University of South Carolina Libraries
[ 1 K I T? L .? * ' 111 ' I BtUgloai StrvtoM, (Htnday. (M. 1*. ILftlrt Ck?r*b, U, A. U., Itor. Dr. B. 1f?ibo<lhrt" Hhmtnh, 11, A. M., |Wr. J. W. IIVWBBBT. y' .+4? R|>Uo<ip?l Churcb, 11, A. M., aad 6, P. It., K?r. Km.inok Oipmu. PrMbyUrUn Cliureb, 11, A. M., and 6, P. X., Dr. Bout. GREENVILLE TFilCES CURRENT. ' ^ CMMICTII V1WLT, Mt - UKAPV, FEHBU30N & MILLER, MERCHANTS. GREENVILLE^ 8. C., OCT. 9, 1867. Apples, ? b?*h?i, Dried, $i &o BEEF, yp> fb*fteah, according to??#,7 <$ l0?. ?ACON. 1ft fc*. 18 @ 18 ? ALE ROPB;^ lb. ... 35 e. BLUE STONE, VI ?> - *> HAUUINU. Gannjr, yd ~.....,.,..334 ?. BUTTER, V *,?? 25 ?. | BEESWAX, ft, ..... M e. BRANDT, VI gallon, P?a?b, 00 CHICKENS, ? head -....-1*4 ?> 20 e. COTTON, ?&,... - -16 @ 18 e. COFFEE, #lb, Klo.............00 (& 83 ? . m ? M Java, ....SO ?. CORN. V bushel,...,. J|1 13J c. CANDLES, 1$ lb, Adamantine, 30 e. ' ' " " Sperm,....., ............. .i ? ? Tallow,...,. S3 c. COPPERA8, V- B>. BnglDb, 10 o. SO <48. V! dosen, iA, 13 ?. FLOUR, VI barrel ? 00 OOLD, ...... Si 35 GINGER, VI tb 50 ?. IRON, 1ft lb, 8 weed, 124 ? " " * Country.. 8 c. 44 " " Horse Snoa...... 10 e. INDIGO, ? Jb, Booth Caroline,- $1 30 " ' " Spanish Float, S S3 LUMBER, VI 100 feet, Pine,..41 60 <$ $2 00 LEAD. 1ft lb ........... 20 e. LEATHER, V? ?. Solo, 50 e. u *. mm Upper .....60 ($ 70 e. MADDER, VI lb, ...? e. MO LASS KB, VI gallon, West India tl 00 m ? ? Bngar-House,?Rl S3 NATL8, V*fe. Parker Mill .. 124->?. OATS, tt boshel, 43 e. PEAS. ? ? ?l 00 POUR. 18 lb, net, .....1S4 r POWDER, VI W,.. 75 e. PEPPER, ft B?, Black ...60 c. PEACHES, fft bushel, Dried,.,., ?..$2 00 POTATOB8, VI bushel, Irish .. none. ? mm. gweot,...? 75 e. RICE. ? lb 10 @ 17 c. STEAL, VI lb, Cant, - ~..S5 c. SALT, VI sack, Liverpool, $5 00 " " bushel, " n..1 50 SUGAR, VI B>. Brown, - T6 @ 20 e - 5" " Clarified, .. JO ?. SHOT, 4ft lb, .. .. 20 c. snni ? a en , STARCH. f* Ih 20 e. SPICK, ? lb SO e. BniKTINO, <aeren-cigbt*,) ft yd, 25 c. TURKIES, ft head, .....75 e, 0 ?1 00 T03ACC0, Manufactured, ft lb, 50c.?*2 00 TALLOW, ft lb, IS ?. TEA, f lb, Gunpowder, $2 00 44 " Ilynon, 2 25 * ? " Black $1 SO @ $2 00 WHHATlfl bmhel,..., $2 00 WHISKY* H gallon ?3 00 YARN* Factory, ft bunchy. .$2 00 sSfsnriis PERUVIAN GUANO, FROM TIIG Only Government Ag't. IN THE UNITED 8TATES. VOW OH HAVD AHD FOR SALE ItY OOWER, COX, MARKLEY A CO. Ooi 0 20 " * CONTINUES the TAILORING BU8I' NESS neat door to Peter F. Suddrtb, ?ppo*it? the reepoetire eloree of 8teen and Roberta, and being an EXl'KRT CUTTER and Judieiou. MACHINE OPERATOR, doo* not beeitate to warrant Retiafaetlon in every part of hla Buftineea. '&fi.Soe tho Moving Feahiona at Black'e Jewelry Window.-?