University of South Carolina Libraries
" ; ~'y '' ^ . gi - .^3^W*-5 V* Mm ms porfakUy dollghtod In botag ohoatI ad, natD -thoy dUoovor Oo way tho thing H did, Md thaw thoy Mr* disguatod, not with tho ftWMbtalttw lMwot novelty. :%&?:> V~? buu*^ ' Billglww diiTlew, Sunday. B?pi fta. ' -Bm?M Chareh, 11. A. M.t /-MedUdtot Ohurch, 11. A. M-, and A P. U. Rwr. J. W. Hvmmbt. Kptsoopal Church, 11. A. M., and I, P. M., Kw, Kllisor CAPBRS. * Prosbytorian Charoh, 11, A. If., and 6, P. A. A. Mo as a. Pastors arc rospeotfaUy roquostod to Infbra} US whoa any ohango ocean In tho rogn2as supplies. - Notice. A IA parsons indobtod to tho Bstato of P. t A. t. BBATTIB and to tho Finn of PSlATTIB A PULLIAM, tr? notified that ales* noma settlement is made of their Not* mad-loom to by lot OCTOBER, thoy will bo pUied 1b salt. n. BBATTIK, Administrator, yfo. Sept 18 If 8 . Cooking Stoves. A NEW-LOT, jut raeoired, BUCK'S PA|mS:JHL TKjfT-~Hoo. T,8aad 8 complete with H' Daring sold qatto a number of thaos BtoTsa wNkIa tho put low months, I oaa safoly reo Kr owmosd Aim as amongst tba boat In use. ' FIRE BACKS, pots!*Ao., for solo. JULIUS O. SMITH'S Aaotion Housn. Sopt 18 It 8 BEDSTEADS. HA VINO made arrange moots, I bare on ' hand and will bo oonstantly reoeirtng, NEW BEDSTEADS, (single and doablo,) which I offer at manufaotarers' prices. Oill and boo thorn. JULIUS C.8MIT1I, Anotlon Hoaso. Sopt 18 * If 8 PHOSPHATE AND GUANO. T> Y a rooont appointraont, I hare aooeptcd r> the ageney for BAUGU'S RAW BONE PHOSPHATE, manufactured from Para Raw Bonos, nnadaltarated, and contains, by analysis, ovor fifty por cent, of Phosphato of Llmo, and noariy tour por oonL of ammonia. Ifo. 1 Peruvian Hunno. I will ferntsh In largo or small quantities, dlroot from ware-houses of Oo7ernmont agent, thereby furnishing a guarantee of Its parity. Persons wishing any of tho abors Fertilisers, will find it to tnelr interest to giro mo an order at aa early day. I will tarnish at'Baltimore prions, with oost of transports Hon added. . , fip Coll at my offloe and get olronlars and see sans pi os. JULIUS C. 8MITH. Auotion Hoaso. 8opl 18 > If S . Merchant Tailoring. W1 hate now on hand, and will con Unas 80 hoop, a superior assortment of Otntlemon's Furnishing Goods. such as ATT8T&IAN, PRBNCn and ENGLISH C LOTUS, Doeskin nnd Fancy 0A88IMBRE8. LADIES' OLOKINOR. Union Cassimoro, Satlnot and Kentaobj VK8TING8.?Marsalllos, VoJoncio, Uronadine end Velvet CLOTHS end CAS8IMERES. Shirts, Draws, Collars, Cuffs, Bosoms, Gloves, suapoudors, Cravats, Hendkorohiofs, Ac. Drees and Business IIaU, and a good assortment of Trimmings. Ready Made Clothing:. All of wbloh have boon seleoted with much ears by O. A. PICKLE, in New Tork, and wbloh we will offor at tbo lowest Cash Kates to salt the times. Having visited all the largest and best Man\ afaetaring Honsos In New York, and posting thoroughly in all the Latest and Improved Styles, both la Catting and Making, we are prepared, with the boat Workmen and Meek hies, to make up Gontlomon's, Youths' and Children's Clothing, Ladles' Saoka and Cloaks, la the Latest and most Approved Styles. Call and examine oar Goods and Stylos. ftf All cutting and Work warranted. nni SEwifMACHlIL WK have taken the