University of South Carolina Libraries
- * a3L'_ X Baptist Otank/ If t A. it., Hot, C 0. Btr< "l&thodlft Cbt.reb, 11, A. *? tUt. /. If. , BfttMNW. Kpisoopal Churcb, 11, A. M., and 6, p. M., IUt. Kittson OiriM. Presbyterian Churob, If, A/ fty sad ft, P. . M., Dr. Bcier. JHT* Pastors are iwpeoCufly requested to 1 Inform us when aoy ohtngo occur* in (he reg- J egggg . ' " ' Top ? 5S?k nW L LRATHEBi TO?"*BUGOY! mtHy ntv, made by Go iter, Cox, Jlarklny Aoationaar. Oot* 10 t ] LIFE INSURANCE! i THE ARLINGTON MUTUAL un Iismitl S9MPA1Y. > <s>ir ^sonR?nsyajL, Incorporated, Ibritlarjr 1867. 11 1-fl per cent, ojj Profit* paid Ut Policy ns#~IlUka taken on the most fat omble tertaa. J. B?BDWAtll>8, President, WM. B.ISAACS; Vloe President, Richmond, Ta. I?. j. Hartoook, Socrotary, Biohmodd, V?. pSr Thin la omlnontly tke Southern Life /? nranee Oumpamy, mud IU unprecedented eucOMI in Virginia la the boat guarantee for Ita reeponsibtlity.-TB* ^ If. If. BAVrB, Genoral Aront for State of Booth Carolina. JULIUS O. 8MITH. Agent. ' Ureonrllle, 8. O. Oot *^ ... ? lorr HMD THIS! all ye who lorn the good thtaga of Kj rr thlalifa, Or lika a now gown on yonr daaghtar or wife; Tons wants we'll supply tn a handaoma way. Yon got all yon want for rary am all pay. Cuana, aHyonold fttiks, who lore Bngmr and Tea, , We're go* it, aa nioa aa you arar did ana. Yonng ladies, Wa know yon are tke pride of The nation, And whan yon tarn ant, rales quite a seosa MR there's -nothing like fstUng the la teat fall - tofaium, *o arouse in tb? laddies Uin tondcrest passions: Come, yon young men, who are wanting to marry, And Ml** from the Stock of STBNH0U6E A ' ou ' TRRRY. r - __ % We hare eVory thing nleo, At a wary tOW PRIOR? Worsted and Prints, Of all hues and tints j - Needles and Pins, Stock Locks and Oold Rings j Pitchforks and fino Lace, buttons. Nutmegs and Mace { 1 Mclassos and Tweeters, Iron Pots and Lady Hqueesert; Trace Chains and Hooks and Kyesy Spun Track and Neck Ties j Shovels and Rpado#, Ribbons and Braids ( . Coarse Shoes and Wool Hatty And Poison for rats; Hoop Skirts and Salt Sacks, Knrelopos in Packs j l>ead Snot, Candy and P11 ley Patent cures for all ills: Raisins, Almonds and Nutsy Iron Hinges and Bats} V / .*> Hugnrund Men, Gotten and Spice: Castor Oil and Cheese, Boots up to yonr knees 1 Ladles Shoes and liai*y Toys for the Brats t Qun Powder and Bnoty n wsii~essorte4 Uot; Cups sad Susers, Silver Castor*; Glasses for the Ejm, Dried Pruit to make Pies ) And other things, too numerous to mention. Bat well worth your attention t May all be found, spread oat and ready, At tho Old Stand of STBNHOU8B A TERRY. AtSO, KEPT OW HASP, Samples of TURNING PLOUGHS, one and two hone, which we propose to Sell at <* erecftMjr low tgares. Stcnhoniic Sc Terry. FslrviewJ3. C., October, 1607. \ Oct a it ? NEW FALL ?868$q H. BE ATT IE & CO. HAVH JUST received a I XsBSlM^fi complete Stock of IE9^^HPALL A WINTBR GOODS, oonslstlng of Blaaehad and Brown SHIRTINGS Prints, DsLnins Lsdiss' Dress Good* Jsoonets Nainsook and Swiss