University of South Carolina Libraries
4*'"? j wjA . - < '. yT' .. ." ?&??&> %-V . " .? ?'J -ij^i '.i, i -i ^ '''l^/.1 '"' 1 ? 0?? ftptr. Through tf>? farore of owr literary Menda, 1 we are enablsd to present our reader* J weekly with origin*! article* of genuine ex- | cellenee. W* bcliev* that In this respect ? the B*t*rprim haa no nrel In the State.? I We can hoaft alike of. tho proea and verse of oar aontrtbntnra. Wa are always careful ? w^kgiee interesting seleotious from our exchangee; and independent editorials. W? allude to these mailer* wl'li a view to *v licit more subscribers by thla extra opportunity of reaebtng many who <lo not regolarly receive Ilia Enttrprisc. Will each 5" on# of nor friends introduce ue to aoma other new acquaintances in the way of aubportbaraf :? Tha Alabama Negre Badleal Convention. I TliU body is in session at Montgomery, They avinee a proseilptive spirit, and a de aire to extend disfranchisement, It Is poe- . . Hiku v..*? ?i? ?? - ?' ? ?h""* f mik uirj nny n? bhvhmi 'to forbear Iqr their dictator*, ? the North* *r?> Radical* ar? liftomlnff alarmed at the overdose of olgger they hava thrust down tk? public throat. EpecUlly atnee that . public has commenced revolting at l?, an-l is threatened whir a general black vomit. Do not fail U Read It. r\ We allude to the conspicuous advertisex Utant trt Nersrs. II as us Rkatti* t Co., to * lie found hi another column. Tlteae gentle"men. haee a More that la unsurpassed and 'equalled l^r fee in all of Greenville. ?v $ their good* are oT the filet water, and ' bargains are always to he hed of thews Hint .aritMnfluce one to boy trofci them again. ' > Their popularity in surpassed only by their cleverness. Indeed, the young ladl.s, those true eiltioa of every thing In the dty goods line, (as well na of the TnaMiiiiwe) dn *' ' them homage, and Jeolaro that their stock is rparkllug 1 * Their variety now Is unusually full ""** ?? IwI > Good Broad Flour. The Editors of the jSittrpri* are tinder obligations to Capt. Je-se K. Stone, whoa* J plantation and'mlll are eighteen miles be low the Town, for a sack of good (lour, ground at his mill. Mr. Stonb has recently refitted his mill, and, judging from that -which he hasten! us, he will he obliged to Incase Ids customers and others patronising Win. We return thanks. * * ? * ? 11 Our DaUr Bxohanges. We again commend to those of our friends who desire dally papers, tin following ' nth, which enlighten our eanctnm. Our disappointment- ??nnot bo over-estlmaud when, by the irregularities of the mail, we fall to'receive ihern at their proper time: Columbia Pkcmix, per six month* ft 00. Columbia Chronicle, per year, $8.00. Charleston Nt**, per year. $l Charleston (ourier, per year, $10.00. Also, Charleston Mercury, tri-weelcly, per year, $4.00. '* * r\ *?- am e- 1 . v We reud extra packages of papeiel O'v' to the postmasters in Greenville and ad -' joining District*, and we wish them to give them away to parties who do not take "*7'* our paper. \ , Oeeeral Canal has issued orders dated 16tb c November, giving instructions as to assorting , the rotos taken by the registers. Wo suppose | ?