University of South Carolina Libraries
; ? ' ?i? * ' > JfffKp0N&*^ i'J 1 * ? '*' ' * '* ' i4j;" W^-*11**" " ^ICrB5rn?* ~AU ,h0 Pr?" '* uf tif jki ii II llfc *1j t II be wptrndtd by * burial caso, by mdana of v. ? r?n*in? of a d*o*at??l peraoo ??Efi|MBrp|&jjO^a-ifit * for .an Indefinite : *aina of tMa dfooneery haa ^ Billet ue Hoaplta), W > fllrnMlrn of Profewor JnHuMpre dar*TpHjjp^det*'o' Kg< **P^rf> 1** b?^&b**n iWuighly ^^^^^^^H^Htltlnn. no smell beWorld, Aug, 6 * 'j ^^^9l^HB^lBSL9HflGiE?Lj?*'n' from our ^SQ^KjB8|Bof>jliNlw6^flHH86toser*i Pop? is PB,:^ *? order cl<^|;^'tfr*?Jfoiver ei ty of ^HHjg^Norgln, *nacon*^i^,|ftjHB$idlQgs into j BHpp^ ifdutt* reior United Status troop*. Upon HHp ^ fi>BInduced t<> modify Bf Wi order eo en to dlreet the withholding of the eonual State appropriation of ta.OtXh The eeoee of thie singular order la said to be that one of the Sophomore olaa* made a rather ultra-Soothem npeeoh at the reeent commencement. -W-. Windvau.?Letters have recently been reeelve?l in this city announcing that William Budd, recently of London, has deeeas ed, without relatives, in Knglund, and bequeathing to his next kin in thie country arty million of ponnjrf sterling. Among the lueky recipient* of this stupendous fortune, we are happy to learn, are Mr. Hob" eft C. Gilchrist, a prominent member of the Charleston Bar, and that estimable gentle* ' man, Captain T. 8. Bodd of the Arm of Budd A Blake, of our city. [Charleston Courier. Grnxrat. Grant in the Cabinet.?Gene 1 ral Grant's letter, addreeaed to Stanton, the ex-Secretary of War, published in our telogragh cblumn yesterday, is proof elear as '1 Holy Writ that he has thrown hltncolf into 1 the nrma of the President's policy. IJe says: " In notifying youT>f my acceptance( la other words, he reoogmxc* not the tenure of oflflee bill, bnt the President's nomination. He accepts that nomination, and is now a member of the Cabinet Aa a mem. ber of the Cabinet he expresses to Stanton hie appreciation of " the s-al, firmness and | ability with which he haa discharged the dutiae of Secretary of War." In other wot&a, Grant eaya to Stanton: "You aro out; I am la; thank you 1" Thia la one of the tigna of the times, which, in tho Preeidentinl race, la bound to tell for Grant a#.the next nominee of a great conservative Union party. If the North will ooncede to the wealth and intelligence of the South th^ privilege of voting for Grant, under oerlain considerations, we will elect him.? Meanwhile we wait on further developments. Pnbllo opinion la like a shuttle" cock?always shifting.?Phanix. Nuro Sutvraos.?Every State in the North to which it has ever been submitted haa voted it down. Connecticut voted it down last year by 6,000 majority ; New York voted it down in 1860 by 140,000 majority ; Illinois voted it down in 1862 by 190,000 majority. In Pennsylvania and in Indiana no party has-the courage to submit it Ohio will vote it down this fall by n large tosjority.?Ciueiunati Enquirer. Genera] Beauregard has organised at New Orleans the - Electrical Brake Company of America," of which he is President and Blanton Duncan, of Delaware, Superintendent It la claimed that a railway train, running forty four milea an hour, can be stopped by electricity between 60 and 100 yardc. da?? ??e? GREENVILLE PRICES CURRENT. OOaUBCTBD VBIKLT, BY ORA0V, FER8U80N 8tMILLER, MERCHANTS. * GREENVILLE, 8. C., AUCL 31, 1807. APPLBS, ft buahel, Dried,..? $1 50 BBBF, ft m, fresh, according to eui, 8 @ 10 c. BACON, ft ft 1# @ 17 ?. BAJU8 KOPH, 0 tb 36 e. BLUB STONE. ft lb - JO e. BAOOTNO, Gunny, ft, yd 831 e. BUTTBK, * ft,. 