Agency for this Superior MACHINE, which took the first Prom him at the late Paris Exposition. It makes the same stitoh on both sides of <h? oloth, and will Stitoh, Hem, Fell, Bind, Cord, Braid, Raffle, Qatlt, Gather and 80am at the mm time?ajl in We simplest mannor.? W? vamnl the Machines to five satisfaction j If not, return thorn and we will refhnd the manor Wo hare a sample Machine; oall and niwliin it, and lta different stylos of work. PICKLE Sl POOR. Greenville, fl. 0. Bopt 18 IT t Office Greenville A Colombia 1. B. Co. GRESNVILLB, 8. 0., Sept. *, 188T. KOTICK U hereby given that arrangements bare boon made between the G. A 0. R. a and the 8. 0. K. B. Co., by whloh the freight ehargea on all freight*, exoopt salt, passing over their reapoetlre roads, after the 16th Ingt, to bo dellrerod at Greenville,4'and eeaaigned to parties in tbo Western counties of North Carolina, will be roduoed twenty-five per eent on each road. This, It is believed, Will be ee low a rate of charges as by any other Una. Charges on all Salt from Charleston to Greeny rile, ewe doll** per sack. U. P. HAMMBTT, JWf. Sept 18 IT The State of South Carolina. QRBBNVILLH DISTRICT. By 8. J. DOUTUIT, K?q., Ordimmy of taid Jifsa hi. WHBR1A8, S. B. IBWARD8 and 0. n. LANNBAU have filed a Petition In mv Office, praying that Letters of Administration on ell end singular the goods ml aeladm aad see dlte D ff BIV . WARDS bit o? Il? TStotrlel afarooald, dteoi? A ahould bo *r*ntod to thorn. f%*ee art, A?re/r.rr, to e\to and admonlah aJI tad otngalar tbo kindred tad erodltora ol tbo dtwaati, to bo aad appw ta tbo Coorl ol Ordinary for sold Dlatrlot, to bo noldon ol Greenville Court Honao, on tbo 95th d?y ol September, Inatant, to ahow cauae, if any, whj tbo told Administration abonld not bo grant* ?|. S.J. DOUTIUT, O. 0. D. Ordinary'* Offloo, Sept. 11th, 1807, Soptooibor 11-10 9 Notice. ftARfim having domando agatnat thi ST Rotate of Mr*. KLIZA W. RMILE, do oaaaod, aro hereby notified that Uu>te claim to* already loft with tho late Dr. U. B Rtrla, moat bo filed with ua properly at tootod. RKKD A F A ill.K, Attorney for tho Eseentora. Old Ormrt //ouaa'KWA of Aurmti, 1807. A?? l? 19 if T M i ' The Stato of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. a. /. J>OVTHTT^&q*M, Ordinary ^ WITERKAS, WILLIAM T. SHUMATE has filed a Petition in ray Office, praying that Letters of Administration oa all aad singular tl>? good# and ohattals, righto and eredlts of MART B. JACOBS, lata of tha District aforesaid, dseeasod, should be granted to him. Thr? art, iktrt/ort, to otte and admonish all aad singular tha fctndrsd and ersditora of tha said dsaasaad, to be aad appear in tha Coort of Ordinary for said District, to ba holden at Qreen villa Court Home, on tbo *8ef day of Btpirtkbtr, intl., to show oause, If aav, why tna said Administration should not be granted. S. J. DOUTHIT. O. Q. D. Ordinary's Office, Sept dtb 1847. Sept 11 16 t LAMBS' PAIR, T GREENVILLE, a a. Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, October 7th, 8th and 9th, IN AID OF THE FUNDS OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH AT 8REENVIUE, THE Ladles of the Baptist Oh or eh has? for several months baan engaged ta preparing Articles for this Fair, and have naeo kindly aided in their efforts by members of other denominations. They will ba enabled to offer A Handsome Assortment of Useful At. Hales, Snoh as Braided and Embroidered Dresses, Seeks, Ao., for Children; beautifully Exo outed Muslin Work. Unfleraleevee, Collars, Cuffs, Neok Ties, Slippers, Ao. An Extensive 8took of Fair Goods Has just been rooelved from the Importers, consisting of Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Travelling Dags, Purees, PortmonaTes, Pho tograph Albums, Toilot Ornaments, Alabaster Goods, Ac. The Toy Department la full and oomplelo, and embraoee Tin, Wood, Cloth and othsr Toys, la too largo a variety to be enumerated here. Parents and othors will find this a splendid opportunity to purchasea supply for the CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. The Confectionery Department. In this Department there will bo an abundant supply of Candy, Sugar Plums, Ac., In Cornuoopissa, Faney Boxes, and in Packages. n. v.?u. w?ui Will find that abundant provision has been made to meet their nsoessl|iea. The BILL of PARE embraces Turkey, Dock. Ohiokon. Ham, Chicken Salad, Piokloa, Coffee, and everything else the market affords; and tho Bill is so arranged that persons patronising this Department can make np a Refreshing Lunch or a Sumptuous Meal, and will be required to pay only for what they get. The Gako Table. A profusion of Good Thlnga will be found lioro, such nn Fruit, Pound and other Cakes, Oustarda, Jollies, & '. Fruits, Nate Ac. Arrangements have been mado to obtain a regular supply of Fresh Wost India Fruita This Department will also he supplied with Bratil, Pecan and othor Nuts. The lee Cream and Lemonade Depart* meats Are In tho hands of experienced parties, and efforts will be made to keep np a constant supply of theee deliolous and refreshing Articles. Norfolk Oysters. Should tlip weather prove favorable for thia Department, a full supply will bo ordered. They will be served up by a competent hand. A Soda Fountain Win be kept in constant operation, and will be supplied with excellent Syrups. Vocal Kusio. During the oontinuanee of the Fair, several Interesting Voeal Exercises will be performed by Children. The Laughable Burleoues Will also be brongbt forward, with eorae improvement* Among there will be men? tinned the American Buffalo, the Elephant, the Mammoth Duck, the European Giant, the Malay Dwarf, the Unfortunate Baby, The Great California Cabbage, the Nignt Blooming Cereus. Ac., An. Theae Humor one Soenee will be exhibited at tntervali daring tho Pair, without extra charge. The Decoration* of the Boom Have boon designed and perfected with the intention of making thia a feature of the Fair, and it ie thought that a view of the Room wttl be alone worth the price of ad raMon. tr Beatdea the above, there will b< other lntereetingFeatnres added to the Fair, and every effort will be made to give ample satisfaction to all who may bo present. No Raffling will fx permitlx?; no EwrVi tant Charge* made, and the proper Chang* will be gioen in all instance*. Hour* of the Fair. The Fair Room will bo opened on Mon day Rroning, at 7 o'clock, and eloeo at half past 10. On Tuesday and