-. ^ they will he all duly furniahed with eopiee 1 and that the publication in our paper would | v .. sorts no useful purpose. ? - ? <w> ? a'. wr We oend two copies to each of our Town subscribers, this week, one of which, . ..' f vi request them to give away to some friend ' .v' who is not a regular reader of the Enter- I . s Jf&r- The number of votes polled yesterday j Was Stl, with but two against a Convention. Twrat/ vUki vvted. Ex-Got. B. F Ferry, . Whet n triumphant vindication of this fniltm?o'i Course ia the action of the late Oqmcrvetivc Consentient But a few months ago, Ida waa the only voire raised ' authoritatively against the acceptance of j the Rceowstractioo policy. No s wtner did ] those Acts appear, than he appealed to the ] people of South Carolina to oppose the : calling of a Convention under them, a* i they Would resist lh? sealing of thMr doom 1 Men were sick through hope long deferred ; 1 they hailed the Military Aeta as opening a ' way for flaal restoration to the Union.? 1 , Vfaipedlency ruled the day, and It was 1 thought that the freedmen would ha willing to unite with the whites, forming a j tolerably conservative Convention. In , J - eh set, Gov, Berry's warnings foil as cold vara. They were treated by the press with ( that respect, which utterances from him | will always command, but, with a siagle ! exception, we believe, they called forth no < responsive echo. Then came another stir- < ring esll to the people to stand by their I rights mnfaily, and then another. Their sweet waa not seen immediately, but It eras , not the less sure. Individually we ao> knowledge to hare received our convictions from these letters; sad doubtless many another wavering mind was won by th?m , s to the side of the Constitution. But a few Month* have passed, and the workings of these Aote have realised Gov. iVrry'e predictions. and to-day the white people of South Carolina, with a few pitiful eacep- ! Bona stand arrayed in mass against, lbs < whole destrvetive ssMsm. Governor Perry 1 may be considered as a representative of J ike sentiment of the educated nod inlelli- j geat portion of our population, flis eon afolenev has been unshaken. As a r..i,.n man, La oppoaed tha war. A? a Union man, ha wai aoloetad, at tha eloae of tha , war, to Oil tha Gubernatorial chair. And . Ma Union man, today, ho ia among tha 1 toremoat of thoac, whoaa manly pro leal haa gone forth to tha people of tha Suta j egalnat tha mockery of tea'oral ion to tho Union, undar which thay are bring mad# I tha davra of a horrible nripotUm. I It hw bean Got. Prrr/a lot to d fler * nora than once from tha sentiment of hi* I fallow altlxen* It waa ao In 1861. In 1865 t fte waa In ndranco of lU Mcn'a mlnda I Srara aero at the recant defeat ol their hope*. and they felt but Httla aympathy WHh tha aattaO of restoration. But to day Ala poalt Ion eall# forth our warmeet ruloMtat Tha daaira to enjoy once more tha Uaafita and right* of a Bum in tha Union It nora widely and deeply fait, than at any |ln? bafora, in faat, ia uai??real But ... . , J t N C ? A ? 4.ji .. ih- i I? Hjnolfy strong ' the fooling of whhorreaoe wthe mockery, which to now going on; I ?nd om thank* nro duo to tlio gentleman 1 Kom name head* tltia ovtiolo, for tho vlgl- i tee. ?