Muslins Embroideries L*dits' Shawls and Cloaks No bias. SontowiL Jim ? - - 7" w Omi ton nod Woolen Flannels Gloree end Hosiery NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY. Cloths, Caaaimerea, Saline ta Kentucky Jean* North Carolina C A SSI MERES Ready-made Clothing Ladie*' Hate, Trimmed and Unlritmned Mens* Wool and Cataimere DATS A large and well selected atock of BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. AND CROCKERY, ON?!??, MA??ER, AO. fcWu We ?fbr our fltook M the Iswoft possible pfires FOR CAnIT - * C?I3 19 3 '%W ' ^ A.' r * I * ' ~ " v> * ?i-JLili!?I ." "!. , TNI _ VALt^BM &AND8 10R uw |MHM^ TH*BlAI.B8TATBof WM. 4ss9HE? WmA?T I* fmaW * **< al Greenville Court House. The Homestead/ routafetaff fW JTmmitrtJ Acre*, tnow o* We, tyne e* wis rtteeof the Abbeville Hoed, tifee ?Um freM tfiecnvHle, branded by lends pf Ann Hen's HiUw, V. JJoBce's BeUte Hid J. F. Welleoe. # Willis Wells Tract, Joining the BooMtMul, containing fW Hnndrtd and 8*?ei%ty-A*? Acr?, mora or km bounded by luidn of Willi* Benson's Estate, Uvmdm Lenbardt, Richard B. Jacobs, and Vardy MoBeo's Estate. Brushy Creek Timet, Fonr miles from Greenville, confalolng One Bnndrtd Acre*, mora or Josh, bounded by lands if Riohard B- Jacobs and V. McBeo's Estate. TERMS OF 8ABB ?Ten per rnntv of the purchase money Will bo required to bo paid Id sash, the balance to bo paid on the drat Hay of June next Purchasers to firs bond with apAdm'r, with the Will aanoxod. (MI 1* ft FALL & WINTER STOCK OF IIT S88BS11KW EMUS I At Ifoke <k NicfloT? old stand, erne door south qf New JOourt House, by JOttS D. A8BM0BE, Sen. 1HAV8 Jnet fettfrtred from the Northom ' Cities, ttfcate 1 have purchased sod am now receiving a large assortment of Pry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery and Glass Ware, Hats Boots and 6hnes, Ready mftde Clothing, Baddies, Bridles do j Straw Ooods, Family medioinss, such aa Oils, Anodynes, Salts ?c~, do. Amongst which ore are abont 400 Boys and moss Hats and Caps; 700 palfa of Boots sbd Shoes ; about 100 anils of Reedy tnade Cloths J RroUn Shirting and Shooting ; Bleaobad do; Brown ana Mooched Drills, Ticks, Stripes, Checks, Drhltns, Josnes j White and Colored Paper Caiabrlef and Site, slas, Glased do ( lHnseys; Calico's and Prints In mat rariety. Ginghams; Pa Latnss, Mo biiira, filimarke, Motambiquec, Bombesin?*, French Morinoec, Balmoral Bkiru and Hoop*, French Core? la, Spool Cotton, a fall assortment of Ribbon*. Ladle* and Misse* Straw Hal*, Felt and Velvet Do; Whlto Goods, Woollens, Plaid*, Llnsey*. Bad Blanket*, Break (kit Fhawla, Pontage, Traveling Cap*, opera do j Rod, Whlto and Opera Flannel*.? Merino Shawl*, besides a very handsome and extensive lin* of Satinet*. Casimsros, Fronch do, Broad Clntha, Tweed*, Doeskins, 11 lack and Colored Joana, Ac., Ac., including ionu* morablo article* two tedious to ueatlon. IN TOE NOTION LINE. I havo a tJumtwid and owe Article*. IN THE GROCERY LINE. I have Bait; Porto Rioo Sugar*, good, at 17 oenta?Yellow C granulated and refined at 21 