University of South Carolina Libraries
L* mmmomo* far "?V?nT.L of tltocUrt, itiwyAW t? ?ut?nd ml lionfejr, M Um Pmoom obottwing tMo mMn, m* roq?tod to utool lb UMntlM. W. A. McDAXIKT* >. |Ckt of Oart of 8o*aiotia ud Common Mom tor QroMrriUo Diatric*. Oet U M 1 - t>i - '?; ? ViiUi 8t4t?? blufwl BernM. | tn aoMaquoaro of Um roeont A iatbla IW Id CoflooUoo DUtrk t of the I WM Of South Carol in*, tha two former Divl?lonj of Green* llle biatriot haro boon merged lot* odt. nndtr MT tMMorU chart*, ana to fa* known kuwfUr u lb* 1Mb Division. Therrioro^al# part lea ryaldlng i* what ii termed the Upper ifad Lower KtffaitaU, are I hereby nottfed, by ilrtat of ar commission, ? fa* Wi<iin * M Auiitmt Awvuor of the *Vo renamed DltWon, comprising the territory of Greenvill* Diitrkt and to toe m*k* all neoea**ry applications and returns appertaining to the^United State* Internal Rorctiuo for said Aaroaoe opposite the Manalon IfnaN'te j KD. HUDSON SMITH. .. .Assistant Assessor. 11th Dlrltibn. 3d C*U*oU?* Diatrlat S. C. Greenville. 8: C. ? Oat. Idtlh 1847. . Oot*3 33 tf " United 8Ut?i IttUroa 1 Bertnuo, Ditvtt Cot'a Omen. <e I her. H. U, | Greenville, OcV Hat, 1867 < T)Y tirtua of a* order (Voro A. 8. Wa|. X) lace, Colleator of Internal Revenue i 3d Collection District, South Carolina, 1 'i " . Will aril, *n Monday lie 18th day of jftwM. 1 V mat, at ar?eit?Ule Coart House, to the highest bidder, tha following tract of land . altuated in Gr*?nvilla Diatrlat, on tha Auw??U Road, about IS mile# from the Court Tlante, containing On* Hundred and Saaenty jfivt drrtt,, tuof* or teas, adjoining lauds. of J. P. Kern. John L. Woodaide and othein. Levied on aa the property of Israel Charles, at the aait of the United States lor Rcranue I Tea. Tefu a cash. A. L. COBB, Dap't. OoL ' 1 Greenville District 8. C* Oct 43 83 4 ' ?slSi T' . OK last Sunday night, frotn my place, 13 miles abort Greenville 1 H , on the Bunoombe Roe.l, a large Sorrel HORSF, 10 or 13 rear* old, < branded " U. 8," on the left fore shoulder? ' Urn bread not eery distinct; has a abort 1 .' ansae, robbed with lb# yoke; a small star ' ia tfa* forehead. Said Horae I* supposed to hare been a tola n by a man named Cnaauca Sutraou, I who le said to b* oonneot?d with a gang of faorae this*** who have been operating ia thia section and mnaing their plunder off to other Suite*. Slmpeon was raised in Union Dlstriet, it about 36 or 30 year* old, ' afaaht 8 feet 7 Inches high, light built, and j dtMM well. Il? were a swum ana , g )tU? when Men lurking about my premise* before the Horse waa stolen. * a liberal reward will be paid for the appreheoilon of the thief and recovery of the Hone, or for either. B. J A MRS. far Rlitora are aolivited to give the above a notice. Oct It 13 3 Isw esesi "! NEW GOODS!! WEStt TOJin HSX2B JfrVifl amftyri -^^Wrr W. H. IIOVEY Ha8 JUST RECEIVED a full STOCK or DRYGOODS, - Of*Now opened and ready fur **l?u_4El Handsome styles DRESS GOODS 1A floe'Assortment WHITE GOODS Various' brands Bleached and Brown DOMESTICS Complete slock CASSI MERES, Tweed abd JEANS Hosiery, Gloves, Fancy Notions, Ac. Linen*, Sheetings, and Pillow Cottons Towels, Towelings, Napkin*, Ac. A trell selected Mock of READY MADE CLOTHING. