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JpSH BlkUROS and Tni Ooko.? Josh Billing? related bis first experience wiih the gong thus : I never can eradicate holi from rov momory the sound of the furst gong I ever herd. I was setting on the front ste|>ov a tavern in the sitly of Buffalo, pensivelv smokis. The sun was goin to bed, an the hevins for an hour wux Mushin at the performance. The Kry V kaoal, with its golden waters, wux on its way to Albany, and I was penuin the line lutes a flotin by, and thinking of Italy ( vher I used to liv) auddier gondolers and gallus wimmen. My entire sole wux, nz it were, in a swot.? f wanted to I felt grate, t aclually grew. Them ,r things in this life ki. k- ?.: > \ . ; i. . :T .? ?u v>{^ %%j it) uiiiuu ? kii j more ?r tmifp when a roan brakes luce from hisself, when be sees spends, when he can aU roost tuch the mune. and feels nz tho he hud fill both hands with the stnrs of hevin. And almost ?ware he was a bank president. Thai's what ailed me. I3ut the kourse of true lovo never did run amootlie (this is Shakspoare's opinion too). Just as I was duin my Lest?dummer, dumracr, spat bang, belter, crash, roar, ram, dummer, dummer, whang; rip, rare, rally, dummer, dummer, dum ? with a treinenjous jump I struck the 'centre of the sidewalk, wilh another I i kleared the gutter, and with another 1 < stood in the middle of the street snorting like an Indian pony at a band of music. I gazed in wild despnre at the tavern stand, mi hart swelling up as big as an outdoor oven, my teeth was as luce as a string ov bcdes. 1 thot nil of the crockery in the tavern had fell down. I thot of fenomenons, I thot ot Gabrvl and hur horn ; I was just on the point ov thinkin ov sometbiu else wLcn the landlord kum out on the front stupe ov the tavern, holdin by a string the bottunr of a old brnss kettil. lie kawled roe gently with bis hand, i went sloe and stole up to him, he karomed my fears, he said it was a gong, it was the cussed thing, he snid upper was ready, and axed mo ef I wad have black or green tea, and I aid 1 wud. Frissons Horn at tiik Wiiong Timk. ?Dow, Jr., thus closes one of hi* patent Sermons : " My respected friends ?there are many among you, who, to 'be self satisfied ought to have been 'born a hundred rears ago, Rtid olUe'a wbundrod years hence. They appear to have been cast upon the ear*h at the wrong period, and in a wrong place, hU.? . j i i -r - as ? until o wi<>j>|>uu uy ino margin'of some muddy p<->ol. They find ;'uo:food suited to their ta?te upon the *Mimptuous table spiead befoie them.? .TbCy had rather either go bnck and ?pick ;llra bot\<-s of the past, or nick Uhrtlr fingets in the unprepared di.?hes the future, than partake of the rich 'bounty that the present provider. Such d folks are boln both before and after *their time; and have no business here 'At this exact peiiod. However, the 'fault is not theirs; and it is not my IprOtfince to cast blame upon their patents. We should all, my friends, bu^itdW little thought upon what has been Or What is to be, but make the bert of what is; and joy, pence and conlent ment shall bo ours in the end. So mote it be ! Increase ok Human Like.? If the progeny of two salmon fishes could go on increasing at the natural ial? without being distill bed by extraneous causes, they would soon fill the ocean and all its tributaries But they are subject to vaiious accidents that k< ep them from increasing at their natural rate. The same thin? mav be said nf ^ o "" various animals ami insects, as some of them are so prolific that but for the ac cidents that check thoir natuial increase, they would All both tho eaith and air with their progeny. It is the same, but of course to a much smaller extent, with tho human race, and one of the most interesting applications of this sulject, is to the increase of the population of this earth. We saw a calculation, the otheY day, the result of which was, that from a single married pair, it might he calculated in five hun dred jenrs there would he four millions and upwards of descendants. *!"he families of men of genius are singularly short-lived ; indeed, there is a pecul iar fineness of susceptibility in the nervous systems of many ^vhicli i?aik< them as members of n dt-cajing stock. A few families increase for a few generations very rapidly, and rise in influence, because they form a superior llnpV until aAmo ----- ? * ....... wmg IIIL'IL UI VICO or pecui iarity of einplojment or disposition in* jure* (be race, and renders (hem info ior, and (hen (bey decline. Individuals, families, uations, rise lo ibe lop through force of con?