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11 > J. LU W " B 3 A Cvrm PrbaOBKH.?Th* colored ; pastor of a church, oot a thousand < ' miles from Bridgeport, says tba Bridge- t port Standard, wu onoo desirous that (he Conference should meet at his ohurch, The people being aware that , they* must hoard the ministers during , . their s?ay In the city, were ^oiia averse * to tfcefr coming. At a meeting to coo* , i<i? ?>? "ttl.irtci of cisinff the Invite- I. (Ion, lh? pastor stated the proposition j Aid said : "Ail (hose In favor of inviting the { brethren here will say yes?ell oppoc- , ed, no." ; lie then proceeded to pot the question ; but not yes w*s heard. Where , upon he* paused, looked eroond end remarked : , " Silence gives ooosent. The Conference will come." i At the concluding meeting, when a 3 collection was to he takes op for the ] visiting brethren, the pastor told his [ people that it was neccessary for all the 1 ministers to be hack to their respective flocks; that they had no money to go 1 with, and must star in their present 1 quarters till the cash was raised. The | dilemma whs either to hoard their visi- j *bry gratuitously, or pay their fares home. We can guess how they solved < the problem. Tits mother of John Quiney Adacni 1 said in a letter to him, written when Be was onlv twelve years old : 1 " I would rather see yoo laid in your grave than grow up a profane and ^ graceless boy." \ Not long before the death of Mr. Ad I ams, a gentleman said to him : "I have found but who made yon." 1 u What do yoo mean f* asked Mr. 1 Adams. Tho gentleman replied t ] " T have been readtnir the nublNhed 1 letter* of your mother." -** 14 If,? this gentlemen relates, 44 I lied spoken that deer name to some little ?' boy who bed been for week* away 1 from bis mother, bis eye* could not have flashed more brightly, nor bis face glbwed more quickly, than did the oye* and face of (net venerable old men when I pronounced the nemo of bis mother. He stood up in bis peculiar manner and Mid " Yea, sir, all'that is good in me I > owe to my mother." Is not this incident very loucbiag . and beautiful f Exteswtz IxfoBMatiok.?What happens to a mib who doesn't take the papers : Once in a while, even in Rock County, a man ean be found who is too penurions to take a paper, or who thinks bets too wire or too smart to get any information out of one. An individual of this kind came to lbs city on Batutday with n load of wheat and so he drove up the street, he was sc. cos ted by a ntiiler who propoeed to hoy his grain, and offered him $2.60 per bushel.? Jfot having been to town for some time, and taking no papery he was not posted on prices, and thinking this was a big thing, he took the offer quick. As ho was-unloading the miller discovering the whoat to be of good quality, asked him if be hodfcny more io soil, and wss informed that he had at out 800 bushels. The man of flonr then told him teat he would give him $2.60 per bashed for the lot, if h* would contrast for- H ' that day. 8ueh an offer was not to be dee' Tyaed, and the farmer, fearful lest so good a thing might he withdrawn, lost no time in making the neoeeeary contract before leaving lbs mill. When, however, he got ont on the street, he discovered that he might just as well have had $2.75 or $2.90 for Ms wheat as $2.60. So, at the lowest estimate, his failure to take a paper at $2 s year, cost , him the nasi little sum of $222,60. A high pries for information, truly. Moral?take the papers.?JnnenxlU ( Wis.) Qatctl*, Gold? Offt Mrv*r..