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND' SHOES, Raisin*, Citron, Cloves, Ac. Having reeenUy returned from New " York, where he *p?at *uu?? time In earrfully ejecting hi* Stock, he I* prepared to etfer GREAT INDUCEMENTS hi* mntAfnera and tbe nubile. H* keep* Mat bat tan BKBT Good*; wrT?t?W awry thing lob* u represented, to git* a* tnucA for a d?tlor I to any Hwu in lit* Trade. O* U (tntMitl; motiving Guoda, thna keening filled hit etandard ab?iv?a. Th* public generally are re?peciBilly in vitod to LOOK AT life COOL'S. W* H. HOVfilT* o?t it St it ^ *iji >? . ~ ? . * CkftSfe ?f fofcedol* on Greanville M4 0?taMbia Railroad. f\ft And a Air MOKDAV, Oetoher 11, V_/ 1807, train* will run over thia road daily, (Sunday* ernepted.) to fallow* j todfi Columbia at ft 40 a. n. Kit ALlon at. 7.SO a. m> M Newberry at .,8.8ft am' Atriva at Abb*rill* at, ,8.1ft p. m Atriro at Aaderaon at,., , ,4.00 p. m Arriv* at (lr**nv?U* at.,,.ft.OO p. m' Lear* Qraapvilla at.. 1.80 a. ?. |*aava Aad*i*oa at...t.,,, .4.80 a. m Arrivo at Abbovill* at., a oft a.m. go Arrira at y?urb*rry at lo.ftS a. m. Arrlraat Alaion at. ,.18 to p. m. Arriva at Columbia at....... 8 SO p. m. Tri-weekly train* ?v*r tba Ulna Ridge RailMad ?UI aoaaaat with tba Up Train* of tbe Iwailib and Columbia ft alt road Meadayi, W*ftai*<ay? and Friday*, and with tba Down P fldii Tweed ay a, Thursday* and Bniurd**#.? aedUarlag Walb*to at lAft a. at. ami nulvlag toWatoot* 488 y *. felt' adrertalag tor tba Company a I It p]mi #spy. CM 38, IfttJT. 88 at. ' ^ V* t- --- . _j. "?"r'l 'I ^pr.l |T "f m"Ti ma I sails, AT 1 C&usjls'S \ STORE, omap FOR CASH OR BARTER A general Variety. One-story house, and a one-story price. (>ct as a* if ARShted. B A 17011*8 RAW BONB PHOSPHATE, or. dared for different parties JU? arrived. Portia* will please coll for their lot*. About 1) ton* still unsold. To those who wish a read, and permanent fertiliser, use Raw Bone Phosphate. For sale by JUI.IDS C. 8MTTH, Auction House. Oct Iff St 3 REDU CriojTTNnRATES BY TDK GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT LINE VIA CHARLESTON, & C. ON and after OCTOBER 1st, 19(17. the rates o? FRBIQIIT, from New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore, te Columbia, 8. C., will be as foilews, ris: 1st Class, per 100 lbs fft 30 Id Class, per 100 lbs <1 10 Id Class, per 100 lbs $1 00 tlh Class, per 100 lbs..... 8) ith Class, per 100 A* 70 Rit?g Always guaranteed less than the published ratea of any other line. Change a will be promptly made to moat any -eduction by ooatpetiting liner. PER 100 LBS., FIRST-CLASS $1.20. ilaaaware Boota and Shoea Stores Hollow Ware, loose Dry (leads Kerosene Oil. Drugs PER 100 LBS., SECOND-CLASS, $1.10. Hardware J Furniture Saddlery J Knocked down and l.iquors, in wood I well hosed Hollow Stationery J Ware, packed. PER 100 LBS.. THIRD-CLASS, $1.00. fobaceo, manufactur- Dried Fruits ed, in Boxes or Kegs Dried Hides Blinds Lard Doors, Sasbos, Ac. Belting, Leather or Butter Rubber banned Meats Ale Fruits Beer Fish, in