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vv . . Al fl '' '!>" II. I |? I?i III . -* -... - 1 .. i. 1 1.... t !| A. jwuug gentleman, who . s ha l?vj}?Jn Culpappsy county^ Virgin}*. ha- " recently litel vriiti experience in New York, which SfW? hint entirely new i leas in regwd to the female character. < Ifa Mates that rts he wxs crossing Wa.sldngtop J\nk, ahout ttn o\Toflt one ev??uig. he was accosted liv " rhe lovelifest girl he evor behabt," who told hiiu.that slur had a.dying mother at hoin?, and begged him to ha.s*'n thither, and if possible lu'lp to save her poor parent. The yoting Cnlpcpp,.ri in. overcome l?y the appeal, drew the supplicant's niyi within lii?. ?n<l set out for the " scooo of suiTeiing." They ( had not, gone far,' however, 'when a | stout and fvrodious looking man *n 1pcnlv sprang upon them ami exclaimed -?l' Alt ! I have von note! Yoit'io a 1 prstty miss, ar.e'nt you? And you. i yog young rascal ; you re the villain I who has poisoned my home and broken j my wife's lipart ! lint I'll have ven < f/sancc now 1" The girl sobbed and I boggled "her father" not 10 kill her, . und also to spare " Harry " whom she loved dearer than her own life. The young gentleman was perfectly liewil- ! doted. lie could onlv account for the ' conditibtlm "tvhich ho found hint-o lf on t the hypolheris that in tome ol?!i\t moment, when in a state of in'.oxica I tion, he had won the a fleet i* wis of the lovely girl by his side, and ruined the : peace of a once happy family, lie' was recalled fiom hi* speculations on the Biil ject by the glennt of a pistol barrel, the muzzle toward bis brain.? Tho " outraged father," with fierce iinprecations, ordered him to prepa*e for "instant deatli." The girl implored her " inexorable parent" to telent, which itt last he agreed to do on c Midi lion tlint the iiifntnnl d pair would j ng:ee never to seo each other mote.? To this the voting Yiiginlan readilv and fervently assented, whereat the dejtoted-young ladv seemed much pained f Kut after etubiacing htm violently she walked away wiili a melancholx air. Tho " father " watched her until she disappeared, and then with a w ain mg glance departed. Ax win ax ili? voting man recovered from his astonish men!, lie f?*11 for hi* wnlcli to see the liour, I.ui his watch had nnaceount abl\ disappeared and so had bis purse.? Then the young gentleman fiom Culpepper county understood the whole * waiter. <<!> ? How tuat Oait Dot TnROfcni tiik , Al OUlt lioLK.?The proprietor of a l*n yard adjacent to a cerium Iumii in Vin glnin, concluded to build a stand, or tore, on one of the main streets, for! the purpose of vending Ids lea'her, | buying raw hides ami the like. Alter j Completing his building, he begun to consider what kind of a sign it would be bast to put up for the purpose of attracting attention to his new cttabli-limcnt: and for days and weeks he was Borely puzzled on the Miljiet. Several devices were adopted, pml, on further consideration, rejected. At last a happy Idea at ruck eim. lie bored an au gur bole through the door and stuck a calf's tail into it, with the "btiiliV en I II muring out. After h xvhile, lie noticed a grave I looking personage standing near the door, wi;li spt otavlcs on, gazing intently 6n the rign. Ahd ihere he eontin tied to stand gazing and nn'it the'curio-itx of the tanner was great l\ excited in ;tm n. lie alt p|?ed out anil; liddresseJ the individual ; " flood morning." said he. " Morning,'*' said lite other, without , moving iiia eyes from the sign. "You want to bur leather I' said the store keeper. " No." " Do yon xxi.