\i REwnartr.?It. Wearn, Esq., exhibited to ue, the other day, magnificent specimen of ore, which waa found on the land of Mra, Wilson, of Abbeville District. The specimen waa quarts and flinty, with sulphur and pyrataa, eonted with scoria or pumiee, which contains free Kpid abuncjpntly, and le apparently very rich ia the precious metal. Mrs. Wilson's land is, we believe, about seven miles southwest of the village of Abbeville, and list on the same belt with the famous Dorn mine. There ean he no donht but the indieaHons, judging from thlaepeeimen will eventually lead to rich veins of the precious metal. Here is an opportunity for Northern capital end business capacity to invest, with'the certainty of a rich return. Not only in the section of the btate referred to, but in some of the Northeastern Districts also are embedded mines of wealth, needing , only capital and labor to develop them.? When will that propltluoe time eome, when onr State will be prepared to welootne both to the great work of retrieving her ehatter 4 fortnnce, by duply eauaing the earth to < yield ita treasured Let all the ends we , aim at be the hastening of that day. ( [r/iomix. j ' Strakokr, where monght you be .] from!' Mndnm, I reside in Shelby < county, Kentucky.* Well, stranger, ] hope no offence, but what monght you t be doing way up here f' 'Madam, I i am searching for the lost sheep of lira ( el.' ' John, John !' cried tho old lady, i * come rigbt here this cninit, here's a | stranger all the way from Sbelber eoun- < ty, Kentucky, hnntin' stock, and I'll jist | bet my lifo that tanglediaifed old black , ram that's been in our lot last week is c one of bia'n!' f Tub widow of Stonewall J.?ok?on has r *n]d t?io borre " S?peiinr " ri lden by ? him during tbc war r m.II T ;T t-" " - " 'i. T"7 Moral Courage in Kyery-day Life. Have the ooaaege to divcliarge a a* lab* while yoo have the mono* In your pocket. ft Have the courage to do withoot that which you do not need, however much ,a rour eyea may covet it. b Have the courage to apeak your n nind, when h ia necceaaary you ahovld 'n Jo eo,and to hold your toflgtfe When it a prudent you should do eo. j Ilave the eourege to apeak to a Mend in a "needy M ooat, even though ron are In com party with rt rich one, ?nd richly attired. TTave the eourage to make a wMl and i leal one. d Have the courage to tell a man rtfjiy n fou Wi!1 not Hsnd hirta your money. * Have {he courage to 14 cut n the moat, f igreeable acquaintance you have, when | rou are convinced that he lack# princi- w pie. M A friend should bear with a w fiend's infirmities," but not with hi* M ruses. J Have tho courage to show your re?pect for honesty, in whatever cruise it appear*; and your contempt for die- ' honest duplicity, by whomsoever oxhib- 7 ited. - j Have the courage to wear your old * slothes until you pay for new ones. * Hare the courage to obey your Mak ?r, at the rink of being ridiculed by 1 mart. ... Have the courage to prefer comfort e ?nd propriety to fashion, in all things. * IJave the courage to acknowledge c (ronr ignorance, rather than to aeck irodit for knowledge trader false pre- i Lences. r Hsvo the courage to provide en tortainment for your fiienda, within your 1 means?not borondt FIWvo the Courage to take a good pa c per, and pay for it annually in ad ranee. c Accordino to otintkb.?This fa t miliar phrase refers to Edmund Qon- t tcr, a distinguished English mathema- r lician. who was born in 1681, and died v in 1026. lie in best known as the inventor of tbe chain commonly used by soeveyors for measuring Innd, and of ( the flat wooden rule?marked with 1 scnles of equal parts, of sines, chords, * etc., and also with logarithms of these 1 various parts?which is need- to aolvo ' problems iit surveying and navigation, 'l % tl__ _ !.i. .L . _ j _# il ; i mecnnnicaiiv, in?5 mo qi uivjucn alone. IJenec, in llie popular uso of the phra?o, anything ii " according to Gunter " which is done quite right and ndmita of no question or improvement. The English do not use this expression, but say, " according to Cocker," in the same sense. Cocker?who was boin about the year 1G32, and died somowhere between 1071' and 1076?wasthe author of a work on arithmelid which at once obtained great popularity, and ran through a large number of editions. Almost all the arithmetics that hare since been published in GreatBritain, I the use of achools, have fidlowed his method very closclv; and, as many of them professed on the titlepage to be " according to Coekerj" the expression gained general currency. How to Judos tiik Ciiahactkh o* a II0118K.? 1 offer the following suggestions, the result of my clsrseohser vation and exjrorienco If the color be light sorrel or chestnut, his feet, legs sud face white?these are ma ks of kindness. If he is broad and full between the eyes, lie msy bedepended on as a horse of good sense, and capable of being trained to anything; as re spools such horses, the jnore kindly you treat them the better you will l>e treated in return. Jfor will a horse of this description stand a whip if well fed. If v you want a safs horso, avoid one that is . dLbfiiced. Ho may be no fur gentle ns not to scare, but bo will have too much go-ahead in him to bk enfa with every body. If you want n fool, but n horso of great bottom, get a deep |>nv with not a whi'o hair about bitn. If his fACfl is a little dished so much the worse. Let no man ride such a horse that is not an expert rider ; tbey are always tricky and unsafe. If you want one that will never give out, never buy ? large over-grown one. A black home cannot Hard heat, nor a white one cold. If yon want a gentle horse, get one with more or less white altout the hend, the more the belter. Selections thus made are of great docility and gentleness.? Country Gentleman, Rbaittt or American Wowitw.?A" writer in tbe Round Table makes the pleasing discovery that American women are growing more and more beautiful every yoar. We presume that ho meane each aucceasive erop of young ladies is prettier than the la?t? not that the same women continue to grow more beautiful every year, 'i bis last would be a discovery greatly to be rlesired. Rut, alaa, it is decreed tbal women shall increase in beauty to a ;ertain point only, after which they rradualiy lose thoir outward loveliness, ? Some indeed, by the assistaneo of rouge, ? fialr-dyc, M pa!pliAlor*,M and other mod j, jrn invention*, fight old Time success- H fully for a long period of years, but the Drigallanl old rascal will conquer thorn *t lsst. Itn* it i? a consolation to know a bat, though the old rosos nrc fading, si lie coining buds hikI blossoms Are to ti it more lovely than their predecessors. ? lome of the old crop, however, are ii taril to beat, possessing ns ihoy do, in iddition to beauty of person, those " harms of mind and soul that never w ado. There are a few of the old h lock left, * blooming alone ;M and wo tdviso our bachelor friends to mako a si election, ?itliont wailing for lha uew h rop.? Vrnkrilh h'uqur, ?m >? T ? 18.8 Mn. Pftrii la i? m rout* for C*^? QT Mi Hundred tkeeMnd poople dUd ora Ibo fiuetoe id OH?n. On* of Browoiow'a militia, on being \ rrested for murder in broad daylight, oasieu inai.jno nau Kiueo eignieen uen. He was allowed to escape thai , igbt. ,T k ,?v; Stow it wall Jackson'? colored nurse lied lately io Madison County, Tenn , t the advanced age of 118 years and f months. Tb? General set her free wenty Are years ago. A ditnrOAi gentleman observes that ' ancfng has a rendeney to M shrivel op II a man's moral dignity and reduce nciety to a " noOen llty " It also aids shirt collar1*. 