University of South Carolina Libraries
v W W? Jf^jfjuuy.' atUCTiow.?Tho Buf -Ikla CoflNMfvU) Adrartisw, (ftapubHaan, oeannoattag &fto& th? ramoral of BUnton an B au! interim ti Iba Bumu of War, 8*7*; ' " What tho country noodr molt, at present uon.partitau exocutioi llfeA ' , ^oUl The South ahouh to U?dr>taUad, by daily practical do thaliltW and spirit of tb< ^ fsfsrsat* 0 pnhlt'Is safe to asninc thai tSEwSi Oran* dependad upon to do."this." HpHF^^W0?V?^ioos.4*unday. Sapt.l. rl|MI?t Church, 11, A. M., Hcv. R. Fun gath" Hat Church, 11, A. M., and 8. P. M. , A, M., and ft, V. M., HSSS"-Fantors aeo reapcctrully rerjuaatod t?. BttHBSm us Vhon aay chsnpo occurs in tho rcgHp" supplies. gufeenvilrr prices current. wbbklt, ?t brady,FERGUSON & MILLER, MERCHANT8. GREENVILLE, 8. C., AUO. 18, 188L APPLES, fe buahal, Drfad, $1 80 URBF, ft Si, frcab, according to cut, 8 @ 10 ?. BACON, ft lb, . 18 <g> 18 *. IffcLR ROPE. ft lb, ....38 e. BLUE STONE, ft lis. _...; 10 c. BAGGING, Gunny, ft, yd 83J e. BUTTER, ft tb 15 @ 10 ?. BEESWAX, ft lb ....20 e. BRANDY, ft gallon, poach, *4 00 CIIICKRNS, ft bead Hi @ 20 e. COTTON, to n?... 18 to 20 c. coprEE, fTib, Rio, 0 33?. ? " " Java, .. 60 ?. wnn? V ovsnoiyi CANDLES, ft tb, Atlnmanlliio, 80 f, " " " Sperm, ........1....40 e. i ? ? Tallow, 86 e. COPPERAS, V lb, English,...,. c. KHG8, & down 10 e. PLOITB, ft barrel, .. SO 00 GOLD .............$1 36 OTNQER, ft lb 60 e. IRON, $ lb, Swoed,..,... v..,..,..~ 124 c. M " *' Country, 8 e. - " * Hftrso Shoe...... 10 e. I3CDIQ0, Vlb, South Carolina tl 60 u fi u gpauUh Float, 2 25 LUMBER, ft 100 foot, Pine,...81 60 @ 82 00 Lit AD, $ lb .. - 20 c. LEATHER, ft lb, Sole, 60 ?. " * " ? " Upper,............60 @ 70 e. MADDER, ? lb, - - 20 e. molasses, ft gallon, West Indla^ 0Q ** " " Sugar-House,?$1 25 NAILS, ft lb, Parker Mill, L 124 e. OATS, ft bushel, .....46 e. PEAS, " " $1 t0 PORK, 1ft lh. net...... 124 ? POWDER, ? R, .. 76 e. PEPPER, ft lb, Blaek 50 e. PEACHES, ft bushol, Dried, $1 50 POTATOES, ? bushol, Irish, none. " " " Kwoot,.... none. RICK, fftlb 16 @ 17 c. STEAL, fl lb. Cast, - 35 r. SALT, ft aaok, Liverpool...... $6 00 " " bushel. " 1 50 SUGAR, fl lb. Brown,........ 16 @ 20 c. m ? Clarified,... 20 & SHOT, 1ft lb,... - ...20 c. soda, w lb ;. : 20 e. STARCH, ft lb, 20 o. SPICE, ft R? 50 e. SHIRTING, I, ft vd 20 e. H'UKKIISS, ft DOM, (O c. ?n <11 vu TOBACCO, Manufactured, ft lb, 50 e. (fa $1 00 TALLOW, ft N> 15 r. TEA, f lb, Gunpowder...... $2 00 " " " llyson,... 2-25 ? .. ? * BlacK, - tl 50 (% *2 00 WHEAT, ft bushel, v...fl 50 @ *1 75 WHISK Y, ft gallon, Z $3 00 YARN, ft bunch, Factory, ?2 00 To the Stockholders of the Greensville Qu Light Company. A BALK of the Work* having been cffcctj\, od, it is doaired by tbo Board of Director* that you will attend a MEETING of the Sfoekhotdora, on TO-MORKOW (Friday) afternoon, at A o'clook, at the office of ALEX. McBMK, Esq. A full attendance 1* requested. . . TnOS. STBEN, Pres't Greenville Gas Light Company. Aug 20 14 t T i.j . .: ,.y!i , *or Sa^?? rfj/fgjM TWO COPIES OF WEBSTRR'S UNABRIDGED DICHfilli iW TIONARY, second-handed, but little abased. A borgan can be had. Apply ?a t mnnN'fl Bookstore. August n 14 '3 Dancing Soirees, Etc. MON.4. HEUGER proposes teaching non pupils the "GERMAN" and admit them to his DANCING 80IREES, *hich will take place testy Friday, for the sum of Re no. tggr