kegs or kits Porter, in wood. B'.t:%n Yarn - { PER 100 LBS., FOORTn-CLASS, 85c. Bags Marble Slabs Bagging Oils, in hbds. er bbls. Block Tin (except Keroeene.) Cheese Potatoes White Lend, in kegs Shot Haaas Soap Sugar, in hhds. or bbls. Wrapping Paper Hoop Ir?u . Rice, in bbls. or eaeks Whiskey, in wood Rope Spirits Turpentine Nails, in kegs Lead Pip*, Bar and.Crockery, in orates or sheet hhds. Leather , PER 100 LBS., FIFTH-CLASS, 70o. Baeon Drain Beef, salted or ptekled Floor, in bbls. or sacks In bbls. (Irindstonos Cement Molasses, owners risk Lime of leaking. Pish, pickled and dfy, salted in bbls BgNTLY D. TtAStJLL. General Agent, 40 and 43 Broadway, New York. New Vonk, Oct. 1,1887. Appretudi U. T, ?EAKB Geo I Sup nt 8. C. R. H. Get t$ *1 * aww TOSS PERUYIAN^GUANO, FROM THE Only Government Ag't. IN THE UNITED 8TATE8HOW OH HAND AND FOR SALS IiY OOWER, COX, MARKLEY 4 CO. Oct 9 20 S LIFE INSURANCE! THE ARLINGTON MUTUAL HIimUllHOMMY (Dl? TOBROHBarXIA. Iuc?rporal?4, I?MMry 18?T. 7 M p** MN of Pro/lto paid ia Polity Moldova* JOR" Risks taken on the noil favorable term*. J. K. EDWARDS, President, WM. B. ISAACS, Vice President, llichaend, Va. D.J. Haarooo?, Secretary, Kiehmcdd, Va. fSB~ This is easinently d? Southern Lift Intnmntt Otmpmny. and lU unprecedented secr*N In Virginia is tb? best guarantee for its re.iiomlbUlty.-^Sl | H. II. DAVIS, Qeneral Agent far Stats of Bo??k Carolina. JUljns C. SMITH, Agent, Oreearille, 8. C. Oat I 10 5 CHJEXfB AWD 0*ACK?&8. BREAD, at 71, 0) aad It Milts a ijoaf. Soger, (linger, Poo ad aad fruit Cakes. Rusk ; Pies. Tbe above always fresh. 1 and 1 Ih Cans OvnUrs, at ?5 aad M ets. Condensed MRk, fro as which good sweet milk ran be made. Convenient aad ekeen. Starch | Nutmegs; Rrasll, Pecan and flesel Nats; Candies) Pipes; Stacking Tokeeno( "" "VS. 35uTs,.St Confer Iiesery, Mela Sheet, Wy P. O. > Sept 15 IS %t THOliiS 8TBBN HAVrKG rcrcai!y r?ttvncd from Xa York. Philadelphia, Salcirear*. Ri?i ??ond iftl Charleston, and fearing ?whll naminad nth market, tnu rwdvtJ, a?d ?oW r*wli|?f. and iwrtf olfem tor hale, In* and w?tl Ml-ttrl atoek of general m?i ihendiae, which h? pltdgn Mmnlf to ? w low M anj ooa aow offering goods I hi? market. H* prop* m? to aril Mtlrrlr for emti which will him in mII at ?h or I profit and ??rjr low prlcea. The public gaaevall will <1# wall In |irr him a calL 1 ha following ara aatne of tba man artleUa ha baa laalorr: awa????a??a?waa?? Family Orocerict Department. RIO and JAVA CofTea of tha l?e?t ?n?lll T. STEEN. PORTO RICO Sugar*, foriale hr T. STERN. REFINED A B and C Sugar*. for *aU by T, ST KEN. MUSCAVADO Molarara, for aalc W T. STERN. SUGAR HOUSE Syrup. (Gulden.) Form hy T. STKFN. GOSHEN and FACTORY Ch-aee. for aa by T. STEEN. GREEN Young Hreon Tra Ounpnwde Blaak Oolong, Engliab Rreakfaat. For ?n? by T. 8TEEN. BLACK P?ppor, for aala by T. 8TEEN. ALLSPICE, for ml* by T. 9TEEN. GINGER, for aala by T. STERN. CLOVES, for aal* by T. STERN.' NUTMEG8, for aala by T STEEN. STARCH, Soap, Conoantratrd Lav. f?r*a hy T. STEEN. JELLIES, Ging?r Pr***rr*n. Canned Peacl a Strawberry and Pina Apple*. For ? hy T. STEEN. CANNED