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What It: o Ci.nv.kk Dor#?8. E?l ' wind it? iJi^ffcniirjp of n iH-rrfc< rion; Inf.>re tiw Naw Yin 1c Iu?i?i*?jo (Muli., il <o iihf f.-nil'/.Hitf J-uwci (it* ie.\ clover ha fHowi ' "* Oil the ?e ?*v, st?l<U>*n ?yil* flnjvs.ttf *11 r northern lakes. the p'utUt^Uno Jf f ro?l ol?v?r U:u bcett of inya'cijIaMe v^l. inv fn r? novating nri'l fchnnsrinc llio jXiaraofer of !h?e ^(ttMioifl-'Vnii*; m> *s Ho ruultr (1iou? m<>te pmm IVO ffom year ly year. Under the nm< ttointin;; iuiliiMioeff iif a er^p nf ml Clover, faun- (liat tiroiltiovJ scarcely ft lemunefatia ? crojr wlini iHo iVftjjfn wiil wh* turned tin -with ilif nliiiv. now % it* 1.1 mi nual err ps'df choicfc i w heat or Qlher *'V,:J? .The duiingui-liing clinrautemtic'.-t, k.? . . Kiv?r as .1* lepovator / of the tvil., i* ^ produce vege'tnbl? inftrtlHr x>T ' b . .Me. -AVhere humus | abounds in l,n ;;< quantities in the- soil, ?nd ceteris ttvt. the fiptiii/er requited. 15ut whcrfe the shif-i^e is not c?rter*?l l.v a sitH'tim 1 Otic mould, tod clover cut*'f?w ndsed ?iih -mfnfcnt ttaft-faolion *to.l pruHt.*- Our. most tztensive l*enn Slvrmili fainter* oridersland and apprento the cfcccllerife ami efficiency of rod clover.^ Aln/ost our ei,iire country lias gor fo Renovate' w-tTh red clover.? OKI and impoverished field* will eventually bo made to feel the ameliorating ittftuonoe* jtrf^jKn. eJJIcieiU renovator of poor ?nd*-badlV -managed soil. And tUls fcvtt atttldo-irfthle/CliMnco will be un-ugh; out by the puducliou of ltd i>{over. 21 '1; -? ??*?? ??r~ I'txDtaa Art uv.?The bmdnc-a men <>f Xt-w Yo:k Citv express surprise 1 the Bouthvtii farmers negleol tlm cnlittrd 6f.Tp\?4ot#t which are a'o" tnttv-h voeeded f??r the manufacture of oih? ]'\o.o $2. to ?,1 per btt.-h'1 *?ro paid i that a, atii the demand will not be'Supplied.-t Keineniler. that after pa', heriog all your crop.of pjndcrs, any 25 or ftU ptislej* per acre, at -least nr.? fourth of the j it-Id will remain in the ground to feed and fatten your hogs. This i? clear pai?. Them is also another ad? vAntago in pijuicr raising. TJie vines* may be saved and cured for feeding horses and- cattle; nnd thia forage is as good a? clover. We have tried it; and the yield per acre is enormous? not less than two tons on suitable land. Tho b<ist land for jarxKn i-< a fresh or good sandy ?6ih audi as will not pro Iiuir HHIOII wilt; ami II 11 Will I1IUK0 ii-'i bushels of corn per 8Cro, the same mjII mako 25 bushel* of pinders per acre. At ihe minimum piice, tbeie fore, you wil) make fifty d?>l!ai? per Here on.poor land, over iind.abovo (aliening your poik hogs and ravine pin tier fbiage for your horsea and hoi nod calilo. Is this not bettor than ten dot lars p.r. acre which is the best iha' coulJ be d.'iio on fuch land, when CPlt'?n lifin^t only T'2 cent* per pOni.d ? ? Think,-think.?Morion ('rcscci.t. - Diir**.-?Yotinflf innn. di<I orcr yoi. rton to think how teirihle wool , Kminribf Did yen ever think what ini.MUJ p: 4 W?;C J 0,1 brought upon lour , liJtndH,. \\ hen you degraded yt Mr. man hbcin 1 y cettltip drunk t Oil, i? i* a fr-u'r'.nl thing thim to trample under fxtt the claims that (iod and man have upop Vuu, Drunk! 11? w it iirr?j? in the ear of a loving wife!? Jfow it make* the heart of a fund mother bier J D 11 .iir it rru-hea on! j il.d j'Uopvs of a di'ti-'^r father, and I ring* reproach and shame upon h-ving tiftftib! Dtnrk ! Sec him a* he lean* against some friendly hou;e. ho rlaiitl, ready to fall into the jaws of hvll, nnconscious a> t<? hi* approad injj f.vto.? 