-h to s?lr liidia.?* * No." " Are you a farmer !" " "No."' " Are volt a mercliant !" " No." " Are yon a lawyer 1" " No." ? " Ate you a doctor 4k v i\ti. " What tho d 1 arc yon. then !" " I'm a philosopher. I have been standing here lor an hour, trying to! see if I ccu!d ascertain how thai calf, got through that augur-hole, and I I can't make it out to save my IUc i" ? ^ >?? ? ' Nearfst Tub Kiur.? During the sitting of a coutl in Connecticut not long ago on a very cold evening, a crowd cf lawyers had gathered round ike open lire that burned chetrfullv on the Itemtli in the barroom, wlticlr a traveler entered, heiumihcd and cold; but no one moved to give him room to warm bin aliina, ro be leaned against , the buck part of tbe room. Presently a aharjt limb of tbe law i addrenet-d bim, and lire following Jiapgne took placet " You look like a traveler." " Wall, I suppose 1 am ; 1 come all , tbe way from \\ Ucoimiu on foot at an) rate." " From Wisconsin ! What a die ta'jce to come on a pair of legs t" ' Wall, 1 done it ainliow." " k>id you ever pa?-a through he'll in I any of Votir trav eb t" -"Yea, sir; X've been through tbe' ouri-kiita." " I thought likely, Well^ what are the tuannera and cftstwna f Some of ua would like to know." "Ob, you'll find litem muck I lie rnnie a? in tbi* place, The Ik?}ois ait nearest tbe lire." ? r? Estekm i* the mot Iter of love, but the dangnier id often older than the' mot'ier. . , t V u r Lean i? '.eaat liked by yourg r>d Or* on ? OcMtiy party! A rainbow.1 -' - - 1 - - .. ,7 B B' 8 =r Unarm. Riccipk*.?Som? peopU from tli? time front come* until it flie ??t tli? approach of Mhv, never knot the sensation of wKrtn feet, i^less the ?r? toasting their foot rolrut the hot air register. Thorn isn't a hit of nt ces>i?y fur thin . Rising in the morn ing, if there lie ?now on tho gronn-J nib the feet l>? i.-kly %vitli it, top am bottom. Wipe them dry, riiiI with i omnh tovel Pub them to ? glow. I thero It? no mow, immerse them ii cold witter fresh from the hydrant. nn< hiinor the bhwwl into circnUtioi hv fiction In the serno manner. Whi* kv or brandy iind 3?lt nre recommend t?.I by some people for the tmiit pm pose. but cold water or snow is tin best bv long odds. A person so keep hist ?*p the circulation in his pedal ex i..,..?:ii ? - ' - * iitiHMM - "Ml nfllll Id JMll 111* I?'P la the the dining a whole dav whih by repealing tlie operation before injf for tl.o night,, no one will havt san** to sleep with hi* or Iter l.odt bent into the shape of the letter Z. Xo Pl.ack* IN KKfcPONFini.B Of fioks.? lier Hriitann?^ Mfjn ty, xvi are Io!? 1 by a cable di*pHtch, lie* adLeased a letter to the Governor nf Jnmaicn, advising bint that henceforward all resjtoiisili.'e office* in the inland wil be filled front Kngland. Thin, sav* the Frediicksburg New* i* Knglnnd'e confemion, afer mote thai thirty year* of iflort to edocats ant prepare for self government the ettiHttci pated black* if Jamaica, that the ne groes are not fit to rule. Somr of our Ib rnocralic exchange are placing the following ticket at Un head of their column* "For President? General Gie.n hark* ; For Vire-Pr^ideiit?'Genera Low Taxe*." That is the ticket that will win. 1 will heal kiiv other 4* General" lha can he nominated. And if ehctet ' General Satisfaction " will be Secre tary of State. What Nixt.? Golden bair, re< hair, nubtun bail- ami black lot* re anectivelv been "lite fa-bioo " in tb past, ami now come* grav bair. Ilai ?lye? IiR?e been