Wedncedny tho Fai will be held Dl'RINO TIIK DAY. from 1 A. M. to 2 P. M.. and IN TUB EVENINf from 7 to 10| o'clock P. M. Tickets for all ages 26 eta ; Hcaann Tick hta, $1. To be had at the Drug Htoro o Walter A Westmoreland. Pot the Colored People. On Friday faming, tho 1 lib of Oetoboi Ik. VaU mill ka kaM awalll.Sw^lw l/v. ill Colored People, and a good proportion o ArtiolM will be'reaerved for the ocoaslon., Admittance, ISmnU. r Sop 11 M If I fSf Ptpen friendly to the ibw? object u 1 respectfully sol lotted to copy the Above c notleee Kdltnrialiy. r Deputy Collector's Offico, L United Btatm Iwtmwal Rgtwd^ ) Division 8d, I)r?nr. South Caboluta, V Oreenvillo, 8opt 8d, 1887. ) nAVTNO been Appointed Deputy Co leotor for Greenville District, hereby give notieo that the RETURNS ? , Tax payers in the Lowor and Upper I) visions, or liegimonte of Greenville Diatrie are in my hands for Colleotion, and ma ? bo paid at onoe. My Office for the present will ho at tl s Ordinary's Office. During my absence I L J. Dswtltit, Ordinary, will aNend to ar > business for me, and is hereby so anthorixo A.'L. COBB. Deputy Oolleetor, for Greenville Diet, ad Collection Dlstiiet, So. Ca; Sept 4 ll> .4 i ' * 4 y?k , * . 8 0 THIR DU8. DUUUSON (MJOOBMOW TO THE L. WILL UUBlJLNuJS TU AT THE 0] OR.EIE13WI swears' imyya DRUGS, RED PAINTS, C FANCY AN AT RSXDXJOl Ear PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS A1 HSDI0IH88 SUPPLIED TO FBAOl DR8# HARRISON RESPECTFULLY offer their PB JHV oHheni of OnwrUo ?nd rtolottr. Aogngt-19 Tho State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. By 8. J. DOUTHIT, Eiq., Ordinary of mid Diilriet. WHEREAS. THOMAS J. SAXON hu filed i Petition In my Oflloe, pray in that Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredita of WILLIAM SAXON, lata of the District aforesaid, doooased, should be granted to him. Thett art, therefort, to cite and admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of tho anid deccasod, to bo and appear In tho Court of Ordinary for said Distriot, to bo holdon at Greenville Court Honee, on the 80th day of Btpttmbtr, intL. to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should noi, bo granted. 8. J. DOUTHTT, O. G. D. I Ordinary's Oflloo, Sept. 6th, 1867. ocpi 11 10 X FALL AND WINTER IMPORTATION 1807. RIBBONS, Millinery and Straw Goods. ABMOTIUffl & ft. IMFOttTBBS A1ID JODBBBS OF Bonnet, Trimming and Yelvot RIBBONS, BONNET SILKS, 8ATIN8 & VEIVEF8, BLONDS, NKTTS, CRAPES, RUOUE3, Flowers, Feathers. Ornaments, STRAW BONNETS & LADIES' HATS, TfUMMKD ANT> UXTTMHllXD, iv C&Oo 937 and 939 Baltimore Struct, BALTIMORE, IHD. OFFER the largeet Stock to be found In thlB Country, end unequalled in eholoo variety and cheapness, oom prising the latcet Parisian novelties. Orders solicited and . prompt attention given. IS-8 Aug 22 Fair Notice* . TIIE Notes and Books of Dr. M. B. Earle, deceased, are in our handa The Notes must he renewed and the Acooonts closed by note with good personal security in every ! instance, or they will be sued upon indiscriminately. Parties need not expect further notice. Creditors are notified to present their claims to ns properly at tea ten, as the aatate will bo closed at the earliest possible