|th whloh ho woUhod tho lotcrooto 1 if our dearly.lorod 6|*to, and for hlo 1 tromptneoo In oottndlng tho aoto of warn* 1 ing.?Sumter AW J ^ " ( FOB TUB OOUTHSBN E.TTBaraiSB. ( My If eiglxborear LJIUBA GWIII, ' ' I I Itaro a llttlo neighbor? A darling three year* old. By a meet net name we call Mm, And fundi* oft hlo curl* of gold: And aa he gather* flower*. Dtinph-s an<1 smiles each other - Like gUams of rare?t sunshine, Aceocg liia rosy fare. And oft ha panseth In Ida phr, In trahte votes fo sweat and dtesr, * . To t hi 111 his baby melody, Up?n tha cummer air O, I listen to bis ringing. Like a bird beneath the spray. For hlc song* do chow tha way That His infant thoughts are winging ; There is no sorrow in Ids song. Nor any thought of gloom or wrong, Dot oft like dear drops when ^ They are softly, sw.-etly dripping Tttrough the rose Usees In the night, U s mother's name Is slipping Throngh his Hps so rosy bright. And Ids entile-Is sweetest then! In mother's smile and mother's Ira#, He V no vet It what Lore's rapture Ic. H. I hay* a little neighbor? A maiden young and fair. And she sits before her mirror, And Smooth* her silken hair: Ta and out eaoh shining curl, Her taper fingers go; And evermore, with her rose red lip*,. A song she cingeth low? I hear the song that she doth sing, It chow a the way her thought aaregoing, Just s* the early croons Mowing, Shows the footprints of sweet ?p>lng. Aa the cmuo* hened ringlet alid-lh From her dainty finger tlpa, *Tis a lover's name that glhleth Through her pretty pouting llpcj ' Of love 1 love! love! still let her sing, Out may site never prove , To Iter soft heart's grief, how slight a tiling? llow iwone to change and wandering Is toe subtls spit It Love, ' tit I have another neighbor? , A poet, gentle-voiced and mild: He hath soft. hair, like the mai len, And bright eyes I ke the Utile child. But in hit eyes there ta a fireOn M* broad brow the pair thooglit-klng a t I.I. ?/.? ?) -t. In lilt hand he grasps a lyre. O, 1 Hat en to the pout'* aung, That like a rolling river, From Iila proud Hp pdara forever? It* riuli?it* wall- I'a chanting* ?trongShow hia deep heart'* thrill and .quiver. O, I listen to the poet'a aong I Atld often when lie ainga, , . Along hi* harp atring* movath. ' In liquid ratirniiira ?<<ft and low, A lady'a name?and 'hen 1 know The gentle poet lovetlt I I.Ike an angel bright and etrong, 8 and* thie praver within my a.iul? May thi* poet fully know All the aweetno**?nil the woe? AH the rapture all the wrong? Ol till* human love of onrr. For what perfume I* to flower*, I' this love unto hia aong t Greenville, S. C., 18C7. ? CUAttt-ciTox, Nov. 1ft (lov. Orr and Q?n. Canby are in confcrcuee, *a the rubjoct ol future taxation and appropriation* in the Bute. It I* understood that material change* will be mode, which, while lev loping the reaoureea of the Stat*, will tcsaeu the burden upon the people. Helisioua Service*, Sunday. Nov. 34. Baptlat Church, II, A. 11., . Method*. Church, II, A. M., Rev. J. W. HnaMIT. Rpiacopal Church, II, A. St., end A, P. V-, iter. Kci.iso* Presbyterian Church, 11 A. M., and 4, P. K, Or. DIMS*. GREENVILLE PRICES CURRENT. 