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(JUEENVlLtK CUUKICNT. C^nntMPun wurnu, HT GRADY', F.IROU80N & MILLER, MEACHANT8. GRKB5VILLK.1L O., JAN. 28, 1888. APPJ.VS/.V bushel, Pried, $1 25 BKBP, w Id, frWh, according to cut, 5 (a) ft p. BACQ^.jaib -18| < . BALB'W/fK, 8*, ,h,M*A5 C, . ' BLURSTONH, V &,.. 30 e. llAUUING, OUDU7, *>. jd 33* ? BUTTBR, & lb.,.? .*& r. 1IBKSWAX, *>,... 20 r. IJRASrPV. $? gallon, Pciibb,.. $t 00 CHICKENS, ft,.. .15 @ 20 e. COTTON,' ^ lb,.;?. ; ll?. COFFEE, *L&u Rlu, 80 <u, 83 n .'.it CORN, "? bnehcl, UO c.(g)$l 00 CANPLES^ ^ lb, Adamantine,..............20 c. Aperm " " Tallow 25 e. COPPKRAS, B>, English, 10 < . EGOS, \s doxeh, 15 e. FLOUR, ^ barrel, ...i ?0 00 L nQLlti.,,,,.,,,,,, ..,. * ?... ^1 85., Grxafcu, n> i ......40e. . IRON, & ?, Sweod ...? ...124 r. " Country,...,...,, . 8 c. Horse Shoe,.... 10 ? . 1HUIUU, *? B>, South CaroTino,... <*1 50 i _? ..? "Rpapl.h Float.;.*.........$2 2?1 LUMBER. lOOfoct, Pinc,...$l 50 @ *2 00 LEAD, & tb 20 o. t LEATHER, & tb, Sole,.;. 50 c. " Upper, 00 @ 70 c. MADDRR. TP th..\... 20 c. .... t _ MOLASSES, ^ gallon, We*t Ii?dia.....'.fl 00 '' " " Sugar-II ouae,.....$ I 251 NAIHS. tb. Parkor Mill, 12J c. OATB, ^ buabci, - 75 e. ' I'liAR, ? " CO e. PORK. B, 124 " roWRKR, %? n> 75 e. ' PEPPER, I? tb. Black, 40 c. PfiAOllKS, fl huHiel, Dried $2 00 POTATOES* burhe), lrlcb,.i... .......none. " " ? Swoet, nunc. * - RICE. tb, ....15 (g) 17 e. _ . STKAL, f* lb, Caat, 55 c.! SALT, V "nek, Liverpool, f-'l 50 I " lin*h?l. " ... 1 50 8UOAR, fl lb. Brown, ; 15 @ 20 ? ? " * - Clarified, 20 e. * PHOT, 19 to, .. 20 c. * . SODA, ft lb 20 c. > SlAKCH, V tb,..,. .. .....20 c. ' flP*CJJ. fttb 40 c. HIIIRTIN'1, (threo-foactha,) fl yd 15 c. ; HnrRTINO, (aevea eight*,) TP yd, IB c. TURKIKS, yp bead, 75 c. <? *1 00 - . TOBACCO, Mnuufaoturcd, f? lb, 5flc.(?$2 00 ... ? TAT,LOW, ft tb, ..r. 15 c. * / TBA,f) lb, Gunpowder,...* $2 00 " " " Hy?on, 2 25 " " " Black,.... (1 60 (Si f 2 00 WTLKAT/M bu?hel,.... $2 60 * WHISKY, ? gallon $* 00 YARN; Factory, f) bunchy. fl 60 fC W V ^ . . b, 4 NoticeT IIERBBY giro notice that on and after ' J. February next, I will only be at ray Office T op Abo following day*: MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS. Pnrtie* having buainct* wltb rac, will plcaee bear thia in wind, and cn\l on Ihoac days apecificd above, until further notice. . - FAM'L. J". DOUTJIIT. Ordinary Greenville Diet. Ordinary'* Office, Grecnrllle, S. C., January .* 26th, 1865. ' * S6-2 rmm school THK niHimijinM will re iun>" tMTTW^r '^"' lr**'0'-Ar* ?f h'f SCHOOL " vrWaSrS .>n Mo?d,y. the 10th of February Term* (redure.l) per Setxiim of Fire Month*, iu t'urrruey?f'n ? mtry KlUili^, |lO; Arod'iiiic, |IS; Iliylirr, $10; Frenrb and Music, cnclt, $16; liurb dental*, $ > 50. . * Wt-eklv Hi porta will be rent to Pnrenta. Bonui-: o. smith. , " " Jan 50 86 -8 < Garden Seeds, ' FUK&If and ponulne, nl?o 4323?t^GRAB8 and CLOVER SEEDS, HARDEN T00I.P *nd HORTIsr fffiSia rmTiirir implements. ' ' *' \' including SEED 80WEK8, PAGE'S HAND ? PLOW, oto,, Just reocivcd from E. Whitoinan A Son*, ~ Baltimore. Alao, 0RNAMEMTAL SHRUBS for lawn* . % , and garden*, DAHLIA ROOTS. CHOICE - ROSES. 1)W ARK PEAR TREES. WILSON'S -? , STRAWBERRY, titeemeil Ihe beat known. . .