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ME; . 3?- > ' ^ S < -*?*" ?*. ??v *.4T|*i " M ^1 '^1 V ! ,i'\ * i V'?* rr ? %- / ? * * haI n*>#~>? : -n +? ; , VOLUME XIV. ?J .. J *J'-Li 1 "- . '- i -I iJL' L ' . J .J'..L _i 1. . * O.'F;. TOW N E EDITOR. I <- J. C. BAILEY, Pro'r. and Aicoolalo Editor. 8p*?chiptio!I Two Dollars twr annum. Aovkktiskwunts inserted nt the rate* of one dollar per square of twelre Minion linos <thi? sited type) or loss for the first insertion, fifty cents each for the Second and third insertions, and tweutr-five cents for subsequent insertions. Ycarfy contracts will be rnnde. Ml advertisements must liavo the nnmber of insertions marked on them, or they will ho inserted till ordered opt, and charged for. ITritits* ordered otiicrwisc, Advertisements will invariably be "displayed." Obituary notices, and all matters inuring to y to the benefit of any one, arc regarded as Advertisements. j i i The Songs of Old. The fmgs of oM ! How derp a spell Lies lii die old familiar words Once sttn'g hy those we loved so woll Iu other days In h?ppier years I V'trtott* of hope long pn?sed awny Come o'er the heart do lone and cold; And nierndry asks, <), where are they Wlio s*eelty sung llie songs of old f wmd WN ~ "Where arc they 1 S.<me in silence.sleep .Beneath the mournful yew-tree's gloom : Other* within the h#*ndlsss deep Have eavly found ?n novau tomb. IMm are the eyes that gently shone, Tlfe o: ee warm heart lias still aud cold ; And lisslird f?r aye. forever gone, a The voice that sung the cougs of old. Where ?r? they t On some foreign strand For many a weary day liny rouni; Cheerless they tread rho strangers' laud, Froui friends afar, afar Irmu home. Do they not long to join once more The j. your dunce, the social ihiong, And tning'c n* in days of yore, Their Voietf in the olden lung t Fondly the heart stil loves (o linger Ainid the rums of I lie past ; Tracing with fancy's airy finger Visipna too beautiful to last ; Bringing to memory's eye again i tf? nramit, meen?*ri?n?,<i nnaa? WkMimi iIki past with softie strain, - rium? nM-ll?remembsred oldan song. .w? ?i i r-- - ?; '" ?,? i xt. &WPJ Women. :>t V ' ?r pinuar omr. In pati?ur<> woman, n* jrrni ??it In rhoerful hoiuu* to-night to h??r Th? sound nf step* that. soon or late, Hhall cuwi us music to jronr cur, F<>rgct yourselves n little nliilv, And think in pity of tb? pnin Of women wliu will never sinilo To b?ar n coming step again. Willi babes that in tlioir cradles sloep, Or cling to you In perfect trust? Think of tha mothers left to weep, Their babies lying ill the dust. ' And when the step y?Mi wait for eomes, And all yonr world ia lull ?f light, O, wmnen, safe in happy homos, Fray for all l?ninioni?i souls to-night! ? . . * <?? *" i ; The Book pf Psalms tn itiavKalgrw th? book we call th? * 1'aalms'" beats tire title of the " IbiiK of llymns in tlic Greek it it is called J'wlniio, V I>iwiire Song-.*** Tlic Jews divided collection into firs hooka. The first lo-ok ends Hi I tie f?ftic11? I'Mlm, tlie second at the seventy-first, the third at tha sighty eighth, tha fourth at tha hundred and fifth, and the fifth at tlie hundred and fiftieth. The first four books cml with " ao he i?,** Jl at, JM! the fifth with "Hallelujah/* Ml'lm*. The nuuitn-r of pralma lias always been fixed at a hundred and fifty, for the huu drad tnd fifty first has never been re< oived nseanuo leal. These hymns are generally supposed to , Is tha product inn of King David, bat anvlent tradition aaeribo the compilation to Kvs ; they are thought to cover s nci'n.d of I iiio* hundred year*. Bt. Chryeoetnm. SI. Atnbroee, and Bt. Augtutine believed them to have bean written by David. Bt. Allienatiue reckoned to David seventy two, and Enrubiu* of Cicaaren the aanie number. The font of Korah ni? thought to liaro eorupoted'elf-ven ; A*n| It, I vulvr ; Solomon, two ; and Abraham, on*. The rahhia gvn orally ifllrm thnt they bear lit* internal inarkaof