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# >k. . ' ) g-r Lil. I1!!.'!1'!.!1 - .liiB!?"gWW -*1. -arfciu J ? _.j.. MtfDKRlr Oafcs ?The pw>(jrw< of hu man skill in (lie imitation* of pteci<?a Mono*, and the gradual giving out of (ha diamond mines of Uolcondn and In; dia. have rendered spurious gain* more abundant and-more perfect in (rniiatinn tban ever. Even efcpert cnnf)?i?*enr* are raid to l?e sometimes deceived by certain classes of imitation gems; and ?o far as (hi* ia the case, the advantage of the genuine atones orer the snurioua in a merely ornnruentnl point ol. liar rer , tain1) been reduced to a very fine shade. A recent work on the eui ject Mate* that but a very small proportion of the* gems now sold and worn are genuine, and that large quantities are made in Mir nringham and Pari*, rent to India, and. old by the nativea to strangera as " gem# from the mine#." The steadv progress of science in the re c>mpo*i'i< n of naturftf product# ietve# liiile room t?? floiiltt that man will eventually conquer thin field also ftom nature and occupy ft with mere exqmdto product# of art. ntt.LS SlONKD BT TIIK DkKHIOKNT. The Dres'dent ha# approved and signed the hill providing that all cotton grown in the United State# after the ?ear 1867. #hall ho exempt front inter >',#1 tat, and tlrat cotton imported from . foreign countrie# nf er November 1, of this year, shall he exempt from duty. He ba* aleo signed the joint resolution to provide for a commission !o exanfine and report on meter# for distilUd spirit#, and tho hill authorising the Sece'arv of the nary to #ell alt the iron-clad*, excepting tho?e of the Dictator, Knlatnn no, Monad nock and l'a#*ic classes. A Houston (Texa-) newspaper give# ?eme lather sensible advice to young men about to that place in search of (>usinr?# situation. It srTy-V " Stay way there are no vacatvciee here.? "Stay where >ou arc ^ pull your coat ; take hold of a plough. Stay aw*v from the cities. Tim<S ate IirivI, M# true ; they will never be flush Unless we all learn to depend on our own resource#, and work out our own #?lv*tion." A XfAsftixaTos letter of the Itth tnnt. #*V* ".General Longstreet h#? been tbe recipient of VWVtcli Attention during hi# visit here, both from tho Hrmy officers #nd tbe politicians. At General Grant's reception on Wednesday night ho divided .with Sheridan the honor Of being the greatest attraction. When Kb tmfcie Was announced by the usher, General Grant imine ~ Uiately turned from the person with whom he Vra# speaking, and met General Lungstreet half way, presented him to Mr?. Grant with great cordiality, and remained in conversation with biin several minute*." hi* V Allisn is PursaiA.?The German paper* are filled with heartrending details of the fspine which novr prevails in Eastern Prussia, In conscquenco of the failure of three successive crops. In a number of filnccs typhus fever has broken out, and the amount f misery met with among thousands at people baffles all description. The Prussian Government and local committees are making the almost efforts to afford as tnUch relief at fos* aiLlc to the Ittfii ret* Tiik Hew Vork ll-rn'd is showing, fb-n. pood authority, how the negroes 1st llayli art returning to the fetich wof-ddp of their barbarian aUeeafor* and kindred in Africa. It also notices tjie fact that President Balnave, of tlnylf, who ft must, he presumed la one of the moat intellectual and civili|cd nun of hie race, has been excommunicated by the (jhrlstien Church for fetlehism. Fatal AcoU-mct.?Coroner Whiting held fin ii quest on feast feay, near 11 as.-1-street on Saturday afternoon, on the body of Margaret. Helm, an int?-rcs>ii g lit'le girl about 9 years of age, whose clothes aceidentally took fire on Friday morning, nod who died from lite cffrc'a of burning, the same evening. Verdict of the jury. that ehe etitur to )>ai* death by Accidental btlrnli jg.