^ Oet 9 20 3in $50 Reward. rjTOL^N from tb? stable of Solomon Wall, on Mnah Crook, Greenville District, flat?rd(? sight, 5fh ImU, a four year old, medium liinl light aortal bono Mulo, marked wilb dark stripes down each shoulder and down I .he book, dark ring around the lege, some white saddle marks. The thief probably made hta way either U Pickens or Union District; this is, however, conjectural, he may he larking elsewhere. The above reward will be given for the apprehension oT tha thief and roeovery of the Mule, or thirty dollars for the recovery of the Mule alone, or twenty dollars for information which leads to bis recovery. RKBKCCA DRAMbLKT,Owner, Hear Sandy Flat Post OBee, Ureenvillo I) 1st. Oet t 20 1* The State of South Cat olina, OREEXVILLE DISTRICT. IN TIIE COURT OF ORDINARY. RICHARD E. PLOAlf, Administrator, Applicant, against Thomas 8. Sloan, Jane Jekaaon, Durham Johnson, and the heirs of George A. Sloan, deceased, Henry R. Sloan, deceased, and Edward T. Sloan, deceased, whose names ere unknown, Defendants.? Citation /or final Settlement. IT appearing that Thomaa S. Sloan, Jans Johnson, Durham Johnson, and the hairs of George A. Sloan, deceased; Henry R. Sloan, deceased, and Edward T. Sloan, deceased, reside beyond the limits of this Stats: It it Ordered, That they do appear at a Court of Ors . diaasy, to he hoi den at Greenville Court A Hoheo, en Timrtdap, the Oti dap of January ssst, at 10 o'olock, to show cause, if UT IB?J tun, wnr ? VIDll MdMUCOl or til* ^lUU or MART 8L0AX, deeweed, should ?rtW made on that dayj and on failure of partiee to npponr in peraon or by attorney, their consent* will bo taken ae confessed. " Oiron under my band, at Oreenv ill* Court Ron**, tbie ?th d?7 of October. A. D. I8?7. S. J. DOtTTMIT, 0. O. D. Oct M Sm The State of South Carolina, ' OlUCRNYILLR DISTRICT. |y 8. J. DOVTHIT, Kufnire, Ordinary o/ amid Diatriek WHRRKAS, DANIEL HARRISON has v Med * Petition In my Office, preyI _r V?f Ibet Letter* of Adminietration on all IM einguler the Rmrd* and chattel*, right* and credit* ol OfSORtlR J. LINUSEY late of the Diatriet aloreaald, deceased, ahould ba KfMitod to hitn. Tfkraa opr. therefore, to alt* and admnnUh aH and eimru'or the kindred and ormdtore ml the raid doeeaeed, in he and appear in Mm Oonrt of Ordinary for **td District, to be holdea at Oreenvilte Court Hoaee, on tbdSIa# day of October, to show oanae, If aay, wby the aald AdminUlration should MM be grautfdC. . . . a j. DouTnrr, o. o. d. Ordinary'* Qflc*, 7th Oatobar 1S47. Oat b 30 1 k * TRI 9 THOMAS STEM HAVING Kwntlt returned from Now Yoik. HiiUiklphia. BaUimarc, Richmond nod Chirlnton, and having earafally examined each market, hai received, and is now receiving, and now offer* lor aale, a fine and well selected stock of general merchandise, which ha pledges himself to aell as low as any on* sow offering goods In this market He prom act to sell entirely for tad, which will Amide him to sell at short profits, and vary low prices. lb? public generally will do wail to give him a call. The following are aatno of the many articles nc nat in siore I Family Groceries Department. 1UO iri) JAVA Coffee of tha lw? flMlltjf. T. STEKN. PORTO RICO Sugar*, for wile by T. STERN. REFINED A B and 0 8ugera. for *)? by T. STKEN. MUSC.WADO MuUm<*, for sal- he T. STEEN. SUGAR HOUSE Syrup, (Ool.len ) For sale bj T. STKEN. 