cent*, a number l article; White A at 23 cent*, Crashed loaf at 25 cents, Ac., Ae. Rio Coffee SO and 83 cents ; Lnguyra 36 and 87} Cent*. Currant*. Citron, Raisona, Nntiuegs, Clove*, tfacr, Clnainon, Lemons, Spice, Pepper, (linger, Staroh, Soda, Bateratua, Copperas, Brlwestone, Sulphur, Blue 8tone, (SOOtbs,) Indigo, Madder, Soda Cracker-, a large ot of Family Oheesa dally expected, jtaooaruni, Ae , Ac., Ac., IN THE VARIOUS OTHER LINES. It wonld be almost Impocctbla to enumerate the artlelea on hand and that is daily arriving. AU I aak of my frlonda and patrona la to '-Ml, examine, prloe and compare my good* with thoaeof any other in the back ecu try of South Carolina, astd If I do not cell them just aa good Good*, at aa lew or a liuU Inver price* than many others then I do not expect them to buy from me. .It waa my good fortune to buy Goods ota fevoradie terms* and am determined my 'Patrons aba!) have their share of the same good Fortune. Come then aud judge for yourselves. I take in Butter, Eg**, Poultry and all kinds or produce at full market prices in Exchange for Quods and will continue to do so. I have tnado arrangements to buy Cotton by tha Bale at the lilghost Cash prices, so soon aa the market opens. Once more I ask, come, look, price, examine and Judge for yourselves for / knot* that I have Goods far follow countrymen need, mast here and tkall Jioce from me at very low profits, and thai too withoat any advantage of them. JOHN. D. ASllMORE, Sen. At ItoWs old stand. Octt 19 tr Merchant Tailoring. WB have now on hand, and will oontinuc to keep, a superior assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods such as AUSTRIAN, FRENCH and ENGLISH OLOTHS, Doesktn and Fancy 0ASPLMBB.B8. LADIES' CLOKtNQA. Union Cassiiaere, Batlnot and Kentueky Jeans. VB8TINGS.?HarsaiUos, Valencia, Orsondine and Velvet. CLOTHS andCA88IMERES. Shirts, Draws, Collars, Cuffs, Bosoms, Gloves, suspenders, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, do. Drass and Business Hats, and a good aseortmoot of Trimmings. Ready ldadc Clothing. All of which have been selected with much rare by O. A. PICKLE, in New York, end whioh ww will oiler et the loweet Crab Ratee to enit the time*. Having visited ell the largest end beet Mans ufeotarlng lloaeee in New York, end pouting thoroughly in ell the Latest and Improvoa Styles, both in Cutting and Making, wo are prepared, with the heat Workmen and Meobtuse, to make up Gentlemen's, Youths' and Children'* Clothing, Ladies' Seeks and Cloaks, in the Latest and most Approved Style*. Pali and examine our Goods awd Sty lee. /*0 All enttlng end Work warranted. IE1D S mm lAISIM. WE hare taken the Agoney for thta Superior MACHINE, which took the first Premium at the late Parle Exposition. It makes the same stitch on both stdee of the eloth, end will Stlteh, Hem, Pen, Bind, Cord, Rratd, Rnffle, Quilt, Oath or wd fleam at the same time?all hi the simplest manner,? We warrant the Machine* to give satisfaction ; if not, return tbain and we will refund the money. We