(itution. or character, or goodness; flower liko those water plants which rise to the surface, blossom and then die down when their strength is spent, to make way ft r oth era. Every true thought in science or morals is a power which elevates those who possess it. Men are governed by ideas, and those who have the most comprehensive view of life, last the longest at the top. Those a ho have the most of what is required for the rimes, rise most suddenly, even if thev do not last. Significant Pkopiikcy.? We heard i a gentleman stale a few days since, i that in conversation with .1. M. Holts, I lie remarked that he believed the De- < inocracy would be in the ascendancy < within a few years at lea-t, and control < the affairs of the country. Coming from such a source, the prophecy may l>? considered significant. ( [Itocl-inf/ham Iieyislcr. i T H 1 8 - 1 'Mfj; l? ,i . !> == Tho Presbytery of South Carolina This ecclesiastical body, as was ex peeled, met tb Spartanburg on 1m1 Thursday, and continued Its seasiom until Saturday evening. It is One o the four Presbyteries of tho Preabyto rian Church in this State, and include* all the ministers and churches belong ing to that denomination of Christian* in the Nortlr- western Districts. There were present, as members of the body, twenty-three ministers and aa many ruling elders. The proceedings of the Presbytery brought up no matters of special interest, beyond the usual routine ~r i?i i*? v VI rvvicrinriivm |iUMH**n.?, J DO TQ ports of tlie state of religion in the several churches were generally encoulaging, and several revivals were mentioned as having occurred during the past year. The amendments which have Wen proposed to the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the South, and which has elicited much discussion, came up for consideration, hut all ac tion in regard to them was postponed by this Presbytery. Its proceedings throughout were cliaracteiized by perfect harmony. During the week frequent religious services were held in the Presbyterian Church, and able and eloquent discourses delivered by members of the Presbytery. The Rev. Prof. Anderson, of Davidson College, was present, and preached a sermon of no ordinary power, on Saturday night. The Rov. Dr. Plumer, of the Theological Seminary at Columbia, was also present on Sabbath, preaching in the morning at the Presbyterian Church, and at night in the Methodist Church. We need not say that crowded congregations heard him with delight, and we (rust with profit. Wo are requested to say that the Presbytery adopted resolutions, return ing thanks to the people of Spartanburg for their cordial and generous hospitality to its members, and to ine Methodist and Baptist Church'., for the kind offer of their house;, 0f worship for tbo use of tho Ireshylery. And we would say on ?" pArt of our citizons, that wo Uavo been much gratified by the visit of tho Presbytery to our town. It has beeu a pleasure to us to receive them, ana to enjoy for a few days. lheir'?ooiety as Christian gentlemen, and th'_:r servico* as ministers of the gospel. May blessings follow tbeiu to their homes, and may they soon again favor us with another meeting in Spartanburg.? Sjxirtan. Savannah, September 30. One Bradley Bost.m, a mulatto, who has l>< en several times arrested by the military and civil authorities fur haranguing the negroes and exciting disturbance, had a gathoiing here ot some thousand negroes, mostly from the country, to-day. In the couise