University of South Carolina Libraries
r>-' v^f^" &,> * *&** .Jl ^2*. >; Ml CdMPAHY nxttffo, tlpifiS-Mit&n will mart at ike dflle# of JL the PreaMeM. on TtTBgbAY EVEN I NO Iff EXT, it Ntu o'c'oeV. kfetubera will bo punctual lit Ihelr itUniktMb By Mtder of tb? Milwt 1 FCHTKU, Seontaty. *? * **_ TakeHotice. TftE" Book* of the Uto Dr. It. B< EAKLE are In our hand* f?.r MltltmooC LiWral indulgence will bo given to portico giving thair not* with aeeurity, nd ill matter* of nceouut. ??ot covered by General.Order No. 10, and not on cloned by the 18th of Fabroarv. will l?e aned upon imditcriminnUly. RR?D A F.AIU* I Attorney for Exceptor*. Jan I M X . 7 . ' , - ma The 8'&*e of South Carolina. TOWN OF OR KEN VJLI.S. ORDINAIVtR To Xaito Boppliee for tbo Tear end* I lag October lit, 1868. BK IT ORDAINED,' by tbn fnteodant T oRtTWardena of tha Town of Green. ville, in Council and hy the nu thority of the same, That TAX, f>r the iuim and lii the mauner hereinafter men* tinned, ahail be raised and paid to the Clerk of tha Council; for the use and eervloe there of; ihafU to'say : On Real Estate. PrtTtow l. Twenty Cents on ey?ry hundred dollars of th? Real Estate situate, lying and being within ihe eotpcate limits of the said Town, to be paid and collected on or before tli< first day of February next Goods. Warns and Merchandize. SacTtoM 2. Twelve and a half Centa on eoery hundred dollar* of the Sale.*, a* well a* BartrfFTtiVrt Exchange, of Good*. Wares and Merchand xe of ev.-ry description, ex ?ept on ealesef llannfaelures in the Town ol Greenville, from the first day of Jannarjeighteen hundred and ?lxty-?even. to the fleet day of January, eighteen hundred and aixty-eight, to be paid by every Morchant, Mtoj ke-per, 8aleaman, and person en ?e|U ing. bsrtei ing and exchanging in said Town, on or before the firet day of February next. Carriages. Omnibuses, Ac Swcnojt 3. Three Dollars and a Half on each and avery four wlieeled pleaaurr Car rlaga drawn by t?ro or mere horse*; Two Dollars and a Half on each and every Onehorse Carriage. .Barouche, Gig, Sulky and Buggy, kept f?r pleasure and not for lu'r-; Three Dollars on eeeh Ruegy k?pt for hire; Ta II Dollar* on each Four horee or Hack ; Eight Dollars on each lla<-k or Car* riape drawn by two horses, and run for conveyance of parengers or hire; Kiglit Dollars oa each Four horse Wagon. Ten Dollars on ssch Two horse Wagon or Drey, - and Five Dollars on earh One horse Wagon er Dray run for hire. The Taxaa on pleasure Carriages snd Buggies aliail be paid on or before the first day of February next; and the Takes on Omnibo?e?, llacka. Car t iagce, Buggie*, Wagons, <fco.. kept for hire, before such vehicle thali be allowed to iun. Road and Street Tax. 8ectio*4. That the Annual Tax for (Load and Street Exempt*#**, for the current year, shall be tlie <auin of Three D-.llar*, ( payable on er before the diet dav of Fo' - rmrt nut And if ??r pei-eou linlde to this Thi iliill foil % *?k? |KYmf?t ?t the time specified, lie ?MI <>e lirM t?*He to work oi. the Strcrti ?f the Town for twrW? dttR, or ho m?y lined at tlio discretion of Council"-; nod if caid floe and Tax bt not i f<wthwi:h paid, lire amounts oliall l>e cob looted bj Execution. Lawyers. Physicians, Dentist*, Doguerreotypists, Amhrotypisu and Photographists. ftciTio* 6. Twenty Cento on the hundred dollar* of groif Incomes sri-ing from the practise of the prsfnioianf I .mot. Medicine and Dentistry, sod from (he Imsin-s* ?f Dsgnirr?ttjrpin|t, Ambtotyping and Flidtngraphing within said Town, to Via paid by all persons practicing said professions and businesses, on or before lire drot day -of Febiuaiy next, and the amount of income to be ea'imatsd from the first day of January, eighteen hundred and shcty seven, to ' the first d*y of January, eigfcsesu isuudne I nnd sixty-eight Itinerant Traders and Auctioneers Suction 6, Five Itollaro a, day by any Itinerant Trader or Auctioneer, nJT- ring for ?