University of South Carolina Libraries
! Li j 'J nig * XPlatfora at the Union League. council nooto, v-% a., NO. #,) . hUwW*, July 2u. ISA*, f Tke Union RfpabUMtn Party of Greenville, Sontk Carolina, rt tSaneil aitentbled, repreeentativee frnui "nine of Ike emboedinate Lodge* being itretejtl, unoniutimtlg adopted ike following ItfltfOrn^.uB o baeie of Rccune true lion of oar Mole Government i Amtici.s i. That We bold It to bo the indlgg, penMble duty ?f every man, to recognise the raft- Ahoigbty God ?a the neat Architect end SuSIKeiii Mar nfllt ffiltetw; that We in Am ..' MM appear, to render an account for our ac^^^^Kcre below ; and that the Word of Ioi? tha great bssi* or foundation of all ^^^^H^ertaia natural, essential, and tnallortable BwiB among vrhlob may be recounted the BBSgfi^El^njcying and defending their Urea BBBggti^Grtlea; (hat of acquiring, possessing and PSniUli property; in Ana, that of seeking MHHHnliiK their happiness. |HHHt it ia the right as well M tho duty of fl^^^BKin society, publicly, aud at stated sea^HKlWMrtblB the Supreme Being, the great B^BapWgf and rreserver of the nations of the tnd that no person shall be deprived WlHn inestimable privilege of worshipping HHBqi In a manner agreeable to the dictates of PVPnte own conscience, nor under any pretence whatever, be compelled to attend any plaoe of r worship contrary to his fhlth and judgment; nor shall any person be obliged to pay tlthea, taxes or other rates, for building or repairing any church or churches, place or placet, of worship, or for the maintenance of any ministor or ministry, contrary to what ho bolioree to bo right, or has deliberately and voluntarily engaged to perform. 4. That there fchall be no establishment of One religious soot In preference to that of another. No roligions test shall be required as a qualification for any offico or public trust; and no person shall be denied the eujoymont of any oivtl right merely on acoount of his roligions principles. 5. That any person may freely speak, write, and publish hie sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for tho abuse ot that right. N.i law shall he passed to restrain or abridge tty liberty of speech er of the Pros#. 0. That we do diseOnntenanco and repudiate aristocratic and despotie systems of govcrntnent. That the pooplo of the Stato of South Carolina have the Sole and exclusive right of governing themselves, as a free, sovereign and Independent State, and do, and forever hereafter shall exercise on-1 enjoy, every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not, or may not hereafter be by lliera expressly delegated to the United States of America, iu Congress assembled. ? Tk.t .u i j: ._t_t_.ii.. i. ? XUKW 1*11 |'V W VI lOQIIIIU^ VII I g II1MIIJ 111 the peoplo, end being derived from thoin, the no vera! ui Heist rates end officer* of Government, vested with authority, whether legislattvo, executive, or judicial, ere the substitute* end agent* of the people, end ere at ell time* Accountable to them. 8. That no man, or. corporation, or association, of men, have any other title to obtain advantage, or particular end exclusive privilege, distinct from those of the community, than what arise* from the consideration of servlco* rendered to the publlo. And this title being, in nature, neither hereditary nor transmissible to children or descendants, ot relations of blood, the idea ot a man being born a magistrate, lawgiver, or judge, is absurd and uunutural. 9. That all political power Is inherent In the poople. Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity and happiness of the people! end not for the profit, honor, or ptivato interest of any one man, family, or any one class of men; therefore, the people alone have an inoontestible, inalienable end indefoasable right to institute government, end to reform, alter or totally change tho same, when their protection, eafoty, prosperity and happiness require it. 10. That in order in prevent those who are vested with authority from becoming oppressor*, tho poopie haro a'right, at ruoh periods mid in rucU manner as they shall establish by Iheir form of government, to cause their public offieors to return to private life, and to All np vacant places by certain and regular elections. 11. That all elections ought to be free; and hT) the inhabitants of tlif State of South Carolina hating inch qualifications as they shall establish by their frame of government, have an equal right to elcet officers and to be elected to pnhlio employment. 12. That each individual cUisen of tho' State, has a right to be protected by It in tho epjoyment of his Hfe, liberty and property, 'according to the standing laws. IIo is obliged, consequently, to contribute his share to Ihe expenses of this protection; to give his personal services, or an equivalent, when necessary. Bat no.part of the property ef any Individual can, with justice, be takeq from l<im, or appropriated to the pnblio use, without his own consent, or that of the representative body of the poopie; in fine, the people of the Btato of South Carolina are not eontrolabie by any other lawathan those to whloh their Con Ittitqttonal representative body h^ve given their consent. And whenever the public exigencies refprirt that the property of any indU vidual should be appropriated to the pnblio interest, be shall receive a reasonable compensation therefor. IS. That every enhject of the State of Sonth Carolina ought to find a certain remedy, by having reoourae to tho laws for all injnrios or wrongs whioh he may receive in his person, property or character. He ought to obtain right and justice freely and without being obliged to purchase it^?completely, and without denial?promptly, and without delay?conformably to law. 14. That no person shall be held to acoount for any crime or offense, until the saiqo is fully and plainly, substantially and formally, de , scribed Co him ; or he compelled to accuse or fnrnisb evidence against himself. And every person shall have a right to produce all proofs that may be fhvorabte to him: to meet the witnesses against, him fsoo to face, and bf fully beard in hjs defense, by himself or his counsel, at hie discretion or eleotton. And no person alial! be arrested, imprisoned, or deprived of hie properly, immunities or privilege*, put out of the protection of tho ?,jr, exiled, of dfprivyd or his Ufa, liberty or estate, bbt by the judgment of his peers, QT lh? law u[ (he land. And the Legis'ature ahell not shake any law that shall aub? Jeet any person to a capital or lnfsmona punishment, (excepting for the government of the army and navy-,) without trial by jury. It. That in criminal prosecutions, the verification of fasts, in the vicinity where fbey happen, is on* of the greatest Mauri tie* of las life, liberty, and property of tho diticen. 16. That every person has a right to ba secure from all unrsoaonabla Marshes and leisures of his person, his house, his papers, Snd all hie possessions. All warrants, Itarafore, are contrary to this right, if the Suae Or foundation of them he not previous ly supported by oath ->r affirmation: and if tha order in a warrant to a civil offiser, to make search in all suapeeted places, or to arrest ona or more suspected persons, or t<? arise tfielr property. l? not aoeoOipanied with a apeoiat designation of the prrtone or exeats of seftreh, arrest or aeiinra, and no warrant ought to be 'saned but in such cases, and with the formalities prescribed by the laws. 1?. That in ,a.H cnotrovsraias concerning properly, and in ail aniM between two or mora