University of South Carolina Libraries
1 > ' *' V * r * ^ In tho .fnric* of American lite ktti boon thrown to tho wml of tlio tnpntoaf (iti, (Inn la no oao, who, ??r? thoroughly i?|imtnla to* ganulno, oat-aud out, pmgroa.lvo, go. hwil, modern -born Yankee, than tioorg* Fraud* Train. A natlva of Ma?*aehu*otU,?<df-oduc?ttvl and amhitlou., ho loft biw an .arty .lay aw hi. travel.. and .in- ' (Into ha* periodically turned up * *lmo8t 1 'vary qilaltar of ?ho hablut.le 1 ^Jltl* an Ineonootvabl* a^uouut * " I*0*" a*Ma<t ol an IrroproMibla which no | ilmo, manner nr pUco aeutoly , to tha importance p" create.t of nit- ( nambora?Nuiub?r*>n*' "n,t ^,#t ( ly wtld or ln$r"?,,w,*Mo' bc,n* ftn,J i ltnlf n cetltirfv h? advance of hi* ftllow*? J Train ha* t?*od more, and worked harder In pubtte no' prlvato than any other Individual In At^rlo* *? aeenre what ho call*?"pro grow." rittaon v*ara ncn. ho talked blmoolf hoarac ' ?pfgr the projeetod Atlantic r?l>l?. Ilia next 1 >' bobby WM Iha introduction of American etroet roll way a in KngUnd. ll? went there : struck " lb" In Manchester; stirred up the Sober capitalist* wuh hi* meteoric eloquence won thfefy-ihsarty enopcration and in a trice Iha thing Wax accomplished. Everybody w?< delighted. Trttiu treated himself to a ban ?|nci, to which, with hin accustomed impudence ho invited all tho crowned head* of Kuro|>e, except Ktng Bomha of Italy?in wboao placo ho Invited tlarlbnldl, nddrc?*lng him at the * Rotal Palace of Naples." Tho crowned head* didn't come, and Prince Albert wa* tho only one who had the politenea* In oay he wa* *nrry the Qneoh and himself had another pressing engagement. The nest wo hear of Tr?in, ho wa* en tho ontor edge of Western civilisation, en tho line f tho Pacific ltailrond building big hotel*.? Omaha, according to hi* idea, wa* the bead centra of tho world, and he proceeded to make good bio belief by putting up a eararan*?ry which be invested all bia faith and green'-ach*. Train now effervesced u-.oro tlian ever, lli* ( verbal detonation* rang from one end of the eounlry to the other. Ho wa* a travelling adrerti?ement for Omaha nod tho bigge*t ho tel In all creation, ltut f?r oneo Train Tailed, Too tempestuous to tiny in a one hnrao country town he twnng liKo a pendulum from ! point to point, "around tho circle." Politic* ( began to affect hi* hrnin, and in one of hi* nerial fanelea he nominated himself for Pro aident- The women got hold of him anil *e" cured a boiling Ind advocate of their "right.*" ao-cnlled. He atarted a newspaper in eonnee. tlon with a crinoline skirt. He became a convert to tho Pendletonian theory that tho national debt m.t?t be paid in greenbacks, an anient opponent of Radicalism, and la*t but "l l"*?l !?" " knUM tils banner on the ontrr ! wall " in the name ol th* Irlah bird of free- I Train haa Fenian iant > ??!. It fiffifl | him Ireland whom he l?e.inlod th* (Uflltli 1 Ihm in liU iImi. In two hour* more a living j volcano *m pouring forth an eruption from ! the mouth of tho erwyfAo.- ?a* an Iriahtcaft | would aajr?which IhraiUmol to lilt the roof i llrfore ten ttihiiilca j>?arcd, tho eahlc w.i* j loaded down with meaaagva to the cvahlrfit, : half the mcmVra of Oongftaa and a acre of ncwapapera. Train era* III Ittek. Tie fertnen- ] ted Wore* than ever. !T? war a walking Ay I hlteter. lie threatened England with atari j and atri|?ca. The prime miniater heeame > frightened and told the forkoniana to let the | monater ent immediately. whieh thry proceed- J *d to do, and he la now auppeacd to he travel- J ling through Ireland making atump rpeeehea and inviting everybody to bay tltieen ineh j gwna aad Spencer riAva. Tho following ia the later! apark from Iota | Train. It it the end of a latter sent to the 1 editor of the New York World from ceil No. 13 of the Cork jail, which coneludca with a j *' Mene, Mene. Tekel. Vpharain" prnclawa* I tk>a t? the nindem Ihahylon. It la very much oa the principle of " (Vws on Mr. MioinlT , and datnn'd he he who Aral erica hold, > enough !