University of South Carolina Libraries
We Have Jm nLAKGE and well j ?Mir i GROCI Mil Which we offer at vc for the CASH or Bil call, if you icant goo DAVII . . October 30 ' mi I 0 Ain\WI?n I I1 AliIf W VilAliill STOCK. OF isim n m\ At Unlet cf: NiehnTa old aland, on? door ' south of fit 10 Court House, by JOHN D. ASHMORE, Son. ? ? - r ? ' -I II AVE just returned from tho Northern cities, where T havo purchased and am now receiving a largo assortinont of Dry (iooJg. Notions, Groceries, Hardware, Crockory and Glass waro, Hats Hoots and Shoes, Heady rondo Clothing, Saddles, Bridles Ac : Straw Goods, Family medicines, such ns Oils, Anodynes, Salts Ac., Ac. Amongst which arc nro about 400 Boys and Mens lluts, including latest Btyleg GooU Drw Silk Hats and Caps : 100 pairs of Boots and Shoes } nhout 100 SilUs of ltondy made Cloths ; Brown Shirting und Sheeting-; Bleached do ; Brown and Bleached Drills, Ticks, Stripes, Chocks, Denims, Jeancs ; White'and Colored Paper Cambrics and Siloeina, Glazod ?Io; Linsoys ; Calico's and Prints in great ynrioty, Ginghams ; Do I.ulncs, Mohairs, It ism arks, Mozambique*, Bomhezincs, French Moriuoes, Balmoral Skirts nnl Hoops, French Corsets, Spool Cotton, a full assortment of Uibbons. Ladies and Misses Straw Hats, Folt ftnd Velvet Do ; Whi.w Goods, Woollens, Plaids, Linsoys, Bed Hlankota, Breakfast Shawls, Sontags, Traveling Caps, opera do ; lied, White and Opers Flannels.? Morino Shawls, besides a very handsome and vxtensive lino of S Hinds, Cusimcrcs, French ?lo, Broad "Cloths, Twocds, Doaakins, Black and Colored Jeans, Ao? Ao? including iuuu> u) -rablo articles two tedious to mention. IN THE NOTION EINE. I linve a ihiiHuunl ami one Artiel??, all (if the latest stylus and patterns. IN TIIE GROCERY LINE. r havo Salt ; Porta Rico Sugars 13, good, at J-4 cents?Yellow C granulated and refined at 20 cents, n number 1 article; While A at 22 cents, Crushed loaf at 21 cents, Ac., Ac. Bio Coffee 2S 00 and 33 cents : Lngu.vra 35 and 37i cents. Currants and Rnisous, fresh, at 30 cents ]?r Jpnund, Citron, Nutmegs, Cloves. Mace. Oinainon. Lemons, Spice, Fep? par, Oingor, Starch, Soda, Sulcr.itus. Popparu, Urimestone, Sulphur, llluo Stone, (200lbs,) Indigo, Madder, Soda Crackers, a largo lot of Family Cheese, Maccaroni, 4o , 4c., AeM - T toko in Ro't- *. biggs, nnd all kind* of produce at full mui-uut prices in Exchange for <?ood?. I have made arrangements to buy Cotton by tho Halo at tha highest Cash price*. Once more I ask, come, look, price, cxninino and .1 udgo for yotnrsol ves fo? f Ihum that I havo (loods my follow countrymen need, I must hare and ihitll hnrr ftntu Me at very low profits, nnd thnt too without any advantage taken of them. rar Gtinno for sale by the Sick, at cost and charges. Wauled. T WANT oOO'btmholfi of Corn, 1M) baskets . of Kye, 200 bushels of Seed Outs, 2a0 bushels of I'eas, 60 Socks if Flour, ?r 2jo bushels of hoieo Wheat, and all tho Cotton I can got, for which tho highest Cash prices will be paid. I (tarn formed a copartnership with a largo Cott*,u House in llaltirnore. who will furnish funds to any amount needed to pay for all tho Cotton thoy can get. .foilii 0. Aslimorc, Sr. At Hoke's Old Stand. Nov 13 26 tf Greenville and Columbia Railroad CHAXOK OF fiCKDI'LK. i nnd after MONDAY, 2lst October, ^ * Prts.