pronounced itjnriom ami the contn rjtience i- that the nnnier on* owncia of silvery link* have tie elated gray hair fashionable, Pitting tb1 pn?l week, a noted barber in tbi citv lot* i btaiiied a* bigli a so in a* ot and $7o for small btHiebes of grn; lutir. What next !?X. 1". Slur. A coin:K.SI'GNDKNT if the Manga (M nine) W big ;a\a that iu Orleaii- i?i lamliv consoling Ui four poisons, \ u A mi-** in her te?n*, her mother. he mother's mother, and h*?r nimhe? mother's mother. Thus there m i three mothers ami th< ir three dangli ters. i.r their thte" daughters and llui lb tee mot here, ami on I v four person* ii nil. Stone wires to I he London Time that cm kc.l potatoes are n< eHif.i ciotis agiinM scurvy as raw one*, a far not oenerallv l^now ii. hut asoeilaini*! h Dr. Italy, hue ph\ sician lo Mithnul penitentiary, where scurry. ? one litm was not iincntnnion. Tltpdi't'its* wholl disappeared on tlie n<hlition of a few j u (aloes to die weekly dietary. A new route i? projected f otn (1; Atlantic to the T'uctfie through 1 Iti iAtneiic.'i, ??f w hich 2 400 miles will h hy water, ami 1 285 miles hv railrom alr?*?dv constiiieterk? leavin<? nnty 841 miles of rail-way yet to he hnilt. A Washington telegrnni say* Mi Johnson i* eowed up ; Ihitler is *till hot tied lip f tirant v* politically used up Stanton is stuffed up ; ami the countij constitutionally speaking, is gone n[ Messrs. fJatfi- M and liinghnin. prom inent radicals of Ohio e\pie.?? the deli! crate opinion that ilio" iiejjro tiutsl l> thrown oveiboaed.'* ? -? ? -True religion will show its lufhieno in evety part ? f our conduct ; it is lik (he sap of a licit g tree, which pen# trates the n><>tt distant boughs. Tr " T>e?tily draw* ?? hv a sing! Iihuy who chr withstand a inotlci wa'.eiftil ?" Twrntt foi'R grain* make one pen ny-wright. One drain make* flt'leci pennies go. If a small boy U a lad, a big boi must be a ladder. What can yon not' name vritlion breaking it ? fcilence. Wiii n i* a window like a ?tar!,AV|ien it i* a >ky-bgb?. Pomr fisheimon n?e coltoa for bai so do some women. Wiiy i~ a learned mnn l>k? scailet HecHii-e lie i? ?!*? ?? lead. Wnv is dancing like milk? !>< cause it Hremrt liens the calves. Mr*, in lonlcing Ml tl?e fanlta < women, should ttlml their eye*. " I^innkr for nothing." in much pr< ferred to " nothing for dinner." V\ mf.n does m man have to keep hi word ? When no one will lake it. T|iKfiK are loving liinea, when every thing i* aa dear an it can her What in the largest room in ih world ? The room for improvement. Pathiok told hi* Sweetheart li " couhl not dape fur dreaming of her It la said hoops imrround the loveli e?t of nil thing*?girl* and whisky. VVnr are your ere* like **age horse* llecauae they are under the lashes. Mrk, Ike l?ooV?. have at each rnd lUll.'v Iciif- h 11 111 ".'1 hi.<1 o ! mc-e. ? 0 T H Fi 53 >. Ratai of 8tata Taxation. * We copy <li* following statement of llie w rntes of State Taxation from the Charleston V News. It will liu found to be of much use to nil tax-pnyers, as. by refering to it, any I one will he lil? to till at n glance the tax - f t which lie Is liable, ns well nstletiw* I. at wliivU such tax is due: I ' ticu iw.nx * On all resl estate In bl on the 1st of Jsn nnrjr, IMS. exee|ii aueh Winds as may be in ' j 1 tic p sse-eion of the Bnnenn of Itefucees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, on the 1st of Jinnary, 1SG8, and the owner or j cbiiiuni.t U thereby di prlved of Its occnpaCfon mid Ufe, 25 cent? on every f ICO ad vs? lorcm. I ' ,' oas light rovpikiw. On the cep'tnl stuck of nil ttssl'gbt cmnI panics, 25 wills on every $100 nd valorem. . I uiti'mnmin linn,. On article* manufactured fur sale, barter ? or exchange, lot worn I lie let day of J inn- I arv, 18C.7, nr.d ilie 1st day of January 1888. U? be paid by I lie n nnufiiytnrcr, 20 cent* on every *100 nil valorem. Bt'GRIKS. On linml 1st of January, 13C8, $1 on every $100 ml valorem. J caRRiicia. On han-l ilie 1st of January. 