Fiah. Salmon, Loh.f.r* an Oyatera. For aala by T. STEEN. PICELKS, Muatard and Catanp. For by X. STEEN. COCOA, Broma and Chocolate. For *ale I T. STEEN. CANDIES, Fancy and Stick, Kiaaca an Conrcraallon Heart*. For aal*_by T. STEKN. ALMONDS, llitol Nut* and Figa. For by T. STKFN. FLAVORING Kitrirti, R<**? and Yanill Fin* Apple and L?mon. Por *al? by T. ST KEN. FANCY 0~aek>raand Butter BlacuU. F? ale by T. RTF.KN. PICKLED Mackerel and Salmon Fur *a by T. STEKN. CANDLES, Adamaiilliia and Parrafiu*. Ft ale by T. STEKN. HICK and Maccaroiii, for tale by T. ST F.F.N. Dry Good$ Department. CALICOES, a great variety of different ma ufaeturea. For **L liy T. STEKN. BLEACHED l.onjj PMIi\ 81i#etinjr? Pillo Caee cotton, for aal? by T. STEEN TABLE LINEN, Ticking, Huckaback Tot elling, Crath. for *ab- by T. 8TKKN. L'NF.N, (Irieb.) Linen Sblrt Boaoma, at LTihst and Paper Collars For eale by T STKF.N. W()RSTED~PuidiT^Merlnoa. Ib-Lalne*. f *al* by T. STEEN. OPKltA Fieunela, a variety of eo'ora Zcpln orated, Braid*, Xo. For ealc br T. 8TF.EX. WlI1TE W KLS1I and K-d F1 ann cuT ^ ale by T. 8TEKN. ALPAC>'A8, Mohair and Italian Clo'be.For tale by T. STEEN. CI I ALLIES, Cinghama, Cambric*, for aa by T. STEEN. WIQOAN, Canvaa, and Black and Brov Holland*, for aale by T. STEEN. BLACK CIXTTH, Caa*iin>r?a. Jeana, Unii Cloth*, Doetkin*. At. For aale by T STEEN. BLANKETS. ll??r E<i(liih Rlntke Blue Blank*'*, and Lap (lobe*. For ai by t. stern. SHAWLS, Chenoile, IM-ld* ami Color Shawls and Cloak*. F.r aala by T. STfeRfr, NUBIAS and Hoopla, at tery low prior* For aaU by T. 8TKKN. Hat Department. FUR and Wool Hat*, from finest Fur Coara* Wool llata For an!* I?y T. 8TEEN. L.tDIlN Fait and Velvet llata. Pur n r.y T. 8TEEN BOYS Round Crown llata, lor m1? |>r t. 8tekn. | SILK 0 lazed Traveling Cop*, VELVET Cap* and Cloth Cap*, fw Ml* | T. STEEN, Shoe and Boot Department. HOYS Rhnri and Boot*, Coarse and Fine For mI? bj T. STKtN WISH EH 8I100* and Booteee, for sale by T. RTElik, LAI>IEK' SHoae and Bootee*. Oalter?,Thi oled Boot*, Balmorals and other dvlt Foe Ml* by T. HTEKJf MENS Urjeani and Faru?ar*? Shoes. I ala by T. STEKN 0IN1S FVna Calf Haired IiooU, for aala T. HTEEN MENS Coaraa IfooU, for aala by . f.dtEKN CENTS Blstnarehe, for sale br t t. 8TEF.N ! ? I ST 11 L - . -J' - r " . DOST READ TUB! y AJHbm M&jii iiBk : ia <MM flft n /"10MB, all ys who lor# lh? good things of U this Ills, t Or liko s Ms gown M yoar daughter or ?Mo; ' Your well softly In hsodiuno way, y You got oil jou not for mijt so*oil p?y. Cow#, oil you old folks, who loss Sugar and T4a, y We're got it, m nlco os you ersr did soo. Young ludisa, wo know you oro Um pride of the not ion. And wh?n you turn out, rsifts quits .a aenaatlon; ! _ But there's nothing lilts gutting tbo lotest (Ml fashions, f- To orouso in tbo laddie* tbo tondoroot paaslohs/ Cons, you young msli, who it* wanting to r worry. And select from tbo 8tock of STKXBOtJSK i TKltRY. We bare erarr tblng Itiee, At s rory LOW PKICB? Woritsd and Print*, Of all hues and tiuts | Needle* and Pins, Stock I.ocki and Gold Rlsga | lo Pitchforks and finu Lars, Buttons, Nutmeg* and Maeo ; ? Molaftftes