3RA0Y|fER6US0NdiMtLl?ftt MERCHANTS. OREENVILLE, 8. C.t NOT. 1?, 18?7. APPLES, tft bushel, Dried, $1 25 BEEP. %l tt), fresh, according t<s cut, 3 So. h.* CON, ? ft, ? -- 7b c. BALK HOPE, ? lb M e. BLUE STONE, p lb ? e. BAGGING, Gunny, P, yd...... 3.1J e. BUTTER, M lb .. 7b t. BEESWAX, p lb 20 e. BRANDY, p gallon, Punch, $4 00 CHICKENS, p head, _15 (? 20 ?. COTTON, p tt> 13 e. COFFEE, p lb, Rio SO ? S3 ?. .4 44 44 JmTlh 40 r> CORN, p bushel OOe.^fl 00 CANDLES, p lb, Adamantine...... 30 e. *? " " Sperm, 44 44 44 Tallow 15 ?. COPPERAS, p &> English, 10 e. BOOS, ^ dosun, 15 c. FLOUR, p barrel, ? f9 00 JOLD, ....... ~ $1 S3 DINGER, IS ft 40c. IRON, P lb, Sweed - 124 e. * " '' Country,..,... ...... ...8 e. " ** M Horse Shne, ,,.10c. [NDIOO, p lb, South Carolina $1 30 " " ' Spanish Float, $2 23 LUMT1ER, p 100 feet, Pinc,...fl 50 @ $2 00 LEAD, ? lb 20 e. LEATHER, V ft, Sole, _ 50 e. " - " Upper, 00 @ 70 e. MADDER, p ft - ....20 c. MOLASSES, p gallon, West India. SI 00 * " - Sugar-Houso,.....$I. 25 NAIL8, V ?' Parker Mill ..121 e. BATS, P bushel,.. 45 e. PEAS, ' " T5@85 e. PORK. p 121 r POWDBll, ? lb, - 75 e. PEPPER, p lb, Black 40 c. PEACHES. P bushel, Dried $7 00 POTATOES, p bashel, Irish...... ........none. " 44 44 Sweet,.. 40 o. RICE, p ft, - 10 <$ 17 e. ste/SI<. p m, S5 e. SALT, It .nek, Liverpool, $5 00 ? ? bushel, " 1 00 SUGAR, tt lb, Browo 10 @ 2? ? ? " Clsrifted 20 ?. SHOT, V ?> - * SODA, tt lb - 20 e. STARCH. ? ?, 20 ?. SPICK. tt lb 40 e. SHIRTING, (three-fourth.,) tt yd IS e. SHIRTING, (seren-eights,) yd, 10 ?. TURKIES, p besd 75 <? tt 00 TOBACCO, Msnufuetured, tt lb, 60c.@,*2 00 TALLOW, ft lb 15 e. TV.A, lb, Gunpowder $2 00 ? < M ]|jton, 2 25 - 44 " Blnok, tl 50 to $2 00 WHEAT, tt bushel $2 00 WHISKY, V (.Hon $3 00 YARN, F*otory, $ buneh,. ..fl 75 r ?"^pc.^=^z?Tr-sTcin Wi?ni*OT(H, NoTcmWr 18.?The telegraph I * M(jr by the ndied bwltri h?i?, la I heir efforts to bold tbo Alabama Convention a chock. Tbo loodom In tbo Coaroatlon , loalro to plaoo tbo Btato In Tonaooooe'a ooadl* t tton t wbnaao tbo radloal leaden bare to dot 1 >o aoarly aolroraot raff ran, taking tbo < ground that, tbo Northon> election shewed loitlllty to negro npnaart, aot to negro ' luffrage. Tbo loadora are not brpefkl of conrolling tbo Convection. I ASD IIFAHTS' AND LADIES' SUCKS. AND es- jr_i rnijm *w as ?s 9 BEIT km KAT R!&8QN$ MEN'S WEAR, CLOTHS, C A SSI MERES, SATINETS, JEANS, ETC., READY MADE CLOTHING, LAOIt S' AND 6ENIS' HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, 'Fur Ladiur, ticntt, Roys and Mines, 3333*3333 ass T^&aasir HARDWARE, IA1MING JID JSjEIEEPIIG Dye Stuifs, &c., &c. Fading thankful fur the liberal patronage girrm ua heretofore, we are dispoaed tu use all diligence to give satisfaction. H. BEATTIE * CO. Wov 30 30 1 DR. ANDERSON RESPECTFULLY informs Mh5|L the public that he has fitted up a suit of ROOMS in the wooden building adjoining what was formerly known at the tloodlett Home; where he i* prepared to practice DENTISTRY; and his charges will he wtnrltrttle and terms eash.? TKKTII EXTRACTED for fifty oeata, exeept whore anasstbetije are used. (1 rconville C. II., Nor. 18, 18*7. 