* For Sole, low for CASH, by GEORGE IIELDMAN, Alain Street, GrucnvUlo, 8. C. , JtfT* SEEDS or Implement*, not on baud, ' aupplied promptly to Order. - . GEORGE IlELyMAN. k'; , Jnn 20 36 If \ A (0A3SI?. PROFKSSOR~ JOHNSON, Teacher of Piano-Forte, Organ, M clod eon. . ev s Yoeallaation, Ae. * "WOULD reaped fully ' v'BriasftNT notify the rltlcni of (Jreenvllle. that he will l.j? Ifj'ie pl.aaed to laneli a tew a?Ww Pupil* Olllaide of the College, and will wait upon tmrh as may prefer it, at their, own home*. Term* r*a' . aonable, and fn accordance with llir precent fedneed airnambtnneea of all. ' * PIANOS TUNED In the beat manner, and RRDKF.N .STRINGS REPAIRED, but ??* ik?|'nirp, Applications thay h? made at the ? 'yetbala College, (l?rrt KiriMln^fikni) order* frtr Tnolrn left at the I)rng-*lorea of W*||?? .. A Weftmoreland, and llarrimn 4k Marshall. Jttreenyille, 8. C,, January 2ltt, 1868. - , ;J?B 29 M 4 _^8liTmnir J'jT conformity wHb the Will and the power M[ y??t?d in me, I trill Mil, before tbe Court ohm doer, on ?- y ~ Sales-day in March next, * ' For the purpose of paying debt* of deceased, a TRACT OF I,AND, . *~T^elnngitJ(| to the.Ratale of JOHN McKIN" '^NJFF, deceased, containing V1^IF,TY-FIVE ACRES, pioro cr teaa, wltli a good ?WEUdWia W-OU?, . .? ?enr-arfi.nnniR. iji.t ?>. - -*K 'the heed water* r.f flouth Tyger H leer, bound latidp of Win. MeKiturey, 3. H. Taylor and Al-x MoKSnnCy. ?... TftUMf .?.One half of. the purchase money ' t \ Will be repaired to be paid down, the r*matn<.' drf on a ermflt of twflto with latawat from date, with and approved security pad a mortgage of the plseedf ferintred. ,i - "WltlilAM MoKlNNHy, . Kxccntor. /an 59 *6 ^ i I.? . . .. .,.? .. Surveying. WTM1R md?re*cra>-dt herl??tf ! ' ?? appoint 1 ed tflVTtRY Ft)EMC bv tJov.rhot Ore, will, in connection with Vii? ftnrveya, attend to talcing Mortgagee, Dead#, Dow-re. #.. Fm^Wttea, S" . fbe., tH-rahy a?enrii?g both f? die party eeJHiur ?"d 'h? Phi*V purchasing " Jetid ~ Wit. A. UUD80N. P S. c~ * a* "V ,11 "*! ???? Jhr.isT^^e I S K The State of Soath Carolina, ? 'OtlKENVlULR DISTRICT. J5.V ??? y T>OUTHn\ Kcyuire, O^uar^of 'ai,l Disiriet XX7 IIKKKAS. 8. U ROBERTSON ha. ? filed r Petition in my Office, praying that Teller* of Administration ?n nil and singular the goods nud rights i and credit* of O. W. T ROBERTSON late of the Di trict aforefaid, deceased, should V>o granted to Mm. 7'Acss are, therefore, lo elb and admonish all and dnvular the kindred and creditors of tho said deceased, t" h? ayd ar| oar Jn tlie Court of Ordinary for said District, to be Imlden at Oreen*ifb? Conrt H?>u-o on i ?)? 10<A (fay of Frbrmery vert, lit ali<>\v c?ur?. if any, why the said Administration s.ioukl not be granted. S. J. DOUTItlT. o1o. I). Ur<ltnft?ja Utile*. JrtH. 'iSlli, 1808. Jan 29 8<l 2 | South Carolina Railroad Company i? and South-western Railroad Bank. FKDHOARY 18. RESOLVED, That hfrcdflw new proxies | 1 ehnll be required for eaob annual meeting, J The attention of the Stockholder# of 'be at.ove tuMiliillone i* respectfully called to ili? foregoing reanbitinn. nd-'pted at the la-t meeting; end notice i* hereby given that proxle* will not he available et thff n.'xt meeting (I2'h proximo) un|e*e enoh rigmiIiith i? etutni ed. with e ten (10) cent# Internal Revenue Stamp. JOHN Y STOCK. L O. HKNPItlcKS, F U MIPOHEI.L. I Committee uu Proxlca. , Jan 20 80 2 ] ______ - i For Rent. ??, THE PRICK HOUSE on the Fii'il male College ground* lately i?c<m?jjlLpied l?y Mr. J U. Sherman, ie for rent. Apply to <". H. JUD30N. Jan 22 84 2 f f\f\ SACKS