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A Suotrr II 1ST a inc.?A capital story is told of a young follow who one Sunday strolled into a village ohareh, and daring the ear vices was electrified and gratified by the sparkling of a pair of eves, which were riveted on his fcoe. After the service he saw the possessor of the shining orbs leave the churoh alone, Bad emboldened bj her g lancet, be ventured to follow her, hie heart aching with rapture. He eaw her look behind, and fancied she evinced tome emotion at raoogoising hira. He then quickened hie pace, and the actually slackened her's, and let hiui come up with ber, but we will permit the young gentleman to tell the real in his own way: 4 Noble young cteature !* thought I, 1 Her artless and warm heart is supe rior to the bonds of oustom.' 1 had reaohed within a stone's throw of ber. She suddenly halted and turn ed ber face towards me. My heart swelled to bursting. I reached the spot where she stood ; she began to speak, and I took off my hat as if doing revereuce to an angel. ' Are you a peddler !' she said. 4 No my dear girl, that is not ray occupation.' Well I don't know,' continued ahe. not very bashfully, and eyeing me very sternly,41 thought -when I saw you in the raeetidg house that you looked like a peddler who passed h pewter half dollar on me three weeks ago, and so I determined to keep an eye on you.? Brother John has got home now, says if he catches the fellow he'll wring his neck for him, and I ain't sure but you're the good for nothing rascal after all.' ? 9 111 ?? Casting out Dbvils.?A wriler says : 44 We have a friend, a Methodist preacher, and a jolly fellow be is. 1 Ithas a large, muscular frame, with corpulence to correspond ; he has a huge hand, with a powerful grip?save ua from Riving him serious offence if he wero a common sinner. He is an caru eat woruer ana uaa a well earned reputation a* a revivalist. Some yearn ago he was holding a meeting, at which quite hii interest was awakened. A number of persons bad come to the anxious seat, and some had been concerted. One evening a group, consisting of two or three young men, and amany young ladies, were present, whose object in coming was to have merriment. The minister having noticed their manoeuvres for a while, and lliiuking it was time they were checked, found his way to them, and addressing himself to the yonng men, kindly requested them to observe the decorum befitting the place. One of them, whose ideas of politeness were hardly up to the mark, ventured in rather an ungracious manner to reply that they had ' understood that miracles wore worked there, and he had come to see some performed.' Upon this our ro bust friend, the minister, coolly took the young man by tbo coat collar, deliberately led him down the able, and opening the door, without ceremony landed him outBide, quietly remmking, 'We do not work miracles here, but wo cast out devils !'" A young man called at the City Clerk's office in New Bedford, a day or two since, and asked for " a death warrant." The astounded clerk assured him that he dealt in no such documents. " Well," said the fellow, " give ine a marriage certificate', it amouuls to the same tiling." " Sex here!" exclaimed a returned Irish soldier to a gaping crowd as he exhibited with some pride his tall hat with a bullet hole through it. " Look at that hole, will you! You see if it had been a low crowned hat I should have been killed outright." ? 1 1 Wiit is a vain young lady like a cot fiimed drunkard ? Because neither of them are satisfied with a moderate use of the glass. A young lady, on being asked where was her native place, replied,44 I have none ; I am the daughter of a Methodist minister." Never take a nap in a railroad cars Why ? Because the train always runs icopcio. 