a latar origin than David. Motaa waa tho flrat *?mpoa-*r of eteroJ odea; lie w ta followed by Deborah, llan nab. David, Bid mon, lleman, Aeaph, J.dutbnn, and other* Borne of tho in.idem (rabbit, aaye Home, aaorfba thia coinpilatimi to tea different author*. Adam *rot<- the nlnaty-aeeoAd, Abraham the eighty-uiatb. l|*lehiaidrk the one hundred and tenth, i #nd Moeea the ninetieth ani ninety .ninth. Some of theae hymna may have he>-u eelecled from Ibe thoueand and five aoaga of Solomon. The one hundred and thirty- j eevenfh hae been t ? J<-rend?h, and i? thoaglit to have been written after lK. Mltllnll. fl.? l...?J_.l ' ? ...? . IM? i/iiv nunurril wno I?>ny* aUth and on* hundred and forty-aetentli pre illrilwUd to Agftaei and Zaeharlie. The on* hundredth *nd forty fifth pealm WM eo highly priftd by the tnsitnl Jena that the/ uaad to a*y, " ile o<>uld pot M! be log so Inhabitant of (h* h?av??ly Capaan j who repeated thla ?oi>g Uirea I intra a | d*JT? f ei a" ^ ?ti! y?rt "J Oua paaltna prohal ly form bat a eMail 1 fc >*|mt ?|tllHTi?> number Vhieb at* kV|>( h the templu by the T/erit.n, and were em.g ' In th* ritual aettrie* In hotior ofJHiorah'?' Tha Htlaa of the p*alm* which *r?' Ibnnd in ^ oor Diblea. y*ra niiucn long after ib? .. , \. REFLE I Otlt llftlci#lil nuLliuriitf (liiuun "Tl.. I ' -/ " ksya which are.In tlmse doots arc not ol ' waya the proper k-ys.r' St. J*.roin.a re- i mark*,- "One cannot enter these dome without the tire of there very ksys." t SL Augustine considers these thlce in. Vpired. Some tbet are found in the Septu* rgint ere not in the Hebrew, The Jews , client the lilies as we'.l as the psalms, , In the old Hebrew service the psalms , were chanted allerimt-ly, as we fi'-d in , Kiia. when llie l.evitrs and tlie sunn of _ Asaph answered each other with praise and thanksgivings to the Lord. ( Tiie modern practice of reading them was ( unknown to the Jrw*. f Joseph us, in his seveiitli book, says that ^ David composed these songa to Gml in aev ( eral aorta of meter ;\hry w?r? to he sung witli the vi'd of ten strings, and with the ^ psaltery played u|*>n by the fingere. Some of theui were eli-'giac, some lyriu, anJ some ' arostlo. The word psaltery it derived from a musical inatriimenl styled untiol, in liebrew . 1 It was strung and made of wood, in the ' elispe of a harp, or of a tfreak d*-l?a. In the service of tlie tahernacU,} King David appointed four liioitennd Levltes, ' marshalled under Several leaders, to chant ' the psalms, and to conduct the instrumental ' miislei Asaph, Herman, and Jedulhun 1 were the direotors. ? ? These composition* were alternatelyiaiing ' hy opposite choiis. Thus uue choir chanted. 1 Sing prn<ses unto Jehovah, for he Is good* Ami the other re?| Mldr-d, Recnuse his niercy emlurelh forever. *5 The one huudred and fifty first i'rslor T which if found in the Septuagint, is not hi the Hebrew, or in our KnglV-h version; it ? is in the Hyi lac and Arabic, and is quoted , by St. Ignatius, St. Atlianasius, and it. | Cliryauatom. I We often find in the. psnjni* tlia word , translated ulah , in Greek it is tliminaLnm i mill In Latin trwjttr. It sigmfi** .real or , pause, or a change of ^jtv ?'?t?g- A<|tiila t anil Syinmachn* are of t|ia opinion thai. tli i word liua no lyeaning, but j* prob*|>|y,a ? note of musie, A ben Iwyo i|iiuaL? it, an enter* to ** Amep." mi# j n[. t Tin- hymn sung by |li? Saviour befr?)|?s; crucifixion w?s supposed to ha the */Great ( lluil'l " of the Jews. or the lWu'ir hymn, X from l'aalm cxiii to cxviii. I The twenty *?rond and f>?rty-?econd wi re ^ called tlie ' Hitid of lint morn >?(.