0OSIIEN and FACTORY Ch*eee, for sale by T. STEEN. GREEN Young Hrsin Tea, Gunpowder, Black Oolong, English Breakfast For aale by T. 8TEEN. BLACK Pepper, for aale by T. STEEsT ALLSPICE, for sale by T. STEEN. GINGER, fbr sale by T. STEEN."" CLOVES, for a?I? by T. 6TEKN~ NUTMEGS, for aale by T STEEN. STARCH, 8oap, Concentrated Ley. for Mile by T. STEEN. JELLIES, Ginger Preserves, Canned roach* ea Strawberry and Plna Apple*. For aale by T. STEEN. CANNED Fiah Salmon, T,obatera and Oysters. For by T. STEEN. PICKLES, Mustard and Calanp. For sale by T. STEEN. COOOA, Broma and Chocolate. For sale by T. STEEN. CANDIES, Fane* and Stick, Kiaaes and Conversation Hearts. For aale by T. STEEN. ALMONDS, l!as?l Nuts and Figs. For est# by T. STEKN FLAVORING Kxtraats, Rosa and Vanilla, t ioe Apple end L<emon. For sale by T. STfcEN FANCY G>aek*ra and Butter BiteniL For itli by T. STEKN. PICKLED Mackerel and Salmon. K?r mI? by T. ST KEN. CANDLE?, Adamaullue anil Parraflne. For ale by T. STEKN. RICK and Maccaroui, for sale by T. 8TKEN. Dry Goods Department. CALICOES, a great variety of different man ufacturea. For rale by T. 8TEEX. BLEACHED Long Cloth'#, Sheeting*. Pillow Ca#e cotton, for sale by T. STEEN TABLE LINEN, Ticking. Huckaback Towelling, Crash, for sale by T. STEEN. LINEN, (Irish.) Linen Shirt Bosoms, and Linen and Paper Collars. For sale hy T. STKEN. WORSTED Plaids, Merinos, D?-L*!nee. for ale by T. STEKN. OPERA Flannels, a variety of co'ors Zephyr Worsted, Braids, Ac. For sale bv T. STEEN. WHITE WElilI~snd~Rrd Fl an nrll F^r ale by T. 8TEEN. ALPACCAS, Mohair and Italian Cloths.? For sale by T. STEEN. C1I ALLIES, Ginghams, Cambric, for sale |ltf t aroirv ~ J * W* U Kl* . WIGOAN, CtnvM, and Black and Brown Holland*, for tale hy T. STZEM. BLACK CLOTH, Caaaimrres, Jeans, Union Cloth*, Doeskin*, Ac. For sale by T. STBEW. BLANKETS. He*ry English Blanket*, Blua Blanket*, and Lap Robes. F??r sale by T. STEKN. 8HAWW, Cliennile, riabl* and Colarad Shawls aud Cloak*. For sale by T BTEEN. NUBIAS and Hooda, at very low nrieea?* For sale by T. 8TEEN. IIat Department. FUR and Wool llats, from finest Fur to Coarse Wool Hal*. For aala by T. 8TEEN. LADIES Felt and Velvet Hal*. For aale by T. STKEN. nAVj n J /?? * uv>xo luiunu crown niu, lor Ml* liy t. arifen. SILK Glaiad Traveling CtM for mI* by T. 8TEKN. VELVET Cap* and Cloth Cap*, for ?0a b* T. 8TEKN. Shoe and Root Department. UOVB Wiam and Boota, Coarae and Pin*.? For Ml* by T. STERN . UI89E3 Shaaa and Booteec, far aal* by T. 8TEEN. LATHES'Shaaa and Galtera, Thick aoUd Boot*, Balmoral* and othar at vl?a? For aala by T. STKEN. MENS Brogana aad Farmer** Shoe*. For aala by T. STKEN, GENTS Fine Calf Sawed Boota, fny aala by T. STERN. MENS OoarM Boota, for aala by T. dTEF.N. GRNT3 BU?artka, for aalc by T. STERN. . % IliTNBR PRUD IS THE BETTER I TBXZRJi STOP BM Those indebted to notice that we are co ney. Those who do ] to find their Accounts officer for collection. DAVID OoioWr 9 VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. ? THE REAL ROTATE of WM. JACOBS. deceased, will be aulJ to tbe highest bidder, on hltidij In Xovtmhtr next, at Greenville Court llonae. The Homestead, Containing Three Hundred Acre*, more or leae, lying en bath atdea of the Ahberlile Road, three