0FpICIAL Headq'r's Second Military District, Charleston, 3 C., August 1, 1867. General Orders, No, 65. REGULATIONS FOR REGISTRATION. T. Registration shall commerce immediately upon tho promulgation of this order. II. l'oat Commanders will be Superin j tendents of registration within their respective commands, exercising, in addition to the functions hereinafter specially con j ffcrred, a genera) supervisory authority, looking to the faithful execution of the sev I era) Reconstruction Acts, the maintenance I of order, and the protection of politic*! | rights. They will suspend registrars for mslfeassnce In office, neglect of duty, or incompetency, promptly reporting their action, with the ressons therefor, to these Headquarters. HI. The Boards of Registration sre empowered and required to suppreaa all (lis- | orders interfering with the execution of j their duties to cause the arrest and confinement of all persons falsely taking fhe oath Erescrihed, all persons committing any reach of the peace or conducting themselves in a manner tending thereto, and all persona who shall threaten or otherwise attempt to intimidate, or corruptly or improperly influence any citizen offering to register; and for this purpose they may sp- | ply for aid to the Post Commander, and ! may reqoire the attendance and services of sheriffs, their deputies, constables, policemen, and also of any citizen ; and all State, district, oonuty and town officers charged * i tlli ilia rM?aer>r u a f i/\n ft f I )i o mil .1 i /l n<>noo " "*> J" """ * I ?- > as well as all citizens, are required to ohey the orders of said Board?, given in pursu anee of the authority nfor< ?aid. and to perform all utteli nets* find d't'ie* a? * ?} he ro i ??' r f H 1 9 ? ? ? ' ' All irrnli mid* m herein provided will ho promptly reported to the Post Commander, to whom the prison ere will be turned over with obirgei tor trial by i Poet Oourt. to bo organised as provided in Circular of May If, 1807. from three Head Jinartore, and any eivll officer or eitimn ailing tc reepond to the eall of the Board (or iniiUnci will bo dealt with in like manner. IV. Whenever any cltlsen shall suffer injury In peroon, family or property, while o*rivivmg wr ptwninpc bu r*?rvij?v ?hv iigut of registration, to addition to any pcualty prescribed by low for tho offence, damages holt b? oworded to tho injured party against the perpetrator, upon his con viollun ; and in oois of default in payment of the same, or of tho eoeopo of the offender, if it hail appear that tho wrong w?s countenanced, or tho offender harbored or concealed by the neighborhood, or that the civil authorities failed to employ proper meaanres to preserve the peace, the damages ahall he assessed against and paid by the town, oounty or aietriot. V. Offencae perpetrated by whit e persona disguised as blacks being of frequent oeoorrenee, the attention of all authorities, civil and military, is directed to the device, as one adopted to eacape detection, and to oast unmerited obloquy upon the eolored people. In all easee, when resort thereto shall he shown, the faet will be taken into consideration as aggravating the offence. VI. Depriving a eitiaen of any right, benefit or advantage of hire or employment, to discourage him from legistering, or on aeeount of his having registered, or having sought to register, ahall be deemed sn of fence punishable by the Post Court,, and shall entitle the injured party to damages against the offender, any clause in any contract or agreement to the contrary notwithstanding. VII. The Act of Congress entitled " An Aot for the more efficient government of the rebel States," and the several aots supplementary thereto, will bo carefully observed by all Boards of Registration. VIII. Kaob Board ahall, after having taken the oath prescribed by the Act of Congress