of SALT, low for eat-h, nt JLUU T. W. TMVIS', ' Tiuneontbe Strret. Jan 22 86 tf Q/\ 8ACK8of F.XTRA FAMILY FI.OUR, Ow imt received, and for ml* low for eaeli, at T. W. DaVH'B Punexuiht Street, Jan 22 85 tf nlOTIFST mmkel prleo ha:d in ra?h for < COTTON, at T. W. 1MVW I Buncombe Street. Jan 22 85 tf J Washing Machines. rllAVE on band and for wile. the Sntrrri CAROLINA WASHING MACHINE, *' which will beeold cheap for ca?h. T. W.DAYIS, Buncombe Street. Jan 22 85 tf W. H- CAMMER, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH, e^T^r CORN QUKU.FRS. Cotton Oinr. Lock*. Kerosene Oil Lnnipp. Sewing Mu ehine* and I'urMi'U, RKPAIRED with promptness Clintge? reasonable. ShiiiI?At W?n?H?ldV "Id Simp. HT l liose w lio liavc WORK In mv Shop for repairs, ore notified to eomo nnd Ink'- It nwo, If not taken away in three week*, it w ill l-e Bold l? pny exptun*. . Ji?ii 32 35 tf To Rent ?A VERY DESIRABLE HOUSE AND OROUNDS, nenr the Pondletnn ll?nd. ahout one mile from the Publio In the Tawn of Greenville. The House U coin par* lively new, largo enough for nny family. On the prembe* are all necessary mi t-build ing*. n floe Ganion and patehe* besides for cultivation, an excellent "election of bearing fruit freer, alro ornamental tree* and rhrohhery. The place wa* improved by the lato Wliitofoord Smith, Sen. Jf-O- For further Information apply to P. X. SUDDUTII, Greenville, 6. C. Jan 22 115 tf mm SEIBS--C88P m WII. WATSON har received a full sup? ply of English and Northern SEEDS, in addition to tboee rnlh'tatrti by ? finch paper will exhibit planting direotlona iccordlng with our Sonthern latitude. Old 8*ed* (if known) are not offered, and nil, aa far ar possible, are being tented. A .nong them are new and approved varieties of eii'ly and late Ca' hages, (Winding the Mammoth,) Corn, Cuairmhcra, Beets, Beans, Pear, very flitiuirioP On inn Kriwla nnrl Kntil ?r?fta (itf wltinii I lire Litfutu uriil Cnnndn,) with standard stockreeding Hoots Bcede. Prices of Grass and | Clover Seeds given t>cfor? ordoring. Oarden T001.8, Ac., Ac. To prepare tho soil with native manures. and introduce the best and the most ennyrnial and proJllahU Sfttln", have i'Cen objects of active solicitude to the proprietor sinco 18S1, nod ho offer* Garden Seeds (quantity and quality considered) nl rnlet at ioie nnd loircr tl|an those of 1850 or 'SO. Jan 15 U 3 In th? District Court of the United state?, for the District of South I CarolinaIn the Matter of J A MRS BRITTAIN, Hunk rtipi.?/? Bankruptcy. THIS IS TO OIVP XOTfOT, that on the 11th nay of January, lflfift, a VVauant, in Bankruptcy. w?a Issued against the estate of JAMRS HR1TTA1N. of Greenville Iliilrlst. in the State of South C?rn l|ua. who hna heen adjudged a BANKRUPT. Upon hia own petitiro; that the payment of any debts, and the delivery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to him or (or hia use, and the transfer of any property hy him, are forbidden hy law ; Hint it meeting ni inn < r'<i f ri 01 enwi , But kriipt. to prove their <!? * ?*. and to . eh?o?e one or more nn?iglieee of Ma rafale, will ha held at a O'lirt of Bankruptcy. to | h? hoMfii at York villa, 8. C.. before ML, J Claweon ^nf of the In Baiitrnpi f\ of aaid C-urt, on tlio Jftfh January, A I), 18HH, at ton o'clock, A. M. J. V. M. KITING. U. 8. Manhnt. A a Meaeaoger by T. W. Claweon, Deputy Mcetetiger. Jan 22 85-1 BATE8VILLE rami hut. HAVING ka<| appointed Agenta for' thh t'aoipanr, wo are prepared to all SiltRTlKflH AND YARN at Paeory plicae *--5 - .Y ' D:?rl4 A ??lra?ll< t. Or>car? and (Vmrataafon M-rehanfa, Ore? nvil.u, 8. IV Nov 6 XI if ? *. ' ^ i . ? 