't he wife, wjib tearful *?\ or end aching heHrt, sits at the window to hear her Jiitebniurs footrli p<. hut alas, t!ie\ come roll 4 lie, ia drunk 1 The hii* band, (be parent, in drunk, a|wr.ding )iia time and nioiieyv when he should "ho at home er j.?v \ng the comforts und I pleasure* of the family circle. k>rutik ! j I f it is lift*I>#l ili?r lln* t!!r<!iiu nf uuniiAit I ----- - i n *" ""11" * for liquor, while bin family i* Mnrving for , his rhilditti fur clothing Drunk! Ili* reputation i.going gone! lli* friend*, <nte by onu, are reluctantly leaving him'to his mi* erablo -fate, lie goes down to higrara " uuhonored and unsung."? Drunk ! A New Way to Cui.i,' cr 0t.o Pi.mtt.? A Trov lima dealer bad upon Lia books an old debt of $30 against n mar-on, who Itml be?tt unfortunate in fliH bnvfnesA. The debtor nod creditor Ihel a few nights nhu'e in the presence of quite a crowd, nnd *oon engsgod in An Argument ;u> to (lie relative inoriu?. of vaiiouA tn toons in tiro city. Idme dealer r-ai<l to tho n.asdn debtor : " I'm 1 not much of a worktnao, but I'll bat . yon $-0 tout 1 can run a better cornier you own." " A)(rff(l," raid tit** ether, the Ynonry whs put up by j both parties. . " Now," ifie mfln of linw>, " I'll bet vo" (~Q i? *10 1 win il.o b?*t."? M I tone,-" raid 'tin* mfoon, and the ?00 Were glared in the hands of the rtHka * holder; 1ll? the ftgieemenl |U?1 the pat'lieo were t,o meet neat day and <l? ? trido the bet hy running a cor nicy upon certain budding* tlmi were named? ? Meantime, how ever,, t ho creditor visited the jubilee's-court, prdcmad an attach in en I for the in the hand* of the i?ta^?ho!??? i. it, and now has ' the ihhtoiV $.1Q safely niuvteil away in his ovwft capacious pocket. -ry8*-/*? ??! '? ? A lady out with her little girl and boy . purchased him a rubber balloon, which escaped him and dew up in tho ; ir. The jjfrl seeing tears in bis eyes, raid, ' N?trer grind Neddie, when, you sf ~ jr 'jrwswj'*" . . #> "** %* nf?v'rt<irti|'r >w? -. - .. -Jli. -> .-' -'*!-L vK -i H i Si F^i>?>d I'rMFMoNY.? It if ? lultuful ho* Oiicnial custotpw re 'Rutin unchanged bv ibe of lime. The wedding of th? heir to ihe throne of Persia, which Ipolt place quite re-, crnlly, m* ncrotPpniu^d by nil - the. character i?ijco 4**6ril>c<l id lire * Arab ian Night?.w Tiro bride * a* 'enclosed V _-! . ! *% I I I iii <? cHiimtru puiuieu--?sy oiue aim or minii-nttiI with and e*rpi?*, and drawn l?v six led horsot. Befure her went hi*' U'Vi'tric wteaUnra, tossing mighty clulw into ille air; a tan, vbin.g darning men, and n hand of violin*, trumpet* and tamhouiinp*. Behind her came a Until of tnuhi*, hearing curtained lit tera in which wereher lady attendants K cmied in this tnanner, ahc journeyed rthiity two day* from her home toward the capital, and waa met at a little di* t.'Uiee by ajauty of 1'crsiatv lord* and dignitatis mounted upon richly cnpartanned hoi fee. The picture wa* comph'ted-hy two" file* of auhlier*, in piclulerqliw cosliioie*, who eurrouudcd the w hole aaxe.i.bluge. Wir.iia, while in Oi-rnwtny, l*?ught a pair o|,g?rtei* at a fair, with a wreath fit flowera painted no trhi-iu. Inoide the delicate fiibiie Wti* consecrated with *ome ver?