*!*, within Hhe Town of Grewnvtlfe, any Goods, Warea and M*nehe? Use, at auction, or otherwise, to he paid each day in advance; and every Itinerant Trader or Auo11 oncer so offering fur aaii any Goods, Warea or Merchandise, at auetion, or otherwise, without nreviooelv paying such daily Tax, as aforesaid, shall be fined Ten Dollars for each day ha may so offend : Provided, the provisions of this S.-cticn shell not be so construed as to *p|4y to Ilia ordinary dealers in Grain, Fruit, Potatoes, Tobacco, reol try, Ironware," Earl hen ware, or other 1'ioducSor mannfaclures of like character. .Billiard Tables sad Tea Plu Alleys. Section 7. 8eveoiy fivo Imllsra o ? each ?nd every Billiard 1?U? and Ten I'm Alley iu iboTown of Oreenville, need by ths pro prielor for profit, to be uoid by the proprietor before license shall be granted. Goods mad Chattels BeM on Consign* tent er Coaunisston. Suction I. Fifty ('enis on every bandrd Aellers of the flnml. I -,J ? MBW vuavMji* ruiu on ?r Commioeion within ?li Town, from th? flr?t day of Jonucry, rightoon hoodred aid aisty Mown, to the rr?i Hoy of January, eighteen kandro) on J ois'y / eight, by nerjr |?eroon oo intoned io win. to bo polJ oa pr boforo tho firs*, doy of Fob ruory next. Eesl Estate, Stocks, Ac., Sold at A action I SwmoN 9 Ono half of ono p*r eentum on oil oalea within oakl Town, at A action, of < I Reol Eotolo ond Stock* of ovary dncrip lion, (except oolos mode liy order of Court i or proe?M of low, or by Exocatorc ond Ad I tpinictrotor*,) sold Tex to bo paid by the Aeefcooeer making such ooloo, on tho anno i 4*f on which thoy or* mode. < Tensities. Harriott 10. Aod bolt further ordain*), Tb*t if ooy potion or poroono at.oil foil, ptflni or rejoao AO noil true return* on noth, to tho Clark of CmmII, of oU hit, har or their Toasblo Property, ond pay tho Tot thereon impoeod, within tho timo h?rein epeeitfed, tho Clerk of Cut\petl Is heroby authorised And required to odd ono hnn dred par eentum to tho amount of tho Tax of tho poroono thno neglecting or refuting ; ond if toe Doubt* To* th"o impoeod io not paid within twonty day*, tho mid Clork to hereby authorised aod lAqnlrad to kMtoAS> ooatiooa therofor immodioioly. Dona ond rotMed nndor the oornorote I real of tho mid Town of ftroonvillo. [A a] thlo the twentieth day of Vovrmiier. in the year of our Lord ono (hod night hundred And oiaty *eyon. AD. LONO, Intoedant. . A. A ItoDarm, Clork. JeS I 83 8 r Fp *. Bfcor r~ ' M| n '' ' VM 1^" ? Druggists, Apotheca WOULD respectfully inform theii that they have REMOVED ! by the late Dr. M. B. Eaklk, TO FITTED UP FOR THEIR EsSPEC HBXT DOOR TO T] Where they are prepared to furnist y Drugs, Chemicals, Med Faints, Oils, Dyestuffi Tooth Brashes, Hair 1 Fine Soaps, Pei Lily White, 1 Fine Chewing Tobacco, Durham Flavoring Extract*, Lemon, Yc Cooper"* Ding glass, Coxe's And a great variety .of Articles toe thy vmu m~m TIIAT tliey have added to tl eir f THE GREENVILLE BOOK? building with Messrs. Walter <fe W ing down the price of the same, ai CELLANEO(J8 AND SCHOOL ] greatly reduced prices. N. B:?A large lot of CniLDR nod a complete assortment of BLA Almanacs