3?-tf Notice IN conformity witli r'tj'ilremenfe of the Internal Revenue laws, I hereby give notice to all nereona who may claitn a UAKKKLOF WHISKY, containing about eighteen pallone, s?ix--d by the undersigned, at the store nf Meeara. Stradley A llrittain, on the eleventh of November, inet, said whisky being wiwd beeauee of evident pItrDOSS ol avadiinr Ilia Internal Revenue T?*. to appear and make audi alalm wkliln thirty days of the first publication of this notice. A. L. OOBB. Deputy Collector Intarnal Revenue, Greenville District, & C. Nov 18th i<A 8 The StnCe off South Carolina. GREENVIU.E DISTRICT. By A J DOUTHIV, Xtq , Ordinary of eaid JHeiriet, WHEREAS, JAMES p. MOORE, 0. E. ' G. D., has filed a Petition in my Office, praying that Latter* of Administration, with the Will annexed, on all ami sini?a'ar Uia goods and chattels, rights and endita of JUUN 0. GREEN, lata of the District aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to him. The** are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular tha kindred and oreditors of the said deceased, to ba and appear in the Court of Ordinary for said District, to 1 be hnlden at Greenville Court House, on I the twenty aLeth day of December next, to show satire, if any, why tha said A dm in is tration should not be granted. ? J. DOUTIIIT, O. O. I), Ordinary's Office, 16lh Nov., 1867. 86-6 DURHAM 1 8MOKINQ TOBACCO. . HAVINO received the ?pe>ncy of tho above ju.tly celebrated Brand of TOBACCO. *i will make it to your Intersal to buy from ua. For sals by wbole^le or rstail. DAVID A 8TRADLEY. Oct M If M Columm*. NoreniW Iff.?Sale* ml cottoa to-day 83 l.alr*?middling lft|. Nrw Yomk, Koy*irtH#r IS.?Cot too quiet, I ?t 17* @ 18. Gold SP|. n , PaVaknar, Notfinher 18.?Cotton nfanrd I teady and li islivr demand ; cWil vlth i i? advancing tendency?middling* IS*; ?me? x.irji t>?l-a; receipt# 4/>8<L Auoi'sta, November 18.?Cotton market weak ; aalea 814 bal.a; receipt* 688?mid Jling* 18$. Otutnimros, November 16. Cotton Mwrkot?Cotton 16$, ,T&- A high rent?t bole In yoer bet (MATATTRACTION! ?n??fcfe*V H. BEATTIE & CO. MAVR now on bend n Large end Welt ' Selected Stock of FALL AND WINGOODS, which will be told et ? ebort advance on New York aoat DOMESTICS. Bleached ?bd Brown SHIRTINGS AND sheetings TICKINGS Table Linens and TQWELINGS Blankota, Cotton and AV.-ol FLANNELS GINGHAMS CALICOES. DRESS GOODS, DE LAINS, POPLINS, MERINOS, AC w in a T? aa ? ? ? a> s AND IHB&O JESSEHiES. I&QIIS CLOAKS AID SHAWLS. BALMORAL no (HOOP SKIRT I-,' ZEPHYR HOODS, NUBIAS. SON TAGS, Mb IM SSEE EVIU' offer, at puhlle sale, ?w TiMMhy, <A# third day o/ December next. on the inmiiM, ti l I o'clock, all that VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, Known at ill- JAMES WOOT> TRACT, tan mlLs ab?T? (irttnfillt and (Imi and a It*If from Chick Spring*, on tb* State Uoad, WHtttaiag . 879 %6RSSa Thle Land ft heavily Tinfhered and well Wooded, and will ha told to the highest bidder. It hat heen run off into SEVER TRACTS. and Plait made of I he um*, which may I e teen hy applying to Mr. JAMES DAUBY, on the day of tale. Tract No. 1 emlvin# One Hundred and Forty and a Half Acre* Tract If . 