<?, which the poet tho* translated : When night with niofaiing linger*. Awake and stirring tic ; And "with your pretty finger* Clasp this about your knee. When day with eve reposes, And elnra begin to sec, Unclasp this band of rose*. An-I, dearest, think of rue I Two f iat ydung men, just returning after a night'* carousal, raw the aim rising. One of thein instated tlinl it was (lie sua, the other that it was tbinnoon. They agreed to leave it to the first man thev met. lie also had been out on a Urlt. "Excuse me sir, but my friend and I have made a little bet w helhrr (hat is the sun or moon rising, and we've agreed-to hiivo yi?u decila the matter." " Knot h, gentlemen, 1 should l>e very happy", but you mo. 1 hiii <t 8'ranger in litis city, anil been out nil nigh'." Some laborers employed by Mr. Van* <lcibill applied to Imve their lime reduced io the eight hour nyatoin. Th?? Couunodore on'leied ibtir time reduced to seven hour*, and piid them pro njia. One of the Irishmen, who did not like this Torn of nfftira, said to Ins neighbor : ,v Well, Mike. 1 wi-li the Commodore wns in * Oh," raid T'nt, " hednd, that, wouldn't help ton. f-?r he'd Uav? the cuntiol of lb* whole place,-inside of a week, ' Evtnv furmor should keep a croud adjustable wrench about hi* premise*, and tvagorjH, cnrri?gtwi and machine*, should be carefully XHfnin- d every fu-v day* when in use, and nil the nut* k>-|>1 well tightened up. Mote than half t!io accidents that occur to vehicles Mini machine*, are rained by 'the getting loose t>f nume boll. Tho cxpume of a convenient wrench i,s but a trille, but the saving l.y h diiigaul use of it will amount to C- u-idoiaole. ? .. ?? To Clean Tilt.?Hub it well with nul rorijeed charcoal, ibe'n \rn>h off. I'iiIvciixcJ liiick diiht and roft soap clean* brass very well. Iron nnd-i'ons made black *n?l >let k as Tin inpsey's well pr.| i.d-t-d brow, in the good old data when salamander fingers applied the meat i.:, i .. .. _ ?ii * -i ?win t'ji utkuig h gin or moro 1-r xotn men in wliicli ah egg is hroken, add a little ?Ht? Hpply a mop weekly or mi-weekly only. A correspondent. of Ino New York TiibiiiH, hi tlio teriihh*, hii?1, hi l*e siiy*. ne?*dle*r. torture, or criminal* l>) hanging. suggests that hereafter they himv l?? made to touch a wire com mo dealing wiih twetie f.mdvn jura when death by ebctricity would l?c instantaneous A<i<i painless. " ?? ? A vnxnkn of hoopsklrU was rrefntly extolling his wares, in prescnce.of a customer'* hiolmnd. " No lady should l>? without one <>f these skirt*," said the shopman. "Of course not," drily responded tlift husband, who whs a.>me'liing of a wag, "she should bo within it." Ocoskk.<?The last nnnihur of the Keowee Courier anr.ounci a that iis next i??ue will |>e at Wnlhalla. Tlie Anderson Intelliyenerr slates thai n meeting ?rs to be bolden on TtWeday to locato (be Court House of Ocotiee. the new District or County wherein Wall.alia it shunted. - ??>s ? rn M f i wo HHiiorft ware silling in the gnri w?lo of their nitip drinking grog.? *' Thi* in meat and drink* " mid Jack, end he Ml overboard as he w?< drinking, " Now you've got w*.-lii<:g end lod^jnjj," coolly rertmikad Tom. -? ^"Snm, " mid one little urchin to en other. Hern, doee your school ??ma-ter ever give you etiy w*? d or merit I" I " spore he done' ?m the rr i. inder," lie give* iue n licking regularly every l>ay, end 1 merit two! " Haifa eentttr? ago, the New York !'o*?< ffice eetabliahment was run in e single room of ajrrlrate dwelling corner of Harden aij<t William atreets, hy one men end-a boy besides the poet ui aster. The subject of verdiat of n rrccnl . ooronfr'a jury, on a mart who died in m ' state of inebriation, was: "Heath-by banging""?round a ftitu ehop.H What is I hat which i-^ lengthen# d by ?L-1 4li. -A - J-l" 1 6 0 f. H S. * * Katai of State XvMtiouWe cojyr tl?? (olluwinp rttUoment of the ri?te? of Stale. Taxntinti from Ike Clinrleftloii ffew*. It wilt Oo f?nnd,to b? of inoon na-' to alt l?xf?)n?, at, by releriiiK t" ,l. "' J (me wiil T>? ft* lK'? ~~}V " f r which na la U*i?Ie, a? wall a? tl.a tiiu*>. ?t ?hu1i and. tax i? <lnr : M 4L XTTATC. On all real <atale K? Id on the lat ?