Learn the '* GERMAN or yon will be sorry for not doing It. CRT Apply at Mra LAVAL'S. AngM 14 tf ) FALL AND WINTER IMPORTATION 1867. I, RIBBONS, Millinery and Straw Goods. iSMMJUil & GO. 1MI'ORTKRS ARD JOBBERS OF Bonnat, Trimming and Velvet RIBBONS, BONNET 814X8. SATINS & VELVET8. BLONDS, NOTTS, CRAPES, RUCHES * Flowers, ImUmh, Ornaments, STRAW BONNETS & LADIES' HATS, r v ?n?w and omnnin), * 3HL&JKQCL& mCEKDlDS^ <3#3J0 - MT and 98* Baltimore Street, ^BALTIMORE, KD. OFF Kit the largest Stock to bo foand ii thU Country, and uneqnalled la ekolci variety aad eheapneaa, oomprieing Um late* PtrMtn BAvxkiw. Orders aolieited and prompt attention given. 1S-8 Aug 11 NO CURB, NO PAT CORNS, W.VRT8, and other KXCRffi OKN81HI of the Peel, Ilanda an Body, eared without e sir noting, cutting o the ieaet enduring. The cure ia ?ffuote withiar the lapee of four and eight deyi To be paid only "floe the petient ia eatierie of the ewre. fffApply to MON3. BKH OKU, at Mrr. LAVaL's. Aug 15 It If ? . ^ .? * v J ^Wt?. HAHRI80 ' (SUCCESSORS TO THE : ,WIIX CONTINUE 1 A it iptrn i . JUL A. JLOJ3 1 ; OH. E5EJ3NTV ! | WIHUBT? m&w d r ii i; s, men PAIN T?, FANCY A AT RBDITO; A*- PHYSICIANS' PRE SCRIP T101 A MEDICINES SUPPLIED TO PRAC w DRS. ii A |{RISO RBBPBOTPULLT offer their P M oltliena of Greenvillo end vicinity. AHTA August 19 The 8tate of South Carolina GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of a Decretal Order from tli< Court of Ordinary, for Greenville I)ia trict, I will expose for sale, at publto outcry. to the highest bidder, on the first Mon flay in September next, tne following TRACT OF LAND; vit: All that piece, pareel and Tract of Land, situated in Greenville Dialrlot, on watera ol Gilder'a Creek, bounded by lends of Robert League, John Doyle en J other*, end containing Fifty Aertt, more or Jeea, Sold ?s the property of J. J. McKixnxy, dvemsed. for partition amongat the heir*. Tames or Saix?A credit of twelve months, interest from day of aale, for all except ao mnch ae will pay the coat*, which will ba required In cash. Purchasers to give bond with approved security. and mortgage of the premises, 4f dnwnrd peoea sary to the Ordinary, to secure the payment of the purchase money. Purchaser* to pay for titles. W. T. SHUMATE, S. O. I>. SherifT* Office, 12th August, 1807. Aug. 16 12 8 Greenville and Columbia Eailroad. IN order to aecommodnte persons wishing to ntlend the DISTRICT MEETING OF THE M. K. CHURCH. SOUIH, which takes place at Anderson, on Thursday, 20th instant, the Anderson train will leave Belton on the nrrivnl of the regular down passenger train, in the morning, aYid will re turn in tho afternoon in time to connect wit It the up trnio. This arrangement will continue from Thiirndey to Monday Inclusive (excepting Sunday.) nml but ONE KARK will bo charged Iroiu Greenville and back. Aug 15 12-3 Fair Notice* THE Notes and Books of Dr. M. B. Karle, deceased, nro in cur hands The Note* must be renewed and tho Accounts cloned l>y note with good personal security in every instance, pr thev will be sued upon indiscriminately. Parlies need not expect further notice. Creditors are notified to present their cliuma,to us properly attested, as the estate will be closed at tlie earliest possible dnv. Wo offer for Rent the excellent Stores Home lately oocupird hy MoConncIl ?t Goodlotl. RKKU 4 EARI.K. Attorney