* M>>w, when or where this electric. rwnlrif *n<l I'lTcrmMni pero-nage l? likely j t# mn ?n mtn can fi ll. I.ike the a . Ilea, " Vmi pat yog Anger on kim and he Im'i ! thorn." era <hack or w?t. nowrrAt.t, or nAart.or, Aa Ike handwriting in the Ban^nel flail Potrahadowed there ItcWhamr'* ftill, Anil Daniel in Ike Hon'* ikn (fare judgment to the atvna of wen, fofhaf fVotu ont acane felon's eel! Whore Rrjtunrf play* her "game of If elf. With Mnrder, Ar*??, Theft and H?jo, ? vi?t outraged Priaoner of State May light the fn*e of Rodman'* ptn That aiuka tho modem Pahytou * American* a*h tfhat Ihey think rickt. Pay yonr Meet jnte kills or atrip for light, KaWai* our eittrena?ehange j?ar hrw, Or clear yonr 4*rt* ftw hl?n.ty arar ! What I Xo money, after all yonr Ill-got gain* Soil Ireland then hr fk* AJaSama elaima, Or one lire American In 0-<*h May track forty million* how to tallr. llark ' To hear oar eeraair'a hoom tint ' "Tl* Ike crook of doom ! oponoK mww TPAFV. JNl*i/e4?a Jtirtmrf. Kaoc?t?? An *i Taera.?. * I ana father," a?tA a W who was walbiajr with bi? fatltor, M ikoT arc VnorVinjc away I bo prop* fr.M? un.tor lb# tri<){?. What arc Iboj liuin; tbat far? Yna'ttha briAge fall?" Tbcj arc bnookiag thora away," *a?A lbe father. " (bat tbe UtaVra map nr?t more trail on (Wo etna* ptrra wh>ob arc a*w tciAiM." (ii*A *lc?|* takoc away ?wr ctriklt pmp*. tbat we way rod more trmty a for Vim. fl*A a icwttacf rate* away a man'* health. tbat Vo mat red apea W far hi* dally breed. TV fare blc health faiWA. th.ntyh bo perhaps ?taWy icpealeA ht? wnrA* : " ?)in a* Ibi* day mi daily hewed," be Vetoed ta bta aw a iadaatrv fat tbat wbtrb be rrfcrl a# (ML Ttw prop Mat t-akew array, be Peara wholly apoa tt<A'? bawaty. Ybea be rttwieea at as tbe gift of flat. <J?A tabte away mar (fiend* tbat we may Mi a tieTcr sympathy. Wbea ww aJVet*oa? wore cnenwJ apae alifcot? arw?4 a*, thee we rrj-wro in I bow atcaWt sympathy mmI rapport. Uc wot* brenyht In rraliratV?? Ma abtwe <*wht fiee mppiart. and fwa*a wAo*,aat* pnttVe M tbe wal Ika* ate ear < artblj pr -f ? raoviA, tbat wo mat rott at* fnw't ?oA phrWy apta <1M. - >1*11 n 1 ar ? JlraEot*"" WupaJ i ""i^ENVlLli,/. Cr~ ^DSMDAT, FEBRUARY 19, 1?6?. M^aatepiR .ae-y~i^ i .Tbf DtitftCt Court a'to to AtoliahedThe Convention hoc pufcnl on nraiinnoc relocating Q?ii?reJ Ca*M to aboileh lite hletrlct Court a. We hatre nothing to coy i*c to the expediency of the fit Cam re, hying ooiiiaut Ui l?i thing* take their court a aa to I lira* Courta. But we think it i? lha duty nf Ilia pnldhl preea to proteat agalfiet lh? rr,limn aeelgned for the movement, hy Kune of the euppoitcrt of the ordinance juat paeeed. Mr. RoaaavanM, (vhlta man) fern Columbia, denounced the Colli U for ?i#?k, of which * are welt rallefled, they are not jiiilly. 11a ptofeaeed to " Itnuc that moat nf the Judge* of the District Courta are un frii-ndly to the colored people, and that , Unit prejudice# are *o hitter thitt tt la almoat Impoeaitde f?r ft colored man to obllln jitsllro." We betieve thir atatamvat i* wholly unfounded, end juet the contiarj le rather the It tie rlatement, and that the c?l ored plaintiff* and defendant*, civil and criminal. In then* cot rte, If any odJe, hav" been the favored part'vr. Mr Uorkut'on aUo elated that the T>i? trict Conrta vert now in aeea'on in the County Diatrieta every weclt, and e?1prcd j jtcreon* are being triad, nonvieted, and sent to the Penitentiary, on the moat trivial of fenoea. And it wan upon theee ground* that he had felt it fn l>? hi* <t?ly to act In the matter, and had drawn a petition re (pirating General C*'pt to ahc|i?|i the ealil Court a. The drawer of the petition ought ffrot earcftrlly die.-ha'jre the duty of informinir himeelf of th? truth of what, he not'loi and elated aa fact. We do not hetlevc hi* talerneiit i? correct, a* to the d*e:?-ion? of the Court r, in any tingle District of South Carolina. So far a* our nheervation exlende, tlicro never has been ?neh mildneea | of puniehno-nt infiietrd on ofTcndvre in any Conrta that am-i*nt, modern, or contemporary hielory, give* any account of, a? in ibe Cour'a of tliia State, upon the coloied peraona. Wo b.lieve further Uiat roea* of tlie die trict judge*, and we are inclined to think avery aing'e one, are men of integrity and fairueee. (tor peraona I knowledge embraces aereral who are not inferior to any men in purity of purpose. h?ve of |o*ticc. and elee-.tion above every prejudice that eari nil iei-t them, even to the ?U?plc'ntl ol being disputed to aet unfairly. A* lo ?e?dinc to the Penitentiary, for from/ fence* we have never heerl of it l??-for?- ; we know , on the contrary, that ?fT.-iidet* f?r gtave t?flrn.?e?. burglaries and theftr, ,.f an aggrava'vd Ctt.1. are frnj-rtitly vi?