and Tweesers, ], Iron PoU and Ladr Hqtfecaere ; Trace Chain* and flooks and Eyes, _ Spun Truck and Neck Tica j ir Sborela and Spades, i' Ribbon* and Braid*; * Coarse Shoes and Wool flat*. And Poison for rata; Hoop Skirt* and Salt Sack*, _ Ktarslopct in Packs; Dead Snot, Candy and Plllfti Patent cures for all ills ; I P nlatna ittMAaJ* ? ? V ?o ? OtHIVHUH anu 4lUtl| Iron Hinge* and Duts; 8utjar and Ulcc, __ Coffer- and Splfe 5 Castor Oil and Cbeese, ? Root* dp to yotir knee* ; |e Ladies Shoe* and Hat*, Toy* for the Brata ; Gun Powder and Shot, |). A welLassorted Lot; |# Cup* and 8a*scn, , flilwr Castors 1 ? Glasses for the Eyes, , ? Dried Frnit to idake Pie* ; t: * And other thing*, too nnmi-ruun to mention, But well worth your attention : 1 May all be found, spread out and ready. At the Old Stand or STENHOUSE A TERRY., guar on it Ann, ' Sample* of TURNING PLOUGHS, one J and two h?r?e, which we propoae to aell at ?'* credibly low figures. ?' Ktrnhoimc Sc Terry* Falrriew, t>. C., October, 1807. Oct 3 19 4 I* VALUABLE LANDS FOR ?AU. ?TIIK REAL ESTATE of WM JACOBS, dreeaaod, will be aold to the highest bidder, on Salesday in November next, le at Greenville Court Qouae. The Homestead, tT Containing Three Hundred Acre*, more or lea*, lying on 1?th aide* of the Abbeville Road, ^ three tnilca from Greenville, hounded by land* of Jaaso Dean's Estate, V. McBcc'a Eitate and J. F. Wallace. m Will s Wells Traot, Joining the llotneatead, containing Three Hundred and Seventy-jive Acres, tnore Of lea*, ? houuded by land* of Willi* Benaon'a Estate, Lawrence Lonhardt, Richard II. Jacob*, and n* Vardy McBee'a Eatate. Brushy Creek Tract, w Fonr mile* from Greenville, containing One Hundred Acre*, more or let", bounded by land* ? of Richard H. Jacob* and V. McBee'a Eatate. r. TERMS OF SALE.?Ten par eent. of the purchase money will be required to be paid in _ rash, the balance to be paid on tbc first day of (<j June next. Purchasers te give bond with ap. proved sureties, and a uiortgrge of the premise*. R. II. JACOBS, Adtn'r, with the Will annexed. ~ Oet 3 19 6 or B _ The Stato of South Carolina, yr GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN THE COURT OF ORDINARY. _ RICHARD E. SLOAN, Administrates, Ap~ plirant, against Thoma* S. Sloan, Jane Johnson, Durham Johnson, and the hairs of George A. Sloan, deceased, Henry R. Sloan, z. deceased, and Edward T. Sloan, deceased, whoa* names are unknown, Defendants.? Citation for Final Settlement. le TT appearing that Thomas S. Sloan, Jan* I Johnson, Durham Johnson, and tha hairs v, of Georgo A. Sloan, deceased, Henry H. Sloan, rn deceased. and Kdwnrd T. Sloan, dereaied, reaide beyond tha limits of this Stato: It / Or ___ ttrrtrf, That they do appear at a Court of 0r> jn dinary, to ba hidden at Greenville Court llouie, on Thurtday, the 9th day of January nut, at 10 o'clock. A. M., to snow eause, if any they ean, why a Final Settlement of tba (( Estate af MARY SLOAN, deceased, ahould .' not be Made on that day; and on failure of partiaa to appear in peraon or by attorney, their aanaenta will ha taken aa confessed. Given tender my hand, at Oreenvtlle Cotfrt *<1 llouae, tMk tth day of October, A. D. IS6.7. B. i. DO'L'THlT, 0. 