of hi- harangue against white men and in favor of the dUtiibulion of lands, the eonsei vat ire negroes interfered with liiin, w hen a tuelee occurred. A large force of police charged thiough the crowd, the military came to their aid and together they cleared the ground. Muskets, brought by n 1st go band of country negroes, sere taken by the police and turned OTer to the military.? A large proportion of the colored pop1 ula'.ion disapprove of Bradley, vnd threaten to assassinate him. The entente cordiale between the city govern ' ment and the military affords great sat [isfaclion to all classes, except tbe ignoia"t advocates of Bradley. city is in great com motion A disluibance is threatened between the country nod conservative city colored people to*night. Gen. A nderson. Chief of Police, has given otders to arrest every disofduily person, regardless of color or politic-. The inilitaay are under arms ; a large number of arrests have been made. The ring leaders will probably be sent to Fort l'ulaaki by the military. TkRISIDLB II All. STOKM IN PlULA dki.I'IHa.?Our Philadelphia exchange* bting account* of a fearful hail storm whicli prevailed for a half hour in that ,viciniiv on Wednesday last. Hail stones fell with gieat rapidity, many ol tlietn being the size of a ben's egg.? The destruction of property in the breaking of glass, cutting of awnings, demolishing fruit trees, &c., was very heavy. Whole square* of houses facing North had entire windows de molished. Huge limbs were swept from trees in the public squnres and along the sidewalks. Travel was enI lirely suspended during the prevalence of the storm, and car drivers -and others Laving charge of horses found great difficulty in managing them.? 'ru. -?? 1 i ... > iic aticcia were uuuueu Willi bail and rain. Kenne, New Hami'siiiuk, Kept. SO. Three inches of snow felt here toJay. Wamiinotow, Sept. 30. In the report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for August and Seplem her, he represents that the wheat crop is not as large as anticipated in July.? Corn promises a fair crop, if frost doea not injure it. The army worm made its appearance in the cotton fields about the 1-t til?., and caused considerable apprehension in some sections for the safety of the crop. Potatoes are rotting badly in many of the large potato growing States, and the yield will be less than Inst year. Owing to the revere weather la?t winter, the wool :!ip this year is from fivo to ten per sent, less than last. Tnrt Crow Indians refuse to meet the Commissioners st Fort Laranrie, in Novero?r. 9 ? TBS# 8) Going into Bankruptcy. | Tba following synopsis of Um Buknpt I law, mode by Mr. D. N. Bingham, the OotnI mitsloncr In Bankruptcy at Montgomory, Ala., f will be of interest to many of our reader* r I. Petitioner* undor tho Brnkrupt act are , required to render a aehedule of all their debt* I and Habilitio* of every kind and description | | whatsoever, and also, an Inventory of their , t ostate, both real and personal, including all i property and effects, of which they are poem.*- ' *<>d, or in wlich they may hare an interest ^ (though not In possession,) In conformity with , certain "Form*" proscribed in tho " Genera) Orders" of the Supreme Court of the United * States. These schedules, verified by oath ol J the petitioner,must accompany tho petition, and, when filed with the registrar, is the eotnmonoement of proceeding* in bankruptcy. Q II. Debtors contemplating benkruptey, may ? dispose of any proporty to which they hare a right, to raise money to pay tho deposit fee oJ $50, and such property noed not be rendored In thoir inventory, beyond stating the fact of y its disposition and tho purpose to which the procoods wore applied. HI. Bankrupts are entitled to tho following " list of properly out of their estates (if they havo it,) exempt by tho laws of Alabama?to wits wearing apparel of self and family, a long list of fhrnituro, all books, portraits and ( pictures, all implements of trade, throe cows ? and calves, one horso or muto, or yoko of \ oxen, one wagon or cart, twenty hogs, twenty ^ sheep, five hundred pounds of meat, one bun - u dred bushels of corn, all tho moal on hand, it | one thousand pounds of foddor or outs, twonty-ftve bushels of sweat potatoes, thirty pounds of wool, ono hundred pounds of cotton, two 1 ploughs and gear, two axes, all cloth on hand, I ^ all poultry, gun, and homestead of forty acres | p of land, worth (lvo hundred dollars. In addition to this, tho 11th section of the Bankrupt law excepts from tho provisions of tho act, "necessary household and kitehon furniture ? end such other articles ?nd Ttceossarios of such * bankrupt, as tho assignee shall designato and set apart, htviug reference in the amount to tho fair'ly, condition and circumstances of ft tb' bankrupt, but altogothor not to exeoed tho ^ sum of fivo hundred dollars in value, in any n ono case; also tho wcuring apparel of such j bankrupt, and that of his wifo and children^ and the uniform, arms and equipments of any person who is, or bus boon a Soldier in tbo militia, or in tho vcrvico of tbo United States, and suob other property us now is, or ( hereafter shall be exempted frotn attachment or auixuro, or levy on cxocutiou by the laws of tho United States." IV. Tbu assignee bus no right to tho labor or personal earnings of tbo bankrupt, between 1 tbo bankruptcy und tbo discharge, fur that would deprive him nnd his family of the menus of subsistence, lionce petitioners will not bo required to include the growing crop iu the invontory ot their effects, ami all bank- , rupts whoso petitions nro filed anterior to the maturity ot their crop, und before its sever mice from tlte soil, will keep and uso it, tho same us other property acquired by their personal industry, tbu ro'o living, that the profits S of the personal industry of the bankrupt be- " tween tbo bankruptcy und tho diseliargo do 'I not pass to the asrigucc. It was hold under t! the Uuitc-l States Bankrupt law of 1X11. that all the acquisitions of the hank mm. ufter tb.. fi11n of his pctiti-m, nru exempt fruai liability v to pay debit previously contracted. V. XV !i at over beneficial interest the Lanknijit has in the wife's property pass-,, to the i assignee, but a Court of Kipiity, if its assistance is required to realize sueli interest to the bankrupt's estate, will protect the interest of the wife and children by imposing terms upon the assignee, stipulating that a provision he "1 made for her ami tier children out of the fund. J If, however, the property be s.ttlcd, or a gift H inures to tlio soperato use of tho wife, then the , assignee takes nothing, because bankrupt the , had no equitable interest therein. Richmond, Sent. 25. Tlie following letter will be published in the Whig to morrow : 11k a dqu aiitkiih 1st military l)lst? Static of Vikoisia, Richmond. Vs., Sept.'"24. 1867. To Mr James Me Donald, Richmond : ' Sir: 1 have received votir com munication of ibis date a king inv decision of the question whether Delegate* to the State Convent! n will he required to take the oath prescribed by Congioss for < flu-eis of the United Sia'es. and bisection 0 of the Ac! of July 18.1i, for , "All persons lieieafier elected or appointed to (>ll)oo in said Military Dis tricts under any so-called Suite or municipal nuilioiiiy, or by detail or ap poihtmcnt of tho District Commander." 1 In reply, 1 have no hesitancy iu saying mat tJelegates to the State Convention cannot bo required to take the oath referred to. Section 0 of the Act of .July 19lh refers to officers elected under r auihoiitv <?f tlie so called Provi ional State Governments. This ennnot be consitued to include Delegates to a ' Slate Convention, elected under author ily of the Congress of the United States. No oath whatever has been pre>ciibed bv law for Delegates to the State Convention, and there is-no an thority but Congress competent to pre scribe such oath. The only restriction * imposed upon the iegi*leted voters in the selection of their delegates to the Convention is that contained in the I fifth section of the Act of March 2d, " viz: no person excluded from the priv- j ilege of holding olfiee by said proposed ? amendment to the Constitution of the l IT-:.