>l?si v l li lilil'l |itintMintriila. Ilie eonipalnt f? om I It*- el ie of jiimtcc. More* hue e?l loio. if a xr-r, rnil?e t? lltlllllllir Ml the M.-ntettc.-e aif llt? rnmta, llie?e day* in cm***. \V? <li.l no: approve of the of like IrtMrict Ci'ifts, An.} }n lite l.egi*iM'um, in ISO.*, when had the honor lo he m member of lliat, we i> UikIi.c^I m bial lo *i?otuh tln-ae C-?>riM ; I u1 iIk inotiv* wan not on nee.uinl of the ^.lur*, or Ihe mnlmt.niniat rnn..n, or ary nj prrbeneloei of initiation to pnrtirr involved, but il wo "ho rxpenae In the Sl?l?, ?n.| |l>r Mppittni e? (rot of Inrreneing ruing for delta, that vr wlehel to prevent jnrt now, There are mniif e*?er for ufTefieen and frifnee, now (vending in the Pia'rirt Court*, lliat nnghi to bo fir?t lliapnaol of, Mllft tll?T nrr a hoi rah ed, if tl ?t murl be al.?n*. Invent merit a by Trustees during t ho W?rt ' Tlipro ?ra? many argument*, noma of whieh tro lima heeetof-re in*m?|ueed, to tliow iho great wrong and ) jnMioo of at* tonip'injr to llirow upon trustee*. jruolitM. Ae., liu Iomm of all |nvr<*m<-ntr in (Vt.Mrr* Mb- ^rciirilira, when ilont in good faith.? VYp ?t!1 not re arat what Iim barn mill.? There la ono consideration whi.-h wa have n??t nrg* I, *> ) is enne'ielve of |!i? whole matter. Seven eights or r.r?e tent'a, ana gerernl mle, in many ran** *17 of the fro.da hel?l f. r reafni yw Inut, were the ynyrola of ihe rale of a'ave jmptfly lo this State. ?f sw'vr uuile Just before or dating the war Should a trustee be tuade to in*nre tliia rltvt pr >}'?ri? or il* ?l?<n i?e no I. A?Al ffuli) i*. brttUI: lir ??T.' ?trJ it ia tK?i ? hirlt p??- ) *">! wiUi tin* CoKl.-.'.rnwy i whf? iKo ??-ry origin of tho '? ?! ti?* liko ?Im wltoVj If thr i'km k?<1 n li-pi, or l( tho p?;<fr moAry S*d hr*n kopf, or ?i<>rk* of l<*nk? or prirnt#- aaIo, or anything r*1r 1?t?f rr*t r?**t(whioS it nrtror without tlio ?prnhrt or lor of wont, ?n<l rr1.!om thro 1ah*? m no inro?tmont f,?t frort fun^n, exoopt in pooti'iar ctra-?, and tlii? wouM W ra^ly .lrp*reia??*V) lt?r low *'??M liAtr hron a? jr?Af, or grrnlrr in oiror o--?rr?, otailioj) low t?r> ornl thr anovnol bvtrt' d llui lliot fart* w* hti* roon.tlj ?li?rvf*?o>A, ao?| harr liUwio 4it* that in wlooh wrrr awI? i? fonf-l?r*t< , Soonrftjf* with thr o?w*rnrl it ikw.. ki<1 no r< frionor to party or pt.Snioa m-l* TV partVa <ii4 II.r Wtl thry cool. | timing lit* loinioano. ef the fat* Vr. PtutT I o iVvitia'y f??r | ntah-W ?? of iW J an nan a*. | iVJ-raa' v matin <4 ?Kia Jowrnal. Ii | ? HrUUihI in I ?r Wn?| I in. I.? Pare* 4 Vm,, al ffly m-i? for lf?o <?*r ? !? root t? a i*?t???? ?*? ajttW"iV?*?rnl and fnN w<f*arti?rw?rr?a of far f1 Fr? ra, *fr wH?u! Wi*?4.i?>?n. iaj'tfiafMv X*. *f?oo mrr o f*r? may la mmi ?r r?r ? atlli Mr. Kti.xr, at Jvura SwthV AmIa Kvmm. fu:? hx latwras XT f an Minn to tS# il*<f ! ??(* ? r?j'. a. r, r*ir*. Tan ww'?* o* rii V?? I I <or ifat raima iWt ill awl ifcair Mnrt? I.J W WW* ll^ 4?; * MarrW, jw- Man*, 'fcry w " W A?V? >n.. e b in s ? i The Convention in Charleston, and tk# 8uil. ?jf* Q .OOtiOB. Whilst ihe- Convention, mow nw^nUrt, era soling uml?r Congre**iunal authority, rather than the State, and may fvel bund to favnr universal auffrage, there Id * WwJt l>y which, thry may eon?l*lently allh that priiloipte, pryieet the property Mtelll genee of the Sthte,'front"the aheoluie dominion of the ignorant and Irreeponaihln manea. That l?, i>y providing f,?r a gnflfiHed and Impartial enflVag* f>t all the ale* tor* of lh-* Senator*, of the <lltf?rant IM* Irk'te, of Ootlmlr* a* they may aall then*.? Let none vole for Senator*, who do nnt owft certain amount of lasable properly, or | c?'tK edneai iort. No reasonable person, of tnjr elate, or politioal bias, on 11 ol-j-cl t<> *uoh a provito. It will Insure Just protection lo the properly holder* and las pajer*, and mora lotwlli gent ?<)n *> *, hy having ? Senatorial body elected by th.