0 t a si [ *' *1 [rf t?- >> ' ?*? -.' "* "T*INTKIINAI, Kttvamu?. United States Internal Retenue, Dei-. Col. Orrtca, <Ihbe*v it.i.a, S. ('., } January 23, 1888. ) T)Y tlrlM? of an ordar from A. B. Wallace Jj Collector of Internal Rrventio, 3d Col' lection Diitrict, 8. C., I will toll, to the hii;h eat bidder, on Tnccitmy. 3d / March, 1808, al tbe roMflcnee of do fondant, at Mvrletta, Ureen tilla District, 1 barrel Hum; I Ittiy ffnrte and 1 oHc-horte Wagon. Also, onoTKACT o I.AN'I). coiit:iint><K Acta*, being thfi Trac on which dofenditnt now 'residse, adjoining lands of J. II. Clcvolund, John finest. Uibhnr and ft hot*. Ke* led on aa tbo property am wild for the tnx nanosurd agr-ir>?it ' KN DKK SON IIOOI), at the suit of the United State, for Kevonue Tnx. Tvnqa oaah. A. L. C015D, Deputy Coilortnr. January 23, 1888. 30-."> NoticeIN conformity with the requiremonta of the Internal-Korenue Law*, 1* brro y civi notice to all persons who may claim a STILL OAl' and WORM and Ono half UAftREL OF WHISKY, aolxcd oo the premiers of Win. DILL, on the ttth Docetnher, 1887, hccnute ol being used in riolatinn of the Interim! Revenue Law*, to make mteh /-Inline liolnro inc within 30 daya from tba flr*t putilieniinn ul tbie notice. ^ A. L. CODII, Dep. Col. Rev. Greenville, 8. C., Jan. 15, 18G8. , 311 3 Notice. IN conformity with the requirement* of the Intermit Revenue Laws, I hereby give notice to nil persons who may claim a ST I hi., CA1' ami WORM, seized in Anilcmn District, 8. C., on or nenr the premises of MAT AIKKI T, ou the 28th of January, 1SG8, because ol botng used In violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, to mukv such claim before me, within .30 daye from the first pnblieation of thii notice. A. I>. COR it. Dep. Col. Int. Rev. Orcenvilte District. 8. C. Janunfj 28, 18G8. 3ft-3 United States Internal Revenue Dtp. Col. Olllee, 3.1 Dist., 8. C.,) Greenville, Jan. 21, I8G8. } BY virtue of an order from A. S. WAT I.ACR, Collector of Internal Revenue :<d Collection District of Kouth Carolina, J will soil,to the highest bidder, at the residence ol Chuvu^C. Montgomery, on Saturday, I jib Februar^Pwetween 12 and I o'clock, ONB SORREL HORSE, CARRIAGE, FOUR-HORSE WAGON. Also. Ono TRACT OF LAND, enntninins 200 Acres, more or less adjoining Inmls of K N. Coh-innn, Phillip Bishop and J. M. Wat on. Also, The TRACT OF LAND whereon bo no* resides, known as the Home Tract, eontainiii) 175 Acres, adjoining lands of J. I'. Ilillhouse Joseph Cooper, A.* >n and others. Thii luud is situated a'>oul 0 miles froui (Jrcnvilb Court House, ou tho Buncotnb Road. Leviei r?n and Bold ns tho property of Chcvus C Montgomery, at tbu suit of the United States for Revenue Tax. * 1 . A. L. nonn. Dep. Col. Int. Rev., Greenville Dist., S. C. January 21, 18C8. 35 4 Notice. IN conformity with the requirement* of tin Internal Revenue Laws, 1 hereby uivi uoti?o to all persons who may claim a STILL CAP and WORM, and ONE BARREL Ol WlirSKV. nolle,! on thn ..f lVltF MIAIITUAM \V ET.L.'.m the" loth Decen.hor 1867, bcciHtao ol being n*r<] In violation n tin? Intermit Revcnuci Lnwa, to make and claim before tno within 80 daya frutu the lira publication of thia notice. A. L. COBB, Pep. C"l. Int. Iter., Orocnvillo Dirt., 8. C. January 10. IS08. 