University of South Carolina Libraries
'* " v . -?- -----r T>wp, In floitb OfioHni, of eniWFmiHian, *n tho?Orh yaar of Mange, on Ihe iK ifnbtt of tA ?f January, 1SS8.CAL JVIK HLAKCtlAftD uMlior w thr fvt1gi?>n of ,StoW?M6?," th? coadvnaar of Oomte. the illustrator of Fottrtee, tha exp<?*r of {mm > government, owl falsa religions; a material- fl Ist.wn imperialist, a diiMrcrtr tad ar-'ent I promulgator-of the I?*i that promote hit- I man bApptncse. Ua sought our gcn:?l B olirae to ?-sean? tha rigor of Ma owa ; pro- 1 longing bis lifo by a few months, tnvrting I big inevitable fata within a day y?-?. abi?>?t I within a*t hoar of his own calculation, with I no familiar voioe to meat hit ear in bit Inst g momenta but a dstoM wife. Ha dlsd ae N h? had lived?believing in tna atl-snffieien- E *y of nature. B. F. 8. <s UYMBNBAL. ' ' " ' 1 t Mnaatvn, on tha 22 I uH., by Rev. J. M. 61 union, Mr. J. T. POOL at?o Mica O. A. indiums. C tttMWt), on tli# 2d lnat., by RfT. J. M. r Muajon. Mr, W. U. JOHNSON and Miaa L. I <3. BttJfcOB*. Umnm,' <A tbf 6th imt, kr Rot. J. M. 9 Ronton, Mr. JEFFERSON ttlSlIOP and MUa N. J. GREEN. All df Greenville Dutr'cU Sooth Carolina. ?mlmmmmmmmmhmmmma?. i i. Rfotloe. Atl pfrumi Indebted to mo, are rwjueatcd ' t? fiimo forward and make payment* immediately. Longer indulgence cannot bo *. given. .Soitlo- neat* mart be made. W. H. BOVEY. Jan 8 S3 tf , ?.? >i i a ..... a Removal. MISS M. A. McKAY. Milliner, haa re. ro<?ve<l to Main Street, opposite the T a'one of Mr. Thomas 8t??n, where aha will "Iteep constantly on hand a atippfv of the t latent, atyle* of MILLINERY AND tTUAW GOODS. ? .Jan 8 83 ? J Tailoring. J TIIE nnderdirned continue* hie Imsineaa | near the (Joodtett Iloyae, and cf>|>oeUe Mr. Thorn a* Swen'i Store. a M. It. BEECO. - Jan8 88 tf Situation Wanted. WANTED, by a man who haa a family, a l SITUATION In *omo enparit< or other, for tbo yoer 1868. Write* a legible ' hand. * Apply at tbl* office. Jan 8 S3 1 I . $20 Reward. \ C1TOLKN, from the undersigned, on the 20th Doeetttber, 1887, a light colored BAY MARK, 16 or 12 year* old, white face, one r hind foot white. I will give the above reward^upnn tbe delivery of tbo Mare to me. WESLEY TURNER, Brewcrton, Lanroua Diat., 8. O. v Jan 88 1* tv a. 1 n a m XFencai vara. Dr. ANDERSON report fully 8 XC^MB inform* hii friend* that be Lu removed to his Office, on Alnin Street, next to whet wu the Ooudlett Houie, where he way be found at ALL HOURS', both day and night, prepared to operate aa LOW in price aa any one, for the GA8II. Greenville, January 8th, 1888. ti * " Jan 8 IS tf SB. J. 0. FABER, WHO h**, lor many year*, re,^nPl aiJed in Eurene, having hut re- ' * rotnrned from the Unircraity of lleidelberx, Germany. on a call to the Profe**?r?htp of An eient Language* in Fnrman Unircraity, at J Oraenville, S. C? offer*, on moderato term*, hla aerrioea in aereral modern language* and In the CI aa * lee. Application to be made at the reaidenca of Air. Cox, near the Rail-road Depot. Ureentrille, 8. C., 8th January, 1868. < Jan fl S3 4 \ The Columbia PIomu and Charleston ifrr?nrjf, will eopy <>nee a week each, for four week*, and send bills to tlila office. To Rent. THE HOUSE near the IpSWWt new Rapiiat Chnrelt. On mff ' nrnSiafi the premiaea are all ncec* eary out building*, fine aptltig and rpring hnuf*. AW, the Brisk Houae lately occupied by Mr. John Junes. K. 8. IRVINE | JanS 88 4* | REIDVILLE Female Hi|h School. THE lOili Se*a:oo of the Reid- ] Female High School, will < *wjHrac?minenM the laf Monday i* February, with a full eorpa of j teaghera trum* r kb awtmoi or rivx month* in cobrbnct : Academic, ,.