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? -.-L- ! gggg For ths tea thorn Xhtbrprlss Mew. Editor* ; la JtfUltJg to friondl abroad, would It not ha jwll to furnish thorn with a rlcw of both rid at of the picture? bocanro tho whole reading community fa looking to tbo PrcM for information, aa Well aa truth : ( and thoaa who are to ready to publish every ( til died, committed by the froadmen, are ( doing na and the public a great deal of Injuatico. We hope tbat tbo roading community will not think that all of tbo Crimea committed in the South, are emanating alono f-nm the freedmcn, aa one might infer from what we have aeon published in your paper of tho 12th , ' instant. Now, if our fellow-oitiaen intends to make a business of exposing tho crime* of tbe 8<>uth or the world, why not name the guilty of all eietsca, Ilea tbe milloHiiium dawn come at laat upon all exoopt the freed men ? Hare all tbe monlcrt,tbefta, house burning*, rapes,robberies, ami a thousand other crimes, t oonumer vni 10 mcnuiin, occn uono mono oy (no troeu' men? litre nil Ibe bog< tnd sheep that are missing. Wn stolen by u? ? Ate wo the only pauper*and beggai* now in tb* South? If we ? are the only |>?ypetrators of wickedness in the land, tbon the E&iopian ha* changed bit >kin, atlast I ? Now let tlje world judge for themselves and answer to the questions proposed in Ibis communication ; for crime* are not confined to color alono in this land, unless what is crime tn one ear* 1* virtue in the ntber. But we bope that ell the World know* that Aon**f freedtnen are to he found most whoro they have had A owes* examples to follow, and where they have heap taught Aooesfy, for righteousness is not tb* spontaneous growth of the human boart. And If we ore all thieves, what does the world sail those who turn away their hireling* at tbe nd of tbe year, without giving thorn their just wage* ? If we are all indolent, and have not and do not work, what meaneth the thousands of hale* of cotton going to market every day, besides what ii used at homo? Where did all the corn noer In owr land come from? Who planted all the cotton that was destroyed by worms ? If all of these,have come by chance, then thin land is five EldoraJv so long sought /or by tho world Wo* nil of the present poverty brought en 1>y the refusal of the froedmen to work on the jplantatiun*! otssms ?tcaused by the late war? Qiaveall of the Cotton, tobacco and rice, planted by tbe froedtnen, como to perfection ? Or did aJod send the row** and the mm to destroy H11 "Were all of the idle froedmen offered work at men prices u* rntoaioi justice inciiiku: JJIU *-the planters all Iibto capita)enough to employ sufficient labor as in former days? Iliwe all' the Southern plantation* remained uninjured daring tbo war? I If Ibw question* -can 'be tniamj in tbe Affirmative, fhen (lie reading eosntpurity have l?con *jjjbtly informed; but if not, then l?t jour rrndeTS question tbe authenticity of the many misapprehensions themselves. It Is true that fete of ua now own any prop. rty,? ut we hopo that this will not be the caeo very long. Many of us hare lately purchased x homesteads, and'many more intend to, as soon as possible. 'Only a few frcedmen can read or write; but their children ara learning very fast, nnd they are reading and writing for' them. Che -orodulcair frecdmeti arc amnio to Where that nothing hut religvm, education, I and property, aan qualify fhoro for their new position; and they nre in starch of all those blessings. * There never has boon befoio such a wide field opened for those who, like Jesus, love to instruct the ignorant. In conclusion, we would as4c, erhe are the '< ones to introduce tbe war of raeoa, spoken of no often by those wfeeetaid at homo during tbe lata warf Will the gentlemen who went to the army, now make war upon fhuaefaithful servants who labored in their fields, and led thorn i and their loved ones? Will those faith ful laborers ever bo forgotten t If the dead rnul<! now (peak, what would they not say of thoaa who stood by then to the buit ? It is a fact that the gentlemen who had a chance to fight and took caro to remain at home, are the 1 onljr men sfho are doing all they can to create a (rife; but they and all their visions of war and ruin, will aoon paaa away ; and prosperity. i peace, religion and plenty will till the land 1 /rout Ma to aea ! FltEEDMAN. ror the Southern Enterprise. ? 