35 3 Notice. IN fi? tfcrn tlhr with tho rcqulrctncnta of th Internal Revenue Lew*. I herd y civ notice to ell peraona who ma* claim n STILT CAP and WORM, ami ONE BARREL 01 WHISKEY, aoizeu on the 10tl? DarentWi 1867. nl tho ftill-liuuM of JOHN DAVI.S an WILLIAM DAVIS, beciuir of being need i violation of the Intermit Revenue Lnw?, t make anch clnitna hefore ino within 30 dnj lortn the drat publication of thia notice. A L. COBB, Dep. Col. lot. Rov., Greenville Dial., 8. C. January 10, 1868. 35 3 Not CO IN conformity with reqnirri.ieiita of tli Internal ItcTenue Lawa, I hetcby giv notice t<? all- peraona who may claim STILL OAl* ami WORM ami ationt Srrrt tern O'ultoun of Whitley, a iced oo ill prciniu't of WIf,LI AM CALLOW AY. o the ibh Dee. tuber, hecauae of being Mae in violation of the Internal Revenue l.nw ?to make aoeh c.lnim# lo-fore me. w-ilhl thirty days from the dr.* publication i tbia notice. A. I, COBll, T?op. Col. Int.. lie v., OrcenviUe Dial.. 8. C Jan lO. 1868. 34-3 Notice. IN conformity with tho requirementa of It Internal Revenue Law*, I hereby git notice to all p?r?ona who may claim a STIL AND WOHM. seized about one half milo frm the Augusta Road, 10 milea below Greenvilli on tho 9th January, 1868, Uerauao of bein uacd in violation of the Internal Rcvenn I.nwa, to tnnke curb elnitii before mo within .1 daya front the first publication of tbia nntic A. L. C011IJ, Dep. Col. Int. Rev. Grecnvillo District, 8. I January tu.JHlift. Tho Stat? of South Carolina GREENVILLE DISTRICT. 1}y S. J. LOUTH IT, Knjuire. Ordinary of taid JHalrirt. U1 HURRAS, n 4. STEWART bit* file a IMltinn In my Olflci*, pr ey in f11At Letters of Adminietrution on all nil sit.gular ili* pood* and chattel*. r ight* an credit. of JOHN II. IIA Tin ISDN Ul? of ?ti Oitlrirt ^rraiid, decenaed, should I granted to liiin. Thtee are, therefore, to cite and adtnonb all and ii'jiilnr I lit* kindred and erediloi of the raid dceeaaod, t<? be and appear I tlx Court of Ordinary f-r aaid IMdrict, I ha holder) at Greenville Court llou.e, a the 3d day of t'rhrnary "ret, to chow en?*i if any, why the .aid Adoiini.tration ahoul not be g-anted. *. J. DOUTHIT. O. G. 1). Ordinary'# Office, 30th Jan., 1868. Jan 11 86 1 Last Notice. IMD^T nail upon all |>*r? >na indebted t mo to P.lY UP. kt longer indulgent cannot be given. I am mti>|??J|<sd to hat money. Co*l4 will be eatol by aUtaditi to tin* notice at once. THOA. B ROBERTS. January '21 t-t. 1868. 36-8 55IO RTCR K D ITS make LONG FRIENDS WE would moft reapedfully call Ui attention ol our in >ny friend* an tuitemm to their long (lauding aceount ftnri b-g tlirm to call and eeule tbe aain A'ao, that from the date of this notice, ? intend ?elllng our goods STRICT1.Y FO CASH. P.rtl-a. therefore, aendmg Order will pb-aa.> accompany with tbe m >ney. Walter & Westmoreland, Or HMiville, S. C., January '20th, 184ft. Jau 31 ;86 If . . I '.i a"? YV . V:*"'."1. ? * ecHooiifl. " FIRMAN I MVERSiTY, Greenville, 8. C, I . \ 'I .* / Y f|MlE Spring Term of tbi* Inntitution, will ' X. ?p?D on the 1Mb of Fobrunrjr, and oloso " tho 30tb of Juno. > | JUJlMTXjVt BJhBZ 1 Collegiate Courtos, .$25. to $58, (currency.) Preparatory Courses,...$20 to $32, (currcnecy,) u in advance. r; Hoarding In private families, per mouth, $15. to $18. (cur.) For Catalogue, address JO UN F. LANNEAU, Skchetah* or Facultt. i J an 8 33 4 ! ~~ .GREENVILLE 'FtiMALK COLLKGE. f C. ?l. JiDson, l*r?