University of South Carolina Libraries
F V If _1.% 4* * n 4 . ? ' *jn'-m ^Sb &touiiktteATi0"-?1)rT,i;"i.i?, j-v '~\ atone, of Oxford, an earnest English ? physioligist', say# the cat, though d<?nteslicated nod deified in Egypt, ?*? 1 never tamed1 by the I torn ana, whbundpli the while-breanted marten for th$ same I our pose*?morning and rat patching? ' for which we >?? the cat. The cat; re- 1 mained to the Roman* thothief of the ' poultry yard, but never became the > humble dependent of the house. It I was at Constantinople that the cat first 1 made her appearance in Europe as a ' domestic animal. She eeen>4 to have 1 passed Into tha domestic life of Europa * soon after the first General Council. I and from Constantinople to have moved wee'ward. Iler approach was every- < .. where welcomed, for aa she had gained 1 apotheosis in Egvpt bv protecting the | grain harvests of the Nile from maraud i tig rats and nuce, so in fturope she has beefi able to keep down these hungry creatures quite as successfully as the weasel, and to adapt herself more cent pletely to human habits and local at ' tachmonts as well. On theVo/e which oats play in domestic ,life, the London Spectator thus moralizes : 44 They are not allies and companions, like dogs. They make no at,? tempt t<ftake a part ip human affairs, as dogs do. They undertake no responsibilities of guarding the bouses, or protecting the person?, or joining in ihe sports of man. They will not disturb themselves if burglars break into ihe dwelling, or if violence assaults their protectors. They are not conserv ativei like dogs, curious of suspicious characters, furious against uninvited strangers. Nor are they liberal*, like dogs, in the welcome they give to dh'ange, and the joy with which t!:ov trdnsler themselves to fresh fields and tWrttlles' new* Like Gajlio, they care for none of these thing*. These thing* ?Uey regard as concerning men, and as beihflf' ' riiatlera of their law,1 into Which they have not even the curiosity to inquire. They are hound to men /only as birds are bound to the forest, as affording the conditions under which tbev can most conveniently live, not as having sympathies with them, but a* providing the warm nooks, the scraps {of food, and the moral influence by which thev are saved from want and protected from their natural enemies.? Thev probably have no idea that they a?e valued for their propensity to slay and scatter mice, and imagine that they are only superfluously indulging the l?ent of e native genius for 4 natural se? lection,* when they are reallv performing the one function for which they are treasured bv thrifty housekeepers, and for which thev receive the 4 grant 1n- , aid* ef a milky 4 payment by results.* Tlief er? as unconeimis as Mr. {ksflyle could .wish men to be of their one genius and merit as attendants on our do ?&weetio civilisation. You will see dogfull of pride at.the accomplishment of Vhehr little tasks, and looking np to men for recognition. But there is nothintr of *hio about (lie eat. She i? as itvno , rent of merit at if she had been brought ( up a CaWinist. If t>he catche* a mouse , she is excited, bnt not proud She | look* for no praise ; her oarniverous in , atlnct ia its own reward. She will, indeed, often attach herself to indbidtials. and in that case greatly enjoys being fondled, but this is rather due to the ' keen appreciation of protection and pa 1 tronage, and the tokens ihercof. than to w ' pnrely personal preferences. Tlt:s only i specimen of a domestic bea?t of prev i (or at least the only one domesticated ' sadly hacausa it is a beast of prey.) and yet always accounted more domestic. and indeed more closelv associated locally with home than the dog, which .is not a beast of prey, seems entirely unaware