<f Jan tiafv, IJOS, except ?nch UiM< a* way be in the p<'?*<r*ien of the Bureau of K?dii',;e??,' j Prrhlmi n ami .U?n<luatH Landa, un the 1 1 at of Jmiwry, 1968, ah'l the owner or' 1 claimant ia tin reby dtprived of Iti w?|'alion ami Ufa, 36 ccuta on every f ICO ad valorem. f , c*a 11oiit companies. On'tito cpital at wok of nil gaaVght com- ' punier, 36 eenta on every $100 n<i valorem. wax i'rue ton mp On articles manufactured for anle, Varter or uoliencr, hetween the day of Jann- 1 my. 18tii, and the 1st day ot Jnnuary 1868. U> he palj by the manufacturer, 20 ccuta oo every $100 ad valorem. . , CLGOinr. On hand I at of January, 18C8, 91 on every f 100 ad valorem. ,, CARuuorf. On Iiand the Irtof January, 1808, fl on every $100 ad vnhtrcfo. ?m.P ASP ru.VFH I'LATX. On hatid Irt January, 1868, 91 on every f 100 nd valorem. e W ATCtl I A. On hand lit January, 1808, 91 on avepy 9100 ad vulcj>tn. jnwatnv. On hand Jrt January 1808, 91 on every $S0O?d valorem. rtAXiR " ( On hand l?t January, 1868, except when < lield by denlrra for the purpaa of aalr, fl ' ou every 9100 ad valorem. ixcom cm. Upon all ffrora incomes derived from em plojmenta, faeultlea and prnfeeainna, inelnd iitfj the priifrtflon of Deutietjrr, (whether |i the ptnf<>i>ion ?>f the l*w, tl>? ine?in? be derived from the co*ia ?>f *?l?. or fee* or olhar pro!c**ii,nM ir, conic*,) excepting cl?r gyinen, #2.60 on every #100. COM MISSION*. From commission* received by broker*, vend no matter*, factor*, commission merchant*, dealer* in exchange, (foreign and JomeetKe.) or in mortgage*. bond*, and oth er negotiable pap*r?, #2 50 on every #100. 1 NSC* A NCR O'VI'AMIA , 1 From pr>ininm* received by Insurance aon>|t.ioi?? or underwriters, $2 on every #100. xr.W?PAr?:s*. l'rom the *?1* ??f tiew-|Mtpcf* or mnga r.ine*. #| on every #100. KKMrsr.U'KHS ri'DIJ?1l? D IN THE STATE. On the gross receipts ?f newspaper* pub lialicd in the Suite, *20 cent* <?n -every #100. B?NKS "it uvvki-0 INSflri'TtoN*. On til* grtm* profit* of all bank* or bunking institution*, #2 oil every #1m0. riioT 'OhArniNa on i a <j r kh it k< >t v pi no. On, the gja a* incomes derived from the art* of phoU'v'replii-g or d g,ierr< ?typing. # 1 on every * l'/il. i.WMIS ItiOJ* fALAMB^ KENT. I'lVIl KM>fl AXU k'Htr A1 I.NlEtH'T. I;t excess of #500. *1 on ever} #100. IrriTKUL All p*r?on* keeping hole)*' *hail pay a tax o'n gres* income, #2 on every #|0O. lll-KTACIHXTs OR KAll>(l IHIITXH, All |oi?oii? keeping ri-etpnrant* ureal, ing hou*r* *hnll pay a lax ofi gross iucomc #2 on every #100. 1.1V KRY RraM.NR. AH |imni k'r^ni; livny tnM.-a ahall [ ny n tax un gr> u iuoii)', |E- on ev*ry lutk BCTUIKRS " ""All >?nt?h?r ahall pay a tax on gro?a VoUOIIIi', *1 on every $| h?. lift KiT1.?*. All li>iuk*<er* ahal) jmy a tax on groaa lit* | ooinr, $1 on evi-iy ?100. HI 14.1 mil TAIII E*. All prrae>n? keeping billiard tnlil'-a ?1ia1| pay a tax on g' o.-a income. on every 1 |100. n<>? i.'Nu alii rn. . _ All prnom kfffiing howling nll?