for 1868 fur grati Jan 1 Notice. A PPI.ICATION will Ha made for Charter* J\_ for twe Orphans Home*, in Ureenrille District, one for white and the other for colored children. T. II. EDWARDS. Dec. 20th, 1807. Jan I 32 3m NOTICE To the Creditors of the Late David 6. Weetfield. npiIEXIKE MONTHS having expired withA in which the Creditor* of DAVID U. WESTFIKLD, deceased, were required to file their claim* with the Cuam MHinrr in Kquily, tho Creditor* and all other* interested in the Eatate, are herel>y notified, to He and appear at my Office, oa 7"A?r?</>iy, (Ac 2d day of J-in*, nry ???'., toprore their demand* and adjust all Con federate account* M that the a**et* of the Estate may be marshalled, and a settlement made a* soon a* possible. 4. P MOORE. C. B. 0. D. and Adm'r. Commissioner'* Office. Dec. 18th, 1807. Jan I 32 1 The State of Sooth Carolina, OREBXVIU.E DISTRICT. ny o. J. u\ju I ill 1, nayure, Ordinary ?/ utid 1)1 tired. WIIKKEAS, B. J.STEWART htm fli-d Petition in my Ofllw, praying that Letters of Administration. vitli th? Will innrwl,?n all ant] singular the ponds ant] chattels, rights and credits of TtlOUAA MOSKLKY. lata of tha District aforesaid, deceased. iliouM b? grant.d to him. Thtne ate, iMerefure. to cite and admonish all and aingn'ar lh? kindrad and creditor# of tha said deceased, to he and appear in ths Court?f Ordinary for said District, to ha hnlden at Graetttfclle Conrt House, on tha 10rA day of Jannaey inM., In show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. .8. J IXMTTIHT. O. O. f>. Ordinary's Office, 27th December, HMJ7. Jan I SO ft NEW THEORY OF HEALTH. The Life of ell Flesh Is Blood. The Health of all Life is Purity of Flesh. Without Purity of Blood, mo Flesh free from Disease. HEINITSH'8 amuro DSM&a?, AN ANTIDOTE TO DISEASE. npjIK OREAT AMERICAN ALTERAJL T1VE and BLOOD 1 OUIFIEK, Is tha moat perfect vegetable compound of alter* atl>as and tonic* making it the most rffeollve, invigorating, rejuvenating and bloodolnaoalwg cordial known to the world for the cure of all those diseases which may he I traced to'a vitiated condition of the blood. Ike theory la that blood is the Nfe of all fledi, and, if impure, the life of Sll disease. 1 Life and health Is only to be maintained by the circulation of pur# arterial blood. It i. -I.-1 .L r - - - ? ?v.r?s 10 every ren-eting iwiad, that unless lh? blood ia purr, in iup> r'y nr tha watt* Umm* with material, it must ha tha mum of innumerable ilia and i constitutional disorders, such aa Serofule, Klreumatisvn, llepatie Disorder*, Inflammation*, Fewer*, Liver ('aaipUiai, Consimiption, King'* Kvil, Carhutielra, Boils. Iiehkng Uumor of the Skin, Kryaipelaa, Skin Die* raaea, Tetter, Roughness of the Skin, Pimplea, Klotchae, Pains in the bones, old Ulaere, Syphilis and Syehilitin Sores. Indigeelion, Inflammation of the Bladder and Kid aay, Paine in th Back, Oenarsl DeMlity. and for all eomplalnts ariaiag Irom defieien ey and poverty of blood. COPYRIGHT SECURED. HTPrepar.d only by R II. II EI N ITS H, Pharmaoist. For sale by FISHER At If EI NITS H, Drnggits, Columbia, S. C. 1ST For sale by HKIRY E HFiHITIH, SPARTANBURG, 0. a Jan 1_ St Sis 8. 4. DOUTHIT, LICENSE? AUCTIONEER, GRfiSNVILLffi, S. C. WILL atlead PUBLIC aad PRIVATE SALES, at reasonable rates of ebsrge. * /A* OrJinnrg't Ojprs, in the 0*HH Dee *? 