1808, $1 on every $Hi0 oil valorem. Own ANI> sILVKR M.VTK. ' On-lian<) 1st Jnnuaty, 1808, $1 on every j $100 aJ vnlorinu watch vs. On hand 1st January, 1888, $1 on ev?ry $100 ?d valor, tit. JKWKI.RT, On hand 1st January 1808, $1 on every I $500 ml vnlorent. e rt.AV s. On hand l?t Jinoary, 18.'.8, except when I helil by dealels bur Ibo purpose of sale, $1 ou twry $100 nd vnlor.nj. I ISCOMKa. ! Upon all g-oe* income* derived from em j p'.oyinetpa, faculties and profesa'nns,inched itrie the prof, asioit of Dentislrv, (whither in tin* profession of the law, the income be deiivrd from the coa's of suit or fee# or 1 other professional incomes.) excepting cler gyntcti, $2.8't on ovi-ry $1^0. * commissions. f From comniiesions received by brokers, b vendue ninslers, factors, commission nier'* chants, dealers in exchange, (foreign and domestic.) or in itiotlpages, bonds, and mb - er negotiable papers, $2 AO on every $IOo. INSt'RAM'K C.'MCAMS*. ' From preitiiuma received by 1 companies or under wiiUrs, $2 on every $lnu xttr-riraM. M From the a%l? of newspapers or ntagn . | /.iin s. $1 on i'Vi ry $l'u>. , M.WSIWIKII* l l lll KIIHi tx Tlir. htatr. s On the gro?s receipts of newspapers pub lished in the State, 2u rents on every Jilt". ! 11 VNKR. Oil DAvKIXO l>STirrT?n.\a. , On ilie pros? profits of all bunks or bunkIt lug iiistitmi .ns, $2 on everv $lttO. l>:lt.T.i<;ilAl'IMX(J or tiAnrKRHRiiVVrtVO. Oil the grogs inc. lilies del ived front the * arts of pbotnirrnpliing or d .gncrri otyping, t $1 on eVel V $10<l. ' , l.tO'MM mull SALARIK9 BENT, DiriliCXM ASI" ) I ? XVT AT IXTRKK'T. k ' Iii cxi'O-1# of $1 on very $100. rtvTt:ii*. All jvmonn keeping liot?-l# rlwll pny a tax on Br?M ine?ni?. $2 on every $Wm). ' m-HTAi nAXT" on kahmi imcaRH. All |>?i-*otia keeping realnnrnnt* or r?t. h ! inir *lnill pay n lux on gross inounir i> j (i'2 mi rVi'ff ? |00? J I.IVB1IV ftTABLM. ? AU [>?'nnn* keeping livriy Mnldea almll pny n tax on gr? ?a inc? in-, $?2 on every $100. mr?-tiKR?. All I???u0irif? sluill pny a lax on grorn in' ; come, $ on *v?-r\ A11.(1. iiiT**Tro?a V AH luu-httm all .ill pay n tax on gross inI j come, $1 on eveiy $10(1. , nin.iARn TABI B*. , | A1I persona keeping Millard ^al ! ? slinll rny ii nix ??n niconii*, 90 ou every $100. O BOWMRfl AlLrV*. ? All p?r'nn* keeping howling alley* shell pay n lux on groea income, $5 on every *ioo. 1?<R ROOMS 0 All persons keeping lair-rooms, whether connected with a hotel or nihrrwiir, hull' pay ft. tax on gins* income, flO on every ' ? 1 (>0. " 1>KRR1R? OR BIMI OKU. All | aisouu keeping ferries or bridge* j- shall pay n Ihx on grow income, on et ery ^100. it . ? nucxa. Upon each pnhlie hnek drawn ley two or _ more horses, *10 ?ncb. uT.tuB o umr& Upon euelt public stage e< ach drawn by two or more hornet, $10 each. ^ n/ai.iuK WA009*. Upon each pnhlie hsgtrsge wagon drawn l>y Itrn or more horses, *10 each. I* onxmrfM. Upon eneh pnhlie omnibus drawn hy two or more horcee, $10 each. )tR\vu. t Each drny drawn hy one hors?, $5 eneh. ? Earl, cart drawn l.y one horae, $5 each. rxrnr'8 WAO"*?. Upon each Kxpreaa wagoP, thawo Wy one lior*e, $5 each. * # chart ana. X'p'.n e*ory taking nat> nf a charter, except j fi.r religion*, elmritnblo and educational lout!