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. v - -x - < rlit AtaltteJW..- I v** ^ **;tdtf> ' H << > .-*. * ] ^ wlij 1* it tat km twcetmry f t>u i subslancelurrom ilie Mill, each of which i? indispensable to itt development it follnwi m matter of court?, that the cultivation of that crop, for sevetaleon' seen tire vear*. will a bat r act vo far from the supply in tbe soil. at ultimately to deprive it of the power of producing if. lint all cropa do not exhaust (lie ?'?:l of (he tame special substance*; an 1 bcQce if we cultivate Indian <jdiP for a couple of year* in succession, on on* field. and then potatoes, turnip*, pwa* 7? An*/ or carrot*. *e shall find il that the Utter are hy no meana stultifrom him lack of nutriment?each finding it* appropriate aliment, and in atifflcieitt quantities to insure its heul.hy growth and maturation. There a?<e many organic aubaiancea in the aoil which (ho ? >rh plant doea not especially fequire, or nppropiia'e. and which are consequent>v not exhausted by it* cnltiva'lon ; wlnlo each of them are es stnthd to the growth of *nm? Other I vegetable. Hence it i* that when > these ere grown alternately, the productive powers of the soil are not so rapidly exhausted, and fertility is kept up by a sort of recuperative process; the otgaoio element necessary for the development of one crop, having time to accumulate while the soil is occulted by another crop by which they are riot required. In many sections of the country the Indian corn crop is one of prima im portance, consequently, it is frequently cultivated for two, three and even four rears in succession, on the same field ; hut- I have observed whenever this practice has been judiciously adopter!, that, after the third sea?on. gener ally after the second, there is an oh vious filling off, even when liberal manure is adopted. Very fetfr farmers, therefore, who consult their own inter est*, and who have had the benefit of experience and olwervaticn, are found to favor it either 'in theory or practice. lJv adopting n judicious system r.f rotation, and ndhering rigidly to it, with the a*M?tance of onpimi* manuring?returning to the soil more, if po? eibla, than the crops carry off?any land may K? retained in a condition of high f-rtilitr : while by an opposi'e course, it will at certainly be exhausted and " run out." It is a principle with me never to altempt the cultivation of a crop which I cannot afford to manure well, anil this should be the policy of every farmer^ One had hotter run in debt for manure than exhaust hi* soil by cropping without it; or, perhaps, had better suffer to* lun.I iii r??i futit m.mure can be made.? Cltrmanlvicn Telegraph. A his* fairly <1rctiifi?a you. It mhuiii your blood, and wt? \ our hear t beating like a bns? drum, and makes your eyas twinkle like star* in a frosty night. It is n thing never to be forgotten. No language can ex ; no letters will give the sound. Then what in nature i* equal to the flavor of it I What an aroma it has ! ilow spiritual it i* ! It i* neither visiLie nor tangible, not portable nor trnna forrable. It is not a rubstnneo nor liquid, or a vapor. It has neither c.ob or nor form. Imagination can't conceive it. It can't be limited or forged. It is confined to no clime nor country, and is ubiquitous. It is disembodied when completed, but is instantly reproduced, and so immortal. It is as old a is the creation, and yet is as young and fresh as ever. It pre exists and still exists, nnd alwavs will exi-t. It pervatles all nature. The breeze a* it passes kisses the roses, and the pendant vine droops down and hides with its tendrils its blushes, as it kisses the limpid siiearn that waits in the eddy to meet it, nnd raise* its tiny wave* liko anxious lips to receive It. Depend upon it. Eve learned it in Paradise. How it is adapted to all