-Ooger Trains will run daily, Sun k...yi excepted. a? follows; Columbia at. 8.30 n. ni. Leave Alston 1 80 n m. Leave Newberry at. 0.26 a. m. A rrive at Abbeville nt 2.16 p. m. Arrive at Anderson at. ... ,,4.lt0 p. m. Arrive at Greenville at, 8.00 p. m. I/cKve Greenville at 3:30 a. m. Leave Anderson at. 4.20 a. m Lt?vv Abbeville at ? 05 a. m. 1 .,.u? Jtmlitrrv at 10.53 a. in. Arrive at Alston of 12 8ft p. ni Arrive nt Columbia nt .2 80 p m Trains on the Hint- T!:dge Railroad will Icavi Anderson Monday, Wednesday nnd Fritl.'iy? returning, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ' hp follows: Leave Anderson at 4.10 p. ni Leave Pcndloton nt 5.10 p. ui Arrive at Walhalla nt A..10 p. u< Leave Walhalla at 1.80 n. in Leave Pendleton nl,?. ,.,..v...~.8.10 a. hi Arrivo at Anders- n if 4.10 a. in Connections hi*A,i vr th tlio S 1*. M. Down Trains ami 5 A M. Up Trait.f. of tlio Sout! Carolina I.ulhoad. Nov A 24 t> n. WM. P. PRICE, attorney at law OAHLONEGA, 6A., WfLL practice in the Counties of T.unif kin Dawson, Oiluior, Fannin, Unioi Towns, White and Hall. Jan 10 3S if C10NTINUB8 the TAILORING RT7S] / NKSS next door to Peter V. Soddrtl pposito the respective stores of Steen nti Koherts, and being an KXPFTRT Ct'TTE ?nd judicious MACHINE OP Kit ATOK, dm ' -?t hesitate to wsrrsnt satisfaction in cvn .art of his Business. .fee the Motrin Fashions at Black's Jewelry Oct 2 20 " Jim ?11'i s 7 it Received a ELECTED STOCK OF mso.BB. ERIES, ) lM)TfOMSu ry LOW PRICES lRTEK. tjrive us a d and cheap Goods. ) & STRADLEY. ?3 tf IHTHEnvHIE^ DRUG-STORE. If -xt Door to the Mansion House -Sign of the Golden Kort&r. MMITemmi * KEEL* constantly hand, and are ^ tlaib' receiving, New a11tl Freeh Sori'UKS ^ ~ of anlilSSl;! CHEMICALS, * : And, in short, any and everything * pertaining to u well regulated and . First Class j DRUH STORE. ?l)ijsiciqns qnO Eatoiliis ]\lay rclv upon the PURI'lA' ol t everything, bought, ar.d depend on thn AnPfTlfAlTlV rtf fii'nr ft li i nrr I . put up, in our ivstubiialnneut. Proscriptions sunt F.tinily ltecipos intended to reus* >k ai.i.y, with the strictest euro a?nl alt en ti* >11. ?-?f"* ncninrtljcv thc iJ'icc?JYt-xt door to the Mansion llons&.^gX t Walter & Wostraoreland. GIUSGORY'S Dysprptic !t!iitiii'r. r|~MIE following is but one of the hundreds JL of Certific itt-H roceivcd in favor of litis justly ecb-lu-a'cil Nfediolno: * To Dr. Joint Orot/, Ch'ir'olte, X. C.: t-'lu: Being in Creenvi.U, N. 0., lately, and in a stale of gtcal d-bili.y aiiti prost-ation, tlie cfY-ct of paralysis occurring in Noveuilter, 1834, and s alT ring mnclt inconvenience ! from torpor of the b wets, my attention j was directed by Di'.l M. WksiM'>shasii, to r.RBROllY'4 liYsl'inTIC MIXTURE.? Flout my advanced age, as well as I lie daslure of the ili-ense, I nearly hopeless of relief, bill