31 3 tries and Stationers r friends and the public generally, rorn the 8tand formerly occupied > TI1E LARGE 81 ORE ROOM 5IAL ACCOMMODATION, IE POST OFFICE, l, at icines Varnishes i. Spices, &c. Srashos, Combs rfomery, Hair Oils tailet Powders, Songs and other Brand* Smoking milla, PineApple and Strawberry Gelatine Com Starch i numerous to mention. ftVPnrarna m Bin usa Milium it iu mi Stock, the ENTIRE SIOCK OF >TORE, formerly kept in the same eatmoreland ; that they are markin! offer a great variety of MISBOOKS, STATIONERY, &C., at ENS* TOY BOOKS just received, NK BOOKS expected soon, iiitous distribution. 82 if Votiee. IN eonf??rmity with th# requirements of tlie Internal Revenue Uw?, I hereby give no tie* to all (MrMM who may claim a STILL. CAT AN!) WOUM-teiwtl on or n-ar the premlseaof WaDDY WIIITMIRE, lit or IS milra from Greenville C. H., on the 28th Dee-mber. 1867, because of being ueed In violation of the Internal Revenue Laws? to make itch claims within 80 day* from the first publication of this notice. A. L COM*, Tten. Col. Int. Rev. Greenville District* A. C Jen 1 .72 3 Votiee T3Y virtue of au'hority, I will expose for O sale, at public outcry, at the store of WILLIAMS A WHITMIRK. on Saturday, the fourth day of January, 1868, the follow ing property ; to wit: 2 l .rire COITKK STII L?. CAPS AND WORMS; fifteen BF.KKSl'AKDS; 2 KKOS; five gallons of WHISKY ; and some other nnall article*. The above was ssixrd l>y the undersigned, on the prenfises of JF.I'G MI AH AATTKUFIKLD, in Anderson IHstriot. S. tj? on the lSth day of November, 1867. TERMS CASH. A. L COBn, I>ej?. Col. InL Rev., Greenville District, 8. C. One of the above STILLS Is very valuable. being, do doubt, atiwug the best in the State. I) c 25 81 I United State* Internal Revenue, Darcrr Collkctou's Orrtce, 3d Col. Disy., Ureeuville, December 25, 1867. "QY virtue of an order from A. 8. Wallace, I) Collector 3d Colleotion District, of 8outh Carolina, I will sell, on Friday, the eevenieealh J _/ I - - -r ? j "j Kimiwj, law, u 12 o'clock, at the H-tiM of JAMES I,EN DERM AN, about 8 miWi from firMiflUc C. II., to the highest bidder, the following property ; to wit: One 0NE-H0R8K WAGON One BLACK MULE One BAY MULE One COPPER STILL, CAP and WORM. Levied on as the property ?f J. C. SMITH, at the suit of the United BtaAes for Hcveone Tax. TERMS CASH. A. L.'COW, DcptAy Collector UreenviTle Di/trict, S. C. Dec 26 31 ? Hotieo. IN conformity with the regie irrwi en tt of the Interwal RwrNN Laws, t hereby rive' I notice to all persona who may eta ha a BARREL OP WHISKY, seised near the K. R. Depot, on Monday, 23d Inst., because of ?tI? dent purpose to Wall the payment of the Iaternal Revenue Tax, to aadke met claims bofore me, within SO days Irom the Arat publication of this notioe. A. L. COBB, Dep. Col. Int. Rev., Oreeaville District, 8. C. December 23d, IM7. 31?3 Yotiee. IN conformity with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Laws, I hereby give I notice to all pereoaia who may claim a 8TIi?L, STILL WORM AND CAP, and Two Empty Barrels, seised on or near the premises of | EPIIRIAM HALL, on the 23d instant, ll or 14 miles above (Ireenvllle C. H* because of being used in violation of the Internal Revenue I Laws, to make such claim before me within St days from the Arat publication of this notice. A, T<. COBfe Dep. CoL InL Rev., Greenville District, 8. C. Decern her 23d, 18*7. SI?3 Votio?. BY virtue of authority, I will expose for sale, at public outcry, at the iters of WILLIAMS A WHITMIRK, cm Saturday, fourth day of January, 1868, at 12 o'clock, M? the following property ; to wit: One Bart el. containing about 1 Gallons of Wkitktf, ?nd uvtrtl other small articlee. Sflwd by the underpinned, near the Academy Soring, on