University of South Carolina Libraries
GRE1SHVILLE WL^OLLEGB, r? AmIiM by Vnr rmbiAn 4mA fhr?? Tomal* Teaohars. I fTllIE SPUING TERM will begin the l2tA I x of February, and con tinuo twentj wwlil. I Bcductlon of Bm(?*. Owing to the Itnoorertsbed condition of tli? country, and ih? great scarcity of money, greenbacks' will be received at par, *rAm paid eirtHly in advance, for all charges except the Collegiate English Course, and Lessons on Pianoforte or Goiter, for each of which the charge will be rcdoced to MO 00. currency. Indiscriminate credit cannot any longer be given. Patrons not prepared In par fas advance, as St make a drfnjfe settlement at the Usee pnpils are entered. Dec 1$ ? ? 7m E. r. JONES, ATTORNEY AT LAW j?x? m SOLICITOR Iff EQUITT, PRACTICES In the Courts of the W?t. ern Circuit, also In tha .Unftetf Slates Court, Is prepared to prosecute cares in Bankruptcy. Persons who wish the benefit of the Act, had beet apply at once. Unless their Petitions are filed before the 2d of Mareh neat, they will he required to pay " fifty par centum " on all cUime. Office at Greenville C. U. Dee 18 ' SO 10 llio State of 8oath Carolina, GRKENVIf.LK DISTRICT. By 8. J. DOUTHTT, Esquire, Ordinary of *ofd District. WJ HEREA8, THOMAS M. TIIACKSW TON hea fiUd a Petition in my OfToc, praying that Letters of Administration oa all and ?ingnlar the goods and ehattels, rights and credits of R. W. TIIOMASON. late of the District aforeaaid, deceased, ahonld be granted to Mm. ^ Thaae are, therefore, to cite and admonish all end singular the kindred and oreditors of the eald deeeeaed, to he and appear In the Court of Ordinary for aald District, to be liolden at Greirhvifle Court Honae, on the 30(A day of December hmt.. to show cause, if any, why the aald AdiwhdstraMnn should not be granted. s. j DOirrwrr. o. o. d. Ordinary's Office, Kith December, 1867. Deo 16 80 2 The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. , By 8. J DOUrntT, Enquire, OrAiuary of tof't Diefriet WHEREAS, THOMAS M. THACTTSTON Iim filed a P?tili<m In inr Office, preying iVtt Letters of A<fmtnlitr?-{ tlon on all and linpilir the (r?nd? end chut-; tele, rights snd credits ?f R. <0. THOMASON lata of the District aforesaid, deeons-J, should be granted to him. Thttf are, to cite on<l admonish .. all and singular the kindred and creditor? of the said deceased, to be end appear in the C'Mirt of Ordinary for said District, to he holden at GreenvideCourt Ilonae, on the SO/A Jay of December !., to show eanse, if anr, why the said Administration should not ba granted. e- I s. j. DotrrniT, n. u. n. Ordinal*}' Office, lfith December, 18?7. Dee 18 80 8 811 s . WE* teL I WILL SELL, to the highest. bidder, nt the late residence of REUBEN SMITH, deceased, fifteen miles from CJreenrille Court House, near the Lau rens road, on THURSDAY, 3d Day of January Next, the Personal Property and Real Estate . of said deceased, contesting of AWD Mass a ?ISI aw* m a sin VLI?I?AV K w liiinil) (The Homestead,) supposed to contain - about 230 ACRES, TWO BEAD OF HORSES CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP CORN, FODDER, SHUCKS WHEAT ; cotton , : ONE ONE-HORSE WAGON ONE CARRIAGE AND HARNESS ONE BUGGY ^ t FARIIINO TOOLS HOUSEHOLD A N D K ITCIIEN FURNITURE WITH OTHER ARTICLES, not men t toned. I - " . Tckms ot Sft* ?On a credit ol nine moatbe, wilb interest from date, with note and two or more approved securities, for ail autne of and over flvr dollars; under five, cash. Ttie pur baser of the Land to give bond wbfc approved securities and a mortgage o tlM premises, to secure the purchase money, and pay for tilie*. ^ R0B?T. LEAGUE, , Adro'r, with tb* tWifl gwtned. , Pev n ; v Vf* -4' A. R. M'DATID, CLER nr ACCOUBT WITH THE TOWN i " For Yiwr *nding & tft: , ', ,-ji. !.. . , ' ,* : "' 1464-'47. DR. * MOD JIT* CASH HBCSITSn. License* nUII liquor,.. $1,132 13 On Tos* Lot*,...... M# 44Beef Licence* .