$10 00 0?|legUte, 15 00 Miiaic, ' 20 Oo Uac of Instrument, 2.5ft j * Painting, Grecian and Otitulal and Embroidery, each 10.00 Contingent, 1.00 ' Board, exe usire of Uglily $10.u0 ' ' R. IT. RR1D. Principal. 1 Tlta TrnitMn desirfc a Principal for the Male School. They offer a nice Lrtck reai d.nee and Academy, free of rent., and the , whole of the Income of the School. Applicants will addreaa Her. II. U. BE1D, President of Board, Reidville 8. 0. dan 8 --88 #8 ? .... .anfc , Notice. BYwirtue of authority, I will expose for ' arte, at the store of Williams <t Whit- ' tnh*. on Monday, frtth Janttnrv. 18(18, at 18, M . TWO BAiUlKLSOF WltlSKY. one ] * containing 84 gallons and the other II gal. lyna. Bvlo* the whisky ssiimi at the house of Wn?. Oslleway and Wm. Dill, on the 9ih | and 10th 0ee???ber, 1807. Ternwi ea?h i A. I. OOUB. Dep. CM Int. Ray, Orsanyilia ltist, H 0. i Jan 8 88 8 , Valtad States Intern*1 Revenue, Bar. Cel., Orrioa, 3d Dial., ft. C., i i ' OiiKSi|vtt,i.a, Jan. 4, 18A8. j I T)T rhtus of an order from A. S. WAL- 1 11 LACK. Collector of Internal Revenue, I ad Collectnm District, 8. C., I will aell, on I Monday, 87th day of January, 1863, at 12 o'clock, M., at the residence of James Lender- I man, to the highest bidder, the following TRACT CP LAND, situated In Greenville District, on the Augusta Road, about 7 mils# i from the CVrnrt House, eoaUfsing M7 ACRES, mor^ ay lam, adjoining lands of llenry Asbs- 1 mors, Nauey Cos, and others. Levied oa ?- and sold forths tax aasvsso.l again.t JONA- 1 THAN POLLOWAY SMITH, at the salt of I the (faffed Htatev, for Internal Revenue Tax. *1 Tann* oas?. ^ A. L. conn. i Bop. Col. lot. Ray. Greenville Li t., 8. r. Jaa 8 . S3 8 >.V>Afe^avr.. L h j'sd* i-i FURMAN UNIVERSITY, Greenville, 8. G piIF. Spring Term of this Institution, will I open on the Ifrth of February, and close be 30in of Juno. EXPCR9X8) lolleglftte Conner to $5P, (currency/ 'reparatory Coanc?,...$20 to $32, (cnrrencey,] If ADVANCE. Hoarding In private families, par month to. to $18. (cnr.) ' For Catalogue, address JOUN F. LAKNKAU, BacKHTAnr or Faculty. Jan 8 M 4 School Notico. CHICK'S mm HIGH SCHOOL wAk THE Exercises will re. 4r nEwf ,"tw<*t* on *ha Monday in frnHa February, under the direction <>l Mr. JOisEPII II. KARLE. who has hecn recently elected I'rinci >al of the 8cbo*d. The Scholastic Year will he divided into wo f-asiotis of Ave months ouch. Terms, pat able fa currency at the close f each session, as follows : 'reparatory Department, $ 7 OC titrfmediate, In 0* ligher English 14 0(1 f itlieinstics and languages, 18 Ot loard, light* included, 10 (W Charge* made from time of entrance tu lose of the session. ALFRED TAYLOll Chairman Board of Trust* cs. Jan $ 83 4 piiesOriuyai, rRE undersigned has just received and opened a BEAUTIFUL LOT OF YFASSmt ?VOT2D Phioh he oiTers to hiscnatomers and the public cnerally, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. TltnnVful for tha liberal patronngo tcroivcxl a Urxwnixm *? *nMi? - -r $ W. H. HOVEY. Jan 8 S3 tr WE HIVE JUST RECEIVED. INOTlIEIt ELBOANT A8SORTMKXT 01 PRISTS, GINGHAMS, BLEACHED AND BROWN SHEETINGS AND Shirting, (SUA ISLA ND,' & C.,) To which we w^nlil invite attention. ALSO, A GTD/IPIEISJB ITi?TP ?J?' COFFEES, TEAS, SUGAR, MOLASSES. RICE, CHEESE, &C.; Ml of wbioh we will tell a* LOW na they omi >e h?u/ht in any market in the State, Uran* >ortatiun added. Wo keep conatantly on hand, all kinda u Provisions, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES ??~OUIl TKUM8 ARE 8TRICTL1 CASH, ^pg Williams & Whitmire Orecnville, 8. C., January 8, 1388. 3.1-tf Agents Wanted for the Gray jackets, AND how tliey Li*?-<L Fought an,l Dl?, for Dixie, with Incident* and Sk etcli ' of Life <n ii??* Confederacy, Cunipritdti| Narratives of Personal Adtrnfarr, Arm; Life. Naval A'Ufntnrr, Home IJf?, I'trtimi Life 111 the Camp, Firlil and tloi pi|*l, together with the Auriga, Ballads. An ?ciliiiM and Humorous (rctdciiUof the Wa for Southern Independence. There inn certain portion of tht war tlia will never go into the regular histories, no !? ! embodied in romance or poetry, wliicl it v*ry real port of it. and will, if pre irrvetl, convey to succeeding generations i better Idea of the spirit of 1)10 conflict thai many dry reports or careful narratives n ivente, and this part may ho called It foe*il?, the fun, the pathos of the war. Till illustrate* th? oharnctvr of tlia lead, re, ih humor of l)i? soldiers, the devotion ol vn men, the bravery of men, the pluck of <>u heroes, tho roui uios and hardships of lh< lervina The Valiant and Brave fleartol, the Pie lure-qua and I'ramatlc, the Willy and Mar felons, the Tender and Pathetic, and tin whole Panorama ol the War are here thrill ingly portfayrd In a masterly manner, a once historical and romantic, rendering I tli* moot ample, unique, brilliant and read able l ook that tbs war haa called forth. Amusement aa well at Instruction may h< found In every peg-, as graphic detail, hrit Ikanl wit, and authentic history, are skill fall? loterw >v?n in this work literary art Bend for Otreulars and sea our terms, ant t Ml description of the work. Address, JONEi BROTHERS A CO, Atlanta, ?? Jan 8 8a tf ' '"'ti' - I- ; "'1 fry " II8TXIR HARRISON & Druggists, Apotheci | WOULD respectfully infortn the ' * that they have REMOVED | by the late Dr. M. .B- Kaklk, T< | FITTED UP FOR THEIR Ksl'E NEXT BOOR TO T | Where they" are prepared to furnie I S.fc i* ;t ; Drugs, Chemicals, Med Paints, Oils, , Dyestuff 1 Tooth Brushes, Hair Fine Soaps, Pc Lily White, 1 Chewing 'Fobacoo, Durham Flavoring Eotracts, Lemon, L Coopers Isingylass, Coxes Anil a grout variety of Articles to j THEY fill m CALL' ' HpIIAT they havo ndiled to tl elr 1 TI1E GREENVILLE BOOK ? bnilding with Messrs. W alter ?Sc V inff down tho price of the same, r ' CELLANEOUS AND SCHOOL i great!v reduced prices. 1 N. lb?A largo lot of CHILD I [ and a complete assortment of BL, i Almanftos for 1868 for gra i Jul) I ft Tho Groat Popular Papor! THE EHAILEMIMIY SEWSSURSCRIPTION priw, pit dilliir* a Tf?r! THE CHARLESTON THt-W EKKI.Y NEWS, three dollars a year?iwo dollars for six months. TERMS, CASH, IN ADVA TICK. JP^t- No Pnper sont unlet* tbu Cosh aocotnI nlcs the order. JPQ- No Paper tent for a longer time than paid for. BIOBDAN, DAT* SON & CO., PROPRIETORS, t Jan 8 3.1 tf ? Wanted. BY n man of consider ltd* buslne#* rjt|i?ri^iifi,1 A PARTNER, with from SI OOO to 93,000. l? i??? into the Mer. (Motile litnin.s*. For furtlior itiformution, apply nl litis UlficO. A. Jan I 32 2 I Notice. AI.L perrons iudchtvd to nr, are notified t'iKt their Accounts Are now due. IVo mvl !! nnvtiAA. WITHOUT EXCEPTION. to in..ko nettle men t with ua. Ji. 1IKATTIB 4 CO. We will keep our Stoek complete, o Fresh and Desirable Goods, which will he sold at , abort advances, STRICTLY FOR FASII. 