-ya ahall pay ii tax on grnoa income, $5 on every f 100. AR KnOlHX - e> ' All pBinnna keeping linr-ro^ma, whether connect- "! wit It ? hotel or other wi#e, aha 11 pay a tax on groaa ii^onir, flO on every flOO. rxRRiBa on Binrura. All poiaona keeping fapriea or bridge* ahall pay n tax on gross income, $1 on every $100. c iuckr. - . * * .. Upon each puhlie Itaek drawn l?y two or more h?rae?, *10 each. BfAOF. OOAIflFJl. Upon each piihlio atage coach dravrp hy two or mote horaer, ?IOfwli. Upon each public baggage wagon drawn by two or more h?rw?, *li? e?eh. OArwiutaw, Upon each public omul hue drawn t>y two or mora horwp, $10 each. DRAY*. Each dray drawn by one horse, $5 each. CART*. Each cart diawn by. one borae, $5 each. axfar'R Upon each Kxpreea wagon, drawn by one horae, $6 each. CRinriDji. Upon eeery taking out of a charter, except for relijJ'^y, charitable end educational inetitutiotic, WO each. ninnWAt) or riiAntrns. Upon each renewal of a charter liable to tax under fhie order, $10 each. '.. {All oouapaniea incorporated in oth-ir SUtea ahatl p?y for the pi let lege of carrying on thair bnstnee* In (hi* State the aume charter foe oa it ie<|uircd of ooapanloa Incorporated la * ft 9- # 1 ix. iU- - jU- -j{U!L EHTSSI l)0?ft. Etch and avcry person keeping ? dog or dogs ahull piijr for each dog $1. CAflTAH"* fAX. i A OapUatioo Tax shaft bo paid by ovory mulo person between tlio oge* of 21 and 00 residents of the State on the 1st dny of Jnnusry, 1009, (I each, except snch as nre inrupahle of ?aming a suppport by teuson of mental or physical disability. All taxes listed by this order, except when such taxes are payahto quarterly, shall be due snd payable as follow* : One hah on or before the Slst duy of tfarcb, 1SS3, and the rcuiuin. i*g half on os before the Stlth day of June, If6*. Any person desiring to pay the whole aaiount of bis taxis (r-xrept such as are returard quarterly) r n ?r l-efote the Slst day o^ Mur> h, shall hare the pririlsge ot so doing and shall be entitled to a discount of ft per cent, upon tbo amount of the hues falling duo mi the 30th, June, I>03. NEW THEOBY OF HEALTH The Life of all Plash Is Blood. The Health of all Life is Parity of Flesh. Without Parity of Ftcsh free from Disease. 't " "io; HEINITSH'S mumy, AN ANTIDOTE TO DISEASE. rI"MI E CHEAT AMERICAV AT.Tf R A. L TIVB and IJLOOI? I UltlFIER. is the inost perfect vcg< table compound of al'Ta'l??? and tonica. making it the most fTe?tire, invigorating. rejovenatlng und blnndsteanelng cordial known In the world for lire curs of nil thn*e di*c4e*? which may be traced to a vitiated condition ??f tli? blood, Tlte theory Is that blood is the life of nil Rod), und. if impure, the life of nil di*. ase. i.ifa and Iwo-iltii ia only to be maintained by the circulation of pure arterial blood. Ilia obvions. therefuro. to every reflecting mitol, that unices the blond i? pure, tn sup pi vug the Music tts.itea with material, it Uiuat be tin* capse of intiumerablu ills and roust it ulioiiftl di-oidcra, such na Scrofula, Illieiitn-ttistM, Hepatic Disorders, Inflammation*. Fevers, I.iver (kwilpl-.llit, Cbneumption, King's Evil, Carbuncle*, Ibiils, I'oldng Ilunior of the Skin. Ervsinelue Sbtn lli. eoaon, TeMet-, Umighnetw i?T ill" Skin, Piiu? plea, ftlntehen, Pniita in ill* bone*. old Ulcer*, fly t-hilir nml Syphilitic iW?*. Inditfeali<it*, Inflammation of the I)l?i)tl?r and Kidney. l'aina in th" Itnck, tlenrrnl I>ehititr, and for u'l complaint* arising from deficiency and poverty of blood. COPYRIGHT SECURED. tgri'r-far-d only by F-. II. UklNIXSII Pharmacist, For rule I y FISIIEH &. IIKlXIT.W, liruggils, Columbia, S. C. r?r For ante by tin*si.Y c. unniTsK, SPAKTANBURG, S. C. Jan It. 3ui AGESTCt . PAR VvEFAVSSEWlNT, MACHINE best and tfl.nnt aim pie. Mnehiue now iu ii-e, and in tineXtn lied by any ever itr"rented to tlie public, having all the latent itiiproveiit' dt* ; use* the straight Nee tl|e, roi^en tin-Tight l.eek Siiteh. which in I ha only reliable <> '? , aii't dinyt the Ntnie <>ii both si-Ice. It is e\,mpl", easily worked and k.