* 143 37 Professional Isoobmi^..m. t 24 Shows and Exhibition*,.... 10$ 40 Sales at Auotion, 33 13 Dray*, . .....,......... 74 00| Buggies and Carriage*, 127 00 Street Tax 448 74 Sales ou flood a, 340 23 Conn. Pub. Bu'ldgs, Note, 40 44 iManting Trees,. 4 00 Wood, 8 74 Subscription for Fire Well*, 171 44 Kall*............. . 4* Sale of Street, 44 24 vi... - -- :;r ?|V,V LflDtDti 0 vO Horitf 86 00 Corn a * * ? * 14 00 Borrow,o<lf 8W 00 Due Clerk, to balance, ft* 08 < 70. 00 00 i..1 * * - * X v . ' IL~-' 4-: 4 C ? . .* ' -4s'.' * t ... K . V.- m -* " ? . : . - . k . .. * . J". * ' . * - vV* v' ' 5 A H ' v t" J; . ... 1 " ' X , ; fc " * a#~ Eitmincil and approved. THOMAS 8TKEN, H. McKAY, Cammiltrr tn Examine Cltrt't Rttnrl. ti*?cnvill?, 8. C., Svpt. 10,1867. * | Clt'k and IfitwriT1 ~^ag=6j^3? \*TE WILL SELL, at the late " residence of DAVID T. PEDEN, deceased, on THURSDAY, nineteenth Day of December, AH the Personal Property of said deceased, consisting of Household and Kitchen Furniture One Good Four-IIorsc W AGON One BUGGY FARMING TOOLS BLACKSMITH TOOLS And a large lot of Gunsmith Tools SIXTEEN BAGS OF COTTON 450 Bushels of CORN COTTON SEED Fodder and Shncks FIVE LIKELY MULES ONE HORSE Fat Hogs and Stock I logs And COWS. X-55~ Temu made known on day of tale. CHARLES TERRY. JAS. M. SULLIVAN, Executors. Dm 11 TV J NEA RTHEDE POT. W. T. ASH MORE INFORMS the public that be baa juat received aonaidereble addition, to hi. Steele of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. Roots, Shoes. Oats, Caps, Calicoes, Cloths, Sugar, Co floe, Tea, Maokeral, Molasses, dec. Ila keapa eonitantly an hand. alio. Batter, Egg*, Cbickeoa, Bacon, Lard, Cam, Potato*., " l'aaa, Ac., Aa., which b? offer* lor (ala al re a unable price* for CASH. ' 1IU country friend* Will find It to tbclr advantage to giro kla a call, before dUpoatug I of their Produce. Ha aaka for a abara of patronage. , aroppoarra the dbpot._jei r Dm 11 M ft BAQQINQ AND ROPINQ XRON of m\\ aorta. NAILS, LEATHER. A*,A?. 1?w. PAVirt A STRAPLEY. 9?*^ tt K ' jaUHCIL 0* QRBBW r,*mh*r 10<i, IMT. 1866-'67. OR. Dicltnricmcoto of Promt Council. OUH PAID OUT' x Blank book* and p*p?rr,..4 5 00 Wood. Caodles and Matches 6 00 Our ...? . 104 6* 1 llurao, 00 00 Blacksmith ing 38 97 Advertising 65 00 Oorn and Fodder,. 91 05 Rail-road freights.......41 78 Stamps, 4 05 Coffins, Ac., for Frccdiaen, 4 60 Assessing Town Lots........ 15 00 Trees, 35 00 Nails, _ *1 00 One pair shots 8 00 Distributing Tax Notices,.. 60 Bricks for Fire Wells......... 81 50 Cement, Ac 96 89 Work on Bngine, 43 50 Engine, Hose, Ae 1,674 30 Kent of Council Chamber,. 37 81 Warning Street .Defaulters. a is I Muring naliuN,.... I 1 00 Marshal*, J... .407 50 Cart, .. . 80 00 Mr*. T. B. Thompson, fur aide walk, ..... 85 00 WoMt on 8tro?t* 144 70 Work on Firo Well* 04 AS I.ard and tar,. 45 Thomas Steon'* acoouut...... 81 75 . T. Wardale'* aeeount,.. 75 W. II. Hovey's account...... SO 00 David A Stradley's account, 85 70 A. 8. Duncan'* acconnt...... S 25 Loatcr Bra*., error In Tax, 2 50 Money borrowed............... 855 00 CUrk'* salary . 50 00 Boftsoded 8mi?h A Bayne... 0 00 Dfskwrseairat of .Vote* ami Account* mf former Cvmcil. W. A. Hudson's acconnt 05 25 J. L. Hawkins' account...... 5 50 0. B. Klford . 15 00 Wilson Cook,, 12 75 It. McKay 4 12 F. Oorntt, note ... 827 50 Hugh Thompson, note, 53 04 Juhn Keenan, duo bill,. 5 00 J. C. Bailey, note 180 78 8. 