3fcurt. Edit art: According to the Time*, there ia but one man in Pottlli Carolina who hat a decent natne?G??rge Trenho'm. Let na not deapair at our poverty; 'tie unmanly to do*|>air. Are there no remedies for a strong people, with plenty of land, to keep from despair and starvation f Let u* look around a little. Ireland ia rich, hut her people are poor. India ia fertile, hut her people starve ? Home of the New Rnglnnd fltatee are poor hut her people are rich. Then the prosperity of a people does not depend on the quality of the land. All eountriea are poor which depend exclusively on agriculture.? The earth Is the great producer?the great machine; manufactories are the little machines?bring the little machines to the big one. It coeta more to traneport a bale of cotton from the plantation to Liverpool, limn it does to spin it flee the nnmber of changes between the producer and the eon* aimer, J quote from the page* of an Ulna trione name: ** Free competition hae produced now disorders, not only hi commerce, Lut in ad the trades and professions to Which It has broo extended. Ferezampiet It has more or loos disorganized (he learned profeaniont; witness those ot medieine and During the period when those were left wholly free, qnneVa were eeon traversing the country, and killing off the eredeloue peaaanta t?y the tlioesand, on the principle of unrestricted competition. The lewyore, on the other hand, imitating the noble esreinpte of commerce, were accustomed U> draw . op elioots, stopping peuanta in ths piddle pieces, and at the door* of ths courts, and soilciUng their patronage. Vh proetltution of a profession, op tu that time h?n orsble. eaeited public indignation, and lad to the adoption 61 repressive laws, to reforming the rules of nsalrtcelntiwo, ate-. In opposition tc ths princlpls of free competition. ^ . . j " Let us establish a comparison, showing the Inutility of the merchants, and the im. w port*nee of the mannfaoti.rvrs, the interests of-which two classes are so often eon" poinded. 1 V ( '-T lT~i pl*oe and perform tha function* of lh* m?r. chant: ha can porch*** hia raw material of flrat hand*, and either consign hi* manu* featured pr-Hlrtut* directly or t?hd hit olerk* over the country to tell them ; l>at the marchant e?n in no ea*e ftp ply the place or perlorni the fnnet'ona of the manufacturer. "The departure of manufacturer* from a country would reduce all the merchants dealing In raw material, and all their agent* I to inactivity, while th* departure of the | merchant* would can** no *toppage of manufactor!re, whnee director* and eierk* could supply the place of the merchant* ? For example ; the Prote*t*nt inanuf**turera of Frnnce, when tli*y emigrated to Germany* Wi re nuL renin orH l?v PntlinHit mnniifitptiir. era?their business. was expatriated wiilt ( them." Will no one rsl?e the vnlee of eneonrags ment, In th?*e herd limes, to start. us ont. o^ the slough of deep on 11 There, is * hafm, | less cieatnre. whore fosail hones are oontem- < poraneone with thoee of man, on line planetf upon whoa* fl-eee we depend to protect u* from flic Cold of winter, and on whose fal rihs the gourmand delights to satisfy his appetite. Let us tnke him for an auxilllary and co-laborer In the restoration of our ex. hanet*d field*, to range the mountain sides, cropping il.o rich weeds, and nutrition* gross, returning home at night, penned In lota to enrich, for the raising of turnips and potatoes, and provender for wintering them. One hundred pounds of mutton can be raised cheaper than an)'other meat, and the wool