miles from Greenville, bounded by landa of Jease Denn'a Estate, V. McBee'a Estate and J. F. Wallace. Willis Wells Tract, Joining the Ilomeatead, containing Three Hundred and Seremtg-flre Acre*, more or leaf, bounded by landa uf Willie Ben eon'a Estate, Lawrence Lenhardt, Richard 11. Jacobe, and Vardy McBee's Estate. Brushy Creek Tract, Four miles from Greenville, containing Our Hundred Acre*, more or leae, honnded by lands of Rlobard H. Jacobs and V. MeBee's Estate. TERMS OF 8ALB.?Ten per rent, of the 1 mirrhaiA tnnns* will tie* Mniltrad ta Kit Iteir) in cub, the bain nee to be paid on the first day of Juno next. Purchasers to giro bond with approved sureties, and a mortgrgo uf the premises. R. H. JACOBS, Adm'r, with the Will annexed. Oct * 1# ? INT READ TDK! M COME, all ye who lovo tho good things of this life, Or like a now gown on yonr daughter or wife ; Your wants we'll supply in a handsuiuo way, Yon get all yow want for very small pay. Come, all yon old folks, who lovo Sugar and Tea, Wo'ro got it, as nice as you ever did see. Young ladies, wo know yon are tho pride of the nation, And when you turn out, raiso quite a sensation ; But thoro's nothing like getting the latest fall fashions, To arouse in tho laddies the tenderest passions : Come, you young men, who are wanting to marry. And select from the Stock of 8TEXI10USE A TERRY. We have every thing nice, At a very LOW PttlCE? Worsted and Prints, Of all hues and tints | Necdlos and Pins, Stock -Locks and Gold Rinirs 1 Pitchforks and fine L*fe, Button*, Nutmeg* and Mace; MdImwi and Tweeaera, Iron Pots and Lailjr Hqueeaora ; Traco Cbaina and Hooka and Kyea, Spun Truck and Neck Tie*; Shovel* and ftpadca, Ribbon* and Braid*; Coaree Shoe* and Wool Ilatr, And Poiaon for rata; Hoop 8kirta and 8alt Rack*, Envelope* in Pack*; Dead Shot, Candy and Pill*, Patent cures for all ilia ; Uaiain*, Almond* and Nuta, Iron Hlnpu and BuU; Sugar and Rice, Coffee and Spice; Caator Oil and Cheese, Boot* up to your knees ; Ladle* Shoe* and HaU, Toys for tha Brat*; Uun Powder and Shot, A well-a**orted Lot) Cups and Saaaor*, Silver Caator*; Glasses for the Eyes, Dried Fruit to make Pies ; And other things, too numerous to mention, l)ut well worth your attention : May all be found, spread out and ready, At the Old Stand of 8TKNH0U8E A TERRY. also, kkpt on ifaan, Samples of TURNING PLOUGHS, one and two horae, which w* propose to sell at *'?? credibly low figures. Stcnhome Ac Terry. Fairvlew, 8. C-, October, ISfiT. Oct a l* t S ate of South Carolina. QRKKNVILLK DISTRICT. Ia IftUj. oah*h n. E>LIU> u, Itieouuix, n, JM. 1>. (iooDLrrr et tl. IN pumMnM of the Decretal Older (n the a*>ove stated mm, th? Creditor* of the Ul? 0?l. CHARLK8 J. ELPOKD tr? hrrehy required to MloblUh. by proper proof Mi?ir against Uio bofore me, within Him momiks from this date, or be barred. - J. P. MOO IIK, C. R G. IX Commissioner's Offiee, July lft, 1807. July 18 8 9m WALHALLA HOTEL. I inge ~ TR \ VKLERS and others > visiting Walhalla, will Hud this well established HOUSE open for their accommodation, Baring m the paal, ae hie gaeste hero testified, given satisfaction, the Proprietor ie confident of pleasing thoee who may call. Trains now run daily to and from the place. Ratea of Boarding reasonable. Come and aeeu D. UIEMANN, Proprietor. Jaly 11 . 