15 @ 30 c. BHB8WAX, 0 lb, 30 c. BRANDY, ft gallon, Peach, (4 00 CHICKENS, ? head, Ill @ 30 c. COTTON, ft ft,.. -18 (S) 30 ?. COFPRB, $ lb, Hlo, 30 ($ 33 c. " " " Java, .. ..........50 e. CORN, 3ft buahel,., - $1 30 e. CANDLES, ft lb, Adamantine, - 30 c. " " " Bperra,..?. 40 e. , ?< ? ? Tallow,... 36 c. COPPBRA8, ft lb, Bngliah 10 e. BGG8, ft doion,... .?...,....10 e. FLOUR, ft barrel, S? 00 GOLD, ? $1 30 OIN0BR, ft lb, 50 c. IRON, ft lb, Sweed, - ?131 ? " " " Country, ..8 e. " " " Horao Shoe,- 10 e. INDIGO, ft lb, Booth Carolina, $1 50 ? " ? Spanish Float, ? 3 35 LUMBER, ft 100 feet, PUm,?$1 60 @ S3 00 LB AD, ft lb, - 30 ?. LBATHNR, ? lb, Sole, 60 c. 2 " Uppor, ? ...80 @ 70 c. MADDBR. 0 lb, -.-.30 c. MOLASSES. St trail on. Vui India. 81 00 " " Sugar-House, 91 36 If AIM, V *>' Vx-rVt Mill,. - 131 ? OATS, S bo?hol, 46 e. PSAS, * - ... , .. (I 15 Ullrf, 121 # POWDER, *? lb, 75 ?. PBPPBR, fl >, Black, 56 ?. PBAOIIKR, Tft bnsbel, Dried, $1 50 PMTATOH8, II bushel, Irish, none. - " ? ? Sweet,. none. RIOK, V * 17 ? STB EI., ft tt>, Oast, S5 o. SALT, it seek, Liverpool............. $6 00 m* *? bushel, 'f .. 1 50 6U&AR, ? fb, Brown, 15 fa) 30 e. . ? " " Clarified, 20 e. SHOT, lb,.........r30 e. SODA, ? lb ;...,. 30 r. STARCH, V *> 30 e, SPICK. ? M> ft SHIRTfNO, HI yd 20 r TURK IRS, fl bead, 75 s. ft *1 Of TOBACCO, Manufactured, ? lb, 56 ?. ft 92 Of TALLOW. f| lb 15 e TEA, ft lb, Qmpowder,. 92 Of * * ? Hymn. * * m m"" Blaek .91 50 ft 92 Of WlfKAT, ? bushel 91 50 (.5 91 fi yalfen 91 * YARf. la bun'b. Factory,.." * 9 .... MM TNI S ' 1 1 ~ "' ' Baligiona BmtImc, Sunday, Auaust 94. Baptist Charok, 11, A. M., D.\ Jambs 0. VcKMABt 1 MoU.odut Cbnroh, 11, A. if.., and 8. P. M. Her. J. W.JHpb?kbt. I Episcopal Cbnrch, 11, A. and 5, P. M., g Bo*. Rtusts Gaps**. 1 Prosbytortan Church, 11, A. M., and 5, P. ( V n, Rmu 2 Pastor* are rwfMtfnlljr requested to Inform us when an y ohaugo occurs in the rog- ~ ular auppltea. _ J rAVD WIHTBB I*?OBTATXOK o 1867. n RIBBONS,. J Millinery" and Straw Goods, a AfiMSTBOil COT U8? j tnro*T*M Ann jobubbs or Bonnet, Trimming and Velvet RIBBONS, BONNET SILKS, 3ATIN8 & VELVETS, 1 BLONDS, NHTT8, CRAPES, RUCHES, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, d STRAW BONNETS fit LADIES' MATS, miMMBD AMD URTXWMRn, f, orsizpjKiaia is? ?ddSb 937 and 939 Baltimore Street, RALTinORG, HD. OFFER the largest Stock to be found in thla Country, and unequalled in ehotce variety and oheapnes% comprising the latest j Parisian uovelties Order* eolioitcd and prompt attention p given, 18-8 Aug 83 _ NOTICE, a AIX persons indebted to u* by AC COUNT, are requested to call and settle the same at ones Longer Indulgence -J cannot be given. p H. Beattie & Co. Aug 15 18 8 NO CURB, NO PAY.' CORNS, WARTS, a..d other EXCRES- F CENSES of the Feel, Hand* and Body, cured without extracting, cutting or the least suffering. The cure is effected within the lapse of four and eight day*. 8 To L? paid only uftor the patient ia satisfied of the cure, fa?"Apply at Mr* LAVAL's. j. Aug 16 U tf * DANCING SCHOOL .? The second and last lesson . OF MONS. BERG EE'S DANCING e SCHOOL will begin on the 26th Inst. Pupils intending to join then, can do so now, but will only be charged from the first of * the session. Lessons can be taken on either day of the week or privately. 13?