0. D. Oct 0 111 8m ? The State of South Carolina. GIIEBNVILLR UISTRIC*. IhtrUTa lalai. BY virion of a Decretal Order from the Court of Ordinary, f?r Greenville District, 1 to will expose for aaie, at public outory, to the highest Idddef, on the fret Monday i> November next, (he following TRACTS OF LANU, ? ,il' . ale AU that MeCe, parcel and Tract of Land, situated in Greenvlda District, on waters of 1_ Rruahy Crrtk, hoondad by landa of Wiley Kemp. Robert Vaughn/ Richard ItoSJ dnd other*. and containing Eighty-three Arret, mora ? or less. Sold as tho property of JOHN L. HUDSON, deoeaaod, fof partition among tba heir*- , _ All that piece, parcel and Tract of Land, l situated in GreenvMe District, on watera of Gilders Creel, bounded hf landa of William Bramlett, Ptnkney Vaughn and others, and !W containing Thirty-fee Acres, more or leas.? Sold aa the property of TIIO.WAS ATKINSON, deceased, for partition among tha heirs. S3 TKRMS OF BALB.?A credit of 19 months for all, aseept so much aa will pay tha coe(<,, which will be repaired in Cash. Purchasers ' In |ir? Hmd tlU (OOO aeenriiy ana S 1X1 urv* 1 K*K? of the prenihea, If doomed nMemrjr to the Ordinary, to fecure tbe payment of the [ purchase money. Furebneerr to pay for ,l Til la a. le" W. 1. SHCMATK. 8. 0. D. 8bari<T* 0?eo, Oct. I??b, 1MT. OetTA It J m< 1. ~ /"iONTIfltftfR rtia TAILORING BU8i<>7 RRM br*t door fo Fefor F. Snddnth, oppnoltn tb? rtrpootira etorve of 8iaa? apd ? Roborta, and befog ?t KXPKRT OUTTRR nod judfeiooa MACIURR OPRRATOtf doOrf not baaitate to warrant MtlMMna tt arary -* part of Mr Burin a? fe%,9w ?bo Moving Feeblona at Rlneb'a Jewelry Window.'MR , i OtK > 3n bP R UD IS THE BETTER STOP, SIM Those indebted tt notice that We ftre t\ ? * ney. Those Whd do to fiWd their Accoiin officer for collection. DAtB Dill. HMIUI80 (SUCG'BSSOttS tO TrfEl 1 WILL CONTINUE T At TfiB < fit- aet 3B1 si NV : fitttarcr &&&, -{Jfe- jRL?tf /tfc. BkO-JK33 D It t l C4 S , K E n r At it f ?j FANCY A At jafilDrra Jar PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTION A MEDICINES stofhitib Ho fNAC u t?gg| ?R8i tlARRTSOi RESPECTFULLY offer their P iM citizens of Greenville and vicinity. Anipwl 2? FALL & WINTER S^OOZS. OF lit Ms mi mass i At Jfnke <t- Nichol s old sland, otie dooi south of Nno Court House, by JOHN D. ASHMORE, Sen. I IIAVE Just returned from the Xortheri cities, where I have purchased and an now receiving a large assortment of Drj . i , <1 t_- II i ni.i.1.. W?IWI, Jiuii'inf, uniwio, nuiuisn, viuc? ry and Glass ware, Hut* Hoot* and Slloe# Ready made Clotbfffg; Saddled; Bridle* Ac Straw Goods, Family medicines, such a* Oils, Anodynes, Salts Ac., Ac. Amongst which an are about 400 Boys and man* Hats and Caps 700 pair* of Root* aud Shoe* ; about 100 suit* of Ready made Cloths ; Brown Shirting and Sheeting; Blaachod do; Brown arid Bleached Drills, Ticks, Stripes, Cheeks, Denims, Jeanes ; White and Colored Paper Cambrics and Silosiaa, Glased do; Linseys; Calico's and PriuU io great taricty, Gtpgharas; Do