9 contain* highly Seven and Three four the Acrte Tract IV*. 3 contains Ninety fnnr Acre# Tract If 4 contain* Eighty four Acrte Tract If a. 3 contain* Eighty Seven and I Oar fourth Aeret Tract No. 6 contain* One Hundred and Fifty Seven and a H>df Acrte Tract If . 7 contain# Treenty-Eight and a Half Aeree TERM8 OF SALE.??0n a credit of one and two yearn, with interest from date, and apprceed security, and a mortgage of the premises, the purcha?or to pay for paper*. I. BIRR FIELD. Not tO it ? Tlio State of Sontti Carolina, GRFENVILLF. DISTRICT. By S. J. D0UTI11T, Eeq , Ordinary of eaid Dieirict. WHEREAS. MARY C. GREENFIELD hat tiled a Petition in mv Office, praying that letters of A dm I nut ration, with the Will annexed, on all and singular the gcodt and chattel*, right* and credi t of ROBERT GREENFIELD, late of the Dla trict afore* id, d c?ae< d, ebou'd be granted to her. Three are, therefore, to cite ahd admonish all and tingnlar the kindred and creditors of the *aid d> erased, to he and appear in the Court of Ordinary for said District, lo he hidden at Greenville Court House on the thirtieth day of Noeem\er in?t., to snow cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. 8 J. DoUTHIT. O. O. D. Ordinary'* Office. Noy. 1ft, 1867. 26-8 T. W. DAVIS, AT THE NEW STOIC E, BUNCOMBE STREET, Greenville, C. jrosTp aiaojanNyiaDj), DRY GOODS NOTIONS CLOTHING, HATS SHOES, BOOTS HARDWARE A- CROCKERY, AC Which will be sold m m cm i mice. ALSO, A QUANTITY OF BACON, FLOUR SALT SUGAR, COIFEE CONFECTIONERIES, AC ?OUTM ?AlFlOLQftIA Clothes Washer. AGENCY FOR GREENVILLE DISTRICT AT THE \n?ur CTADP Li TT OlUREi, BUNCOMBE STHEET, GREENVILLE, S. C. T. W. DAVIS. Not U - 25 If Deputy Collector'* Office, OuuviLLt, S. C.. Nov. 12. 1857. BY virtue of authority vested in me, I will expose for sale, on Monday, the 2Sth November, Inst., at 12 o'ohwk, M. at the residence of Martin Hunt, Jr., one GREY MAKE 1^vivd on aa the property of Mrs Kther Strpp, at the suit of the United 6talcs, lor Revenue Tax TERMS CASH. A. I* COHB, Deputy Collector Greeuviile Diet. i Nov 18 25 2 Real Estate for 8 ale. T OFFER for eale, at low price* and on X favorable terms, a HOUSE A Nil LOT in the ' Town of Greenville, anda valuable FARM near I the Court House. If not previously disposed sf at private sale I may offer the same at public auction next Saleaday. I W. If. CAMPUKLL. Nov IS 25 3 batesville HIMCmifG COMPASY. UAVINO b??n ?pp?int?d Agent* for I liia Comjienv, we era praparad to tell SHIRTINGS AND YaUN *t Faotorj prie**. I>?vtd A S trad ley, Orowri ud Owiamieeion Merchant*, Oreeuvillo, 8. C. Not ? 84 tf BAQQINQ AND ROPING IRON of all horm. NAILS, LEATHER, do., <fco. For *ale low. DAVID A STRADLEY. Oct SO 28 ti JOB WORM DOJIE AT THIS OFFICE. m COLUMB SOLICIT CON! Or will pay the IIIG1 PRICE for Corn, Oa pies, &c., &c PROMPT LKETVUN Wholesale and Ret ware, Iron, Steel, J ments, and Mill Findi Groceries always on Charleston or Baltim< FISHER J |? ; ' * 'v Octo'?r SO ba1c?ns !' BARGAINS 1! B3EX5& ?