circumstances ! There is the kiss of welcome and of parting ; the long, lingering, loving present one; the stolen or the tputual one; the kiss of love, of joy and of sorrow; the seal of promise; and the receipt of fulfillment. Is it strange, theiefore, that woman is in \iricibla whose armory consists of kisses, smiles, sighs and tears ! ?? i t fitxi sal Joseph B. Jvkrsiiaw.? We weic privileged, during die session of die Court, lust week, to meet and 0iA?p the cordial band of General Joseph U," Kershaw. The General seemed in fine health and *>piri(a?hi* manly form at erect and vigorous?hit intelligent and l>enevolent eye ae brilliant m when he led the brave ton# of Caiolina In the fight. In many re*|?-ete, Genen I Kerthaw stands forth a* one of nature's noblemen. With a aentiment and aympalhy as tender and humane at thai of woman?and yet with a spirit brave and frailer*, with high manly instinct# and principle*, Mod with a talent of which any man -ught well feel proud, he justly ranks jlong liie first men of the Stale. J Sumter IVatfhmon. M. Grand, Agricultural Engineer of Belgium, give* hi* method for destroying the weevil and other inaecfa on grain, fill* pl.rn is to deposit seed in iiatrels fumigated with hurtling sulphur, ( < ?r*e threads or twine are drawn Sii'^gb ineled brimstone, tu-peiulerl i he barfthr intended for the grain ' ' burped tbore. The ?*ed it tire* nto the Casks amid the fumi r ' up for a quarter of *i 'he operation is compleh ^jgKgmSUfjfk fed ready tor towing. mm V<*?lthPinifli mofl be^^jrhrded as * hint of Providence, directed him to another, and we can now Mtjr, the only iUK,w?y. It wm thus: It eoeeetlmee Mp'pWid thnt quantities of pereoeeion caps war# sent back to bin, bar tap beeo spoiled he rooivtare. In order to pr??cnt Ihb, Dreyeee aonoeired the idea of protecting tbeto against dampne* by covering them with a thin film of paper. The reenU proved to be the very opposite, lor me psper aumctea moisture, nod A vtfy large order, which bed been constructed in thft way. ?*?? Mo? bark (o bttn. m they were entirety polled end unfit for uu. This we# great loss to the firm, as copper * as very dear at that time. In order to obtain the copper of the cap# for further manufacturing purposes, I)revsee decided to remove the fulminating composition. Iu oidor to effect this with a# lillie lose of lime as possible, he wanted to do it by explosion, After vaiious unsatisfactory attempts, the idea occurred to him of accomplishing it by means of a pin or needle constructed for that purpose. This experiment proved to be entirely successful, and likn lightning the idea struck him rf using the needle altogether for explod ing the cartridge. Not le?s quickly a second idea dawned upon hia mind, that of removing the entire explosive process fiora without to wilbin the gun. and by inserting the explosive material into the cartridge, to save the expensive copper used heretofore for cap*. Thi.? was the first important step in the construction of the Prussian needle gun.? Drevsse at once set to woik, ami in the beginning of 1859 the first needle gun wa# made.? Hours at Home. Eac.vr* ritoM a Tiokk.?In 1812, a porty of lliitish iiHtal and military ofii ceis ?cre dining in a j ingle, at some distance fioin Madras, when n fjrocious tiger rushed in among them, seized a young midshipman, and flung him across his back. In the first emotion of terror the other officer* had all snatched up I heir arms, and retired soma paces from their assailant, who stood lashing his sides with hi* tail, as if doubting w hether he slionld seize more prey, or retire with that which he had already secured. It wn* usual, they knew, with the tiger Uf.oe he seizes his prey, to depiive it of life, y a nat on the head, which generallx break* I lie skull; but this i* not hi- in variable praciiee. The littlo nml-liip rnun Iiiv motionless on I lie bark of hi* enemy; but jet ?he oHicer*. ui certain whether be had ncri?