*"?? CkcrUtto* Comrirr. Squrrzkd to dratn."?So great was the ru?li at the polls yesteuUy, that two freed men were actually srpoeejtoil to rlenlh.oneat the Court House precinct, the ollur at Hitchcock's mm bin raid. \Mongomcry AdVfttiscr. "J. r?prophecy relniira to tlw death of Thad. Stevens. on the I2iht 4 . -came near being fnllfnled, h- on that ' day the great mill owner was sudden ly prostraicd .nd forced to go to bed trim nn attack cr Vertigo. flntt Francisco, a correspondent ?tv., is ?n; posed to be an enlightened city, but Dolntdy c?n travel about lb* street* without seeing itumftetu horse cho?* ^ fattened over doorw?vn ami on stair* Cltk?, to excHido witciiCa nnd eril spirit.. Fifteen hundred fieodmen of Lowndee .County, Mississippi, Iihvo signed their name, to an agreement to emigrate to Jdbetiu, ray. a paper of thai State They expect to be rent out under the at,spices of iLc American Coiouization Botwety. or Oeneral Forrtrt br? ft'cd a petition of bankruptcy to Memphis. Cuat.ttn>N, February IS. Tha Conventiou w?# mainly oceupied today *llh th? diacureitin of a r, solution ??U ing Oongrssa to loan the State f 1 .noo.ono, for Mia purpose ?t purohacing I or the la"di?nk Flsmso. February 15. Ftmprf (tlsf^-elih Vlet<>r Ruutatl to dtj. His alleged (iljeel I# the require SMsteit naval Halloo m ?b* Medilerran?a*. ' y ' Rieimorr, F>W?trj 15. Judge Undersruod to day remanded Cksnkvsl) Cemha la the custody of .the , nWtrry, lladeeoled that Congress, whieh sm Mi# war making power. War not yst declared panes. and the tuuntrj being to a tate of armtetiee, the eietl courts hare no , right lotah* priaopcrc Otil of military cue lady. The vase goes up to the Supreme t * H S i r -1 * J i i JIavakj, Fehrnary 15. Tli* revolution In the Southern part of llttyll hat become general. Oeneral Salatnana, at present Minister to the European Courts, line V.sea proelaimtd PrCaidefit, tie* dalnavt. tfONnoK, FebrttafJ- 1ft. Earl frerhy is Very ill. 6; Slieti fudge of the Queen's Pencil, it dead. Lnri.t R<>cit, February 15. The Arkansas Convention -lias adjourned, snl (ret to the e?1l of its 1'ieaident. 1 fi'ssiiirtiTu*, February 15. The Sfcnate was not in sefelon to-day.? The House resnmtul the eonsldeiation of the Kentucky ease, otu) a resolution was adopted informing lite Governor of Kentucky that the sent was The GranttUluU k correspondence was presented.? Grant's last letter to Hancock says: "If your urdj^ removing the City Council ha* l>e?n executed aud the new oppointets, are in. y< tl netid not suspend the orders aa direct e<i.r Ttift rtftnorcd comprise two white and e?*ven colored members. It la staled that Sbcrttlnn trlegrilphs, re gioiling Ida nomination, and deprecates liia confirmation as lit few t General, knd ?*"pressing a disinclination to as?iime command of tilt new division, with headquarters at Washington. CharLMtox, February 17, Tbe Convention to-day, oftt-r a lengthy discussion, adopted a resolution atkihg Congtosl for a loan of ft ,000,000 to ptirchaso jands. MoaroonanTj February 17. Sergeant Bates, carrying the United States flag, reached this eity to-Jey. lit was met by a large number rtf citizens in carriages dec* orated with United Slates flags, and with a band of music. .1.000 people turned out to hear the reception speeches and to welcomo him. Hundreds of ladies from windows, balconies And vorandaks, on the principal elects^, ?raved their handkerchiefs to liim as he marched along. Ho war escorted to one of th? leading hotels and is the guest of tbe city as long as he remains, All tbe speakers and marshals of the day were Confederate soldiers. COMMERCIAL. Columbia, February 17. ?a!e? of cotton to-day 200 hales?middling !#<$ M. , Nsv York, February 17. Lard etvwdy, at 1-1^14|. Cotton flrmor, at 2*. Hold 11). 