11. 11. A CO. Jan 1 32 2 Notice. A PPLTCATION will he made for Charter* I J\_ f..r two Orphan* Home*, in Orcon/HIc " District, one for whito and the other for colored children. T. II. EDWARDS. Dee. 281 h, 1887. Jan I 22 3m NEW THEORY OF HEALTH. The Life of all Flesh Is Blood. The Health of all Life is Purity of Plesh. I Without Purity of Blood, no Flesh free from Disease. a ;o? . ... , HEINITSH'S W1JSWU ?SIilISKT* f AN ANTIDOTE TO DISEASE. ' 'pilF. ORF.AT AMERICAN AT.TF.RAf J- TIVB and BLOOJt I UttlFlEH. la th. iii out. nn v Okft t n lit a omniwuiixl a.f *t|\?A and ionic*, making it the moat rffcc t live, invigorating, rejuvenating and cleaning cordial kn?wn lo the world fot tlie nnre of all IIto-e dlreaara which may l>t traced lo a viliutrd condition of tlio blood _ The theory I* that blood ia the life of nl flo-h, and, if impure, the life of nil <li?.-a?e Life and hoillh I* only to be maintained hi the circulation of pure arterial blood. II '* i? ohviou*. therefore, to every r> fleeting mind, that qnltMi the blood in pure, in rup * plying the wn.te ti**itc? with material, it f muat he the can?e of innnmeriible ilia and " conetitutlonal dl?ordera. tuch aa Scrofula 1 Kheuinatieni, llrpatie Iliaordcre, liifltnunA 1 liona, Fevera, Liver Couipl .int. Comutinpr tion, King'a Kvil, 0?r>iui;tln, Iioila. Itching Humor of the Skin, Kryaipelae, Skin Ilia. ' ea?e?, Tetter, llotighneM of the Skin. Pim? r pbe, Itlotchea, Paine in the Imnea, old Hi ' cer?, Syphilis and Syphilitic Horee. Imtii;e*< " tion. Inflammation of the liladder and Kid # oeya, Palna in th? Hack, Oener-il 1) hi-ity, ' and for a'l eompUiuta arlaing Iroin dullcieu ' cy and poverty of blood, COPYRIGHT SECURED. I t^-Prcparrd only by E. II. I1EINITSII, Pharmacist. For Nile by ? FISHER & HEIMTSII, Pruggiu, Columbia, S. C. tw 'or aale by ' BiEXHV E. I 8PAUTANHURO, S. 0. t Jan 1 US Sin T. S. ARTHUR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. WILL prmetiea la the lM.trict* compelling the Wuateru Circuit. Alio in the UNITED STATES COURTS. Ike 4 28 tf -?a??!-?osbss, I B ST!R ; HARSH AIX, iries and Stationers, ir friends and tlio public generally, froin the Stnnd formerly occupied ) THE LARGE SlOltE ROOM cial accommodation, HE POST OFFICE, Licines Varnishes is. Spices, &c. Brushes, Combs >rfumery, Hair Oils roilet Powders, Rouge 1 and otlitr Brands /Smoking anilla, Pine Apple awl Strawberry Gelxtine Com Starch o numerous to mention. Ml Ti) T22 FACT Stock, the ENTIRE STOCK *OF STORE, fifrmcr'y kept in the sumo festtnorolund; timt tlioy are markmet offer ft f?ront. vnrietv of MISBOOKS, STATIONERY, &0., ut IF/XS' TOY ROOKS just receive*!, ANK ROOKS expected won. tuitous distribution. ./SFl ?2 tf Just potted, ON 26th DEC'R, INST., 18G7, FOR lh? llulMtr* and K^, n 8KCOSD LOT OF FIUE-WOUK*. of nil kltuls. Fu/nr, Coffee. Tens. Raisins, C'irrnnU Cit* ran, Ornnp'"". Cheese, &odn Cracker*, willi n great variety of other things, ton numerous to mention. TO ARRIVE. I have on hoard the S's.imer M Mon?kft,H which will reach here hy the 1st January. lSr.8, a liirgu lot of iare and curly as well us clinics GARDEN SEEDS, I'rnm the s?-1?l?rA'e<l ^cd Warehouse of JA-*. M. TIIOBBURSf .t CO . ?U fr.