persona, (except in cseea In which it has heretofore been otherwise nscd ami pro vlfied,) th? parties have a right to a trial by jury ; and this method of proceadure shall he held saere<1?unless in eases arising en the high seas, and snob as relate to mariser's wafe, the legislators shall hereafter find necessary to alter if. Id Thai the people hnve a rlffht fo keep % TUB I and to bear anna for the common defehee ; and a* in lima of peace armies art danger ous to liberty, they ought not to b? maintained, without the consent of the Legislature ; and the military power shall always be hjld in exact subordination to the civil authority, and be governed by It 10. That a frequent recurrence to the fundamental principles of the Con.titutiou, and * constant adherence to tho*e of piety, justice, moderation, temperance, industry and frugality, are absolutely necessary to preserve the advantages of liberty, end to maintain a free government. The people ought, consequently, to have a particular attention to all these principles In the ehoice of their oftioere and representatives, end they have a right to require of their law-makers and magistrates en exaot nod : constant observance of them in the formation and exeoutlon ol all laws necessary for the good admlr.istration of the Htate. 30. That the people have a right, In en | orderly and peaceable manner, to assemble upod the common good, give instruction* to their representatives, and to request of the legLlativo body, by the way of address ee, petition* or renfbnstrar.oes, redrew of the wrong* done them, and of the grievances they suffer. ] 91. That the power of suspending the law*, or the execution ot the earn*, ought never to be exercised but by the Legislature, or by authority derived from it, to be exercised In auch particular case* only a* the ' Legislature shall expressly provide for. 22. That the freedom of deliberation, speech and debate, in either home of the Legislature, la *o ceeentinl to th* rights of the people, that it cannot bo the fouudation of any accusation or prosecution, notion or oonsplaint, in any other 'court or place whatsoever. i 28. That the Legislature ought frequently , to assemble, for toe redress of grievances, , for correcting, strengthening and confirming the laws, ana for malting new laws, as the common good mgv require. 24. That no subsidy, or change, lax. im- ' post, or duties, ought to be established, fixed, laid, or levied, under any pretext whatever, without the consent ot the people or their representatives in the Legislature. That all taxes on property should he ad valuruni, and a capitation tax should not exceed the tax on lOO sores of 2d class la >d. ] 26. The law* made to punish for aolions done before the existence of such laws, and wh cli have not been declared crimes by preceding laws, are unjust, oppressive, and inconsistent with the fundamental principles of a free government. 26. That no person ought, in any case, or . at any time, to be declared guilty of treason or felony by the Legislature. 27. That no magistrate, or court of law, shall demand excessive bail or sureties, impose excessive fines, or inflict cruel or unusual punishment 28. That In time of pence, no soldiers ought to be qusftered in aoy bouse, with, out the consent of tlie owner ; and, In time of war, such quarters oiight not to be made but by the civil magistrates, in a manner ordained by the Legislature. 26. That no person can. in any ease be subjected ??? law martial, or to any penalties or pains by virtno of that law, (except those employed in the army or navy, and . except the militia in actual service,) but by the authority of the Legislature. 