7 P. M.?Cotton active, l@1Ir. higher; Sales 12,000 bates, 22}Q23. Corn?Western mixed 1.20(^1.28; 9otatbern white 1.22 @1.27Outs active hut loWcr-^Wcsiern 8.1}. Gold 411. Bai.timOrk, February 17. Flour very dull; no tales.- Wheat dull and unchanged ; Southern $1.70@1.8"). Corn dull?white 1.16^1.19; yellow 1.17(^1.18.? Shoulders 0) ; rib sides 11) ; clear 12). Cincinnati, February 17. Flour quiet. Corn dull?offered at SO, but no buyers. Moss pork active, at 25. Baeo^ .... , , _t m?iire**-imoui?icra iv| ; eiear muvf ! >). b?r?i iicia at ui@ui. CtlAnt.RsTox, February'It. Cotton n|wneil steady but closed excited an<L active, nt an advance of 101}?sales 1,200 bAlek ; mlddlibg 22. AtarsrA, February 17.Market advanced 2c.?sales 1,8-10 kales ; receipts 940 ; middling 22. Pavaxxaii, Fel-raary 17. CnttoL art've nn?l very excited, advanced? iniddHhg 2li<f$*2; sales 2,110. Li* ?: a tool, February 17. Cotton in great activity, and mnch excitement, and closed irregular but buoyant?nplands in port 9i@9}| to arriroO; Orleans Olffitii ; aalak 20,000 bales, flYMfcXBAL,. MAnnir.b, on the 22d January, by Itev. K. F. Hyde, of RcldVille. Mr. II. A. IP. OILBERT. of fiK-Ohville District, to Mrs. M ARY K. MARTIN) Of Spartanburg District, 8. C. GREEXVlLlK TRICKS CURRENT. . * dORttkCTKn 'TREKMr, IT 6RADY, FERGUS JN fit MILLER, MERCHANTS. GREENVILLE. 8. C.. FED. 18, 1808. | APPLES. bushel, Dried $1 25 BKHP, lb, fresh, according to cat, 5 (<9 8 c. | BACON. V th nut........*16^ .. BALE ROPE. ^ lb r,.'?c. It!,fiE STONE, 7* lb 20 c. RAGGING, Gunny, yd 3:iJ c* BUTTER. V "> ? '? ' BEESWAX, lb 20 r. BtlAKbY, 7p? gallon, l'oueh *1 00 CHICKENS. "J* bead, ...tun. ..mum. IS <# 20 r. COTTON, $ lb....ui 15 e. COFFEE, T* lb. Rio 30 <u> S3 e. " " " Java, 50 c. COtlN. "p hushtd,.111.1 .(,u.90 c.(i$f I (10 CANDLES, 7> lb, Adamantine,.... 110 r. ' " " Sperm...... ? ? u 'fallow 25 c. COPPERAS, f? lb, English, ID c. KtiGS. r* doten...... 15 c. FLOUR, "0 barrel, in. SO 00 UUIJP I J. GINGER. 19 ft. 40 e. IRON, ^ lb, Swoed 12$ r. 44 44 ' Country K e. 44 44 44 llorie Shot ..10 c, INDIGO, 1? lb. South CuroIinH, ft .10 ? ? Spaniel. Float, $2 25 LUMBER, "rt 100 feel, Pine,...$l 50 (& $2 Ofl I.KAD, "p lb ...20 e. LEATHER, 1* R>, Solo 50 r. 44 44 44 Upper, ...... 60 (ttf 70 c. MADDER. 'P lb 20 r. MOLASSES, "p gallon, U'cU India $1 00 " " ' Sugar-IIuun,.....$I 25 NAILS, lb. Parker Mill, I2J r. OATS, V bushel, 05 c. PIC AH, " " 00 r. PORK. ? 121 e POWDER, Y ? . - 75 r. PEPPER, p lb. Rlack 4Or. PEACHES, p bushel. Dried $2 00 POTATOES, 1* bushel, Irieh, none. 44 44 44 S wort, 25 e. RICE. V lb. ..? 10 C4 17 *, pi lb, Oaet, - U e. SALT, V eaek, Liverpool,.. f.\ 50 44 . 44 butlwl. " ? .. 1 50 SUGAR, 19 lb, Brown*?. 10 (rv 20 r ? ? ? CUriOed,.. 20 ?. SHOT. V lb, - . .....20 r. frODA, fV lb - 20 e. *f arch. ?! lb - 20 e. HPIOK, Y lb .. 4? e. till Ili'f ING, (three-fourth*,) Tft yd.,.....T2J e. SHIRTING, feeren-eights,) ?4, IS e. TURK IRS. ? head, 75 ?. (a, ft 00 TOBACCO, Mgnuraetured, lb, 00 ' TALLOW. 39 Th. , ?... 15 e.) TEA, ? ?. 05ur.ix.wdor V-. II 01) | 44 * " Ilyana,.......,.? ....... I 25 " " 44 niack 91 50 92 00 WIIKAT. 19 bnehal - ?ft 50 WHISKY, V gaH?n ....... ?.l oft sVbtt ft B 1'arikb PitLsausr, ilie ancient abolition fat and co-woiker with Garileon and Phil-* lips,-Is stumping Kf# Il?ftip?lilr? for the I)cmo6 atlfc caudida'?? thfs spring! Dickkns haa a slateMti-ldwf diving In ChteagOj the widow of his brother Angus tui. trlio died there two or three >eara sgo. Mrs. Dickens U keeping h boarding hou?a Ciscixxati has established a Strangers' Home, where persons happening it! llie t'Uy for a night or so, and who are out of money, may find clean and comfortable lodgings and meals fr any of our readers desire to know how popular renaatlnns aie created, lei him refl?cl unon tha fact that the theatres of New York expended more than f S6^,000 in advertising last yortr. I T A It ft ^OTiCfo TJKUSONS in<trMe<1 lo tl* are that X their ACCOUNTS will he placed