thrown in. With plenty of wool, the manufactures *111 soon take their places near by. With clothes and meat, we can make our bread, and is it not now positively enr condition, (pride laid aside,) an earnest struggle for food and clothes. ' GREENVILLE PRICED CURRENT. CflRRRCTKO WKBKI.T, BT GRADY, FERGUSON 8t MILLER, MERCHANTS. GREENVILLE. fl. C.. FEB. >5, IMS. APPLES, ? bushel, Dried,.... $1 25 UKKF. ^ th. fresh, according to cul, 5 (it) S c. I1ACON, V ??. - *fM r. BALE ROPE. V U ? BLUE STONE, &>. - 20 r. BAGGING. Gunny, V, yd 33} cDflTTPD *Lt H. ?A e iivurmt yr HEESWAX. ? lb to r. BRANDY, ^ xttlloti, Poach $4 00 CHIOS RK8, ^ head .14 (<9 20 e. cotton, v n>?~ - - eCOFFKK, 1* lb, Hiii, *0 ? 33 e. M II 44 JW(| M) c. COKX. bushel,.... ilOc.^HI 00 CANDLES, V* tt>, Adamantine, 30 e. '* " " 8porw, 44 44 4, T?ll?w,.? Sft e. COPPERAS, V lb, English 10 c. EGGS, ^ dozen, 15 r. FLOCK, ? barrel _ t? 00 GOLD $1 37 GINGER, lb .. .. 40 r. 'IKON, Ifl lb, SitmH l?i r. 44 44 '* Country...... 8 e. 44 44 44 HnrsaShna, Mr, INDIGO, 1b, South Carolina, 81 50 44 * " Spanish Final ft Si LUMDER, & 100 feet, Pine,...?l 50 ^ S3 00 LEAD. V *? - 20 o. LEATHER, ^ lb, Sole ........?...AO ? . 44 44 44 Upper,............<M> (rj> 70 ?. XADDER, V lb 20 e. MOLASSES, y K?U?", Indla. ?1 00 44 44 44 Sugar-House,.....$ I 25 NAILS, ip lb. Parker MUI 131 OATS, V* bushel, - 05 c. PEAS, " " Jlc. PORK. W lb. net, 121 e POWDTR, ^ lb.? 75 r. PKPTER. >1 fc, Blade, ? 40 r. PEACHES, bushel, l>rVud,? ? ft Of POTATOES, bushel, Irish?.. ? u?ne. 4 4 44 44 Sweet,.- 751. RICK. TS lb 1? (a) 17 e. STKaL, V !b, Cast - 35 e. SALT, V sack, Liverpool, $3 50 44 44 bushel. 44 1 50 SUGAR, y* ?, lirown, 1< & 20 e 44 44 44 Clarified,....? . 20 <. SHOT. e> lb. ..... ? . - W e. SODA. lb .. 20 r. STARCH. "? lb .. 20 e. SPICK. lb 40 e. SHIRTING, (three-fourth*,) y.l 124 c. SHIRTING, frcvcn-cighte,) vd -IS r. TURK IKS. ^ heed 75 (<? $1 00 TORACCO, Manufactured, %> lb, 50r.^$2 WO TALLOW. lb 15 TEA, fj lb, Gunpowder, $2 00 " " " Hraon, 2 25 a ? a uf^i, ....<11 50 <$ >2 00 WHEAT, "p bushel *2 50 WHISKY, V gallon .. *i 00 YARN, Factory, '(> bunch, ?$1 AO The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. ELI7.A J. PRINCE. Executrix. r?. NANCY MrKINNKY, O. W. SULLIVAN et !.? iiill fur Outerr, Salt of Land, Injunction, ?fr. rpilE creditor* of the late JASPER J. | PRINCE are notified that an Injunction hna been granted ih the above care, retraining them from ruing the Executrix at law. JAMES P. MOORK, C. E. G. D. February 13tb, 1808. 40-J Feb M KINO ft GIBBON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS CHARLESTON, 8. C. a. w. kino. eno. a. aianon. /VFFKIl their eervloe* for the rale of COTTON and OTHER PROCUCR. Strict attention given to btieincaa and prompt return* mad*. Jtrfermnt ? A. M. Hamilton. Roger* A Donald aud Stone A llicbardion, WUIiamrton, 8. C. Feb J? IBPiiiSk JUST arrived, from New York, a lino lid of RU-m't^flA O A RS, OOFFEKH ANDflggfiS TKAB. Cheapeat "old it. MRS thta market *ince the war. At JNO. D. ASJIMORE'S. Raittini, CurrnnU, /"^ITRON, Oltijrer, Pplec, Pepper, Nutmeg*, Alutond*, Maccaroai, Clieeie, Caadjr. Cheaper than tit* rheaneat. At JNO. D. ASIIMORB'S. SERlS OATS, SALT, fiO pound Sack*, at eoat and ebargo*; Peruvian Uuano, gouuioa, at ooat and e barge*. Of *Tcrjr deoerlption, arriving every week from tb* Now Yofk and Haltiinoro market*, eboap! cr lhaa baa *ver boon *old in tkb market, ( ?I 11 ma led on a gold boat*,) either before or tine* the war. At JNO. D. ASIIMORB'S. ! S ST* SRI Wanted, AT oim, a SURVBVOfc'8 COMPASS, In KOOli condition. Information to b? left 0. SMITH'S OIBce. Fob 86 40-1 lOTBRNALJlSUB., FOR the wnrmlmM of pcrmna re*Mls|t In t th? meril named Suh-Kleetlnn Ire- , eincta, 1 hereby sir* notice that I will attend ? and toko ASSESSMENTS of the ANNUAL ] TAXES' fit 1868; at follow*: , At Orore Station. Monday, Oth Mareh. 