University of South Carolina Libraries
SSft "W? L<?'J*i^WRt:7wrW^Mn2<. most eonsolmtprv fo fnMen inen, are %4 ram and true iel.igion." " '&> ^4 *, '^U, *X- ' Disdaining lo ifhhtba.perpendfaolftf Ir In bar-rooms, he keeps'ademijohn of concealed Owrd in hU office, and there slake* hi* thirst a* inclination * . prompt*, The Judge has ft son who *? < knows hi* father'* fcabiip, and emulatethem with filial avtluily. On a 8nn> d%j morning tlte Judge would my : ** Well, R'uftis, going to the First %PresbrterUn wiih me this morning P 44 No. fa'lter. I reckon I'll go down to the Second Mrih<Hi?t.>' fiAt on hi* *? to tl??t edifice, It'?fu* uniformly rtopp I ?t dm office, unlock ed the old gen'teman's private closet,, And iiiduloed i.imself with pleasant fluid. jp Every Suhdav morning, the Judge repented his laudable inquiry, hot llufue preferred the Second Methodist.-? The Judge so n began- to notice ^a tnarlro/1 /II ?r? t ? it I i<\ti in |Ka oatif nnla r\ f tli? demijohn, ?nd rightly suspected who was 111o culprit. The Judge emp ^tied the remaining liquid into another vessel ?nd placed it in a secluded pine?. Nqxt Sunday morning came the usual interrogatory : " Going with me this morning, Rufus r "" No, father, T reckon I'll stick lo tb# Second Methodist." ? -On reaching the .oflfico, and taking hold of the demijohn, he not'only saw with disgust the emp'.y jog, hut noticed .a anjall piwco of white pajwr attached lo the handle, on which was legibly inectibed thyse words : . 44 Second Methodist closed for re pairs I" After church father and son met, and .looking cuiioualy at each other, smiled . a little smile* hut said nothing. The M repairs " on that Methodist building has? not yet been completed. So ftu> fus aver*. A Dutchman, who in a fit of pas eion was ^Wearing terribly, was r? "proved by. a cburcb deacon, who chanced to overhear him. -' | " Why do yon ewear so, liana?" , said the deacon.; 14 don't you know ; that it is very wicked !" , * Yaw, I know It pe?e wicked."" 44 Do you know." said the deacon, , anxious to sound the depth of his 're- , ligious teaching, 44 do you know who ( died to savo suineraf" "Yaw," said Han*, 41 Oot died to ( .save 'em."t "Net. God, exactly, Han*, but the sSon of God." - vu So f* exclaimed Ilans," a new light . > 'breaking in upon him. ,4.vos it one of Ae poys ! I in ks all the file it was do 1 .old mati." 1 A digxiukd clergrman. a lector of ^ T)iviuity, tells ?? ?<f hi* experience in ' camp with a 1*^11 crowned hat. Lie was stopped nnd adcosted by a reb with, " Mister, U-ver cows gone dry V Ue answered, "no, why do you ask V ' " Cause, I seed yoM w;i* toting tbe churn hotue on yer bead 1" [Land We Love. ? -*???- -?? * I bat, boy, ? there any thing to hoot about here t" .inquired a sportsman of a boy be met. "Well," re - plied the boy, " uotltin* juat About here, . but our school master is just over the hill there cutting birch rode; you might walk up and pop him over." " Notiiixo can be done well that is done in a hurry," ornculHrly declared a certain pompous politician in New York, one day lately, on the ateps of the City Hall. ** How about catching fires t" asked wag at hit elbow. The politician was floored. Nica Dor: "Ma, if you will give