-pt iu order; it wlil Stitch, Hem. Fell. Hits). Cor-1. Ilrai'l, Took. Quilt, lleiu-Stiicli, (lather inol Sew, nl the eiun-* liuiy^ pt r'ontiing ? greater variety of Work than any nMier M-chine, tin the lightest t?> lh" l?eat ie?i -fabrics It recuivcd a uiedul at the recent Paris Exposition. We w.irraut Ihcin to give satisfaction ; it not, return them. 1'louse call and examine (lieu. Wo nfso keep constantly <?i> hand. n rupkhri >r assortment of (luntJriuuu'i) FnitXIriJIIXtJ (JOODS tiinl TltlM MlNOS, fr?>m tho cLclpcut t<> tho Ix tl i|ua)itio>. nod low for cash.? We will CXJT ouil MAKF in the host and kilost improved stylos, all tiiirinonts for GenUrmuii and Units' Wear, Undies' Cloaks and Sacks, Ao. All Work warranted. PICKLK & FOORE. Greenville, S. C. Jan. W. 13W. Jan 15 S4 W llAIlBlB WORlT !yiarblk; WORK j : 33?.!&2.*>!3 rI,HR ili^r has on lornd, and will I continue to receive, a coin! na?<>ri inaut of TOMB STONK-J, ?f all size* and qiinlilies, TI?o?e in nerd of any thing in thai line, wilt do well to call M the Tuat Office before purr busing elsewhere, J|jT Country produce taken in exchange for work JAilKS 51. A 1,1.F.N. Or* on villa 0. H., Nov A, I0t>7. Sftf Ja W. NORWOOD, SURGEON J)ENTIST, Gnr.cNVii.Ln, h. c. AltTTFICIA). TKRTII constructed l.y any process desired, and at prices to suit lh? times. Tenth K.xtraeisd without pain, l>r iiMxvim or l?or*l Kvcry Opera lion warranted emnfnrialdr, and t? render jphmI ?or*U?. J&f <X*<o ortr WbiUmre A Fir^uruii'i T>rjr Oood* Stoi*. 24 a in direct. !?< ? 19 in DURIi AM SMOKING TOBACCO. UAVlSfl rwriv?tl lh? ngencv of Ihe >k>v# juMlv eelobrnted lirmui ol TOlVAOl'U, w* will n>?lt<> it to your inter* Mt to buy from iw. F<?r mI? by wholesale or retail. 1 > A V11? A NTH A III.BY. Oct 80 *48 ir Xotioe. . AUIi portoo. iu?tobt.<l lo me, are requeued lo come forward and roako |?ayiaon(a luunedle'ety. Longer Indulgence cannot be given. Kettle* aieuU must He made. ?f-4 " - ? ?>r?S?w? ? m __jj ii,; ?ji. r*if iv F THE GREENVILLE DRUG-STORE. Next Door to tho Hanaion Houaa -Sign oX tto Golden Mortar. WffliffpflaELAIfi | KEEP constantly i Qn 1'GikI, and are ! i daily receiving, New i and Fresh Surmrs Mi&* of ] JD R. R O S , cjikmicaiA And, in short, any and everything pertaining to a well regulated and First Class < DRUG STORE. , Sblpfaiw* and Ffcimllcs May rely upon the PURITY ot everything bought, and depend oil tho ACCURACY cf everything , , put up, in oifr Establishment, Proscriptions ami Family 1 Recipee attended to tkksonau.t, . wi{h tho strictest euro and attention. IiemtTrilmr the vine*?Krxt door to the 21ansion lluiise. 3*1 Waltor & 'Wostmoroland. GUKGOIIY'S Dynpeptic lllixlnre. pPHK follow lii^ i. bill on. of llii' 1. nr??lre?1 w I j x ul rec> iv?>l iu f?vwr vl lbi? i justly MrJMtlP: . ' 7o Thr. J'ihn Or*y, Vh*rlnUt, N. C.: in (lrp?*itvi!|?\ a. P., Ult-ly. ?n<t ! in n atnlc of ^rc:i< ib'btliiy Mini j.noti ulion the off rt. of pnt Mlyni* 01 cttt-ring in November, l&rti, inn) miff.-rihtf ?nn??h iiici'DTrniritir from torpor of the h..w<?!i?, toy nU**|i>iO'i wi? liv *>r .1 M I CHKOOUY's 'llYsr EPTIO MTXTUUK? Kroiu my advanced age, a* well a? the n* lure of the diteoee. I vraa nearly linpelea* of j relief, Inil 1 mu happy lo be ?Me to *?y tliil t'-? oee of tliu nieilioine above mentioiied nflardt J relief, restoring I lie ilmiiit *o-peioLd function* to it healthy action, uiilinti griping, purging, or any'other per cepMble li??l < ff?ct. ' | 1 li#.? tile in oil lei ne now only when *'>me aperient 9.