80. That it is essential to the preservation of the rights of every individual, his life, ' liberty, property and character, that there be an impartial interpretation or the. laws, and administration of justice. It is tlie right of every citixen td be tried by judges as free, impartial and independent as the . Itw of humanity will admit. It in, there- , fore, not only the beat policy, but for the , security of the rights of the people, and of ( every citizen, that the lodges of the Supreme ( Judicial Court, nn<1 all other officers from the highest to the lowest degree, should be ( elected by the people ; and that they should have honorable salaries, ascertained aud established by the laws. 81. That in the government of the Stato i of South Carolina, lite legislative department aliall never exercise the executive and judicial powers, or eithar of them; the executive shall never exercise the legislative and judicial powers, or either of them : the judicial shall never exeroise the legislative and executive powers, or either of them ; to the end that it may be a government of laws anot of men. 82 That, where-a the Constitution of tltJ United State*, Article 1. Section 10, says no State shall pane any " late impairing ' (he obligation of contract* ;n and, whereas, Congress, at its late session, has made pro vision by an Act known aa the " Bankrupt Law," for all those whose indebtedness exceeds three hundred dollars ; we hold that equity and justice demands that some provision, at least, should be made for tnoee whose indebt- dncm does not exceed $800. 38. That we will encourage a general system of free schooln, for the education of all claa**a, without any distinction of race or eolpr. And that we will favor a liberal system of public improvements, and n'so such a system of awarding contracts for the same as will give all our fellow cltixens an equal anil tnir clianoe to snare to them. 84. That the Legisint nre should provide foi the exemption from levy nnd sale, (ex- ' cent for tuxes.) of every dentor, hip houeo hold furni'urc nnd family stores or honsekeeper; provided, that the whole, including heds and bedding, does not exceed in value the autn of two hundred and fifty dollar*: nleo ono horse, one cow nnd calf; the nee-, essary wearing appaf'el of ench housekeeper and hia family ; the necessary farming utensils; if a mechanic or dentist, the tools ot his trade; the hooka and library of all professional men ', tha ordinary cooking uletisila; nnd twenty-five dollars worth ol provision*;" to each faodly, the dwellingli'st, ar.d houses appurtenant thereto, together with fifty aerea of land ; Provided, That the land shall not include or extend 1 to any property within the limits of any city or town eorp-'rate of this Btata ; And, provided, farther. That the value of the said real estate, in town or country, shall not exceed in value (he sum of five hundred' aoii?r?. ST That the adverse discrimination towards lh* agricultural laborers of tlio Southern Stales, a* manifested by the enormous tax on eotlon, is dnjuat and oppressive, and should be abrogated at lh? earliest praeilenble moment 26. That the Representatives to the Stat* legislature shall bo apportioned among the several Districts according to their respective numbers of electors, counting the whole numhr-r of persons in each District. And that the choice of elrctota for President and Vioc President of the United States should he by the direct elective franchise enjoyed by all male citizens n/ the State, twenty one years old and upward, of whatever raoe or color, who have been resident of tho Slate for one year previous to day of election, and elx months Ip the Distriat; provided, that idiots and lunatics shall not be entitled to vote*. 37. That the devastated, desolated and K depressed condition of the people for Ihe , want of means?results of the latt terrible and cruel war?demand Dial the Legislature should make some provision for ihptn by a stay law of not l?