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n mm * v^R-ygf UA ,,; , K|k Fidelity .?Never forsake a friend. 'When enemies gather around, when 1 ?' l?ij;Wie?? falls upon the heart, when the r ^oild ia dark and cheerless, i? the time ? * Vrt'try true friendship. The heart that lias b*?*n toucjied with true gold will j redouble its efforts when the friend is sad and in trouble. Adversity tries s real friendship. They who run from ^ the scenes of distress betray their hypocrisy, and prove thst interest only moves them. If you have a friend who lovea yon, who has studied your interest and happiness, be sure to sirs* tain him in adversity. Let him feel f Itaf liia fitrmop Irinrlti aaa is anrtrooi a I a/1 and that bis love was not thrown 0 away. Heal fidelity mar be rare, but * it exitl* in the beart. _ Who has sol c ~\^seen and felt its power t Tliey who deny its worth igjd power, who never }, loeod a friend or labored to make a i friend happy. The good and the kind, the affectionate and the virtuous, ree . and feel the heavenly principle. They 1 would sacrifice wealth and all but lion- * or to promote the happiness of others, v and in return they would receive the 1 reward of their love by sympathizing hearts and doubled favors when they I have been brought low by disease and r adversity. t j , V " ' " # ' * J A Diligknt Woman.?Some wise I man, who thinketh he knowetb much - ' about the fair sex, discourses as follows concerning the diligent woman : She riseth in the morning betimes, ' and as the lark singeth to his mate, so she mnkelh a joyful noise in all the house. She makotli up her bed, and beato'.b the pillows thereof, and like n? nn eagle, stirreth up her nest, so she stii* reth up the feathers, nnd spreadeth out the sheets, and layclh the blankers apnrt. She clolheth her family with pure garments, and her husband is made 11 comely when he aittelh among the J chief men or walkelh in the market j places. g She kneadeth up her dough, and ' baketh a goodly cake for her household. She provideth her dinner in due season, and supper faileth not when ^ the good man returneth, at the end of the day, weary with his labors and the ' strife of man. She looketh well to the way* of her household, and rcorneth the idle woman with her delicate hands, who lieth in bed and callctli a servant. RfiMAIiKAOI.K 1^11 F.N OMR NO X. A gentleman who ariived in tho city yesterday, from county, informs us that the people of that section were thrown into great panic and paialysis n few morning* ago, by tbe wonderful spectacle of three suns ii-ing at tho same tiino. Tho central orb was en- , circled by a beautiful rainbow, and stir- I mounted by the fragment of another n?7 i*.\?riiuru uii ciiii't iiiiiiii above the attendant suns. The (wo "l surplus suns were, of course, but reflec J lions of the bona fide sun on tho V, clouds, and after a brief space these suddenly dissolved and vanished, leaving the real Sol solus. The spectacle is said to have heen sublime and splen- s did beyond desciiplion, and inspired C admiration even iu the breasts of those " who regarded it as the portent of awful supernatural developments. ? [Lynchburg Republican. t, ??;. # -] A makixo machine is the j latest Yankee invention. The machine '/ consists of a deep bread pan, within which two polished iron roller* are j made to revolve by means of a crank ti and gearing in such a wajr as to mi* * the materials and aerate and knead the y dough in the most thorough