roe a peach, I will be a good boy." " No, my child, you must not be good for pay ; that is not right." * You don't want me to be good-fornothing, do you.u T?a following scene i? laid in a fir?tclass hotel; Tra*eler?I desire to he called at six o'clock. Clerk (with gold chain)?If yoa will ring the bell at that hour one of the hoys will attend to yoar case. A LITTLE gnl walking one day with her mother in a church-yard, resiling op* ft?.' another the praises of those ho slept beneath, snld : - I wonder where they bury the sinam t' " ,? . v IiS?I? ? ? ? ?' A aoT entered stationery ?lore the other da*, and a-lced the proprietor . v, what kind of pens he sold. " All kinds," was" the reply. * Well then. . * I'll take three cents' worth of pig pen.." are not cnlfrely lost to Ike refinement of sentiment, for the f<d lowing toast was given by one ot them at a celebration: "The ladies?sweet briars in the garden of life!" A* Irish absentee is ssld Co have sent this ontnforting message to hi-> steward : " 'V?JI the lenauta that no threats to shoot jod will terrify iue." Ad exchange wants to know if, when young women hiu.-h and weep, they . gad be eatd to raise a hue and cry. flow to take a census of the children f a neigh hot hood?employ an orgnngrinder Ave mrntdes. Thrrr is one thing Among mauy ijrthis life to ?rjf mfejt ntfire thtft any . ether* Ili?aj'try< - - Did folks mind their own business mer*, ' And mind their neighbor*' less. Vor instance, yon and I, my friend, Arc sadly prone to tnlk Of urittors that eooc<>ru us .not, pjr And others' follies mock. W*? V I'm been thinking, if wo'd begin T nj'.-nd our own affairr, That'posslbly our neighbor* might Contriro to nianege their*. !?*'*< fault# enough at home to mend? It may be ao with other* j It would *eem itraogo, If it were not, Qince at! mankind are brother*. . . Oh! w^ald that we bed charity Por erory man and woman? Forgiveness is the mark'of those ITlio know to "?rr is hutnan." Then let us banish joelottely? Lett lifUnnr fallen brother, , And as w* journey down life's road, ? Do good to ono another." The Democratic Emblem?"To I *. 'v' Rooater." - ' A correspondent of lh? Ohio Statesman enquires why tha Rooster 1a need hy the Democracy as an emblem of tictory. That paper replies; ' Becanse the game Rooster 1* tha gatnest bird, when ehcronehel upon by Ma follows, j hat over existed* and the Democracy is tha gan.eal party that aver voted at an eJcc-. ion or resented opprreaion. Both the party and ito emblem, when they go iu'o the tight,'make it ft matter of Ufa or death Roth may ha whipped, but nnt conquered for giving tip when once in the fight, la a Word unknown to the practice of the Rooster nn.1 is not sound in the Democratic vocabulary. Tlte following hi*torient incident induced the adoption of fh? emblem: During the war nf 1812 the Brltieh fleet pn Lake Chninphtin WK1 attacked by the American fleet under (Vmmo-lote Mellon ough, The fleet 61 Mi D.ipough, jniteh inferior to that o( the Rrg'idi, suffered terribly in tlwt first part of the battle. At the inoin*nt when It w* raging fiercest the heaviest fire of the enemy was1 dl'eet?d against the flagship of McDoaottgh?his inen driven from their guns by ilio fierce rnnnonade, and