-ni j whiUt the Hon** of ReprwiiUtllM would afford absolute pr?teo tion to tk? Whole miM of tha population. Th* Senate could paa* no law, ngabiet the onsent of th* 11.mac, representing nnm Her*, nor the House tig* Inst th? onsvTil of th* S nate, representing more particularly, llio class by whom It will bo olsetcd. ? Th* population, or number* generally, without reference to property or cdneatlonal qual-ficaiinns, would at ill poetess the dominant power and influence. They jcou'd, on joint ballot, of the Legislature elect Senator*, judges, and every officer apI pointed by that body, ou aooounl of the larger vote. How Thinga aro in l-oulslana. A friend has put into our hand* a private letter, received l?y him, from an old acquaintance, of New Orlean*. which Whs written som* two wsekg ago. The follow log extracts will show the view t*k?n of matter* there, hy a respectable and intelligent citizen, writing under no inducement o misrepresent. " To your numerous question*, it i* diflb cull to answer properly. All the wire pull ing is done here by negroes or radical*, aid the *(T?ir? of the State are in such an emtii*>?gtlo, that even a I'hitaiMphi* lawyer e >u!d not tin ravel tlirrn. The money of the State i* not worth a fig, the ereiit much wore*. A* to improvements, none hut leve?-s, they *re iiuilt by contractor* on credit, traced try engineers appointed hy a board, without authority or fund*, and it is the hard est of the engineers' work, to get even a warrant good enough to light a pipe w'th. 'The husin*** ts entir-ly stopped, th? foundries hare rednecd their workmen and their pay, the rlorea are o? the strict-it economy ; lit* number of elerk* ha* been red<*c*d frent twenty, in some instance*. to three, Titer* i* tto branch that may be ' *ai I tit l?e it nib tr anvthinir now titvv' e ; tli?* City 1ml nothing liW^ tli?-y j iu*?l? l.??< yrar. Kfory l?oly l<k>lii into hi* ; portntonaio lo-fifo n'rrii'g ?"*r> K*- >! i* i high; m> i? mmkrliu: No labor- r?, shtrc ' l<>r? ? > (uUurr, no puIIom, no vri-'lulilr, I nuikitijti * porrl uf truml o<?*i I i li-ilbi* ; i niMI 15 cpnt? a |>?wn't." Almoat ? Fir*. | TS'7# ?fp lliiiiMiiniloiif Hollar* vnrlii nl ?pr*?ptW?y ilrtimjiH, fan-bl-a full r 1, dw-ll | ine* burnr-l and inmrnfn-r trrrjnr'tll} tnndr t?> jmfTVr, b?va?*r w-.r%tti?n ?>r *nntrj ???lv In rlinr * *, trill i.ot put plrnty of mnr tar to nwU (lie or Honw tijrbt Ir I fit imnry*. ^!f?i of atorr Aft Fa I p?-ri*Hy, and in (-articular, right ahotr thn?? place* where Ihoy c-m>- la fputa?l J a-it It ll oogl.l to Ik? a peiiitenllar j i offrntp, f..r any workman jr l-nil-lor to aaant liia mo* tar amo f l>rick m | ?tnn?. all rti f rm a |-ai??c? for itnok* an>' pjvarki of lira li h a iVi^'iont rinta, A rrrt wo??W? elt:a<-a of tkit Tn*a, 01 l??t, fitar xrr x n-ar Mn$ Unta' ??t l?V the w*?|<f of *p?rV? Ilirntigh il<c . jn>i.ii\|fa Mvpoi tK? brick* of a anrr 6ti wbi.-h ran tip throogh th? top of the hot>*e and al! for want of a few apoonafnl of inal or clay. and aand lotarra tka Uv-rv o brick* at a partiea'ar |'lar?. In rxpnuo ; I'larra lim.' mortar tuulJ I a afrt perhop for all ffne*. Orranrflia, aa a Cot tan Uerkal. l.a?t Saturday, onr Town na? rniitrna j by a goodly ntm.Hor of Cotton ?af?ai | front thr Di-trlot, an<t a -mr from adj..i?.<m ' TWfrie'*. tid tif trrlt wan q<iM* t?ri*l ' Hoot prifit srer* ol'??nM; IS (a IS| oenti llta lotjor paying the las. b'inj etjnal t I.M mnl lAc*n!* lav in.>1n.1-.l Small planter* fin! it l? ilirl' ?<K*n?*g | U> red in Greenville, ra'her than Saul n tran?pot by ret) r?a<l to a mora di?tar , market. We have plenty of luUlaMi' I Gottun Layers in Graanvilln, *b* will pa | caah f>r the atap'*, *n I we prrenme lu'| tpwii ptitrietn S# Wtniae-I bare aa i ( nay el Uta aifpac-wl marlwll In Lauren , Aetbrtna or ^nttanhanf. | On VeialaT, e| thi* aeek, gonrl CVu t area tolling freely at U| ee?K ? 16, t? ( ' inehHrf. Our CotrtapoadaaU A. C.8. and. W. 1 . * T. We mart ?A U? La esriard fet lUt til I far nwt pahlirbing tl?e rrepevtive pelitK-al ar< eh-?, af I bene Ci.rrwpaJeett, now an ban when we have the af pere-r | emnw.a?iea4t*a, we ran m-re fafly r I plain , to arena m*?>*v ere* aa I ahave the HiAeal I af Mn-liii; ?-"? f <r them, awing ta the pn anr* af other matter M WfmiTTHy af May. M ? ? [ Zi-Oa*. Parry ta the Chart?ton Man i wmry. ' | We 4M naf rerir* Mm Baity Meet nay. w t 1 the Tri-weekly tmtaMaf ftnvevwm Fimi J tame cm Mm tmy itaaw af maa'aing i (P. naoeratie an*t Cwawtatha ah?aa? af I State, ha* ma ah if ? Ma lair frv iamtim f i ?r yap?v thie weak. It will aypwr w ? . weak. aa4 will fmhtlai mvwiva that atau cat amaff rati? alM in fimaafif by i nary ptat kngiHaan af the inVjnu 4i*en ? ei m mil aa by Mm than i >m af the tnia I tit er. ,? !, ? '-'J# .1 I IITKtl p= =.. ' 'J . 