lor the Executors. Old Court IIouu, 10lh of Auguxt, 18C7. Aug 1S? 12 if WOOL CAREING, CRAWFORDVILLE FACtORY, SPARTANBURG DISTRICT, 8. C. WK respectfully inform Wool Kaisers and others interested, that wo have just put up 4 set of superior CARDING MACHINES, and have placed thew under the management of experienced and faltliftil hands, who will give eveiy attention to prevont unnecessary waste and to insuro general satisfaction. Our facilities are such that we can afford tc do tho work on Tlic Kloit Liberal Terms, and wo eon safely guarantee to turn oul promptly EXCELLENT ROLLS. When tho Grensa Is furnished to us, (sa> one pound of Grease to eight pounds of Wool,] we will Card Plain Wool At Ten Cents a Found A small advance on this rate will be charge' for Carding Mixed Wool or for Cotton an< I Wool together. ORADY, HAWTHORN k TURBYFILL. . t .I-.' en a " State of 8outh Carolina. ORKBNVILLE DISTlUCt. In Eftltjr. Raram A. Ei.roan, Executrix, n, M. L. Goon i.rtt ot a). IN pursuance or the Oecretal Order In th< abore stated case, the Creditor* r?f th late Col. CHARLES J. ELFORD aro hereb; required to establish, by pruper proof, the! claims against the Estate, before mo, withii niMs uiontk* from this date, or bo barred. J. P. MOOKK. C. K. O. D. 1 Commissiorfcr's Office, July 13, 1807. Jy 18 8 9m ' cA..tb n li? uiavo u> BUUVU vmuiuw< ORKKNVILLE DISTRICT. , In Equity. Jomrn P. Latimer, Administrator, r?. Mar 1). Latimer et ? /. IN purauanoo of tbo Docrotnl Ordor in th above stated ease, tbo Croditor* of th Into JAMRS M. LATIMKR are hereby reqtili od to establish thoir demand* against the Ki tate, beforo me, within rim montht from th i date, or bo barred. i J. P. MOORE, 0. E. O. D. I Commissioner's Office, July 16, 1807. Jy Id 8 Om i ? ft tate of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. ' Wim.iam II. Atntin, Administrator, rs. M. |. CoRNBRR Ot ai. ;j TN pursuance of tbe Decretal Order in H 1 above stated case, the Creditors of tl . lata Dr. W. L. M. AUSTIN are hereby requi ed to establish their demands against tbe K tate, bsioro me, withiu ni'ns muxfAs^froiu tb 'J date, or bo barred. t* J. P. MOORE, C. K. O. I). Commissioner's Office, July 16, lsd7. Jj 18 8 Vm ? v4">- ? '? * * i ' 11 *i i i "V * ' " ~ s I y T N B K ? V S> IflDOITliV i! Gt UAAOIiabfe) LATE DR. M. B. EARLS,) 'HE DRUG BUSINESS, OLD STAND, ILLEl. JS. O. IS <E>KJ SIAMSSTOs, Mon.'ViiKNmiwr^ IICINE8 OILS NO TOILET ARTICLES. HUD FFIIOEB. MS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED, iW> JTiriOHEES OH LIBERAL TERMS, X A MARSHALL, MOA R0FK88T0NAL SERVICKS to the JBQT OFFICE ffl( (A. Drvgitori. BV u tr W " 1 ' ? ? fib FfflR 8S55 K9H JUST ARRIVED AT Hoke's Old Stand. I AM RECEIVING and OPENING FRESH SUPPLY OF Yallow C SUGAR Muscavado SUGAR WHITE A SUGAR CRUSHED SUGAR Rio COFFEE Lagnyra COFFEE GrcJn TEA ; Black TEA Parlor MATCHES (Howard's) Raisina, Currants, Citron, Maco Pens, Pencils Maryland Tobacco Virginia Tobacco Extra Brands Smoking Tobacco Note, Letter and F. C. PAPER Envelopes (assorted) Ladies Dress Amber and Velvet But tone Carpet Browes Cooking S C. Soda. AND ft variety of other Articles, which I am soiling at extremely low profits for CA811 or Conn try I'roducc. Call and satisfy yourselves. If my Good9 do not come up to my assertions, don't buy them; go elsewhere. I purpose starting to New York in two weeks. To nil