the 14J of No vent her, 18?7, (tne property of one Clayton ) TERMS CAsII. A. L COBB. Ben. C??l. Int. Re*., Greenville D)itri?l, 8. C. December 88, 1887. tt-l Notice. IN conformity with requirement* of the Internal Revenue Lew a, I hereby give notice to all peraona who may claim the *ancx?d dveerlbed qtiantliira ot WHISKY, aeisrd beeauae of evident purpose to evade the piyment of Revenue Tax, to come forward within thirty day* from the drat nubs liealion of tbla notice and prove laid claim*; vis : One barrel, containing M gel lone, aeteed at the honae of Wb*. Calloway, on the fib teat. One keg. containing gai'ona. aeieed at the b?OH of Was. Dill, on ike 9th inat. One barrel, containing 19 gallons, ad red on Main Street, la ike Town of Greenville, en the 19th leek A. L COBB. Depnty Col. Ink Rev. Otrrenville Dbt Greenville, S. 0., Dec. 17, 1897. Dec 18 10 8 . .. 5 ' EXBRCISKS re?ua,rl the TIIUID 0* FEBRUARY NEXT. TUITION ft Mo* of JW Uontkt, in Quid or I to market ealme in Currency t Primary llrutlM, J$ 0 26 Inlfimdlttt Bnuteb**, 9 00 Higher Kogliah B nine bee, 12 60 64Tiawl i?|IM Brtavbto, .......... 16 00 64tmw1 MtobwuUw Hd Lutiupt, 10 60 aate M 00 Carreooj wUI k? token, if paid ilrietfjr In edrinee. Btndeato ektmd Ooa the Ubm of enUMct till the end of Ike Seaelon. Board from nino to twolro dollar* per month T. J. EARLG, PRINCIPAL. Qewennrilte, December, 1807. 61?7 a one* GOV. D. F. PERRY is empowered to act i? our AGBNT in oar absence. R. CROFT. T. Q. CROFT. Dn? St 2 T. L. BOZEMAN, LICENSES AUCTIONEER? PLAIN P. On GREENVILLE DISTRICT, 8. C. WILL attend PUBLIC and PRIVATE 8 A LBS, at reasonable rate* of charge. Dee 2ft 31 3 PUBLIC SCHOOL FOR WI11TE CHILDREN. TUITION FREE. IT la proposed by a lady of tbi* place, aselated by competent aid, to ertaMiah, on or about the first of January, a SCHOOL FOR WHITK CHILDREN. Ao ckargt ?itl be made for Tuition. Any persona desiring to place Children in sueh a School, will laara their naases, sex and ages of the Children, at tbe office of Julius C. Smith, Esq., on Main 8treet, near the Old Court House. Deo 25 31?3gr . EXTRA COURT ! m imiroii bistbict. According to the Order or the hon. T. N. DAWKINS, Presiding Judge, at tbe last Fall Term, " An Extra Term of the Court of Common Pleas will he held at Ureenrille Court House for Orcenville Distriet, on the Third Monday in January next, to continue during the remaining days of that week and of the two succeeding weeks, if necessary. It was also Ordered, That tha Clerk do giro proper notice, in the newrpnpere of saiJ Distriet, of the sitting of the said Extra Term. December l?tb, I8fi7. W. A. McDANIEL, Clerk of tbe Court of General Sessions and Common Pleas for Grconvl'le District. Dee 25 31 4 State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. By S. J. Don!hit, Koquire, OrJina.y of mid fl -A? * ?A f/Mirio, WIIERPAS, ROWLAND COX has (Fed h Petition in my OfHee. praying that Letters of Administration on m|I hii?I singular the goods and chnttoX rights and credits of LAPAYETT MaYFIKLI). lata of the Dial riot aforrfa-d, d< censed, should he granted to him. Thtut are, there/or*, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the asid deceased, to be and appear in the Court of Ordinary for said District, to he h?Idan at Oreenrilta Court House, on the 1th day of January urrt, to show cause, if any. why the said Administration should not be granted. S. i. DOITTH1T O. 0. D. Ordinary's OlLce, 44th D. c., 1807. Dec 25 81 2 J. W. NORWOOD, SURGEON DENTIST, GREENVILLE, & C. Artificial teetii