*ti the mortal pat or not, wete afraid to fire, !e^t tliey should kill bim together with the >jl?*iWhile in tlri* stale of Mi.*pf n?c. the* |H*rceiveil the hand of the youth gently move over the side of the animal, and conceiving the motion to result front the convulsive throbs of death, they were about to fire, when, to their utter astonishment, the tiger dropp. d alone dead, and their yonng friend sprang from the carca*?, waving in tiiumph a bloody diik diawn fiotn the nn>tiial't heart, for which ho had been fueling with the utmost coolness and circuim pcction, when the motion of his hanil had been taken for a dying spasiu. I)omk6tic cannibals?back biter*. 1 tying prayer of a dog?guide my bat k. Of what trade i* the *r?n?a tanner. Affairs of diploma cy?ag'icul.ura faira. A new way to pay old dib'.a?aettlr tbem. Of course the langnago of the grave is dead silence. Castle* in the air bate for their titn ber* moonbeams. Hope?the wag of Pluto's tail whet wailing for his bono. At what season did Eve eat lho ap pie ??eaily in the " fall " Did the people use umbrellas duiinj the meteoric shower? A dentist is not necesraiily mad be cause he shows hit teeth. The worst organ grinder?a hollov tooth that plays the deuce, chil l ??because it makes ma mad. The yonng man who was lost V slumber fouud bis way out on a night mare. Why do chickens hare no hereafter ? became they have their necks twiil ed in this. The young lady who took the g*r tletnan's fancy has returned it wit . I L. % ii nn kh. No man has aa yet been able to rid a clothe* horse with the " apur of th moment." " Matchless misery "has bean define to be to have a cigar and nothing I light It with. It is raid that the " census embrsci seventeen million women." Wb wouldn't be census} " Sonny, dear, you have a very dirt face." " Can't help it, luarm, dad's Mailt republican." A cot siav youth enme to town to see h intended wife, sud for a lonjj ttm? cou r think of aothlag to fty. At last, a gr# now (allium he look occasion to tell h that his father's sheep would be all nndon , " said, takirg him by the has " I'll keep one of them." | ? ?? i tautfi ami kai.8snoop.?Falsehot I flies swift as tha vied, and truth cree i behind her at a mail's pace. B ? falsehood makes so many twisting* at i turnings, that truth, keeping atendi i on, looking neither to the right nor the |t-ft, overtakes her before long. ffigFuWTm F ^ ^Kerosene Lamp Chla W?GUSHlDAVnY8^Hl A I,NO Groceries, Crockrrj, Glaaa ?nd Woo-lon At Proportional VorVt < ' . \ Jfc We HavelJufl LARGE AND WELL S GROCI SWUS Mi Which we offer at vt for the CASH or BA call, if you want goo DAVID October 80 1W MMit NEW GOODS!! JIUS VV. H. HOVEY Has just keceived a full stock op DRYGOODS, t3T"Xow opened and ready for Handsome styles DRESS GOODS A fine Assortment WHITE GOODS Various Grands Bleached and Diown DOMESTICS Complete riock CA5SIMERES, Tweed* and JEANS Uo-bry, Glove* Fancy Notion*, Ac. Linen*, Sheeting*, and Billow Cottons Towel*, Toweling*, Napkin*, Ac. A well selected *loek of READY MADE CLOTHING. * HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Rabin*, Cilion, Cloves, Ac. Having recently returned from New York, where he spent some tlms in carefully selecting his Stock, he is prepared to offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS 10 hi* customers and the public. Ha k?-cp* none but ike UUST Condi; warrant* every thing to be as represented, and gunranted to giv* at much for a dollar ne any House in (he Trade. lie is constantly receiving Goods, thus I keeping filled his standard shelves. The public generally are respectfully invited to LOOK AT 11IS GOODS. W. H. IIOVJEY. Oct 23 22 . tf T g AT THE NEW STOKE, * BUNCOMBE STREET, OrccnvillcpS. . 