T am bappy Co be able to say that Ho inn o? the medicine above turntiniiid afforded relief, restating tbv shoost suspended functions to n hcollliv Motion, without grilling, pu-ging, or any other per , Ceptible bad i (feet. "I use the medicine now only wben some aperient Soellis lobe needed, and it lias not failed, so (a*, in a single instance, to little tlie drilled cflf- Ct. It MAXI.Y. Sr. " Titwohfoxn, Ala.. A J)., ).4'i7,"' IVitUer ?V Wrsltiiort laiMl. Agents for Orcein bin 0? t SO 2.1 , If mziy mmv ii NEW GOODS!! W. II. IIOVEY UAS JUST KECtlVED A full STOCK OK . :w ^ jar-* DRY GOODS, {3?"No\v opened and leady for **le._^."3 Handsome style* DRE&S GOODS ' A tine Assortment WHITE GOODS } Yarion* brand* Pleached and Drown DOMESTICS Complete Mock CA5SIMEIJES, Tweed# and JKANS i. lloiery, Gloves, Fancy Notions, Ac. g Linen*, Sheetings, ami Pillow Cottons Towels, Toweling*, Napkin?, <fec. h. A woll selects! stock of I HEADY MADE CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Ilaiain*, Cilior. Clove*. Ac. ? Having recently retnrnad from New York, where, he spent some time in carefully selecting his Stock, he is prepared to offer '' GREAT INDUCEMENTS _ to hi* customers and the public. lie keeps none hut the Itl'XT Goods; warrants every thing to he a* represented [- and guarantee* to rfint a* mueh for a (k>llan fi, as any Ilouse in the Trade. i?l He Is r>onat?ntly rceeiving Goods, thin H keeping filler] his standard shelves. B" The public generally me respectfully In y vited to LOOK At Hid GOO .ft. W. If. IIOVEY. Oct 2a 22 ' tf m)MA88im\ HAVING r?e?ntW retarirad from (t?? I York. Philadelphia. Baltimore, Ilieh iiomJ ?d1 Charlcaion, and barring ear e felly examined e*eh market, hae reoeifbd, and la mi* r<??i*lng, and now offer* tor a?lr, a Hna and w?ll neleoted stock of general inar chandiee, which ha pledgee himself to rail *a low as any one now offering goode in this market. lie proptwi to aril ontuvly fi?r nu*, which will enable liiin foeell at shotprolit*, a ltd very low prices. The pnblio gonerelly will do well to give him a call. 'Hie following ore hjius of the many nrlictee he lias In a'ore: * Family Groceries Department. KtO and JAVA Cofrea of the best. onallty. T. STEEN. PORTO RICO Silver#, for Rale hy T. STEEN. HEFINEI) A B end C Sugars. for sale by T. STERN. VIUSCAVADO Molasses, for sal* bv T. STEEN. MJOAR HOUSE Syrup. (Ooldsn ) For ?a'e T. STEFN. GOSHEN and FACTORY Chee?, for **b. <y T. STEEN. "5RKEN Vonmr llrron Tc*. fitinnurdor, Mack Oolong, English Breakfast. For Mir y T. STKKN. ITARQII, Su?p, Concentrated Lev. for sale V T. RTF.EN. ' KLL1FS. Ginger I'r^prvw, Conned Pencil ? Strawberry ond Pine Apples For ?*1* .y T. STEEN. MVN'Elt Fish Snlmon. m Oyster*, lokl-s, Mustard nnd Catsnp. For Sato bv T. STFEN. 'OCOA, Broma ond Chocolate. For sale by T. STEEN. fANBIES, Fancy and Stick, Kisses and int.vciration Hearts. For sole l>y T. STEEN. 