manner. Yon have only to put in the mateiials ?' and turn the crank for about ten mill- 01 utcs, and the dough is ready for rising. or for the oven, according to its kind. The machine cleans itself, and there is no necessity for touching the dough with the hands until it is ready to be transferred to the pnns for baking? ^ Many families fail to obtain good bread J from insufficient kneading. With this machine the process is so easy that j, good bread can hardly fail to ho made <|, with the ptoper materials, and a little '* extra turning of the crank will give the j bread that fine porosity so much mlmi rod in good bakers' bread. The J' machine answers for cake ami pa-try just as well as for bread, and soda l is- * cuils made by it would bo pretty sure not to have the common fault of being imperfectly mixed. < Soap making?Coin Paocr.M?In J.' Virginia, there is a mode for making m soap, adopted by the countiy people, which they call the cold process, that I' deserves to be genernllv known. A common fish barrel is put in the D cellsr where it is intended to stand and filled neatly full of ?'r<>ng lye; then a* much grease without melting, is added, as is thought to he ?. ll'cient, and the i mass is stirred i"u) ?!s>y or two. In a * few days it is ca-y to tell whether or nol there is too much grease, and greae or Me tray l>o increased as re- I quired. In two or three week* it be t comM exn !ronp. Tlii-? method dispenses with il.e trouble and ri-k ot boiling, and soap can l c made as suits the hotot keepoi'a convenience or occasion rerjuiieu. JhyKiKe' youngest daughter adopted I lie fashion of expansive skill* at a dangerous season. A violent cold was, p of eou??e, tho result. Mia. Jenkins raid; '* My dear, ain't you nfiaid that Jane has got the consumption ?"' " No, i ? ivy dear," ho said, " it'a nothing but i the hooping cough." - Adveili'O in tho KntorpnM, j HH - ---i mi?i : -; t~J-? "' ' ^ , 'Jupob Clahkb, of the Supreme Court of few York, deoUtea (hat gold and?U?er are 10 longer th* legal money'of tha United itatea but a commodity; and tliat promi? orj notes mntie payable in gold mast be mid in gold or its equivalent Nrw Tennessee corn, in good burlap sacks, old at ninety oents in Atlanta, on Satorlay. The transactions were front the detot, by the car load. IV The irrepressible Henry S. Foots is >nt in 11 Jong letter to the Tennessee Legisaiure, in favor of enlling s State Convening tv Still another rebellion hns broken ml in China! The dissolution of the old rnplre is regarded as almo it certain to oour, nnd thnt spccdiiy. A tan has been mado in England to 10M 1,300 barrels of that pau-Anglican tjverngo, brown stout. Fivk thousntu] bead of Texan cattle, t" ia elated, will be brought to and langhtered at Cairo, III., doing this vinler. They will be shipped en?t for narket. Piussia teaches aeven languages in tcr primary schools. They are, in the trder of the number of children at tidying hem, German, Lithuanian, Wend, Moravian, Walloon, Tcheqne and )utch. GREENVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE Assisted by Four Professera and Three Female Teachers. THE SPRING TERM will begin tiro 12IA of Frhruary, ami continue twenty weeks. Reel tie (ion of lCntcs. Owing to the impoverished condition of the 'ountry, nnd the great eenroity of money, [rronhnck* will lie received at par, irfirn jiaiil trirl/y in iir/rmii'i', for nil charges except the hillegiuta English Course, nnd Ilessens on 'innolhrtc ?r Guitar, for each of which the liargo will tie reduced to $30 00 currency, ndiscriininnto credit cannot any longer be ;iv?n. l'ntrons not prepared to pay in admire, must inako a definite settlement at the iinn pupils aru entered. Dec IS 30 2m P5IR! If! ?nurtni UUIIWVL ?Oll WHITE CHILDREN. TUM Ic7\ F8IEE. I" T fa proposed hy n lady ?