>vl<t?ni? Assisted by Four Professors and Three Female Teachers. \ rpilE PPR1NU TEKM will begin the 12tA 1 of February, and continue twenty weeks. ItcslllCtisMl <) f KlllfS. s Owing 1" 'he impoverished condition of the I country, nml tlio great searclly of money, greenbacks will lio received nt par, when /mid '? ??? ct/y im advance, for nil charges except the Colleginto English Course, and Lessons on Pianoforte or tiuitar. for each of which the charge will he reduced to $30 00. currency. Indiscriminate credit ennnot any tougcr ha given. Patrons not prepared to pay in advance, must make a <1. funic settlement at the b lima pupils are entered, a Dee 18 30 2m ' MISS WEBB " sffW W1L1, ..pen PRIMARY t, sntjMUTIlOOh nt her Residence on i? 3^'h.. Anderson Road, on Monday 1 lot It February, 1308. .Im. 24 vi- A PRIMARY SCHOOL. rrfgfr tri the Kx*iei?s ?.f MRS /L??sMb DYER'S Srll.MiL will be r? c hJESJLaw iitihtd nn Monday, 27tli Jnntl ?<y. 18*'<8 p Terms |?or Quarter ??f 11.r?*o Month* : r> R?"i?Unj?, Writinsf and Sf?cHliijf $1.00 ij Oilier 11-andics, as ti.u?llv Uuglil in n Mich St'htHi!. . (5.00 0 Inriili n'lli, 60 '? Mm. Dyer respectfully solicits a chare of pill.lie patronage. Jan 22 86 2 SCHOOL XOTIGB." 1 MISS ANNA BURN WILL rocuino tho Exercises of i her SCHOOL, on Jfomftty, the 6</ './ t'fbrim tf, mI In r Mon tlier's residence, on Hotler Street. Terms, from $100 to $0.00 per quarter uf ten weeks. Tliunkful for tho pnn tronnge received in tho past, she solicits a ? share for the future. Jnn 16 .14-6 DR. J. C. TABES, WHO has, lor innny years, re_ gtniOi siJcd in Eurepo, having hut re* tii ccntly returned from the Unircrt* ikl/jj ity of Iluidvlhore, Oerinany, on a '? call to the Professorship of An cicnt Languages in Fnrman University, nt '' (iraenville, S. C., offers, ?n moderate terms, " bis services in several tuodcru languages and B* in the Classics. K Application to ho made nt tho residence of Mr. Cot, near the Roil-road Depot. 0 Greenville, 8. C., 8th Jannnry, 1869. ?* Jnn 8 36 4 The Columbia I'Soemix and Chnrloston JUr" csry, will copy onco a week each, for four weeks, and seu.l bills to this office. - School Notico. - CHICK'S SPHIH6S" BP SHE >d an THE Exercises will lo. reig "nte.l on the fir*l ifomlay in 1 ''TTfflyy Ftbruary, under tbe direction of A JOSEPH II KAKLK. who ie li?8 Been recently i-lcute.1 1'rinci " pal of Ilii? School. The Scholastic Year will l>r divided iuto >1> two aaiuns of live month* each. r? Terms, patahlo ?m currency ul ilio close in of eaoh session. us follows : ? IVeparalory Department, $ 7 (HI n Intermediate Ill U?> f Higher English 14 00 >1 Mathematics ami Language* 19 (Ml Board, light* included,. 10 OO Charge* made from tliue of entrance to close of th? session. ALFKKI> TAYLOR. Chairman Lt????r.l of Trustee*. Jan 8 *7'" 33 4 COWENSVILLE ssama*. I7XEHCISBS resumed the THIRD OF \i FEBRUARY NKXT. TUITION per Nation nf fire J/..a/As, in Qulti or it? inarlrtl value in Currency : Primary Branches $ 0 22 Intermediate Brain hos, 9 IH1 * Higher English Branches, 12 ill i? Advanced English Branches 15 till d Advanced Mathematics and Languages, lft 50 e. Music .. .. 1? Oil e" Cnrrenoy will he taken, if paid strictly in lp advance. Students charged from the time ol entrance till the end of the Session. Board I'roin nino to twelve dollars pet *' mouth, in currency. T.J. EAKLfi, PRINCIPAL. UowvnsviUe, December, IS67. 