6*s of Josh Billings' msiimt-* Rise arly, work bard a*>d late, live po t drat you canuot sell, ^ive nothing awa, od if you don't die ntoh and go to the levil, you may see the for damages.* Bona men are like oafs. You may troke the for the right way for many ears, and hear nothing but purring ; >ut accidentally tread on the tail and II memory of former times ie obliterted. Two of the Radical Convention at "atlnhasse*. Florida, were arrested in hat city on 8atmday last, on the harge of having taken a negro into n wsrnp and beating bine in Ibe most ruel manner. ' ' Tn? entiie track of the Florida Rail oad. from Savannah to Cedar Keys, is ? iow laid. Il)? trains now rnn to the 'ernandina l)epot, or rather to the spot rhere the depot is to be erert*d,1n the , uukbts o; the to#n: On the Opelonsas Railroad, since the iTerflow, the engineer on the tzain fre juently hue to Mow hie whistle to clear ' ho truck of alligator*. m the truck is I he only thing above wator for them to est on, for several niHes beyond Tiger- , ' i lie. Tre New York the newest expedient >f the iliicK whisky dietillere to client he Government l? to oonstruct in<f vork their 44 stills " on l>oard rossels in he harbor. One of thoso-was seized he other day* end the detectives ere on be trick of others. Whet next V - A PartaKf Corn ITusher is advertised n Ohio, which will husk sixty eers n ninote, doing the work of ten men.? ft (nkp* <>(T the ontAr husk, then the inier iind fairer portion?laying each by tsrlf?and then strips the silk perfecty clean and deposits the enr in its dace. A i.ono time ago. a little boy twelve errs old on his way to Veimntfl, stopred at a country larerrt, and paid for >is lodging and breakfast bv rawing vood, instead of asking it as n gift.? fifty years later, the same laiv parsed lie same little inn as George IVabody, ho banker. Tiik War of ITkai.tii akd Loko .1 V if M-Dr Hull iai'1 lK?i 11 m s i?f tealih are fix : Keet> warm. PUt regilar and slow. Maintain regtiUr bodi j habits. Take early and' ve?y" li?bt upper*. Keep ft clean rkin. O t >lonty of flftcp a! night. Theso things 'rovidence usually associates with leallh. Fmcas ani* MosijcrroitaT?Ax correpondent of the Scientific American aayir hut "oil or esteneo of pennyroyal is >olicved^to l?e n specific against the atf?ck of flera. I have always used it vlien fleas wero in my had or about my lothing, and found that it would ban all them entirely, Jnrrl am nHw naing ii iith equal success to banish mosqui oe*. They will not come where it is.*? Iron and Stone Cemknt.?A Gqrnan chemM prescribes aix parta of I'ortland cement, one part nicely powlercd lime, !Airnt but not slacked, two larta of sand, nnd one part slack.d ime, mixed with the nccces-ary quauti/ of water, used an a filling between itnne and iron, l?oth being previously lamped. After fottj-cight hours'the :ement will be nearly as hard and duable as stone. Ma kino an FSrx Ovtn a PtNanok ijAun,?A. P. Trail, Trumbull, Ohio, writes as follows : > When you find an iwe with a dead lamb. Hearing piteous y and mourning o?sr it, if yoo with 0 make her adopt another, catch the rwe, milk her own milk upon the lamb, hen removing (he deed one out of her igbt, step back out of the way and wit less the joy of the mother at the *up? roeed restoration of her offspring." Thy- it.?A correspondent of 'The voontry Oentlcman asserts that red co lar twigs bound around the bodica of ruit tree*, bolle upward, will effectualy protect the trees from insects. And f fruit trees, whv not shade trees ?? 