of what Dr. Tloliestone calls liar functional ' relation to man. Site inav dimly know that she needs him. but has no idaa that he needs her, and hence, no doubt, the complete abandon and restfulneaa of her domestic character. Tha dog ia always'straining upward.? He feels the electric power of human .influence. Ilis duties to mmward are duties of moral selection, of true lot* *llj. end of fierce antagonism. Hut the cut is a pure creature of natural selection. She la selected by itisn for en eouHgrment. because the mice are selecildjJtjr her for destruction." [Boston Journal. TlIK T,ATR EdWAUD OoUI.D PfFFTM. -?The sudden death of this gentleman at Paiis has been announced by the Atlantic cable. Mr. BnfTom was a native of Rhode Island, and the youngest eon of the well known Quaker philanthropist, Arnold Buffutn. At one time he was editor of the Alia California newspaper and a member of the Legislature of California, which country he first visited during the Mexican war a? a lieutenant in Stephenson's Regiment of New Yotk Volunteers. Mr. Hoffuin had resided abroad for the last eight or nine years, ns correspondent for several American newspapers, and was not only an accomplished writer for the Press, with which be had maintained a con necnon tor twenty years, nut w?? me author of many exceller t hook* ant) a brilliant contributor to the monthly 1 and quartetIv magazine*. [Potion Journal. A itt'fiDAKD.on being told the other evening that hi* wife had lost her tern par, replied that he wu glad of it, for * ' it vu a very bad ooe. " Qckrx thing an insurance policy.? If 1 can't veil it. I can eel it> and if I can rai it, ! can sell it. Wnrw is a plant like a bog f When it Wcrin* to root. Aud when it it like a aolJiet ! When it shoot*. . edBSnaata were 592 deaths in Nya ,. - ^ . ..... r*tm I. V- - . "?" j'Vv ' 'I \gr* * V ' V H ? ?. Jl-J 11 iU \ 'v \ 'j 1 I'. >JL".. TNI S ' ?- [ 1 ' ' j ' . < Too l*At>.?l^vneral SheridmiV tour t triumph begin aiid ended like A , Western rofcd, which opens grandly, (' ihftow* to h cow-path, and then rune ip a e??m tree. The little mrln had j Ireen lost sight of "recently, from the tighway, but some enterprising hunter i.hh treed hiu. at the end of bis prog- j *ss. It seems he visited, a fej? (leys .ince, a female seminary for young ladies of white complexions. These ladies, five hundred in number, Plijl kissed Indeed. H would appear that ire had his fill of kissing; for, on Jh? following day, sacred to this osculating Teat, be visited a netrro school, and?oh limine ! oh sbinbones I?he never kiashJ a thing. A disgraceful discriminaion ort account of M raee, color and ' previous condition." [Conatitutionaliat. ' ?r? ? ? It i* nnnecissary for us to sound a < rumpot when we bestow an alms, for 1 vlien the great trumpet shall sound, ev ^ try woid shall be revealed. f Am ignoramus had been sick.and on J teing told bv the doctor that be might ; aka a ihlle animal food, * No, sir," i aid lie*, " I took your gruel easy I irtough, but bang me if 1 can eat your 11 lay and oats." I A celebrated Irish physician, -speak J ng of the physical degeneracy of mod- j >rn won en, says we must take good care ? >f our grandmothers, for w? ehall nev \ >.r gel any more. Minnesota has already sent to mark- n ft this year about 7,000.000 bushels of vheat. and nearly as much more is be ? ieved to be in fanneis' band-. The { irodiicliun is less than in 1800. A nkoro woman, living in Grenada. * diss., brutally murdered her two cliil Iren, a few days ago. They were com >let?!y cut to pieces with a butcher iuife. Av editor at a dinner-table being ask >d if he would take some pndrling, t* died, in a fit of abstraction, * Owing to ? crowd of other matter, I am uuablo to ind room for it." GoRTscriAKorr has lost caste by mar ying the divorced wife of his rephew, ind the Kuvsian nobiliry recently I ent back Ms cards of invi ntiou o a concert and ball at bis palace. Am action of ejecment lias been nought before a New York Court, to re :over possession of a strip of land four , riches wide, which lias been ?n the deendanl's possession for twenty-seven t 'ears. '"j Tna New York papers state that Gen* i T. B Magrnder, of (ha late Confederate * trvtit* liua mf Itiwl ViJnnt**{lsi luL?