$$> fSElXK <?M) vSm ?fcrVWY\ JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK, 50 TIECES calico 25 piece# DELAINS 5 piece# MERINO '1 Lot Bugle TRIM MINGS ] 25 Bull# ironed RIBBONS 5 Dozen WORSTED HOODS I % 1 Dozen Alexander KID GLOVES 3 D. z Hoop Skiita, latent style# 2 Dozen BEAD COLLARS, (*ome tiling new) 5,000 Gents PAPER COLLARS Vartoiit other GOODS. ?uch a# nro usually ! k?-|>t in Fiiwl-Cla's Dry Gooda Store*. J $10,000 5 05* SSOSffi, COME & SELECT FOB YOURSELVES. * J) OX * T MI ST A KE TIIE PL A CE. * J Whitmiro & Ferguson, One Poor Xorlh ttf (Jotcrr, Cox, Marl-try A j Co.'* Coack I'aetory. Nov 1* S3 i 1 Milk Cattle. ?.^ff' THE subscriber has for Bt'wf"'ITSffPa sale, ft number of YOUNG VfP^t BULLS ANT) HEIFERS, nil Jgi ll3*'*^?ii?p>?ior nrlk stock, pure Devour no<l Durham*, and trades upon the Ayreshire, English end Brnhm'n. runners and a'ock misers now have nn opportunity of improving their milk stock from the best breeds and heids iu this countrv. *t low price*. E. S. IRVINE. Nov 13 25 7* mmu workt ITIAKBLE WORK!! aajk&sk-a wo&a&m THE subscriber hne on hand, nnd will I continue to receive, a good assortment J of TOMB STONES, of nil me* and qualities. Those in need of any thing in that , line, will do well to call at the J'ost Office before purchasing elsewhere, t.W~ Country produce taken in exchange for work. JAMES M ALI.KN. ] Granville C. II., Nov A, 1867. 24-tf STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA^ OREEN YILl.E DISTRICT. Shoriff* Sale*. BY vlrtoe of a Decretal Order from the Court of Ordinary, I will sell, on Suit*- ( titty in Pet-amber next, to the highest bidder, at pnbflc out-cry, tho following TRACTS OF LAND; vizi All that piece, parcel and Tract nf Land, situated in Ureanville District, oa water* of Udder's Creek, bounded by lands of Dr. T. C. Austin, It. B. Lynch, Mary King and others, and cuntainiug Ttctt knndred ami Tte-en <y Ac. e?, more or loss. Also, All that piece, parcel and Tract of Land, situated in Greenville District, r n writers of Gilder's Creek, bounded by !?? Js of Estate of Dr. Manning Austin, deceased, Ucubeu UrnmIctt and others, and containing Sixty Acres, mora or less. Sold as the property of,MARTIN OTTR, dcoeased, for partition among tho heirs. TKRM8?A credit of twelve months for all except so much as will pay tho costs, which will be required in cash. Purchaser* to give two good securities and a mortgage of the premises to hue Ordinary, to secure the pay- j ment of lite pnrohsse money. WM. T. SHUMATE. 8. 0. D. Sheriff's Office, November Stb, 1887. Nov 13 24 S 8TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ORKKNVILLE DISTRICT. By A J. DOUT1IIT, Eequirt, Ordinary ?/ 1 | aaid Dimlrirt. W 11 KitKAS, OH A3. T. HAMMOND has filed a Petition in my OlKe>, praying that Letters of Administration on all ! and singular ths goods and aliatlrl*, rjghts ami credits of EMILY M. HAMMOtfl) late \ of I ha Distriet aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to him. There are, therefore, to cite and admonish atl and singular the kindred and orodttor* of the ' said deceased, to be and appear in the Court ! of Ordinary for said District, to he holdsn at ' Greenville Court House, on the 20(A day of November, iuet^ to show oause; if any, why ' the said Administration should not be granted. 