~h, and I of lilts VMnf'e iriiiwtli. noil vnrrnnli-il ?.uut ' among*!. wli?ch ?ie TrOO I'Al'KKS OK IWHRAOE S'CEP, of .liir r--nt vuriMio*. in addition to an assortment < ' almost everv kind of early Seed* fir lite Garden. I HAVE ALSO O.N THt WAY, A" l?r?? lot of DeLalncs, Calico*. Jenn* 8?liiiiil>, Thirmla, WliiU ami C-lorod , Flax, Silks, Button* for LirUe?'and Gentlemen'* D re. se*. Vnil Head*. Braid, Caul, Km broideries, Comb', Blurt*, Sln'rt Bosom?. folia**?-Linen and l'liper, of luteal atylc*, And nil of which have lucn bought since the great full in cotton nnd goods, and which 1 will *cll nt my mual low pri.1t*, giving my rtxtuNier* nnd patron* the benefit of (lie decline in price* of flood*, us well m inyaclf. J NO I>. AS fl MOKE. One door liclow Ooort House. |*# S. 1 havo credited a good many peraoii*, frnni lime to time, for ten, twenty and thirty day, and 'till a good n.any to the 1st. of January, for small mini*, which, in the aggregate, amount* to a large one to mo, nnd which each and every one lin* promised without rail to pay. Now, I winli each of you to remember that thin wua dono to oblige yon, not to oblige mc, nnd T give thin last notice to certain parties who have obtained (food* front mo. to be paid in ten or 20 day*, several of ' whom havo taken advnutnge of me, and month* on month* havo elapsed without their paying one dime; indeed, in several instances, I havo hi* them trading in other *tores paying the citah for the (food* they woro buying, and never entering my Store after they got a credit " of only a few day*, when, a* *nro a* they lived, it should he paid," now, I eay to there partic*. and each one to whom there remarks arc applicable will know it, on rvnding them, tliut if they do not eomo forward and pay me. I will compel rhcin to do ?<i. I do no rcgulnr credit business, nnd, in departing fnaa regular business rule*, have done so " to oblige you." Ilule, or do yotl appreciate it ? I have several account* wliii h were to bo paid " to-mor.ow,"?(the next day after the article* tvere brought,) which were made two, three, four, six nnd ever, twelve and fourteen months ago. Now, you uiuat par ino. J NO. D. A31IM0RK. Pec. 27tli, 1SG7. Jan 1 32 tf Hotico. TN conformity with the requirement* of A the Internal Revenue T?nw?, t hereby j give notice to all persona who may claim n STILL, CAI' ANI) WORM?*eir.-d on or n ar the prcmi-ea.if WaDI>V WIHTMIRK, ' in i c m:i.. f r\ - !ii^ r* it i ur i ? in11? n innii urnii iiiu \j, n., on j the ?8th lhtcomher, 1867. hrc.ii;M of beiiijf 1 need in violation of Ili? 11-t**rainl Revenue Law*?to make audi clnitna within 80 days , Iron* the first publication of this notio-. A. L COBM, ' Dep. Col, Inf. Rev. Greenville District, J*. C. Jin 1 82 8 United State* Internal Revenue, Dipvtt Com, renin'* Omen, 3d Pot.. Di*t., ilreenville, December 2d, 1807. T) V rirtno of en order from A. S. Wallace, Collector 3d Collection District, of South < uroliiiii. T will ad I, on Friday, thr tereulrriilh ilay of January, 18*8, at 11 o'clock, at the Ionise of JAMKS LKN DKIt.M AN, about 8 mile* from Orccnvilie 0. II., to tlio highest bidder, lite following proiwrty; to wit: One ONR-UORSK WAGON One BLACK MULK One HAY MilI.K One COPPER 8 "ILL, CAP and WORM. Levied on as tho property of .1. C. SMITH, at Lbo suit of tho TTnitod States for itevenuo Tux. TERMS CASH. A. h. C01311, Deputy Collector UroenvilKj District, 8. C. Dec" 25 81 4 Tako Notico. rainr: Books of the ut? Dr. m. b. JL KARLK are in our hand* for ?eit:emrnt. Liberal indulgence will he nieen to parties siring Ihrir antra with security, arid all mattera of account, not covered by (iencrsl Onlrr No. 10, and not ao elofad by i the 15th of February, will ha anrd npun htditerimiuiitely., Attorney for Executor*. Jan 1 82 7 y "* '5,-', J' r\ -/ ^ ' * ' r '*} I - < '-*** f'<?