J,aioea, Mohairs, Bisiuarks, Alntairihiques, Horn borines, French Morinoes, Balmoral Skirts and lloopj, French Corsets, Sprwd Cdt'oh; a full afiSortmont of RibbofiS, Ladies and Misses Straw Hats, Felt and Velvet Do; White tiqods. Woollens, Plaids, LinseyS, Red Blankets, Breakfast Shawls, Sentaga, Traveling Caps, opera do ) Red; While and Opera Flannels.? Morino Shawls, beside* a Hry handsome and extensire line of Satinets, CasiUlcftJ; Rfcnet do, Broad Cloths, Tweeds, DoeskinS; Black and Colored Jeans, Ac.; Ac., including innumerable artielaa two tedious to thentiou. IN THE NOTION LINE. I hare a tki-wand and one Article#. IN THE GltOfcEttY LINE I hare Salt; Porto Rico Sugars, good, a 17 cents?Yellow C granulated and refined a 21 cents, a number 1 article; White A at 2 cents. Crushed loaf at 25 cents, Ac.. Ac. Ri Coffeo 90 and .13 cents ; Laguyra 15 and 17 cents. fchrrants, Citron, liaisons, Ntitmcgi Cloves, Mace, Cinamon, Lemons, Spice, Pep per, Ginger, Starch, Soda, Saleratri.4, Coppe ras, Jtfimestono, Sulphur, Bine Stone; (iOOfbs Indigo, Maddor; Sons Crackers, a ldfg# tot i Family Cheese daily ex Reeled, MuttitoM, Ac Ac.; Ac;, t take In Butter, Kgg?, Poultry arid a kinds of produce at /fall market prices in Ki change for QOOdS and will continue to do' So. I harejtisdc arrangement* to buy Cotton b the Bale at the highest Cash prices, so soon a the market opens. Once tnore I ask, ootrie, look, price, examin and Judge fbt Rottfsclres for 1 knot* that bare Goods my fellew countrymen ueer must hato and that/ Artvs /tOm we at very lo< profits, an J that too kith- ut any adrautag taken of thetn. rr Ouano for sale by the Sack, at cot an d charges. T Lawa ak..M# T f? ?A 1 Afl AAdAlinil H ml /111 bill*/ against persons who prorfrlfled to Ma " ti'-morfow," 44 nfcgt weak," or in "tan" t "thirty days," at farthest, and who, ainra the have got a little credit, rlip by my store, tail the other aide of tho street, or walk round I amid eight of me, and apond their money i other mcn'a bouaea. True, the amounts ai email, but tfbeh a)| put together are a goo deal to me. I inland to she erery am of then if they are not paid rery shortly. I want n man'a patronage who (rent* 01* in that atrl I am a fair man myself, and I Want hone bt fair teen to deal trith. JOTON D. ASHMORE. JOtttf. D. AKIIMOKK. Ben. At Hoke'd old stand. Oct J 19 tf WALHALLA HOTEL iiA|a'Vv TRlVELKRfl and othe: visiting Walhalla, will fln thia trail established HOUH opmMo^Sairshooftimodation, Having, i the pnat, M his gweata Knew teaitified, giv? aatiflaoiion. the Proprietor ia confident i plnasintr thoo* who may eall. Train* no rM daily to and from the place. Rate# Boarding reasonable. Com* and tee. D B1KMANN, Proprietor. Joty 11 7 dm ' ' ? ' < v - , * INOC PART OF VALOR; aroxu^ uunnm. \ tig, Will plefese take onipclled to raise mo* Ci6t heed, may expect ts in the hands of an 0 & SfRAWLStf *0 il S & MARSHA Hi LiAtfri I3U. M. B. EARLE,) HE DRUG BUSINESS, )LD STAND, rLLEI, S? @4 a (fifo? af IIGINBS O I l/ l \D TOILET ARTICLE^ E3T> T?RIOBS. IS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED, Jt* ta fTtTKmeHS HIT UfigRAL TERHi N A MARSHALL, noFESsioNAL