1 At Lenderman'a. Tuaaday, I Oth Mareh. At MeNoely'a. Wod neuter. Uth March. At Fairrivw, Thuraday, 12th March. i At Sullivan's, Friday, 13th Mareh. f At McCullonith'a, Saturday, 14th March, i,.At Arnold'*, Monday, 16th March. At Sitnnannrille, Wodnoadny, ISlh March. At Wiilkor'a Croaa Roada, Thuraday, 10th Mar. At Chick SptinRS, Friday. 20th Mnrch. At Croaa', Saturday, 2lat March, ' At tlowonarille, Monday, 23d March. At Dlckcy'a, Tucaday, 84th March. I 1 At MeKinner'*, Wednesday, 26th March. 1 At Hedge's, Thursday, 26lh March. ' At .T. II. Ooodwin'i, Friday, 27tb March. At Oil Cnmp, Saturday. 2Sth March. At Marietta, Monday, 30th March. At Montgomery's, Tuesday, Slat March. This Assessment includes the taxable Income of tho calendar year of 1867. and the i Tax on Carrlatres, Oold Watches, HilHard TaI hies. Gold and Stiver Plate, owned March 1st, 1868. Bach party will plcaao not* well as to ' his Income prior to the date of Assessment, j Persona, Firms, Companies or Corporations j i cngsgtd in any business occupation or profs'- j | sioa within the limits of Greenville District, i I for which a Special Tax is required,must duly ! apply and register their nnmts with me, and | j the prosecution of tbolr business without such ( . application will render them liable. Ignor- i I once is no pica for failure to comply with the I luw of tho land. Furthermore, all persons who are Interested I in any Legacies, Distributive Shares, InhcrI itnnccs or Successions, either as Adtr inistrator. Executor or Trustee, must make Kcturn as in tbeir case prorided. ED. Ht'DPOX SMITH, Assessor GrccnviUo District, South Carolina. Greenville, S. C., Feb. 24, 1668. 40-5 Kifisliai mi AT SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS. I fill FOUSDS HIE FOB $!.0B I OYSTERS \ 25 CENTS PER BOX. OSSS& ?OS?3 R. W. Folger & Co. Fohrunry 26 40 tf The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTHICT. rty .9 j. no urn it, r#7., Ordinary ?/ ??!<</ Dlmtriel. WUKKKAS. M. 3. T.OCKF. l,a< filed a Petition In my Office, praying llint is-ners oi /Miii)inislrnM->n. with I lie W ill annexed. on *11 and siiiRulnr the goods ?nd chattels right* and credit* of JftSSK J. lAM'K K lair of the 1) rtrli-t aforesaid, tie cr?"<-tl, cli.nil.) he granted to him. 'Jhret art, thert/i/rt, ti> cite ntul Admonish all end singular (lie kindred nod creditor* ' of the in hi deceased, to be and appear in i the Court of Ordinary for said Dieirict. to ( he hidden at Greenville Court House, on the i j 9th day of March ntjcl to show cause, if suy, why the said Administration should I not he granted. H J. 1 OUTlllT, O G D. Ordinary's Office, 24th February, 1868. ' Feb 26 40 2 TH HTHttl EITEflPIISE, ; ri3Bt:ISRKD AT GREEKVILLfi, S. C-, i T 1 JHO. 0. BAIL FY, Pro'r. * Associate Editor, i 0. F T0WHE8, Senior Editor. 1 iPiiw&JiSs ipjaa* ; ONE 1)01,1,AK FOR 8IX MONTHS. t Cialu of 10 will receive mii r"J>y fete of charge, 1 OW is the time to subscribe. The News ' X\ is important and exciting. Matters general and local worthy attention and discusI sion. The Editors take pains to present to the readers of the ENTERPRISE facts and comments aa to "current event*," and will continue to ndvocate such measures as in their judgment will promote the public woal. Also giving a fair presentation sad hearing to both , sides of public qucatious. Cotton and other produce Cotuninnding fine prices. No fumily should be without a good Newspaper. It is the clienpest of all ineau* of information, improvement, education aud rrgulur eatert linuieut, and profitable to every Greenville, 8. C.f February 25, 1888. COTTON , 16 CTS. AND ADVANCING, J Garden Seeds From 5 to 10 Cts. and Receding. TVUT notwithstanding all (bat, it is well II enough to hare a good Warden, for Cot. ton is mighty dry eating. I bare jnat finished I'UWing up tny Seeds, and they are now ready for the public, warranted to be fresh and gen- ' nine, hrcry Med was raised and put up with my own bands, (except the Cabbage Seed.) A book was kept, noting time of planting, growth and maturity, with peculiarities. This raising , Warden Seeds has been made a study, as well as pastime, and everything not really possessing merit bss been discarded. Amongst my ether Seeds is KARLY CANADA CORN, which oeery Farmer and Gardener should bars. ! I Will make a good erop if planted 1st of August, and the severest hurricanes will not prostrate ' it. Beantifklly white, heavy and sweet, ninki ing bread surpassed by nothing of the kind. A Iter a great deal of patience and perseverI snee. I have succeeded in obtaininv ? ? ?