1 if "^Tlbir **gi JM V'Rllli ' 8SSB liwmv UUS&VB31/1XID, r DRY GOODS NOTIONS CLOTHING, U ATS ? SHOES, ROOTS HARDWARE ds CROCKERY, AC Which will be sold " UT T01 CASH OS PRODUCE. I ALSO, A QUANTITY OP BACON, '* FLOUR i SALT jL' SUGAR, COFFEE e CONFECTIONERIES, AC e d soyra ?AftoitMA o Clothes Washer, AGENCY FOR " GREENVILLE DISTRICT AT THE NEW STORE, BUNCOMBE STREET GREENVILLE, S. C. 3 T. W. DAVIS. #r Nov 18 25 If J BATESVIL.L.E ' mmmim mm. xl WW AVISO b##in tppolnUd Apnii fn, 11 lhi? Com|?f\ny, w# ara prepared I ' Mil 811IUT1NU8 AND YARN at factor pricaa. Pnvld 4c llradlty, T Grocera and Qotntuiaeion Merchant), 10 Qreco\i.l?, S. 0. Nov " \i If - . ' ii tpgfffgj)y ini?8? 15 *nd 25 els., fti?FTT. 4R wy"' , s 1 War*, Broom* Fancy Good*, Notion*, At., elf Low I'rioc* n r.:w. roioER. * co. ^ J OifoiiU Th?4i Kt^fit. *7 . . tf . it Received a SELECTED STOCK OF loiiiit: hies, : ) MMM, : *ry LOW PRICES lRTER. Give us a | d and cheap Goods. I & STRADLEY 23 tf THE GREENVILLE ( DRUG-STORE. ? Wext Door to tho Manaion Hoaee-Bign of tho Golden Mortor. mraiiiiiiLMiD 1 KEEP constantly on hand, and ore | daily receiving, New ftnd Fresh Supplhtb OF ^ DRUGS, j sBfleinssi CHKMICA 1.8, ??lli fcfchfcfclPS*, And, in 6hort, any and everything pertaining to a well regulated and ( First Class 5 DRUG STORE. ! ?i){j3iciqns qnd Eafoilies Idny'rcly upon the PURITY ot everything hrmglit, and depend on ? the ACCURACY of everything 1 put ni), in our Establishment. JS*T' Prescriptions and Family , Recipes attended to riatenxAM.Y, 1 with the strictest care and alientim. ?37"*Remember the place?Next \ door to the Mansion house. Walter & Westmoreland. GREGORY'S Dy?pcpfic Mixture. r|"HIK following is but one of the hundred* X of Certificates received in favor of this jnoily celebrated Medicine: " To Dr. John Gray, Charlotte, X. 0.: Sir: Being io Greenville, S. C., lately,and in a stale of great debility and prostration the effect of paralysis occurring in November, 186 I, and suffering much inconvenience from torpor of the bowels, my attention was directed by I?r. J. M. Wkstmorki.amd, to GREGORY'S DYSPEPTIC MIXTURE? From my advanced age, aa well as the na- . ture of the disease, 1 was nearly hopeless of relief, but I am happy to be able to eay that the nee of the medicine above mention. d afforded relief, restoring the almost (U'pended functions to A healthy action, without griping, purging, or any other per eeptible bad effect, "I use the medicine now only when some aperient seems to be needed, and it baa not ieiled, so far, in a single instance, to have the desired effect. R M ANLY, Sr. " Tuecalooea, Ala., A D., 1867." Walter A Wentinoreland, Agents for Greenville. . Oct 80 , 23 tf CHEAP FOR CASH I" A . B ROBERTS1 BRICK STORE. Ill AVE on hand, on?l ahall be receiving ?v?ry work additions to my stock, ths ' following GOODS, to wit.; Ladies', Gentlemen's, Misses', Bora' and Children's SHOES Shoe LACETH, linen and cotton Note and Letter PAPER. tine Fine White ENVELOPES ' COFFEE, SUC A It, TEA. SODA PEPPER. 8P1CE, GINGER , COI'PKIt AS, EPS AM SA1.TS TOBACCO, COUN. BACON Venison HAMS, Em. Coffee Fine CIOAHS, BUTTONS, HOOKS and EVE-*. Hslr PINS Seed Iridi POTATOES, APPLES COTTON YAltN. ? In a few days I siteti he receiving nddi tione to my present Stock. Persons w:nh ing any of the ahove article*, will do well to call end examine before buying, for bargains can be bought at this place. wr i will tarter for Corn, lUeon, But t?r, Eggs, I.ard, Chickens, A*. It. L. BURN. March 1th, 1H?7. 41-tf Greenville Mills. r(NlIE GREENVILLE MILLS have beea !? JL put in first-rate order by toe Major for grinding Wheat. J Good atleulion will be given by old grinder*. The Mills grlud on tbe eld sehednle, (the Toll.) Bring along your Grain. Juuc 19 It (SUCCESSORS TO TUB I?A iYIIX CONTINUE TH AT THB 01 amsiEiivvx gfjj/'-i" ,wnja'!!' niA's^a a. 3r/m. ?. ?i> jai: jm mm OBCGS, RtEDl FAINTS, O FANCY AN AT REDUCE J?- PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS AN] AEDICIKES SUPPIIED.TO PRACT] fgggl DRS. HARRISON mfj RESPECTFULLY offer their PRC Kg*? citircns of Greenrllle and rluinity. C August 29 3XTESX7V" AT ^ STfiSIf ' chuf FOR CASH OR BARTER A general Variety. One-story house, and a one-story price. Oet 28 ? tf WOOL CARDS, ItlcBKU MILLS GREEN VILLE TltRICT, 8 Crtlllt Carding Machine* In firrt-rnte or dor, una under Ujo control ot that well tnown and competent manager, Mr. T. Y. [JRIDOHS, who will use cvory oarc to prevent iniiercfsary waste and to insure complete sat faction. Oor facilities aro such that wo can afford to ! > the work on HIE MOST LIBERAL TERMS, ind wo can safely guaraulao to turn out iromptiy LXCRLLENT ROLLS. When the Grease I* furnished to us, (ray me pound of (3 react to eight pound* of Wool,) ?o will Card l'laln Wool At Ton Conts a Pound! A small advance on this rate will be charged for Curding Mixed Wool or lor Cotton and Wool together. Woid will 1>? taken from and delivered ) ?t Urocnvillo C. 11. Iroo of charge for transportation GRADT A HAWTHORN. June SO A If Q. F. TOWNES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AMD SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. OFFICE at the.ssino building aftjuiuiwg Now Court figure, formerly occupied by Towuaa A CampbkEI., before dtasulutloa of the ftrtn. (JrocnvUlo, 8. C. Juu 31-3 W. K. KAILKV. O. O. WILL*. EASLEY & WELLS, Attorney* and Counsellor* at Law AND IN EQUITY. GHEKNVILL6, 8. C.f PRACTICE in the Courts of the State and of the United States, and give especial attention to case* in Bankruptcy. June 13 3 tf T.W.DAVIS, WATCH MAKER, gg> WOULD Rt'apcctfulfy In form the peoplo of Greenville jl l',e UM'w,,o<!ti>g country, h?.e:i*mciiwkck? From lii* OI.D STAND in the flood, lett llonae, to t mora CONVENIENT one, three door* North ?f the Man ion Honae, next di*>r to Pickle A Poer, on Main Street, where he ie prepared to do II work In lilt line of bnaineae, at ehort no tier, in a workman Ilka manner, and on reasonable tertne. A of SO IS tf OltEKNVILLE COACH FACTORY M tf y. IIA VINO MADE new *r ^^^^ffitraagefnnnt* w hhonr workmen, and materially reduced the e?*t of J/aww/Vic/ore, we de?lre to call the alt~niioii of the ptibll) to the feet, that for Oath, ?' will do Il-pairir fr at rreatly HE JXJCED I'HICLH, and make liberal dleeount on N KW tVI)UK, We have on hand an aaenrtment of OPKJf AND TOP HVGfllEA, ROCK A WAYS and LIGHT OA It It I AO ICS j alao cv?.ry description of Wagons we make fy Qi ve ire a call). OOWRfl, COX, MARK LEY A CO. May 'j t AS tf 1ft B CONTINUE* the TAILORING BfrffT NKS8 neat door to WW t. Buddrtfc opposite the respective ?t?rc? nt Stoen ami Kuburta, and being ?a RXPKIlT CUTTEH an.| Ju.llelnae MACHINE OPKR ATO.U, ?b?-. not kaeiuta to warrant eatleraetion in everj part of bta Boeincee. .Mfludee the Mortal Fe?hlnna at Klack'e Jewelry Wiudow.tfe* Oct 9 30 a E DRUG BUSINESS, J> STAND, abX-si.MJjp. IC1NES Its D TOILET ARTICLES. 0 A D C C 111 I V PHMDnilKinrn ms* vniihi wkb.r vi/mi vwii>n.?/| ? <m ? '* [ndHERS OR LIBERAL TERMS H \T ^?eft\ . /' 9" A MARSHALL, &SK& FE8SIONAL SERVICES to tb#M | OFFICE ml lie Drugstore. ST 14 * . tf MR R WOOL CAROINQ. CRAWFORDVILLE FACTORY, ' SPARTANBURG DISTRICT, 8. C. WK respectfully inform Wool Rnlrers and others interested, that We hare lost put up a set of superior CARDINO MA* CniNKS, and have placed them under lira management ofexperisneed and fbitbfhl heads, who will give evciy attention to prevent asnece?saiy waste and to Insure general satis* faction. Our facilities an such that wa ran afford to do the work en Tito noxt Liberal To rate, and we can safely guarantee to turn out promptly EXCELLENT HOLES. When tbo Greaso is fnmistwd to o*. (say one pound of Grease