dismay sat?, upon every counteuance, and ,the storm of iron hail which sefmCl to threaten destruction not only to the *1 dp luft to every living soul ( Ihernin, was at its height, n cannon ball ittuok n oliioken coop and knocked it (h pieces, killing aM it contained but a mo fnent befoff, enva only a game lb mirier, whose but tried ontnb bore the marks of many a death fight Flying upon the hul works of McDonopgh'a fl igship, the noldr bird, undaunted by the noise and confusion and carnage around him, with tlu'l m rolo* rang out his i otca of d<-fl moe and victory. Sailor* arc eter superstitions, and when, in tiie pause of the thunder of the ?nemy'a eannon, lliry heard (ho shrill Coojf-a di>o- ' lie-duo," of the undaunted bird, they gnth-' rrcd new courage, and repal iug again to Ilieir gnns, returned anew the fire of (he , srt?*myV*eh cored by the loud crow of tja brave'em Idem of the Democracy, tint 11 the battle ended, and Mclbinongh, on Bake 1 Champ'ain, like the 'Democracy in Ohio and Pennsylvania was victorious over the enemies of the roitntry. Kerry itvsl historian makes mention of the tort, and history says thai th? bravery sliuwti on that occasion t.y tiie Rooster was tiie cause ol (lie victory, by the renewed courage it gave the sailors in UuDonough's fle. t. From (list day to.this, in polities! eon me iimwir una urrn uiti i?.*TTinerniie emblem of victory, and when it is seen in the net of Mrttlinf fortli It* "cnuk-a th?n<l|ede<?,M at the head of a Democratic rewspnpep, i| in right to ??y tlie countryis rate, for lite vieto'y is with the Democracy. A COMDCCTOR of a notrspaper, peaking of a cotemporary, says: " ll<> wa* formerly a member of Congress, but rapidly rose till ho obtained a respectable position a* an editof?a noble example of perseverance under depressing circumstances. . The Norfolk papers nolo the arrival there of ootlon in Urge qnsniithe Ue werk the reeeipte averaged near'/ l,00t> hales per day. MARRIJ WORK.! iVIAKBM: WORK ! ! as Aa 3 Si 3 Ti7 3 asm f|~MIK enboeriber on hand, and will. 1 continueto reeei?r, a jroad aAetrlmcnt of TOM B STUS I&*. of nil attee and qttali- j lie*. Tliofo in need of any thing in that line, will do well to nail at the Boat Oftioc before purchasing elsewhere, \_jff Country prod now taken In evrhtnge1 for work. JAMKi M.. ALLEN". Orfonvillt C.-H., Nov 6, 1$67. 24-lf ,, Milk Cat:le. TUK mbaonber ha* for HRfV rate, e ntindier of VttfTNf] ftC"*Vi L WIT-* AND HKIPeUii, all ffd&SSlrCSl'oprrin/ no Ik atoak, p<*v? IieV?fn? i?"d I'ui haina, and uraiba ttlwiu the Ayr*?hir-, English and Ihaiiin'n, Partner*, aft I tfock ralrera now ltd?* on oppri unity' of IniproTtng their milk atock from tfta beat , breed* and IierJa in tliic country, at low prim - . c K 8. litVINfe Kpt ft SA 7* WM. P. PRICE, ATTOKM0Y AT I-AW. OAHLONEGA, GA? WIT.Ii praettee it* the Confctiea of T.mnp. ktu JL>aw*'ni?, M it max, If'anntn, Va\i u, Town*. Whitened Hull, duu Hi ^ W J.+ tf - - SAUCKRS. 1>KK G H A N ITIfvU 1*S ??.l SAl'C ENGLISH DA 111Y pill v>\ > -' i A LSO Grocerle*, CrucktVy, Glau >n<) Wcnieu At." I'rt'poiliouRl L5^"*Sv* v v.^ ?