*a than two years; pyrvuUd, that it doea not extend to any contrast that may have been ma Is rlnc-j the flret day of May, Db'.Y > ??|? B ft SsonBiioii Successors to the l. WILL CONTINUE XI AT THE 0 ohe3e31vv] h'lshs's' elfi^a m. k^a^mig-na drugs, med paints, ? fancy ap at r.bdxjoi ?&" PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTION; ah MEDICINES SUPPLIED TO P&AC1 ggggL DUS. HARRISON jjFjr RESPECTFULLY offer their PR JSbf*U eltiiena of Greenville and vicinity. eHl* August 29 : For Sale, jfWfWtm TWO COPIES OF WEB4s3SK0" BTEK'B UNABRIDGED DIC3bE# TIONARY, seeomUhanded, but it tin abusod. A bnrgan con be bad. Apply It A. BACON'S - > Booketore. August 29 14 3 FALL AND WINTER IMPORTATION 1807. RIBBONS, Uillinery and Straw Goods. israilliii & co., raPtMtTKRH AND JOBDKBS OP Bonnet, Trimming and Velvet RIBBONS, BONNET SILKS, SATINS fct VELVETS, BLONDS, NETTS, ORAPE9, RUCIIES, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, STRAW BONNETS & LADIES' HATS, TRIMMKD AND UNTUIMMKD, E^rST 4V) Cfj s.1 it ] lidD DDDSg fiiSu 937 atid 930 Vlnltlmorc Street, BALTIMORE, raDi. OFFER the largest Stoek to be found in this Country, end unequalled in choice variety nnd cheapness, comprising the latest Parisian noveltiee Orders solicited nnd prompt attention ?iven. 13-8 Aug 22 Fair Notice. 1^1115 Ni'tea and Books of Dr. M. B. Knrle, . deceased, are in our hands. The Notes must he renewed nnd tho Accounts closed l>y note with good personal security in every instance, or they will be sued upon itidis criminntoly. Parties need not expect further notice. Creditors are notified to present their ulaims to us properly attested, as the estate will be closes! at the earliest possible day. We offer ft>r Rent the excellent Store* House lately occupied by MeCnnnell <t Ooodlett. REED <fc F.ARLK. Attorney for the Executors. Old Court'Monte, lUlh of Aug.i*t, 1807. Aug IS IX tf S ato of Sotfth Carolina. QUKtfXVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. Sau aii A. Ei.pork, Executrix, ? ?. M. L. GoonT.KTT Ot al. IN pursunnco of the Doerotal Order in the above stated case, tho Creditors of tlio Into Coi. CHAHLES J. KLFORD are hereby required to establish, by proper proof, their claims against the Estate, boforo tue, within nine montln from this date, or bo barred. J. P. MOORK, C. K. G. D. Commissioner's Office, July 16, 1807. Jy 18 8 ?m State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. Jos urn P. Latimer, Administrator, w. Mary I>. Latimer tl al. IN pursuance of the Deoretal Order in the . above stated ease, the Creditors of the late JAMES M. LATIMER are hereby required to establish their demands against tho Estate, before me, withiu nine month* from this date, or be barred. ? J. P. MOORji, C. L. 0. t). Vsum mission oru umw, aiuij ij, tor?/. 3 j 18 8 0m State of South Carolina. UREENVILLK DISTRICT. . * In Equity. William II. Austin, Administrator, m. M. I. CONNCRS Ot al. IK pursuance of the Decretal Order in the Above stated cam, the Creditor* of thn late Dr. W. L. M. AUSTIN are hereby required to eetahliah ihoir demand* against (be Kstate, before uie, within nine monlht from this date, or be barred. J. P. MOORR, 0. K. 0. D. Commissioner's Office, July 16, ISOt. Jy 18 8 Cm Edward f. stokes. Attorney at Law, and Bolioitor in Eqaity. WILL practise in th? fftnHi of Law, ami Equity of South Carolina, or Office in ftwandale's New Building opposite the Maudon House. KEFKVIKICK*. TiioMxs Hjix, President of llairarl Qullji-e Mom.; J. It Minob, Law Pro'ceor,'Univer?iiy of V*.; O. I*. St'L'.iv**, South Carolina ; Gov. J. L i>hk. South Carolina; Ex Gov. It. F. Pkhhy, South Carolina. July f 1 1 , . tf tar The Columbia Phnnlt will insert nn"o a we?