day. Wa. offer. for Rent the ezoellont Store* House lately oooupied by MoConnoIl A i Goodlett.' REED A EARLK. Attorney for the Executor*. Old Court noun, 10Ih of August, 1887. Aug 15 12 tf - State of South Carolina. greenville district. In Equity. Babah A, Blfobd, Kxooutrlx, t?. M. L. GoonIETT ot al. IN pursuance of the Decretal Order In tho above stated ease, tho Creditors of tho ( lato Col. CIIARLE8 J. ELFORD are horeby required to establish, by proper proof, tboir oiaima against tho Estate, boforo mo, within nina month* from this date, or bo b&rrod. ) J. P. MOORE, C. H. O. D. , Commissioner's Office, July 16, 1557. > Jy 18 8 flra Stato of South Carolina. ' orbenvillb district. In Equity. Joflbpn P. Lamrnu, Administrator, v. Mart D. Latimbr ?t al. ' m "TN pursuanoo of tbo Doorotal Order in th? I above stated ease, tbo Creditors of the lato JAMBS M. LATIMER are horeby requtrod to ostablish their domands against tho Es\ Lato, boforo me, within ante month* from this * date, or be barred. J. P. MOORE, C. K. O. D. Com m his tenor's Office, July 16, 1867. I Jy18 g Om State of South Carolina. ORBBNVILLB DISTRICT. ' It Equity. f William II. Anm*, Administrator, rs. M. I Courses ot al. T N pursuanoo of tho Decretal Order In th. X Above stated mm, tho Creditors of th< fato Dr. W. L. M. AUSTIN ere hereby requir v od to establish their demand* igkinit the ? tato, boforo mo, within ntne monika from tbii date, or be barred. jr. P. MOORB, 0. 15. O. D. Commissioner's Offloe, July 16, 1867. Jy 18 8 ?m ^DWARD^7^0FCE8T Attorney at Law, and Solicitor h \ Equity. i>l \\J ILL nraetloo in tho Cmirto of Law i IT and Equity of South Carolina. ?. wr OfTieo in Swandale's New Building si oppoeite the Mansion House. rrfkricscbh. le Thomas TTill, President of Harvard Oollegp S Mass.; .1. B. Minor, Law Professor, Un it verslty of Va.; C. P. Strti.ivam, South Oe d. rollna *, Gov. J. L Ore, South Carolina Kx Oor. B. F. pRRar, South Carolina. July 11 7 tf ir The Columbia Ph<tnit will ineei one* a wetk for one month n 81T SB [ & mimm, ITRDR. M. B. BARLB,) [E DRUG BUSINESS, LD STAND, LLB, S. O. I (DISS si aesid, 1 C I N E S I I L S ID TOILET ARTICLES. 333 FRXCTF1H. 5 CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED,-?r ro riTIOHEBS OH LIBERAL TREKS, r St MARSHALL, .0FB88I0NAL SBRVlOlfiS to thol^^T OFFICE at It* Dnmtof*. BV 14 tf fira 60) @2) nS8 ISSW eiHS JUST ARRIVED AT Hoke's Old Stand. I AM RECEIVING and OPENINO A FRE8U 8UPPLY OF Yellow 0 8UOAR Musonvado BUOAR Will in A 9UUA11 CRUSHED SUaAR Rio COPFKE Laguyra COFFEE Orcon TEA ; Biaok TEA Parlor MATCHES (Howards) Raisins, Currants, Citron, Mao* Fens, Pencils Maryland Tobacco Virginia Tobacco Extra Brands Smoking Tobacco Note, Lcttor and F, C. PAPER Envelopes (assorted) Ladies Dress Ambor nnd Velvet Buttons Carpet Browes Cooking S. 0. Soda. AND a variety of othor Articles, which I am Belling at extromoly low profits for CAS Li or Conn try Produce. Call and satisfy yoaraelvos. If my Goods do not come tip to my assertions, don't buy them \ go elsewhero. 