to eight pounds ef Wool,) wo will Card Plain Wool At Ton Cents a PoundA small advance on this rate will he charged for Carding Mixed Wool or for Cetton and Wool together. OnADV, HAWTHORN A TURBYFILL. June 20 4 tf . .. j ?0 Tho Stato of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN THE COURT*OF ORDINARY, RICHARD E. FLOAS, Administrator, Applicant, against Thomas S. Sloan, Jan# Johnson, Durham Johnson, and the heirs ef George A. Sloan, deconsed, Henry R. Sloan, deceased, and Edward T. Sloan, deceased, whose nuract ore nnknnwu, Defendants.? Citation for Final Settlement. IT appearing that-Thomas 8. Sloan, Jane Johnson, Durham Johnson, and the teira of Goorge A. Sloan, deceased, Henry R. Sloan, deceased, and Edward T. Sloan, dsceased, reside beyond the limits of this State: It ie Ordered, That they do appear at a Court ef On. Unary, to be bolden at Greenville Court House, on Thurtday, the 9lA day of Jnnnary next, at 10 o'clock. A. M., to shew eanss, If any they can. why a Final Settlement of the Estate of MARY SLOAN, deceased, should not be mads on that day ; and oa failure of parties to appear in person or by attorney,* their eoasents will be taken as confessed. Given under my hand, at Greenville Court House, this 9th day of October. A. D, IMV. S. J. DOUTHIT, O. O. D. Oct 20 8b Tbc Slate of South Carolloa. GREENVILLE DtSTRIOT. By 8 J noururr, E?q , Ordinary of mi j |,rl. WHEREAS JAMRS p. MOORE, a E. O. 1>? lies filed a Petition in my Oilier, praying ihnt letters of Adminiatrati?n, with the Will annexed, on all and singti'ar the good* and chattels, rights and credits of JOHN C. QUEEN, late ef the District aforesaid, deceased, should ba grniiiru 10 mm. Thine art, tUtrefort, to cite And adir.onlih , nil and singular th* kindred And eredifwa of the/aid deceased, to l>i And Appear in the Court of Ordinary for said District, to he holden At GreenelUe Ourt Moose, on i he twenty firth dag mf December next, to alio* ?aiio, if any. why tht said Admiuietraiion should not he granted. 8 J. IXMJTIIIT, 0. 0. D. Ordinary'e Office, 10th Nor., 1807. UG-0 State of South Carolina* GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Ia Equity. William II. Acaria, Administrator, as. M. I. Gossans et al. IN pursaanee of the Decretal Order la rta abore stated case, the Creditors of the lato Dr. W. L. M. AUSTIN are hereby required to establish their demand* against the Estate, before me, within adso month from} thia date, or be barred. J. P. MOORE, C. b. O.'D. Commlsaioaer'e Ottoe, July If, 1007. Jy 18 ? #m Stato of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. ' la Equity. Jotsn P. Ltttsss, Admlnlstrater, ?a Mart D. Latimma et ?f. JN parse Alice of the Decretal Order la tha shnrf etc ted raae. the Creditor* of tha e JAMES M. LATIMER are hereby required to establish their demands against the Estate, before me, within aiwe month Irons thiq date, or be barred. ? J. P. MOORE, 0. K. 0. D/ , Commissioner's Offleo, July IS, 1007. Jy 18 t . Stato of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. . SaUau A. Ktroant Kseeutilx, w M. L, ( ?ot>i.KTT et al. IN pureuanne of the DtortUl Older la the above stated east, lbs OrediLora of Ill* 1*1* Ool. OIIARI.RSf SLlfbJU) ~?r# hereby required t* u*i*t>!Wh, by prop** proof, their oUim* *g*in*t tho 8*1*1*, b*, ] for* on*, within min4 month* from llii* ItU, or l.r b*rrr?l. J. P. MOORR, C. K 0 D. Co?mlr?\oti?r*r OfRor, July 16, 1867. July It (y 8 ? tin WALHALLAHOTEL k^L'^x TR iVKLKRff and otbera vldtlng Wnlh*!!*, wilt find iMl wrM**t*blUhrd ROyHft " op*!, fo^li-ir *ooovnmoduli#*, H*y|m, ip [ til* pent, M In* gorat* have t**tlf?4l given utirtoetlon, the Proprietor i* ronld*M of ' pto*?ii>g tho** trlt# ni*y *ulf. Train* not? r run daily to *ed from III# pla*e. R*U* e| . Hoarding r***oti*bi-. Conic and * *. ' D. DIEMANX. Pioiwi*tor. July 11 T