those whom I have let havo Goods on ten and twenty days time, and who hnvc taken sixty, ninety, one hundred and twenty, and oven five months, I must now say, como forward and pay up. I must hnvo tho money t > carry with mo, to enable ire tc buy new and cheaj>cr ones for the Fall and Winter Irade, so that ] may snpply you all again. If yon don't pay ww, I can't buy C11FAI1 , GOODS for 3/0 u, jjnd. ?. ammvw&o , Aug 8 *11 If f 1 WOOL CARDS, i RIcBEE MILL^ 1 GREENVILLE DISTRICT, 8 C OUR Carding Machine* arc In first-rato 01 dor, and under the oontrol of that we - known and competent manager, Air. T. 1 DRIDOKQ, who will bm ovary cera t?> proven unnecessary waste and to inaure complete *a( hfaction. Our facilities arc ouch that we can afford t . do the Work on , T1IE MOST LIBERAL TERMS 0 and wo can safely gunrantou to turn oti f promptly o EXCELLENT ROLLS. When the Urease is famished to na. (*a ono pound of Orence to eight pounds of Wool, we will Card Plain Wool At Ton Cents a Pound! A email advance on thle rate will be charge for Carding Mixed Wool or for Cotton An Wool together. p&T Wool will be taken from and deliver? v at Uroenvlllo C. II. froo of eharga for tram Deflation ? OUADY A HAWTHORN. Juno 20 4 tf Dissolution. fVUlR mil iHiivuniio r??t>r> i/.nn?i'j?nur4, 1 IK IV l\ A Co.. it (littoltred. Parties to whoi the same in indebted, will present the Claims at the Factory, or to me at Groei - vllle, 8. C. W. M. THOMAS, i January 7, 1867. Jan 84 85 tf i. Notice. DARTIES having dementia against tl 10 I Katate of Mrs. RL1ZA W. CMlLR. d ,c ceased, are hereby notified that those claii not salrcady left with the late Dr. M. i" Karte, *>u?l be filed with we, properly i toated. RF.KD A KAKLK. Attorney for the Kxeeutois OUl Court lloutt* 1 itfh of A "just, 1867. Any 15 U tf ilT'l I ii ill' i?Ml I H B'B tiR AUGUST 7, 1867; THOMAS STEER 11m just received inptrlor lot ol Rata Bag*, Flat Rod Top, and Globe Turnip 8?d, and Lucerne Seed, from I>. Landrcth ' and Hon*, Philadelphia, and for onto at the Old Stand McDAVlL) A IHJNOAN, Main Street. JIlBT RRTRlvvn Twalve Doscn I'reston A Merrill's Sugnr of Lemon,in ??nf, containing 30 glasses encb, can bi mtdn almost ln>lsiilan?oiuljr into the nicest Lemonade. For mI? by TU0MA8 STERN. JUST RECF.IVKD. I'reston 4 Morrill's Yaest or Baking Tow d0lA for sale by TllOMAS STERN. JUST RECEIVED, ' An Assortmott of Orackm Ware, both 0. C. and Granite. For sale low by THOMAS 8TEKN. One Fine Light Top Harouoho, in A No. 1 order, for sale by THOMAS STEEN. One Open or noTop Buggy, in good oon' dttlon, and repair, for sale by TllOMAS 8TEF.N. Fine Durham Tobaeeo and BoarfaWttn, , f..r sale by THOMAS STEEN. Ualeevtlle Shirting, 7-8 wide, for sale by THOMAS STEEN. A fine lot of Stiek Candies, Just received and for sale by TUOMA8 STERN. -?* JUST RECEIVED, A duo assortment of Northern Nails and Drads, various brands. For salo by TII0MA8 8TKKN. At old stand McDarid A Duncan. JUST RECEIVED, . A fine article Nova Scotia Grindstones, For salo by THOMAS 8TKEN. , At oldstnnd McDarid A Duncan. 1 i i BUCKETS, BROOMS, Ao. For salo by THOMAS STEEN, At old ?r*n.l X T\ I ?