-k for ono month Dissolution* rpiIR FIRM of ItAUKSDALE, PRRRY S ? Co.. I* dissolved, parties to whom the Mine I* Indebted, will present their Clalns at the Factory, or to ina at Green riile.S. C, VT. M. THOMAS. Jn-.ur? 7. 1867. J. i U Z... ? G OPWrotSU for the ENTERPRISE.? Only a ; car in advance, e !IT8V i & Mutinlu, ' ATE DR. M. U. EARLE,) IE D1IUG. BUSINESS, LD STAND, :XJLI3, S. O. 1 COS3T SIJ\SffSD? IfliOm.VlVKXCIWV I C I IV E 8 II L 8 ID TOILET ARTICLES. 3Z> PRIOESS. 5 CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED, fD ttriONERB ON LIBERAL terNb. r & MARSHALL.; ^mL iOFKSSIONAL 8KRVICKS lo OFFICE al <X? Drugttor?. B4 tf_ l i i> fi BHEBI HSS mHIS JUST AllllIYED at Hoke's Old Stand. Lam receiving ?n<i opening j FRESH 8UPPL.Y OF Yellow 0 SUGAR Muscavado 8UQAR WHITE A SUGAR CRUSHED SUGAR Rio COP FEE Laguyra COFFEE Green TEA ; Black TEA Parlor MATCHES (lloward'o) Raisins, Currants, Citron, Maco Pens, Pencils Maryland Tobacco Virginia Tobacco Extra Branda Smoking Tobacc< Note, Letter and F. C. PATER Envelopes (aaaorted) Ladies Dress Amber and Velvet Iiul tons Carpet Browee Cooking S. 0. Soda. AND a variety of otlicr Arti cles, which I nni selling at extreme ly low profits for CASH or Conn try Produce. Call and satisfy yourselves. If my Goods do no coino up to my assertions, don' buy tlicin ; go clsewhero. J purpose starting to New Yorl in two weeks. To all those wlion I have let have Cloods on ton ant twenty days time, and who lutvi taken, sixty, ninety, oho hnndret and twenty; and oven five months I mnst now say, coinc forward am p?y up. j mum nuvu uiu luunir t> carry with me, to enable mo t< buy now and cheaper ones lor th< Kail and Winter Trade, so that ' may supply yon all again. If yot don't pay trie, I can't buy CUEAI GOODS for you. JTH?. m. ASSOHDaUB. Aug 8 11 tf Notice. PARTIES having demand* againut tH, Estate of Wra. RLI^A W E\RLE, de erased, are hereby notified that thoM claim not already left with the late I?r. M. E Karln, tnu.t be filed with ua, properly al tolled. RKKD A KARLE, Attorney for the Fxeentora. Old Court llouu^XOth of Au/jutt, 1861. Aug 15 - 11 tf WALHALLA HOTEL. TRAVELERS and other HniDrM in W"!!.?ll? ?i1l fin. this well established HOU8F open fur their aooonimodation. Having, ir the pa?t, ah his guest* have testified, giver satisfaction, th# Proprietor is confident o pleasiug those who may call. Trains now rnn daily to and from the place Rates o Boarding reasonable. Come and see. D. 151 KM ANN, Proprietor. July 11 7 flm 8TATE OF SOUTH GA&OLIHA, ORBENVfLLE DISTRICT. William W atkins va. Gcoauc W. Brooks. Attachment, yi/ HKRR\S, the Plaintiff didon the 17'-* VV day November, file his Dodareiior against the Defendant, who, it is said, it absent from and without the limits of thii State, and has neither wife nor Attorney known within the same, upon whom a oopj of the said Declaration might be nerved : li it therofore ordered that the said Defendant do appear and plead to the said Deula laratinn on or before the 17th November wliioh will be in the year o* our Lord, on< tlioitannd eight hundred and sixty rove", otherwise final and absolute judgment wil then he given and awarded against him. CJerk'* Office, Greenville IMst., S, I>? Cumber 6, 18M W. A. McD \NIKL, C C. 0. P 0<C 5 28 \y Jk > ft .1 51. AUGUST 7, 1867. THOMAS STEKtf lias just rewivwl a superior lot of Ruin 4 lings, Vint R?l Top, and (llnlie Turnip , Seed. and fjiiwrns Seed, from D. F.nndmh { ' and Run*; Philadelphia, and for s?l? at the ^ Old Stand MoDAVID A I'UNi'AN. p Main Street. n JUST RECEIVED, Twtlw Dosen Preston A Merrill'* Sugar d of oana, containing 30 glasses enah, 1 n can b<> made almost instantaneously Into the * nicest Lemonade. For sale l?y . TII0MA8 STfiKN. ,, JUST RECEIVED, ~ Preston A MetrU'a Yeastor Baking Pow dera, for aale by THOMAS SrtSKN. 