it! Hie hands of en Attorney for Collection, unlet* payment i* mndo hv 5th March. WE CANNOT UIVE LONOER INDULUKNCK. H. BEATTIE * Co. Feb 1* 30 1 Noticei ALL pcraona indebted to the tlslate* of Win. J Otix, decease!. and of William League, deceased, are notified lo come forward and pay their indebtedness at once: Thoae fui'lng to do an, before return day, may Oxprct to find the demands against them put in auit ; and llioaa baring claims must present tliein to me for payment. ROBERT f.KACUB, Administrator. Fel> 19 89 * $he State of South Carolina, OREENVILLE DISTRICT. Ry S. J. DOUTHIT, Eeqmre, Ordinary of aeiif Dialrirl? WiitjftfcAs, fEter caURLK, U* fl,i?d a Petition in my Office, prayihg lhat Letters of Administration, with the will annuxed. ou all and singular the goods and ehati ties, rights and credits of RICHARD LETT, late ol the District aforesaid, decoascil, should be gfantcd to htm. Thnr ore, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to tic and appear in the Court of Ordinnry Tor said District, to lie holden at flrecnrille Court House, on the Hd day of March, next, to show eitttse, if any, why the said Administration should not b6 granted. 8. J. DOUTHIT, ft. 0. D. Ordinory'a Office, IStb February, 1363. Fab 10 30 7 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. OREENVILLE DISTRICT. By S. J. UOUTUIT, Keq,, Ordinary of en id District. WHEREAS, PETER CAUBLE, has filod a Petition in my Office praying that Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of BENJAMIN F. (lOODLKTT, late of the District aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to hiin. Tii'tr arc. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular tho.kiudrcd and creditors of the said deceased, to ho and appear in the Cflntt of Ordinary for said District, to lie holden at Orccnville Court llouso, r,? Hie V,H day of March, vert, to show cause, if any, why tho said Administration should not tie granfsifi P. J. DOrTHIT, 0. O. D. Ordinary's Office, ISth Fchruary, 1363. Feb 19 ?" .30 U 2 The State of South Carolina OREENVILLE DISTRICT. Ry S. J. DOl/TJfiT, Key., Ordinary of mid Diet rid. WIIF.REAP. WILLIAM K. WEST, lias fiiwl a Petition in my Ofiiec, praying that betters ?>r A dniuust ration, wttU the \\ ill annexed, on all auil singular the goods nod chattels, right* ami rrrtliln "f JOHN Iv. WEST, late of tlte Diatriet aforesaid, dcroujcil, should he granted to liiio. TUft are, Ikerr/nrr, to cite nrnl a <1 in on if h all and singular tho kindred and creditors of the aaid deceased, hi ho nod appear in the Court of Ordinary for aaid Diatriet, to he hoiden at Orcenvilfc Court ffonae,' at tfie 2Hri ''tf <?/ /VAritttry, to ?h?w cause, if any, why the said Administration ahnnM not he grunted. S. J. DOUTHIT, 0. 0. D. Ordinary." a Office, 14th February, 1R6S. Feb 19 39 2 Pianos to Kent. TO rent. I wo PIANO*, which ???r' in a rood condition. rnnn A,.,t>-?. 1^ F'b 12 3d 3 Fair Notice. \I.r. pers-ms ind'b'ed to the K?tale of JolIN |?. IDOL, Jr. dreamed, will eoine f--rwa?d and pay tip on of l?y Ilia fiiai day of Starch next, a? n<? longer indulgence will he given ; those who (nil will have coat to pov JOHN P. POOf., (Jr., Administrator of J. P. Foot., Jr, Deecattd. Frh 12 88 3 BOOT AND SHOE MAKING. TUB anbarrlhci- har. ^fca j %. ing now in hit employ y BB'i W wiftW^Very C it 31 P K T E A* T ? nL IVOHKMKNi and kfcob.hff eonStuftlly tttt hand (ho tery he,( MATERIAL for ;ho buainraa, lakes pleasure in announcing to the public ! tliat lie is prep.ired to fill all orders for | BOOTS AND SHOES, at short notice, and i guarantees all Work t-> be done in the most | fashionable and durable maimer. Also RKI l'AIHS promptly attended tO. Shop on Avenue Street, first door runt of Maiu. J.C. HICKS. Fob 12 3d 4 U. S. MARSHAL'S S A Xj> 33. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I SOUTH CAROLINA DISTRICT.