-.? e ? * uuncu oinie>, hhh11 i>e eligible to elec r i lion a* a member of lite Convention t>> frame a constitution for any of said rebel States. Yours, very respectfully, J. M. SCUOrlKLO, Brevet Major-General U. S. A. J Mii. Shay, a citizen of Brooklyn, '? had llto misfortune to own a female goat, anrl the good fortune to possess a j roll of Treasury notes amounting to six hundred dollars. The other dav ho left the notes on the edge of the ta hie, and the investigating goat, in q search of miscellaneous scraps, took them for gioen cabbage leaves, and did / not discover the mistake until the very ,j valuable representative of vegetable tr production was partially devoured.? *' Mr. Shay was even more chagrined b" than (ho goat, for an examination ro vealed (be fact that over one hundred and fifty dollars ha J bojn doslroyel. _plr_ .. .<* ?LBi 1 .1 ' ?BS2 IITB RI " " " 1 ' * ? WOOL CABLING. CRAWFORDVILLE FACTORY, SPARTANBURQ DISTRICT, 8. C. WE respectfully inform Wool Raisers nnd other* Interested, that wo hare just put up a let of superior CARDING MASK INKS, nnd biro placed them tinder the nanagcinent of experienced nnd fnithftil bands, bo will giro ?r?rj attention to prevent ani*ce?snry waste and to insure general sntlsaetion. Oar faeiiitlce are such that we can afford to lo the work on Tlie noil Liberal Terms, ind we can safely guarantee to turn out itomptly EXCELLENT ROLLS. tVhen the Grease is fhrnishod to us, (say no ponnd of Grease to sight pounds of Wool.) ro will Card Plain Wool At Ten Cents a Ponnd. A small OilvanAA ?l.u ?ill I 1 -? ? ?. v(i IUIV {Hiv win U?J cunrj^n >r Curding Mixed Wool or for-Cotton and fool together. GRADY, HAWTHORN A TURDYFILL. June 20 4 tf wool, cards, McBEE MILLS, JREENVILLE DISTRICT, 8 C. "hUR Carding Machine* are In first-rate orJ dcr, and tinder tho control of that well own nnd competent manager, Mr. T. Y. RIDGES, who will use every core to prevent uticcessary waste and to Insure complete satfaction. Our facilities are such that wo can affuril to tho work ou TIE MOST LIBERAL TERMS, nd we can safely guarantee to turn out romptly . EXCELLENT ROLLS. When the fire re so is tarnished to ns. (sny no pound of Urvacc to olght pounds of Wool,) e will Card Plain Wool At Ten Cents a Pound! A small advance on this rato will be charged i>r Carding Mixed Wool or for Cotton and fool together. /JP?~ Wool will ho taken from and delivered t Greenville C. 11. frco of charge for trana ortation GRADY ft llAWTIIOBN. June 20 4 tf ~~ wm7p7 price, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DAHLONEGA, 6A., WILT, practice in tho Counties of Lumpkin, Dawson, Gilmer, Fannin, Union, 'owns, Whito and Hall. Jail 10 2* - tf q. f. townes," ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ath SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. HVPFICE at tho f>iinie building adjoining LY Now Court House, formerly occupied hj A C.v*r?KM., before dissolution of be firm. tlreonriTTe, S. C. . Jon 3T-S r. K. KASt.ET. a. (1. HULLS. EASLEY & WELLS," attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, <]KKKXYILIjH, S. C., pil\CTICK In the Court* of tho Ptnto and L of the United States, and giv* erpcclal ttontinn to cases in Bankruptcy. June 13 3 tf law r!Aiir>. jOODLETT & THOMAS, Attorneys at Law, ani> SOLICITOUS IN EQUITY, nAVB this day funned a Copartnership in tho practice of LAW and 5QUITY on the Wcatern Circuit. Offioe in the old Court II<>u*e Building. . I). (JO 1M.ETT, wit. M TUOWaS. Deo 20 t 80 tf EDWARD F. STOKES. Attorney at Law, and Solioitor in Equity. WILL practice in the Courts of Law, and Equity of South Carolina. tw ' ifhce in Htvnndale's New Buildlne p> >p|>o?itd the Mansion Home. utrmimnb fnou^s Him.. PrwiJenl of lUi v?ril College Mom.; J. 11 Minib, Low IVofwtnr, University of Va.; C. P. SiLuva*. South Carolina; (lov J. L Onu. Sooth Carolina; K* Gov. B. P. Pkht, South Carolina. July tl 7 tf t?r Tlio Oolambil Phfcnix will insert >n o a we>-k. for ona month r. wTdavis, WATCH MAKER, Cff WOULD Reaped fully Injy^kDform the peoplo of GreenvllU (F iSR*1"* the surrounding country, -,l ijjff""*' )<? lias l?.JB2H10mrE31> From lii* 01.D STAND in the Oood sit House, to a mora ( ONVEXIKNT 'tic, throe door* North of the Man ion Holier, next door to Pickle A Poor, on ilain Street where he is prepared to do II work in Id* line of htuinrae, at short no ice, in a workman liks manner, and on easonalde terms. Aug 50 18 tf Stato of South Carolina. u utKN VIL.LE DISTRICT. In Equity. 