of July 2d, 18fl2, entitled " An Act to prescribe an oath of offiee, (see Ap pettdix. form 1,1 choose one of its members as chairman, who shall preside at all sessions of the Board, preserve order at its meetings for registration, and represent the Board, and announce its action in all matters coming before it. IX. The places of sea-ion of the Boards ahull 1-e the voting places established by aw or custom in each election precinct, unless for good cause otherwise U?rcoted by the Post Commander. X. F.?ch Board shall dete? mine the order In which the reglstration shall takepiaeo In the several eUction precincts, that may l?e assigned to it by the Poet Commander, and the time which shall be allotted to each? hearing In mind that the whole work is to be finished before the first day of October. XI. Each Board shall forthwith upon notice of publication of this order, and at least five days before commencing registra tion, give notice thereof to the l'o-t Commander. and 1 lie sherill, and the mayor of the city or ioteudant of the town, and shall causa written or printed notices to lie posted in five of the most public places in each election precinct, announcing the lime when, and the place where, its sessions will be held, the number of days, (in no caa* less than two,) and the hours of the day the Board will remain in session at each plaee for the purpose of registration ; and inviting nil persons qualified to vote under the provisions of the Act of Congress passed "March 2d, 18ti7, entitled "An Act to provide tor the more efficient government of the rebel States," and the several Acts supplementary thereto, to appear before the lioard for rog i irtr.'.tion. XIII. On the nay and at the hour designated in the notices, lor cuui-neocing regis trntion, the Board shall, at the place an nonncod, convene and enter upon its duties, and shall then and there also post notices of the time of final sessions provided f >r in paragraph XIX. XIII. The room used for registration, which the chairman shall have previously provided for the purpose, shall he so nr ranged tliat the Hoard shall lx> separate! | by a bar from all other persons who may bo assembled, and those to he registered shall he admitted within the bar ono by one, and their ingress and egress an arranged as to avoid confusion. XIV. Two shali ho admitted within the bur as ehnllengci *, whose duty to shall ho to challenge the right of any iitizen offering to register, up-m u y ot th grounds of disqualification enumerated in the ?ota of Congress before cited ; but the general right of challenge shall be conceded to all citizens present. XV. If nny challenge be made, the Bonrd shall, before final decision, examine the person presenting himself for registration, in reference to the cnuee of disqualification alleged, and shall hear any evidence thai may he offered, to substantiate or disprove the cause of challenge, and elm!! have power to summon and compel the attendance of witnesses and administer oaths in any c:is.of registration. XVI. In registering, the name of white and colored citizens shall he entered alphabetically, in separate columns of the list. XVJL The following shall he the prooess of registering: First. Every citizen presenting himself for registry shall take end subscribe the oath prescribed hy law,(see Apprndix, form 2.) which shall be administered by a member of the Board, and such oatli shall be preserved with the lifts. Second, His name shall then he entered in the proper column of the list, and called out by the chairman. Third, Any challenge made shall be noted in the proper column, opposite the name, with the cause thereof. fourth. It is recommended to Boards to defer lite hearing and decision of contested coses until the session for revision provided for in paragraph XIX. Fifth. Whether