- I f tutiuu, $20 each. 14K5RWAI. or ClfARTRRa. Upon eacli renewal of a charter liable to tax iKokr order, *10 each, j [All cwupanie* Incorporated in ofhor States aball pay for ll.o pi'mlcRo of carrying on tl.olr |* in thU Slate :ho name charter fpo a* A |? required of companic* incorporated i|i 8t ite.J" , A _ * '1 1 J S RiV B | ? DOQS. Each and every person keeping a dog or dogs shall pay for each dog $1, - CAI'ITAtlrf* TAX. A CupUatlon Tax shall bo paid by erery ' main person between the ages of 21 and 80 residents of the Plate on tlio 1st day of January, 188X, $1 aach, except suob as nrc tncapablo of earning a ruppport by reason of uicntul or physical disability. All taxes levied by this order, except when (nch taxes are pnyuble-qtinrtfrly, shall bo due j and payable as follows : One haK on or before the .list day of Mimh, 1S88, and the remain* |ng*half on or before tbe SOth Jay of Jane. IffA. Any poison desiring to |??y the whnlo mount of liii tnxea (except auch na arc returned quarterly) on or l-cfort tbe 3l?t day uf Marcli, shall hare tho privilege oi ao doing; . ml ahull iks entitled to a discount <>f 5 per f cent, upon tbo amouot of the tuxva fulling duo > ou tlio 30t%, June, 1808. NEW THE OfcYGF HEALTH The Life of all Flesh Is Blood. * The Health of all Life is Purity of ' Flesh. Without Purity of Blrod, no Flesh free from Disease. HEINITSH'S J wnuspi mumy, i AN ANTIDOTE TO DISEASE. v T'ME CURAT AMERICAN ALTER I TIVF. and BROOD I the 0 moat pel feet, vegetable compound of ul'eraiRcs ft let tonic*, making it the ino.f ?.flTeelive, invigorn'ino. rejuvenating ami Moodcl>'itn?lng cordial known to the world fni-N the cur* "f nil thnae dittttft which may he traced ton vltintcil condition of the tdnod. -HI" tlienrv i.? ilmt Llni?l ia'the life of all j lie-It. and. if imiiiirc, tl?? life of nil dis-a*e. j I.irc and health is only to he uiaintaiticd l<v j tlie eircnluiion of pive arteiiil hVil. It J1 in olivioua, therefore, In, ovrry reflecting i " mind, thai utiles* the hloml in pure, in cup |. plying the waste ti*?ue* with nialcrinl, it j nriat t><> tlm entire of innumerable ills ami constit-utlonnl di-oid is, such as Scrtffuln, Uhciiiiiniisni, Hepatic Dismders, Ii fl wiin n linns, F' vp'f, l,ivcr Compl .int, Consumptitiii, KingV Evil, Cation eh*. Bode. Tolling Humor of tli>* Shtn. Erveiiiclas. Skin Ilia uses, Te'ter, nf ib- Skill, Pint. * ' I i*. Itlutdter, P.iln* In I lie linni i, i ll 1*1 1 i-i1!'!, Srfiliiliii mil] Sv|iliilll'<> I'."in, li.flniuipntion (if tin* Itlrt'lilcr mill Ki"l " ney?, Pit Inn In ill- liiek. Oeneril Itebilitv, 1,1 >i in I I'nr r'I cuinpl ilni* mliiiii^ troin ?l?Bcien v t'V nnd poverty ol blood. COPYRIGHT SECURED. * tfTPr-iioreil by K. II. II UN ITSn Pluiriiinc'st. For sale 1 y F1SKIEU Si IIEIXZTSH, Pfiigjfili, Ciilnnil in, S. C. Fur n'f by . IICXHY r. HRIIITSCT, SrARTAKDURG, S. C. I in 1 . :< > Sm I A ? K N T 8 F?>H In WEED'S SEWING MACHINE jc I'M IF. best niul i?*>el riinp'e Mm-hitie now n In ii""ii, ni il in KhiM*i*llnl by miv ever , I presented In tbe | nI Ii?-. luivii.j; nil the ' lutein |litpriiV?m ?! ; ilnee the nim'^lit Nee '? He, n Hikes Ihr TijIii le vk S?lt?dv. which in I lie only reliable ??