~? ? i fresii wncLE rice, i Juet received, and for salo by TH0MA8 8 TEEN. FLORIDA SYRUP, Just received end for isle bv THOMAS STEEX. SPANISH FLOAT INDIHO, For Mile by THOMAS STEKN. KENTUCKY JEANS, ' A good assortment, for sale by THOMAS 8TEK LIOnT SUMMER CASSI MERES. For sale by TH0MA8 STEEX. DROWN and BLEACHED DOMESTICS. For sale by THOMAS STEKX. BROWN DRILLS and JEANS. ~ Fur salo by THOMAS STEEX. SEA ISLAND LONG CLOTIL For sale by THOMAS STEEX. LTNBN DRILLS and DUCKS. For sale by THOMAS STEEX. ( LINEN DIAPER and TOWELLINoT For sale by thomas steex. ( TABLE LINEN, Of tile finest quality and desirable patterns. For sale by THOMAS hTKEN. POCKKT HANDKERCHIEFS, Linen aud Cottou, for salo by TIIOMAS STEEX. LADIES* HOSE, ?"? /Muoncnn iiinnu lacinro _ *or ?a,? bT THOMAS STEEN. GENTS' HALF iToSE, " and American, at extremely |o? price*. For sale by \ THOMAS STKEU. I LADIES' HATS and BONNETS, I M2fiT?!l" 8;>10" n'1 P??torn'?, Trimmed and Un trim mod. For aalo by J THOMAS STEEN. RIBBONS nnd BRAIDS, _F?r sulo^y THOMAS STEEN. 8SHT ^^m-=rsss^ 1 THOMAS STEEN. ! CANNED FRUITS^ ~~ k Fresh aud good. For sain by I .. THOMAS STEEN " ' CANNED VEGETABLES! Freah and good. For *nle by THOMAS STEEN. CANNED Fisit " Fresh and prlmo. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. FRESH OYSTERS, ~~ In buttles. For a ale by A..k i> '. > .THOMAS STEEN. At the old stand of McDavid A Duncan. . BOIlAx, SALTPifiTRK. Ao. ' For anlo by T1IOMA8 STEEN. BltTMSTON? and AMI ?i! |, For sale by THOMAS STEEN. ii EPSOM !?Tfct? " Fop iiaia u it THOMAS STEEN. SWEET 0IL8, OLIVE and" SALAD 01LS, o For ml? by THOMAS STEEN. it I'EPPER, SPICK and GINGER, * For aale by '* THOMAS STEKN. CLOVES and CINNAMON, For aalo by * THOMAS STEEN. UUTTER luid SODA CRACKERS, For Bale by. thomas stek*f. <i ifio uon"dcmjiga For ?alo by THOMAS STEEN. (1 'N/V.'N./VA ^ A/\^/r/s I. PLANTATION ClOARS, For ?alo by THOMAS STEEN. - RIO COFFEE, J lint opened, and for anlo by THOMAS STEEN. m JAV/TcOFFKE, ~ ir For rale, by tho packet or by tho ]>ound, by a THOMAS STEEN. PORTO KICO 8UOAK and MOLASSES, Pur aalo l>7 THOMAS STERN. HRFINRD SUGARS and SYRUPS, 1e Prom tho itulliiuoro Rofinory, for Halo by ^ THOMAS STKKN. "" YOUNG HYSON TKA, '? For aal? by 't THOMAS 8TEEN. BEST GUNPOWDER TKA, For ralo by THOMAS STEEN. ????? __ p n isg. OREENVIIXR COACH FACTOEY lUviHG MADE new *r ngemenU with our workmen. VV SV ind materially reduced the ooMof Manufacture, w? de?ire to call the Attention of the pttbllo to the fact, that for wo will do Repairing at greatly RE DUCRU 1*KICKS, and make liberal discount on NEW WORK. Wc hare on hand an as aortnmnt of OVEN AND Tor BUGGIES, UOCKAWAYS and LIGHT CARRIAGES; also ?v?rjr d?aoriplh?n of Wagons we wake lyOlrn ns a eulll. OOWEll, COX, MARKLEY A CO. May 2S 62 tf DAVID & STRADLEY, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AMD Dealers in Orooerios andProviaions PKNftLBTON 8TRBBT; 1 i JH BAB TUB DEPOT, Mar 14 42 tf X7W. DAVIS, Uf ATAII laa urn nmun mauk, CHI WOULD Respectfully In t J^?*7%Qform the people of Greenville i (f?' -iVRnnil the surrounding country, < .wffiQihat ho line ' *33 P??E?C?-W- JK22 From his 01.D STAND in the (lood. 1 loll House, to a more CONVENIENT ' nnc, three door* North of the Man ?lno House, next door to Pickle A Poor, on j Main Street. where he is prepared to do ) >11 work in hie line of business, at short no- i dee, in a workman like manner, and on t easnnnble terms. Aug SO 18 tf c . a WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DAHLONEGA, GA., WILL practice in the Counties of Lump kin. Dawson, tiilmcr, Funniu, Union, Towns, White and Hull. Jan 10 83 tf ICE IICE IICET AT 3 CTS PER POUND. CTVN ho had nt my Ico IIouso erery day J fmui snnrifo in tlio morning, until 8 o'clock A. M., also from h o'clock till sundown, P. M. T. W. DAVIS. Mny * ' 40 tf "FLOUR!"FLOURP J UST reoctvcd and for sale chcnp, far the CASH, a lot of extra-fine Country FL'tUlt. Come <iuiek, if you waiit good Li# t suit. DAVID St. STIIADLEY. J Mny 2 4U , Notes aud Accounts of Brooks. 