'hi . ir, "ly. fi fcdntfraaaiaaal. Th?fe U nothing new in lit* charnotar of the proceeding* th Congrdaa. Binghairi, on till February, introduoed ? bill in lit* lltMee, to approve th* ratiflcatlun of the n* (fro CfoiMltltitfnrt, of Alahdina, although It hil ndl beetl ratified liy the people of that Htate, decor-ling to the Keqjjnriruction Act. | The Judiciary 0?ntmi(ti? fine reported the same tiling, aiibalantiallj. Nothing ever yet has been attempted quite ? mohrlruu* iwrepuldiean by th*. ao-callid RrpuMi<-an party, ae thie movement to force nh unrati fled Coiiatiintion, evidently disapproved l?y the people, over a St etc. This ia guareritveing a Republican form of Qurermnent II Sumner present *d a p?lltl?n fr?-m elti t*M of MaMachuertte, praying the abolition of the presidential ? fflce, *a dang-roue to the RrpuMio. Trumbull introduced a bill, on Monday, to define tiie Juriadletloij of the United S atea Court, and to taVe away from the C-oirl all engoixanc* of any questions, aria lug under the Radical reconstruction act*. una fimpiy amount* to an attempt to altar ami abolish the provisions of lite Conslhu tton, by art of Congrraa. Tba Greenville Fo?ale College. We hntr* heard of a good many antral* of young ladi-s from a distance, Who ootue ae pupil* of the College. Tli? opening of the Institution la auspicious. Already about fifty pupil* hare on, tared. We congratulate the able Principal and liia *uperi?r corps of assistant teacher* on lb* very (filtering prospect* of tlie College, tlii* year. Tha ?ncc*aa of all our ?cliool?, for which Greenville ia becoming mora and more ' famous, ii> a mailer, not merely of Interest and Importance to Ih* Teaehdr*. hut to 1 the entire community, and indeed to the whole State, an J even to *ecti'>ns more remote. Oh as* and the Presidency* Fhnilld f\ t.'r.lted States Judge be eligible f It ia a sorry sight to are Judge C*?et end hi* friends electioneering for the Presidency. The > Cbi*f Justice of (ho Pflifsd Plate*, who ha* j J to decide upon the constitutionality of the i law* enacted by til* party, and who*c duty it | I (a to protect tlie C- natitntioa, i* tempted to | do all he can, to promote radical a*ccndancy- ] | ilia mind cannot he unbiassed, and many will I suspect his motives, even if thry wrra over *1 ' pure. It strike* ut that it Is a great defect in the Constitution, that it allow* a Judge ol the j Puprcme bench or any United States Judge, to I he eligible to the office r.f President. There , ought to be an amendment proliil itirg it en* | tirety, not only whilst the judge holds the I office, but for four year* or longer s'trr hi* resignation. Tf the peoplo ever got the florentmtnl into their own band* again we rhatl i expect such an amendment to he made. . _ Death of Mrs. Mar? E. PJTIt. An oldtnsiry notice hi the t?lar(s?M Sttr; <*wsy of the 1fth. inform* ns ot tlie death of this excellent lady at Coratranna, Texas, in I the 67th year of her age. She w?a the widow t ol I>r. Jam ax II. Dans, ol Fairfield District j South Carolina. Ft-vera1 of the latter yes*# of Iter life arfr spent ia OrceurilU, whsfe, (a* ' in every other place that she was known,) she ! was uiuch beloved, honored and esteemed for I her worth. Durinc the Sarin* of last wear M rs. rrmotrd to the home i"f f Iter rl<lrrt son. Sh? died fufl of hope and Itrwjt in (!<hI. as w* ?naM expect in a Christian so well Iriml in the ?Wi?.<il?'lri of life.? . j Her virtnes need no eulogy and her family ' imM M that thej hare tfio sympathy ol , ! *crj tunny frnniiU. in their great lose. . j Negro Debt* and Eebta in Genml. t The Convention ha* by a resolution p??ol by general consent,, requested (lea. Caxbt to put in force at once the ordinance abolishing j debt* for slave*. It will l?e a grea', y?<-r.i' f | Heating to the country If the tfeerrwf will en( fogre fV safpn Sy order. It would he a ttffl greater general blessing ' | if (fie fciTil #->mU aend a* i?at Mo*na to pro. 1 claim the Jubilee of the abolition of eeery r debt egisting prioc to the ecrewthm of the War *1 thus breaking errry yoke and lefflng fhe op. 1 pressed go Proa, a* the (teorgla Convention baa done. Weeing a?en ooty aeeoWnla'-k, w.'id 'r f eertaln circirsaecances, for property fh<-y hold, | for which lite debt was nested, and fur thi* n they should only pay What it is worth or re' lam it. . The Andernon Intelligencer thua Referi j| t? "Truth Well Spoken." ( : In the Convention, on Monday, the specie' > order Vein* the ordinance invalidating all roe. fraet*, fhe con side ration of which was the ptsr " , cb.ier of **nrcs, the following happy reteri was made during the dWmssfoa : " ( In th? course ?.f tie rtmtrlu of Mr. W. J | Wliipper. who always fays ? mrthinr goml, h< reftrcd tw a e'eflr employed he one of tht 'r piece* ling speaker*. I* which the bwyer aiu 11 seller ef ilarv* were UUm4 U Iwe ??k? ' i*| w?r ? Woe. J >'. U CirJuu (nJ?rt4) interrupted, m< J ached kite ?