-" lot of superlor North Carolina ? ' CABBAGE SEED, i 11 the wny from the State of Itanrombe, Henderson County, raised by an Old-Linn Drrnuoral, eoneerrsUre gow, gentleman and scholar, and a good judge of , (something batter than corn whisky.) Don't all come at once. If sou do, they will not bold oat. While the Yankees hare been taxing oar ootton, let | as wot permit thou to tax as for garden see da. I My Seeds will be foand at A. Miliar A Co.'s, orer the Hirer, and at most of the storee on this side the Mirer, where Yankee aeeda are aot told, and sometimes on the straits. 1 PAGAN ELLIOTT MARTIN. ) P. S. Any Reeds that I may not hare, oan ' Srokably be supplied by my right bower, Mm. I. Warson, the pieneer in Southern Seed ' growing. Orders from n distance attended to. f . V. B. M. FV II , a a it b a1 t . . .. . .. , . INTEBNAL BEVXNUB. United 8tatei Internal Revenue, Dkp. Col. Omen, OaaaavtLLn, K. C., i Janutrj 28, 1868. ) BY virtM ?( mi ovderftom A.S.Wiiuci, Collector of Internal Rctum, *J Cnlcction DUtrlct, 8. C., I will well, to tba hli;hst I>l4(l?r, on Tknradmg, id of April, IMS, at ho niMtwet of defendant, at Marietta, Qrven llle District, 1 Sorrol Horn ; 1 Itow IJorot. ind 1 om-hnroe Ifneee, Also, one T&AOT of >AN'D, contalnlnK 140 Acre*, IoIdj the Tract >n which defendant now reside*, adjoining and* of J. II. Cleveland, John Oacst. Gibbon mii others. I.evlod on a* the property and mid for the tax a**o*?ed against IIKNDEKtON GOOD, at the suit of the United States or Keren tie Tax. Terms .'ash. A. L. COllB, Deputy Collector. January 23, 1868. 38-10 Hotice. rllK Returns of Tax Payer* of Internal Itorciiuc, up to the flrst of January, 1883, are now in my hands for collection, which must l?e paid at onco, a* I am rnnipclL id to clove tip. Parties will And it to their advantage to give thie their immediate attention. A. L. CODD, Dop. Col. Int. Rev. Greenville District, R. C. February 25, 1888. 40-1 United Stmte? Internal Revenue. Dnrurr Con. Ocricr 3d Dist., 8. C. ) 0rccuvillo, February 15, 1369. ) BY virlno'of a warrant, from A. 8. WALLACE, Collector of Internal - Revenue, J'l Colloction District, 8. C., I will roll to the highest bidder, at the reaidenee of CIIKVUS C. MONTGOMERY, on Tuesday. 10rA day of March, between the honra of 12 and 1, the following doscrlbod TItACT OF LAND, containinjr 630 ncrca more or leal, ailuated In Greenville Diatrict, about 13 miles from tlroenvillo Court Ilouae, on Brummctt waters of 8aluda river, adjoining lands of Mrs. Thomas Powell, E. Cunningham, iVn. Co*, Mr*. Joseph Hates, and others, levied on as tho property. and sold for tha tax assessed against CHEVU8. C. MONTGOMERY, at the suit of tho United States for Revenue Tax. Tun** CASn, A. L COBB, Dep. Col. Iut. Rev., Greenville, S. C. Feb 19 39 S Notice. IN conformity with the requirements of the Internal Herenuo Laws, I hereby give notice to all persons who may claim a8TILL, CAP and WORM seised by Kd. Hudson Smith, on the 7th day of Kehreary, 1863. on >r noar tho preu.isea ol DKMAKCUS POOL, 12 or 15 miles from Greenville Court House, f>ocnu*e of being used in violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, to make suoh claims before ino, within thirty days from the first publication ct this notice. A. L. COBB, Dep. Col. Int. Rev., Orcsnville, 8. C. Fob 19 -39 > tfotice* IX conformity with the requirements of tho Internal Revenue LflWa, I hereby givo notice ta all persons who may claim a 8TILL, TAP AND WORM, seised In Anderson Dis riot, on tbr prtini*?s of ALL!