~ Apply at Mrs. Lavnl^. August 16 12 tf Fair Notice. r THE Notes and Books of Dr. M. B, Karle, ' deceased, arc in our hands The Notes 1 must bo renewed and the Accounts olosed by note with good personal security in every <j instance, or they will be sued upon indiscriminately. Parties need not expect further notice. Creditors are notified to preeent their 1 claims to us properly attested, as the estate will be closed at the earliest possible day. We offer for Rent the excellent Stores j House lately occupied by MoConnell A Ooodlutt. REED A KARLE. Attorney's lor the Executor. Old Court liouu, 10fA of August, 18G7. ( Aug 16 12 If Notice. PARTIES having demands agninst the i Estate of Mrs. ELIZA W. E \ RLE, deceased, are hereby notified that those claims , not already 16ft with the late I)r. M. B. Karle, must be filed with ns, properly at tosted.- REKD A KARLE, 1 Attorneya for the Executor. Old Oourt House, 10th of August, 1867. Aug IS 18 If Tho State of South Carolina. ( GREENVILLE DISTRICT. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of a Decretal Order from the J Court of Ordinary, for Greenville Die triot, I will expose for sale, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, on the first Monday in September next, the following i TRACT OF LAND, vis.: All thut pieoe, parcel and Tract of Land, feituatcd in Greenville District, on waters ol Gilder's Creek, bounded by lands of Robert League, John Doyle an J others, and containing Fifty Acres, more or lees. Sold ns the property of J. J. MrKimixr, deceased, for partition amongst the heirs. Tksms or Salk?a credit of twelve months, interest from day of sale, for all except so much as will pay the costs, which will be required In cash. Purchasers to give bond with approved security, and a mortgage of the premises, if deemed neces eary to the Ordinary, to secure the payment of the purchase money. Purchasers to pay for titles. W. T. SHUMATE, H. G. D. Sheriffs Office, 12th August, 1867. Aug. 15 12 8 Greenville and Columbia Railroad. IN order to accommodate persons wishing to attend the DISTRICT MEETING OF THEM. K. CHURCH, SOUTH, which takes place at Andorson, on Thursday, 29th A ...ill U... 11-1 llinuiiii, mic fiiiuciwm mil iuotc i?ui" ton on the Arrival of the regular down pas. conger train, in the morning, end will re turn in tho afternoon in time to connect with the up train. Thin arrangement will continue from TMndiy to Mon-lay inetu sire (excepting Sunday,) and bnt ONE PARE will bo charged from Greenville and back. Aug 18 12-8 State of South Carolina. OREBNVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. William II. Austin, Administrator, we. If. I. Connrrh ot al. JM pursuance of tho Decretal Order In tho above stated caso, the Creditors of the e Dr. W. I,. M. AUSTIN are hereby required to ostnhlish their demands against the Estate, before me, within afae mom (At from this date, or be barred. J. P. MOORE. C. K G. D. Commissioner's Office, July 16, 1&67. Jy 18 8 Urn i Dissolution? miTE FIRM of BARKSDALE, TER*t j A Co.. is dissolved. Parties to whom tho same is indebted, will present th.iir . ClaPnB at the Factory, or to me at Green " villi*, a. (5 W M. TlioMAft a January 1 a Jan -4. H "* .I** *' 9 0 T H E B ATTGUST 7, 1867^ rilOMAS HTKKN Has just received a superior lot ot RuU tags, Flat Red Top, and Globe Turnip leed, and Luosroe Seed, from P. Iandrrth nd Sons, Philadelphia, and for sale at the >ld Stand MoDAVID A DUNCAN, Main Street. U8T RECEIVED, Twelrs Doxen Preston A Merrill's Sugar f Lenton,In paps, eon tainlng 30 glosses eaoh, anAiemadto almostinsliinlaneousljr lntotho ioest Lemonade, JTor sale by THOMAS STERN. UST RECEIVED. Preston A Merrill's Yeast or Baking Pow ?r* for asle by RilOMAS STKEN. UST UKCKIYEI). An Assortment of Crook err