} BY rirlii* of a Writ of Firm Fnrtne, to ttlo directed, imiinjj out of the Honorable the Unttnl State* Circuit Court for the Die, trict of South Carolina, I will expoao for'eale, to tba highest bidder, at |*thlie auction, at Oravttfillo, C. If., on the Jo?ri% Hoy of Jfrtrt-h, lAAfl, being the drat tTcdnraday of the mouth, II (he right title and Intcrcrt of the Itcf. nd.nt Into the f dlowiug Tract of Land, to wit: Tito Tract of Land on which the Defendant llvc?, containing AAA Acre a more or leaa, adjnfaifijc land* of Richard F. Foeter, Mr*. PidJk.s Davidson and nthera. levied on aa the property of JOHN 8. FOSTER, Defendant, at tho anil of the United Staler of America f<>r costs. Term* ee?b. Purchaser* to pay Marshal for all nroesrary papers and stamp*. J P. M. EPPINO, U. 8. Marshal. * " v e . .... m I _ 'J'-J W i If i J J INTSItHAL UtfVUltt/Bl, "* United States iftttmCZ lefftfcirtT ft Dkutt Coi.. Orric* Kd'Dist., S. C. { Q Orwnrille, February 15, 188S.J BY rirtno of m warrant, from A. S. WALLACE, Collector of Intetnnl RcTenue, J Sri Collection District, 8. C., I will sell to tlic higkert bidder, at tbo niiikoce of CI1KVU8 C. MONTGOMERY, on Tuesday, lOrA day ?f Mnmk, between liio hour* of 12 and 1, the following described TRACT OF LAND, con- A talning 980 acres more or leas, situated in flreciiVllle District, about 13 milca from B| Greenville Court Ilousc, an Ilruininctt waters It of Sullida river, adjoining lands of Mrs. *' TbutAas I'oWell, E. Cunningham, Win. Cox, Mrs. Joseph Kates, and others, levied an as the property, a ltd told for the tax assessed _ against CIIEVUB, C. MONTGOMERY, at ^ the suit of the United States for Revenue Tax. Ticnus CASH. A: L. COBB, Dep. Col. tut. Iter., flrecnt ille, S. C. Feb IV 3tf i _ Notice. T IN conformity with the re<iuircmonts of the Internal Revenue Laws, I hereby rire notice to ail perrons who may claim a STII,L, CAt* Hull tVOUMt teiiw^ by td. Hudson p rinnu, 011 me Yin <injr or February. 1888, on I " or near the premises ol DKMAROUS POOL, 12 or ISniiUs from Greenville Court House, because of being U?od in violation of the 1 Intefttal ReVcntlo Letts, to ttiafeo Sttch tlalitl* I before itio, within thirty days from the ft rat 01 publication ft this notice. hi A. L. OOTID, T Dep. Col. Int. Iter., Greenville, 8. C. oi Fob 19 39 3 Notice. #) IX conformity with the rcquirementa of the g, Internal Revenue Laws, I hereby cive c< notice to all peraons who may elaini a STILL; CA1' ANI) WORM, seized in Andcraon Dis'rict, on the premises of ALLEN COTI1RAX, ol about 3 or 4 miles froril Calhoun, on tbo HI ib <> of February, because Of bclttg tlsed Ih Viola- in t!?h Of thb Internal. Revenue Laws, to make g such rlaittis before mc within thirty days from ti the first publicatiOh of this notice. v| A. L. COtlD, Dep. Col. tnt. Hot., drcen>ille, S. C. Feb 19 39 A United State* internal Revenue. Coi.i.zctwh's Orrtca. ) f Greenville) S. C., Feb- 13, I8?8. f x "?)Y vlrtuo of authority of A. 8. WAL1 > LACK, Collector of Internal Revenue, *<l Collection District. 8. C-, I will sell, to the highest libido,-, on Tucjday, the 2f?th dciv of W February, ISM, at .he stubs of Messrs. Wi'a liains A WIIITMIRK, the following Property; ri?: T ONE STILL, CAP AND WORM and OXK 1 HA 11IIKL OF WHISKY. Seized on the ni premises of Win. CALLAWAY, on the 9tli of 0; December, i8ft/. AlSb; ?| ONE STILL. CAP ANtJ WoltM and OSK lu UARRKL OF WHISKY. Stitril on the prciniics of Win. DILL, on the tltb Dosciul?cf, p 1867. Also, OXK STtLt., CAt* ASt) WORM and ONE HAH It EL OF WHISKY. Seized on the o| premises of one TltAMMELIi) OH the iOtb December, 18fi7. Also, ONE STILL, CAP AND \VlihM nhd 6x? j. IIARREL OF WHISKY. Seized on the .. premises of JOHN |>AVI8 cud \VII.LIA.M DAVIS, on tlie loth l)eceiiil>er, I8C7. Also, OXK STILL, CAP AND WORM. Seized nine miles below Greenville, on the Hth .!miliary, 1883. A. L. COItl), ~ Deputy Collector. Feb 19 3?l i Notice. A XX conformity with the requirements of the a Internal Revuuuo Laws, I hereby give in notice to nil persons who inav claim a P STILL. CaP AND WORM, tmiHd t.fl Sunday, 2d February, IStlS. on or near tho B premise* of C. P. DILL, 12 mile? froin Drainville Court House, Iieraitsc of being u.