0 JU8T RECEIVED, " " .. . " V An Aeaertmevt of Crocker* Wayo, botli C. C. and Cruit*. For tide low by THOMAS 8TEEN. f i One Fine Light Top Bnro?icho, in A No. ' 1 oritr, f?r tile by TUOMAS STEEN. # .One OpoQ or no To;> Buggy, in good oon- 1 dittos, and repair, for eale l<y THOMAS STEF.N Pin# Durham Tobacco and Hearfaletta, for aale by THOMAS 8TEKN. Bateavlile Shirting, 7-R aide, for eale by THOMAS STEEN. A fine lot of Stick Candies, Juat received and for ealo by j THOMAS STEEN. < JUST BECKIVKD, ~ I A fine useortinent of Northern Nails and i Brads, various brands. For sale by I THOMAS ST KEN. At old stand MoUavid A Duncan. i JUST RECEIVED, A fino artiole Nova Scotia Grindstones, For sale by 'THOMAS STEF.N. I At oldOand McDavid A Duncan. BUCKETS, BKOOMS, Ao. For saio by THOMAS 8TEEN, At old stand McDavid A Duncan. FRESH WHOLE KICK, Just received, nuil for sale by THOMAS S TEENFLO KID A SYRUP, Just received and for saio by k THOMAS STEEN. SPANISH FLOAT INDIGO, For sale by THOMAS STEEN. KENTUCKY JEANS, A good assortment, for. saio bv . V THOMASSTEE LIGHT SUMMER CASSIMF.KKS. For ealo by THOMAS STEEN. BROWN and BLEACHED DOMESTICS, For saio by TII0MA8 STEEN.3R0WN DRILLS and JEANS; . For ealo by TllOMAS STEEN. SEA ISLAND LONG CLOTH, For saio by TftOMAS STEEN. LINEN DRILLS and DUCKS, For rale by THOMAS STEEN. LINEN DIAPER and TOWELLING, For ealo by THOMAS STEEN. TABLE LINEN, Of the finest quality and dosirable pnttrrns. For fialo by THOMAS STEEN. POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS," Liuou uod Cuttou, for tnlu by THOMAS STEEN. K LADIES'HOSE, * English nnd American manufacture For salo by THOMAS STEEN. ' QENTS'JlA Lb HOSE, English and American, at oxtreiuoly low t price?. For ?ulo by ' THOMAS STEEIL C LADIES' HATS and BONNETS, 1 Of ynriona S'yloa and Patterns, Trimmed i ftni* Untriinmod. For sale by 1 TH0MA8 STEEN. , RIHBOlfSlad BRAIdT ~ Fur ?>'" by Thomas sTBKN. \ PASsTstRAW and LEOHORN ? HATS. For sale by V THOMAS STEEN. 3 CANNED Fit HITS, e Fresh and good. For .sale by [ THOMAS STEEN ?: 1 CANNED VEOETABLES, ? Fresh and good. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. CANNED FrSII, Fresh and pritne. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. FRESH OYSTERS, . In bottles. For sale bv THOMAS RTEKN. * At tho old ptand of MoDftvid A Duncan. BORAX, SALTPETRE, Ai. For ?ale by THOMAS 8TERN. " ulu MSTONE^nd ALL M. ~ For i?)o by ?y ....... ? ^ Thomas stebn. " EPSOM SALTS, " . For m)? by ' ~ - THOMAS 6TFRN. SWEET OILS, OLIVE and SALAD OILS, For ?*le by THOMAS 8TRRN. . PEPPER, SPICE and QINOER, For unle by THOMAS 8TEEN. CLOVES and CINNAMON, For *?le by J THOMAS RTEEN. > BlITTER and SODA CRACKERS, > For wile by f THOMAS STEEN. \ RIO HONDO CIOARflT" For /<?lo by THOMAS STEEN. AN T A^?ON Vlt?A~RS, For ?al# bv THOMAS STKEN. RIO COFFBR, Just opened, "Sad for side hy THOMAS 8TEEN. JAVArOFFTK, i For sule, hy tlie pnoVot or k? tho pound, l>y ? TIIOMAH HTKK.N. PORTO RICO SUGAR And MOLASSKiij '? I*or solo by THOMAS RTEKN. UtFIXKI) flUOAHS mid 8YRtJP8, From the Baltimore Kofincry, for ml* hy ; THOMAS STKKN. ! YOU NO HYSON TKA, * For s*io by * TftOMAS STERN,' BEST U I'N TOW DM TKA, F?r ?nb> hy THOMAS STEFN. "wool, cards, IMcllEH MIIJ^ 3REENVILLE DISTRICT, S Ci ^Un Curding Machines are In flrsf-rate 6p. k f dor, nml under tho control of that well own Hud iMiDipvtont manager, Mr. T. Y. IIUDGK3, who will use every care to prevent nnece-aary waste and to inrjre complete sat,fneti<>i). ' ' A ? Our facilities Arc such that ire can afford to lo tho work on NIE MOST LIBERAL TERMS, , V * ? ,nd. we tart safely guarantee to tarn out iroinptly ? . , . EXCELLENT ROLLS. When the Orenso is furnished to as, (say no pound of Ore ace to eight ponnds of Wool,) re will Card l'luiu Wool At Ten Cents a Found! small advance on this ratowlll be charged or Curding Mixed Wool or for