3ol. ]>ew?y, of I fat'.ford, writes to Tiie forticnlturist that in bis vineyard, [rapes trained upon red cedAr posts and reliilesare free from mildew ar d insects, nd those growing closest to the posts avo the most healthful appearance and ro the most productive. {Tow it tvao I?o*k.? An Irishman, i ddicted to telling queer stories, said be aw a man 'beheaded with his hands td behind him, who directly picket) p hi* head and put it on his shoulder* 1 the right place. * Ha ! ha I ha !" said a bystander, flow could he pick up bis hosd hen his hands wero tied behind itn i" J " An' sure what a ptrrty (bol ye are," dd Tat. " Couldn't he pick it up aidi is lathe? To the devil wid ycr both- ( r?t ion;" SSJtBlf ., i 7^ ., i. -? Jl -* - '. V. VU' r * * 1 * f * * 1 t ' * - x. ? A * -IT jJL l " I . t % T% iV *''J.- '" SU1 JlTflB BM T17E have redu ^J VY DOLLAR! I it at theso rates t< tiey settle up thet will receive the pi months at one dol the reach of evcrv wishing, if possible trict. Ws wont oii vw. t > of our price, so tliA may incnr no loss, a .< be to make a enppoi the orlv in the State should be appreciate Gltt'EKVlLUC, S. O., * r- " .> V-'* " WmOUf > i*'i / / I .* i vtip I ' ' r --*'? : %.- * J c * asw 55p5s s CHEAP FOR CASH! AT T. B ROBERTS' BRICK STORE III AVE on hand, and shall he reoet vint; every wck additions to my stick, the (following GOODS, to wit.;Indies'. Ofenllemvn's, Miiscs', Boys'* and Children's SHOES Shoe LACETS, linen and cotton Note and.Letter PAP-P-IL fine Fine While ErTVELOrM GOFFER. SUGAR. TEA. SODA PKPPKR, SPICK. COI'PER AS. EPS AM SALTS I TOBACCO; COUIf. BACON VoOison IIAMS, Ess. Coffee Fine CIGARS, BUTTONS, HOOKS and EYE*. Hkir PINS Bacd Ifi*h POTATOES, APPLES ICOTTON YAHtf In n few days F shall ho receiving nddi lions to my present Stock. Persons wish'ing any oHh? above articles, will do well to call and examine hefore buying, fvr b'dr- 1 pain* can he hon'ght at. this place. rar 1 will t-nrter for Corn, Its con, But-I ter, Kgge; Lard, Chickens, dtc. R. L. BURN. . March 7th. lSf.f. tt-tf I IF VOU WANT A THOROUGH NEWS PAPER. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE PIKE NIX, rVAILY Mil trt-wdakly ; or TI1K WEEK * \J LY GLEANER, published eeery WedHi Co'irtubia, S C. TVi*? latest net?r,' Fftrrtgn Aftd American, Itesides ? vfcftt amount of miaMlhmcotis Trading. will be fonnd in (lio*e publications.-^-1. Tho HlfENIX ?nd OLEANKR arc the only paper* in the Stole, ont?ido of Charleston, .wliirh pay for nod regularly publish Tale ?raphl<S InlrlVtgence! Every Jrsue of the i >eily contains fr#?m Ten to jfborUcn Col pmns of Rending Matter; the Tri Weekly J froth Twenty lATwenfcy-Four, and the Weekly* ForlyiEight Columns'-in*king it the Largest nnd Cheapest Paper in tho South. Subscription reasonable. Specimens furn ished oh application: An examination of their merits l? solicited. 7*btm$ for Six Month* in adfancr: Daily Phomix Trl-areekly f ; Weekly Gleaner ft}'. Jolt Priming of nil kinds, etleh as Books, Pamphlets, PosfeAff,'Cards, Bill-Ileads, Hand Mils. as well as Printing in Colors promptly executed, and at such priees as trill make it an inducement for persona to forward orders. Terms Cash. JVLIAITa. SELBY. ProV. i ColturrtSln, S. C-, June I.1. . *-tf LAW OATH). GOODLETT A THOMAS, Attorneys at Law, Ann SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, HAVE this day formed a Copartnership is tho praelies of LAW and KQUTTYon the Wealern Circuit, Office in the old Court House Building, a. n. ebooi.fc.