<?n t)>o I b will of allegiance to the United State* , "l)o yon know wlinl I am thinking * ihoni t" mid a customer lo hi# hari>er. " ' No Mr, not xacllv ; hot I can see f * hat it running in tour head.'' If we would have powerful minds, , ?e tnsiM think ; if we would have v aithful heaits, we mu?-t love; if we u would have strong nm-cles, ?c must ahor. These include all that is valu ihle in lif.-. A SMH.K may he bright while the lieart is sad?the rainbow is beautiful in the air, while beneath is the ntoan ing of tlve sea. I An ugly young lady is always nnx* ions to many, and young gentlemen, are seldom anxious to mairy her.? This is a resultant of two mechanical (towers?the inclined plain and leave Iter. Latin is the language of religion fireek of philosophy, French of conversation. Italian of music, Spsni-h of lit erasure, German of science, Persian of . poetry, Arabic of ejaculation, Hnd Eng? 1 lieh of control.' A charity scholar. under cxamina J tion in lite Psalm*, being a*k'-d, *' What ( in the pestilence tlmt wnlketli in dark nes* t" replied, " IMea^e, sir, bed bugi-.'" J Tiik St. L'>ui? gambler* don't play n ' square game." Out of fourteen faro , boxes captured by the police, but three i were honestly made. A Wisconsin girl, who became era- i zy Hi the death of her mother, wa? immediately restored to reaaon when matrimony ww proposed. A DurctixR and a stock operator differ in this respect : Ona-nmikela the bulls, and the other bulla the market. Why was Goliah astonished when David hit him with a stone ? Because eucb a thing never entered hi* head be f->re. Okk a week is the average mortality of newspaper* in the United Slates. Wendell Phillips got snowed up in Conneticut, an] 'lived for forty heuie on crackers and cheese. Two Indianapolis go Is, who thonglit to become beautiful by taking belladona, nearly made angels of themselves. The new carpet bag Mayor of Nashville received his cpialiflfatioR* for of rtoA ftdMW u n/iffrA..tVia Vat foe r)on/!in/r torn* r<*?l Himt to make him eligible. lion. AlUrt 0. GrMn. the author if M Old Oiime? in llead," died in Clarelaud, Ohio, Iimt ?ctk. An Omaha actreas i? laid up with in flaminaiory rhfttimaibni. She plnyed Mnzeppa ailb the mercury at four be low. I>*?tective Tinker leetiflea that Booth iukfil liim, nlmo*( the feat *o?d* lie ever apr-Ve,* Tell my mother that I died f ?r my country.'* California hnaet* of a clingr alone f I peach thai meaeoree witldu half AU inch .1 .if m f.w.i iadait?a? ?Iftojl # ' ' . r, . ? -J . j? JITM B R 8 NE W THEORY OP HEALTH The Life of all Floe* U Blood. | The- Health of all Life ie Purity of Flesh. Without Purity of Blood, no Flesh free from Disease.* MEINITSH'8 atdSIPB HMBMIVp AN ANTIDOTE TO DISEASE. Tub great American alteraT1VE and BLOOD HJRtFTER, la the no?t p?rfMt vfgflnlil* compound of aperitives and ionics, making It the most effeoire, invigornilng, rejuvenating and htond:leamdiig cordial known to the world for lie cure of all those diseases Which may l>e raced to a vitiated condition of the blood. Phr theory I* that blood ie the life of all lodt, nnd. if impure, the life of all disease. ?lf? and health is only to he maintained by lie circulation of pure artei ial b'-ood. It a obvious. therefore, to every reflecting nind, that unleestlie blood ie pure, in cup lying