*,V - ii'. ---* . . We Have Jus LARGE AND WELL S SMffiif mm Whicti wc offer at v< for the GASH or B.I call, if you want goo DAVII October 30 NEW GOODS !J W. IT. IIOVEY JJas JUST UEOFI VED. A full STOCK B?" AK 1T^ DRY GOODS, ?sy~Xow opened and randy fur rule. fl-A llamDome ??t\le? DURSS 'GOODS A line A*?orimml WHITE GOODS Vflriput brand* Bleached and lliowu DOM13HCS Complete *took CASSTMEItES, T weed ^ hjuI J KA \SL I lo.vioty, dorm, Fancy Notion*, dee. Linen*, Sheeting*. nn<j Billow Cotton* l\iweU, Toweling, Napkin*, Arc. A well *?dectcd etock of READY MADE CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHO?S, Union*. Citron, Clove*. Asfi. Jtnyli'j recently W-HitneU fr> n? New Turk, whrfe lie ?pent m>nio lime la onrctnH lv eelvcttajj HU Slock. lie ie prepared to iiffcr GEEAT INDUCEMENTS In liit ntuGtiiii.fd tinl ilia itiil.l'iA Hi) keep* >?*?? Wilt "thu [tCt?T Go'id*; 'AT-iniii every ihlhg In |>n ir* rep'ri.srnltil. <tn<l f/iMiraiilrr* In qiv! n? tniich for a dollar ** nny Hon** in ill* "IWle. Ho Is constantly rwlvlng Good*. thus keeping filled hi* it*ndard shelves. The | MWUe c??iepii)ly me pp?|Mse4fuHy invited to LOOK AT !IN GOO!**. AV. H. IIOVKY. Oct 23 '11 tf T. W. I) A VIS, AT THE NEW STOKE, BUNOOMIiK STUEET, Circciiville, S. (:. 4ALf3ii' j DRY GOODS notions CLOTHIN<J. HATS RIIOES. HOOTS ri.\ntnvARK & crockery, &c wwi.h wilt he 8l.:a Luff B LASH 03 FlfiilQ. ALSO, A o'JANTiTY OF DACON, FLOUR SALT SUGAfi, COFFEE confectioneries, ac ?s?y?M ?AaouNA Clothes Washer. A01WCY FOR GREE?VIIiLW>ISTRICT AT TllE NKW STORK, nUNOOMDE STKERT. aRKl'uV VI KliU, s. p. T. W. DAVIS. Not 13 25 If IMTESVILI.i; UIMCIIIIIIE COMFMiY. H^VlNO f?*en sppolulfl Agfnlr f? r ihi* <"Vnip*n v, W? ?r* piei.?r,>l lo M-llfnUHTlNOe ANI7 YAK* *1 V?ctuiJ prioe*. f>u vi<t 4c ?Wra<ll<?y, IL'Gmoot* tfu<l Conin U*i<>n Mercian's. 6 <ir*?n\i!l?, 8. l" lfo? fl v ** . " If MHMlMMMiiMMMIi CO. .SETT. 45 < !?.: JRllfil, PER SKTT. *1.00, 5KSE, l'EU LB., 25. ' 'V \ .? ' : W?r?? Br?. bras Fancjr Goods, Notions, Ao., I If LotV Pric+f. R. W. FOLGER. ft CO . k ' V?- ' Opposite UtOK SlrOD. 87 K it Received n 'EI.KCTED STOCK 01' iflppljii ) WfOffiffiOS. ;ry LOW JUICES] LllTEU. Give us e' d mul cheap Goods, ) & STRADLEY. .8* if THE GRKIiNVILLK DRUG-STORE. Next Door to tho Mansion Hctiae?Sign of tho Oolden Mortar. WALTER & WESTMEELASD KEKP constantly on u,,d n,c vi?>2r doily receiving, New \m% and Fresh .Suppuhs OF DUTJOS, ftBSBQISiSS, C1IKMICALS, SSW* VrMfcWj. And, in short, any and everything pertaining to a well regulated and* First Clnss DREG store: ?b(jslciqs}s and ^olrtiUcs May rely upon tho PURITY of everything- bought, and depend on the ACCURACY cf every thing put up. in our Kstnhli.-huicnt, Bar iJ rescript tons ami Family Recipes attended to pkusoK'A i.i.y, olitlt tlm eleiotojfc AOOA OII.I tvuil uiw ouiuivcv Vtt? g ?u?\t iillVTIl ti-in. Jttmriribc'r the place?-JVtfct. ' door to the Mansion house. WaltGr & Westmoreland. GREGORY'S Eh?|H|)(ic IVJixtiirc. rJ",VlK following ubut one of l)i?Jiuudr"k JL of rec-ived in fuvor of thi* ju?tly *eli'|trAt?d Mwrtnf! " 7? Dr. J.>h >? Or>t>t, f 'htrloHf, N. C.: f-ln: ii.-iiiu <11 Green trifle, K. C., lately, ami in n .11**. of ureal dchlluy nmi pn>Hr?ti"n, the ? tf ?t of j.nrAUeu n< curripg iu Novumher, I bill, aimI <>:ifl*riiig much inconvenient* from 4 torpor of if\e tat." we our attention w h> ?lii. * ?hy I>r. I If, WmTI|?iii iu, to OUBCiORVN DTSl'fcH'TIO MtXTLuK.? Protn my ndvmced nue, a* well the na tore of the di*?.n*e, I w*? nearly Impel, a* of relief, hut 1 Am hnppy to bo ?