1 pnrposo starting to New York in two weeks. To all those whom I have lot have Goods on ton and twenty days time, and who havo taken sixty, ninety, one hundred and twenty, and even five months, I must now say, como forward and pay up. I must havo tho money to carry with me, to cnablo me to buy new and clioaper ones for the Fall and Winter Trade, so that I may supply you all again. If you don't pay me, I can't buy CHEAP UUUJLN3 tor you. dm?. Do ASIHTMrdDKIgo Ang 8 11 tf WALHALLA HOTEL. A^ULF^i TRAVELERS and othort Jvisiting Wall) alia, will fine t'1'8 Wu|l oetabliehed HOU81 opoiTfor their accommodation. Having, ii the post, na his guests have testified, givei i satisfaction, the Proprietor is confident o i pleasing thorn who may call. Trains nov run daily to and from the place. Kates o Boarding reasonable. Come and see. 1 D. BIEMANN, Proprietor. ! July 11 1 0m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. William Watkum vs. Geo note W. IlaooaaAttachinent WHEREAS, tho Plaintiff did on tho 17U day Novomber, file his Doolar?tioi . : i . ... v.s> s. i.i i, :kt from and without tho limits of tlii | Btato, and baa neither wife nor Attorue' known within tho same, upon whom a oop; . of the aald Declaration might bo served r 1 , is theroforo ordered that tho eaid Defend nnl do appear and pload to tho aaid Deola inration on or before the 17th Navembei which will be in- tho year of our Lord, on thousand eight hundred and sixty ?ove? r other wiso final and absolute judgment wil then bo grvon and awarded against him. Chrfi Offloe, Oroonville DisL, 8. CV, D< !> eember fr, 1 W. A. MoDANIEL, a 0. 0. P. Dee 6 28 ly Dissolution. 1 fpiIE FIRM of HARKHDALR, PERR1 A Co., is dissolved. Partiee to whni > tho ssmo is indebted, will present thei i- Olsims st the Factory, or to rus st Oreei vills, B. 0. W. M. TKOMA8. January 7, 18ft7. Jan *4 . 8ft * tf t OTJBSORTRR for the ENTERPRISE!iO Oely fi.00 s year in advaoee. fc?? Pi (P ft 9 S S o AUGUST 7, 1867. THOMAS STEEN Hh Juet r*e?tvod a superior |r4 ?I Bets Bigt, FUt lUd Top, and Glebe Tornii ttoed, and Lucerne Sttd, from V, Landrail and Sons, PlriladelphU, and for aata at th< Old Stand McDAVID 9 PtTNCAN. Mala Street. JTJ8T RECEIVED, Twelve Doaen I'roeton A Merrill's Sugar of Lemon,in oane, containing 80 glasses each, oan bo mads almost instantaneously into the nioest Lemonade. For sals by THOMAS 8TEEN. JUST BEOKIVRD, Preston * Merrill's Yeast or Baking Pow dors, for sale by THOMAS STB EH. JUST RECEIVED, An Assortment of Crook err Wars, both 0. 01 and Granite. For sole low by THOMAS OTEEN. One Fine Light Top Barotiehe, in A No, I order, for sale by THOMAS STEBN. One Open or no Top Boggy, in good oondftion, and repair, for saieTy THOMAS STEBN. Fine Dorhaca Tobaooo and Soarfalvtta, for sale by TIIOMA3 8TEEN. Batosvlllo Shirting, 7-8 wide, for eale bj THOMAS STEBN, A fine lot of Stielc Candies, JilBt roooived end for rale by THOMAS 8TEKN. JUST RECEIVED, A flno assortmont of Northern Nails an< Brads, various brands. For salo by THOMAS STKEN, At old stand MoDavid A Dunoon. JUST RECEIVED, A flno artiolo Nova Sootla Grindstones, For ealo by THOMAS STBKN. At old stand MoDavid A Dunoon, BUCKETS, BROOMS, Ao. For salo by THOMA8 STEEN, At old Stand MoDavid A Dunoon. FRESn WnCLE RICH, Jnst roocivod, and for ealo by THOMAS 8 TEEN. FLORIDA SYRUP, Just roooivod and fbr salo by THOMAS STEBN. SPANISH FLOAT INDIGO, For solo by THOMAS