#, nu I shews I he Milne i ' mi bnlli iMn. fi F? ifinpli", emiTy wiike.l uinl kejit in nriTer; it wiil Sliteh, Hem. ' Pel', Hit il. Or.I, UntM. Tti ffl". Tuck, Qui)', 1 llein-Niiieli, (tntiier niul Si w. lit tbe mine j time, p rbirmlntf n Krentcr variety nf Work ? tllil II any O-11 er Mavbll.e, oil tile lightest to j . lli- ln-kn ie?t fnbrice. Il received u lue.lal ut the re-cnl Purls B*. ( position. i j Wo warrant ihom to give satisfaction; It not, return them. " Pleuec coll mnl cXiinine them. ^ Wf also keep constantly on hnnil, n mperlor " assortment of Ocntlcinon'u FllltNISIIINti I C HOODS ?iH TftlMMIKO*, IVum th? cheap-1 cut n? rhi> henv wpuUitwi, and l?w fur ansli.? j W'b will CI'T niul MAKK in tlio best nml ' l-iirst iinpruveil styles, nil fl-irment* fur Uentleinen ntiil tlcnts" Wear, BmlieV f'hmks au?t SncVs, Ac, All Work warranted. PICKER & POOKE. Oret'tivilU, S. C. Jan. 15. IHOS. Jun 15 34 * - ,tf mUBLB WOilKl , nAltnLli KOItK ! ! aa^&s&a woajsm ; rfR vnlwcHtier line on linnA, end will continue to receive, n uo?m1 import me ut I [nf TOMIIHTOSKi', iif nil risen ami ijonli 1 Ilea. Thotr in lied #.f any thing in ilott j H?ie, witH well to cull lit the Ku*t Ollice befol-c pnretiiiftllig I'Uewhere, ur Country j.rodnce tnkeii In exchange j for work JAMES M. AU KS. Or*ouvi!le C- II-, Nov A, I8u7. Vl-tf I J. W. NORWOOD, sun o koN i) ! : N T I ST. Git KEN VI U.K. S. 0. < AltTIFICTAI. TKF.TII rontdmclcil by any pfoeer* <iv?>ri*l, nn<l at price* to toil (ho time*. Teeth l^lrytixl without pain, by J mean* of T.noal A uir ,(Uv?iu. itvery Yfperalion warranted roinfnrlabi*. nnil to render Rood rcrrirr. Jpfl" Ofltee oyer IVhitiwiro A For;jfu??in'? 1>iy liuotU Store, Main Street. Deo IS 30 :tm DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. HAVING received the afrenov of llie ' | above jitMlv erlebrate.1 Mmnd of , TOlIACCO. we will n.ake it to your Inter- J e?t to luiy from u*. F?r #*le hv whnlr?i|? 1 or retail. lUVID A STUA.GJ.KY. Get 80 '23 tf Notice. ?*. ALT. perron* indebted to me, are re<|ii-*ate<t ' to romt forward and make payment* immediately, I.ourut indulgence diaii?t bo pivon. Settle- mont* nuit be made. W. II. HOVF.Y. : Jan S *3 ^ ? i ?i. THE GREEN Vlllf DRUG-STORE r?xt Door to tho Kamion Heiuo-Sigi of tho Golden Mortar. weterTwestmobelasb ^ KEEP constantlj ?n an(^ ftr< daily receiving, Nov nnd Fresh Scpflibi DRUGS, aSBUBSSSS, CHKMICALS, \nd, in short, nny nnd every hinj lertaiuing to a woll regulated an< First Class DRUG STORE. ^bljsiciqos qnO Fatoities May rely ujn>n the PURITY o verythincr bought, and depend 01 he ACCURACY cf everythinj nit tip, in our Establishment. Prescriptions nnd Famib Recipes attended to rrci;snKAi.i/r villi the strictest care mid nit en i ?n. l^r' Rememlter the /three?Hex loor to the Maneion lIousc.^Jj^X Walter & Westmoreland. GKKGOKY's l>v?pcptic lliiture. I "Ml IS following i?l?ut one of tlie l.umlre.l ol Oerlllinaii ? received In favor of Ihi i??'v ?'cle1?rnle?l M. -li-it,-: Tn Dr. John If my, ChnrlotD, X. C. : fin: IMnff in Oreenvi.le. H l\, Ui<<lv,on it n *tnie ol ^i ohi nm, pr?rlriitiori lie vSf.-ct of parnfyal* o< eorriiiff In Nov err er, I SO I, Ami j*.iff rinic iiiiii-Ii incon vt-nienr oin lorj'or of ilie l?. woU. my ntleniioi ** iHieclfil t'V Ttr. .1. M. Wwrmoan A*l?, I UlKi.OUY'S 'l?Ys|'i:irno MIXTlMtK'roin my *i)vi?iire<l *irc. h< well ms ihe mi lire ol llie djit'ior, I W?A Item ly lin|ie|i'iw I run, inn i itiii I>> |>|>v ( > be utile to oa lnil It o use ot the medicine' ntnire men it>n? d iff'irii il relief. ri-Aloitiif; the nlnno im|ii'Ii<I> d function* to a healthy action liileou (rrioinsr, |t>'ging, or any otlur pet piililo had tl'i-ot. '1 tme til* medicine now only wliei i?Iiih npclicllt ?e(m? to lie necilf.1, nnd i ;i* not Idled. ?o Inf. In a tingle in?ti?iie? it bate the desired iff ct. 1< M ANLT, ?r " 7W,..'