>f this place, nsp tasted by competent ni<l. t<> ?-kt?\*>li-sl.. on r about t'?? first of January, a SCHOOL FOlt niitk children. x? ch?r,je ,.;u u w./e _/*or Tuition. Any persons desiring to place Children in neh a oelionl, will leave their names, sex and rcs of the Children, nt the office of .1 alius O. inith, Esq., on Main Street, near the Old ourt House. l)ee 2.'? 21?2gr canv I:\SVI IJ.R ssaoaasTT J I T.XKKcTSES nt.Mim.el the T1UU1) OK I J 1 EltltPAKY NEXT. "UlTIOS ;irr ("on of AVrr .l/.oi//>?. in Ool,l or it" umrlffl r?i/ur in I'urreuru : 'rimury II run rite? $ f> 25 ii termed in te limnetic.*, 'J III) ligher English Pjr.invhes, 12 .Ml dvnneed Euirlish (tranches 15 00 dvonccd Mnthcinatica and Languages, 10 50 in sir 10 00 Currency will I mi taken, if |mid strictly in ilvnnee. Students charged from the time uf itrunee till the end of the Suasion. Iloard from nine to twelve dollars per month T. .J. EAR EE, PRINCIPAL. Clnwcn.'ville, December, 1SG7. 31?7 Notice. [X conformity with tbo requirement* of tho L Intcrniil ltc.vcniie Laws, 1 hereby give utiee to nil person* who mny cluiin a RAltEL OF WHISKY, seized near the It. U. >cpot, on Monday. 23d lust., been use of cvi?. unt purpose to cvudo the payment of tho In imal Revenue Tux, to make site!, claims he. re me, within 30 days Irom the first puhlica. on of this notice, A. L. CORP., >cp. Col. Tut. Tlcv., Crecnvillc District, S. C. Decent her 23d, 1SK7. 31?3 Notice. [X conformity with tlic requirement* of the j [_ Intcrniil Revenue Laws, I hereby give iticc t<? nil persons who may claim u STIl.L. j TILL-WORM AND CA1', and Two Empty I urrei.i. se!r'-d on or near tho premise* of Plllt I AM HALL, on the 23d instant. 12 or 15 , dies above (Irrenville O. II., becanre of being i e.l*"i(i violation of the IiiPrnul Revcnito nw*. to make such eluitn before mo within SO tyk from tho tirst publication of this notice. I A. I,. POUR, I en. Col. Int. Rev.. (Jrcmvilln o e December 2.'tcl, ISflT. 31?3 T. L. BOZEMAN. ICENSED AUCTIONEER/ PI'AIX 1\ O., GREENVILLE DISTRICT, S. C. ,17 ILL hIIcikI PPBLIO nn?l PRIVATE 11 SALK^, ill reasonable ruto? of (-burge. Dec 2ft 31 5 S. J. DOUTHIT, ICENSED, AUCTIONEER,' (J{i:KNVILliK, s. c# ;yi!,i, ntteiiti ti'm-Tr- ?n.i private| \ 1 SALKfl, ?t TPBW<if>al>ln rnten of ch?r,r*. ! ^r ?r- OjVrr of iht Ordinary'! Offlre, in thr nnrt Hour*. > % Dec 24 31 3 | JAGGING AND ROPING| RON of nli sorts. NAILS, LEATHER,' L like., Ac. F'T ' lie Sow. DAVID A STEAD LEY. I Oct CO 23 If I HYiii B?5 We Have: Jus LARGE AND WELL ? GROG! SSG?IS MM Which we offer at v? for the CASH or Bi? call, if you tcant goo DAVID October 30 Kerosene Lamp Chin SALT. LIVERPOOL. PER HACK. c. c. mi's una saucers, per GRAN1TR CUPS and 8AU( ENGLISH DAIRY CHI ALMJ Groceries, Crockery, Class ami Woolen At Prcpoi lional Not 27 Attend to Your Children's TeethWE ave m often called on to extract the fnet Molars or TIT Jaw Teeth for ehildren, and to regulate or strengthen tbe front teeth, which become crooked from neglect, that we think it advisable to enll the attention of parents to the subject; ao that the back , teelb mav be filled, nml the front tee'li notiee?l whilst children afre rutting