(>! to ?ny I lint tt?o ?>?? of the medicine nlmve mention. d iff.iMi'd r'rlirf, reM?>rln;r the almost *U4pendrd function* to a henllhy Action, without uriping. | u-gifig, or ?ny olhrr per C*ptHll? Uil'l effCct. "J tr?o the medfelne now only when Wfflf Ajrelfleiit Ace in* to U't^ilf.!,' and it tin* not filled, *o f*r. In a Tingle tnaunoe. to have the domed t tf. ct , -It MANLY. Sr. ?7VW00*.r, ,iin, A n. \* nr Walter & Wm?t;tnnrhif^i Agent* l\.r GruvinLlc <0?l SO ?s tr mw mm%i CHEAP FOR CASH! 1 T T1 T* tl ATin? tiff! r^r/NTf we Ai J.? nUAAAlO AAIV&OiUiUj IIIAVE ?>n hand. ami ahull be recel*in;{ every w??-lc additions to my ft icb, tti>* hrtl * K<g ftf>< iI>S, to wit.} La-tie*', (J4MitleiiM-n\ MU?c/> Boya' and OlllJmi'i SHOES Shoe I.At'KTS, lir.en ?nd cotton nfti! f.e't?r PAPRB, flue vi>?? white Kyy?i/At*ns copkek, sue Ah. tea. soda PKPPEK. HI'K'K. . QQVeirMM, EPSAM SALTS _ tobacco, oouy. HAOON A'orfso.i llAAH, K?f. CoITc* ' Kin.- flOAUS. MUTTONS, HOOKS and K\'F^|U|r PINS S e<l Iti?h rOTAtOEsJ, APPLBS COTTON YAltN. In A few dnya I shall l>a receiving Hons la my pr> ai-nt $toeP. Permas w:ahill'/ any ..f On- o>-?v? article*, will do well to null rind examine hrfeea bag ln?. tvr bargain* van he b?.?iyht at Ihtv-lfdaoc. ITT" I *HT Harift far Corn, Bnnon, But t?rr l<iu<), ClrJakajSA ?* , ' *rR. Jj. BUTIN. March 1th, 10 CT. il-tf ~j Croenvillo Mills. 11FTF. OHKENVILLK titljfi have Wert put Jli find-fate order by t?ia Major Id far grinding Wheat, '; n <-'r ' ? -c Goal Attention wilt ho given by oHt grind. I The ilitTtf grind on the old schedule, (the Toll.) Bring along yoof Grain. , jL* * * June 1.1 Jb If r" - SSOMPW* s . ; >' ,.^:u^???7T-~ DM. HARRISON (SUCCESSORS TO TIIE %1 WILL CONTINUE Til AT THB 03 CillEiENVI wrnaNsr Ki^wai JUL. Jtr^j ? its: DRUGS, IVIED PAINTS, ? i." \ "%' t v ,a ^ AT riESIDTJOI M3T PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS 4) ^ AN MEDICIKES SUPPLIED TO PRAC1 -??m DRS. HARRISON RESPECTFULLY offer their PR eitlrcnl of Greenville anil Tieiulty. Ifr W August 20 T^arais'W ^ ? 0 AT FOP. CASH OR BARTER A general Variety. One-story house, and a one-story price. Oat 23 . 22 If WOOL CARDS, GREENVILLE DISTRICT, 8 COUR Carding Murium .. arc in fir?t-r?to order,"andtinder thw rutlail of that wellknown nml competent iitnmigrr, Mr. T. Y. II11I DUES, who will uxo every rare to prcrcnt unnecessary waste ami to iusure complete aatvt iaftietiun. . Our facilities nro such that wo can afford to Jo the work ?>t\ FlIF. MOST LIBERAL TERMS, and wo eao safely guarantee to tnru put promptly t EXCEr.Li;X7 KOLLfl. When tho tlrooso is furnished to ivs, (rny one pound of tlrcitco U? Vightpouuds of Wvol,) we will Card I'laiu Wool At Ton Conts a Tonnd! A small t>n ttiU fate will fee charffrd for Cufdinw Mixed IVvot or for' Cotton and fdT" Wool will ho taken from Rnd tlelivered at tlreccville U. 11. frou of charge for transportation aitADV A HAWTHORN. June 20 4 tf G. F. TOWNES, " ATTORNEY AT LAW, a*T> SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. Ol'FIffB at tlie sanio building nCjotiitnj New Court House, formerly, occupied by ToWjrfcS A Caxi'BELi., before dissolution of the firm. (Irconvillo, S. C. Jan 3-1?3 i w? k. Hxai.fv. a. a. will*. BASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, OKEENVIU.K, P. C., Ptt \CT1CK in tho Courts of the Fiato and of tho United Ptitles, and give especial attention to coses in bankruptcy. Juno IS 1 .If T? W.DAVIS, WATCHMAKER, W(K'f.I) Respect fully in fm in til.