'LAVORING Extracts, Rose and Vanilla, 'ilie Apple and Lemon. For sab* by T. STEEN 'ANCY 0'aek?rs and Butter Hiwilt. Fo^ ale by T. RTTK*. MOKLKD Mackerel and Salmon. F?r sale j y T. STEEN. ] 3ANIVLES, Adamantine and Porrnfinp. F,>r ale by' T. STEEN. .tlCK and Maccaroni, fur sale by T. STKEV 7~i ... /i i. n ? j xx/y utwMi-i jscjHirnneni. JAl.ICO'^." OT-*-at. vHrivty of nnn ifaottir-a. F?>r n?l* liy T. STRUM. 3LE\CI1 Kl) L'.njf '*l.>ib'*, FiDiiw _'u?e coll mi, fur snle I.y T. STKEN' rANLK LINKV, Ti. lL g. IlwloiW* T..?v-Ming. Crn?l?t for by T. STKF.N, I. NI'X. {! Wu) l?ii'vi? SUirt Itui'imt, on J Linen niul I'a iter Colin?. For ?*' I'V T. STKHN. IVOJISTE!) l'lnkl\ Merinos DeLniun*. (W -nie i.y T. SI'EEX. 0' K'lA Flannels, n vnririy of eo ors Z-pkyr v\ or.itcil, JJi ui-If, A . F. r ??! Lv T. STKEX Al i'AO A?, Mnliiir niul Itiiii.m C'lvMis,-? I'ov sole Ly T. S'l'KLN. CllALLlEX (jiiigluitinv, C.niilii i<- . ftT v.'lc I.y T. MTEKN. HLAOK CI.OTII, (Inwiinrrra, Jmim, Union Cli.llis, I) .rskiii*, Ac. For ml* Ly T STF.KX. Uf.AXKKTS 11K"gti#li lUnskotrf, Mine lilnnko's, tiinl liii. lioli". F-?r mI? I.y T 8TEKN. , SII.UVLS, I'lfiini).', I'lni.u onil CtJurrd Jjliuwls mill Clunks Fur solo l.v 1 *1 P.K.I. Nt'BIA^nml Hoods, at very '?>w ppi<"? ? For rale l>y T. STKHN. Hut Department. KUfl an?l \Vo<.| llai*, from finest Kur t< Coarre Wool llrtU. For rale try T. STERN'. LAItlES F?lt ami Velvet 11*1*. For ??l ? y 1. 8TEEX. BOY'S UuOn I Crown I Fat s, f??r **le bv T. ST'-J IN. SILK Glnzc 1 Traveling Cup*, for ?*1e by T HTKKN. VELVET Cape Hti'l Cloth Cap*. for wile l> T. STERN. Shoe and Hoot Department. BOYS, M*?*e* and Taiili*e' Coarse *n<l Fit Sliorg. Bool re*. Onitera, Thick soled Hoot Bnl moral* and other at vie*. * For rule by T. bTEEX. MENS Br.igaim and Farrn-r'a Sheer, Gon Fine Calf SeweJ Boots, for sal* by T. STEFN MENS Com re Boot*, ittu] Gent* Bl??*reli j for rale by T. KTKKM. I Glove and fancy Good# Dcpar ment. i KID GI.OVKHfnrLadU*. Black and Whi? i Colored Kid Gauutletl'* for Ladle*. K j.aUi.j T. STI'KV, CALF (<love* for Oenta, for * !* l?y T. STBKN CASS1MHUE Olore*, for **le l>y. T STEIN. I MISSES filove* Woolen and Knit Glnv r furMkhy T. STERN. | WORSTED and Star Iliaids, l?io** ltmi< I (? aala ?.y . T. STERN, ; | COTTON and Woolen Sock* and fttnehln , Mi*?< * Ho**, for ?ale l?y T. HTEKN, HANDKERCHIEFS and Cravata, fir a , l.jr T. MTKEN RIBBONS, Button*, Ac., for mU \?v T ST F.F.N COMBS and Bru?he?, for *al? ><v T. STEF.N mm .-T?r.s?ryrMS. HARKISO? (SUCCESSORS TO THE L WILL CONTINUE TI AT THE 0 onBEisrv] ? C WIOHB^ iiiawi: m. v^/m.nca-.ijQ yma I) 15 ICS, 1TI E D PAINTS, i FANCY A: AT R.EJDTJC3 J?- PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTION A! MEDICINES SUPPLIED TO PBAC ? - -<'4 * " ' * DRS. UARUISO? itjjrjr'KCTFULT.Y offur tliei'r ri cltWcn* hf O recti vl Ho ?ud ricinitj. 4Bt~9 Anxuat 2'J I I I STORE, &B fHiSi BR iP^S CHSAP FOR CASH OR BARTER A general Variety, pnc-story house, and a one-story price. Oel 23 28 "t* tf Tho Stato of South .Carolina, <; I:!: i: x v 11,1. K 1>! st n I OX. IN THE COt'I IT OK ORDINARY. fUCllAKli K. SLOAX, Aiilaiiiiatratnj, Applicant, Tliouins S. Flnnn, Juno Jolwaon, Durham Jnlinton, and tho heir* of George A. Sloan, ileri'iueil, llcnr)' R. Sloan, ilnnKtil, unci Edwuril T. Shout, dcmwd, who?c nwMcs are unknown, Dvivudvnti.? (TllKciill film/ M'/lfrMfiH. TT appearing that Thntns* 3. Sloan, Juno 1_ Johnson, Durham Johnson, mid the heirs t George A. Sloan. deceosyd, Henry U. Sloan, defeased.'