have a sample Machine j call and examine It, and ita different style* of work. PICK I?K Ac I'OOK Greenville, S. C . Kept IS 17 ft rriwiTi . i i mMMMBHmi&ti "T 1 Wfrf Exhibited under One Immense ParlXlox i for one Prioe of AdmissionJAHtt ?. WIS.ON. DIRBCTOR 8REAT 8RATU1T0U8 EXHIBITION! hlch ehmrttlkM Iho Kntno of oar (ftablWiiMBi la ovory t'Uo1, A BRILLIANT STREET PAGEANT. In tU( snntl OmMa tod Moilni Plsturo ?U1 tppttr iMiilt of tho mot I BUUiUiiAi'CJjX riNidUKU CHARIOTS CtllMUon. The BANU CHAHIOT. of original dedigit and reapkndnnt deooiatkon tvlUd THETHRONE OF APOLLO. And ? OnTnleade isUtltd, THE CRUSADER'S TRIUMPH! Cqmdeting of orar 160 Mounted Kalfkh, clwllaRamUM MMl At mo*. wlLk btnn.n. pannona and IoeigiiL, and aeoompanlod by tUeL Lndlen, In Coettfmegof ModletM Age a, nil pr? catling tbe Crowning Font ore ?[ Ike Frnc Melon, A LARGE LIVING LION 1 Bona on tbe elevated eliihrn of the Sjdendld VebUan Carriage, Leoee, Unchained, Un trammeled and Free IN THE PUBUG 8TREET8 I TLia elfbt forme Tli* Great Sensation of the Times I I. BARNUM'S DEPARTMENT. Katural ECi?tory. Combine# agree! nomW efqwtneM of tirieei daeeiluttoneand character In the SCHOOL OF NATURAL HISmnv _ki.k k a > ? - - ? .... 1-vm iwikim mui? nptmor lb* lutMt anetfr, Indafctlfabla reaoarch bad tho most Uriah i oglUf of rooiwy. TU CITS MPABMIIT. Conajata triLh nureoroun addition#. of tho antim Van Amburah iiwlmrifal rtllMtinn, eomprlatiic aoootnioni of 1 Ua BARKkV ANUMOSf UKAU riVdl, WILD BKASTN, BlltlW AND KEl'TtLES, from erary action of lb? known world. Among manjr olbon will bo found tho following t j ASIATIC LION AND LIONESS. AFRICAN LION AND LIONESB. Tho Baby Elephant, Jonny Lihd, Performed by Prof. Bel). Sonth American Hippotamus, rrom tho Hirar Am a on, dlgrorarod br I'rof AOOAH6I2. ad tha out/ on? oe axhlbltlon. TWO HUMPED BACTRIAN CAMEL) Tha only onaaxhibltcd In Amatlca for (k> yoara. THE ORNITHOLOGICAL COLLECTION, OfBlidb from all parts flhooorth, cam prima mim of tho niwt xpoolmona known to naturalUta, of (urgoooa (duxaac* and wonderful conformation. Who has ncttadad to tha tltla and honora of tha lata ! VAN AMBURGH, ?Tbe King of the Lion Oonqaerors, WILL ENTER THE DKN In which are confined 8i? Lwn uJ Feroelnua Iend go through i great variety of novel and aenaationnl fetU, and concluding bjr FEEDING THEM WITH 4) Raw Meat from His Naked Hand* PROF. HALL trill also In trod oca and perfenn the IAIVKLIHIART(wjlRIIY URD.1* Causing thla nagaclou* animal, tha rmaUaat orpt enhlhlted. to go through a number of remarkable foata, such an hare neeerbeea ha ro to fore aecompl lahed. AN INTJEItmiBSION OF TEN MINUTES. ,, In undar Umt Utaan who do not dealre to wttnaaa tha Cireue fatfcmanoM and Caatailo'a School of Tdncalnd Animals, mag hare an opportunity af retiring. Oaa Castello's Department, Comprising DAN CASTELLO'S axuBAT omotrs Oompoood of Utn moat diattcunUhad lumtnarino la tha Bqnnatrlan profecalon, comprtalag tho boot Male and Female Riders, And a fall compiny of accompllnhed Aorob&ts, Fosturers, Trapezlsta. Leep rs. Vaulters and Famous Clow as. Together with CASTELLO'S SCHOOL OF EDUCATED ANIMALS. The Wonderful Bedouin Arab Troup* M. FBEBEENLEIZER, The Op are tic Leader. Mr. DAN OASTfSLLO will laired ace bta beau* tlfnlljr formed and long; matted ElUMTin miootiu unsoc ptis kouun i iv nuuumn iiunuki utun, Ala* kb Pwfciiutnt Trick Hon*, "Andy JolxnMon.