*V COTHRAN, about 3 or A miles from Calhoun, on the Iftih i?f February, hecauso of holng nsod In violation of the Internal Uevenuo Laws, to make inch claims heforo me within thirty days from tho first publication of this nntico. A. L. COBB, Dep. Col. Int. Rov., Greenville, 8. C. Feb 19 39 J Notice. ALT, pe?sona Indebted to the Fnlatea of Win. J. Cox, deceased, and of William League, deceased, are notified to e.?ni? forward and pay their indebtedness at once: in?>ae inning to ?io so, lelore return day, may expect In find I lie denianda agsinsl thern put in suit; and thoss Iia vine claims nuat present tliem to me for nnvment. ROBERT LEAGUE. Administrator. Feb 19 89 8 rho Stato of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. fly S J. DOUTIIIT, Enquire, Ordinary of no id Dixtrirt, WHEREAS. PETER CAUDLE, has filed a Petition in my Office, praying that Letters of Administration, with the will nnicxud, on all and singular the Roods and ehatl?a. rights and credits of RICHARD OOODt.KTT, late ol the District aforesaid, deceased, ihonld ho granted to him. Three ore, therefor*, to cite and admonish ill and singular the kindred and creditors of be suid deceased, to he and appear in the Court of Ordinary for snid District, to be tolden at Greenville Court House, on the 3d 1oy of Uarch, next, to show rausc, if any, why the said Administration should not bo [ranted. R. J. DOUTIIIT, O. O. fiT Ordinnry's Office, 18tb February, 1808. Fab 19 89 3 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. OREENVILLE DISTRICT. fly A J. DOL'THIT, Etq., Ordinary of tairl Dixtrirt. WHEREAS, PETER CAEBT.E, has filed, a Petition in my Office praying that letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of BENJAMIN F. OOODLKTT, late of the District aforesaid, deceased, should bo granted to him. Three are, therefore, to cite and admonish fell ailil Snmilar lK? l? * > ?l ?a/l awd >f the said dm-eased, to l>o and appear ill the Court of Ordinary for Mid District, to l?c tioldon at Ureenvilte Court Ilirnse, on 3d iny nf ihtrrk, next, to show cause. if any, shy the said Administration should not be (nutted. 8. J. DOUTnlT, 0. O. D. Ordinary's Offlee, l8tb Februnty, 18(18. Fob IV 39 2 The Stato of South Carolina. OHEKNVILLE DISTRICT. tlf 8. J- DOVTMIT, Ktq., Ordinary nf tmid /)>af I'lVl WHF.REAP. WILLIAM K. WBST. has filed a Petition in my Office, praying that Letters of Aiiroinlstraiion, with the Will tnncxed, ott all and singnlar the roods and -haltcls, rights and credits nf JOHN K. VV EST, late of the District aforesaid, deceassd, should he granted to hiro. TKff ore, therefore, to cite and admonish til and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to he and appear in the Court of Ordinary for said District, to be hoilen at Greenville Court House, on the 29th ity of February, to show oauso, if any, why ike said Administration should not be grantni. 8. J. D0UT1IIT, 0. ?. D. Ordinary's Office, 14tb February, 1868. Feb !? S? t Planes lo Kent. ' TO Hunt,two PIANOS, which KnjEmj <iin a g.Mnl aonditioa. 7 W\f Apply at this o I lice. Feb lit 88 ? S Notice. PI UARDIAN8, Trustees and Roeulvara are OT required to make their ANNUAL RRn RN8 ta this Office hy the fir* day of May text, of a Hule will ha Issaed against them. J. P. MOORS, C. l?. U. D. Commissioner's Offits, Greenville, February 14th, 1888. 40-10 ' !P 99 9 95 B Taxes! Taxes!! I "T Jf accordance with the order of Oen. J X t- H. 8. Cenby, I hereby (five notice that 1 will be in attendenee at the following placed anil time*, for tbo purpose of collecting tho / taxes for the year oommoneiug on the Orel of R October, 18*7, and oudinjg on tho 30th Sep- 'A tember, 1808. a* imposed by anld Order, via: 1 At I'nbttllla, Mouday, I Tib February. 44 Cliiek Springe, Tuesday, 18th " Uros*', Wodneeday, 10th " ' " Gowensrilto, Thursday, 20th " " Dickey'.