8. Qibbs, on not*, 0 50 F. Cauble's account, 6 12 Long, tloodlctt A Co 3 20 J. W. Gilreath, on not*...., 15 12 W. H. Watson, account..... 50 j Wtn. Meredith, account,.... 10 00 ' Cutn'r*. of Public Building* I for Council Chamber 39 00 | J. N. Ureor, account......... 2 50 ( tlower. Cox. M. A Co., It 50 | J. 11. Smith's account........ 25 38 < $1,472 37 1 Coma, reo'ng $4,877 82, (a) j 2i *4 cent., 110 93 ( Corns, paring out $4,472 27, ] 21 cent...... Ill 80 ( $4,701 00 J aaaar*. ] Note* and Accounts, $ 430 98 | Implements, Ac., 110 00 j $540 98 1 Indebtedness of the present Council $ 823 00 ( Indehtcdrca of the former Council, 177 44 ' $1000 44 1.tsr or itrsrt i>? James Black, IV. (1. Murphy, I Porter Burnham, Gilford Painter, , K. 8. Bnrnham, Klins Roberta, P. D. Cure ton, Dav'd Spcer, Pink Campbell, lleatlie Spocr, Charley Drayton, Peter 8udduth, John Harrison, David Walton, < Jamti King, About 150 freedmon. J A. K. M'DAVID, ! . . ?? ?. ? vvmtcii urrcnrme, if. t> t Notice. IN eonformljy with requirements of the Internal Revenue Laws, I hereby give notice to all persons wlio msy claim two cnpptr Still*, C*pi and Worms, 1 Axe an?l Aii'/er, 15 Deer Stands 2 PUk>Ht?iii]i, and X Keg*, together with several small articles? said i?roperty was on the prewini of I JEREMIAH KATTKRFIF.LD. 2 miles from Dunham's bridge, In Anderson District. because of violation of Intelnvl Revenue Laws ?to appear and make inch elalnts within I thirty days Iroin the first publication of this notice. A. L. COBB, Deputy Col. Internal Revenue, Greenville District. December fith, 180. v Dec \1 29 THE OLD STAND BUSBY AID CQ1FECT1QIIRY. ifnis Street, Ay /W OJSre, 18 open at all hours of (he day and evening. BREAD, RUSK, ana a varied assortment of CAKEB, constantly on hand. Cakes, 4e , haked to order. An EATING SALOON Is to he opened in a few days, where 1K)T COFFEE. II AM and EGGH. OYSTER*. Ac., may ha had. tr Board, without Lodging, furnished ! at reasonable rates. Dec 11 29-1 f C. M. McJUNKIN. Attend to Tonr Children's Teeth^pawM^ WE are so often called on to extract Ilia first tlolars or Jaw Teeth for children, and to regnlata or atrengthan the front teeth, wliiah become crooked from negleet, that we think it adelsalde to call the attentlen of parents to the ?uhj*et; so that the beck teeth may be filled, and tha/mnl teeth noticed whilst children are cutting their see ond act, so as to prevent their becoming Irregular. Children shed, or loee but ten teeth from the upper jaw, and ten from the l.iWT |*w, and the Molir*, or jaw teeth, which they cut back of there, belong to their adult or grown act Many perron* eav thev were not aware of thi? fact. Now notice and eel accordingly. Charge* vary moderate. Teeth extracted for cents. Terma caah. JOHN ANDERSON. Nov *7 27 ft 8AMTJEL BLACK, BARBER. WOULD respectfully inform the public that lie hat opened a HARDER 8HOP in the room under the building formerly occupied by the P.?et Office and JSn Udprit* Office, drat door above the ruin* of MoBec'a Mall, where he ha* located, Being a prnfe*?ionnl Bmrbfr, he hopes, by attention to bnaineaa, together with polit*ne*s to all, to merit a portion of public patronage, In CUTTING, SUAVINO and SB AM POO* ISO. July 25 II :t POR rentT i^npev THE HOUSE occnflvtfhp** pi?d by Mr. Mot rick, lt3SwK:vn Rutherford Street, next to Mr. Stall'*. It ha* six . large Rooms and all necessary outbuilding*. Possession given first of Jauuary. Apply to T. B. THRUSTON. * 9m ?? K wUi ,eU ''Meat bidder; before the Court Uoum door, on Sales-day in January, next. The Residence of the Late Mrs- Eliza W, Earle. This Is one el I lie moat deeiralde Realdonee* In