or not there be any clial leuge, tbe Hoard most nsecitnln upon sorb facts or in formation as cm ho obtained, that, the applicant is entitled to be registered before making his nam- as " ncoi-pted "? the oath not being conclusive. Sixth. Section 7 of the Act of July 19th, 18?7, declares that no citizen shall be entitled to be registered by reason of any Executive pardon or amnesty for any act or thing which, without such pardon or amnesty, would disqualify him from legistration. Srrmth. Boards will take notice that it is enacted by Section ft of the Act of July 19th, 1SC7, that the true intent and meaning of the oath prescribed in said Supplementary Act is (among other things), that no person who has been a member of the Legislature of any State or who has hobl any executive or judicial offico in any State, whether ho has taken an oath to support the Constitution of the United States or n it, and whether ho was holding such office ps tiio commencement of the rebellion, or had held it lioforo, and who has afterwards engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof, is entitled to be registered or to vote; and the words "executive or judicial office in any 8tatu"insaid oath mentioned, shall he construed to Include nil .1 - c < .:t?1 1 y l.i * f. r the edmlnistra ????? 9 IT HID tlon of sny general law of a State, or for tb< administration of Juetiec. Eighth. If thoro bo no ohallenge, or If th< challenge bo finally overruled, ana tbo Board determine that tbo applicant U entitled to b? registered, tbo Board shall mark opposite the name of the applicant, in the proper column, " Accepted f and bo shall tboreapon bo deemed legally registered. Ninth. If tho final decision of the Board b? that tho applicant is not entitled to be registered, the Board shall mark in the proper column. opposite his name, " Ji*j*et*d." Tenth.. In orery ease of a rejection, tbcTtoard shall uiaku a note or memorandum, setting fourth the ground of such rejection, snd return it, with the registration list, mentioned in paragraph XX. XVIII. The registration, conducted ns provided in paragraph XVII, shall be mado in triplicate lists, two of which boll, after the conclusion of the first session, be exposed foi public inspection at coarenient place*, tut five duri ; and the third ah all bo retained in poraeealon of the Board till aftei the completion of registration at the meeting provider! for la paragraph XIX, when the three having - been compared and vcrj&ed, shall be certiAcd in the form prescribed and printed at the end of the blank registration list*. XIX. Be8along for revising the liata ah nil be held in each election precinct, after said five days exposure of the list*, upon notice as provided in paragraph XII., and tho Boards ol Rogbtration snail have powor, and it ahnll be their daty, to revise tho same for a period ol two days; and upon being satisfied that any person not entitled thereto has been registered, to atriko the name of rurb person from the Hat. And tho Boards ahnll also, during the snmo period, add to auch registry the names of ail persona who nt that time possess the qualification* required hy said Act, who hnve not been already registered, and who shall then apply to be registered. XX. One of the said liata shall then he Immediately delivered to the Post Commander, who will forward tho aamo to theso Headquarters. XXI. Each Board shall, at or before the conclusion of registration, forward throngfa the Post Commander to these Headquarters, s recommendation of three suitable persons foi Inspectors of Elections in each election precinct, stating the name, occupation and postoffice address of each person recommended. XXII. It is eqjoined upon all Boards ol Registration to explain csrefVilly to ail cltisenn who hava not hitherto enjoyed the right of suffrage, tho