?ud Kdwnrd T. Sloan, iltrtowil, reticlci heyond the limit* of thl* Klnto: It in Ordtrtif, That they <1?? appear 11V a Court of Ori dh.ary, lo he h .Men nt Greenville Conrt Iluiltr, on T!iHr$ifny, thr 9th*liny of Jnnu-ir'y ii'-jf, iit ]0 oVIork, A. M., to show cause, if any llioy enn. why a Pinal Settlement of tho KkIute of MARY Sl.OAN, deceased, should not be made on that day: and on failure of luirlio* to nppoar in person or l.y attorney, their consent* will he taken a* confessed. Given under toy hand, at Greenville Court House, this 9tb. dav of Octolter. A. I>. l^CT. ?. J. DOI'Til IT, 0. G. I). i Oct 0 SO .'lm WOOL CARDING. CKA VYFORI)VILLK KAUTOUY, SPARTANBURG DISTRICT, S. C. WK respectfully inform Wtmi Ruiecrs sad other* latere stud, that we have jusl put up u sot of superior CARDING MA. CHINKS, and have placed them under tin management ofoxperiuueed and faithful hand* who will give evety attention to prevent tin ncee*.?nry waste and to insure guncrnl satin faction. Our facilities arc such that we can afford U ?) > the work on Tlic Hlost Llbcrul Terms, " *nd wo con safely guarantee to turn ou promptly EXCELLENT ROLLS. C When the tlrcni"? in fnrninhctl to nr. (an; olio ponnil of dream- to ekjjhl ponud* of Woof, we wilt Curd Ham Wool At Ten Cents a Pound A email udrnncc on thin rate will l?e rharjrc _ for Carding Mixed Wool or for Cotton an Wool together. OllAl>V, UAWTII011N Jt TUltUYPILT,. Jiino '.'<1 4 tf /\?\ /vyv^. \.A /-v A AAA i WALHALLA HOTEL " ^ TlUVKIiKRS mil! nlhe t, viciiirjr Wulliullu, will tin tltiu w?ll HOUS open for their accommodation, Having, i |g the past, an his |pi?-sl? have triv? ratiffaetioa, the Proprietor ie confident pleasing tliono who may rnll. Train# no _ run daily to nnd from the place. Rules B Hoarding reasonable. Conn- and aee. I>. BiK.MANN. Proprietor. B July 11 7 6m * Fair Notice. Notaaaml Books of I>r. M. B, Karl deceased, nre in o'jr hands The Not e. mnat he renewed mi l the Accounts cloard I or note with good perianal ? enriiy In eve | KixlMiii'f, or lliey will !> miciI upon nut' ? uriminately. Parties need not expect fii ther nntioe. j CrriliUiri lira notified lo prr??nt lli? rltiinia to us properly nitrated, mm the rein will he closed at I lie earliest p??M8ilila dx We offer for Kent the excellent rttoi og flou?? lately occupied hy M?(:<>nnell ' Uoodlett. KKFJ> A KA HLE. ... Aitornty for I lie Rxrculura. .1 Old Court //vim, lot A of di^it, 1807 Aug 1ft It ll vy Notice. "|> ARTIES having demand* against I - 1 KeUte of Mrs. KMZA W. K MILK. < ceased, are hereliy notified that those clei not already left with the lute l?r. M. I Kitrlo, iuu?i be filed with us, properly I tested. ?RHKI> A Attorney for the Executor* Old Court //oww/lOfA of August, 1&6T 1 Aug 15 It I f & marSSET^ ATE DR. M. B. EARLE,) IE DRUG BUSINESS, LD STAND, [LL33, S. O. m-+- ' * a coitsr iHAVSsri?, Bfiso m.r*-AMK *a3iwrrjf 1 C I N K S IK L I \D TOILET ARTKXVX SSI> PFIICE2B. & UAKtl-ULLJ HJMrUUINUtlV?