'o?fph P. I.ATineB, Administrator, r*. Mart i). latinkr r> /. [N pursuance of the Decretal Order in tho rImivo rtiited fuec, the Creditor* of the no JAMKri M. LATIMKlt are Li-ruby reqnird to establish their demand* against the Ksite, hoforo ine, within nine mom/As fro in this ate, or be barred. J. I'. MOOR K, C. K. O. D. Commissioner's Office, Jul/ 16, 1807. Jy 18 S 9tn chedulo Spar. & Union B. B. ""VN and aftor Monday, the 20th May Inst., _f the Passenger Trains will ruu on Moniys, Wednesdays and Haturdays. Down ains loaro Spartanburg C. II., at 6 a. m. j rive at Alstou at 11.30 a. in. Up trains at e Alston at 12.30 p. in.; arrive at Spartantrg C. II., at 7 p. in. THOS. R. JKTKR, President S. A I'. Railroad. Unlonvllle, S. C., May 16, 1867. . 1? j d.r. ^| > ?. 4 >? - It l,-1! r <1 , -Jfcl ! ij PRIS i . ? ?g??T?T?r 'L" . . - "IT!. I I 1 rPHILADELPHIA VHIYttSOT MEDICINE AND SURGERY. PflHB Philadelphia University of Medicine A and Surgery was organisvd. In 1948.*-? Oliartered by the Legislature, February 20, 1863. Maine changed Dy a legislative enaotmont to the Eclectic Medical College of Philadelphia in IMS. In IMS# it purchased the Pennsylvania Medical College, established In 1843, and the Philadelphia Medical College, which had previously been ntered into the Pennsylvania Medical College. In 1M4 it purchased the Ponn Medical University. The Trustees of the separate schools united, petl1|/iiiaH n nil nKiatnuil ?a snaoial a?l /vf i */? ? islature, consolidating t\iose institutions and changing their name* to that of the Philadelphia University of Medicine and Surgery, March 15, 1885. All these various acts are Gblished In the statutes ol Pennsylvania.? ic cost of the building and museum was over ono hundred thousand dollars. It will be observed that tho University, as now organised, is the legal representative of the (our medical colleges that it has absorbed. It is a liberal sohool of medicine, confined to no dogma, nor attachod to any medical clique; but embraces In its teachings everything of value to tbo profession. Sc**ion*.?-It has two full sessions each year, commencing on the 1st of October, and continuing until the 1st of January as its first aossion, and from the 1st of January to the 1st of April as its second ; tbo two constituting ono full course of lucturos. It has also a suintnor session, commencing the 1st of April and oontlnulng until August, for the preparatory branches, such as Latin, Urock, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Anatomy. Physiology, etc. Ticket*.?Tickets to tho fall course of lectures $120, or $00 for each session. For the summer or preparatory course $35. Graduating fee $80. To aid ysssj men of mtoJerat* atcoMs, tho University has issued fire honJrnl *ehoiur*kip?, which are sold to find-eourse students, for $75, and to second -course atudonta ami clergymen for $50, each constituting the holder a life member, with the perpetual privileges of the lecturer, and all the toachings of tho school. The only additional fees are a yearly dissecting and matriculating tkket, each of which is $5. The Adeaulnye* of ScK?iitr*h>')>*.?The Student holding a scholarship ran eater the College at any tiino during tho year, attend us long as be choosoe, and re enter the institution as frequently as desired. It requireqno previous reading nr study te enter the University on sebolarshipe, hence, i all private tuition fees arc raved. Students, by holding scholarships, can prosecute other business u part of the