1 Sciuggs& Qibson. Assigned to Jas. , 8 Brooks- I T HAVE just received for Colleolion A these NOTES an<l ACCOUNTS, and re- ] qwvt all person* indebted to the Firm, to ( Bull, without delay, lo mnke settlements J and payment*. O. I'. TOW NFS. ( Attorney at Law. < March 'fltli, IPfiV. -11?tf i G. F. TOWNES, ! ATTORNEY AT LAW, J AND . SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. OFFICE nt tho snnio building adjoining New Court House, formerly occupied by Towxes <1 Cami'bi'.m., before dissolution of tho firm. Grccnvillo, S. C. Jan 31-3 K. a. o. Wells. EASLEY & WELLS, ; Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, 1 GREENVILLE, 8. C., PU-VCTICK in tbo Courts of the Stnto and of the United States, and givo especial attention to cases in Bankruptcy. June 13 3 tf Greenvillo Mills. ^ 1lIF. OREF.NVILI.E MM.I.S have hoen _B. put in flrst-rnte order by t'?e Major, for grinding Wheat. flood sUAutinn n ill 1m nii-/m 1... ol-l .. . O "J grinders. The Mills grind on the old schedule, (the I Toll.) Itring Along your Grain. June 13 3 (f SAMUEL BLACKTBABBEBT" WOULD respectfully inform tho public thnt he has opened a DAUBER SHOP in tho room under the building formerly occupied by the Post Office and Entedprite Office, first, door above the ruins of McBce's Hall, where he hns locate 1. Being a profe**ional Barber, he hopes, by attention to business, together with politeness to all, to merit a porlmh of public patronage, in CUTTING, SHAVING and SHAMPOOINO. Ladles wishing llair Cutting and Dressing done, will be wailed on at their residenoea. July 25 0-8 EDWARD F. STOKES, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor in Equity. WILL practice in the Courts of Law, aiul Equity of South Carolina. tr Office in Swandale's New Building opposite the Mansion HriusS. RBKKBENCKM. Tii?m\s Hill, President of Harvard College Mum.; J, B. Mmng, Law Profviwr, Uni versity of Va.; C. P. SotitVA*. South Carol! n ri ; Gov. .1. L. Orr, South Carolina; Ex Oot. B. F. Pannr, South Carolina, July II 7 If I2T The Columbia ]'h<tnix will insert on o a week for one month WALHALLA HOTEL. TRAVELERS nnd others visiting Wnlhalla, will find tliis well cstaldirlir'l HOUSE open for theiraccommodation. Having, in the past, as his guests have testified, given aatisfaction, the Proprietor is confident ol pleasing those who inav cull. Trains now run daily to and from the pint o Rates of Boarding reasonable Come nnd seo. I?. BIEM ANN, Proprietor. J I./ 11 7 tint ? I PHILADELPHIA UNIVERSITY MEDICINE AND SUKQERT. rpiIE Philadelphia University of Medicine ntid Surgery was organised, in 1848.? Oburtcrpd l>y ibo Legislature, February 20, 1868. Name changed by a legislative ?pMtuicot to tbo Kcloctio Medical College of Philadelphia in 18(H). In 1808, it ptsrehaaad the Poiiubj lrauia Modk-al College, established u 1842, end (lio Philadelphia Medical College, which had previously boon Ude^-cd into tho Ponnjyivania Medical College. In 1884 it purchased the Ponn Medical University. Tbo True toes of the separate school* united, petitioned, and obtained a special act of tbo Legislature, consolidating those institutions and changing tboir namo? to that of tbo Pniladelpbia University of Mcdioiue and Bar very, March 18. 