^ , riTIONERS OH LIBERAL TBBKB ? ? .> .? ... 4 r & MAHSHALL, tOFK.SSIONAL SERVICES to tbo^5^y OFF ICS nt the Dr*getor*> nvH WOOLC A K1>S, McHEK MILLS, obeenville' DISTRICT, 8 a OUR Cunltng Machines are in rtrst-rntc t>r tier, and under tho control of tb?t wol known and competent manager,. Mr. T. Y RUJDUKS, who will use every caro to prevvni unnecessary waste and to Insure complete ut isfnetion. Our facilities arc such that we cap afford t< do the work on TIIE MOST LIBERAL TERMS and wo can safely guarantor to .turn ow promptly* EXCELLENT ROLLS. When tho Urease Is furnished to us. (saj one pound of Greacc to eight pounds of Wool,] we will Card Plain Wool At Ten Cents a Pound! A small advance on this rate will be charger for Carding Mixed Wool or for Cotton am Wool together. ffflr* Wool will be taken from and iWrrerei at Ureenville C. 11. free of charge for trans porUlion GRADY A HAWTITORN. June 20 4 tf G.F.^OW N E 8, ATTORNEY AT LAW amu SOLICITOR IH EQUITY. OFFICE at tho .same building nrfjolnin, New Court House, formerly occupied h; Towvks A I'aupbbm., before diesolutiou t the firm. Greenville, P. C. - Jan Sf-S W. k. ka8i.v.t. o. o. WKIXi 71 a my tstf wttlf t ct XiA-oriAX (X WfiLii3, Attorneys and Counsellors at Lan AND IN EQUITY, MREKNVfU.H, ?. ^ PR \CTUCE in the Conrt# of the Sfato an of (hu United State.*, and give orpecit attention to cusuji in Dunkruptoy. June 13 3 tf LAW OAHl). (JOODLETT & THOMAS Attorneys at Law. Axn R O T, IOTfORS IX EQUITY UAVK this day formed it f*opnrtne ship in the prtu-llce of l,j\V an EQUITY nn tUu* Wcntern Cirettit Office in the o)<) Court lleiue Ituildins. r. i). nnont.?rr, vi tt. m tiiom i I >ee *20 SO t.f a IiE ENV fI JiK COACH FACTORY -MJBJg', HAVING MADE new a i nngainenle wilhoor wnrkme Sj/ yT.Hii'l materially reduced tl on it of Maunfiu.turt, we<lir*ire to cull tl attentiop of the jntlili j to-the fuel, that f (!,mh, wo wilt do Repatrii g at. greatly it ' ltUllElt IMtlCKS, nnd make liheml di'cuu on NEW WORK. We have on hand an ? eorlinent of Ol'KJT AN It tl'l' IHJGjUlF ROCK AW AYiJ and LIGHT CARRIAGE 1 also every description of Wagons wo ma - taroive n* a eaIII, GOWKft, CU.X, MARK LEY' A CO. May 23 . 62 tl T. W. DAVIS j WATCH MAKER, WOULD Respectfully form the peoplo of Greenvi l? 3ffiRn^ ?rf#uoih4g count " 4*,k he CMfliWWWMCM From hit OLD STAND in the Go< |(l kit House, to ? more CONVENlK] ' one, three doors North of the Mi k ei?n House, next door to Pickle A Poor, in Main Mi reel, where lie Is prepared to 'ii nil work in hit line of hnsinent, st short "f tier, in n workman iiks manner, and w rcHtonaide terms. of * Anir <0 IS t Notice United States Internal Revenue ? "V X ronscqnewc* of the rveoot consolidatl 1 in thin tho .til Collection District of Kiate of South Carolina, the two former Di' Ions of tlreoiirillu District have been mcr e* into rtno, un<L'r iny asausaorial charge, ant y be known hereafter as the l.ttli Division, ry Therefore, all parties residing in what is- terin?il the TTpper and Lower Itogwneitts, ir- hereby notified, by virtue of my ooounisr to recognise m? aa A*?i?ian AswMnor 01 lr H^iovcDHint'il Division, comprising tho terril ?f(Jreaiirillirbiilri(l, and to mo make all Be i_ rnry nppliealion* and returns appertainiiif .'