the up|>er country | Itrinfr ju*t outside of lK? corporate limit* of the Town nf Oroenrille, and within a few minutes walk of th? Greenville and Columbia Rail road Depot, and of the Furman University, and in an excellent neighborhood. To one desirous of boarding student*, it present* especial inducements, as tha llouse is a roomy one, witli a large Dining Hall. THE LOT CONTAINS FORTY-FIVE ACRES, I more ar lees, has a,fine GARDEN, a nice voung PKACU ORCHARD, some choice Grape Vines on It, with an Oak Grove In front ef the same. TERMS.? A eredit of one and two years, with personal security, and a mortgage of the premises. Further information may he had on application to IV*. E Eislb, Attorney. O. P. It A RLE, ) T. J. RARLK. VExecra. jno. ii. maxwell, ) Dee 11 *84 COMING ! ^COMING!! AND for it I hnvo bought tlic following ARTICLKS, to to rolii again at the smallest possible living profit*. You will find them at HOKE & NICHOL'S OLD STANO, ONE DOOR SOUTH or TIR NEW COURT HOUSE: Sugar* Almond* Tea* Fire Cracker* Coffee* lloinan Candle* Flour Sky Rocket* (red, Corn white and blue) Potatoes llhie Light* Cheese Pulling Cracker* "iystcr* (fresh) Torpedoes [fibster* (fresh) Toy* lardine* (fresh) Broadcloth* Cracker* Cas*imerc* taiiini Satinet* Currant* Casiuet* Citron Jean* dace , . Bombasine* dot meg* French Merino* Cutter DeLxincs )gc* Calicoc* tpples (Hove* (large assortm't) ,adiea' Ilat* Ready-made Cloth* lent*' Ilat* Over and Under Oartoy*' and Misses lint* nicnt* Cap* Boot*. Shoe*, Ac. Hood* Low Quartered Shoe* S'uhi.n* ' Sheetings V hits; and Black Spool Shirting* (ble ached Cotton and unbleached) Colored A Black Spool Table Cloth* Silk Towel* and Toweling Talmas Linen* bodies' Overcoating* Silk and Cotton HandIVatcr-proof " kerchief*. Just Received, from New York, Six beautiful Gent*' Dre** Silk Ilat*; 0 Cafiiuiere do.: 1 doxen Boys' Felt?the reiy fu/rW ntylc*. I still have on hand a large and full assortment of Dry Good*, Groceries, Hardware, OTnx* and Crockery ware, Boot*, Shoe*, llats, Cap*. Ladle* Hat*, and, in a word, a little of almost every thing that U usually kept in a general assortment of GOODS, ail of which I will sell at & small profit, and receive in payment all kind* of Country Produce, at the highest market prices, as well as the manev. Mr mutln li? l>o?n mn.l I till is, " Small prufllii and >|uick sales," which I think has been fully carried out. Thankful for the liberal patronage given mo, for fourteen months past, and anxious to do all in tny power to benefit the country, whilst trying to secure a living for myself, [ solicit a continuance of the same, and pledge myself to do the best I c in to deserve and merit it. All I ask is for my friends and the public to eotne and examine the (jualities, character and prices of my tloods, which I warrant all fresh and new. t have not one hundred dollars worth of tloods in my Store, but are fresh from the Northern and Southorn inannfactos ries, and have been bought since the first day of lest January. Come and See them. Come one, came all. Town and Country, old and young, little and large, male and female, white and black?I have floods that will suit all. Aid anxious to sell, and will give es good Hargains as can be obtained in any market this side of Charleston and Columbia. Jno. 1). Aohmore, Sen., At Hoke A Nirhot's Old Stand. One Door South New Court House. Dee 11 2tt tf ADMIMISTKATUirs s m: m I WILT. sell, at the residence of EMILY M. HAMMOND, deceased, one and a half mites from Greenville, C. II., immediately on the Laurens road, on .Snturdaj, tkr 21.t tin u r,/ Dfffuihrr n#W. mil lit? norsons 1 _ J , ,,,.,,,crty <>f