nature of the pVivilogos which have bcon extended to them, and tho mportance of exercising with intelligence the new and honorable fraooiiiso with which theyhavo been invested by tho Congress of tho Unitod States. XXIII. Hoards will take notice that according to Suction 10, of tbo Act of July 10, 1867, they aro not to bo bound iu their action by any opinion of any oivil officer of the United Suites. XXIV. Boards nre instructed that all the provisions of tho soveral Acts of Cougress cited, are to bo liberally construed, to the end that all the intent* tboroof bo fully mid per feoily carried out. XXV. The a' tontion of alt concerned is di roctod to the requirements of Section 4 of th< said Act of July 10, 1867, by which it is mad< the duty of tho Commanding fleneral to re move tVom office ali persons who aro disloya to tho government of tho United States o who nso mctr oiaciat influence in any manno to hinder, delay, prevent ?>r obstruct tho dm ami perfect administration ?f the He-construe tion Act*. The nnim-s of all such ofTemler will ho reported through the Post Command dcrs : nnd nil persons in this Military Pistric arc called upon to aid and facilitate the execu tion in good faith of the said Acts and the or dors issued in pnrsnnneo thereof. XXVI. The Mnjor-Uencral Commanding in the exercise of an ultimate revisory author ity, will, in due season, before the holding o any election, entertain and determine que* tions assigning errors in the regist rv, nnd will upon inspection of the completed lists, oaus corrections of the seme, thnt the true desigi and purpose of the laws he faithfully answer ed and that all the right* tlierehy guarantee bo fhlly nnd faithfully enjoyed. I.y Command of Major (Icnernl I). F. Ptcn i.ks : j. w. ci.ors, Cnpt 3*th l". P Tofantrv, A. P. C. nnd A. A. A. O. Official : J. W. CI.OUP. Capt. ItSth [n'iinor, A. D C. and A A. A. O. APPKNPTX. (ronv I.) oath rnKACRtnr.n ron mkmrsr* or board or RKGISTRATIoX. I, of County of nti Ptato of do solemnly swear (or affirm that I have never voluntary borne arm against the United States since I have been i citlien thereof, that I havo voluntary given n niil. -unlonanee. council or enronrngement t pers'-' e tr-raged in nrm-d hostility thereto I that I have neither s uglit, nor accepted, no attempted t<> excreio the functions of any of fice whatever un-h r any autlioritv or pr tend I otl authority in hostility to the United States llmt 1 have nut yielded a voluntary support t any pretended government. authority, power or conntitution within tho United States, ho* tile or inimical thereto. And T do fnrthe nwcar (or affirm) that, to tlio bent of my know ledge and ability, T will support anil dcfcni the Conntitution of the United State* again* all onetniea foreign or domestic; that I wil j hear true faith and allegiance to the natne ; tha I take thin obligation freely, without any men tul re nervation or pnrpono or evasion; and tha I will well ami faithfully discharge thi duties of tho office on which I am about V enter : So help mo God. Carolina, j Subscribed nnd sworn to before roe, a this day of oue tbousani eight hundred'aud sixty seven. Norn.?Registers will bo rcquirod to tnk tho oath prescribed by the Act of Congress np proved 2.1 July, 18B2. Blank forms of thi oath will ho furnished to post Commander' and when duly subscribed nnd sworn, will b returned to tho Post Commander, who will for ward them to District Hoadquartur*. And i any person shall falsely tako and subs-rib such oath or affirmation, such person so offend ing and boing duty convicted thereof, shall l? subject to the pains, penalties and disahilitie which, by law, aro provided for the punish mcnt of tho crimo of wilful aud corrupt per jury. (form 2.) OATH 1'RRacniRRtl FOR*. I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) in the presence of Almighty God, that I am i eitison of the State of s that 1 have resided in said State for month next proceeding this day, and now resido ii the county of or parish of , h .oia Htale It, V?