their sec ond set, 10 as to prevent their becoming irregular. Children shed, or lose hut ten teeth from the tipper jnw, and ten from the h'w-rjnw, and the Molars, or jaw teeth, which they cut bark of these, belong to their adult, or grown set. Many persona say they were not swore of this fact. Now notice and act accordingly. Charges very mo letale. Teeth extracted for Fifty cents. Terms cash. JOHN ANDERSON. Nov 27 27 tf THE OLD STAND bakery m mmmm. Afttiu Slrrrt, by Post ftyfirr, !S open nt nil hours of the ibty and evening. RHEAD. HUSK, and a varied assortment of CAKES, constuiitly on hand. 'Jak?s(" ,%? , linked to orih-r. An EATING SAL')i?N Is to lie opened in a few dn\s. where HOT COFFER, II AM and EGGS, OYSTERS, its . may he had. Hoard, without Lodging, furnished at reasonable rates. Doc 11 29-lf C. M. MeJUNKIN. NKAIt TlIKDKl'OT. W. 'I'. ASH MOKE jfiINFORMS the public Hint he hn/t c1 > received considerable uhlit ion's to his Stock in DRY U00DS AND <{ROCKUIK3. Hoots, Shoos, lints, Cups, Cnlicocs Cloths, Sugar, ColYco, Ton, Mackcral, Molasses, &c. He keeps constantly on hand, also, lluttrr l-C?gs. t'hioUons, Kiiuin, Lard, Corn, Potatoes, I'M), Ac., Ac., which lie offers ior sale ?( rcasonuMc prices Tor OASII. IIis country friends will And it lo tltcir ad\ milage to j;ivc liiiu u cull, before disj?osing of their Produce. lie asks for a shure of patronage. t?TOPPOSITE THE DEPOT._/SJ Deo II 20 5 EXTRA COURT f3r mimm district. ACCORDTNO lo the Or.lcr of the IION. T. N. HAWKINS, Presiding Judge, nt the inst Full Term, " An Kxtra Term of the Court of Common Plea* will bo hold nt Greenville Court House for Greenville District, on tho Third Monday in January next, to continue during the remaining days of thut week ami of tho two succeeding weeks, if necessary." It was also Ordered, That the Clerk do giro proper notice, in tho newspapers of said District, of the sitting ol the said Extra Terui. Doocinhor 10th, 1SI17. W. A. M.DANTKL. Clerk of the Court of General Sessions and Common Pious for Greenville District. Dec 25 31 4 J. XV. NORWOOD, ST J HO KON" DENTIST,] GRF.ENVILLR, S. C A HTIFICIAr. TEF.Tn constructed by nny jl\ process desired, and at prices to suit the time*. Teeth Extracted without pain, hy means of Local A mvsthesia. Every Operation warranted comfortable, and torendor good service. Office over Whitmire A Ferguson's Dry Goods Store. Main Street. Dec Ik 30 3in E. P. JOXE9, ATTORNEY AT LAW I AND SOLICITOR IN KIIIIITY, 1)RACTI('Ert In lite Court* of the Wot, ern Circuit, nls-t in (lie United gtnte* Court. |>ru|<ii: t?l In progecute cn*?-? in limikriifi'rf,. IVrrnn* who wish the benefit of the Aet, find licit apply At ono?. Unlro their Petition* or* filed before the Jd of Murch next, they will be required to pay ''fifty VT rf,,,"n* " on nil el.mi*. Office ?t (Jreenvill* C 11. I)cc IA AO 10 FOR RENT, lyair-t TIIE HOUSE occn]>ied by Mr. Mot rick, 'it Rutherford Street, next to Mr. Stall's. It has six large Rooms and all necessury ont* building*. Possession given lirst of January. A|>plv to T Ii. TlI HUSTON. Dec 11 20 If . j , - ? n . ?- ? J . - -- ? ? v 'V y I I 1 I 1 1 I illi-.JLU IS I 1 B T 8 II 9 rO&SSv I it Received a :ri FPTirn qtnrv nv juxjLjyj ? xjis ui vviv vx ERIES, ) DSKDTTDfflElSo ' ?ry LOW PRICES LRTER. Give us n d and cheap Goods. &, stradley' 28 tf inies-15 and 35 ots.j 60. t sktt. 45 ???.. 