31?7 * Jk ? p. fi 3 s e a Harrison & Druggists, Apotheoa TX70ULD respectfully infbrm their ?" that they have REMOVED i*i bv the late Dr. M. li. Earlk, TO FITTED UP FOR THE Hi E6PEC NEXT BOOR TO TI Where they are prepared to furnish TL V % (? <1 Jp N Drugs, Chemicals, Medi Paints, Oils/ 1 DyestufFs Tooth Brushes, Hair I Fine Soaps, Pei Lily White, T Fine Ct'Cwinj I'ubacco, Durham < flavoring Extracts, Lemon, F a Coopers Isingglass, Coze's And n great variety of Articles too ' r" THEY WOULD ALSO CALL ?J THAT thev have added to their IS 1 TIIE GREENVILLE BOOKS Imilding with Messrs. Walter & W< ing down the price of the same, ai CELLANEOUS AND SCHOOL 1 greatly reduced prices. N. J3.?A large lot of CIIILDR] and a complete assortment of BLA j |3gT"Almanacs for 1868 for grate Jon I AGENTS FOR WEED'S SEWING MACHINE PHE bent and mn*t rimple M?fhin? now A in ii?f, and i* unexcelled by any ever pr. nettled to tlic public, having all the luteal improyenn du ; tines the atmight Nee die, nuVii the Tlglit Lock Stitch, whiclt S* the only relmtih one, mil ?hn*i the Mine on both able*. It I* (Ample, eaeily worked and kept in order; it *iil Stitch, lletn. Fell, Rii d. Cord, liraid, Ruffle, Tuck, Qnllt, Hem-Stitch, (father nnd Sew. nt the ?nni<* j time, performing a greater variety of VVoik than any other Machine, on the lighted to. th? heavieft fabric*. |, It received a medal at the recent Parle Exposition. ' Wo warrant them to give satisfaction ; if not, return them. Plcaeo call and examine them. We also Veep constantly on hand, n superior assortment of Gentlemen's FURNISHING GOODS and TRIMMINGS, front the cheap- | est to the best qnntitica, and hiw for cash.? We will CUT and MARK in the best and latest improved styles, all Garments for Gentlemen and Gents' Wear, Ladies' Cloaks aud Sacks, Ac. All Work warranted. PICKIsK & POORE. Greenville, S. C. Jan. 15, ISO.S. Jan 15 31 tf " ff? HAVE JUST RECEIVED, AXOTIIER ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF PRINTS, GINGHAMS, BLEACHED AND BROWN SHEETINGS AND Shirtings, (SEA ISLAND, AC.,) To which wa Would invite attention. ALSO, & sKHiPimiB JS.?*? ?jy COMES, TEAS, SUGAR, MOLASSES, RICE, CHEESE, &C., All of which we will fell a* LOW on they can Imntrht in unv nmrWtf in Lhc Stiito. trims. ; jMirtntiot) utlilud. We keep constantly on bund, all kiniU uf , Provisions, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. prtr- OUR TERMS ARK STRICTLY CASH. Williams & Whitmire. Groouvillo, 3. C., January 8, 18B3. 33-tf ; Tho State of Sou h Carolina, GREEN VILLR DISTRICT. By S. J "DOVTH1T. Keqnirt, Ordinary of mid District., Will. RE AS, B. F. MILLER ha* filed n Petition In my Office, praying that I/Ctters of Administration on nil and singular the coods ami ohatiola, rights and credit* ' of R T. IiOLLIXO late o( the Disiriot aforesaid, deceased, should bo granted to liitn. 'lTt'se am, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear in the Court, of Ordinary for said District, to t>? holden nt (Sreet.ville Court House, on the 1 nt day of February next, to show eaose, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. ? H. J. iMiUTUIT. O. O. D. OtOffice, 18th Jon.. 1868. Jan 22 85 . _ 2 Tailoring. THE undersif ned continue* hi* business near the (ioodlott House, and opposite Mr. TKnnnw dteen's 8U?re; and I cing an ' KXTKIIT CUT1KK and Judicium MA 1 CIIINK OPERATOR, dues