-, Friday, Slat " " McKint.ey'a, Saturday, 2 2d 44 " HodgcV, Monday, 2ith " " Cleveland'* Mill, Tueader, 25th " " Marietta, Wednesday, 2oth " 44 Montgomery'*, Thursday, 27th 44 ' Urove Station, Friday, ZHth " ? " Lamlortnan's. Saturday, 2?lh " g ' McNoely's. Mouduy, 2d of Maruh " Fdrtlfw, Tuosday, 3d " " Sullivan's, Wednesday, 4th " " McCullough's, Thursday, 6?h " " Arnold's, Friday, dth " " 8imp#onvillo. Saturday, 7th " And on the wock following at Greenville ^ Court llouso, at the SherifTs Office. In nnler to make np one half of my t-otnrn hy the ttlst of March, as required hy law, | am urMMirily compelled to c?-n*e taking returns after the 14lh day of March. All P*r on* failing to make their ret urns hy that day wdl find <fo?M? Tax Executions against thetn lodged with tiie Sheriff for collection. Those making returns prior to that time and failing to pay Ihe same It)- Snlr*day iu 1 June, will find single Tex Kxecutions is-ued J against litem for collection ot the same. I * hope that all tax-payer* will turn out and p make their returns, as it will aara cost. A. C. PEACE, T. O. 0. I>. Feb 5 37 If BOOT AND SHOl MAKING. ' THK subseriltar '1,VT-*dg| \ ing now In his employ VSI fc&J-^fe^xory COMPETENT* f^L WORKMEN, and keeping constantly on bond the very best MATERIAL for the business, takes pleasure in announcing to Ihe pithlic that he is prepared to fill all orders for BOOTS AND SHOES, at short notice, and guarantees all Work to be done in the most fashionable and durable manner. Also HE- i PAIRS promptly attended to. Shop on Avcduo Street, first door east of Main. J. C. HICKS. Fob 12 38 4 ( IL S. MARSHAL'S" SiLX4 HE. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 1 a SOUTH CAROLINA DISTRICT. J Tl Y virtUO of a Writ of Fitrtl Facina. In inn I x> directed, issuing out of tho Honorable I the United Suites Circuit Court for the District of 8outh Carolina, I will expose for sale, | to the highest bidder, at public auction, at I tfrecn**;!!^, C. IT , mm the fourth day of March, " 18(18, being the first Wednesday of tho montu. ail the right titio snd interest of the Defendant into the following Traet of Land, to wit: The Trnct of Lnnd on which the Defendant 1 lives, containing BOO Aercs more or loss, ad- J joining lands of Richard F. Foster, Mrs. Frances Davidson nnd others. Levied on as the property or JOHN S. FOSTER, Defcn- h dant, at the suit of the United States of Amor- I1 iva for costs. Terras cash. Purchasers to pay Marshal for all necessary papers and sLimps. J P. M. KPPINO, U. S. Marshal. Pel. 5. 18(18. S8-3 i W. H CAMMER, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH \ AND MACHINIST. C10RN 8IIEI.I.F.RS, Cotton Oina, Tj^cVs, ) K'tos-n* Oil Lninpa, Sowing Ms chines nnd Parasols, UKPAlUElJ with j promptness. -Charges reasoiiatdf. UT*Country Produce taken in .Xclianga for Work. i Stand?At Weslfield's old Shop. Jan 22 35 tf # To Rent. Utjk A VERY DESIRABLE HOUSE I fc^illJ AND GROUNDS, near the Pendleton > sRjlljl_ Road, about ouc mile from tho Public Square in the Town of Orocnville. The House is comparatively new, large enough for n any family. On the premises are all necessary out-buildings, n fine Garden and patches besides for cultivation, an excellent selection of A bearing fruit trees, also ornamental trcos and t| shrubbery. The place was improved hy the Cl late Whitcfonrd Smith, Sen. ? jrw- For further information apply to P. F. SUDDUTH, Greenville, 8. C. Jan 22 . .15 tf ^ ^ ^ I. 11?' f' yi?n.M,i\noi I'.AIUA f AAI1M Kl.UUlt, ? Ov/ lust received, and fur * ?!? low for euali, at T. W*. DaVIS'8 liuncumbs Street. Jan 21 B5 tf 1 AA SACKS of SALT, low for roll, at 1UU T. W. DaVIV, liuncoml.e Street. T Jan 11 3S> tf HlflllRST matkel price Laid in rash for COTTON, at T. W. DAVIS' f Iiuucombe Street. ' fan 11 36 if C Dental Card. P grpra. Dr. ANDF.RSON respectfully * Informs his friends that he has r removed to bis Office, on Main Street, neat to what was the floodlett House, * whore he may be found at ALI< HOURS, both n day and night, prepared to operate as LOW in price as any one, for the CASH. (Jreenvillc, January 8th, UMMJ. f< Jan 8 S3 tf d SHORT CREDITS MAKE LONG FRIENDS. WE would mod respectfully call the V attention of our many ftienda and 1 customers to their long standing accounts, and beg them to call and aetile tha same. Also, that from the dale of thla notice we intend selling our good# STRICTLY FOU CASH. ParUea, therefore, sending Order*, " will pleaae accompany with the Money. Walter ft Westmoreland, Oreenvilla, 8, C., January 20th. 1(68. 