* g " A* j tlie liart earnestly de-ires tlie spring* of ( water. so my aotil earnestly long* for llice, ^ 0 God" "Deliver my eoul from tlie H (liunterV) sword, and toy darling from the power of tlie dog." la no part of lloly Seilplure do we Jit cover tiibliiner coni-ept-ons of the Deity ' llian in IbD collection of sacred. song*.? Piety in lu-re c'otlied in it* nuut attractive ilreit; and lie the soul ever ao ileapon ling- * aome word of enmtart, aoine sentenee of hope is cure to preaent llti-lf. Wo gnf.e, at < it were, Into an oriental elyeium, where ,1 tlowem bloom in all their native biatity; where tlie wimlaof heaven breathe aoftlv( 1 where rt h--ur the aweet apeecii vi bird*, t and where Uia ntmo-phere is radiant with < the lift lit of hope. No muffled moon pre sent* her covored fai-o. and no foil/id ding clotuls sweep oviT the e?ritli.-B xrcii, neither "tlu the retting slara iuv to to alumlfr," but allit U'OiJiKu!, all i? grand, all ia bo!/. From age to the ohiirelt of God hn recited lb* prayeta ami priiwi of the**- divine tonge, ?ntl off. red llt-u) tie incri?e before ilia throne of t:j*rcy.| | They apptar to hnea l-een-the manual of , the blMtol Ktdeomar in lh? d>tya of tiia , fleali; iliey wm til I,a by him under the Uvea of Olivet, and redly proaounaed op I be eiosa. Tltey hare adorned the prayerr of the 1 rainta with maj-elie figtir* a, and eillt>*lli*tird them with aH the graera of jtoelry J they have been attuned to avra?t oniric, and eontecraled to lha public terrier# of the aare tuarj*. If tho foul be r.fflVed hy grief or direare, I they furrddt the |'li) id tan and tli# balm; th>-y rabn the tttrhiife.ieo of paidon, hudi the ro'ce of anger, and give re?t to tiia wearied and direonrotato apirit. " They ' eMahltah the principles of ptetjr, rrdttoe rfghteotmnete i?? pr.Ttlee, and perform the 1 grateful officer of devotion ; l?y them wo ' upplieate for prerent and future Ideating*; j liv litem te MlelrtHl* the nmnriat ..f favor*." Audit* **rbmn Jtumini : ; O tli* l?*|>tdim#? of (lutl loan Wl.o wnUeth Nov iii the emintol of the ?n Ami Im'Ii Nut etond in the *rny of ?inner?. Ami h*tli not rat in ll?0 a-al of r*il men I lii.t hi* |iUa*ur? I* in IIm taw of tlta fAmi ; Ami in In* Uvr mill lie iH-dttate day and High}, 1 Tlicn will li? lay d >wt? in (>*** to *Wf, For the l-otd only bar cauead hnn to uwdl ccurclj." ' Tli* Uvr of the I/ord UepMleer.eonverflng the mmI; Tli* teelhnotoy of the Lorl U ftlthfnl. ie f etroetlng beM* : ' ' f The ofrtlnanoee of thd Lor T are right, re ' - J*M? .??<, . 1 The commandment of lh? LorJ U I rlgbl, J enlightening the eyee; J i ^ ^ :x OF r?c GKKKNVII.LE. SOOT1 TLe judgment* of lh? Lord ?r? lr?e, tbey ?r<-ju?l ullogeiliei; -< , Mora llalil'aKla than *..1.1 ?. ?"J fine .gold Or tweeter thnn honey, or the running* of honey combs." "The Lord tend* m? n? n shepherd ; wha^ haM I want f In a place of green graa?, there lie lies made me to dwell, he has flourished me hy the venters of rest ; he hat restored my anal; and guided me Into the [Miha of rlghteousneee for hit name'* sake." " He that Hw.ll* in Ihe help nf the Lord ihall sojourn under the thelter of the lllgh t? ; for lie thall overshadow thee with hit ilimihtere, and ahull nettle thee tinder lilt s-ing? ; and Ids truth thall cover thee with a shield." "I foresaw tlie Lord alwnyt before my 'noe, for lie ta on my right hand; how then nrt I he moved!'' "So my heart doth reolee, and my fleeli doth rej o*e ui hope."? 1 lJce*ii?a thou wilt not leave my aoul in he mansions nf the dead, nor tnffer thy aa> ;red one (ton inion) to aee corruption." 'Upon the wnley* I hear the voice of the Lord ; knd in tho thunder Ihe vl ?rv of our God; 'or tlie voice of the l.ord it mighty ; '?tr Oie voice of Hie Lord U full of n.ajeaty; The. voice of the Lord bieakelh the cedara of Liluinua; Hie voice of the Lord dwelLth in the flame I tire ; The voice of the Lord ehaketh the wildernet* {- - t almtietlf fven'the wihb?VneM J>f Cade*." Tit' Lord will *it king T? rev?-r: The Lor! ,wlll give etrengtli to Ids peoji'c ; Die I.<T'I will Idea-* hi* people with ponce." " Happy the man who thinks on the poor Hid needy ; the L?t-d will deliver him In in evil day." " Mny the f-ord preserve j lini, and keep him alive, nnd hlets him uii | he earth." " May llm Lord Help him on | he l id of pain ; thou liatt unulc nil hit bed i n lij* aiekiijta*." ldcevd lie the land God | l.Lrnrl f?