^ Hia Lm Com<*ljr Poajr, * A<U JtU OOMIO MULES. M Aitemua Ward & Timothy Tnffmntton." Performance at U P. M. aa4 1 1-8 P. BC. Door* ojms at 1 and 114 P. M. JSquestrian Manager and General >ireotor, - ? - - Dan CaateUcv WlicL AJLt 0 EXliIriir aT OB KENWOOD PKIPAY, OOT03KR 4 OKEKN VI U.K. .SATURDAY, " 6 AKBKWILLK MOWDAY, " 1 KEWBKnrtY . ..TUESDAY. " B ORaHOKTWKO, WEOXKSDAV, 0. ADMISSION. 73 C|:jn>?. OfllLDRKN tin.lrr irn ymn,. 50 ' T??> BuiJf. Afroiu^ r> at 2 v'cl./cl ?EvfcHlr g 7 o*?Uo'? I IRTKR! r : * "? " -''; *'? ' ' '"* rS * '? iV/'tst.'' .;-<?# -/'.-.v *"?r\*?hv "9 A* tfSnHtk " ' j : ' : "" ' THAT T # 4nd 1 ?m coot r I I a # ?"* dcv/a L OBBE-V,,... K'" : * '' - '/ *'-' -V c 0HBE8E AND CRACKEE8, ?* ^4. 84 and 10 eonta a boaf. *Jf 8n*ar, flinjrar, Pound and Fruit Cakoa. Kuak { Ptoa. Tho above always fresh. 1 and 3 D? Cans Oysters, at 38 and 80 ota. Condensed Milk, from which Rood swoet | ""? w wwuv, vunYOlireni RIMl OQOtD. Rtarob } Nattneffa; Braall, Peean end Ilasel Wot*; Condi***; Pipe*; Smoking Tobacco; Apple* | Cblnqwapina, Ao. Olv* mo a nail. 0. M. MoJUBKlN, Confectionery, Main Street, by P. 0. Sptffi 18 tf Notice. 4LL persons Indebted to tho Estate of P. F. BEATTIK and to tho Firm of lTTIR A l'ULLIAM, are notified that unices *<*un sottlomont ia made of thoir No tea and Accounts by lot OCTOBER, they will bo placed in salt. H? BKATTIB, Administrator) Rapt 18 17 S Piano. _ar-k_ FOR SALE, at my Of fice. a No. 1 PIANO? one of 11 allot A Davie1 W fj make? unsarpneeed for T mmr^?v US aoftnesa of touch and aound. Will be euld low. Call at the Aootlon Room* and examine it. JULIUS C, SMITH, Auction Mouse. Rapt 25 18 8 aiLtiuftv. MISS McKAY WILL open, on MONDAY 80th, an Asaortmout of BudSSa FALL AID WINTER mf MIUINBHY, oon slating of the lsteet etylei IH of HONNNTB, HATS, IN PANTO' 11ATO AND CAPS; alao, RIB BON-*, PIAJWKRS, FSAT1IKRS, LAC1 VEILS, ORNAMENTS, AO. BT Reiidnua near William* it Wk<t mint' itor*. 18-8 38 To Beat, HJT HOUSE AND LOT. situated nnno 1V-L site tho residence of t>r. J. P. Bo*o? The Tlooee contains eeeoa Rooms, tw< large Pantries, one Wood Cloeet, wltli fron eo?l baek ltutaa. On the premises ar Kitchen, ftervaole' House, Smoke House Well of Water, and large Stable. Then are two acres ot Land. Flue Fruit Treei on the place. |y Apply to Mr. JoetPi Bauseow. JANE T. BUTLKK. Sept SO 18 8 Notice. Application win be made at the ne* session of the Legislature to close that oli part of tha Ruthemrdton Road, bogtnnin, noar Heaverdatn Bridge, a&d ending in th direction of (Jowansrille, where the old ani now roads reunite, Sept. 1 18 3m Fair Notice* T1IE Notes and Books of Dr. II. B. Barb deceased, art) in our hands The Note must be renewed