Ware, both J. 0. and Granite, For sale low by THOMAS 8TEEN. One Fine Light Top Baroucho, in A No. order, for sale by THOMAS ?TEEN. One Open or no Top Baggy, in good oonItion, end repair, for sale by THOMAS STERN. Fine Durham Tobacco and ScarfalrtU, >r sale by THOMAS STEEN. Bateevllle Shirting, 7-8 wide, for eale by THOMA8 STERN. A fine lot of Stick Candies, Just received end for sale bv THOMAS STEEN. UST KKCKIVKD, A fino assortmont of Northern Nails and [rods, various brands. For sale by THOMA8STEEN, At old stand MoDavld A Duncan. UST RECEIVED, A flno article Nova Scotia Grindstone?, * For salo by THOMAS STEEN. * At oldstand MoDavld A Duncan. IUCKET8, BROOMS, Ao. For salo by THOMAS STEEN, At old stand MoDarJd A Duncan. RBS1I WIICLE RICK, Just rocoivod, and for sale by THOMAS STEEN. J LORIDA SYRUP, Just received and for salo by THOMAS STEEN. PANSh FL0AT~INDIG 0, ~~ For salo by THOMAS STEEN. 1KNTUCKY JEANS, A good assortment, for sale by THOMAS STER ,IQHT BUMMER CAB8IMKRK8. For Ml* by THOMAS STEEN. IROWN and BLEACHED DOMESTICS, For sale by THOMAS STEEN. tROWN DRILLS and JEANS, For sale by THOMAS STEEN. EA ISLAND LONG CLOTH, For salo by THOMAS 8TKKN. ,INBN DRILLS aud DUCKS, For nalo by THOMAS STKEN. ,INEN DIAPER and TOWKLLINO. For Bulo by THOMAS STEEN. ?ABLK LINEN, Of tho flne?t quality and doairable patterns. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. 'OCKET HANDKERCHIEFS, Linon and Cotton, for salo by THOMAS STEEN. SADIES' HOSE, Engliah and American manufacture For aale by THOMAS STEEN. 3ENTS' HALF HOSE, ~ English and American, at oxtremoly low trices. For sule by THOMAS STEEU. LADIES' IIAT8 and BONNETS, Of various 8'yles and Patterns, Trimmed ind Uu trim mod. For salo by THOMAS STEEN. RIR30N8 IndB RAIDS, For sale by THOMAS STEEN. BENTS' CASS, 8TJIAW and LEtillOKN HATS. For e.tlo by THOMAS STEEN. CANNED FRUITS, Fresh and good. For salo by fTIiAif'io annnv iiivMao oxuan. CANNED VKOKTABLBS. Froah and good. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. CANNED FISll" Fresh and prirao. For sale by TH0MA8 STEEN. FRK8II OYSTERS, In bottles. For sale by THOMAS STERN. At tho old stand of MoDavid & Duncan. BOBAX, SALTPETRE? Ao~ For 8alo by THOMAS STEEN. BRIM8TONE and ALUM* For sato by THOMAS STEEN. EPSOM SALTS, For sal* br THOMAS STFEN. SWEET OrLS, OLIVE and SALAD OILS, For sale by THOMAS STEBN. PEPPHR, SPICE aud GINGER, For sale by THOMAS STEEN. CLOVES and CINNAMON, For aalo by ^ ^ THOMAS STEEN. BUTTK& and 80DA CRACKERS. For dale by I THOMAS STERN. RIO IIONDO^OIOARSr For aala by ^ THOMAS STERN. PLANTATION 01(1 ARg, For sale by THOMAS 8THBN. RIO OOFPKK, Just ope nod, and for sale by THOMAS STRKN. J A V For salo, by tho packet or by the pound. h> THOMAS 8TKKN. POKTO KIOO SUGAR and MOLASSBS, For sale by ^ THOMAS STERN. REPINED SUOARS and 8YRUPB, From tho Ualtiiaora lleflnory, fv?r sale by THOMAS STEl;iL tl> ' - _ Y6UXO 1IVSON TBA, For sale by ' I ?' : THOMAS NTKKN. RK J'f OlINI* OWIrKK TKA, I 1v<t MMO uom ^ .*T?nr B SB TBI 8 fl > JUST ARRIVED AT Hoke's Old Stand. I AM RECEIVING and OPENING A FRESH SUPPLY OF Yellow O SUGAR Muaeavado SUGAR WHITE A SUGAR 0RU81IED SUGAR Rio COFFEE Laguyra OOFFKE Green TEA ; Block TEA r*rlor MATCHES (Howard's) Rnlaina, Currant*, Citron, Mace Pena, Pencil* Maryland Tobacco Virginia Tobacco Extra Brand* Smoking Tobacco | Note, Letter and F. C. PAPER Envelope* (aaaorted) Ladies Drera Amber and Velvet Buttons Carpet Browea Cooking 8. 