the waste tis?ne? with material, it nust he the Cause of Innumerable ills and nustitiitionnl disorder*, atttn at Scrofula, llieumntisnt, Hepatic Diem decs, InflammaIons, Fevers. Liver Cnnipl-lnt, Oonsumpinn, King's Evil, Carhnnelet, Boils. Balling Tumor of the Skin, Erysipelas, Skin Dis nsee, Tetter, Rnughneaa of lit* Skin. Pirniles, niotcbee, Pains In tlie hones, old U1 era, Svobillt and Syphilitic Sores Indlgea Ion, inflammation of the Bladder and Kid leys. Pallia in lh? Ilauk, Danefd lMdlitv, n'dthr aH complaints arising Irom deflclen V and poverty of blood. COPYRIGHT SECURED. CiTPrepared onlv bv K. U. IIEIXITSII, 'harmaciat. For sal. l y FISHER & HEINITSH, Dmggita, Colambla, S. C. or For sale by 1IEYKY fi. HEHITSH, SPARTANBURG, S. C. Jan 1 Ai Am ANNUAL MEETING OFTI1E Jtockholder* of the Sonth Carolina Railroad Company, and of the Bouthwe?tern Railroad Bank. n&sfli tacaasi kktsj JTITI I ??!? ; ASM) Af. WK.KTIKO o?* the Stockholders of the above institution* vt-ill >e held in the (Sly of Charleston, on the Wonri Tnr*datt ?? Fthruary ttrrl. tlie 11th liy of that inonlti. l'lkct of Mrelinnlad of the Southwestern Railroad lln.k, >11 llroad Street. Hour of cuuveuing?11 'cloak. A. M. On III"* dor folfowing (Wednesday, llio 2th) llifM trill lie an lv'<tb>n li?dd at I It* anie place. between the hours t>f 0 A. M. >nd 3 P. M? lor fifteen l>i*eetoi* of the Uilroad Company aud Tliiitorn Directoi-s or the Itank. A Committee to verify pr >xi?? will attend. Stork holders will tie pa.-ed as tminl over he Road to an! from the meeting free of liarg-. in n-cordnnce with the Resolution it the Couvolition of 1 Kfi-t. J. It. EM Kit Y, Secretary. Jan 15 34 4 1 808 . SCIENTIFIC^ MERICAN. ' ARE best paper In the World. Published _|_ for nearly a rpiarter of a century. This splendid newspnper, greatly enlarged ind improved, ia mi a of tha most reliable, incfill and interesting Journals ever published. Cvory number is lienutiCully printed and ele(anlly Illustrated with several Original Km (ravings, representing Now Inventions, Nnr Ities in Mechanics, Agriculture. Chemistry, Photography, Manufactures, Engineering, Science and Art. Farmers. Mochanirs, Invonfors, Kngincers, Chemists. MMnnfiieturers, people in every proFvssion of life, will And tha SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN to bo of great va'uc in tboir re |HTtive railings. Its counsels and suggestions will anve them llimdrcils of Dollars an- I iiually, besides afTording them a continual lource of knowledge, the value of which is ticyund pecuniary estimate. All patents (ranted, with the claims, published weekly. Kvery Public or Private li'-rary should have the work bound and preserved for rofertnre. The yearly nnmhers of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN muko a splendid volume u< .vn.,j ...? n|ujvnmuv to nearly four thousand ordinary t'<mk pages. TERMS?One yoar, $.1 ; Half Year, *1.60 ; Club* of Ten copies for ono Year, $26; S|wci< men copies sent gratia. IMivn Mi:N.V A CO., 37, Park Row, New York. The publishers of tho HclenlUe Ainrrenn, In connection with the publication of the pajter, bavo eeted aa Solipit .ru of Patent* for lwsiity<.tw<> year*. Thirty Thousand Application* for Patents hove heon made through their Agency. More than One Hundred Thousand Inventors have nought the counsel of the Proprietors of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN concerning their Inventions.? Commits!ions and advice Vj inventors, Wy mall, free. Pamphlets concerning Putout Laws of nil Coantric*, free. A HANDSOME BOUND VOLUME, containing 160 Mechanloal Engravings, and the United States Census by Counties, with Hints and Receipts for Mochsnics, mulled on receipt of 26 cents. Jan 22 36 2 DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. TTAVINO received the ir?hs? /?f ill* ri ?haM jitatlf lira lid of TOHACCO. ? will it to yonr intarnt to l?iy from ??