-? m aV dotting to ever!o.<llng,? &riiau MIDI !''U"?r ?r? ?l?y O lori 4 irn.le#! My aottl -doeijf# and faint# for the mirl# of the LoMt'Vfty ln-nr? and tny fl.-?h are exulted in the Yn?.' the Niltflff tnttli found lier h home, ?n?F the tirtle dove n he*t for hereelf, wh#re ?he nay lay lirr yonntr, evVn ihtne altar*, f> ytid of nimiei. niy King, and my 0?id.*? tle##ed i? the men who#?- help 1* In Mtev; n hi# heart he hntli designed to go tip to he valley of weeping, (Racn.) to the plane ?liich he hn? appointed, for tlierc the Law;iver jjivith Ii|?mI|)|p" " For one Jay in thy ? ?> ? U heller than i thousand; for I ,wmilil rather he an ah -i't in the lotuao of God.jdmn dwrll iu the elite of alnnere." * . | " What # #o good, tir wliitluro pleasant, I i# for hrelhten to dwelt together T" " It i# a# oii.lmont on the head, ihat fan lown the heard, even tha heard^if Aaron* hat ran down to the fringe ol Id# clothing.' " Ae #he dew of Herman, that (onie# town from on the mountain# of Z.i >n ; for h?re tha Lord oinuiandtd the bl?#elng, iven I if#-fore vet." HOBART BBRRIAN. * 0 inaMlt CahnetV artieUa * the Realm#, f UMiop Pairi. k. | lloraa'# Inteodurtion. S Horne. volume 4. | Ilornc'# Introduction, volume 4, p. 114. All ocate. ? - ' The last pi mi lie# 1 effusion of HaTlerk wa? a illte eplprainmntir (piatratn, whieh ha handid to Mr. Frad. 8. Cazscu# one day: ' All honar to woman, tho weathoart. the wife; The delight of the ffretide, hy night and by day, ' ' " IVho never does anything wrong in hr tiff, Kaccpt when pertoilWai to Iim* bar own Way." ?Several New York publishers end literary mm are again urging tbe passage of an international copyright Us, and a renewed effort in that effect Is being made in Congress. Tlie mat bill drawn up prvviiK-s for a joipt commission of KnglisU and A'norlcan gunlhinvn, to iui|into a movement on both aides of tbo K?sn. ?rTh* ftrst edition of ^nneo Victoria's Diary, consisting of onr hundred and Sfty thou- . >nuil copies,.is nearly sold, and will realise a profit af ilO.tlOO at least. After the edition l>ud been printed and bound, a gloss aud boinlnable lypdgrspliiral trior was found in It, on account of which a leaf had to be changed In every copy. It was the work of a mis* Bhioyoos conipoiltoy. % ?Mr- Richard Orap) White says lir tbo last llalaxy: " It ia not generally known, wo believe, that the story er history on whieh Slinks|>eare founded Macbeth, uontious l.ady Macbeth as tiie wife ?f Duncan. Thu 'ihano ot Cawdor was a frequent visitor to the emtio of OpiHtnn; mid, MM l.o w*t a lirnre aoldbr ?|i<l a pdlai.t Mid tnUro?lm^ gootluuan for (hat Up>ft? ?||0 Wll hi love witb lilui. AlU'i a Iudk hUtifan aba planned Uie mur<l?r ( ktr lord, ahum abojbad ?*"*n to b*Uf ia?pir?J Mn<tItelb with bcr idea \ij appealing (o liia ainldlipo and 4M*ie?b n?tl ? ur^ud t>W. <" ?*? ljjuo.1/ lUed,, ip *hkb jbo aasiatcd. IJacli a [it'arliowarer, \*uiiM>?vo>beoa ibuoU like Dauilrt, alrMdy wriUeu and praduead mi the iiager?tMl Shakapaate, therefore, wbo ?* par? ?n -rli?t lb an bar evrr loan abewn, el * tr - ' - > % ^ ^nsB w - 4 ?3^N H: )!PUL.^V11 IT /I t ll/\? **? > ? - ? ? [1 Vy/lUULl^A. MAKUII 4, j . L ... ... Or ant Before The War. The dumb man ?m a oitiicu uf Galena, Illinois, before tho war, and liore is somo *e< count of wi>? and what he waa then, and is now. The Galena Democrat any a : We are repeatedly called U|x>n, in common with othera of our fellow citUcna, by letter* from different parts of tho Union, for iufortnation In regard to the antecedent* mural, social and political, of Gon. U. 8. Grant, or Gen. Snnutul Ulysses Grant according to a late newspaper writer, who says he derives tho information from Sam's own fathor, who if ho knows anything, ought to know hi* own son's name. As to his sncint and moral stain*, wo have little to say at present; but, as to his