1 Jan ?? Hfl If < Fair Notire. ALL perrons ind-btad lo the Eatate of JOHN POOL, Jr.. decanted. will come forward and pay np on or by lite first f day of Mareh neat, a* no longer indulgence will be given ; ihosa who fail will have coat ^ t0 ''johjc p. pool, Sr., Administrator * of J.-P. Pool.. Jr , peetaial. I F.b ;?i. % \ !? !'. .Li"' . .1*1 f PKES1I ARRIVAL rllB anilcnIitnoH hat Jo#l w*fr?d ojia?e4 a HKAUTIFUL LOT Of i??SH3mr J&JSSW I'bicb lie offer* to blacmtomera m?4 U>? pul>U* morally, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Tbnnkful for the libera! patronage rooelved, o hopes to uicrit a continuance of tbe i??iu, W. H. HOVEY. Jan 8 3S ! tf ~ ~ BATKSVILLE iumhiur mm. B"T| AVINO been appointed Agents for 11 this Compaiiv, we are prepared to ell SI11UT1NGS aSD YARN at Factory iricee. Dnvid A Strndtcy, Qreccrt and CommlMion Merchant*, Orernville, 8. C. Nov ? ?4 it TTS. ABTHUB, VTTORNEY AT LAW. WILL practice In tbe Districts comporing tbe Wintern Circuit. Alio in tbe TJHITED 8TATE8 COURT*. tr Office over tbe Poet Office. Dee 4 J8 ' "ft 1!! J8ST BICIIY1D, N0T1IKR KLKUANT ASSORTMENT 09 PRINTS, GINGHAMS, BLEACHED AND BROWN SHEETINGS AND Shirtings, {SEA ISLAND, <*C,$ 'o which we w.uld invite attention. ALSO, A 0TE7IP3aiaS &?W (DET WIS, TEAS, SUGAR, MOLASSES, 1ICE, CHEESE, &C.f ill of which we will tall n* LOW a* tlioy Ma o buujrht in any market in the State, traaenrtation added. We koep couctaotly on band, all kiadt ul Provisions, \T THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. jt&- OUR TERMS ARB BTRICTL* 1ASU. at* SVilliams & Whitmire. Orecnrille, S. C., January 8, IMS. 53~tI M mo MlMM I" N conformity with the Will and the power |_ vcatcd in uie, I will tell, before the Coart louee door, on Sales-day in March next, ?or the purposo of paying dobU of doceaeed, TRACT OP LAND, lelonging to the Eatnte of JOIIN McKl !EY, dcccnoed, containing PIFTY-FIVE ACRES. ioro or lei", with a good IBWELUMQ MOUSE, ml necessary OUT-BUILDINGS, IrIhg ?t? lie head waters of South Tyger River, hound, rl by land* of IVin. Mt Kinney, J. If. Taylor ud Ale*. McKinney. TKIIM8.?One half of the purchase tnohey ill be required to bo paid down, the remain, cr on a credit of twolve month*, with interest om date, with noto and approved sorority nd a mortgage of.the place. If required. WILLIAM MtKINNKY, Kxccutor. Jan 29 30 0 A\ wai&W* PROFESSOR* JOHNSON, eacher of Pia*o.torta, Organ, Xelodeon, Vocalisation, kt. _tm~ f WOUI?I> respectfully notify the fit irene af Greenville, that he will B 1 Ly pleased tb teach a lew t?Pupils outside of the lollege, and will wait upon atich ae may refer it, at their oWn homes. Term* tea- I unable, and in accordance with the preaeut educed circumstance of alL IMANftS \'UNKit in the beet manner, ud ItKOKKK HIKINGS REPAIRED, but 0 other Repair*. ?Sf~ Applications mSy be made at lha Vmale College, (large building,) and orders tit Tuning left at the Drug-etorea of Walter if 1 Westmoreland, and Itarrieon A Marshall. Greenville, R. C., Jannary Hist, 1868. | Jan 29 86 * 1 us Notice. I A PPLICATTONJwiU U made tnr Chartera I f\ t'?r two Orpluwi Homes, In llnwrlll* I Hetrict, on* for white and tbe otbar for eolo(- n d children. H T. II. K1>\Y ikDS, Dee. 2Atb, 1S67. Jan 1 IS Am B Washing Machines. [HAVH on hand and ffar nit, U<e I " SOUTH CAROLINA WA8IUNU *A HINK," which will l.o .old cheap for Mk|.. T. W.DAY IS. B >noon>U) Streak jK Jan S3 tft ti A Dissolution* I ree nuu of ^arksdalb. berry 3 A Co., ia difaolveri. Partita to whom B Ka aama is indebted, will preeent tl.eir B * blta Factory, <-r to mr at Crectx B U'a,? Q WYALlIioVAS, Ja'oiai y T, 18t 7. Bh* 2* IS w H