* the I'iiiic<l Slate* Internal Kovcnus for I . OivUion. jf^r-OUico oppnuito the Mansion Ilnnee*1 KD. HUDSON SMITH. Assistant Asecaaor. I*tb Divleioi 3d Collection District S. ? (Irrenvillo, 8. (3. Oct. lflth. I3?7. J)m On w M ;? Notice. R \ 1'Pl.rCATION will be made nt the i / ^\_ s?e#Wb?fChe Legislature tocloae tk? purl of ?Ue RutlierP>rdton Uoad, begin nuar Ttearerdem Bridge, and ending in ?lir< eli'.n of OnwanevlKe, where the old '? new road* reunite. * ' s?pt. i ie a Miiif kousT. Comer of jtferml^Dil tiaren tmt*. * CHARLESTON, 8. C. J THIS wet! known FIB8T iffgft CLA88 HOTKL k? jut WrflBBc *? ?? thoroughly r?)l*i?ld, reft tt?d end ru-furnUtcd, and It mm road/ -fe? Um? accommodation of the travelling public, * Jtfc./ whoa* patronage fa respectfully aolielted. 7 Merchant* vUiting the city, are roapectfblly invited. Every accommodation will jba offer- v ed them. ,. V|* :>. - . " JL . ,- > ; .'. Coachoa always Id ntadiners to convoy paw* V^p to and (Vol* the Hotel. V. The Proprietor promises to do all In bU power lor the comfort of hi* guests. . JOSEPH PUB CELL, Proprietor. Feb2t SO D.a. TO THE PUBLIC. The Pavilion Hotel, CHARLESTON, 6. 0, . SO LONG and aWy tw dn?Wj by the l?tf -If. (* laBSI BUTTERFIELD, will still be. kept, open for die acconv- \ m inodntion of the trnvellofppdblie And it# former friend* and patrons will find the neual acevminodatione and attention* b?a towed on them a? formerly, and the pnhljD far ore, air *adv #o well eetpKIJrhed ssTHB 1 HOTEL of the TRAVELING MERCHANTS J V if the South, will, by earnest effort*, be faithfully preserved. Oct 25 22 DM. MI a?k*kitiitiri gas w? 3 CHEAP FOR CASH! I ATT.B ROBERTS'BRICK STOKB. IHAVEon l?.Aid, and aHall he reoslylag :/ every week a.ldltions to mj at?ek, the follow ing OOODS, to wU.t ~ T.adle*\ OenlTefwvhV. Jltoci', Boys' ?l4 ' Children's Shoe LACKTS, linen and cotton Note and I?etter PAPKR.'fiiis ' Fin* White ENVELOPES - . " . 1 COFFEE, SUO A U. TEA. SCO A. PEPPER, SPICK, GISGRR COPPERAS. F.PSAM SALTS ; J TOBACCO. CORN. BACON Voniaon HAMS, Era. Coffee ' FlneClOAlW. BUTTONS, HOOKS and F.YFA Hair PIN3 . S*ed Irish POTATOES, APPLES V I COTTON YARN. I In ? f#w days Y shall he receiving aW llama to my present Stock. Person* wieh' ing any of the ?Wre articlsa, will do wall ' to eall and examine before fairing, for bar* gain* can be bought at this place. jW I will barter for Cm n, Baooa, Bat terjEgge, Lard, Chickens, Ac. *. L. BURN. March 7th, 1867. 4T-tT Notice. -.- - > '.