*. K?r mI? t?y whotmli ..r retail. J>AVIf? k fiTKADI.EY. Oct SO U it _ To Root,, T,,E nousp on tli* corner, adjoining tin tSjBmL MothodUt Chnrah, on Coffn S'raet, in go?d gondii ion Apply to tint uudoraigned lor Irrqi', Ac. THOMAS STKKN. Jan 1 . SS tf Ktllce. A PPMCATIOK will U and* for Cbnrtar J\_ for two Orybnna Homra, in Mrean/H1< IMa rtM, ona for whita and tba otbar for color ad nbiltlron. I! A v r m " 1 I 1 B ? Till ? " * ' 1 1 1 " 1 We Hftve Jm LARGE AND WELL 5 ?mir is GROS me Which we offer at v< for the CASH or B^ call, if you want got DAVID October 80 Law Notice?Change of Offioe. GP. TOWNER ha* removed hi* Law a Office to the building nortb-ca*t corner nf the Pnhlic Square, in pert occupied by Julie* C. Smith. Auctioneer, and the Euterprl?e Printing Office, up *t*ira. Jan 8 33 ' ff tf WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DAHLONEGA, GA., WILL prnctice in the Ccectbn of Lumpkin DowKon, tlilmer, Funmto, llnb n, Town*. White and Hall. Jmi 10 * * ? w. k. iiiir.r. o. a. wr.LLS. EA8LEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, OHKBNVILLB, 8. C., PRACTICE In the Conrd of the St?l? and of the United State*, nnd (five especial attention to cuei in Bankruptcy. June 13 3 if BAGGING AND ROPING IRON of nil aorta. KAILS, LEATHER, ?kc., ?kc. F?r nil* low. DAVID A STRADLEY. Oet 80 88 tf LAW CARD. GOOIILETT & THOMAS, Attorneys at Law, Attn SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, nAVK thin day fanned a Copartnership in til- practice of LA W and EQUITY on tlie Ventern Circuit. Office in the old Court Home R'tildintr. ?. IK Oo.i|>l.inT, VI M TIIOM4H. |)w 'JO 80 ^ if E. I*. ,IO.\ i'.s, ATTORNEY AT LAW Ann SOLICITOR INT EQUITY, PRACTICES in the Courts of the Western, nU'? in tha United States Court. I? prepaiel to nronecnte can,-* in Ilnnkrnptcjf. I'ereone who wish the benefit of i h? Act. had li"M- apply at once. Uiile?a ilieir Petitions are filed before the J<1 of March next, they will he required to pay "fifty l*rr or"''"a " on nil cl lime. Office at OreeovillcC II. Dec 18 30 10 T.S. ARTHUR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. WILT, practice in the Districts composing thu Western Circuit. Aiao in tlio UNITED 8TATE8 COURTS. IW Otjfoe over tlie P.?al Olliee. I Dec 4 23 J. W. NORWOOD, SURGEON DENTIST, GREENVILLE, 8. C. ARTIFICIAL TKETIl constructed by nnv process desired, and at prices to suit tbe times. Teeth Extracted without pain, by means of Local Anrastbrsla. Every Operation warranted comfortable, and to render Kn"ti screioe. JPB~ OIBe# over Whitmire A Ferguson's Dry Uoods Store, Main Street. Dec 18 30 3m FOR RENT, TITE HOUSE occ.1JpvTOrrfejL pied 1?v Mr. Met rick, ,,n Rutliprfora Street, next to Mr. Stall's. It has six )arj<e Rooms and all necessary outi buildings. Possession given first I of January. Apply to T. B. THMJ8TON. Dee It 29 if To Rent, MTI1K DWELLING IIOU8F. ?n Avene* Street. occupied by R-v |ir WILLIAMS. For terms, arplv ti LrdgntJ. THOMAS S'fEEN. Jan 1 3*4 tl To Rant TIIK D<*fll1nj Tlnwe or Rutherford Street, known ?i "ViSll ' A M Frt <;<>< >1 >1, K T1 Hg" 1IOUSK, wi'li w*?ii Room* it goo<l condition. Anr?lv to ih> under rigned for Israts, THOMAS STKKN. ' Jan 1 82 If The Great Popular Paper! TBI MLKTOI DAILY IEVS 1 CI UBflCRIPTTOW price, ?lx dollar* a your O TIIK CHARLESTON TRf-WKKK1/ NKW8, threa dollars a year?(wo dollars fa six uiontbs. - TERMS, CASH, IN ADVANCE. jptf No Paper seat anlear tha Cash aceon nlss (bo order. ' y J ptf No Papar soot for a Iqnjar Urns tba ? paid for. > R I 8 E"a - ?:??- ? Received a 5ELECTED STOCK OF t'OOB'S* EBIES, D ra?TOB)K0^a nry LOW PRICES HHTER. Give us a td and cheap Goods. &, STRADLEY. 