0. Soda. AND ft varioty of other Articles, which I am selling at oxtremoly low profits for CASH or Conn try Prodnc?. Call and satisfy yourselves. If my Goods do not como tip to my assertions, don't buy the-m ; go elsewhere. I purpose starting to New York In two weeks. To all those whom I have lot have Goods on ten and twenty days time, and who have taken sixty, ninety, one linndrod and twenty, and even flvo months, | I must now say, coine forward and pay up. I mnst have the money t? carry with me, to enable itie to buy new and cheaper once for the Fall and "Winter Trade, so that I may supply you all a^aiu. If you don't pay mc, I can't buy CHEAP GOODS for you. Jiff?. 3D. ASMSff'DIR?. Aug 8 11 If Siato of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. Sarah A. Eetorp, Executrix, n. M.L. Uoodlktt ut al. IN puriiuanco of tho Decretal Order In tho above stated ease, the Creditors ol tho Into Col. CHARLES J. ELPORD arc hereby required to establish, by proper proof, thoir claims against the Estate, before mo, within nine month* from this dnto, or be barred. J. P. MOOltK, C. R. O. D. Commissioner's Office, July 15, 1887. Jy 18 8 Dm State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. Joseph P. Latimrr, Administrator, t>?. Mart D. Latimer ?< al. IN pursuance of the Decretal Order in the above stated ease, the Creditors of the Into JAMK8 M. LATIMER are hereby required to eatablisb their demands against the Estate, before mo, within nine month* from this date, or be barrod. J. P. MOORE, C. E. O. D. Commissioner's Office, July 15, 1867. Jy 18 8 Dm WOOL CARDING, CRAWFOUDVILLE FACTORY, SPARTANBURG DISTRICT, S. C. WK respectfully inform Wool Raisers and others interested, that we have just put up a set of superior CARDING MACHINES, and have placed them undor the management of experienced and faithful hands, who will give evory attention to prevent unnecessary Waste and to insure general satisfaction. Our facilities are snch that wo can afford to do tho work on Tito Hott I,lfoeral Term*, and wo can safely gnarantco to turn out promptly - EXCELLENT ROLI3. Whon the Urease la furnished to us, (say one pound of Oroase to eight pounds of Wool,) we will Card Plain Wool At Ten Cents a Pound A small advance on this rate will bo charged for Carding Mixed Wool or for Oetton and Wool together. GRADY. HAWTHORN A TUUBYFILL. June 20 A tf WOOL* CARDS, McBEE MILLS, GREENVILLE DISTRICT, 8 C OUR Curding Machines arc in first-rato or dor, and under tho control of that wol known and competent manager, Mr. T. Y BRIDGES, who will quo every carc to proven unnecessary waste and to Insure comploto Sat isfaction. Our facilities are such that wo oan afford ti do the work on TIIE MOST LIBERAL TERMS and wo can safely guarantee to turn on promptly EXCELLENT ROLLS. When the Grease Is famished to ns, (an / one pound of Oreaoe to eight pounds of Wool, we will Card Plain Wool At Ton Con to a Pound! A sinaiI advance on this rate will ho charge for Carding Mixed Wool or for Cotton an Wool together. jt*r- Wool will he taken from nnddclivore at Uroonvlll* C. If. free of charge for tram portntion BRADY ?t HAWTHORN. v.,.,. jr. , v P Rl J 5 o rr 'S'1 Ti'""' .? {as GREENVILLE COACH FACTORY . mrmw. HAVING MADS now nr. @H^SErwgMnenU*llb(wr workmen, VLr W and materially reduced the ?oet of Manufacture, wo doaVa to ooll the attention of the publlo to Uto foot, that for GnaA, wo will do Repairing ot grMtljr REDUCED PRICES, out) make liberal discount on NEW WORK. Wo bare on bond ana ortmont of OPRN ANP TOP BUGOIBS. ROCKAWAY8 aud LIGHT CARRIAGES aloo every description of Wagons wo mako f*Qlr? as a oalll. OOWBR, COX, MARK LEY A CO. Klay 88 69 tf DAVID & STRADLEY, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AKO ; DoAlers in Orooories an dPro visions j PBXDLKTOS ST11EKT, ; K BAH THE DEPOT. Mil-14 43 If j T. W. DAVIS, WATCH MAKER, WOULD Reapeot fully In form the people of Greenville I (?? MS end the surrounding country. 