*cd in at violation of tho Internal Revenue I.itw*. to H make such claims before mo within 30 day* S' fr?ui the first publication of litis notice. a. l. conn. Dap. Col. Tnt. Rev., Greenville Diat.. S. C. Fel-ruaiy 3, 1808. 37-3 - at United States Internal Revenue, Dice. Cot. Or kick, Gur.knyii.i.k. S. C., 1 January 28. 1S68. | HY virtne ?f an nrdor from A. 8. Wai.i.ack. Collector of Internal Revenue, 3d Col- n lection I MM rut, n. t\, 1 will noli, to tlio high- r est bidder, on Tumi/ay, Hit of Marrh, 1888, at tho resilience nf defendant, nl M?ricttu,Urecnviile District, 1 ,y,jrrrl /forte ; I //oy /forte, anil 1 one-ftnrme J^'nynii. Also, ?t?1t> TRACT ol I LAND, container? Atfei, Whg the Tract oH Which <i<:fcii(Mr.t now resides, adjoining lands of J. it. Cleveland, Jclin Guest, Gibbon and others. t.cvied on as tho property and / sold for tho tax assessed against 1IKXDKR- V SON UGOI), at the suit of the United States el for Uevenuo Tax. Terms .-ash. ni A. ti. COBB, Deputy Collector. January 2#, 1868. 36-5 f? Tho State of South Cnrolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. fly J. DOUTIf / T, ? '/., OrifinOry of | taiil Dietriet. WHEREAS. M. J. LOCKE, has filed a ? Petition in my Office, pray in? thai jj Letters of Administration on nil and singular ihe poods aftd Chattels, rigid and credits of JAM KS LttCKk. luio of Ihe Dlftrfrt afore- SJ said, dfcMtrii, should he granted to him. j)( 7 hete, nre, therefore, tr? cite and admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditors of jft tho said licensed, to lie nnd appear in the Coflrl of Ordinary for said District, to he p holdon at tirecnvillu L'durt jinnee, on Ike 24th tltiy nf February, to show cause, if any, why the an!d At'lliitiiftratiou should not he gran? ted. 8. J. DOUTIIITi 0. O. D. ^ Ordinarr'a Office, 10th Febfhary, 1868. Fel> 12* oS 2 c" Taxes! Teres!I IN accordance with the order of Mnj. Oe?K. R. 8. Canhy, I hereby gjye notice lhat I will ho in attendance at the fblinwing places I and times, for the purpose of collecting the taxes for the year commencing on the first of October, 1867, and ending On tho 301 h Septum' *r, 1868. as imposed hy said Order, rix: ~ AI (.!? ? ill* M.....I..V tr.u T-..I w ' Chick Spring*, TneiH.iT, IftH ' 44 Wrdnf?l?j, ISNh " 44 Gowetm'illc, Thursday, 20th 44 44 I>ifk?ey'*. Friday, ?1*t " " Mi'KinneVi, Saturday, 22<l 44 ? " ]|<>dgc's, MnMlfjr, 2 lilt " " Cleveland's Mill, 'ttte#d>iy, 2itli " " Marietta, Wednesday, 20th 44 | ' Montgomery'#, Thttrsday, 3TtU 44 n 44 drove Station, Friday, ?Hlh " " I.andcriuan's. Saturday. 2fth 44 ?**1 ' HoNmI;'*. Monday, 2<1 of Mareh adi " I'airricw, Tnoeday, 3d da; 44 Sullivan's, Wednesday, 4th 44 in " MrCulliiugh's. Thh'rday, 4<h w I " Armdd's, Friday, ?ih ?? 44 MmpiafiH#, Saturday, fth " ^ And on the week fbllnwlsg at Oroenville Cnttft H?nao) at the Sheriff"* Oflir*. jn order to ttwke tip one hatf of rnv return l?y the *1st ??' March, a* rerp ircJ liy law, I * am . neeens >fllv tJompellod u> case taking JL reihrni after the 14th d^y i.f Mnrc'i. A'l w p?r-on* fading to make ihelr relirr. ?hy thai ^ d?7 will find iW/?T?x Kvectiltona against el)( them lodged with the Sheriff for collection. ?n Th<?