and the AeeounU closed b note with good pereonal eecurity in ever; Instance, or they will be sued upon indii crlminately. Parties need not espeet fut ther notioe. Creditors nre notified to preeent thel olaitna to us properly attested, as the octet will he closed at the earliest possible daj We offer for Rent the excellent 8tort House lately occupied by McOonnell < Ooodlett. RKKT) * KARLE. ' Attorney tor the Rxeeutore. Old Court //otter, 10*A of Augmt, 18(17. Aug 18 1* If Deputy Collector's Office, UNITED 8tat?A Imtebnal REVENUE, ) Divuuow 3d. DluT. Sotmi CaboUW.1, V Greenville, Sept. Hd, 1867. ) U A VINO been eppo'nted Jh-pnty Ool lector for Greenville Die'not, hereby glre notlee lb el the RT5TURNH o Tex payer* in the Lower end Upper J>l vLioue, or Regiment* of Greenville Dietrol ere in my hmid* for eolleotion, end ma* be peid et onee. by Odioe lor the preeent will et th Or|cfn?r?'i Ortloe During my ebenee 8 J. Doutfiit. Ordinary, will etiend to em biiHineee for me, end i* hereby r?? authorised A I. OOBR. Deputy Collector, for Greenville Diet, 3d. Coliwtlea IXete .oi, 9o. Co. 1 c'-. jt 4 16 L-i m i.iBi 11mmi i i'., ii ' P i S S 1 ? 1,1 ? 1 ? ? T. UTS* from and alter title date, my BOOKi YVELY BE CI Inoe to sell for ' >11, AND FOR CASH ON o mo and rqv customers a groat deal thia method, and enable mc to vT REDUCED R tion will bo made from the abovo arr TOOldilS 0? OCTOBRH I, 1S07. W1L1? CONTINUE TI AT THE 0 . OREENV] annas' BI?WS A. jr^/m. *?.??-am ym.? BR ll?8, rnED PAINTS, ? FANCY Af AT RJEUDUCl PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTION! At MEDICINES SUPPLIED TO PRAtt gg/ DRS. HARRISON EB8PR0TFULLT offer their PH fiM clli*on? of (iroouvillo and viaiuity. Rc9 Aagwit 29 TALL AMD WIWTKB IMPOBTATIOM 1BG7. RIBBONS, Millinery and Straw Goods. AusnuTam & to. ; I utportrrs Ann jconrns at Bonhet, Trimming and Velvet RIBBONS, BONNET SILKS, SATlNS & VELVETS) * BLONDS, NETTS, CRAPES, RUCHES, Flower*, Feathers. Ornaments, l T AW BONNETS & LADIES1 HATS, tsnnnd awd Cjrrtuwxn, ? ssaiAJKaiia 1 937 and 930 Baltimore Street, J BiLTKIIIORE, lit?. OFKBR the largcet Slock to be found in this Country, and unequalled in choice . variety and ohaapneiw, comprising the latest Pariaian novelties. Orders solicited and prompt attention * given. 13-8 Aug 22 d S , ??? * State of South Carolina. ORBENVrLLE DISTRICT. In Equity. Joskpu P. Latin an, Administrator, v*. Mart D. I.atimbr ?t nt. , "IT" S pursuance of the Doc ratal Order in the ' I above stated ease, the Creditor* of the * {ate JAMBB M. I.ATIMBR aro hereby roqnir y od to establish tholr dotnahd* against the itsV tato, before tno, within mas month* from thii h date, or be barred. J. V. MOORE, C. B. ?. D. Commissioner's Office, July 16, 186?. if Jy 18 g 0m <e [; Stato of South Carolina. k ORMttNVILLE DISTRICT; In Equity. William H. Austin, Administrator, et. lit. I. CoNMBRS ?t ?L TN pnrsuanee of tho Decretal Order Itl the above stated oaro, tbe Creditors Of the late Dr. W. I?. M. AUSTIN oro hereby required to establish their domandB agaiDSt tho Estate, before tne, Within nine month* from this date, or be barred. J. P. MOORE. C. F. O. D. Commissioner's Office, July 16, 18ft?. I Jy 18 8 0m I ~ siiA.