1888. All ' ? - published In I be statutes o( IN nnsylvania.? Tlie cost of the building Mid nuieun ?u evcr ono hundred thousand dollar*.. It will bo observed tbut the University, as now organised, is tlio legal representative ol the f<A>r mm.<U leal colleges that it hue absorbed. It if ? liberal school of medicine, confined to no dogma, nor attached to any medical clique; but embraces in its teachings everything of value to tbo profits ion. &*?i?a*.?It has (wo full sessions each yefrj Botnmoucing on the 1st of Octol>er, and continuing until the 1st of January as it." 11 ret session, and from the 1st of January to the 1st of April as its second.; tho two constituting ono fall course of lecture's. It list also a summer session, commencing tbo 1st of April and continuing until August, for the prepare* tory branches, such as Latin, Greek, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Anatomy. Physiology, etc. Tick-fit.?Tickets to tlio full oourso of lectures ?120, ojr $00 for each session. For tho minmor or preparatory courso $25. Graduating fee $30. To aid yen ay ut<n of moderate ntnnt, the University has issued fro hundred ichoiarthijit, which nro sold to first-oourse stulents, fbr $75, and to scoond-courie students ind clergymen for $50, each constituting the loldcr a lifs member, with the perpetual privteges of tho lectures, and all the teachings of ho school. The only additional fees are a 'early dissecting and matriculating ticket, ach of which is $5. Tho Adoantatjet of S'-.holarthipt.?The staIcnt holding a scholarship can enter the Colego at any tiino during tho year, attend as ong as ho choosos, and ro-entor the instlthion as frequently as desired. , It requires no previous rending or study to nter tho University on sehelaVshlps, honoc, II private tuition fees are 6avod. Students, by holding scholarships, can proseate other business a part of tho time. i The candidate for graduation can present limsclf at any time, and reoeive his degree as iuun as qunlilicd. In case n student should hold a scholarship ind not bo ablo to attend lectures, it can bo raneferrod to another, thus preventing any OSS. Parents, guardians, or friends of students wishing to purchnso scholarships for them a rear or more before their attendance at the University, can secure them by advnnclngonslalf the price, and navinir tho balon^ ?i..n the student enters. Physicians and boDovolont men can bestow great benefit upun poor rouug won, by preventing theui a sholarsbip, ind thus enabling then. to obtain on houora>le profession. The Faculty embraces seventeen ominont ihysielnns and surgeons. The Univcrity bap associated with it a largo hospital clinic, Ifhfifrt ivcry form of medieal mid surgical 'ilsoaso is >pc rated on and treated iu threscnco of tbo doss. Coit.Xoi! IlriLDiNQ.?Tbe Collcgo building, i/cutcd in Ninth Street, south of Walnut, Is ,'nc finest in the city. Its front is collegiate {otitic, and is adorned with embankments uid embrasures, j roscuting n novel, bold, and bcuutiful appearance. Tbo of browq done, oruainented