1F.RS, PliR SKTT, $1.00, 5KSE, PER LB., 25. '5 . War*, Brooms Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac., ,cly L<>w Prices R. W. FOLGER. & CO. Opposite Tin**. Sit en. 87 tf change of 8chedule ON TUB GREENVILLE A COLUMBIA L! R. ON AND AFTER FRIDAY, liie 0th instant. Passenger Trains will run daily, ( Sundays excepted, as follows: Leave Columbia at 7 on, A.M. " Alston ft 65, " " Newherry 10 85, " Artive at Aldteville 8 30, P. M. ' " Anderson. 6 15, " ( " " Greenville 6 0(1, " Leave Grrenville at 6 00. A.M. 1 ** Anderson 6 45, " " Abbeville ft 45. " I " Newl crry 1 26, P. M. Arrive nt Alston 8 00, " " " Columbia 5 00, " Trains on tile Bine Ilidgs Unit-road will s'ao run daily, Sundays excepted, connect. I ing with the up nnd down trains on the Greenville ond Columbia Hail toud, as follows : Leave And.-von at 5 20, P. M. " Pendleton at 6 2", " ( Arrive at Walhnlla tit......8 00, " I Leave WaMialla nt. 4 Oft, A. M. " Pendleton at 6 40, " A - * ..a.. - ....... ... ....... I -.Ml II -HI, " I The Train will return from Helton to i Anderson on M'.mlnv nml Friday morning*. J AMI R O. MKKrtrtlTIl, i General Superintendent. TO THE PUBLIC. The Pavilion Hotel I CHARLESTON, S. CM . _ SO LONG nml ably eonilnctfil liv lh? lilt# II. L. BUTTKItklKLI). will Mill *Vi'' ' # kept open for the acrom* mieintion ol ilie traveling ptililio. And it* former friend* nnd patrons will find the usual accommodations nnd attention* l>e Mowed on them ne formerly."and the public f*vor?, already *o well established ##T11E . 11* iTKI.of the Tit A V ELI NO MERCHANTS of I lie Soilth. will, by earnest effort#, be faithfully preserved. Oct 25 22 i> ii. Dissolution. rpilF nitM of BARKSDALE, PERRY { * Jt Co.. i# dissolved. Pnrtiea to whom the mm# i? indelitcd, will present their Claim* at the Factory, or to me at Green ( ville.SC W. M. THOMAS. Jnnuary 7, 1867. i Jan 24 85 MARBLE WORK! j niRIILI) WORK!! rpiIE subscriber ha* on hand, and will t 1 continue to receive, a good aaaorlment of TOM B STONKS, of nil size* nnd qtiali- * tie*. Tho*e in need of nny thing in that ? iiii<\ nill do well In call at the Post ('TVioc " before purehusing rlwwhrM, jT" Country produce taken In exchange i for work JAMIM M. ALLEN. Gr?onvi!le C. II., Nov. 6, 1867. 24-tf * SAMUEL BLACK, BARBER, WOUI.I) respectfollv inform tho public . thnt lie lin* opened a U.MtBKK SHOP in tlio room umlrr the building for. nifrly occupied by the Post OITiee and A'# ' ted/iri** Office, first door above the ruins of McHee'a flail, wh' r<* lie lias located. Bring f a prnfe**ional Ttarhrr, lie hopes, by aMeiition to business, Iojj.'tbeV with politeness to It all, to merit a portn n of puld-o patronage, io CUTr1210, StJAVINO and SHAMPOO. 1 I NO. July 85 8-3 WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ( DAHLONEGA, GA., W ILL practice in the Bounties of LnmpKin. Dawson. Oiliucr, Fannin, Unun, i Towns. White and Halt. Jan 10 33 If ' | fl DURHAM SMOKINQ TOBACCO, i. HAVING received the ajjonov of the e above justly celebrated Brand of T'()BACC'O, we will ninka it to your interest to buy from us. For sale by wholesale c or retail. DAVID A 8TlCADI.LV. Ovl 30 "l'i tf --- ; ' - - '*oW?HisSmi , . wywu ? I INTES-ycr vir ^ S&USJLl'S STORE.' HI . OBSAr 1 FOR CASH OR BARTER A general Variety. | One-story house, and a one-story price. Oct 23 22 tf BATESVIL.L.E nnfumiK in t HAVING been appointed Agents for 1 this Company, wa spa prrpnrail lo mil SHIRTINGS AND YARN si Factory 1 price*. . David dc Strudlcy, ( Orocjr* and Commission Merchant*, Greenville, S. O, Nov 6 24 tf < i\ wTdavTs, WATCH MAKER, WOULD Respectfully in . form the pcoplo of Greenville f (r 3*ann^ " rounding country, lie j UISlMO^KSn ? Fr<>in hi* Ol.I) STAND in the Good. . ielt Howe, to n more CONVENIENT \ one, three door* No*th of the M^*> ^ ?i?0 IIcui*, next door to Pickle A Poor, . i . Main Street, where lie is prepared to do ill work in hi* line of tiu*ine*e, nt short no- f tier, in it workman like manner, and on ( re*f?nahle term*. Aug SO 13 tf : OUKKNVI I.T.rO I COACH FACTORY . h |"yp, HAVING MADE new ar t aogenient* williour workmen, Atir \J . end materially reduced the cost of Manufacture. we desire to cull the attention of the public to the fact, tlint for wo will do Repairirg nt greatly RE DUt'KD PRICES. and rnnke liberal discount on NEW WORK. We have on hand an ns"ortment of OPFJJ AND TOP liUGQHfi1. ROCK A WAYS and LIGHT CAUKIAOES; *l?o every deacription of* Wagon* we make |3>~(iive n? a chIH. \ OOWER, COX. MARKLEY A CO. ay 23 62 tf RiW ???sssi NEW GOODlv!! \\T TX TTATTTfyr V iy. xi. rivjvi^i j UAS JUST RECEIVED A full STOCK OK 1 jXL.. B j B ^ |J I)ItY GOODS, : or s ow opened nml rcmlj f?r sale. ffTS I Handsome style* DHF)SS GOODS r\ fine Assortment WHITE GOODS Various brand* Pleached and lirown DOMESTICS Jompleie stock CASSIMEIvES, Tweeds and JEANS Hosiery, Gloves. Fancy Notion?, Ac. Linen*, Shootings, and Pillow Cottons 1 1'owels, Toweling*, Napkin*, Ac. ' \ well selected stock of [1EADY MADE CLOTHING jj hats, caps, ? BOOTS AND SHOES, laisins, Cition, Cloves, Ac. Having recently returned from New fork, where lie apent some time in carefuly selecting hi, Stock, lie ia prepared to 'fler GREAT INDUCEMENTS { o hi* customers and the public. o He keeps none tint the BEST Goods; tl rarrants every thing Jo be aa represented, et in tl ffuarantm to f/ivt on ninth for a dollar p e any Hon*e in tlie Trade. n lie ia constantly rectiving Goods, thus ft leeping tilled his etnndard shelves. The public generally arc respectfully In- _ ited to LOOK AT 1113 GOOi'S. W. II. IIOVEY. J Oct 2.1 2'J tf Groonvillo Mills. / 11IEOREKNVILLE M ILLS hara been J JL put In first-rate order by t is Major . ne grinding Wheat. ' Good attention will be given by old ;rinders. The Mills grind on the old schedule, (the ",.ll \ Itrinp nlnn|? j-our Oraln. ? June 1 :i 8 If MllltS HQUSE. . Corner of Meeting end Queen Streets. J CHARLESTON, 8. C. ai THIS well known FIRST _ CLASS HOTEL bat ji.jt R&v-Mm J1 been thoroughly, rented ami ra-furniaheil, and li now randy for g he accommodation of the travelling public, rhose patronage ia reajwctfully aolicitad. Merchant* viaiting tna city, are rrepeclLiUy nviteri. Kvary accommodation will k? oflfer<1 them. _ Coaohea always In rcs<1ineaa to convey paatnuvra to nn<l froui tho Hotel. ? The Proprietor promiaca to ilo all in hia pow. ^ r lor the comfort of hia iruenta. JOSEPH 1'UIt* ELL, Proprietor. ?. Feb ^1 l>.H. JL _ I i I 1HHPR THE GREENVILLE DRUG-STORE. r?xt Door to tho Kaaolon Homoo-Mn of tho Golden Mortar. WALTER & WESTMOflEL&ID KEEP constant]j gtgggZg^on hand, and are ijScJT roce*vinfih He*r and Fi'esU Soprun OF DRUOS, HS91SIRSS, CHEMICALS, ? Vnd, in 6hort, any and everything >crtaining to a well regulated ana First Class mttu BTUKiS. Ebtjsiciiws anO Eabtilit# ay rely upon the PURiTY of verytliiiifr bought, and depend on lie ACCURACY cf everything >ut up, in our Establishment. I^gr* Prescriptions and Family Recipes attended to personally, villi lite strictest caro and attenionr Rcmerriher the place?Next luor to the Mansion House. jgp\ Waltor & Westmoreland. GUEGORY'S l>y?i?rt>!ic Mixture. r\IK following i? but one of the hundred* of OrtltiwUm wived in favor of this uelly relrhreicl Medicine: ' To Dr. John fjray, ChorlolU, If. C. .