COtton and iVonl together. . .. fea- w ool will l>c taken from and delivered >t Greenville C. II. free of oharge for transmrtatlon GRADY A IIAWTDORK. . Juoo XO 4 tf ?? >?. ' ' WOOL CABDINO, CRAWFORDV1LLE frACTOkV, SPARTAN&URG DISTRICT, 8. C. , WK respectfully inform Wool Reisers end others in t ores ted, that we have Just >ut up a set of suporlor CARDING MACHINES, end have placed them under the neuagement ofexperian c<jd.and faUtvfWl heeds, who will give every uniece>sery waste and to insure general satisloetion. i . >. . I- v i Our facilitlee are such that we can afford to do the work on . . The Moat Liberal Terms* . and we can safely guarantee to turn oat promptly EXCELLENT BOLL8, When the Urease Is furnished to ne, (say one pound of Grease-to eight pounds of Wool,) wo will Card Plain Wool r At Ton Cents a PoundA small advance on this rate will be charged for Oinling Mixed Wool or for Cetton and Wool.together. ' .t GRADY, HAWTHORN A TURBYFILL. Juno 20 4 11 GREENVILLE. COACH FACTORY -JORJT, HAVING MADE new ar gem ents with our workmen, \lr ami materially reduced the cost of Manufacture, we desire to cail the attention of lite public to the fact, that for Caeh, wo will do Repairing at greatly RE* DUOEI) l'KICKS, and make libera) discount on NEW -WORJC.' We have on hand an assortment of OPEN AND TOP IIIJGGIFS ROCK AW AYS ami LIGHT CARRIAGE*; ala<> every description of Wagon* we make us a oalll. ; 1 * OOWER, COX, MARKLEY A CO. May 28 62 tf T. W. DAVIS; WAT6H MAKER, .WOULD Respectfully InIvr^r^^Dform the people of Greenville (f?< 4?hi:i1 the surrounding country, Jsvfc - *"* l?e has .. JUL. JKJ.WKttB'W Jed ? From his OLD STAND in the Good*' lett House, to a mors CONVENIENT one, three doors North of the Man. sion House, next door to Pickle A Poor, oik Main Street, where- he is prepared to do nil work in hie line of business, at short Do, tice, in a workman like manner, and on reasonable terms. Aug 40 - 18 tf ,, WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY. AT LAW,' : . DAHIONEGA, OA.,. .. WILT, prnctico in the Counties of Lump kin. Dawson,f.Q timer, Fannin, Union, Towns, White and Rail. 1 ' I. Jan 10 83 tf ICE! ICE! ICE! AT 3 CTS PER POUND.' CAN be had at mjr lee Ilouso ovary day from sunrise in the morning, until 4 o'clock A. M., also from 6 o'clock till stxndown, P. M. ' T. W. DAVIS. May 2 40 tf -FLOUR! FLOUR! JUST received and fo^ sale cheap, ./or (As CASH, a lot -of eitra-ftns Country FLOUR. Conic quick, if you wont good biscuit. . ? v , DAVID A STRADLKY. May 2 > 49 G. F. TOWNE8, ATTORNEY AT LAW," AMD , ,| SOLICITOR IN EQUltftf. . OFFICE at tho same building adjoining New Court House, formerly occupied by Townes A Campbell, before dissolution ef tho firm. a " t' ' Greenville, S. 0. Jan 81-8 k. o. e. villi, EASLE? & TRTEL IS. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, GREENVILLE, 8. C., 4 PR\CTICE in the Courts of the State and' of the United States, and give etpeolal attention to eases in Bankruptcy. I June IS S if Greenville Mills. rWlIIF, GREENVILLE MILLS liar* been JL put in first-rate order by tbe Major, for grinding Wheat. " I Good attention will be given by eld grinder*. . x . The Mills grind on the old schedule, (the Toll Y Brinflf along yonr Grain. Jane IS tf ' SAMtfEL BLACK, BARBER, ? WOU(.1) respectfully inform tho public that li? hoa openrd n N-AUIIKK SHOP in the room undrr tho I uilding formerly occnpied hy the Post Office ana Jlnt*)fpri*r Office, (IrM. door above the ruin* o/ MoHer'a (1*11, wh> re he liar locale-). JWtng * proft**ional JSarber, he hope*. hy at ten- . lion to t>urine*-, together njth politen* to. *11, to wrAt * portion of pnt-1 e patronage,, in CUTTINO. hill AVI NO and SHAMPOO. INI". |9" l-idie* wiahing Hair C t ng and Drea-iug dune, will ho wailed mii at tlicit miienct*. .'uly 2.% 0-8