|?ti whet prtaripie he deeidct a which cur waa the wraowt ! a, j dkifprr replied : The f?or*t Joj ie the which Mela (He h?oe fnw Africa ; the ?!< ; M who wet the ehipe umI ki?e;ht the hen* Sere the d<>g who he* re* all ewer r-rati- n. aw tad* reeTreiWe whereeeer ha g*w* ; ted he i said to the W r ef Sowrh fttn'iet, that ?h wee *ppn*r4 to the iactitalhra of rdarerr, in wppaerd to the Africa* ?lace trad*, awl it we aa wot awtit the net g?Js ear* IVwa other pan li- I hewt It aftn* bar, reatren tw Wr ?wa wiebw A- awd iWmeired etad frrjatenUd it apoa ha ml wil u ' ? ? ? 1 i The W?>lh*r. a- Wa Kara had height and .try weather h i accrral dare, a ad the eowde art- |*K<i? go? 1 **m aao c, except a law ?<fj wet pleaw. The eoid a ad wet latjr eei mw? with ae ^ aewerttf apnia thi* rfwinc. A11 has go. . right tiaae VtuaWM'a dir. Tumu Do Ira ratty. j Tha neater * Madmtn gather leg la tli >l( Initiie'iae la rather reentregitg. Kdwta [rt | mm la vha all trap namt attitf tritS tfc ^; >,.?*?. We u? t thai thia aiMt lagHj u*a wilt he ueetained hj tha gtaerom a frM ' awtaaee at d patcuaage *J the pthHt whit . |t ta well Je ttttt P---i ^ 81IS E o r-g; asr -tv' ^ ,.?? '' '=t=rztrt= The Chtilmtop Nawi. the Aefc*. if* JjuliiMiinjr an a-tielc of the Southern Jitiie+priis, concerning tha trana- j,r portal ion of cotton to Charleston, by Rail ^ r- a-i, give* the credit to " the Greenville &(fmn/Hinrtr.n In lliMf hard timet, of very |? limited meant and credita, era Ilka to r? ! {n eaiva tha benefit of all that wn can elalna;! j| the tmnll change aa well at tha dollar*, at )H peidally of all matter* "elnca tha war." I ^ W( llava frequently taken ooeation to f, recommend tha Charleaton trade and bnei? || neat of our own Rail-road*, in preferenea oj to wagoning to Augnata. Wa rejoice to j tea that our old city la regaining tta , ? ancient patronage. In tha mutual benefit of ^ inerchtn't, rail-rotda and pUtitert; and ! y | that cotton eontinuea to bear, a higher price ; n in that ? ? v than in Auguttn, ot tlie average ; j, cent on the pound. j a "gag . ' ^ ?uv 90 UUUBVU auu \JI ?u> vwriwiFvuuwu^ Our rudcrt will find ??u uiir Dm peg* j '' all lit* correspondence belwu^n these liiga official* on the Sta:?to!? difficulty, except ^ lit* final letter of lha I'reaident, and tli* S certificates ol ilia Cabinet corroborating Itis " statement*. Oen. 0*aht has replied t*ry brisflv, simply denying the correctness of nil statements, inconsistent with III* own, 0 lnit insisting that he is not, and doe* ant c intend to be guilty *1 insubordination tit all lawful order* of the President. We expect to glee this seqnst hell ??eV " tiint nttr readers tnsy have the full record. ' The press, ex<-ept tlte radical portion, so far c as comment* go, is very Seeere Ppoft tits " conduct of Oen. Os*kt, alleging a breach ' of faith snd conduct derogatory to tli* 0 honor of a soldier. ? Tli** correspondence has all been submitted to Coogresa, 1 ? ?* ?? Iriah PIMtnsa s All orer this Stat* ant) all orer the Psotb. good rmp* of Irish potatoes should be plant- , *d. It is part of the desired improvement la | fanning, an acre or two or the quarter of an ^ acre or Ires, if persons are unahle to plant more, will kc?p a family from suffering. They N nre hread and sometimes ineat too. Where eorn ( and meat tall* in the Summer. Procure good seed as possible and manure well. E**ry ^ body should have his patch. Halloa's MoTitniy hfagaafne. We hare rscdvrl lUl'nuV Monthly Msg. I axtns, for March, and it ta as interesting a* ever The subscript ion is only (i| P) per | an om Address Elliott. Tiiomxs k Talbot, Host* n, Massachusetts. I Celts* Xlslif. | Tuesday e*, tli? mail brought to OrSen vllle ths uh granu of the day before, , per Columbia Pha-Uf. (an important paper, , by the way, to t-ur trading people. If they , kin w it.) snd the Cotton exri'rfneet Is rftn ( ning high, to day 28 cent* in New York. | 12 cent* in Charleston, SaTannnh mid An. , i*iiiia, has put up the price a cmt or two. | here. The reader nil find the report , ?l the maikel* in our columns. This ii to tie abssrvni that prices in the largo mar, kels always it-rl-Jt the lax of 24 ' nts The pries will improve in Urrenrillc aceordI iaf to ike advance elsewhere, we heard of Ml bcinr offered this (Wednesdarl momine.? j During the daj hIm bare been load* at IS, ctclttfiti of the Taa. A Hew Way to Kill Hawks. The folUaini extract fmtn the Assoc**?