&&/*' ^J 1 The 8'ft'e d?'South Carolina. own OF ORKKNV1LLB. & Lt ?? DfNANCB 4 ToS?t.?ihMtatetk^T.?r endi^Sf uctoi)6r liti loto T>E IT OHDAINED, l?y lh? IntrnHanl J3 d WanWnwf tlta Town of Green?' lf, in OiiimMl n??cm'?)? I, nn?l hjr the au hoilty of the aaine, That, a TAX, f.?p tiie iinm and in tha manner hereinafter men* Ittoned, ahall tie raie d and |<ni<l In U?e Clerk af lli? C"nnt?il. for tha uae and isrvlna Llier? ?f; that it to tny : On Real Estate. Frcno.x 1. Twenty Onts on every huni!rt?i d-llms of ill* Ttetl Estate lilUMtt, lying and b-di-g within the co,|?o>ajo limit* i>f ill* Mid Town, to l>e paid end collected on or before lli? first day of February next. Goods, Wares and Merchandize. f-rctioK 1 Twi-lrt and hell Cent* on every hundred dollars of the Sale*, n? well rm Hurler rimI Exchange, of Good*. Ware* ami Merchandize of every description, ex b- pt on sales of ManiifscUirea in the Town i?? Greenville, from the flrnl day of January eighicn hundred sod eixty-eevt-n. to the firrt day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight. to he paid by'every Merchant. Shopkeeper, Salesman, arid p,-raon mi tell. Injr, bartering and exchanging in told Town, on or before the first day of February next. Carriages, Omnibuses, &oPrction 3. Three Dollars and a Half on eaeli and every four wheeled plenaur* Oar rlagr drawn by two or mere homer ; Two Dollars and a Ilalf on eaoh and every Onehorse C'lrrl-'ge. Barouche, Gig, Sulky and, Buggy, kept for pleasure and not for b:r--; Three Dollar* on each Buggy kept for hire; Ten Dollar* on each Four home Omnibus or flnck ; Eight IKdlar* on tauli Heck or Carriage drawn hy two homer, and run for conveyance of pasengers or hire; Eight Dollar* cn each F-nr home Wagon. Ten Dollars on ea?-h Two home Wagon or Bray, and Five D-dlars on ea,-h One hoi re Wagon or Dmy run for hire. The Tux,-a on phnsnre Cm ling- a arid Hllggioa slinll be paid on or before the firrt dny of Kei>ruary next; and the Taxes on OmiiihiMrs, Hack*. Our 11 >gi-r, Doggie*. W a gone, <te.. kept, foi hire, before such Vehicle ahull he allowed to run. Road And Street Tax. PriTiox V That ih<- Annual Tux for Road and Street Exemptions, for the current jenr, shall be the si in nf Three Dollars, payable on ur Indole ihelbsl dny of Fob. ruary ii?Xt> An?l if any person liable to iIlls Tax shall fail to make payment at the time specified, he shall be held liable to work on the Streets of the Town for twelve dais, or ha in-iy '? fined at the discrc'ion of Con ceil; unit if said tine and Tax be not forthwith paid, the amount* shall be col* lected by Execution. Lawyer*. Physicians, Dantist*, Dagucrreotypists. Amhrotypists aiid Photographists. Sb.-tiox R. Twenty Cents on the hundred dollars of grora incomes finding fiom the practice of the profes-ions of Law. Medicine and Dentistry, arid from the business of Dngttr rrcjtyplng. Amhrotyping and Photographing within said Town, to l>? paid hy all persons practicing sstd professions and liitsuieMCS, on or hefnt-e the firrt day of Fein nary next, and the amount of income to he estimated (Mm the firrt day of Jananry, eighteen hundred and sixty s-v-n, to the firrt day of January, eighteen huiidto-l and sixty eight. Til... i T a * - - * xkiueraub x rimers ana xtucuoneers Skctios IS. Vivo I'olhirs n diy Itv nny Itinerant Trader or AndiunciT, off-ring for ?ule, within the Town of Greenville, nny Goods. Wares and Mcrelian Mm, it I. nil.