constructed hy any process desired, and at prices to suit the times. Teeth Extracted without pain, by neeans of Loeal Anttsthesia. Every Operation warranted comfortable, and to render good service. Office over Whitmire A Fergason's Dry Goods Store, Maiu Street. Dec 18 39 3m NEW SCHOOL. TtlE UNDERSIGNED proposto open a 8CHOOL, in the aVnjHSbsiri(i?Dt of the Presbyterian Church Greenville, 8. C., an the Or Jt ret J fond yin /an teat Jf, 1808. for tha term of Fiva Mont ha Rates of Tuition, in advance, in currency. Primary Branches, including Mental Arithmetic. ...... t 8 Higher Branches. l<> First Principles sf Utin and Mathamaiica 14 Incidental Expenses. 2 The School to open at 8 o clock, A. M , and close at 4 P. M. Recess at noofe, one hour and a half. Artlelea at the stores of Dts. Ha astro* A Marshall and Col. J. D. Amjmowk for Subscribers. T. D. GWIN. P. 8. I have had Mx years' experience in teaching, and always gave general satisfaction. T D 0. Dee 18 80 2 NEAR thb-depot. W. T. ASH MOKE INFORMS the public that he by just received considerable addition* to bia Stock 01 DRY UOODS AND GROCERIES. Boots, Slices, (lata, Caps, Calicoes Cloths, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Mackeral, Molasses, &c. He keeps constantly on band, alao. Bailer* !!(( , Chicken*, Baeoa, Lard, Cora, Potatoes, Veaa, Sc., So., which be offer* ior sale at reasonable price* for CASH. Hi* ooantry friend* will flad It to their advantage to give him a caJI, before di*poring of their Produce. He aaka for a fkere of patronage. or OPPOSITE THE DEPOT..*] Dee II M ? THE OLD STAND imiy hi cBiFicnmiBY. Mnin Strtrt, by Pott OAItw, IS open at all boun of tha day and evenlog. BREAD, RUSK, ana a varied assortment of CAKES, constantly on band. Cake*, , Imked to order. An EATING SALOON la In be opened in a few daya. where IIOT COFFER, II AM and EGOS, OYSTERS. Ac , may be bad. tr Board, without Lodging, furnished at re a# .nable rate*. Dec 11 STMf C. M. McJUNKIN. ' ; ** P-SMnMBMI iBagaagM C. II. JIJDSOIV, PmidcNt, Agisted kj *om froftmri ui Three Female Teachers. rpiIE SPRING TKRM ..11 .?.? 19.1 JL / February, and continue twenty week*. Bc4mcIIm ml KiUhu Owing to tha impoverished oondltion of ths country, and the great scarcity of money, greenbacks wilt bo reoalrad al par, ol<? paij tlricllg in aiiraner, for all charge* except the Collegiate English Course, and Leaaoaa on Pianoforte or Quilar, for each of wbiab the charge will be reduced to tlO 00, currency. Indiscriminate credit cannot any longer be given. Patrons not prepared to pay in advance, nut make a definite settlement at the time pupils are entered. Dec 18 80 2m ' E. P. JONES, ATTORNEY AT LAW AMD SOLICITOR IN EQ.UITY, PRACTICES In the Court- of the West ern, also in the United State* Court. I< prepared In prosecute cases in Banlrmptey. Person* who wi?h the benefit of the Act, had best apply at one*. Unless their Petitions are filed before the }>l of Mareh next, they will b* required to pay " fifty per cmtmn " on nil chum*. Office at Greenville C. H. Dec 18 30 10 State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of a Decretal Order from the Court of Ordinaly, I will sell at. pub tie outcry, to the highest bidder, on the 1st Monday in J tnunry next, the following TRACT OF LAND, vie: All that piece parcel ond Tract of Land situated in the Town of Greenville, bound ed l?y lands of T. 11, Thruaton, Greenville and Columbia Kail R->ad, and others, and containing Stvtn-E<phlt of on Acre, more or less. Md a* the property of EVELINE CONLIN, deeeaaed, to |pay debt*, and lor diatribution amot g the heirs of sai l deeeas ed. Terms Ca-li. W. T. SHUMATE. 