STEEN. KENTUCKY JEANS, A good assortment, for salo by THOMAS 8TBB LIGHT SUMMER 0AS8IMBRE8, For salo by THOMAS STEEN. BROWN and BLEACHED D0MB8TI08, For sulo by THOMAS STEEN. BROWN DRILLS and JEANS, For nlo by THOMAS 8TBEN. SEA ISLAND LONQ CLOTH, For solo by THOMAS 8TEEN. LINEN DRILLS and DUCKS, For solo by THOMAS STEEN. LINEN DIAPER and TOWELLING, For nolo by THOMAS STEEN. TARLE LINEN, Of tho finest quality and dosirablo pattern For sale by THOMAS STEEN. POCKET HANDK K RCHI EPS, Linon and Cotton, for salo by THOMAS STEEN. LADIES' HOSE, English and Amorioan aianu factum For solo by THOMAS STEEN. GENTS' HALFMHOSB^ English and Atnorioan, at oxtromoly lc prices. For solo by THOMAS 6TEEH. LADIES' HATS and IIONNETS, Of various S'ylos and Patterns, Trimmt and Untrimmod. For salo by TU0MA8 STEEN. RIBBONS and BRAIDS^ . For salo by THOMAS STEEN. .GENTS' CASS, STRAW and LKGIIOR HATS. For salo by THOMAS STEEN. CANNED FRUITS, Fresh and good. For salo by THOMAS STEEN CANNED VEGETABLES, Fresh and irood. For salo bv THOftfAS STEEN. CANNED FISH, Freeh and pritno. For salo by THOMAS STEEN. FRESH OYSTERS, In bottlos. For salo by THOMAS STEEN. At tho old stand of MoD&vid A Duncan. bORAX, SALTPETRE, Ao. For salo by THOMAS STEEN. bSfM8T0NE and AlTtM? For salo by THOMAS STEEN. i - - - ? 1 BP80M SALTS, t For saTo by , a, THOMAS STEEN 1 sVeeFoILsToLIVK and SALAD OILS Fur salo by J THOMAS STEEN PEPPER, SPICE and OINOER, For salo by THOMAS STEEN CLOVES and CINNAMON, For salo by TIIOMA8 STEEN BUTTER and SODA CRACKERS, , For salo by THOMAS STEEN * KK> * For salo by 1 T1IOMA8 STEEN For salo by TIIOMAS STEEN rio coffee, 0 Ju?t oponod, and for ralo by k THOMAS 8TEEN JAVACOKPKK^ 1 For sal?, by the pocket or by the pound, THOMAS STEEN PORTO HICOSUOAH and MOLASSES, For salo by thomas ktekb f REFINED SUGARS and SYRU PS, ? From tko Daltiuioro Rofmory, for <?ln I ,r THOMAS STEKt 1 YOUNG hyson TEA, For ralo by thomas stf^ - . best ornpowdek tea. -* For *a)o bv THC'MaS stee> jWIIWIiyp 'I " :? ^ % ' . i -k * g|"yypkggg** , ." t, t : *" ^ # * * \ WOOL OARDS, iUcBUK H1ILUS , OREESVILLB DISTBIOT, 0> /\UR Carding Maobinoa are In flni-rato <*i \J dor, and undor tbo control at tbat_w?U I knows Md oovrpofent m onager, Mr. T. X. DRIDOBS, who will use every ow?to prevent unnecessary waste and to insure ooaipMe setiofaotloD, Our feoilltlcr aro aach that wo Can tffeod to do tho work on TIIE MOST LIBERAL TERMS, end wo oen safely g a or as too to tern oat promptly EXCELLENT ROLLS. Wbon tbo Groaeo la ftirnishod to as, (aey one pound of Grenoe to oighkpounds of1 Wo*) wo Will Card Plain Wool At Ten Cents a Pound! A small edranoo on (Ms rate will bo oborged for Carding Mixod Wool or for Qotton end Wool together. Wool will be tekew from and dollrered et Groonvlilc O. 11. free of charge for transportation GRADY * IIAWT110U9L Jane 10 tf WOOL CARDING. CRAWFORDVILLE FACTORY, ' SPARTANBURG DISTRICT, 9. C. > "VX7"K rospootfully Inform Wool Kalsors end YY Others interested, that we bare Just pat up e set of suporior CARDING MACHINES, and have plaood them under tbo management ofexporienood end faitbfol bends, who will glvo ovoty attention fo prorent we| noco'sary waste and to insure gen oral satis faotlon. Our faolilUos are swob that