* WK respectfully invp* all peraftaa owlag *\ us, to eoine forward and pay ap. X . . r Z word to the wiee is sufficient' P? savS costs.? ,f Wo oau he found at the old Latimer Hotel. Come and settle aoon, or you will bare casta to pay. A. J. VANBERG RIFT A CU. ( Jan X i2 If J".;SAMUEL BLACK, BARBER, p X\T OUI.l> respectfully inform tlto "pnbHou *7 thut lie lint opened a ItAKilEU S1IOP in the room under the ImildrnK Hir* inerly occupied hy the Post Office and Jin, Ittlpriee Office, first door above the ruins ui ? . .th-Bc's Hall, wh-re he hns located. Bring ! ? , 1 a professional Barber, be b<>pe\ hy attentbin to business, together with polilenera to _ all, to merit, n portion of piihlie patronage, in CUTJINO. SHAVING and SHAMPOO. > ? INO. tar Ladies wishing Jlarf Cutting '" r and l*v*?ii>g done, will be waited on at their residences. July 2d 7-* ' . Dissolution. The hrm of bahksdalb, terry ^ A Co., is dissolved. jPnrtiee to whom. no mine n inueman, win present tncir Claims at the Factory, or to mo at Greenville, S C W. M. TllOMAS. " January 7, 1867. _ . Jan 'J 1 U Groonvillo Mills. [ rBIHF. GREENVILLE MI I, I it Kjtfe been JL put in first-rate order by tue Mejdr, r for griadlnf Wheat. Good atteutioD will be given by old ? grinders. ' Tlie Mills grind on the old acheduW, (the or T.dl ) .. J.: rrSttfrK liring along your Grain. nt " June 13 8 If __ i - ' it State of South Carolina. he GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity, tfiuus II. Aran*, Administrate?, ??. X, A Comskbs et al. ^ TN pursuance of the Decretal Order In tW X above Mated oase, the Creditors of the | late Dr. W. L. M. AUSTIN are hereby requir9 ed to establish their demands against the Estate, before use, within nias mouth* frata| thia dale, or be barred. J. P. MOORK. C. h. O.'JK in- Commissioner's Office, July 15, 186?. ,':.11 e Jy 18 8 tm ry, ? 7 Stato of South Carolina. i UHKENVII.LE DISTRICT. Ts Xanttw. j,i .. ?v - - v ??+- , JonKPn P. I. Annua, Administrator, ? . Mast IX Imtinui H (il. ** TN pariBMee of lb* I>oore!al Ortlor in the on X shore atnted cam, the Creditor* of the <*o late JAM KS M. LATIMKH are hereby reqnlrho ed to establish their demands against the R?on utc, before ma, wltlviu W?m monit* Irani this date, or be barred, f ?. P. MOORB, 0. K. O. D. ? Commissioner'* Office, July 15,1857. Jy I* 9 9m l>n, State of Sonfch Carolina. tho GREENYII.I.K DISTRICT. ?d ln I u S.\*An A. ELronn. Executrix, n U, L (iooHLcrr et al. - < ; '* JN pureoanee of tba Decretal Oi<ler In X the shore stated esse, the Creditors of tha late Col. CHARLES J ELFQltD ara WTy hereby required to establish, by proper pc*. proof, their elaiios against tha Estate, be* ; to lore me, withiu uiw month* hoot this data, laid or be barred. * J. P. MOORB, G B. 0. U ?VS Cotnmissloner'a Office, July IB, 1897. July IB 8 Din ?* nTTOnao s?m m? nv??a c. UAAAOA AXIJW UAAVlLBMi BREAD, at 71, 01 ?m) 10 W?l? a l,o?f. Sugar, (linger, i'utitid and Frtrtt Cake*. ' Ka?V : PiM. The truk. 1 and 2 Ih Can * Qy?tert, at HA and kO rU. Condensed MHk, fRua wliich good tweet next milk ran he made. Convenient a*d ebean. told Starch ? Natinega; Uracil, Peean aod Uaiei ning Rata; Candioe" Pipaa; Smoking Tokened; tho Applet; i:hin^iioj>lt??? Jkc^ fllee laeaealk ^ f'\ Cont^t.oocrjSjbli Atnat, UyTTo, m Sept 25 II ~ i* kf C i id?T8l xt mm* fcrf'ii ftifcul i Mmk * - - - ?