# TT*fnrmrfi fr^lfterinm, is Worthy of notice.? ; ."Spring lime is corking, wad the Hawks will be after ehirkena, wo Would Mfprt to cxp.ri menters caatioa, in asing the prescribed remedy not to allow careless aerranle or ckildmn to meddle with tho Kit Vomica. Nrx Vomica.?"The seed of the Iree of tho genu* ft eyed oca, growing in tho Ka*( lndio*. It yield* strychnia afld hrncia nod i? a eery ciroleet poleie." Ii it raid that this article will kill birds, tho hawk, f?r example, hatched with itreyoa shut bat will nnt injure chickens. I procured a few " seed " or buttons of the " a arm " wed h??sg ago and had them lied down M powder Of tho smith shop?tboy are eery hard. The powder was mixed with d<?Mgh for a few days and fed to the little chickeaa apart. About two weeks I Bgwfhehewh renewed hieeiriu, and carried pf .me of the ehieks. He has net Seen l ack since. Died, I guaa*. Now, as meat is scarce j and chickens will be in demand at a good i price, let ecer j fanner, or poultry raiser, proI ride a few bwttons of the mix rmmitm, lie ^ them into powder ami ml* tstf a leaspoonfal, 1 more or lees, according fo the a ashes ef thickens, witk a fitClw dartgh, feed apwft fmm the gr >wn rhirkenr, who are wot Ml danger, ' j and try the hawks with a few little chicks for i Iroakfsst or dm nor. I. J Tut Ai.adama Etrmnjr, Coycurss and in* l>i;irr or Er*xT?.-?Tbe ieJ? " . A ? .1 1 C g'T'i 2 nuiKHimru (il? J , jtf ill? Cnn>liimicn. proponed ly lb# I pieltal-1 Contention in Alabama, br fif. 1 ! if en iboaeand m*j rity. 11 frder ibe llrconMiartion T^w?, f 1 mMtni bjr Oi>j'n? ii?olf, it has failrti. Th? of tiro NfiMfrrd 4 I roters of lb* Stale, have vnrhkeM t Waif i , sanction f*o?n lb* lVuMi>uii<tn a* pre? seated. 1', llteirfore. fail* to I We 4 jpmind. e?ea nruler i)i? terms prei > aeribed l<r lb# Uaiirsb ikrmalie*.? ?j It M iha Coastiutjion of only a minoru iiy of lW? registered. volet*. It u. r ( .Ueref-xe, fJ??U n itliont any valiJi r ; or b? ce. Any at.empt now no the 1 pail of G?ng eos to make it effective, a? lb* faixUmeruJ law of ibo State, 1 *? tlx maj-wilr wit on# cooes Wave \ < twmni their bark* ttpoa Is is plainly i - neither m??nt nor lean (baa Uireo; y usurpation and force. * Ibe white race, in a body, rejalid :ki? Const it u'ion, and ia il?i? retail many of the mora sensible of the tob ore?l race nottrnd. Nor la titr coots clurioa at all serjrrieiog. when w# eoa i?' rider some ?/ IM provisioai of tWi* o 1tlun CoastItuib>a. To Have accepted * > || won hi at onto liava de?troy?d ?t * ' err testige of freoHura of tboagWl aid h ' scltoa. [Clrrlrstat CWtrvV. ' - J *5*'- 'I. 41'; ' | * sm +tel * :?i*t' a.Vj ag. th'.1 ?- y?ry .ti.m Imf?aoktteat Defeated. The BrtoMtratlioB Committee held * l*f hnIoA tide morning. All the meram were, present. ?. Thaddeue St^vrni aaid he wiirtel U Ing the nlj-?l ut impeachment to a teet i the Committee. He believed the invee* . gniion lied gone for enough, end the time ?d come when some tangible action ?ho?M ? taken. He lied pctpared, he mid, the Hoeing report, to be presented to the Ione#, and wonld-nnw take the ertitimente i the nierolwra of the Commit in* t hereon I "The Committee on Reeon struct ton, to horn wae referred the correspondence of dl .ndrew Johnson, President ol the United , tatee, end U. S. Grant, the General Comlanding the armiea of the United States, avlng considered tha Mint and tke evitntt, d? rtpori thnt in virtue of the p*w ra with which your committee bu been 1 vested, they here hilly examined the eel* enec before them, ere of opinion tfmt An* rew Johrron, PrHidtut of the United tale*, Is guilty of high erlntee and misds eenora, end therefore. tuey recommend be adoption of the following resolution* t Krtolvtd, That Andrew Johnson, Pre*Id en t f the United States lie Impeached ol high rimes and nti>demeenor*? /?r?o/wrf. That