said deceased, Consisting of Household nnd Kitchen Furniture. Two very fine cows. One two horse wagon. About 50 bushels of Corn, and other Articles. C. T. Hammond. Administrator. Kov 37 ,37 4 The State of South Carolina. O REKNVILLB DISTRICT. By A .J DOUTJUT, Rkj., Ordinary of said District. WHKRKAS. JOSHUA PRU1TT has filed a P?titi"n in injr OHicr, pnyinir (but I.etlers of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and crsdiU of CHARLE8GWNRUL, lata ol the District aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to him, 771 **e art, thertfore, to eite snd admonish all and singular (ha kindred and ereditora of the aaid deceased, to be and appear in the Oonrt of Ordinary lor said District, to be hoiden at Greenville Court House, .on the lOtA day of Dtoambtr, to show causa. If any, why the said Administration should not be gremted. 8. J. DOUTHIT, O G. T>. Oidinery's Off ?e, 6th Dee., 1647. jj-2 *' t ? 'pilK undersigned will 4*11 to tha heftiest ' I bidder, it ixr rwidtow, foar tulles 1 below Gt-eeaville U II,? oa WEDNESDAY, 1 18th December, 1867, THK FOLLOWING PROPERTY, Tit.! Tract if Latti Ufa. 1, Containing Fuur ftnnxtrtd rtnrf S>ctrm 1 A crit, more or less, known m the IIOMR | I'LACE, well Improved, with about Thirty Aerea of Bottom Land, lying on tha West bank of Reedy River. ' Tract Ita. 9, ! Containing Thrr* Hundred and Eighty ' four Acre*, more or less, adjoining I'm el No. 1. This Tract contain# about Fifty Acres of Bottom, wall Timbertd, Ac, Tract Ita. 9, la the Tract on which i? ttn?Uit PARKINS' MILLS, And contains Eight Acre*, more or less. Tract If*. 4, Containing 7%re* Hundred and Twenty- j five Acre*, mora or less, lying on the east ide of ltaedy River. On iliii Tract there ere about Thirty Acre* of valuable Bottom Land. Tract !f?. 5. 1 Known ?s the IIAMMKTT TRACT, eon taining One Hundred and Twenty Six Acre*, more or lew. On this Tract there are Twenty-five Acre* of good Bottom. Tract If*. , Situated tlx mile* below Greenville Court Ilouae, on the Lauren* Road, con taining One Hundred and Thirty Acre*, more or less. i Tract* Jfo*. T and ?, Containing Fifty-Six and Seventy Eine Acre*, more or less, situated in the neigh Itorhond of lieihel Chureli, nine miles below Greenville Court House. ! Tract Ifo 9 IS TUB piiiRim Containing Fifty Acre*, more or le??. i On this Tract there is valualde WATER ( POWER, with Improvements, such as DWEUII6 USE. mm. il SAW MILL, WATBF.-V7HEBL.S, Driving Power, &c., ' BETTER KNOWN A3 THE DUNHAM PAPER MILL AL*Ot A valuable LOT in the Town of Greenville, situated on the corner of Main and Buncombe Streets, on which there is a good Now occupied by Mr. T. W. DAVIS. TOGETHER W1TH0T3ER PEflPEHTY, COXtffiTIMJ OK linRClTQ XI m IOC PATTIU Hog*. Sheep SOO BuhM, or CORN FODDER, SHOCKS, HAY Wagona, Curt, CARRIAGE, Buggy Farming Implement* Household and Kitchen Furniture Carpenter*' and BlackMniiha' TOOL8 Also about ttOO.OOO BRICKS And a fine lot of Season.d LUMBER. TERMS CASH. G. W. PARKINS. C. A. PARKINS. Dee 4 28 td KQ9REOJR. WILL he mlil to the M^licfl bidder on Thursday, the 19th of December next, at the rrsidenea of the late C. J. KI.FOKD, deeeaaed, all the Household and Kitchen Furnitnro One Rockaway One One-horse Wagon And many other Articles on the Jx)t And on Friday, the 20th December, next will oe eold at the law office of said decased, the Entire Library consisting of near fivo liuoured Volumes Desk, Tables, Chairs, &c. in Office. TF.RMS OF SAI.F.?For Mil nima under tio.00, catli, for *11 soma of and above (120.00, a credit until the fiiet of October, 18A8, wiili inl* r?dt from day of sale, for uotaa with approved aeciuitv. S. A. ELFORD, Executrix. A