11 i" I liWi1'1 1 he ,,S8 " I' mKHtCOWJC^KB From his OLD STAND in the Good. ! lett House, to a more CONVENIENT j one, three doors North of the Man sion House, next door to Pickle A Poor, on \ Main Street, where lie is prepared to do all work in his line of business, at short no tlee, in a workman like maimer, and on reasonable terms, Aug SO 18 tf 1 WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, , DAHL0NE8A, GA? , WILL practice in the Counties o( Lump i kin, Dawson, Qiltner, Fannin, Uaior Towns, lVhlte and Hall. j an iw M U j libit i??i -urn~ AT 8 OTH PER POUND, CAN bo had at my Ice House every day from sunrise In the morning, until 8 o'clock A. M., also from ft o'clock tui sundown, P. M. T. W. DAVIS. May 3 40 tf "flourTflour! JUST received and for sale cheap, for the CASH, a lot of oxtra-Ano Country FLOCK. Come quick, if you want good biscuit. DAVID k 8TRADLEY. May 2 49 Notes and Accounts of Brooks, Scruggs & Gibson, Assigned to Jas. 8- Brooks. THaVE Inst received for Collection tlieae NOTJW and ACCOUNTS, and reqneat all persons indebted L> the Firm, to eall, without delay, to make settlements and payments. Q. F. TOWNES. Attorney at Law. March Gth, 1861. 41 -tf G. F. TOWNES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. OFFICK at the samo building adjoining New Court House, formorly occupied by Townrs k Campbbli., before dissolution of the Arm. Greenville, S. C. Jan 31-3 W. K. BA8LKY. G. O. WBI.LS. EASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, nBPPVVTTTW a /I '?i D. PRACTICK in the Courts of the Stato and of the United States, and giro espoclal attention to onset in Bankruptcy. June 13 3 " tf Greenville Mill*. rBlHP, ORERNVII.LE MILLS have been JL put in first-rate order by tne Major, for grinding Wheat. Good atteution all] be given by old grinders. The Mills grind on tho old schedule, (the Toll.) Bring along your Grain. June 13 3 If SAMUEL BLACK, BARBER, WOULD respectfully inform tho publio that he has opened a BARBER SHOP in tho room under the building formerly oocupied by tho Post Office and Kn tedpriif Office, first door above tho ruins of MeBee's Hall, where ho has locatod. Being a profe*aional Barber, lie hopes, by attention to business, together with politeness to all, to merit a portion of public patronage. In CUTTING, SHAVING and SHAMPOOING. |5?" Ladies wishing Htiir Culling and Dressing done, will bo wailed on nt their residences. July 95 9-3 EDWARD F. STOKES. Attorney at Law, and Solieitor in Equity, WILT, practice in the Courts of Low and Equity of South Carol inn. Mr Office in Bwandale'a New Building I opposite the Mansion House. rkferESOHS. t Tuoitss Hut., President of Harvard Collego Mass.; J. B Minor, Law Professor, Uni Versity of Va.; C. P. StJLUVA*. South Ca 0 roliua; OoV. J. L Orr, South Carolina Ex-Gov. B. F. Penny, South Carolina. July 11 7 tf ' tar The Columbia Phnnix will iuaet t once a week for one month , WALHALLA HOTEL. J TRAVELERS and othei visiting Walhalla, will fin this well established 1IOUS op?n lor ihetr accommodation. TTaving, i ' the past, as his guests have testified, give ' satisfaction, the Proprietor is confident < pleasing those who may call. Trains no run daily to and from the plnee. Rato* < Boarding reasonable. Come nnd see. I> B1EM A V!f, Vi opt i?tor f"'y 11 7 I'm FH1IJ>T>1LPHIA