-rr,' wis. m tiiomas. IU- OA * * ' 1 j 'co {V SU IT 1 ' TAILOHMO. W M. WHISNANT i RKSI'KCTKULLV informs the public ] that he continues loCUT and MARK- j ITV, 4n the Most fashionable and approved ] slyKs. \ GENTLEMEN'S GARMENTS. TT* may he found in the building on Mainafreet next door below Mel'herson'a Ilakc ry, In the front store will be kept it supply FAMll-Y GROCERIES, ! Such ss Sngar, OnfT<>e, Tea, Hpiees, 8ods, Ac., which are off-red at low prices for Oasli f or Country Produce. * I April IB 47 tf , DR. ANIIKRSON ' RKSPECTVPLDY informs . the ritisons of (Jreenviilo and vicinity, that since the fire ho has o|mnod hfs OFFICE next fioiir to his rcsi- "" fence, Just J? the rear of Mosars. David A. StrmHAy, where he is prepared to practice m DENTAL SUKGBHY J n both lt? hraurhes, operative and mechnnl- ti id, ft>r ftio OAA'// only. Kb 14 *3B tf - SUIJSC KIBE ! SUBSCRlBl tSCKIPTION KEDl 'BRPRISB AT TWO . cod the subscription price of tho.Ei 3 PER ANNUM IN ADVANG > neto ?tibscrtbera and to old ttibscrih r tndtbtcdnees. Tlioeo who havo j iper at these rates. Subscriptions, j lar. Being desirous to plarc the Ei ' body, wc nare thought prOper to m ?, to circulate it ifi every ncigbborho \r friends to mention onr paj>er, and t our liet may bo increased, that a onr former rates were as low as t t. If wo mis ake not, tho Greenril issncd for lees than $3; thcroforo d by a generous public, and wo kuc August, lt-67. NICKERSOO HOTEL. ??(O^-? TASSENGERS AltATPfXO IN COLUMBIA ON TIIR DIFFERENT RAILROADS ?2 v* . . * - WII^ FINI> Omnibuses, Carriages AND IPaggagc Wflgons, n BcndfH?m lo Carry flicna to ntid from lain FREE OF CHABGE. Ktej^meille pertont in attendance to re errre Cheek* and Bnrjrjage. t. 8. i>h ki;uso\, Puorw noil. An* 23 12' tf Superintendent's Office. G.&CE R. COLUMBIA, May .10, i??7. 0"N ami after Saturday, Juno 1st, Trains will be rtjtl pYcr the RIuo Rid go Railmud, betwoon Andersbn arid WMhalla, daily, Sundays excepted, as follows : Leave Anderson 6 10, p. tn. ' Afrivojit Pondlcton 6 " . AYrlre at Wslballa 7 90, 44 Leave Waltaalla ; .....A 10, a. tn. Arrivo at Peudloton ft 32, " Leave Pendleton 5 40, 44 Arrive at Anderson 6 30, " Connections made with tlio trains of tbo Oreonville Road, up and down, eysvy day, SundayA excepted. D. SLOAN, Superintendent. Juno 13,1807. 3 i>.h. Schedulo Spar. & Union B. B. ON and sfler Monday, the 20tb Mity Inil., tbo Passenger Trains will run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. l>own trains loavo Spartanburg C. IX., at 6 a. m.; arrive at Alston at 11.30 a. in. Up trains leava Alston at 12.30 p. tn.j arrive at Spartan, burg C. IT., at 7 p. in. TIIOS. Jl. JKTBR,' Prcsidont S. A U. Railroad. Unionvillo, 8. 0., May 16, 1867. June 13 3 D.H. RchAiinls Avsr firmtb Oimlina 12 V gmfa Psssa IUBIBI uaAsm jEaBMrgMTt ^*** w 1ry" ? GENERAL SUP'TH OFFICE, ) On*m.MrroN,S. C, March 11,18A7. \ Off tend after Ibe 18th inat., the Through MA1LTKA1N will rub ra followa, viz.: Leave Columbia at 11.40 a. m., Ch'a'n time. Arrive Klngavllle at 1.80 p. m., " ? [jeave Kingarille at 1.85 p. rp., " " Arrive at AugueU at 8.00 p. m., " " 'AMKMIR TUAIN. Leave Chnrlcaion,..... . ,8 00 a.m. Arrive at Columbia, 6.80 p. m. f<eave Columbia, 6.60 a. m. Arrrivo at Charleston, 4. p. m. n. T. PEAKR, Gen'l Hop't. Mar 81 48 d.h. S3HAVIISTO ~ A?I? HAJE. ?laaiEsiiie. HKNKY OANT, Uio Harbor, rontlnuea to ! SIIAYK Itio fitee nn<l llllKSS 1IAIK na 1 umorly, ut hii OKI flaii'l, near Meaar*. 'i'"k i,n A Pooii'a Hhnp, whom be will be ! leaned to mm hi* umi customer*. lie io|mm, Itjr attention to huainoaa nnd ]?>Htonene o all, to rccoivc'tlio putronago of tho place. , Mirrrh 21 43 d.m. , Notice. 5 I1TK rr?pcrtfelly invito all peraona owing t \V im, to emtio forward and pay up. A rord to tho wi*? la KUfliolent to aavo <hmU.? I V'o can ho found at tho old Latimer Hotel. 