23 tf South Carolina Rail-road-jBByBiMBMfiS HKN'L SUHEUIMTp^ OFFICE. ) ChariS8TON, s C., January 18, 1868. J ON and nfl?r Sunday, January lu, the Pa*a??nger Trains on Iho South Carolina Hnil road will ril<< a? follow*. vis; L?e?* (or Columbia. 4 SO A M Ariivo at Kingavill* U 15 AM Leave Kinuaville. 11 40 A M Ariive at Columbia 1 10 P XI L?a ve Columbia. .............10 no AM A..."-- - vr: ? ?- -- -- ......^ ... u 31 A M Lmvi Kingsvillo IS OB P M Arrive ?t Charleston.......... 7 05 I'M The Passenger Train on tlie Camden Branch will connect with up and ?1own Columbia Trains end Wilmington end Manchester Rail-road Trains on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS end SATURDAYS. Night Kvprcs Freight nnd Possenger Accommodation Tru'n yill run as follows: l.e*va Charleston for Columbia.. .5 40 1* M Arrive ut Columbia ft 05 A M 1,?*h ve Columbia 5 SO P M Arrive nl Chariest on . 5 40 A M I! T. PKtKE, General Superintendent. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON TMK OEEEKVILLE ft COLUMBIA B! B. ON AND AFTER FRIDAY, lite ?:h instant. Passenger Trains will run daily, Sundays excepted, as follows: Leave Columbia at 7 00, A. M. " Alston ft 86, *' " Nelvbe-ry io 56, * Ariive at Abbeville 3 3ft, P. M. " Andeison 6 15, " " " (ireeiiville ft Oft, " Leave Greenville at ft 00. A. M. Anderson ft 46, " M Abbeville .....ft 45. " " Newberry 1 V5. P. M. Arrive at. Alston 3 00, " " " Columbia 6 00. ' Train* on I lie Blue Ilidge Unit-mad will als ? run daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with the np and down trains on the Greenville and Columbia Rail road, as follows ; Leave Andor'on at........6 20, P. M. " Pendleton at 6 20, " Arrive at. WslhalU at ft 00, 44 Leave Wa'hnlln at 4 OO. A. M. " Pendleton at........6 4f\ " Arrive at Anderson A 4??. " The Train will return from Belton to Andcrsou on Mondav and Friday niornlngs JAMES O. MEREDITH. General Superintendent. T. W. DAVIS, WATCH MAKER, . WOULl> Respectfully In form the people of Greenville lr~-J Ihe surrounding country, he lint *?. * a ?m w jed m m Front Ills OI.I> STAKO in the lett House, to a more i ONVKNIKNT I one, three doors North of the Man s|on House, nest door to Pickle A Poor, on Main Street. where tie Is prepared tp du It work in hie line of liusiuese, at short notice, in n workuiau like manner, ml on reamnalda terms. Aug 10 13 tf MAHBIB WOHR! nAUBI/E WORK !! aaji.jasa.a w?sykw ' rl"MIF! subscriber has on liund, and wll A Continue to receive, a good nsaorlineit of TOM? STONE*, of ail sire* and qioli ties. Those iu need of any thing in thn line, will do well to call at the Post Oflio before purchasing elsewhere, vr Couutry produce taken In cxehangi for work .lAMK-i M. ALLKN. 1 lir. onville T H K?? a ?- ' TUB OKU STAND * BAKERY ill COIFEOTIOIEBK Jffiin Slrtel, bjf /'o$i Ojftc*, IS op-ii at all hour* "f iha day and an ning. IJREAD. RUSK, ana a varh aaaortnimt of CAKKR, iciKlanily on ban. , Cak?*a, in , Imknl lc order An EATlJfft SA J.< H >N la lodrfnneited i a Uw d?>a A M ao ROUS, pYRTUU-V ?fca , n.av t* had. J ?r B? ard, without Lodging, furniaha Y at rraannabla ralra. * l??*o 11 **-\t d M McJUNKIN " ? ? * ? T. L, BOZEMAN, ' LICENSED AUCTIONEER * PlaAf N P. O., GREENVlUE DISTRICT, S. C. ."'T v". ' ' * ' .* * '. ' - *'% ' 1 L"'-- J- I IM I l,U ? WIFSEVTITLE DRUG-STORE. Next Door to tho M amlon Hon?e-8ixn of tho Oo!den Mortar. . ^ ^ I KEEP constantly on hand, and are daily receiving, New | and Fresh Sufpuvs fflSBiemfi, I CHEMICALS, And, in 6hort, any and everything pertaining to a well regulated ana First Class DRUG STORE. ^btjsiciqqs qqO Fahnllea* May rely upon the PURITY ot everything bonght, nnd depend on the ACCURACY cf everything put up, in our Establishment. Prescriptions and Family iRecipes attended to pkksonali.y, I with the strictest care and attention. |jgT~ Remember^ the place? Jfeeet door to the Mansion Mouse. -JE1 "Walter & Westmoreland. GREGORY'S Dyspeptic rvii\turc. TUH following i? but one of lite hundreds of recivwJIii favor of Ibis justly celebrated Medicine? ** To Dr. John (Jray, Charlotte, jV. C. : bis: Being in Greenville. 