\. IV.I T -?- I \ ?? v~... ??/, ?" ? 1 ?U twonty-ono years old; (hat I hare not hoei disfranchised for participation in any robcllioi or civil war against tho United States, nor fo felony committed against tho laws of anj Statu or of tho United States; that I havi never been a mouther of any State Legislature nor held any executive or judicinl office in anj State and afterwards engaged in any insurree tion or rebellion against tho United Stales, ol given aid or comfort to tho Gnomics thereof that I have never taken an oath as a mo in loot Congross of the United States, or as ai olioor of tho United States, or as a menihci of any Htato Legislature, or as an executive oi judicial officer of any State, to suppo-'t thi Constitution of tho United States, and after a .ir is engaged in insurrection or rebellion against tho United States, or given aid 01 comfort'to (he nnemios thereof; that I will faith' fully support the Constitution and ohey thi laws of tho United States, and will, to thi best of my ability, encourage other* so to do 8u help me Ood. Sworn 10 snd subscribed before me, this day of , 1*17. ill Tili i * ?. ' > I > > * I I i f n t'cu ??***<* ; ? , El * '/?o j r II ,*# <M,r ; K 'f our jWc(M',nt 0 I ?'? > ?>iu ' 6u f a'0 ?'?*? ? .> K . "?lr in ti tl'P< K I* Ul%e ?<? f c I ?5)??51 ; CHEAP FOR CASH I ! AT T. B ROBERTS' BRICK STORE THAVE on hand, and shall be reeelvinir i- - J Ju: ,4 L O CTVrjr WWK atlUlilUDB W III SV"CK, vne ' following GOODS, to wit,: La-lies', Qentlemen'a, Mirwi*, Boya' and j CMUlren's 8IIOES r Sboe LACETS, linen end cotton r Note and Letter PAPER. fine b Fin- Wl.ite ENVELOPE* - COFFEE. SU(J Ait, TEA, SODA ? PEPPER. 8PIOE.G1NQER - COPPERAS. EPSAM SALTS I TOBACCO, CORN, BACON Venison HAMS, En. Coffee * Fine CIOARS. . UUTTONS, HOOKS nnd EVES. Tlslr PINS " Seed Iri-h POTATOES, APPLES r COTTON A* A UN. In a few days I shall be receiving addi|f tione to my present Slock. Persons wiahe ing any of the above article*, will do well II to call and examine before buying, f?r bargains can bo bought nt this place. 1 tir i will '-arter for Cent, Ilacon, Butter, Egi/s 1 .aid, Chickens Ac. R. L. BURN. March 7th. l?r.7. 41-tf IF you w * nt a thorough news paper. -ultsckim. for THE I'll (EN IX, Daily tin I tri \vc ; or the week l.Y OLEankk. published every WciE s lo-aday. i" Co'ttnibia S C. Tli- latest new-, F";<-ig:i and Aaiorican, ^ besides a vast imetiut ^f riih-i.lljincous r- -hJ) 'tig. will h?- found in 'lie-e publications.? s Tin. !'1!(FVIX nii (ii E \NEK nr-' tlie only a I-apt re ir. the Sfj,l#?. nui-nl- of Chart ."aton, a arhictT for un-1 r?gulae|> pucilUh Tola 0 graphic Intelligence! K-ery issue of the I Oaily contains from 'fVit t?> Fourteen t'ol 1 | ox.ii* of Reading Mniii r; the TriWeekly ] from Twenty tnl weuly Four,and the Work: ly Forty-Eight Column*?making it the ' Largest and Cheapest Paper In tlie - onth. Subscription roaannable. Specimen* furn . i*hed on application An examination of r their merits in solicited. . j Term* for Six .Ifoutfit in advance: Daily it i Phoenix f4 ; Tri-weekly ; Weekly t Gleaner f 1J. 1 | Joh Printing of all kind*, such a* Books, t Pamphlets, Poster*, Cards, Pill-Heads, Hand " bills as well a* Printing in Colore prorapt' ly executed, and at such prices as will make * | it an inducement for persona to forward or0 dent. Terms Cash. JULIAN A. 8RLBY, Pro'r. Columbia, 8. C., June 1. 2-tf * LAW OA HI). GOODLETT & THOMAS, 8 Attornoys at Law, " ASD lf SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, o XT AVE thie day formed a Copartner XI ship in the practice of LAW and ' EQUITY on the Weaiern Circuit u Office in the old Court House Building. 