-lion, or otherwise, to p* d jtili day io advance; and every Ilia-runt Trailer or Auctioneer so nffoHng f?r sale nny Onod.i, Wares or Merchandise, nt auction, or oiliertviso. without previously paying such daily Tnx,n? aforesaid, slinll he fined Ten Dollars tor each <iny he may so offend : Provided, the plot isions of this Section eliall not he so const rue.l nn to npplv to the ortltnnry deah-is in Gnin, Fruit, Potnt-iee, Tchnccn, FoitUrj, Ironware, Kurt hen ware, or oilier Pro luce or manufactures of like character. Billiard Tables and Ten Fin Alleys. skctios7. Seventy tivo hollars on each ami every liilliitiii 'labia an<l Tea I'm Alley in the Town of Greenville, used l?y the pro prictor for profit, to he paid by the proprietor before license shall lie granted, Qoods and Chattels So'd on Consignment or Commission. Suction 8. Fifty (Vn's on every hundred dollnrs of the (?o?d< mid Chattels mid on Consignment or Conimission within said Town, from the first day of January, eighteen hundred nnd sixty-sevon, to the first dny of January, eighteen hundred and sixty eight, hv every person so engnged in sab a, to lie paid on or before the fiistday of Feb rnnry next. Ileal Estate, Stooks, &o., Sold at AuctionSuction 0 One Itn'f of one per eentttin on all snlca within said Town, at Auction, o' Ileal Relate and Stocks of evo>y d-scrip tion, (except sales made by or in of Court or prooei* of law, or by Executors and Ad ministrators,) said Tax to lie paid by the Auctioneer making such sales, on the same day on which they are made. Penalties. Prcrrto* 10. An I he it further ordained. That if any person or persons si nil fail, neglect or refuse to make tnie returns on oath, to thu Cletk of Council, of all his, her or their Taxable Property, and pay the Tax therron imposed, within the time lis re in *pecitle<i, Mio Ulerk ill Council m hereby ntithorls-d nml r?*4jiiir?*?l to mi l nrn) hun dred per centum to the nnmunt of I lie Tux of the persons thus in g'ecting or refilling ; nnd if the Double Tux thus impo'ed is not palil within I weidy days, the said Clerk is hereby authorized nml leqnirel to issue executions tliriefur immediately. Dune nml ratified under the corporate seal of the sol') Town of Greenville [r. a.J ihis tlie twentieth day of November, in the ynr of our lend one eight hundred mil sixty-seven. K. 1?. LONG, Int. U'lunt. A. H MvDavid, Clfi k. Jin I M ? Tho Stato of South Carolina, OHKKNVfM.K PIS'I |;urr. I\j ft. J. It OUTII IT, Jletjnire, Ordinary of *aiil fiintrirl. \\; llKliBA*. II. J. BTKWAUT linn fii d tv h Petition in iu> oihve. pmying tlmt Ii-tiets of Aduiinisi ml ion, with the W ill annexed, on nil nml singular I he ponds nn<| chattels, rights nod eieflii of TIIOMAS MOfclKLEY, lute of the Pieliiet afoivaiid. deceased, should he granted to him. The** are. therefore, to cite nml ndinmd-h nil nml singular the kindred nml creditoriof the said deceased, to he nnd nppenr in the Court of Ordinary for snid IHstrict, to he hi?Ulen at Greenville Court House, on the 1(W? day of January iu?t., to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not bo granted. ?. J. POCTIIIT. 