a committee go to the lenate, end at the bar (hereof, in the asm* f the Tlnnse of Representative*, and of all he people of the United Stele*, of high jimea and miederoeanora, and xequginl the lenate that the Ifrrtmc of Reproeentalivee rill in due time exhibit partieular articles >f impeachment egainst him and make [nod the acme, Rfttlfd, That Mid committee do demand hat the Senate take order for the appearinee of the said Andrew Jo hit son, to anW?r to said Impeachment. Aa anon aa the reading of the resolution re* finished, Judge Binchain moved to lay he report and the whole etlhject ef Ina>eael<m*nt on the table. Mr. Stephana eafd he wenIed the yea* nd nays recorded on that motioft, au that he country might know who WStt and tah* >aa not iu favor of taking cogo;Mnee af ligli crimes and niiedim-enorv committed y the President ? A vote wee taken and resulted a* fol* ow a: JVaa? Messrs. Bingham, lhamaa, Paine, lulburd. Urook* and Beach?6. * Ji'ap?Mr a* re. Styptic na, B-utwe'.l and 7arns*orih?t. So the entire matter was laid on the le? jle and the Committee adjourned. Mr. Strphrn* is greatly ch?gr;ned at the vmiIi, tlo-ugh he hyi he did not expect a r much di Teient one. He aaya the RepuhDran pirty ia virtually defeated, and all hrongh the coward>cc of its own menal-ers. lie attache* ir.arh blame to General Grant ind his friends, who, he rayx, b<c*ma frightened and demoralised, for what res* on he dura not exactly know, tl ia his firm l-elief thai had the friends of GfWft^ ?e wrll as Giant himself, kept their hands Off. nothing enul I hare saved Johnson. So en-Is the eeeond attempt at impeaak. m* l' _i i? - - #? - num.?im* terming I "oaf. Dbatr or Sir Darin Dm??tii.?The telegraph bring* a* int?l!i{Mc? of the of Sir Derid tlrewrter, In London, at (ho ago of 87 yearn. Ilf waa bora at Jedhnrg, _Seotland, in (ho year 1781. Aboat the ;??r IM1, bit ailtnlion vat flnt direr ltd la eptiee, and bt independently made teeeral dirroreries in regard to (ha pohrftftntVm of Kfkt which went alto made by Malua and* Xargo. From fSfll, hit contribution! to lha London and Kdinbargh philosophical trantarliont contain lha record of many af tba most brilliant of modern dlneuceriet in opt ire. Ho made many rape ftmenta on lha aheorpflo* of fight in patting ibr?ugb Tariout media: There led to aaany tlngnlar raaulta. Other teieneea aleo claimed bit atteatioa end eonlribotione mare particularly tbermottat and mclerelugy, Our little at wall aa oor largo people will regret hit lota the trore tlnrcrely upon leeraing that he wee tba inventor of the KaUidotcope. Ilia fame waa augmented aa an ttfl?r by a ** Lifit #f Sir laeae Sew ton," and an "filamentary . T re elite on Optica." II# labored 11 yeatra on (be UitKaigl t+tyti-fdia, which waa tatpleted la IBM. He ifad aire from 1184/ ft* editor of the Kdinhargh Journal of SeireOe. The world eea ill afford to loee each a maa area at hit adraaeed age. < [flerbatta CbeiVtr.' ^ Railroad Encrioya,?Ai aa .1 _?. ? * -* iioa nria ywriiMT, under ID* BMfilg#rnenl of Mw*. Theo. Ilucbet, Kranars Lanca, and T. f^ger Kinchin von, il<? folio* injr a^nllemen were elect M ft> errr m Mircto!* of the South Curofi- . s n? Rail r mm] Company, for the earning rear : W. J. MeOrath, Oto. A.- TretUfii, , L. D. Job# IImkIUI, AO* (fro* Sim on da. ll*nry Goardln, C. If. Furinan. B. U. Hitf, J?m? Ro??. Alfred Huger. 0?o. W. William*. F. |/ Pdrer. II. U. TVLeoa, W. A. Court*aar. Jama* S. Gil be*. | The toting on (L* racuiua ?r?a vary ?i?i?it*d. over 9000 vote* king rau.? Th* fit* grnilrmea who** aaran ip pear 1*?1 on ihcti*? of Director* of tha South Carolina Railroad Corapaaj, at* new member* of tha Board. [dllfrtfol Jfmtrry, l&tX imtt. Ila Pavraaa haa Wan pwfcliafcVag lU nawN of ibotm via u*t?4?* nuit foil RHIM Ijiiti lor MM UnlHfMllM M f?cMfl MWUIM itan )M). Amiml Ik* imm hwwM Mr |?Wm?itp* in An* * * ml Bitwf BflKiiM, Uwb* W?*4, Aw, (atriUUi, Of*, MMI*M M4 AM. KTUnl ?*4 tlNMUtriM w 1*1*4 by oil ill* i|n? f?* Cuwk Qui Britet^ yniw, rm i ?*. k*ly. Uom*. Unibil, ViI**, Or**? SgCir*' T*rh*y. C*'?wbl* (W* Anigtob U*?hU, SjrU ??4 it* We* l?A* Ifr. i A*?m4 IbkJii - A* Mm?iI Ufe *igbl . 4A I k?tt l*?i Imi l>?i |m* tViir itrrt?* Ton Sifinii r?*rt. In .torj, *r?r-'?M I I We ?<o*Wi* kmWio mmAm ? 4WAl IIhi ' *ifNt tM lb* MaOoAi ?, tor ?*( of j'? m4??Uu*. Tbe?#? wtfl^bnwtor*?mm lay tor ??f f? * i'ltw* m frnb*