8. CV, lately.and in a state of groal diddliiy and prostration, the effect of paralysis occurring in November, 18K4, arul suffering much iucon venienra from torpor of the b; wels, my nttentina was directed l?v Dr. J. M. WrvTjmnn Attn, to , GREGORY'S DYSPEPTIC MIXTURE.? From my advanced age, a* well as ths aa lure of tbe di-ease, ] was nearly hopeless af relief, but I am Itnppv to be able to say that tho use or tbe medicine above mentioned afforded relief, restoring the almost suspended functions to n healthy action, without griping, purging, or any other perceptible bad effect. I use the medicine now only when some aperient seem* to ba needed, and it luts not lulled, so Inr, in a single instanee. to have the desired eff-Ct. It MAKI.T, Sr. " TuMralnoM. Ala., A D., 1867,'* Wullcr & Wcttinorclnnd/. Agents for Greenville. Oct 80 28 tf State of South Carolina. UKEEXV1LI.K DISTRICT. In Fquity. . Wii.i.iam II. Avstix, Adiuiuistrator, r?. M. I. Oowaan* el .1 IN pursuance of the Decretal Order in the above stated care, tho Creditors of tho late Dr. W. L. M. AUSTIN ore hereby required to establish their demands *|ainiit the Katnte, before tne, within m'?? mouth* front thU date, or bo barred. J. P. MOORE. C. h. a. D. * Commisiioncr's Offico. July li, 1S67. Jy IS 8 9m Stato of South Carolina. GUEENVILLK DISTRICT. In Equity. Jo * r. p it P. L.vti u r. n, Administrator, r?. Mtnr t D. LAttMKR rt til. IN ptinuatfep of tho Decretal Order in the above stated case, tho Creditor* of tho A Into JAMES M. LATIMER arc hereby reqtiirod to establish their demands against the Kstate, before ine, within nisi month* from thla dato, or bo bnrred. J. P. MOORK. O. E. O. I>. . Commissioner's Office, July 16, 1867. - . Jy 18 p 9m Stato of South Caroling. OUEENVIDLK DISTRICT. In Eqnity. Santa A. Etronn, Executrix, ** If; L. floiiOMCTT et nl. IN pursuance of the Decretal Ouler in the above dated eoee, the Creditors of the late O-d. CIIARI.KS J. KLFORD are hereby required to establish, by proper J proof, their elaima nguiiiat tho Keiale, be1 f?r? mc. within nine month* Irotn thia date, | or bo barred. . J. P. MOORE. <t t O. l?. Commistionei'* Ofhoe, July 16, 1867. July 18 8 9m ""WuTs" woiiiEr Corner of Meeting Mid Queen 8treet?, I CHARLESTON, 8. C. THIS well known FIH&T MSUBmIl CLASS IIOTKL haa just / BukfJtijyOS been thoroughly repaired, re. ftitod ana ro-fnrniehed, nod is now ready for the Accommodation of the travelling public, whoso patronage i* respectfully solicited. y Merchants visiting tbo city, ore respectfully invited. Every accommodation will Ve offer. , oil mow. Con?ho? ftlwnyi in rcndlneM ?oc?mtj1fii^ MAfcn to and (Vum Iho Ilotol. iriM Proprietor prowioeo to <ln?U in bi? pow1 or tor the comfort d*bU jfurrtt. r JOSEPH PUKCELL, Proprietor, Fob 21 a? ?? TO THE PUBLIC. A The Pavilion Hotel t CIlAULKs't'ON. S. (X, 80 LOKG And nlily con* dnciftj by ?b? Into H. L. . BNIw HinTURrtteLt), will .mill I H.^fSryJiWrT be kept open for the neeom- # 1 modation of "be traveling pubHe. And it* I..? ? ? 1 " * * " ? "* win ftnd ill* n n?n'al accommodation* and attention* lx> ,| I ?towc<l on them a?formerly, and lit* jmMic I fivo?A alr?ndy an well p*|ablt*K*d aaTHK d H</rKL"fth?TJiAVELINOMKHCHAKT? of Mm South, will, by tarncai effort*, ba faithfully pHNfVkd. OotM SI Mil. Dissolution. 9 rwsnF. FIRM of BAfcKsOAU; PRRRY m & Co., U diaaolvad. Parties to wham t|ie Mm* la Indahtad, will proscnt toeir CUi'im ai tl?? Puotory, or tni at (iic<-u* ^