0. O. P. Ordinary's Office, 'J7lh December, 1HU/, Jau I HV ? Ill II III $ v'"" . M To Bout, TUB I'w.lHn, H.^O R<irh*tf-r,l known bH AX':^ JAMtfl WOJPLKTT BlSSSflft HOOtfE, wl-h H?tn Moom^ i_ n g<HM( oxntliiioo. Ai>i?ly to th? nnd?.r :iru?d for Uffiu*, THOMAS STEEff. sWHF? J*n 1 -*W tf To Boat, 4 . THE COTTAGE HOUSE w/StsLt .S ?n Washington girrct, ?dfl'innijf j?inln* my rcal4<H<?*. For Ha' termc, ipplv to th? under***< *1. THuMAS STEEIC. J?n 1 IS If To Boat, THE DW ELMNG HOUSE nu tlie isomer, adjoin!** the Mclhodiet Church, on Coffee * "'"lyflSr Street, in good condition. Apply to the undersigned lor term*. Ac. TtlOMAS STEEN. Jen 1 Si tl To Bigit, ?& THE DWELLING HOUSE on iiil Arenu* Street occupied by Rrr. I?c. lilLWILLIAMS. For tcrma, apply to the und* reigned. THOMAS 8TEKN. Jen 1 Si tf JUSr RECEIVED, Cream Choc olate Drops, Cream Stick Candies, Bon Buns, and J6!ly Cakes. For sale by THOMAS BTKEN. JUST Received, and for sale, R?u and Lemon Onm Drops, Mint Drops, Mint Lozenges, and Sugar Cloves. THOS. STEEN. / JUST received, Sugar Almonds, Burnt Almonds, and Fine French Sugar Almonds. For sale bv THOMAS STEEN. JUST Received, Chrystalized Fruit, Cocoa Cream Candy, Cocoa Nut Bars, and Pea Nut Bars. For sale by TllOS. STEEN. FINK Fresh Oysters, in one lb. cans, Salmon and Lobsters. Just received, and for sale by THOMAS STEEN. JUST Received, a fine lot SoftShelled Alinouds. For sale bv THOMAS STEEN. .T11ST TJpnnivpfl turn Itnvoa Moo. eina. Lemons, fresh, and for sale by THOMAS S1EEN. JUST Ueccived, Fresh Citron, Currants and Laver Raisins. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. JUST Received, Smyrna Figs, Preserved Ginger. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. REFINED Sugnrs, A, B and C. Just received and for sale by THOMAS STEEN. "BROWN SUGAR" and Sugar House Syrup. Eor sale by THOMAS STfcEN. JUST Received, Fine Factory and Goshen Cheese. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. FINE Rio and Java (Od Goveminent) Coffees, Chocolates, Cocoa, and Brntnn. For sale bv THOMAS STEEN. JUST Received, Bbls. No. 1 and 3 Mackerel, fresh and fine. For sale by "THOS. STEEN. ~LEAF LARD, New York Pig Ilams. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. S A LT?Liverpool Seamless Sacks Fni' fi-ilfl fit rnrliifiiul nflffltt TIIOMAS STEEN. TABLE SALT, in baps a?ul lx?xcs. For sale by TIIOS. STEEN. FANCY ARTICLES.?-Solid India Rubber Balls, Agate Marbles, Ilurmonicnna. Arc. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. FANCY MIRRORS, Bohemian Ola-ia Mugs, with Mottoes, Ac.? For sale by TIIOS. STEEN. VIOLINS, Violin Strings, VioI in Bridges, Rosins, Ac. For mle by TIIOMAS STEEN. FANCY TOYS, Transparent Slates, Rubber-end Pencils, Tea Setts, Nino Pins, Ac. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. NUBIAS, Hoods, Ac. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. ONE Set Furs, ti very handsome present tor Christmas. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. A FEW pairs of thoeo cheap Shoes, for Ladies' wear. For safe THOMAS STEEN. BLEACHED Cotton Shirtings, marked down to suit the t:mes. For sale by TIIOS. STEEN. BATESVILLE SHIRTING. For sale by TIIOS. STEEN. lil^AUK Alpacas, Merinos a?<'l other Drum (Jowls. For 6nle, p>. very low prices, 1>" THOMAS STEEF. A FINE l"t lions' nml Mens' Wool 1 lata ni:?l Oaj h. For sale i?f reinai kaMy low prices, ("all cinl ?ee ihvm. Ill OS. STEEN.