time. The candidate for graduation can present himself at any tiaae, and receive his degree as soon as qualified. In cass a student should hold a scholarship snd not be able to attond tortures, it oan bo transferred to another, thus preventing any loss. Pareo**, gunrdinns, or friends of students wishing to purchase scholarships for them a year or mure before their attcndunce at the University, eaa eucase them by advancing enehalf the price, and paying the balance when .... ...... v. istD. . Ujiinnui ami ucucro? lent men etui bestow great benefit upon poor young men, by presenting tbetn n sbolnrsblp, nnd thus enabling thou. to obtaiu an honorable profession. The Facalty embrnret seventeen eminent physician* and swrgoons. The Unirerity has associated with it it lnrgc hospital clinic, where every form of medical and anrgical disease is operated on and treated in t^c presence ol the class. Collkgr BuiLntxa.?Tho College hailding, located in Ninth Street, south of Walnut, is tho finest in the city. Its front is collegiate golbic, and is adorned with embattlsincnts nnd embrasure*, presenting a novel, bold, and beautiful appearance. Tho Incadeis of brown stone, omatnentcd by two towers, rising to the elevation of eighty feet, and crowued with an embattled parapet. Tho building contains belwoen fifty aud sixty rooms, all supplied with water, gas, aud every other convenience that modern improvement can contribute to facilitate uwlWal instruction. Only five hundred scholarships will be isewed, and as two hundred and fifty are now solJ, those who wish to seetsre one should do so at once. Money can be remitted by express, or a draft or check sent on any National bank in tho United States, whon the scholarship will be returned by mail, signed by the President uf the Board of Trustees, Jos. 8. Fisher, Esq., and the I)uan oi tho Faculty, W. Paine, M. D. All orders for scholarships or other business of the University, should bo addressed to Professor W. Paine) M. I)., Philadelphia, Pa. NEW BOOKS. PA INK'S PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, A new work just issued by W. Paine, M. D-, Professor of the Principles and Practice of Midicine and Pathology in the Philadelphia University of Medicine and Surgery; author of Puine's Practice of Surgery ; a work on Obstetrics and Materia Medico; author of New School Remedies ; an Epitome of Khcrlie's Practice of Medicine : a Rnvinw ..f otopathy ; I work on the llistory of Medicine; Editor of University Medical and Surgical Journal, Ac. Ac. It if a royal octavo ot 060 pages, and contains a full description of all diseases known in niedicino and surgery, including those of women and children, together with their pathology eud treatment by all the now md improved methods. Price f7 ; postago 60 cents. Address the author, 033 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. AL80, A NEW WORK, Entitled New School Medicine*, which la the only work ever published upon Materia Modtca, embracing all the Eclectic, Homeeopatbie, and Dotanie remedies, with a full regular Materia Medica. Price $6; postage free. Address as above. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL. MEDICINE AND SURGERY. A Semi-if ootIt In Journal of Unlicinr, Snrsr*T? WjfOii/ojr, HyifitHti, and Utnrrnl Liter at* rr, devoted to lie I'rof?imo and (A* The cheapest medical paper in the world, published every two weeks, at the University liuilding, Ninth Street, south of Walnut. Single copies, $1 00 Five copies to one address, ..... 4 36 Ten 44 4 44 7 jo Fifteen ? " " .. 9 .lit Twenty u " " 10 00 Tbo irott?v.iin f?f * -i??u -L- '* w w. ..? vimv suml DKTO ODC copy grails. Address, W PA INK, M. D.f Editior. Philadelphia, Pa. August 8 II Greenville Mills. r|lUR ORKKNVILLK MIMA have bean JL put in firat-rate order by t ia Major, for grinding Wheat. flood aileution will be given by old grinders. The Milla grind on tlie old (schedule, (the Toil ) firing along your Grain. June 18 8 tf State of South Carolina. UltERNYILLK DISTRICT. Ia Equity. William II. AuaTiJt, Administrator, as. M. I. el al. IN pursuance of the Decretal Order In the above stated eaae, the Creditors of the lute Dr. W. L. M. AUSTIN are bareby required to establish their demands against the Kstale, before me, within sine month* from this dut?, or be barred. J. P. MOORR, C. h. O. D. Commissioner's Oflioo. July II, 1867. HHHBE ?