- peopltt .-I Qrsspvlll* II -I i3jan<l tIre surrounding country, j that lie has f rom Ma OM> nTASf) in IY>r> Ooud. fl?H II?n?e, to a ni?re COXVJJXikXT 'lio, thine door* Son I. ?>f the Mail aVn IJoiut", n?xt door to Pick)*- ?t'P??or, on Main -Hired. where he in pi<|>nrod to do nit work tn'ht* lino of bhatnePs n( 9hort no 'llec, in a workman liks man our, nud on ronnonalile teiiua. Aiijf AO IS tf auKi:isrvri.T,H COACH FACTOBY jrff, 1IAVIJC0 SfMkft nrjr ?r rin^-nrvTitf ?iiliONT workinc, Sy . ami m-tlertnlly red nerd tf?> i oust lit Matiffurlurr, fce.leMre " ?" " tWo uit>-iiil<>u of < tie pul>Hj Ou?l for (Mm~t wo Will do K-jinirir^ nt ifr&tljr ItK I)Ut'EI> PlllO^'ik <nd make tit/rrnl itWcpmiL on NtiW WOlfK. tVr h>ve on hnird hm ut> M.vt.nowl <.f OPKtf-AVI? Tt?l? RtWtiltffe, KOCKAWAVrt and MOIITOAHJUAP&l; a'.jo (inry d.ncrio1 ion oJ^.Wsijuni we (n >b* fiTGive no n mill. co\vr:H. cox, mapki.t.y a co. Mny ii ii If - ' - 1 ' <A, fc, %%%<%* COKTINfrBH tt>? TAIf.OItWM .IttWWBSS #??t <? >? # to.l'ntw f. rtndUi tb. fiiioonlTo tlio rorfwiOlhra H0T4M ,'?f J>tw? and UoUrt*. KXPKHT CPTTKtt fedkJMU*** MACHIK* OI'BUATOn, dr , pirfK* of bV SmTftoof.^ ^?*?0' ihf. Faojj;it liyvxv i.wjIrj * TMKSDAU, kTE I>R. M. B. EARLE,> E DRUG BUSINESS, LD STAND, X_b X-a US ? S - O -?-'Nv; *.:>& ' > . I. (OSST HI 4\SST5), IGIN E . > I L 8 *D TOILET ARTICLES. 333 TWIIOEIS. I CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED.-**. d . ' ' HIOKERS OK LIBERAL TXRK8 ? & MARSHALL, 0FK88I0HAL SERVICES to Ih^EFST OFFICE ill lA? Druytvr*. ISV tr WOOL CAftDING. CRAWFOU'DVILLE FACTORY, SPARTANBURG DISTRICT, S. C. WE respectfully inform Wool Raittri and othora" interested, that wo bar* jnst pWt up a act' of superior CARDING MACHINES, aO'l linro placed thorn under the inanugoincnl ofexperlcheed and faithful hands, who wyj giro oresy attention to preterit an. noee^sary wasto and to ibsure general satie-faction. Our facilities are inch that we can afford to do the work on : Tlic nioaff Tor ma, and wo can safely guaraiiteo to turn out | projnptly ' EXCELLENT ROLLS. When the Grensn la furnished to as. <>no pound of Grease to eight pounds wo will Card Plain Wool" . i | At Ton Cents a PoundA small adymice on this rate will he charged for Carding Mixed Wool or for' Cattcn and Wool t?rcther. on ADV. HAWTHORN A TURBYFILL. -Tunc 20 4 tf The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN THE COURT OK ORDINARY. RICHARD E. SLOAN, Administrator, Ap? pUcaot, against Thomas 8. Sloan. Jane Johnson, Durham Johngnri, and the helre of George A. Sloan, deceased, llcnry R. Sloan, deceased, and Edward T. Sloan, deceased, wh'^e names nro unknown, Defendants.? Citutiau for Final Hrftfomtntt IT appearing that Thomas S. Sloan, Jane ' Johnson, Durham Johnson, and the heira of George'A. Sl'dan, deceased, Henry R. Sloan, deceased, and Edward T. Sloan, deceased,' reside beyond Iho limits of this State: ft it Orrir,"i. That tl'ey do appear at ? Court-of Ors dinirv, to he hidden at UrMnrille Court if. ? ti ii. na -t . / r? ji.'liav, >'ii I nnrntfij, .