3. G. D. Sheriff's Office, Dee. 10th, 1867. Dec 13 . 80 td State of fionlh Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALES. T>Y v rtue of an Order from the Court of .13 Ordinary, 1 will re-sell. at the risk of the former purchaser. (P, U. Out.) on Ihe firtt Monday in January nc/t, at puhtie otitery, to the highest bidder, llio following TRACT OF LA NO; via.: All that piece, parcel and Tract of Land, rittiu'e.l in Greenville District, on waters of Oildci'a Creek, hounded by lands of Ctiait of Dr. Manning Ail-tin, Reuben Rramlett and others, and contairing Sirty Acres, more or leas. S?|.l as the property of Martin Oils, decease), tor partition among the heirs. TKRMS?A credit of 12 mnr.tlis, with interest froin dale, 'or all except so much as will pav the costs, which will be required in cash, Purchasers to give bond with two approved securities, and a mortgage of the premises, to the Oidioary, to secure the payment of the purchase money. Purchasers to pay for Title* W. T. SHUMATE. Sheriffs Office, 16tfi l>'c , 1867. Dee 18 30 3 FOR ROT, I TIIE HOUSE occufnnM l?'ed ^r* Met rick, M???5i3e i n Rutherford Street, next to Mr. Stall's. It has six large Rooms and all necessary outbuildings. Possession given first of Janunry. A only to T. B. TURUSTON. Dee 11 TO tf For Sale. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE. VE will sell to the highJMkla est bidder, before the Court Moure door, oti Sales-day in January, next. The Residence of the Late Mrs Eliza W. Earle. This is one of the most desirable Residences in the upp?r country ; bring just outside of the eor|>oret? limits of the Town of Greenville, and within a few minutes walk of the Greenville and Columbia Kail road Depot, and of the Fnrman University, and in an excellent neighborhood. To our desirous of boarding student* it present* especial inducements, aa the House is a roomy one, with a large Dining llall. THE LOT CONTAINS FORTY-FIVE ACRES, more or Ism, hat a flue OARI'EN, a nice young PEACH ORCHARD, sotne choie* Grape Vines on it, with an Oak Gfove in front of the rams. TERMS.?A credit of one and two years, with personal security, and a mortgage of the premies* Farther Information may he had on ap plication to Wm. K Haul*. Attorney. O. P. EAHLB, ) T. J. KAUI.E. [ Exeert. J NO. 11. MAXWELL.) Dee 11 M 4 BAGGING AND ROPING IRON of all aorta. KAILS, LEATHER, 4e., Ac. For sal* low. David a stradley. o?t to IS tf DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. HAVlMO reeefvad the agency of the ahora justly aelabrated Brand of TOBACCO, wa will make it to your inter* at to buy from us. P?r sale by wholesale or retail. DAVID A STB A OLE V. I Ohio is if I ATTOKN \LT ILL mCmutUa* of L*?p. Jen IS M tf.''. LAW CARD. GOODLETT A THOMAS, Attorneys ituv. AM 8 0 LIOITORB I If EQUITY, HI AVK this <iiy (ormrd s Connrtnvr| ship Is the pnMtxi* n( Li W m4 EQUITY' on the Wr?crn Cireutt. Office in ll>? old Court !! ? ? Buil4l?f, ' *. Pi ooopucrr, wm. m nwutt, Dee tO SO , tf 1 T T. 8. SfiBSSTsT^ [attorney at law. WIILL practice in the District* wnsnlnt | the Western Circuit. Also in the XmiTED STATES COVETS. Ib? I 9? _ l? I ~~f = ? Attend to Tour Children'i ToothWE w? to often M<l*d Mi to extract the first Mvhn or ^injLJ Jaw Teeth for children, and to regulate or strengthen the front teeth, which bcoome crooked from neglect, that we think it advieahle to call the attention of parents to th> eul-j-et; eo that the back teeth may be