polities, we have excellent authority to whom wo can refer for proof?that Is, If Gen. Grant ever bad any fixed opinions while ho resided in GaUna. U. 8. Grant or 8. U. Grant came to this oily about uiue year* ago. His father was n resident of Covington, Ky, had a leather store livre, nnd was engaged through bis two sonsOrville and ShnpseH Grant, In tha purchase of hides, which were shipped to Covington.? Hither came Ulysses, after ho wandered out of the Uhited Stdtes army, and was employed as a kind of porter about the establishment. Ho was equally unknown to fame or to society here, and SO remained until his good luck came Into play with that of the black republican dynasty of A. Lincoln. It hns been rrpcated:y stated that Grant voted for Douglas at tho Drcsidentiul election in lfc'tlO. Again, it has been s,aid that both lio and his brother voted for A. Lincoln. His brother did vote tha.Hcpuhlienn ticket, but Sum did not role at all. He told <>no gentleman that if lie did rot# ho would prefer to do so for llutl and Evurett, tlie Know Nothing candidate*. To another gentleman he oa pressed h|y prefcrenou for Judga 1)o?k)m, adding liavorir, that lie did not lilto to opftoae |h? wishes of hi* father ami brother, who wcro republicans; thus exhibiting the aama raeiluting course in politic* that lia-doea at proaont. Know Nothingism n])|>c?rs at all tiiuca to be his predominating political GlnrncUfiitio. Atnl hero i* tha account of how ho aegideniaUjf got iuUi Uic luiffinry service: U ppcars that ou I ho breaking nnt of Iho rebellion, IT- .4. or, 8- Ufanl (wo liud better call him gam, fur rbyrt) pustule-red to ftprii'gOclil and obtained temporary employment n* u clvik or peace adjutant in the oflha of that moral, aol-er, and exemplary chief magistrate, (loivdiicbard Yates, then tiuail v attempting to organise the militia of Illinois. It wn* here Ato first stroke of good ln?-k occurred io him. A regiment wn*'being organised ntirt Dick nas about to appoint a certain A. B. Colonel thereof, against whom the i Ulcers of tlic rmhryo corpa rebelled stoutly. Who then rliall I up, point?" aaid his excellency. " Auyhody but a politician," rcajn-nded the raptnina and lien, tenant* present. "Tkerc'e Captain Grant, how will he da he's a IVut i'olntcr?" say, Dick (Sam waa writing at a table in the room.) *' Content," answered Iho ifllcors, and llrnlil was itumeiliatuly commissioned I y the Governor celoiie) of the Twepty first Illinois rogi mum nii'i wnu prooaoiy, (tint capacity, was the licit appointment that Dick hud tuudc. Tint Akkaxsas CosvEntiojc?Compi.etiox or tub C"xsrrrrtm?>x.?Tho new Coiiettuition wm preseu'ed to the Arkansas ConYen tion on M->n.lay evening, ninl w-ia accept- ?1 on Thursday, by a vote of 45 to si. The following urn it * main features: It provide* f.?r twenty Senator* ami vi^lity Representatives; the executive o(Vi oer* to be elected every four jear* ; no In ciunheot of one oflh-e to he e iitihle t?i another during the period f>r which he w m first eh-cteil ; for an election by the people of four Siiprenjt: Judge*; the appointiueiit by the Governor of a Chief Jtalice, to nold hi* ofhcc f.-r eight years, at a salary o> Al.lMHi; authorises a Slate |h>II tax of on* > dollar fur educational purposes, ooiii|-t-liinu three months' i.tternlnnee annually at the schools, without distinction of enluror s<-x ; enfraiirhieea f?-mat*a ami negroes, ami i makes llicm eompetont jurors, dDttanehii-i nil Iho.?o diefraticlflsml liy the Congressional military hill*, and who vols against tlx Oonslitullon ; appoints March 1 It'll next, si the <lny for the vote on the ratification ol I the Constitution am! tho election of oflfrfn oiailA under llita Constitution; atiUioiigei *Mr. Ifuvtfl, tile president of the Couveu ' fhm. Me. ltio<-lt?, of Philips euin'y. end I Me. Hodges, of Pulaekl county. to appoint I judge* to ascertain the result of ihe ?Ice ' 'ion, and, )l adopted, to present the Const I fntion to the l'tvfi.loi.t of the Uni'e-' SUtrt; direct* how the election U lo lit conductrU ; voter* nre requtrel to tweni l?ry will support ftn?i in:iiulni?i, lit* Doi-ti union mill l?w?of the United m:i<) Ar k?uM? ; thnl tli?y in not vncluJ?d from rug Ulrntiou by ftny of I he ulnute* of tli? *?nui] i Mtkui of ill# HUt? Constitution ; llint lh?y i.cver k*?r old in ire< ion to nny Kuic ; ttint they will neenpt the civil *nj poll lien I equnjily of nil tii?n h*ftirc the Inns, nn<l not attempt to deprive nny prr?