sfcfttffcKs to the^B^^ OFFICE at tkt Drug*tort. tr ? ' . ~*.XA1 lAILLt NQUtli Comet ef Meeting md Qaeen Streets; CHARLESTON, S. & Tilts well known FIRST ISHSl CLASS HOTEL has jest ^nT^VBF 1-ebn ibtffodghly repaired, f?fltU-fl Had te-fbfnished/ tod Is now roady tb# the accofhttodalibn Of tbo fravallifig public, * whose patronrfge it fespectffciiy ihlt(ll?A Merchants visiting the citt, ttfc respectfully invited. Every accoftrtnodatioh will l>e Offfcr. cd theft. Coaches always in tes.dihesf totourey paw scngers t<> and from the llotbl. 0 The Proprietor promises to do all in his power tor tho comfort of liis guests. ' , JOSEPH PL'RCELL, Proprietor; *ebSt ?9 b.M; 1 * ? , | TO THE PUBLtd 11 The Pavilion Hotel, U11A KLESTON, S. CU ? , SO LONte and ?lijy, cbti' fli|fU!|1 by the late H. L. MiSlRal BUTTBRrlELD. will till '?? kept, open for the accotn' modation.ot this traveling puhlio. Aiid it* forh'ter friends and pntibns wtfl find the . usual rtcftnfhmb'diititfns ana aitehtiofis l.o , stowed b'n lliefri as forinefly. and Iba phb'tj* , favors, already so well established as THE , HOTEL Of the TRAVELING MERCHANTS of the $biilh, will, by fcarfltsi efforts; Lb I faithfully ptvserted. i Oct 2ft H bit. Fair Notice* 'ytHE Notes and ftooks 6* Dr. k. B. Karl., JL deceased, art) in our hands. The Notes must be renewed and the Account# closed by note with good personal security in every instance, or they will be sued upon i*dis, crimihntely; Parties need net fexpeet ftift ther hot it'.'. ,. , t Creditors are notified to present their 3 claims to its properly rfttesUd, as the estate o b* ejn*ed *t the earliest possible day. ) we offer for lie tit th'e rjifballetit 8tor?? i, House lately occupied t)t McDonnell J? ~ (Joodlett. HEED <fc KARLE. i- Attorn?y h>r the Kxeautors. ?) Old Court Jloutr, lOtA of Augunt, 18C7, ,f Aug 18 I* tf ' ? as ? Xotice. U "|3ARTlJj9 hhttng demands agafpst tha i- A Estate 6f Mrs. ELlfcA W. KA RJLK, de^ ceased, are hereby notified that those claims y not alrMtlv u-ilK iKa !?? M Tt 18 Karlo, muol be filed with tie, properly nlie to?ted. REKD A KARL*;, Attorney for the Kxectitfrtt. |, Old Cmnrt Hou*e,'\bth of Angutt, Htfi. m 1? 12 tf FLOUR ! FLOUR ! ie T U8T feret*ed en? for *?lh 6hef?p. fito tik y fj CASH, ? lot of extra'tino Ci.tihtry ?r 1'LQUH: Come quick; if you Irani gttotf bity cuif. [ DAVID A STRA&LBY. lo May 7 4? it i? j Notice. i, 4 PPI.ICATION Will be made,at the next io /\ eeHXion of the Legislature to eio*e that old |e pert of the RutherfordLrtl Roe?, beg|r>i>ii)g It near BoKVcfdam Bridge, and ending in the direction of (lownnsvme, tincto ftW 6IU and new road* reunite. Sept. 1 Id Sm S ate of South Carolina, OKEEXYILLK DISTRICT/ h Bcttfty, 8*ntn A. EitT.Vir), Exeeqtrli, vs. 3t t. r" Oi?IH.*Tl et ul. TN purawum e of tfie tVnrefnl Ot<fo in ? X the above atated eaee, the (>eA?tor? of fn the I-te C"?. CHAHLKS .1. ELFOK'ft we io hereby riquired to ee'aWlvh. by proper nf proof, their e'eith* agaiPaC the Fettte, hew fore me. within nine months from thia dete, t>t or be b*rf?d. 1. P. MOOl JK. C. IE. O. I>. Jommbrioner'a Office. J<-)y IS, 14)07. nit 10 i*?