filled, and the froat teeth no* lied whilst children are euttinf their see ond e?t, eo ae to prevent their becoming Irregular. Children ahed. or toee but ten teeth from the upper law, and ten from the l-'W. r |aw, and the Molars, or Uw teeth, which they cut ieri; of there, belong to their adult or grown art Many perron a ay they were not aware of this feet. Now notice and act accordingly. Charge# very moderate. Teeth exmeted fur Fifty eenta. Terms caeh, JOHN ANDERSON. Nor S7 *7 if MAKMJ5 WORK! MARBLE WORK!! ^570S^SLIU THE eiilwerilirr bee on liand, and will continue to receive, a good assortment of TOMU STONE.-1, of all etsea and quail* liee. Those in need of any thing in that line, will do well to eaii at Ute Poet Office before purchasing elsewhere. HT Country produce taken In exchange for work JAMES M. A LI.EN. Urrenville C. H., Nov 6, IS67. 24-tf SAMUEL BLACK, BAEBEB. WOULD respectfully inform the public that lie bae opened a SHOP in the room under the building for* merly occupied by the Post Office and EmUdpri** Office, first door above the ruins of McBe*-'s Hall, wh< re he has locate I. Using a prnfe**iomai Barber, be hoprr, by at ten* lion to bueiuees. together with politeness to nil, to merit a portion of puUie patronage. In rurriNO, SHAVING and SHAMPOO. INQ. July *A 9 3 TO THE PUBUC. The Pavilion Hotel CHARLESTON, 8. C? _ . SO LOKQ and ably eov 'L ducted by the late H. f MfSftAB BUTTERF1EI.D, will efln RLhLfQSgJg Ne kept open for the aeeomf ft (It1111 1 i It gel I !* f fa wallnre rtitLlU A m-1 Id ? B >" former friends and patrons will find tha usual accommodations and attentions W stowed on them as formerly, and tha public f.vots, already so well established as THE hotel of i he traveling merchant* of the Souih, will, by earnest efforts, be faithfully preserved. Oct 25 23 ml MI1LS HOUSE. Corner of Meeting and Queen Street*. CHARLESTON, S. C. Tilts well Vnown FIRST aiMBHI CLASS HOTEL ha* just been thoroughly repaired, re. fitted and re furnished, and is now ready far the accommodation of tha travelling public, whoso patronage is respeetfully solicited. Merchants visiting the eity, are respeetftilly invited. Every accommodation will be offered them. Coachc* always In readiness to convey passenger* to and from tha Hotel. The Proprietor promlaaa to do all in hla power lor the comfort or hit attest*. JOSEPH PLRCELL, Proprietor. Feb 21 29 d m. Dissolution. The firm of barKmiale, perry A Co.. i? dissolved. Parties to Whom the same is indebted, Till present their Claims at the Factory, or to mo at Greenvilla, 8. C. W. M. THOMAS. JanUarV T. IfifiT. Jan 24 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON THK OKEKBVILLE ft COLUMBIA B! B. ON AKD APIKU FRIDAY, th? ftth la<'*a*er>ger Train*will run daily, Suhdaya *x?aj>t?d, a* follow*: L*av? 0<>'timbia at 7 0(i, A. M. , AImon 8 65, M Nfwhf ry 10 85. Ariive at AI'brMllr.^,,, . .8 80, P. If. " " Andeimn 5 15, " " " Gte-nrilla ft 00, " Leave Orr??*111* at A 00, A. M. " Ander* n ft 4ft, M ? Abbeville 8 4ft. M - New?erry. 1 ?ft, P. If, Arriva at AUton..., 8 00. " Columbia ft OO. ? Train* on tlm Din* Ridg* Kail-road ?UI alao run daily, Sunday* rmptrd, eoanveU log with th* up and dawa trala* an the Greenville and Colombia Rail i< ad, a* follow* : Ltau Andereon | ft SO P M. M Pandlatou at ft *0. Arriva at Walhalla at ft ? 0 " L*ava Walhalla at ..ft ?H?. A. M. , * Pendleton at ft 40, " Arriva at And. mm ft 40. " The Train will retain from R. |ton ?r? Andereou on M<-ndav and Prtdav morning* JAM18 0. MEUlilMTll. General Superintendent,