wo coo afford to do tbo work on Tiro Nlont Liberal Tor ma, and wo can safely guarantee to tern oat ' promptly EXCELLENT ROLLS.. * When tho Oroaoo la furnlsbod to us, (say ono pound of Grcaso to oigbt pounds of Wool,) _ wo will Cord Plain Wool At Ton Conts a PoundA small odvanoo on this rate will bo eh urged ? for Carding Mixod Wool or for Oetton and Wool togotbor. uivavi, uanmuufl a xuuiirriUh Judo 20 4 tf GREENVILLE COACH FACTORY -jmrWSL' HAVING MADE bow nr_ Qs^^rKrangcmenta with our workmen, -Sj^?__2EL-and materially reduced the cost of Manufacture, wo deeiro to call the - attention of the pnblio to the foot, that for Oa?h, wo will do Repairing at greatly REDUCED PRICES, and make liberal discount ~ on NEW WORK. We hare on hand an assortment of OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES, _ ROCKAWAY8 and RIGHT CARRIAGES 5 alao every dcaoription of Wagon* wa maka tyOivo us a calll. GOWEll, COX, MARKLEY A OO. May 23 62 tf T. W. DAVIS, WATCH MAKER, CK _ WOULD Respectfully lafJpy^fcQfortn the people of Greenville lC 3aHan^ orromtding oountry, n jBB'1"" ',0 t'as From his OLD STAND in the Qoodlett House, to a more CONVENIEHT one, three doom North of the Mansion House, next door to Pickle A Poor, on ' Main Street, where he is prepared to do all work in his line of business, at short no tier, in a workman like manner, and oo reasonable terms. >d Aug 30 13 tf - WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. N DAHLONE0A, GA., WILL practioo in Um Cewntios of I.ufap kin, Dawson, Gilmer, Fannin, Onion, ? Towns, Whito and IIall. Jan 10 ' #ft it ICE! ICE! ICE! AT 8 OTS PER POUND. CAN bo hod at my loo flouso overy day from sunriso in tho morning, until 8 ? o'clock A. M., also from- 6 o'clock till sundown, P. M, ?, W. DAVIS. _ May 2 49 it FLOURi FLOUR! JUST rocoivod and for solo cheap, /or (As OASJf, a lot of Country FLOUR. Como quick, If you want good biscuit. ? DAVID A STPADLEY. May 2 49 G. F. TOWNE8, ATTORNEY AT LAW. I AIM) ? SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. ' /"VFKICE at tho samo building adjoining ' / Now Court IIousc, formerly occupied by ' Towmkr A Cam muni., before dissolution it tho firm. Groonvillo, S. C. Jan 81-8 W. K. BABLRT. 0. 0. WBLLM. EASLEY & WELLS,* Attorneys and Counsellors at Lav ? AND IN EQUITY, # OKRRN VILLB, S. C., rRACTICR in tbo Courts of the StsMe and of tho United States, and giro ospeolpl attontion to cosos in Bankruptcy. Juno 13 8 tf ^ Greenvillo Mills. f |11IR GUKRNVILI.K MILLS hose boon nnl In A..I mi. - V,- 4..' U.I I for grinding Wlienl, Good atteulion will bo given by old grinder*. The Miffs grind on the old schedule, ((be ? Toll.) , Bring along your Grain. b* June 18 8 If ? SAMUEL BLACK, BARBER, WOULD respectfully inform tho public hot he hat opened a HAKBEK SHOP in tho room under the building formerly occupied by the Poet Office and En y Office, lirnt door above the ruins of Mcl'co's llall, where he hae l?catod. Being piofeuional Barber, he hopes, hy attention to business, together with |>olitenees to f all, to merit a portion of public patronage, /\/ in CUTTING, S1IAVINO and SHAMPOOINO. t^f"Je?di?>e wishing Hair Cutting and Dressing done, will he waned en t.% L j tbtir residences. July 7T, 9-8 4