UKTXMXTZ MEDICINE AKD SURGERY. THK Philadelphia Ui.Hcr.Uy or Medlslna ud 6argery wu organised, in 184$.?i Chartered by the Legislature, February 20, 1868. Name changed by a ioglslntlve enact oicut to the Kclectio Medical College of Philadelphia in 1800. In 1808, it purchased thd Pennsylvania Medical College, established ill 1848, and the Philadelphia Medical College; which had previously boon merged into the Pennsylvania Medical College. lb 1884 it arc baaed the Peon Medical Uuivuraity. Tbo 1 jteoa of the separate schools united, petitioned, and obtafaed a speoial act of the Leg? islnturo, consolidating theeo Institutions and oh c iug their nawe* to that of the Philadelphia Uulvorsity of Medieino and Surgery, March 18, 1888. All these various acts are I uLli. hed In the statutes of Penury Iran la.?i'bo cost of tho building and museum was over one bandied thousand dollars. It will ho ' bsvrvod that the University, as now organised, Is the legal representative el the (oar medical colleges that It has absorbed. It is a lib ural eohool of medicine, confined to no doguia, lor attached to any medical clique.: but emjrBOc'3 tn its teachings everything of value to ,bo profession. Session*.?It has two lull sessions caelt year, commencing on the 1st of October, and continuing uutil the 1st of January as its first session, and (torn the 1st of Jaaaary to the 1st of April as lis second j the two constituting one full oourso of loctqres. It has also a summer session, commencing the 1st of April an 1 - continuing until August, for the pre parator, ranches, such as Latin, (J rook, Ma the m >#, Botany, Zoology, CheinUlryf -ku a tony, Physiology, etc. f?.?Tickets to the full course of lect > r -^ISO, or >00 for each session. I"or the sun., nor or preparatory coarse >30. Graduating fee >30. To aid young men nf moderau mean*, the University bus fecued /ire hundred icholarihf/ni, which arc sold to first-courso stulouts, for #73, and to seeond-eourss students rod clergymen for >30, each constituting the holder a life member, with the perpetual privileges of the lectures, and all the teachings of the school. The only additional fees are a yearly dfsocting and matriculating ticket, each of which is >3. Sic A lean.'ages of Scholnr*hlp*.~~The student holding a scholarship can eater the College nt any time during the year, attend as long as he chooses, and re-enter thu Institution as frequently us desired. It requires no previous reading or stndy to snter the University on scholarships, heucc, til private tuition fee8 are raved. Students, by holding scholarships, eon proses 3"to other badness a part of the timet Tho candidate for graduation can present iiimself at any time, and receive his degree aa soon *? qualified. tn case a student should hold a scholarship and not bo able to attend lecture*, it cart bo t.ansforred to another, thus preventing any loss. Parents, guardians, or friends of students wishing to purchase soboiarshlps Cor them a {oar or ruoro before their atteudcnce at tho [nivcrMtj, can secure them by advancing onobalf tho price, and paying the balance when tho student enters. Physicians and benevolo tit men can bestow groat benefit upon poor young men, by presenting them a cholnrsnip, and tons enabling them to obtain an honorable profession. The Pacuity embraces seventeen cmlnont physicians and surgeons. The Unirerlty has associated with it a largo hospital clinic, where every form of medical and surgical disease is operated on end treated in the presence ol tho class. Building.?The Opllego1>ulldlag, located