?e*r. Aft.. A If., 18?7." Walter &. W?t*1iu?r<?|jt?i?l. Agent* for Greeiiviile O-t SO as tf THE OLD STAND :akehy aid mnmim Motu Strrrf, Ay /'wt (>Jfir*, fS open at ?U hnnro of lb? day tn.l en L iiinir. ISKKAD, RUSK, and a vnrle Aortmerit of CAKKS, eonolaiitly oa hum laker, JI'I, Imked In order An HATING ttAtOON V Inhe opened i tew driv* where 110T CDFKER, II AM an SQliS, t iVSI EfC"t, Ar.rtmj be had. IW l*??rd. wh Itont* Lodging, furniehe t reiiA< liable rate*. lire It SIMf C. * McJUNKIN ____ pj-^ys ATTORNEY AT LAW am) *i SOLICITOR IDT EAJtUJTY I^RACITCRH in I lie Com la of the Wri L ern, aIao in the United 8tat< luiirt, f* prepared lo- prosecute r??? i tankrvpfry, Hereon# who wish the henef I the Act, had best apply at unee. Unlet heir Petition* are tiled before lh? 3d (tireh nest, rhrj will he required tw pa fifty I-r " on all el >11110. Office 1 ireenvilleC 11. Ilea 18 SO 10 T. W. DAVIS WATCH MAKER, WOULD Reapedftilly I ?... 1- -? ir / ' *nw?vn M,,,l *surrounding oountr l-'roin hi* OLI) STAN1) in the fSooUit House, to n more CONYEXIKN n<?, three d>>or* North of the Mn 'i> u House, next do??r to I'ickh A Poor. ? kl.iin Sir ?U where !> ? i? j>rr|>nr>d to i it! work in hi* line of business, st short n tor, in a workman lik* manner, and ? reaeoanld* t?rius. Air/ itt IS If LAW CAHD. liOODLKTT & THOMAS Attorneys at Law. SOLICITORS IN EQUITY U AVK this dsy funned a Copsrtmilil|? in tli' pnwtirs ol LAW at fitjUITY on the Western fhreiiit. Ollue in the old Court Iloti-e ICnildin?. i, n. Qo mucrr, wx. m tiiumji I ten 'it* SO tf v. k. a. a. vcu ijiiitdw ? - - Aaoiiii X 04 W JbiLLS, attorneys and Counnellor* at Lai AN 11 IN EQUITY, OKKF.NVJLMi, 8. C., Pll VOTICK in lli? Court* of the Plate m of the United .State*, end givo erpcci mention tu ceee* iu bankruptcy. June 13 3 tt Law Hotice?Change of Office. G1 F. TOWNKS hn? removed hie I.a T, Office to tho htilldiiig n?rth-o??t co i?r of tike Public H<|i??re, In pet: occupied t lulls* C. Smith, Auctioneer, ertd the Kute ?ri*e Printing Office, up ?tafr?. J mi S 33 tf WM P PRICJB? ATTOUNI'VY AT LAW DAHLONEQA, GA? WII.I, practice in the Comitiea of Lnm kin. Deweon, tlil mar, Fannin, Un|<, Town*. WhUe and Hall. Jan 10 U if '<? ' . "V ' V t. . 4 ) L-LJ Ljiiji- AMm-xssrm?aamm ? -r Sa>ttth Carolina Eiil-roaO * GRN'L RUPKRlNTr>A OFFJCg, ? 1 f,ii.?imo*,8 U., January 18, IHftH. { ON and alter Sunday, J?qu?ry |y, |b? Pnaaenger Train* on Ihe South Carolina Ruil rr?a<l will inn aa follows, rig* Li-are Cliar!e?l?n lor Columbia. 4 80 A If Ariive tit Klnfravill# 1| |ft A M f Lonvo Ktfltf* villa.. || 10 AM Anive at'Columbia............ 1 10 I* M 8 L->nve Columbia 10 00 A M Arrive at Kinir*r|lle ...11 II A M Leave Ktappvitl*..............jj i.& p M Arrive at Charleston f 04-P M B Tli? Passenger Train on lite Camdep Urenilt will connect* with up and down Columbia Traina and Wilmington and linn* rliMipr Rnil-rnnd Train# -on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS Kitfht Express Freight and Passenger A* . conim'Mintion Train will run aa follow*: ' l.e?v CliarlWton for Columbia.. .5 40 P M Arrive at Co'nmMa. 6 OS A M Leave (Ndnmbi* ft .SO P M Arrive al C'liarteslon ft 40 A M II T. PEtKK, ~ General Superintendent. CIIANUE OK SCHEDULE on ma Greenville & Columbia Rail road. 3 VJ slant. Passenger Trains witt run daily, Sundays excepted, as follow#: ? . f* Leave Columbia ?t. . . 