<? urn rrrru vj / innnry ntxi, lit 10 o'clock A. M.. to show CUM, if any they can, why a Final Settlement of th* Estate <>f. MARY SLOAN. dcccaaod, should not be mad* on that duty ; and on failure of pArlicn. to appear in person or by attorney, thuir consents will be taken as confessed. Given wiuler liiy hand, at. OroenvUle Court House, this 1th day of October* A.- D. 1867. s. J. DOUTJIIT; O. O. D. Oct? 10 Sm ? . . . i ** ' 1 ' -. . Tbc Mfiifn of South Carolina. GREENVILLE'DISTRICT. lly S. J nOVTHn\ Xs<i, Ordinary of ??id W 11KRRAS. JAMBS P. MOORE, C. K. G. I)., .has filed n. Petition in iny Office, praying that letters of Administration. with the Wilt im1i>xe?i, on all and singn'ar the goods and chattels, rights urn) credits of JOUN C. GREEN, lata of the District aforesaid, deceased, should ba grunted to him. Thrxt nrt, therefore, to cite and adfwotolsh all and aingnlar the Viudred mid creditors of thosai-1 deceased, to he -and appear In the Court of Ordinary for snid District, to he hnldcn nt Greenyille Court House, on the twenty sixth day of Dttevflher t?rrt. to shosr cause, if any, why th? said Administration Should not lie grbnterl. * S J. JHfUTHlT, O. G. V, ' Ordinary's Office, Ifith Not., 1867. * -? State of South Carolina. G REEXVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. Wk.i ia* If. Arsnx, Administrator, #, m. l et al. , ,i IX pnrsuanae of the Decretal Order in tha above s till ad case, the Creditors of tlio late Lr.'W. L. M. Al'STIN are hereby required to establish their demands against the. Estate, before me, within nine month* from| Ibis date, or |je barred. 1 ' v, - ' J". P. MOORE. V. K- 0ZD. Commissioner's Office. July l>, l!Mi7. > . 3y i8 iail ? ,i r ' fm Stato of South Carolina. O RE BXV1 !< LB' DISTRICT. In Equity. Juxsrtr P. Latijcsii, Administrator, h. Mart Tl T.ATtUfffi mi m/ . ITS mifruanco <>Cthe Decretal (Viet In the 1. uboye plAtcd cfue, tfio Creditors of the late J.VMKH M. VATIMKR ore herthy.jequir<1 l', establish their demands- against the KsUte, I'cf-ivo n?6| within ii/hs month* from this or bo Urxil. - .*** 'Ajp" ~ J. P. MOORE, C.~ K. O.D. ('otnmt.seloner's OiU?o,-Juiy 1&, 1MT. J/ IS 8 Stato of South Carolina. an?BNVIM,B DISTRICT. j- < In "Equity: ah A. ElVouo, Executrix, v*. If. 1% f i ' ! ' I ' I I ? I ftl. IN puisutince of ilia I)eer?t*l Older in X, lite above staled ens.-, the Creditors of the late C..I. OjCAUr.ES J. ELFORD am hereby required V' Wi#WWi, hy proper proof, thci.- n?i?losi ike Estate, ba-. lure me-, Within into* month* Irorti this date, of bo birred. ' v v . . j p. mooiu-; a fi. o. d. < f'bmmieabooet'a OHic<; Joly 10? 1807; July 13 8 '?? WALHAILA HOTEL TK x V ftl,EH* and other* v I ai t i n g \V*lhitWn, an ill find j/1 f *?' * thta well eaUWWied HOUSE l n t"i- ili -ir ( ' Mi*"iln'.lon, Harlntr, in the p*?l. ?e bin ffuraia haye t#*(j&ed,vffir?ri Mtiehwtioi), ihe i'roprielor is confident of jduisjiur tlimu! who m'Hjr eal). Train* now run dnfiylo and frofti the pifce. - Rate* af