catalogue of the Law Book*, can he had at A. 8. Donoun'e Store. Nov 27 27 4 T. S. ARTHUR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. WILL practice in the Diatrieta composing i the Weetern Circuit. Ahn in the UHITED STATES COUKTS. Dee 4 28 - tf DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. HAVING received the agency of the above justly celebrated Brand ot TOBACCO. We will make it to your intereat to buy from > *. For nl? by wholesale or retail. DAVID A STRADLLY. WW |9 u THOMAS STEEN HBAS for sale for the Christmas, a fine Stock of Can* dies, Fruits, Jellies, Spices, <&c.? dec., Toys and Notions, and a s a* iriaty of Articles suitable for Presents, which he proposes to sell at very low prices for cash. Call upon bitn, and see his varied Stock, and you will find that vou can supply yourselves with Presents for the little folks, at a very small cost. His place of business is Old Stand Mel)avid dk Duncan, Main Street, Greenville, 8,'C. December 10, 1867. . Tusr RECEIVED, Cream Chocr>lato Drops, Cream Stick Candies, Ron Bons, and Jelly Cakes. For sale by TllOMAS STEEN. JUST Received, and for sale. Rose and Lemon Gum Drops. Mint Drone. Mint Loxan cma rturl Sugar Cloves. THOS.sWEN7 JUST received, Sugar Almond#, Burnt Almonds, and Tine French Sugar Almonds* F<>r snlo hv THOMAS STEEN. JUST Received, Chrystalifced Fruit, Cocoa Cream Candy, Cocoa Nut Bars, and Pea-Nut Bars. For sale by TIIOS. STEEN. FINE Fresh Oysters, In one lb. cans, Salmon and Lobsters. Just received, and for sale by . THOMAS STEEN. JUST Received, a fine lot Soft* Shelled Almonds. For sale bv THOMAS STEEN. JUST Received, two boxes Messina Lemons, fresh, and for sale by THOMAS STEEN. JUST Received, Fresh Citron, Currants and Laver Raisins. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. JUST Received, Smyrna Figs, Preserved Ginger. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. REFINED Sugars, A, B and CL Just received and for sale by TIIOMAS STEEN* "BROWN SUGAR and Sugar House Syrup. Eor sale by THOMAS STEEN. JUST Received, Fine Factory nud Goshen Cheese. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. FINE Rio and Java (O d Gov* eminent) Coffees, Chocolates, Co* coa, and Broma. For sale by TIIOMAS 8TEEN. JUST Received, BblB* No. 1 and 3 Mackerel, fresh tttid And. For sale by TUOS. STEEN. LEAF LARD. New York P.* I huna. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. S A LT?Liverpool Seamless Sacks For sale, at reduced prices, bv THOMAS StEEN, TABLE SALT, in bags and box* es. For sale by TI10S. STEEN. FANCY ARTICLES.?Solid India Rubber Balls, Agate Marbles, Ilarmonicans. &c. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. FANCY MIRRORS, Bobeinian Glass Mngs, with Mottoes* <fec.? For sale by Til OS. STEEN. VIOLINS, Violin Strings, Vio1 in Bridges, Rosiney dref. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. FANCY TOYS, Transparent Slates, Rubber-end Pencils, Tea Setts, Nine Pins, &c. For sale by tHGMAS 8TEEN. N UBIAS, Iloodfev &c. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. ONE Set Furs, * very handsome Cresent for Christmas. For sale y THOMAS STEEN. I A FEW nairsof fln? Shoes, for liodies' wear. For saIo by THOMA8 STEEN. BLEACHED Cotton Shirtings, i marked down to suit the times. For sale by TlIOS. STEEN. BATESVILLE SHIRTING.? For sale by TI108. STEEN. BLACK Alpacas, Merinos and other Dress Goods. For sale, at very low prices, by THOMAS STEEN. A FINE lot Boys* and Mens1 . ! Wool Hate and Caps. For sale at remarkably low prices. Call end see tbc.n. Til OS. STEEN. A FEW pairs of those heavy Mackinaw WenltPt* F'?** ??*1o l.y i WO#AS STEEJf. i.. i. ,