>u of I lit tight, on ui'voiiiit of nice, ni r, or pifYioni condition, to vols for or n^ni.iH lh? Count I tution, *n<l Mir lite tWclioo of orticui* urnlti thi* Coi.nillwjiuii. . i. ? +? -?r i A colmcm* Iki?, in iwljp-lirln Dioriut, w i Mitten My ft snnkn Mm?l dnye ego, from the tlfttll of which he died I* m hour.A t vr? in n Kreittdi prison hnft nia<1<> n w?tch (hat t orp< pcrfoet time oat <T ?lrn w An effort U to tie nindo to M?ur? hU Cr?e< EVENTS , 1868. An Ecclesiatical Trial in New York The lri?l of Her. Mr. Tyng before an Epis ef>i?al Court is now in projjroM in this city u<l Mils fair to become a cause etlrbrt fo ^)ui ?*< !? -? ' ??4 T* "* * . ..... v....... m u;?9i. 11 wiii ou rath simply because notwithstanding all tho dignity as mined by those wbo conduct the case, the or. tiro pmcewlingt have tbo look to this eotntnu uity, at I cist, of being a complete farco, am it will no doubt bo tbo Inst trial of a brothe clorgyman which tbo Episcopal divine, wil ever Institute. Tbo ofTouce, us is general!; known, consists In the fact that tbo Rev. Mi Tyng preached turas Sunday last year in Methodist Church, contrary to tho provision f Episcopal statutes in such cases made an provided. Mr. Tyng's ense is conducted by lawyer named Mr. Fullcrton, wbo keeps tb audience in a general roar of laughter, owin to the pcouliar questions put to witnesses, a w'.iioh tho reverend clergy sitting as judge ?3 me uuduly excited, and at times irritated rvsulll <g continually in a squabble entirl foreign to an Ecclesiastical Court. Tho en tiro sympathy of the audience appear to I e < tho side of the sinning clergyman, who bt troops of friends iu this c>uiinunity, bis fathi , being one of our.must eminent divine* most learned theologians. The trial is bi in held in tho school room of Christ Church, i Twentieth-stroet, and tho room is crowds daily, not only by numerous laymen, but als several ladies, wbo keep up n lively dint wbil testimony is being taken, and :tTl of whom ap parentiy feel great interest in tho result, tvlild will uot be known some thno. [Cur. Charleston Courier. ' Tn'c CniJixsr. IIrdklmox?Wiioi.ksai, f?MrnitTKii.? According to our latest advice from Cliina, (llong Kong, I)eceui'>er 10.) ' ill war in tho North between tho imperial an rood forces is being vigorously wagod."To show how vigorously wo nro told tlni a great buttle at Shantung promontory re stiltsd in tho defeut of tho rebel army, wbic lost 80,000 men. Dut subsequently tbo impel ialists were slafcntvd in their tnru " in severs varo engagements, villi heavy loss." A Ins tbat may bo described iw " heavy " in compar lsoo to that of 80,000 mm, which seems not t a u'iuuI t > mueli iu Ciliua, must have beo hiavy indeed. l'jrlnpi i} js aufo to put it liven time* SO,000, ipuro or lp*s, <>r 400,0 A Thin Chinese rebellion ha* been going on fo somewhat m >ro than eight*.'!!, durin which H liai h jon estimate 1 that Train thirl, to fbrty million live* Itnvo hceti sacrificed. ] it continues Tor twenty years liiHj?cir^-nnil thoi com* to ho no apncial fedtftn why it shoul oat, unless foreign intervention pnt* a stop t j 15?iren tho 500 000.000 of Chinese papula tion will bogiu to bu perceptibly thinned on Should the Chinese persist in destroying tae other on such a scale of wholesale llaiightci lu tho recent battlo At Shantung promonh ry. tho Knssian Ctur may ho cous. ruined, ouly by mntjv<</< of huinauily, to rtep ovar tli ' (Irent Wall ,reroctc<l n* a protection again I Tartar incursions, to -overrun tho cmp'.ro ji aack lV.ti.i, like Genghis Kbit, in 1215. 