*a making retnrna prior to that time at A failing t? pay the snme i?y Salraday in jn, Jane, will find single Tax Kxeetilinim itiued agxl n?t thent for eollec lon of tha nm?. I wj hope that all fax-pxyeia will turn out and make their return#, i* it will #avc cost A. C. rK\CE, T. a O. J> iWa^i ~ r : ?" ?' P R 9 S S a PUBIS WUltU I5S9SSBS ?It AT JO Cehts per oaixoit. LAMP CHIMNIE9 lT ten cents, 1P8MDS fjl HI Jll Qtras? S3S1335S R. W. Folger & Co. Fell 0 87 tr ho State of South Carolina, OBEENYILLE DISTRICT. la Equity LlfcA ntARY. T J. CLARY, el al? RKTKR CAURLE, Trustse.?Bill foi HrlieJ\ df.' 3Y virtu? of An order from the Court. o Equity in the abote ens#\ 1 will eel it Silrt-iflty in MllrCh Best; to the higher idder, At Greenville C. tL, the f<dlttivliij met ot Land siiunte in Oreetivlllc District i Mountain Ore?W, waters of Ruoree River ljoinitig Ivnds of Mile* Southern, Alfr?? rown, Jtjltn tilaelc. ntid others, ?nnlninin} ne Hundred end Fifty Acres, more dr leer Id as lite land of DAVID CLARY* du rased. Tfer.xs Or Salic.?Costa to lie paid in Casi t day of Mile. The balance on a credit o re and two yertm equal Unnultl install rntr, interest front #date. Purchaser t< ite I.rind with ?t least two Approved sure ?sand a ttvirtgngt: t)f the premises. Rut laser to pay for papers. if. I*. MOOKfc C. E. O. D. Commissioner'* Gift?*) Frbrtmry 4ih, 18?? 'F*b 5 37 8 'ho State of South Carolina GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. 'M. A. 1IARUI80IC, Adn'ilnistrator. r* ELLEN* HAUL HON. ft al?llill /?, 1 Sole of J.<thd lb p-ijf /If I/It, Dntrtr, if*?. )Y virtue of nn Order of the Court n 3 Equity in the Above ense, I will sel 1 Pales duy in M it I ell next, at OreentilI< ; 11., tt> the highes' bidder, the Ri al Estnt r the lute John m. harkhon, as f..i iws: All that valuable flnh'ntion on Rabun' reek, in Greenville District, con twin iti| ive Hundred an<l Fifty Acres, more or less TtcilM*.?Costs to be paid in Cash on dsj f s?lc. Tlie bulnnce on a credit of out .d two years, with bond with two ap rwtiat sureties, and a ttispfsge of thi r-inists to secure tilt purchase money.? urchss rs to pav for papers. i. I\ MOORE, C. K. 0. D. Commissioner's Ollicc. February 4tlij 18A9 Feb C ?1 8 Garden Seeds, FRES1I nnd genuine. nl# OH ASP and CLOVER SEEDS GARDEN TOOLti and llpHTI C rvmmm i M.I lit \l, IMPLEMENTS ,eluding SEED SOWERS, RAGE'S IIAN1 LOW, etc.. Just received from K. Whltcmsn' A Soni aliltttof*. Also, CMtSAM?.WtAL Stiftt'tlS fhf laJVh id gardehS, DA II 1.1A RtlfJTS, fcllOtCl OSES. DWAttF REAHTRKK8. WlLSON'c I'ttAWBKHRY. esteemed the best knoVn. For Sale, low for CASH, l#y OEQRGK IIELDMAN, iinin Street, flh?etl?ille, 8. C. pftf SEEDS or Implement*, titit on hanfl mutt**! i?r. -.mtillv to flrsls.?? r ' akokYje heldman. Jari 29 SO If W. H CAMMER, 'RACTIGAI CiUMSMITI" AND MACHINIST. ">ORN SI1F.U.FRS, Cotton Cine. taller J K-nwM Oil Ulhp*. StMfiitg Bin hops find IVhaSnlh, HKI'aIUKI) will nmptnesa. fchaiges ren?onnlde. nntry Produce taken in exehnng r Work StaHd?At WeslfiehPa old Simp. Jan 11 If To Rent. ? A VERY RKSJUAW.E II0IT8I BjjlJ (5UOl'NI>S, near llic Pcndletoi ggMjln-a.1. about one mile from the Publii (iiuro in the Town of flrcenville. Thi oufc ia comparatively now, large enough fo ly family. On the premises arc all neccssar; it-l>nildinge. a fine (1 union and patches l?c ilea for cultivation, ftii eJccllcnt ?clcction n iarlng friiit trees, also ornamental Ifees am iruhhery. The place was improved by 111 to Whitcfoord Smith, Sen. **r~ For further information apply to T . SUD|)UTH, Urccnvillo, S. C. Jan ft .19 ?f >rv SACKS ?f FXTRA FaMII.V FLOUR JV/ inal received, and for aal- low foi ah, at T. W. DAVK8 lliineom'n Street. Jan It f,5 - tf SACKS uf SALT, low for caah, a1 UU T. W. DAVH', tiuncnmhv Street Jan 11 15 tf IIOHF8T market priee in fhi COTTON, til f. W. DAVIS' Thineumhe Street. Jan -2? fit ' if Dtntal Card. ^,r" reepeetlhllj &<gfej5jS? informt hia friend* that he lim nmiitnt to hia Office, on Main reet, next to who* nan the Or??