*viiNrca. * awt> ' ?AHK ?IIJESSHSIG. * ?1ANT, the Harbor, continues to XI AH AVE tho race and DRESS It AIK as ' formerly, at bis Old Bland, near Messrs. ' PtfKi.n A Point"# Shop, where bo will be pleased to see bis friends and customers. He hopes, hv attention to business end politenns to all. lo receive tlio pstroi'sjje of tbe pliicp. M?l!I ?l 41 r> ? z I H ' ^ -' "*r^s?V -^-* * -;'ii : , Vi>lt* ' ' '' ' . -i(fc> Jw vf/" * f' ^ v *> v% X **4 * * wiW jf -OSED, T LY. I i of 'roublo ?0<J U ATES. I ""ffrbont. II "tf-kh. II IP^v ' je*~^ ?*g [ & U&RSBAU, ATE DR. M. B. EARLE,) IE DRUG BUSINESS, ID STAND, [LLE, B. O. q CtDJW Tfl/MOTrev. I C I N E 8 )1LS VD TOILET ARTICLES. 5333 PJFLICS3S. 3 CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED,.** ID CiriONEES OH LIBERAL TERMS, r A MARSHALL, LOFK88IONAL 6ERVICE8 to the OftICS nl On Drugitora, 14 if Wills" mouse. Corner of Meeting and Queen Streets. CHARLESTON, 8. C. TniS well known FIRST CLASS HOTEL hu Just Leon thoroughly repaired, re0ttod and re-furoialied, and la now ready for the accommodation of the travelling public, whoae patronage ia roapectfully aolioited. Merchants visiting tho city, are roapectfully invited. Every accommodation will be offered them. Coaches always tn readiness to eonvay peawtogers to and from the Hotel. The Proprietor promiaea to do all in his pow cr r?r tno oomiort or his guests. JOSEPH PURCKLL, Proprietor. Peb 2) 40 D.B. TO THE PUBLIC. The Pavilion Hotel, CHARLESTON, 8. C., ] . t - SO LONG and ably oonducted by the late II. L. I^offiSaL BUTTKRfrELD. will still Maui55aM&- be kept open for the aeoom, modntion of the traveling public. And ita former friends and patrons will find the usual accommodations and attentions be stowod on thetn as formerly, and the public favors, already so well established as THE 1IOTKL of the TRAVELING MERCHANTS of the t^outh, will, by earnest efforts, be faithfully preoerved. Oct 26 22 n B. GURENVILLE COACH FACTORY ; HAVING MADE new ari raugsroents with oer workmen, materially redueed the coat of Manufacture, we?lesir. to eell the attention of the public to the feet, that for Co*A, we wili do Rspeirirg at greatly REDUCED PRIORS, an<1 make l>b ral discount on NEW WORE. Ws hsvs n hand an assortment of OPEN AND TfP BUGOIR8. ROCK A WaY8 and LIGHT CARRIAGES ; \ alao every description of W tgon* we mtk? 5 QfOirt ns a call). : OOWKR, COX, MARKLEY 4 CO. May 28 62 If 'i FLOUR t FLOUR! JUST receive! and far sale cheap, /or th$ 3 CASH, a lot of extra-fine Country FLOUR. Come qnlok, If you want good biscuit. DAVID k 8TRADLEY. May 1 49 Notice.. PARTIES having demands against th? Relate of Mia. ELIZA W E\RLE, deerased, are hereby notified tliat those claims not already left with the lata Ihr. M. I Karl?, must be filed with its. prop, rty n? tasted. RF.ED A KAIll K, Attorney for the Executor . Old Cfftrt ffouttof A+fmt, |sa* Aug 16 12 _ :f