7 ftui n sit en In'ci 'ART OF YALOR; ifokjbi, am im us, will please take : ^11 i * _ 5 - uupuiieu 10 raise mono t heed, may expect s in the hands of an & STRADLEY. 20 tf FALL & WINTER STOCK. OF lit 6MBS1JBT SUMS! At Iloke A NtchoCt old stand, one door south qf New Court House, by JOHN D. ASHMOBE, Sen. I IIAVE jusfc returned from the Northern cities, where I hare purchased and am now receiving a large assortment of Dry Goods, Notion*, Grocer In, Hardware, Crockery and Glasa ware, Hat* Hoot* and Shoe*, Ready made Clothing, Saddle*, Bridles Ac ; Straw Goods, Family medicines, snob aa Oils, Anodynes, Salt* Ao., Ac. Amongst which are are about 400 Boy* and mens Hat* and Cap* ; 700 pair* of Boot* and Shoes ; about 100 suit* of Ready made Cloth* ; Brown Shirting and Sheeting ; Bleached do ; Brown and Bleached Drills, Ticks. Stripes, Checks, Denims, Jeanc* ; Whlto and Colored Paper Cambrics and Silosias, Glased do; Idnseys ; Calico's and Prints in great variety, Ginghams ; Do Haines, Mohairs, Bismarks, Mosambiques. Uombosincs, French Morinoes, Balmoral Skirts and lloopa, rrcncn vorsois, ppooi uui'vn, a iuii ?nonmcnt of Ribbon*, Ladle* and Misses Straw Hate, Felt and Velvet Do ; White floods, Woollcne, Plaids, Linseys, Bed Blanket*, Breakfsst Shawl*. Sontags, Traveling Cap*, opera do ; Red, White and Opera Flannel*.? Merino Shawl*, besidos a very handsome and extensive line of Satinet*. Caaitneree, French do, Broad Cloth*, Tweed*, Doeskin*, Black and Colored Jean*, Ac., Ac., including innu? tncrnblo articlos two tedious to lucution. IN THE NOTION LINE. I bave a thoxianii and oac Article*. IN THE GROCERY LINE. I havo Salt; Porto Rico Sugars, good, at 17 cent*-?Yellow C granulated und refined at 21 cents, a number I article ; While A at 23 cent*, Cro*hcd loaf at 25 cents, Ac., Ac. Rio Coffee 30 and 3.1 cent* ; Lnguyra 35 and 87i cent*. Currants, Citron, liaisons, Nutmegs, Clove*. Mace, Cinainoii, Lemons, Spice, Pep* per, flinger, Starch, Soda, Salerntus, Copperas, llrlmeatone, Sulphur. Blue Stone, (2001b*,) Indigo, Msddor, Soda Crackers, a large lot of Family Cltoogo daily expected, Muccaroni, Ac., Ae., Ac., IN THE VARIOUS OTHER LINES. It would be almost impossible to enumerate the article* on hand and that is daily arriving. All I ask of my friend* and patron* is to call, examine, price and compare my good* with those of any other in tho back coutry of South Carolina, and if I do not sell them just ns good floods, at as low or a littU f?iter prices thsn many others then I do not expect them to buy from me. It was my good fortune to buy flood* on favoradie terms, and am determined my Patrons shall have their share of the same good fortune. Come then and judge for yourselves. I take in Butter, Eggs, Poultry and all kinds of produce at full market price* in Exchange for flood* and will continue to do so. I havo made arrangement* to buy Cotton by the Bale at the highest Cash prices, to soon a* the market opens. Once more I ask, come, look, price, examine and Judge for yourselves for / knou that I have Goods ray fcllew countrymen need, must have and iknll Aire from me at very low profits, and that too without tnv advantage taken of tbem. JOHN. D. ASHMORE, Sen. At Hoke'i old stand. Oet 2 1# tf NEW P&Lla ????So H. BEATTIE & CO. I1AVK JU8T ree?i??