-1-111* to be needed, an<l if has not failed, ?n tar. in a (ingle instance, to have llie dtillt'd ell*, ct n MANLY. Sr. " 7''eovt/oo?*, A lit., A />., 1817 Waller 1Y >Vn*1 MtorrlaiMl, Agent* for Greenville Oct JtO *8 if T IUJ O lTb S T A N D mm ah mmin Main isirnet. Ay /'o*l OMct, IS op-n at all hour* of the day mil evening. IJUHAO, HUSK, nod >* varied assortment of CAKES, constantly on hand. Ctki'l, A" , liafceil to oriler. An HATING SAl.(M'N Is lo be opened in a few ?lav* where 1IOT COFFEE, II AM an<l LOGS. OYSTERS, Ac., tuny be ba.l. It?" I toard, without Lodging, furnished I at reasonable Mice. I tec 11 au-tf C. MMcJUNKIN v:. i\ JuTN i is, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN KQ.UITY, Pit AC TICKS In the Com t? of the W e?t ern, also in the United State.' Court. Is prepared to prosecute oft*-# in ]i*iikrnptc$. Perron* who wish the benefit ?l the Act, bad brat apply at once. Unlet* their Petition* are fibil before the ad of VfarrH nnvl !?*.*? will I " *- 1 * ~ , - - ' ? '? r?y " ft fly }*T cent ant " on all <-l. tine. OfHce ?t Granville C II. I>.cl8 SO 10 T. W. DAVIS, WATCH fciMER, fcC? WOULD Respectfully In form the people of Greenville (f-*-* vSp4"' ?l tire surrounding country, jC^4,j3Ptl)at lie hua Front hi* OI D 8TAND in the Owl. lult HotiM, to * more CONVKNIKNT one, three door* North of the Man *|?>n House, nest floor to pickle & Poor, on Main Street. wh?re lie D prepared to do all work in hie line of liiitinow, at short notice, in a workman like wanner, and on reasonable term*. . * Aug 40 IS tf i Jaw oak p. ** s - i; GOO!>r>KTT & THOMAS, Attornoys at Law, : A!*P 8 ft LI CI T 0 It 8 IX EQCITV, nAVK thl? day formed a -Copartnership in th* practice of LAW and KQUTTY on the Wrotern Circuit. Office in the old Court Hou?e Roilding. ?. t?. OoooLtrr, f WH. ? TllOHa*. Deo SO AO v if J ? w. k. KAsi.r.r. - - a. a. wilu. EASLEY A WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellor* at Law ANI> IN' KQtrifY, ORKKNVlM-E, fl. C., PH\CTICB in the Conrtu of the fttnte end of the I'nilwt Si itre, nut! gife ofpecinl munition to gmi') ?w Uajikruptey. ?. Juno 13 3 ff , law Notice?Change of Office. GF, TOWXP.S b?? feinornl bU t Office to the ImiMlMK iiorih-eb?f corner of the 1'uMie S^wn, in perl ippupie<t hy Juli<?? 0. $mWU. Anetinneor, and the lfn|?r-< tiri*e Printing Office, up atniTa. Jan* 43 . If WM. P. PRICE, ATTOHNKY AT LAW; 'OARLQNEflA, OA, 1 nritl pmellce m the Cuuntir* ?f (armp. ! I W kiit (iiimcr, l'*?uin. I v ' / ? . - * " * ' > ' ... ^ . ' 'V * Z South Carolina gk vi; sin'EKiNrrys office, > Chaii Krro*, rt C., January 18, ISM. f ON ?iid aft. r Sunday, January Iv, th? Pnrm-tvgar Train# on' lha South Oir#* inn It-nl rond will run follow#,' vlxt L-av Chnrte*t??t? for Colombia. 4 30 A M AriLe ?t Kli.|ravilla ...It 1ft A M 11 40 AM Ariive At Columbia........... 1 10- P"M U?ts Colnmliii. ...WOO AM Arrive at-King'vilta, 11 8? A X [.cax? Kii>g*vMU i*,od P M Arrive nl Charleston 7 00" P X The Pa??mjr*r Train on Uin Camden Bmm li will aunneet will) up and down. Julimil4* Troina and Wilmington and Man* eheaier Ittil-AM-I Traina on MONDAYS* IVKfNiXDAys and 8ATURDAY3. Night Kxpie'* Freight and Paraenger An <Aninf"ilAtii>n train will ran aa 'o Iowa: Lean- I'iiurlr-tun for Columbia.. 40 P M Arrive nt Co'uml-ia. ...6 Oft AM Lm vr (!uliinilii?, ..." . ft AO P U Arrive at Churl on ....6 40 A X : ' " II T. PEAKE, Ornernl Superintendent. UIIAXGE OK SCHEDULE O* *U? ' QrcenrilhB & Columbia Rail-roafl., A am mm ON AND AfTKB. FRIDAY. th-ftth .Instant. Peeaenger Train* will run doily, Sunday* rxrrpliMl a* folltfwa: I?eave<VHunlilA at., .'I... .7 00. A.M. * ilunn 0 66. " ' Kcwlivi ry.........10 8ft, A> live at Abbeville 8 80, P. M. '* " Audvi ron.,,.. .,6 16, " , " Orren vitle...... ft 00. * Leave Or*?