* Sin: H^ing in Greenville, 8. C., lately, aod n a Male of groni dehlliiy end prortretion, he eflfrct of parallel* occurring in Norero>or, 1864, nhd snaring much inconvenience rom torpor of the bowels, my attention rns directed by Dr. J M. WrrrMoaatAirn, lo jregorys dyspeptic mixture.? ^rom my advanced *ge, as well te the naure of the disease, I wee nearly hopeleae of elief, but I am happy to be able to ear hat the ii.e of the medicine above menlon?-d afforded relief, restoring lb# almeet u.pended function* to a healthy action, ritliout griping, purging, or any other percpiildc bed effect, "I nee the meilielne now only whan ome aperient aeema to be needed, and it ma not fulled, so fnr, in a tingle instance, o have the desired eff?ct II MANLY, 8r. " TutrolooM. Alt., A. D., 1867," H'ullcrA WciiHiorclaad, Agent* for Gracnviiln. Oet SO 28 tf State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Fqalty. Vit,mam II. At-srur, Administrator, re. M. L CotsilRi ct nl. IN pursuance of the Decretal Order in tha above slated rase, the Creditors of the ate Dr. W. L. M. AUSTIN are hereby requird to establish their domauds against the Ea- * nto, before ine, within niaa viontkt from] thia late, or be barred. i i? iiAAST, - - - - ?. . uAvvn r?9 %J. IS. II. D? Commissioner's Office, July 15, 1887. Jy 13 8 *m Stato of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. osiph P. Latimkh, Administrator, rs. Mary 1>. Latimkh rt al. (" N pursuance of the Decretal Order in the [ above stated ease, the Croditors of tha iite JAMES M. LATIMKH are hereby requlrd to establish their demands against the Kasto, before me, within wine moalAs irons this ate, or bo b?rred. J. P. MOORE, C. E. O. D. Commissioner's Office, July 15, 1887. Jy 18 g tv? State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. *rak A. Ei.i'Ord, Exccuttlx, vs. M. L. Ooodlctt et al. tN pursuance of the Decretal Order in the above stated eaae, the Creditor* of lie lata Col. CHARLES J. ELFORD are ereby required to eelabliab, by proper roof, their claims against the Estate, beire me, witiiin wine month* froto this date, r be barred. J. P. MOORE. C. E. G. IX Commissioner's Otllce, July 15, 1881. July 18 8 9m WALHALLA HOTEL. i ** V VF.LERS and other* ICilLjK visiting WalhalU, will fio?t nii?wciivvubitah?d HOUSE pen for accommodation, Having, in ic past, as hta guests have testified, given iti.taction, the Proprietor it eonfideot of lousing those who nrny rail. Trains now in daily to and from the plaev. Rates vf darting rcasouahl*. Come and see. p. BI l.y AN N. Proprietor. July 11 . J 8m G. F. TOWNII, ATTORNEY AT P-AWq ASP SOLICITOR IK EQUITY. "VKKIC*>at tb? --? ? _ - "u.m.njl KOjOlBteg J New Court II'ium, formerljr otmpiM Itf iwnef 4 Cam i'bki.i., before dUeulution tf in Ann. Greenville, fl. C. Jen Sl-3 . K. o. ?. villi, EABLKY ft WELL8, .ttorneyi and Counsellor* at Law ANI) IN EQUITY, UIIKKNVIL1?V, H. C., PTl\CTICK in tbe Conrti of the Stele end of the United State*, end give eipeelaj itention to eeiea in Dnnkrnptey. Juno 13 3 if LAWOAHD. T iOODLETT Sl THOMAS, Attorneys at Law* ?p SOLICITOUS IN KQU1TT, r I AV K thin dey formed e Copartner' ; 1 ?lii|t in th? preeliee of \ QUITY on the \V?Mtern C renlt. (ifTice in thk old Court Home RoiTdfnf. n. O^OftLKlT, wM. X TWO*At, lire 30 tO ? If a earn r ~ ******