<i < " complete Stock of t* ML;"'!! ,At,L A WINTER GOODS Bleached and Drowu SHIRTINGS Prints, DeLnina Ladies* Dress Goods Jaconets v.i L i vi t: iminwu* BUU OWIM munimi Embroideries Ladies' Shawls and Cloaks Nubia*, Son lags, Ac. Canton and Woolen Flannel* Olores and Hosiery NOTIONS IN OK EAT VARIETY. Cloths, Cawiineres, Salinot* Kentucky Jeans North Carolina CASSIMEKES Ready made Clothing Ladies' lists, Trimmed and Unirimmec Mens' Wool and Casaimere II ATS A large and well selected stock of BOOTS AND SHOES r GROCERIES, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, 0!NnD3QO, mOUEK, &O Wo offer on* 3look ?t the town** pua ible price* FOR CA<5H.""t** to* 2 ia s P B ? S S a fyuL: HIRRSok (SUCCESSORS TO THE L WILL CONTINUE TI AT THB O: C3- R ElElTSrvi manw iii wa DRUGS, MED PAINTS, C FANCY AH AT REDUOI & PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTION! A> MEDICINES SUPPLIED TO PRAC1 DRS. HARRISON RESPECTFULLY offer their PR BW citisens of Greenville and vicinity. 93 Anxutl 2'J LIFE INSURANCE! THE ARLINGTON MUTUAL UFE IfiSIlAlCE COMFiSY ?jy waac&asjra^. Incorporated, January 186T S7 1-8 per cent, of Profile paid to Policy Holdere. ^TRiiki taken on the most favorable terms. J. K. EDWARDS, President, WM. It. ISAACS, Vice President, Richmond, Va. D.J. Uaitcook, Soerotary, Richraodd, Va. pS" This is eminently the Souther* Life /* etiraore (Jnwpuny, and its unprecedented success in Virginia is the best guarantee fur its responsibility. N. H. DAVIS, General Agent for Stato of South Carolina. JULIUS C. SMITH, Agent, Greenville, 8. C. Oct 2 19 6 CHEESE AND CRACKERS. BREAD, at 74, 8J and 10 cents a l.oof. Sugar, Ginger, Pound and Fruit Cakes. Rusk ; Pics. The above always fresh. 1 and 2 lb Cans Oysters, at 115 and 50 eta. Condensed Milk, from which good sweet milk can be made. Convenient and cheap. Starch ; Not megs; Brasil, Pecan and Hatel Nuts; Candies; Pipes; Smoking Tobacco; Apples: Chinuucpins, Ac. Give iuo a call. C. M. McJUXKIN, Confectionery, Main Street, by I*. O. Sept 26 18 tf Merchant Tailoring. WE have now on band, and will continue to kcu|>, a superior assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods auch a s AUSTRIAN, FRENCH and ENGLISH CLOTHS, Doeskin and Fancy CASSIMEKES. LADIES' CL0KING8. Union Caaaiincro, Satinet and Kcntucky Joans. YE8TINGS.?Marsaillcs, Valencia, Grenadine and Velvet. CLOTHS and CA8SIMERES. Shirts, Draw., Collar., Cuff., Bosoms, Glovea, suspenders, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Ac. Dress and llusincss Hats, and a good assortment of Trimmings. Ready ITInclc Clothing. All of which have liocn selected with much care l>y 0. A. 1'ICKLK, In New York, and which we will offer at the lowest Cash llates