1 f.V ir Jtcuta. ? - a ACn.tron iw AuKici'i.TirttK.?The lucroa e<l attention pni'l l>y agriculturists to il.iir prod net h nn<l to tho growth of fruit* and ve; i otithlca for the city markets, is noticed in reportof tho United States Commissioner Ajjrlcu'tnrc. llo slates that tho butter of Xc York in 18C5, one of sovcrul products of tl dairy, was estimated at $d0,0li0,000; that tl supply of mi'.k wax also mormons, and tl uiaiiufaclure of cbccac in that Stale had b como a very important pursuit, there l.cir not only immense conlril tftlon to tlio hon market, l>ul the quantity exported in 1S<15 wi 5d,0?i?,?f,8 pounds, tafned ut $11,881,927. I, .-l.l !...? Il.d 1 1 -1 I planting tlio British product in (he Engl'u ' markets. It Is strange that more nttontU 1 ha* not been paid by American ngriculturis tu tlio culture of IVuils nod vegetables. XI importance o( tho grout city ma. kola has l>cc it ia true, uiore mid inoro appreciated in tl r Eastern and Middle States. There can be t i aufer invostiucut for capital and industry tin ! t ie cult vutinii of vegetables and froita for tl ' e'M'p'j "f tlio loading town* and cities of tl f AtVa ntic oast, which uro crowing with aui | steady and rapid progress tliut an Inerensii , and imornion* demand may l>o relied on i | among the most certain events of the futui ' A l-o*t??K coiTe?pont?iit writes: "Th*i ' seems In lie no abatement in the terrib ^ pover'y Ami prlration in t ft is metropolis. ' It 1* Snlil that When the late Count Caeo' elided I.oiiiloO, be hud llie curiosity make a night expedition to I lie east etui ' it, in company with an inspector of pulir 1 ami the result was so nhncklng that, tl Italian statesman Ibaoktd llesycg 1)ih poor as Ills eoiintry was. it eotil I not eiij ' ply, from one end to Ilia other, eueb a In 1 eon* amount of misery anil pr lUgacy' Had *e things Wire then, 'hay are now ii finitely W?rt>e. Not a newsiaper but to tains enough to make Olio's h?art no lie ; d telle shaming our seilirJi and one aided ei ' jlixatlon," ; Tiib editor of the Nadivilte Banner In I seen a corn e-h, ehap-d like a human for i ?rn?, with ft prrhet IiiiihI it I h?i small u( the coh. Tl ( thumb ami lii 1(1-1 * of ih?- hnnd ?ir? eon . f-lftK E'rn the vriui of tlift wrist an ih?* fhtger nil's *rr eWble, and the" ?iuii! tndi- Ift *o fttriM'ig Hint lie co'tild alnim trfutglne Ihe veins ami ?ln-ws Instinct \vil i human Tift*. Mny it nut, Inquire* ili?? llm ( nor, he ? warning lumd u(>r lUt-d, tvlijii U? 1" ahftiuhixi.^lie jf'uUure of ?tntj?n, an give nor undivided attention to oorisl ' A fool io n liigh pliico in like n o n?le? pie?evessbudy Imika email lu liin an<l ho lie lock* e small t j er*?j j w 1 4? NO. 41. Sui>dkx. Di atu.?Inun's Sanders Guign . nrd, E-q , ao old and highly reepeoled citl, *?'n of Columbia, is un mora. Yesterday r morning, about half-past 0 o'clock, liis t dead body was found on tha " Bluff Road," two miles below tha city, and his mule " grazing a short distance off. Mr. Guignard " was one of the oldest not ire born mala clt1 isens of Columbia? bring sixty four years r and fire montnft eld?having bean born oa the lit of October, 1803: and waa, we bey lieve, a resident of the city during his ^ whole life. Mr. O., for many yenrs. attendg ?-d to the offices of Ordinary and Cltrk of j ilie Coin t, (botli of which were held by ids B father?the lart officer for life who filled c those positions ) lie hnd also been elected ? severni terms Alderuino from Ward No. 1. t Mr. G. leaves a wife, several ohildren and a s very large circle of acquaintances to mourn I, his sudden d. ath. An inquest waa held by y Conn r Walker, and a verdict of ' death k by n visitution from God," was rendered by 11 llie jury.?CVumiia Phaeuix. 