8. I>. QooDI.KTT, VS. M TUOMAS. " Dec 20 SO tf tailTokiSg. W M. WHISNANT , T) ESPECTKULLY informa the public ft I a it.i ? - mr?P I m a ??n - j ^ ms m?w nc cuiHiiiucs mi V U ft OUU n AH 1 | UP, in the moat fashionable and approved atylea, GENTLEMEN'S GARMENTS. Tie may be found in the building on Mainafreet next door below MePheraon'a Baket r>'i In the front store will be kept a supply f FAMILY GROCERIES, Sueli *a Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Spicea, Soda, ka., which are off-red at low pricoe for Cash I or ConntryProduoe, April 18 41 tf DR. A NDGRHO N ?fH JT^ RESPECTFULLY informs /MHL the eitiaena et Hreenvitke and i vicinity, that aloee the ire he baa opened his OFFICE next door to hta restdenee, jnat in the rear of Meaara. David 4 Ktriwlloy, where he ia prepared to praetlee DENTAL SURGERY in both its branehee, operative ead meehawfral, for the CAMH only. yeh M 38 tf wsill Tii r'Tii ii i i h i i" f T '5 >1188. SUBSCRIBE! SUBSCRIi BSCRIPTION RED TBRPRI8E AT TWO uood the subscription price of the E V> PER ANNUM IN ADVANC to new Kubscnbera and to old subscri *ir >ndtbtedves8. Those who havo uaper at these rates. Subscriptions liar. Ifeing desrons to piace the I \ body, we have thought proper to r V\ to circulate it in every neighborh ur friends to mention onr paper, an* at our list may be increased), that as our former rates were as low as >rt If we mis ake not, the Greenvi e issued for less than $3; therefor* ed by a generous public, and wo kn August, It-07. Jfi CO) p\8SRN0F.RS ARRIVING IN COLUMBIA ON THK DIFFERENT RAILROADS WILL FIND Omnibuses, Carriages and Bngffngc Waffon?, In ReadlucMft to Curry flavin to aaad frona hia FREE OF CHARGE. Re*yon*ible j>er*on* in attendance to receive Check* and Baggage. T. 8. NH'KERSOrV, Psora iktob. A rig lift 12 tf Superintendent's Office. 0. & C R R. COLUMBIA, M.<> 30, 1837. ON find after Saturday, Jano 1st, Trains will lie run ovor the nine Ridgo Railroad, betwoen Anderson nnd Walhalla, daily, Sundays excepted, n? follows : Lento Anderson..., ...?6 10/ p. m. Arriro at Pendleton ..At " Arrivo nt Walhalla 7 SO, " Leave Walhalla 4 15, a. m. Arrivo at Pendleton 5 32, " Leave Pendleton 5 40, " Arrive at Anderson 0 30, " Connections mndo with the trains of the nrn^??SII? i J J o ? <..WVM . ...V U}? auu uu w 11, I'TUI J URJ, OUUdays excepted. B. SLOAN, Superintendent. June 13, 1867. 3 D.H. Schedule Spar. & Union B. B. ON and after Monday, the 20tb May Inst., the Passenger Trains will run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Down trains leavo Spartanburg 0. II., at it. d.; arrive at Alston at 11.30 a. m. Up trains leave Alston nt 12.30 p. in.; arrive at Spartanburg C. H., at 7 p. m. TIIOS. B. JBTKR, President S. A U. Railroad. UnionviTIo, S. Cv May 10, 1807. Jane 13 3 D.H. Schedule over South Carolina B. R jfcgatffa OMft fiffiftffe ttClIZl JSHaSL .53^2.?S?S9L G KN Ell AL 8U Pitt OFFICE, ) Onarlbstox.S. C., March 11,1807. J ON and after the 18th insL, the Through MAlLTKAIN will ran aa follows, via.: Leave Columbia at 11.40 a. m., Ch'a'n time. Arrive Kingaville at 1.20 p. in., " " I Leave Kingaville at 1.85 p. rn., " " Arrive at Augusta at 9.00 p. in., " " VAAKKNUKR TRAIN. Lmv? Chtrletion, .8.00 ft. m. Arrive at Columbia 0.20 p. m. Leave Colombia, .6.00 a. m. Arrrive at Charleston, 4 p. m. II. T. PFMCK, Gen'l Sup't. Mar 21 48 D.H. si3L-A.vi3>arcaim> 1A3E DiSSBKKft. HBNRY OANT, Ihe Barber, eontlnue* to 81IAVK tli o fn<>o an<l DllESS 11A III a* formerly, at hi* Old Stand, noar Messrs. Picklb A Poor's Shop, where he will be pleased to aee hi* friend* and enetomer*. He hope*, by attention to hnsiness and politeno** to all, to roocivoitho patron rk'o of the place. March 31 43 O H. Notice. WE respectfully invite all persons owing as, to eoroo forward