by two towers, rising to tbo elevation of oigbty feet, and crownod with iin embattled parnpet. The building contains between fifty and sixty rooms, all supplied with water, gns, aud every other convcnlenco that modern improvement eon contribute to facilitate medical instruction. Only fivo hunIretl scbolarships will bo issued, and as two kindred and fitly are now sold, those who wish .o secure one should do so at once. Monty an bo remitted by express, or a draft or check lent on any Nationnl batik in the United States, when tho scholarship will bo returned ny.mail, signed by the President of tbo Hoard >f Trustees, Jo's. S. Fisher, Esq., and tho Dcari >1 tho Faculty, W. Paine, M. 1). All orders Tor scholarships or other business of tho University, should bo addrossed to Professor IV. I'uiue, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. NEW HOOKS. PAINE'S PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, A now work just Issned by W. Paine, M. D., Profussor of tho Principles and Practico of Midicino and Pathology in tho Philadelphia University of Medicine and Furgcry; author af l'ainc's Practice of Shrgery ; a Work on Obstetrics and Materia Medina; author bf Now School Remedies ; an Epitome of Eber-lio's Practice of Medicine ; a Review of Homoeopathy ; a work on the History of Medicine; Editor of Universitv Medical and 8nr?l?l Journal, Ac. Ac. It is a royal octavo oi 9f>0 pages, and contains a full description of all diseases known in uiedicino and surgery, including those of women and children, together with their pathology and treatment by all the now %nd improved methods. Price $7 ; postage 50 cents. Address the author, 933 Arch Btrect, Philadelphia, Pit. ALSO, A NKff WORK, Entitled Now School Medicines, which M tho only work ever published Upon Materia Medica, cmbraVing nil tho Eclectic, ltoinccoputbic, and Botanic remedies, with a full rcghtar Materia Medica. PriCO$5; postage free. Address as above. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL. op t MEDICINE AND SURGERY; A Semi-Monthly .fVarnal of Medicine, Surgery, Phgeiology, Hygiene, and General Literature, devoted to the Profietion and tho People. Tho cheapest medical paper in the world, published every two weeks, at tho_ University jsuiunnjr, .n nun struct, soutli of Walnut. { 'ingle copies $1 00 Five copies to 0110 address, ..... 4 3$ Ten " ? " 7 50 Fifteen ? " 44 .. 9 30 Twonty " 44 44 10 0 0 The gutter-up of tho club shall have ohd copy gratis. Address, W PAIN IS, M. D., Editior, Philadelphia, Pa. August 8 II STEVENS HOUSE, 91,93, 95 A 97 IIroH<1 way, N. V; Oppotlto Bowling Green. O.V THE EL'HO PEAS PLAN. nTIIE STEVENS HOUSE U well ami L widely known to the traveling pub lie. The location is especially suitable to merebnnta and business men ; it la in eleso proximity to the bmineea part of the eity^la on the highway of 8outht-rn and Western travel?and adjacent to all tho principal Uailroad and Rtearnboat depot*. THE STEVENS HOUSE has liberal accommodation foe over 300 guests?it i* well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the and entertainment Of Its inmate*. The rpom* arc rp eious and WcM ventilated?provided with gas and water?the attendance is prompt and resiti'dlful? and the table is provitW'd u illi every d< licncy of the 8f Mount moderate enter. OLD K. CIIARK .1 CO. rrijritloir. Jul* 13 < f?ul