20th in?t% Wamiixotob, February 21, l' The President lias ninda tlia followirg " nominations: George B. MeClellan, Minis, tcr to Si. James; James R. llnbhell, ot 11 u Ohio, Minister to Equ'ador; Maj. Gen. ? George H. Tliotnas, to be Lieutenant-General by brevet and Genurn) by brevet. C>'lfax presented tlie following: War dxrartmknt, Washington Cnr, Febritary 21, 1888. Siu: Gen. Thotnas has just delivered mo a copy of the enclosed order, K which you will please communicate to the House of Representatives. Your ohedisut ? servuut, EDWIN M. STANTON, Sacrotsry of War, it Kxu'Otitr Mansion, Wabiiisuto*, February is 21, 1808.?Sm : By virtue ot the power b and authority vested in mc as President by the Constitution and laws of tha United I States, jou arc hereby removed from office II as Secretary of the Department of War, and xoiir lunnlinn, ? 1 * ^?f .....v?.vu? ?i cmvn *>ni m Iiitnito " <i|M>n il>e'oq of this communication. You will transfer to Brevet Maj. (Jen. lo, ( r?nzo Thomas, AdjutantGeneral of the Nar vy, * l?o ha* I lux day In/en authorised and g -empowered to ail ?* Secretary of Wai ad y inUrim, all r-oords, book*, paper* and othII or public properly now io your custody o aad clini ge. Respectfully your*, d ANDREW JOIIXHON. ? * , , President Hot, Tvluin M. Ptnnton, '* Referred to Reconstruction Committee, b r' Dititiln* in B.\nkncitrr ?Judge Erskine, ?>f the U. S. District Court in Georgia, dcoiih-B a* follow*: 10 . Every creditor, secured or unsecured of J llic bankrupt, is n defendant iu the proceeding#. and i( a creditor has a lien, either speciltc or general, and he wishes to protect it, lie in nut disclose its particular chaiacter "* that it may he legally, and according lo its ^ priority or dignity, ascertained and liqui9 dated. ? nai ? ? Witt* llu*ti\jct>.?Betsy, my dear," said Stebbings. giving his wife n damaged pair of unmenl ion a tiles, " have the goodness to in n 8 10 mend these trowsers; it will be as good as c. going to the play to morrow night" Mr?. S Innlr K??s* noo.llu lvsaf -I.? ?1 ,s ?..^v"uic?riilK>u< WUIU )0 not see ' ho point, remarked, ' How eo I"? ,, " Why, tny dear, yoti will see tlifc wooderIt fill R.?vela in tli ? panl-o-mlne." Mr#. Rtebp bings finished tlie job, and handing hack '| lli? mimoiitlomiMei, aid to Mi. S.. " That ,n is darned good." 10 Dkatii of Rev A. 0 SluoKTox -The ileat,li of n' Rev. A. (?. Siniontnn, a devoted uiisaionni y 10 of our Board of Foreign Missions, in Braail, is announce). lie via a aon of the late I)r Simontnn, of Ilarriahnrg, I'a.. a i(i graduate of Princeton Theological Heniinary, and want to Bmail in I860. F1 la death , , will ha aincerely mournod?is deeply felt ns by our brethren in that land. He was a c. niftu of unuaunl gilts, nnd of grant promise. [ Presbyterian Banner. r* ' . Tiir Onvamr.vtal vs. rna Usrrrr.?aA. ? Kentucky st<?cfc?r:iiiof, it is stated, passed ?r through Nsshvill? a few days ago, literally to loaded down with gold watcher and every doof scriplton of Jewelry, which ho hail obtained in e, tlcorgia arid Alabama in cichang? for'1 flit to head of niuloa which he took South, in the t, absence of currouey, many pooplo of that soc? tion found It noeessary, in order to procure (j. . farm animals, to purt with what few valuables ?!.? war I.a.i i?ft it., ... ??-- * mm-*- ? it Ln'e Ariz-tti.i advices received herd v. give tin* particular* of a 6^ft 1 between v. the Wallawalla liidrau*, under three <>f their piincipal chief*, ami a fo.oe of United Slate* troop*, reuniting in the ?ue* ** oe*a of the latter. The Indh-na were r- arm**) with the Henry, Senear ami Kharp'n rifle*. ami fought with great ,e bravery. Twenty five Indiana woe '* wounded. 4 _ ^ 1 Quite a ntnnher of charter eft-rtiona " have been held recently in the Western '* and ih'etior Counties of iNew' Yoik. f" which have resulted favorably for the V lA im cr*cy, xiojlTng conaidcmble gain* evenr upon the m.jbilfy, ?f 4rt,000, which tho Ihmocrata obtained 1m*i fall. p ' ' ?. I'raw.h ? A prayer that lot* no laith i, in it la tik*- a human body without m