8. J. DOUTHIT, 0. 0. D. Ordinary's Office, 12th Nov., 18#7. Nov 1* St t SEST MARKET ^ its, I'eaa, Rye, ApN t f " $ GUARANTEED. ail dealers in llardLgricultural Implengs, a large stock of hand, as low as in ore, freight added, it LOWKANCE, COLUMBIA, S. C. n i ItwSaSK" iAS?S. -MM, Us?. BY ORDER OF 11 IXECVTORS. I WILL 8**11, nt the resUence of the let* DR. M. B. EARLE, In lh?T?wn of Green vtlU, on WEDNESDAY, I ITU OF DECEMBER, Ml the l'er?nn?l Property of the deceased, ronsisting, in j>art ot Household nnd Kitchen FURNITURE, 1 Lot FARMING TOOLS 1 CARRIAGE and HARNESS I Two Horse Buggy and Hume** 1 One Horse Buggy and Harness 1 One llorse Rockaway and Harness 1 Spring Wagon 1 pair fine BAY HORSES it Kine-JACKS 3 Fine JANNKTTS 2 COWS, one with young C?If Bushel.* Corn, Wheat, Rye And other Articles. , AIJSO, Tits following lx)is of SURGICAL TtfITItUMKNTit, very superior, and iu good >rdcr : I sett Dental Instrument* and Furniture I salt A irinnf oiini* I? -? ? k .11 tiwo L aett Obstetrical Instruments, in case L Pocket Case, complete L Tiiphoning Case L Medical Client I Lot assorted Instruments, or Terms made known on day of sale. Julius C. Smith, Auctioneer. Nov G 24 tt EMtrixTSM" jbl ^ H. WILI. he sold, to the highest bidder, on Il'fifcretijf, 27 f A inn!., on the plantation of HAltDY SUilEll, fourteen ndl?-a from Newherry Court House, and three from Strolher* Depot. Spartanburg and Union llail-road, the following property, belonging to the Estate of ROBT- GREENFIELD, deceased ; to wit: ne Twentv horse Power Portable STEAM ENGINE and Fixtures One SAW MILL and Fixtures Seven Iron Axle LOG WAGONS Three Yoke of Gne OXEN Saddles, Gears, Chains, Axes, Shovels Spades, Cross-Cut Saw, Spirit Level Wheelbarrow, Stove and large Lot Pipe LHackstniih'e Bellows, and a Jorge Lot of Tools Lot of Plank And oilier At tides, too numerous to mention. ALSO, One Five-TIorse Portable ENGINE and TUEESUEIl A good Sett of New FRENCH BURR MILL STONES. far* Terms cash, All PeraoM Having Claims A(lAIN3T"*aid Estate, will present them., duly attested; und those indebted make payment to T. C. GOfftR, Agent, it Greeovlllo O, H., or to me tt KtlthiUr^ Spartanburg District, ft. C. MARY 0. GREENFIELD. \ Kxecutiix. Nov? 24 td |3f*Go1iimbia Phamix wiH "invert twice n week io dhily until day of sale, and rend hill. The State of South Carolina. C.REENVfLLK DISTRICT, By S. J. IfOVTltlT, Ji*q., Ordinary of iaiii IHnirict. WHERE Aft, n NK N E V SPRING Fl ELD has fil-.t a s ^ n m miy um? O praytng tint I^Ucri of Administration wbh .lie *ill ennaxed, r'n 111 fend singular (lie joohs end elintllee, rights end or.dlte < { I8AAC SIMMONS, l*te or the Diet< let ifoTOi-feld, deceased, fehould be grsuted to ?lm. The** are, fhertfor* to rite end edmohbli ill and singular tne kindred end ci editors >f the said deceased, to be end *pp~*r in he Court of Ordinary for ?eid District, to ie holdeh st OreenviHe Court H u?e. till ihe ?xrf Aay of Korrmber, to*/., to show enure. S f etty, why tlie nlJ Administration shouta tot be grebud. s, j. Doirniir. n, ? r? Ordinary's Oflloe. ViH N?.e , ltt?7, Net 19 99 j V. . ? ?