1 hune ami aottle ?oon, or you will have eoeta ? > pay. A. J. VANOKItClRTFT A CO. f Jan 'I *2 >1 | ,? ' - v4-r 'v! i J _ ft ^SSS3B3S^tt!M^aV " v * 8^. -1^ -**" ? -I??-1 n*r-|' ? Mills HOUSE. Corner of Meeting and Queen Streets/ CHARLESTON, S. C. Ttrts ?? 1e?oh>Ai *t#bV USSIfftfe ce>? ifDT^l* " baa" just ?1' frrrli1n boon thoroughly repaired, refitted ahd refurnished, and I* now ready for the accommodation of the travelling public,' whoso patronage la respectfolly aolieitcd. Merchant* visiting the city, are respectfully invitod. lfvcry accommodation will be offered them. Coaehes always in readiness to convey passengers ti> and fro id the Hotel. The Proprietor promises to do *11 in hls pfewor ior tho eomfWf n' his guests. JOSEPH PUKCRLL, Proprietor. Fob 21 S9 n.n. TO THE rUBLKjT!*^ The Pavilion Hotel, CHARLESTON, 8. O., 80 LONG and nblj oondnoted by the. lete H. L. fliMnl BUTTERF1ELD, will stiff 'anji^rbe kept open for the aeeoro rnodstion of the traveling pi;l>lic. And ite former friends and patrons will find the usual accommodations and attentions bestowed on them as formerly, and the poUie . favors, alrtndy so well eatabllsh'eSTaaTllJ^' HOTELoflheTRAVELING MERCHANTS of the South, will, by earnest efforts, be' faithfully preserved. , Oct 25 22 ?!fc; LAURENS RAILROAD. ENTIRELY VXW SOHKDULE. Owe* Lauksxs Raiuios?. Laurens C. PL'. S. CL. July 1 J ON and after Monday, 22i inkani, this' Train, will rua orsr this Rood ae fnllovi tinill fuUka* nniiao * Lear* J-aurens Court Hooas on Mondays^ Wednerdiij*s and Friday*, at 5 o'clock, A. M., and arrive at Newbeiry at 11 o'clock, A. M. Lenve Newberry Court House on Mondays, Wednesdays and Prldayt at BO to)n-. ntes after 1* o'clock, <****??>& mUA ttth Train* on Ik* Gfrttnwill? and CvtSmUm Mmilrond at Helena Shops. JOSEPH CKJKWS, Sopt L. R. R. * July 18 8 u GEKEHVILLE & COLUMBIA iCjL lUSagBMHHWL1 OEN'L SUPERINTEND-IN OFFICB, > Columbia, Sept 18, 1800. f 1 ON And after MONDAT next, 17tb ineCj" tba Passenger Trains will ran daily, fSunday* excepted.) until /nrtker notice, aa follows: : <M Lo.i ye Columbia at 7.16"<t. to. Leave Alston at ....9.06a. n. Leave Newberry at 20,86 a. m. Arrive at Abbeville at.......8.18 p m,[' Arrive at Anderson at .6.10 p.'as,! ? Arrive at Qreenville at...... .6.40 p. m. Leave Greenville at.?i', &00 a. as. Leave Anderson at ...6.80 Leave Abbeville at .8.86 a, to. Leave Newberry at. 1.80 p. asc. Arrive at Alston at.. 9.46 p. m. Arrive at Columbia at ..4 40 p. m. Sept. 21, 1866. 46 ' n.m General Superintendent's 0?o?, MBs* eaum rarrnfltt C11ARL0TTH A B. 0. railroad,"? ' Columbia, B. 0., mat 1, 1807. J ON And After SUNDAY, May &, the mMulo of tbo Peeveoger Tralai otw thi* Road will be a* follow* s Leave Cofwcebie * I.ti, p. n. Arrive At Charlotte At 13.10^. A.a?." Leave Charlotte at .....17.70, A. m. Arrive at ColumblA At.?.?.???., <Ut, A. . Clone connection* are made at GJuabia end Charlotto with mall tratfiv b*a ttAWdrth Caeolinit Mid South Carolina Railroad*. liy thU arrange meet, paaeengere by the droonville Rood may go immediately through Kent ward, and havo no detention in Columbia. THRbltftn TIOKBtS are eoM at Colrtiff?1a to Riohmond, Va., Washington, D. C., Ualtiraoro, Md., Philadelphia, Pa., and New fork dty?giving choice of rotte* via Perth- " aonth or Kkhaend?and baggage cheeked. ["ickoU era alao eold at Charlotte fax Chaxleaon and Augncta. ' _ An Acc?miirodatlon Train, fbr ftwtght *kd ' oeal pweeage, lerveA Columbia at- 7, a. a., An ' ruondaye, Thursday* and Satnrdaya of ea*h reek, and Charlotte oa the tern day* aad lour, arriving at Columbia and Charlotte A* 7 >. a. O. BOUKRIUJiX 'U July ii 7