to suit the times. Having visited all the largest and best Man> ufacturiug Houses in New York, and posting thoroughly in all the Latest and Improved Styles, both in Cutting and Making, we are prepared, with tho best Workmen and Machines, to make up Gentlemen's, Youths' and Children's Clothing, Ladies' Sacks and Cloaks, in the Latest and most Approved Stylus. Call and examine our Goods and Styles. All cutting and Work warranted. WEED'S SilGMIIIE. WE hare taken the Agency for this Superior MACHINE, which took the first l'rcmiuui at the late Paris Exposition. It makes the same stitch .on both sides of the elotb, and will Stitch, llcin, Fell, Bind, Cord, Brnid, It utile, Quilt, Gather and Scam at the same time?all in the simplest manner.? We warrant the Machines to give satisfaction ; if not, return thora and wo will refund tho money. We have a sample Machine ; call and examine it, and its different style* of work. PICKLE & POOR n? a n Sept'is""' 17 8 fall and winter importation 1807. RIBBONS, * Millinery and Straw Goods, - AHMSTaoseTm t a. IWrORYKRit AN? JoBBFBS or Bonnet, Trimming and Velvet RIBBONS bonnet silks, satins It velve18, BLONDS, NOTTS, CRAPES, KUCllES Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, STRAW BONNETS AND LADIES* IIATS TRtyMKD AND UXTBIMMKD, SSiOiUKTSiA JHOvDItfJS, Aft*. 937 nud 930 Baltimore Street, BAI/riraORE, iTfO. OFKKfl ill* largest Slock to b? found in lltU Country, and unequalled in oholet variety and cheapness, comprising the latest Parisian novelties Orders aolieited and prompt attentior given. 18-8 Aug '22 Fair Notice* rrMIE Notes and Books of Dr. kl. R. Karle ' Jl deceaaed, ore in oar hands. The Notci must lie renewed and the Aeoounta eloaed hj note with good personal security in everj instance, or they will be sued upon indie eriroinately. Parties need not espeet fur ther notice. Creditors are notified to present the! , claims to us properly attested, as the eatat will be closed at the earliest poaeiblo day We offer for Rewt the excellent Store House lately occupied by MuConnell i Goodleti. HERD A F.Alt I.K. k Attorney for the Kxoeutor*. Old Court House, lOtA oj AuynH, I8G7. Au,j 15 lit if A 41 [ & MAHSniU, 4TB DR. M. B. EARLS,) IE DRUG BUSINESS, LD STAND, s. o. i ?jar wowi'jr'MMawTP I C I 1% E S IIL8 HD TOILET ARTICLES. 333 PRIOBR, i CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED,^ ID iriOHERS OH LIBERAL TERMS. & MARSHALL, OFESSIONAL 8KRVICKS to OFFICE at (A? Drmyttorw. If 14 tf T I MILLS HOUSE. , Corner of Vesting and Qaeen Streets. CHARLESTON, S. C. Tnis woll knows FIRST I MiSMfSk CLAPS HOTEL boo jut been thoroughly repaired, refltted and re-famished, and la now ready for thn accommodation of tho travel line pnblie, whoao patronage ia respectfully solicited. Merchant* visiting the city, are respectfully invited. Every accommodation will be offered tbein. Coaches always in readiness to convey passengers to and from the Hotel. The Proprietor promises to do all in hla power tor Die comfort of his guests. JOSEPH PURCELL, Proprietor. Fob 21 39 d.?. TO TIIE PUBLIC. The Pavilion Hotel, CHARLESTON, S. . . _ - SO IX)KG and ably eonducted by the late H. JL. M*2jgg^BUTTF.RnELI), will etlll B 'jfnjLi be kept open for the accommodation of the traveling ptrblio. And ita former frienda and patron# will find the usual accommodations and attentlone l?e stowed on them as formerly, and the pnblia favors, already so well established as THE HOTEL of the TRAVELING MERCHANTS of the South, will, by earneet efforts, be faithfully preserved. Oct 25 22 d h. GREENVILLE COACH FACTORY ryq HAVING MADE new nr^AEn?^-rangemenU with our workmen, W Vfl/ " << materially reduced the curt of Manufacture, we desire to call the attention of the public to the feet, thet for Ca*h, we will do Repairing et greatly REDUCED PRICES, and make liberal diaeount on NEW WORK. We have on hand an assortment of OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES, ROCK A WAYS and LIGHT CARRIAGES ; also every description of Wagona we make rafGive us a calll. GOWEll, COX, MARKLEY A CO. May 23 63 if raTtuilSF. MISS McKAY WILL open, on MONDAY, ' 80th. an Assortment of gj&?jg FALL AND WINTER Jfff MILLINERY, J) if consisting of the latest stvles PIM of BONNETS. IIATS, INFANTS* HATS AND CAPS; also, RIBBON-', FLOWERS. FEATHERS, LACE VEILS, ORNAMENTS, AC. HT" Hfuience ntar Willi*?s? tt Whitrn ire*' ttore. 18-8 Sept 26 To Rent, MY HOUSE AND LOT, situated opposite the residence of Dr J. P. Bores. The House contains seven Rooms, two large l'antrles, one Wood Closet, with front mid hack Piaaras. On the premises are Kitchen, Servants' Honse, Smoke House, Well of Water, and large Stable. There are two aerea of Land. Fine Fruit Tre?a on the place. J3SJ" Apply to Mr. Joaani Bcinson. janet. butler. Sept 25 18 8 Deputy Collector's Office, United States Internal REvenok, 1 Division 3d, Dtst. South Caboujta, V Greenville, Sept. 3d, 1867. J S S AV1WQ been appointed D- puty OolJlm lector for Greenville District, I hereby give noliee that the RKTURN8 of Tax payers in the Lower and Upper I>?rWione, or Regiments of Greenville Diatret, are in tny hands for collection, and mast be paid at once. , My Office for the present will at tha Oridnary's Office. Daring my abenee 8. J. Douthit, Ordinary, wllT attend to any , business forme, and is hereby so authorised. A. L. COBB. Depafy Collector, for Greenville Dist, , Sd. Collection Dtsti let, 80. Ca. Sept 4 16 6 FLOUR! FLOUR! T U8T received and for sale cheap, /or ri? tF CASH, a lot of extra-fine Country 1 FLOUR.,,Come quick, If you want good biS' , euit. t DAVID A 8TRADLBY. May 7 49 1 ? Notice. Application win be made at the next sexsinn of the Legislature to close thai old part of the Kulherfordton Road, beginning ' oear Beaverdem Bridge, and ending in tba direction of QowansriUe, where ike old and ' new roads rcuuito. ' ' Sept. 1 If * Saa . ' Notice. r "?)ARTIES hating demand# agnln#t the e JL KfUte of Mrs. RLI2A W. RARLE, deceased, are hereby notified thai thoee claims - not already left with ll?e late J?r M. B, I' Ksilo, must be filed vith tia, pr<.petty ate teilud. RKl I) A FAR1 E. Attorney for the Kx? rtiti-ra. Old Cuurt JJouts.'IMk of A -gutt, lbf.7. Aug lb l'i tl