7 00, A.11. Alston g fit - " * Newlte?ry 10 85, " A'tive at Al>t?e\ llle. . , .,, .8 Sti, P. M. " " Anderson 5 15, " >1 " " Greenville It 04?, " Leave Greenville at ft Oil, A.M. " Anderson 6 46, " - Abbeville 8 46. " ** Newl erry 1 75, P. W. At rive at. Alelon 8 tat, *' " Columbia 5 OO. " Train* on lite Hlne Ridge ItrtiLmnd will ?!# run daily, Sundays excepted, etoineet? , In* willt lite up and down trains on th? ? Miaenville and Columbia Rail load, as fidlow* : Leave Anderson at ...5 20, P. M. i) " Pendleton at- 6 20, " i Arrive at Walhalla at 8 00, " le-ave H'atlialln at 4 00. A.M. e " Pendleton at 6 4<\ " ? Arrive at. Anderson........6 4t?, " * o The Train will return front Helton to Anderson o;i Monday and Frh'ay mornings. ,. JAMK8 O. MEREDITH. ,( General Superintendent. !,' The Great Popular Paper I : TEE CHASLESTOB DAILY Ml ' t ?, * , QCBSCRIPTIOX prW. six il.dtsrs a rear! ? y i hi-, i iiAi;j,f;HTON TUT-WKBKT.Y N KtVS. three dollars n year?two dollar* for . is month*. TERMS, CASH, IN ADVAIICK. Xn Paper sent unless (hi Cash occomr nies lUo order. Xo Pnper sent for a longer time than ' paid far. SIO&DAV, DA* 80* A CO., PROPRIETORS. ' Jan 8 #3 tf s ~~Mitts hoIisiT . Corner of Meeting *nd Queen Street*, CHARLESTON, 8. C. THIS well known FIRST flpSSWl CLASS HOTEL bti lust $St?SlB3S been rhofott>jlily repaired, fr1)1 tod iitiu rn-fornii'hcd, and ii now ready for (Ihi ?roomni(?l?iion of the travelling public, wtinge pntrorn^e la respectfully solicited. Merchants visiting tun city, are respectfully ' invited. Every accommodation will k? offer* ' ad them. ?s Conches sAsrnys in re??fhwr* to convey p??ii ren jrrrs In and from the Hotel, it The Proprietor promises to do all in hia pow,s cr tor the comfort of his guests. ,f JOSEPH PL'RCKI.L, Propitetor. T Feb 11 3V- aa t6 the PuiiLia The Pavilion Hotel, *, GJIAKLRSTON, S. C\ . SO LONG and ?My eon7^. dncted i?y the lata H. L. rtL'TTKRFIBLD, will will " i' rnftjffls l,e kept open for thn acrom ' mudalion ul ilie traveling poLHo. And it* y> former friends and pi trans* will find the usual accommodations and attentions l?a* Mowed on tlieni n# formerly, ftnd the puKlin f.tvo'f, ?*lr )?dy to w<?ll eeltiMWhed A TTJK HoTELofiheTUAYKUKOIlF.RCHARTH ? ' i?f th* South, will, by cirDMl eflurb, L* " faithfully |>it?erv?<). j" Oot 26 22 i. h. ?n State of South Carolina. OIlKKNVILI.K I>ISTB,ICT. ' * 1ft K<ft*trrt*mn A. Eironn. Exeeutilx, ?*. If. L. UiHiifLcrr *t *1. f l IN |iurHuuir? of lh? Decretal Older in ^ 1 the ?U?f Muted cHte, the' Creditor* of Hi* Ute Col. CHAKI.K* J. KLVOUD *r* hereby required to MtablWi, by |Oof>*r proof, their claim* ugninut the K*tate, ber fure mi, within mV M*nfl< fh>n Miii dtle, . or be burred. J P. MOORR, C. K. O. U. Commiolonei'i ORioe, July 1ft, 1867. ? July 18 8 6m - Stato of South Carolina. ?. UKKKNYiLLK DISTRICT. In Fquity. wii.liam II. Aofrm, Adaiuiatrator, ?. M. t. W Cotqr.K* et a). IN paraaaoee of ?ba Deeretal Order in Urn above ilatwl eiw, tho Creditor* of Iba lata l)r. W. L. M. AUSTIN' era hereby requlry, l(| ml to eaUbliah their demand* again at tbe Kha| tale, bebTO ma, within a.'? month* from tliia date, or be barred. . J. P. MOORF, 0. X. O. D. _ ftommiMloner'a Ofllra, inly li, 1367. Jy 16 ? ^ tm ' s . .. v7y . ? 7 State of- South CUroiinft. >y URKKN Vll.l.K W.STRICT. . r- In Equity. Joar.rn P. I.ATiern, AdiuioUtrator, !>. i,atii*r *i /. IN tmriMnr* of the Petretat Order in the above at* lad a?ae. tba Creditor* e( the ? r late J AMhS M. LAT1MKR are hereby reqair* ad to erfablUh their demand* again!! the H?fate, before me, within maelA* train.thi* n. data, ot be barred. j. p. moobr, C. ft. 0. d. 1 CnmmUatoMK'* Oftae, Jnly 13,1M7. [ .IrW ?