is comparatively now, largo enough for any fninily. On the promivos arc all necessary out-buildings, n fine Garden and patches besides for cultivation, nn excellent aeleetb n of bearing I'ruit trees, also ornamental trees and shrubbery. The place wus improved by tbe late Whitefoord Smith, Son. for further information apply to P, F. HllDDl'TII, Greenville, S. C. Jan 22 *6 t( BATESVILLE MABOFACrURIlSG COMPAilY. OAVINO been appointed AgeoU far Ibis Company. we are prepared to ell slllltTlXUS AND YARK at Factory price*. David ?V Slrndley, Cir*cen aud Commission Merchants, Greenville, S. O. Nov B 24 tf | l\f\ SACKS of SALT, low for ca*h, at 1 UV/ T. W. DAVIS', Buncombe Street. Jan 22 26 tf HIOHKST market price Laid in cash for COTTON, at T. W. DAVIS' Buncombe Street. Jan 22 . 25 tf Dental Card. i/rv Dr. ANI>KHSON rrapectfaily ffmirfgSfajH^ informs hie friend* that he haa removed to hi* Office, on Main Street, next b> what was the <io?dletl House, whore he may be found at ALL HOCKS, both day and night, prepared to operate aa LOW in price ue any one, lor lite CASK. Greenville, January 8th, IMS. . Jan 8 .",3 H Notice. A 1.1. per.??na tndeliled lt? lh? Fdnln of Win. J Coi, decenari*!. ami of William Ungur, iKceaoti, are notified in come fori ward and pay their indcMedneM at once: i Th??ee faldng to do at, I -efore return day, | may expect to find llio demands agninrt tliem put in ??iH ; and tlioee having clalma I miiat preatnl them to ma for pnvntenf. KO It Kit I' I K \t: U K.