nut hesitate to | warrant aaliafae iun in every part of kit . liusi nee*. M. R. tlKF.CO. Jan 8 88 tf Wanted, VTKACIIKll. with a food English Ed ucatien, in a private faintly, to go into the country. A gentleman preferred. Apply at this Office. Jan 82 35 Vf * ' ^ v 'v ' tgl * .J? FIarshall, Jj ries and Stationer*, friends and the public generally, *o?u the 8tnnd formerly occupied THE LAIW3E H.OllE ROOM XAL ACCOMMODATION, IE POST OFFICE, , at & ^ ^ *? $ icines Famishes . Spices, Ac. (rushes, Combs fumery, Hair Oils oilet Powders, Bongo and other JSrands Smoking nilla, Pine Apple an I Strawberry Gelatine Com Starch numerous to mention. \ imillOl TO TEE FACT Itock, the ENTIRE STOCK OF TORE, formerly kept in the same Dstmorclund ; that they are markid offer a arrest variety of MI8iOOKS, STATIONElit, <&C., at ENS' TOY BOOKS jnst received, NK BOOKS expected sooo. iitoii8 distribution. ?Fl 82 11 FlilsiF ARRIVAL. Hi wtob rpHE underpinned Sun juet. recetred u4 1 opened a BEAUTIFUL LOT Of start mr AJWIS) cwAUPita %%%%* IVhich ho offer* to bit cnatomm udtki peblW {cuerulljr, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Thankful for the libera) patrnmage received, to hope* to merit a continuance of the aame. W. H. HOTEY. Jnn8 88 tf MARSHAL'S SALE." UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, I SOUTH CAROLINA DISTRICT. I 1) Y eirtuo of an Execution, to me directed, IS r _:ti l -it * M. niu |MWVW? w PVU, OX THE FIRST WEDNESDAY II FESllilT EW5ii2ifff Before the Court Ilouse door, at Greenvilto, a TRACT OF LAND, Containing 0OO ACRES, inoro or Ices,^ adjoining landi of Richard F. Foster, Mrs. ' Frances Davidson and others. The property of JOHN FOaTKR, at the suit of the United States of America, for Costs. TERMS CASH. Purchasers to pay for titles. J. P. M. KPPINO, U. S. Marshal. Jan. 13th, 18AS. J4-S Notice. ALL persons indebted to me, are requested to come forward and make payments immediately. Longer indulgence canuut ho given. Settle- merits must be innde. IV. II. HOVEY. Jan 8 33 tf Dental Card. apmek. Dr. ANDERSON respectfully ,/rFvtSS^fl n'"nn" bis friends that he bos removed to his Ofllce, on Main Street, next to what was the GnntUett House, where he may be found at ALL HOURS, loth day and night, prepared to operate** LOW iu price as any one, for the CASl]|*||y Greenville, January 8th, 1868,''NZt Jan 8 88 tf Take Notice. fVlIIR Books of the Uttt Dr. If B. JL KARLE are in our hands for settlvnient. Lih.-fal indulgence will he g'Trn * ? parties giving noles with security. ...,l -n ? -r Hl( ...nnvtp imximhiv, n?u cuverrn "j Ocnerwl Order No. Oi, and not ao eloaed by th* 15<li of Prlirlmfv will be aiieyl u|?i inJitKriiniuhteljf. ItkEDA EAH1.E, Attoi hey fur Executor*. Ten 1 jp 8i ^ 1 TUB COTTAGE I10U8S X/0jL-^s on n-hingtoii, adIB ? Hl\ rcwldanoe. For 8B J A.Uj^W. tcni.y. apply t<> llie under(iifjued. TltOMAS STEEN. Jen 1 Si U To Rent. A/fllL-71 TFIK nOUSP/ flaar the new OhurcK On P'SWCMp the premier* are all neoeawary out tetttldinge, Una epiing and ipring houee. Also, the Itriak Iloutc lately occupied by Mr. John June*. E. S. IRVINE Jan S S3 4" Fair Notice. ALL peraooB indebted to ma. ?ll| ??tt and nettle at o?rv na fwrtUr indulgence uaunot ba Riven. ThiS ia na ?hnw ; tb?*o who neglect to lit tend to it. will And their Account* 1 In the hand* of a lawyir for collection. | n{pd money, and money I inurt have. ? . ft. L. BVftN. ' Jan 14 U ii Mt Bit.