in Linth Street, south of Walnut, is the finest in the city. Its front is obUegiato gothic, and is adorned with cmbattloments and embrasures, presenting a novel, bold, and beautiful appearance. The facade is of brown stone, ori.ruiented by two tower*, rising to tbo olovatlon of eighty foot, and crowned with an oi.ib.iUkd parapet. The building contain* botwcon fifty and sixty room*, all supplied with witter, go*, und every other convenience that modern improvement can contribute to facilitate medical instruction. Only fivo huni'-d scholarship* wilt be isruod, and a* two Land red and fifty are now sold, those who wish ?.? s^i-ore one should do eo at once. Money n be remitted by express, or a draft or eheok on. on any National bank in the United StaU- when the scholarship will bo returned by ir. 'i, signed by the President of the Board of Tr Iocs, Jos. S. Fishor, Esq., and the Dean ot th Faculty, W. Paino, M. D. All ordero for ir olnrships or other business of the University, should be addressed to Professor W? Paine, 51. D., Philadelphia, Ta. NEW BOOKS. PAINE'S PHACTICE OF MEDICINfi, A new work Just issued by "W. Paine, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Midicino and Pathology in tho Philadelphia University of Medicine and Surgery; author of Paino's Practice of Surgery; a work ou Obstetrics and Materia Medioa; author of New School Hetuedies ; au Epitome of Kberlie's Practice of Modicino ; a lie view of Homoeopathy ; a work on the History of Modicino j Editor of University Medical and Surgical Journal, Ac. Ac. It Is a royal octavo ot 1>C? page d contains a full description of all disea known in luedlcluo and surgery, including those of women and children, together with '.? r pathology and treatment by all tbo now ;nt proved methods. Price $T; postage S .its. Addiuss the uuthor, 033 Arch Street, Phila dolphin, Pa. AliSO, A NF.W TTORir, Entitled New fiohpol Medicines, which In the only worl: over published upon Materia Mcdi ., embracing all tho Eclectic, Homoeopathic, und Botanic remedies, with a full regular Materia Medica. Price $5; postage free. Add res as above. ntTTtnPH OTTTF TATTBW4T V^AI&AHiAA IVVAAAIli or . ... MEDICINE AND SURGERY. A Si-ni-Monthly Journal of Medicine, ?Smr? gory, Pkyiologv, Ilyfier.e, ami (J on oral Literature, dacotcu to tnc ProftwtoB and tho People. The cheapest medical psper In tho world, Sitbliehcd every two Week*, at the University utlding, Ninth Street, *onth of Walnut. , Single copies . $1 AO Fivo copies to one addrew, 4 13 Ten " " 44 - 7 fin Fifteen ? 44 " 9 J?l? Twenty " 44 44 1M? Tho gutter-up of the .club shall, have ond oot.y gruti*. Addrosa, 1 W l'ATNR, M. D- Kditiof. Philadelphia, Pa. Augu.-t i II ' ~~ 6TEVEKH HOtJSfc, 21,9S,!)?ftay Brontlway^.T, Opposite Bowling CtrMa. 0 V Til K EUROPEAN PLA - rpilf. sTK.yBK8 HOUSE i* well and ; 1. wi My known to the traveling pul> He. The h.ea?f<?n {3 erpeoially suitable Us merchants ?ni business men ; it is in atoso 't proximity to the bit iners part sf the ?ity? is on tho highway of Southern and Western - travel ?and adjacent to all the principal. Railroad and Steamboat depots. TI1F. STKVEN^ 110USR has liberal accommodation for ovt" '.00 guests?it is well furnish. and poHae?eus every modern iiud proveinent for the eorrfort and entertainK nicnt of its inmates. The rooms arc epn? n eious and well ventilated?provided witlr n gas and water*?the attendance is pmni t if and respectful?end the fable is generously v provided with every d? lioaey of the scares? A at moderate iiviee. flfcO. K. C3<? 1 ^ ' .,