and pay up. A word te the wise is iiifllcleiit to sare eoete.? We eaa be found at the old Latimer Hotel. C?me and settle soon, or you will hare costs to pay. I A. J. VANPRRGRIFT A CO. [ Jan 3 32 if * ? n - - ^ Ik i'lP'Vriae to TWi) // B and h,7/ ,J?j?HWf 1 'i "1XB izr?:v^ I '"terpr^ Z n .x K t)fike this chan I 3^ of the ft0* tf "'e redn ^,8* If * * wJSf to I zj ?ZiSZ // V 1 wrili be. I frai ?J MILLS NOUfE. Corner of Meeting end Queen Streets* CHARLESTON, 8. C. THIS woll known FIR8T flpSiBSt CLASS HOTEL has j?M been thoroughly repaired, Wflttod and foftomished, and in now reedy IW the aooommodatioo of the travelling Debitor whose patronage to respectfully solicited. Merchants visiting tnc eity, are respectfully invited. Every nccommodntlon will be ?Ar> od them. Coachos always in readiness to convey passengers to and from the Hotel. The Proprietor premises to do all in his power tor the comfort of his gnosis. JOSEPH PURCBLL, Proprietor. Feb 21 39 D.n. I TO TUK PUBLIC. The Pavilion Hotel, CHARLESTON. fi. 0_ . - 80 LONG and ably om* ducted by the late H. I? SgEjJl BUTTERKIELD, will still ,''TO!gg. be kept open for the accommodation of the traveling public. And Itn former friends and pntrone will find the usual accommodations and attentions bestowed on them as formerly, and the publie favors, already so well established as THE HOTELoflheTUAVELING MERCHANTS of the South, will, by earnest efforts, be faithfully preserved. Oct 26 22 as. ' LAURENS HAII,ROAD. ENTIRELY NEW BOH1DULK, Omci Laurens Railroad, \ I aurens O. H . S. C.. July It. 1867. J ON and after Monday, ltd intfant, the Trains will run over this Road aa follows, until further notice: Leave 1 .aureus Court Honse on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 o'cloek, A. M., and arrive at Newbetry at 11 o'ekwlr, A M. Leave Newberry Court House on Mondays, Wednesday a and Fridays, at 60 minutes after 12 oclnek, e<.nnmting with lath Train* on tht GreenwilU and 0 datnbi* JUdl* road at Helena Shops. JOSEPH CREWS. 9upt. L. B. R. ... July 18 8 AJ& GREENVILLE * COLUMBIA B. E GKN L SUPERINTENDS 0PFfC*,f Columbia, Sept. 12, IBS8. ? ON And after MONDAY next, lltb last, the Passenger Trains will ran dailv. (Sundays exec|>to<l,) until further notice, aa follow*: Leave Columbia at 7.16 a. D. Iittve Alston at,... 9.06 a. as. IiW*e Newberry at. 10-66 a. m. Arrive at Abbeville at 8.18 p. n. Arrive at Andereon at 6-10 p* n. Arrive at Greenville at 6.40 p. at Leave Greenville at......... 6.00 a. at Leave Anderson at 6.80 a. as. Leave Abbeville at 8 88 a. an. Leave Newberry at......... .1.80 p. a. Arrive at Alston at .8.46 p. as. Arrive at Columbia at 4 40 p. a*. Sept. 21. 1866. 46 n a. General Superintendents Office, tsmttnxsnammtiDSl CnARLOTTI A 8. C. RAILROAD,) Columbia, 8. C., Mat 2, 1667. f ON and after SUNDAY, May 6, the ulit. ale of (be Passenger Trains ever Ais Road will be as follows: Leave Columbia at 6.80, p. Be Arrive at Charlotte at ..12.16, a. a. Loavo Charlotte at 12.29, A. a. Arrive at Colombia at ....... 6.66, a. a. Close connections aro made at Coloabia a?4 Charlotte with mail trains oa Uto North Carotin* ?n.l f 1I-- t>-II * By thia orrongement, p*HW|m by tkm Greenville Rood mojr go laoaadtotely lllnA BaMward, ?n4 h*va no detention to OoluaMa. THROTTOn TICKETS or* aold ot CoHa*. bio to Richmond, Vo., Wnahingtoo, D. C.? Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia, Pa., and Naur York eitjr- giving oholeo of routea via Puite? mouth or Rlohmftnd-~ood baggage ehacked. Ticket* or? olto aold ot Charlotte tor Chain tou and Anguato. An Accommodation Train, tor freight ood local poaiago, leaven Columbia ot f, O. a., Ml Tuesday a, Tharada/a ood Saturrteya of aodt weak, and Choriotta on tha aoma do/u and hour, orriving at Columbia and Charlotte ot f p. m. C. DOC KNIGHT, Bop**. Jul/ 11 7 D.I.