-nvllle at., 0 00, A.M. " And-reon 0 4?, " - Abbeville 8 48, " " Newl orrjr. 1 2ft, P If. Arrive at Alslon 8 00, " * Columbia ft 00, " Train* on lite liluc Hitlge Itnit-rond will ale* run daily, Sunday* excepted, eonnrel. 1 t?tr with tlie up and down traina on tlia (treniville nml Columbia Ilail road, aa fol~ U?w?;. , -? Leave And<-r*on at 5 P a# " Pendleton jit t HO, " Arrive at Walhalla at 8 00, " L?-nv?j Wnlltnlla at 4 00, A. If. " Pe uii|.-Urn at 5 40, " Ariivf ill Ami. r'on.. . 6 40, 11 The Train will return from Delton to Anderson on M -n.Uy ami Friday mornings, JAMIS O. MEK?l?ITH. -General 8u|wrinUti<l*nt * . Tho Groat Popular Papor! THE CIBl DAILY ICE RUnPOltfPTTOK price. sit dollars a vwarj Til K CIIAHLK8T0N TRI-WKKKI.Y NEWS, three dollars a year?two dollar* for six months. TERMS, CA.SN, IN ADVAIICE. jr-tt- No Paper sent unless tho Cash aceomnics the order. No Paper sent for a longer time that paid for. 2I0BPAK, DAM BOH * CO., PROPRIETOR!*. Jan 8 S3 tf ?IU5 HOUSE. Corner of Heeting and Qaeen Streets. CHARLESTON, 8. 0. Tilfs well known FIRST rtililRa C,'ASS HOTEL baa jnst -! been thoroughly repaired, refltUxl anil ro-furniahed, anil is now ready far tho accommodation of the travelling public, whose putroiwjro is ruspeetfelly solicited. Merchants visiting the eity, arts respectfully - invited. Every accommodation will he offered them. Coaclics always in readiness to convey passengers to and from the Hotel. The Proprietor promises to do all in bis power lor the comfort of his guests. JOSEPH PUKCKLL, Proprietor. Fob 21 39 on. *> TO THE PUBLIC. The Pavilion TTnfr*! CHAliLlvSTON, 8. C:~~' SO LONO end ably opnA dti?-t?i l.y the l*te If. I*, $s*EulL will Mill SiyjlroSSwi >> kept. ?pen for the aceoiwmixtetion of 'he tr*vriinj< public. And ita fornier friends end patrons will 'find the usual accommodations end attentions li?stowrd on tlunt as formerly, end the puhlie favors, already no well rMabllebed asTHK HOTELofll,?rTRAVELING MERCHANTS of the South, will, by earnest efforts, be faithfully preserved. , Oct 25 22 D a. State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. Sak'ii A. Eooru, Executrix, vs. M. L. (loOM.KTT et al. IN ntireuance of Ilia Oocretal Order in the n'-ov?* slated case, the Creditors of lire late Col. CI IA III,lis J. EI.FOR I) are hereby required to establish. by proper proof; tlieir claims agaiuat tho Estate, before me, within nine mtmthi from Uiie dat-, or be barred. J. H. MOORE. C. E. G . D. CoiniHi>?iuD?r'? Office, July 16, 1867. July 18 8 9m Stat? of South Carolina* GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. tJ * . ;v ; TTititAfl II. Amtrt, Administrator, n. M. I. Con* rite ot al. IN pursuance of Ui? Decretal Order in the nb?vu Mated com*, the Creditor* of tha late Dr. W. L. M, AtJfTlN arc hereby re^uieCit to establish their deiiotnd* a^ajnat the Kstttto, belo^inr, within N|?n? mmitht from thU date^r he barred. ' * *k . J. P. MOORK, O. K. Q, D, * Commissioner'* Office, July 16, 1867. Jy 18 6 8m State of South 'Carolina. GRfel'.NVII.LR DISTRICT.^ In Equity.. Jrtmcpn P. LAtuiKD, Administrator, v>. Mart l?. Latimum ? ??/. IN pursuance of the Decretal Order 16 the ? ?WM esse, the Creditor* of the IM? JAMK8 M. LAtlMKR arebeech* repair* ed to Ml?Mliti their demand* attains! the E*. late, i*eCor* me, within dim ?i?n(A* Irue this date, or he barred. . . J I' M.lUlt ti.