*dleM House ere he utajr be found nl ALL HOURS, Imti y and night, prepared to operate a* LOW price a* any one, for the CASH. Ilreenvilie, January 8th, 1868. Ian 8 M tt SHORT CREDITS MAKE ONG FRIENDS. VE would moat teapeetfully call thattention nl our many friends ami tlomera l<? their long at ami In* accounts, dhegth'tn te call and aettla the Same mi, that horn the date of this notice, w. ,end selling our goods STRICTI-7 FDR iS|l, I'm Ilea. therefore, send ng Orders, II plesao accompany xa {. h the Money. Walter & Weainureland, Oret i.vilie, S. C., Ja uary JOili, 1568. Jji> ?? ?? ' If . i m n fkksuTRIIYAL \ ' Hf mmp I^O mm JiMm % TIIR (tti.1rp?Uno<i ha* Ju*t recelred opefiBii a BKAUTtFl'L LOT OF wjkss&X Asm sswAipaia W &%%?V Which ho offer* to hi* onatoiher* ond the paUtt* I gencrsllj; Hi GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Thankful for the literal patronage roealooi i he hope* to uerit a continuance of the mh< W. H. HOVEY. Jan 8 33 Iff I ^ , ' ItATKSVII.I.K ' > vrnitrfflne pnintiv it luiiauiftbiuuiiiu bum All. 1' E E AVIN(J been Appointed Agents far ( JLJL thi* Company, we are prepared to ? M!ll SHIRTINGS AND YARN at Factor/ ' prices. \ David Ac Klfndley, L Ofocert Mod Cuttinilaeion Merchant*, i ' Green villd, 8. 0. Nov 8 St if _ J ' T. S. ARTHUR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. "V\T ILL practice in the District* corttpbdng W the Wtiltrn Circuit. AUd in lite UNITED STATES COURTS. ty OlHce over the Post OHioe. ' Dec 4 as ffi HATE JUST IECEIM ' ANOTHER ELEGANT ASSORTMENT 6lf PRINTS, GINGHAMS, bleached and crown t , SHEETINGS , AND Shirtings* (SNA ISLAND, * To wiilch wo w?ulil invite attention; ' ALSO, r A s\sn?23iaxa it??? ?if ; corns, TEAS, SUGAR, MOLASSES, ; RICE, CHEESE, &C., Alt of which wc wilt roll hf t.OW u they &*? be hourht in any market in the State, tranen portation added. I, Wo keep constantly on hand, all kind* ef > Provisions, I, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATtS, t JWT Cl'R TfehilS ARB STRTCTLt j Cash, 41* Williams & Whitmire* Greenville, S. C., January 8, 1808; IS-tf i LAIB AID DflLLDIK ItlSL IN conhfrniity with tho Will and ihe power vested Iti tile, i trill sill, before ihe Gonrt lloucc door, nn . Sales-day in March next, For the purpose of paying debU of deceased, TRACT OP LAP, Belonging lb Ibo Kstftte of JdHN McKlif* NEY, deceased, containing FIFTY-FIVE ACRES) ' wore tit- lcs?, ftitb a good E^ElLpia MOUSE, hnd nf(?o?rjr GET-BUILD^NGS, lying c? the limd waters,pf Pquth T^ger River, hounded |?y Inliilt of Win. MeRllilley, J. N. Tuylof ml Ales. MeKihncJ. TERMS.?One half of the purchase money '* will be required to he paid down, the remain1 der on a credit of twelve month*, with internet B from date, with note and approved security r ' and a mortgugs of the place, if required, r WILUAM M< KINNEY, ir Ksecotor. Jan 29 *# ? I ?\ (d-fiU&JD. . PROFESSOR* JOIINSOlt; Teacher of Pianc-Pbrto, Organ, Meledeon, Vocalisation, ftc. *--JWi WOl'I.D respectfully r- notify the citir-na of r g Greenville, that l?c will I \JiJV'.v -* Y IJ ',e lo teach a few U?ru|>iia outside of f lift Cull- ge, and wnl wait upon aurh as may prefer it, at their own homes. Terms renI aunahle, and in accordance with the present reduced circumstances of alL I'lANOS TUNED in the heat manner, rtml BROKEN STRINGS REPAIRED, huh no otlo r Repairs. iir a ppiicatint'* tnay he made at (J?# r Female College, (lari'e building,) and orders for Tuning lift at the Drug-stores of Walter it Westmoreland, shd Harrison ft Marshall, Greenville, S. C , January Sist, 18#8. Jan 2'J S? 4 I\oli?ei , A PPLICATTAN will he made for Chortef4 , XJL ,w" ^rl Honwir, in Oreeneille Dimrict, one fur erlutc and tbe Other fbf rolor' cd children. ! T. II. BDWARD8. Doc. Mrh, DAT. Jau t 5J tm Washing Machines. rHAVR on hand unit tor onle, t!>? illTH CAROLINA WASHING MACHINE,' wl.icli will Uh>M .-beep for eeeli. T. W . DA VIS, Ti SlrfWi j* J?ti H 35 tf Dissolution* TVlfi riRM ?f TiAPKBOALFs FFRRY A Co., ir (iiMolvrd i'urlirt to w bo in ' lh? wine i* Indebted, will preaent ti.e?r " ? tlte- Fncttirv, ?.r to ine at Omen vUle ? C " W.M THOMAS J* uary 1, i6ft7. Ja i 1