((>)? PASSENGERS ARRIVING IN COLUMBIA ON THM DIFFERENT RAILROADS WILL. FIND Omnibuses, Carriages 4B? ' .. Baggage Wagons, Ku Kemdlueu to Carry thorn to and from hi* n v . ? FREE OF CHABGE. Jteepontible per tout in attendant* to ro ceiwe Check* and Baggage. T. S. NICKER80N, Paoraiaton. Ang 88 18 if mm mmmsi CHEAP FOR 0ASH1 AT T.B ROBERTS' BRI0X8TVBB. In A YE on hand. and shall be receiving every vra**k additions to my stock, ike following GOODS, to wit.: Lndiae', Oenlletum'a, Misses'. Boys' and Children'* SHOES Shoe LACETS, liven ?wi Mtton Note and loiter PAPKR. fine Fin* White ENVELOPES COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA. SODA rKPPER. SPICE, GIXOER COPPERAS. EPS AM SALTS TOBACCO. CORN. BACON Veninon I1AMS, iH.CoffM CIO ARB. _ BUTTONS, HOOKS nnd EVES. Hair FTNS Seed Trivh l*OTATOES, APPLES COTTON TARN. In > law tinja I ahall be nMlrlag ndtlb tmna to my present Stock. Pcroon* wishing *ny of the above article*, will do w*M to call and examine hi-fore bnvlng, lor Bargain* oan be bongbt at Mil* plaeo. paf" I will barter for Om, Banon, Batter, Eggs, Lard, Chlvkona, A*. R. L. BURN. Marcli 7th, 18C7. 41-tf DAVID A STKADLEY> " FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in Groceries sad Provisions PENDLETON STREET, NEAR THE DEPOT. Mar 14 43 if 8 T EVEN 8 HOUSE 21,93,95 A 97 Ilrondwaf,11. Y. Oppoalt* Bowling Oraan. ON TUB EUROPEAN PLAN. P1IR STEVENS HOUSE la ?n ?J L widely known to the traveling publie. The location ie especially suitable tw merchants and bnsine.* men ; it la ia close proximity to the business part of theelty?re on tho highway of Southern and Western travel?and adjacent to all the principal ltsllrwnd and Steamboat depot a. THE STEVENS HOUSE has liberal necommodalion for over *00 gueate?it la wall furniahed, and poaaeeaaa every modern improvement for the oomfort and entertainment of ite inmate*. ' The rooms are spacious and well ventilated?provided with gas and water?the attendance la prompt and respectful?and the table la generously provided with every dslieaey of the season? at moderate rates. GEO. K. CHASE A CCi Proprietor* June 18 S Sao duTande rson RESPECTFULLY inform# /mHHNL the eitlMns of Greenville and vicinity, that sine* the Are W has opened his OFFICE nest door U Ma seatdence, just In the rear of Messrs. David A 8 trad ley, whero ha Is prepared to practice DENTAL SURGERY in both its branches, operative end mechanical, for the CASH only. Feb 14 U tf Notice. WE respectfully invite all persons owing us, to eoaaa forward and pay ap. A word ta the wise is sofBeient to save coats.-? ?n> ioun<i M Me olt) lialiawr Hotel. Come and aettlo coon, or you will here coot* to p*y. A. J. VAN I>KRU RIFT A 00. J*o * tt it Hots* ?nd Accounts of Brooks. Bornggs 4. Gibson, Assigned to Jm. 8- Brooks. IllAVE jntl reeeived lor OdUMtioo these notes ead accounts, and reqnert all persons indebted to She Finn, to call, without delay, to make settlemeato and payments. G. P. TOWNER. Attorney at Law. March ?Lh. ISA). 41-tf SAMUEL BLACK, BARBER. WOULD respectfully inform the publio that ha baa opened a HARDER SHOP in the room under the building formerly occupied by the Poet Office and AV ledprit* Office, first door shoe* Ih* mtns of MeBec'e Hall, wh. re he has locatad. Being a profttaionnl llarb*r. he hopee, by attention to buaioeas, together with politeness to all, to merit a portion of publie patronage, in CUTTING, HIIAVINO and SHAMPOOING. HT Ledi-a wishing Hair Cutting ar.d Dressing doue, will tie walled on at their residences. duly M 0-B Dissolution. The firm of bakkrdalr ferry A Co.. is dissolved. Parties to whuut iho same Is indebted, will present their Claims at the Factory, r?r to me at Greenville, S. C W. M. THOMAS. Janqrry 7, 1807. JU I 84 . h||