University of South Carolina Libraries
mut ^H^HHHHMH9v','>riit H^^nHnnnnBI^PiRn in New nHHHK|^PMR||PWionar< If ft t h At uTi home In Viiginia yesterday nfterpoon. The indictment tgnin?t him km ouaehed on the ground of the insufficiency of the evidepoe end the character of the witnesses. [Petersburg Express, Junt 19. Brr nr a Srakk.?The paragraph follow. ing, irom pie ror* vauey iiiruo, may help somebody : "W weak, u a. negro wm plowing e piece of new ground belonging to Mr. Skellie, be wm bit on the foot by a raltle-?nake On going to the bouse, and telling his taU a chicken wm killed, epUt open, and applied to the wonnd. While this wm being done, a bottle of whisky wm sent for. In a short while, the chicken turned green, and the feathers were ready to drop off. It was then taken off, and some red oak poultice* were applied. The negro's foot wm much swollen, whsn last aeon, but he it Dow eonaldered out of danger." o ' Tna Clarendon Banner announce* the death of Kev. W. A. Ileramingway, Clio pastor of the Methodist church of that place. A Maw's piide shall bring him low ; but honor anal! uphold (he humble io spirit. Roligloua BanrioM, Sunday, July 14. Baptist Church, 11, A. M., Rev. Williau WlLLTAVS, D. D. Methodist Church, 11, A. M., Rev. J. W. IIviimit. Episcopal Church, 11, A. M., and 6, P. M. Rev. Ellison Capers. Presbyterian Church, 11, A. M., and 4, P. M., Br. Buist. fit* Pastors a.~o respectfully requested to iniom us when any change occurs In the regular "supplies. GREENVILLE PRICES CURRENT. corrected weekly", ry GRADY, FERGUSON & MILLER, MERCHANT8. 'GREENVILLE, S. 0., JULY 10, 1807. APPLES, $ bushel, Dried, $1 80 BEEP, to lb, frosh, according to eki, 8 ? 10 c. BACON, ? lb, 14 @ 16 c. BALE ROPE, lb, ... 85 e. BLUE STONE, $ lb .. 20 c. BAGGING, Gunny, to yd, 40 c. BUTTER, V lb, 20 e. BEESWAX, ? lb,...*. 20 ? . BRANDY, *1 gallon, Peach, $4 00 CHICKENS, $ bead, 16 (A 26 c. COTTON, ? B>.. 18 @ 20 c, COFFEE, ^B>, Rio, 33 r, " " " Java, .. 50 e. CORN, 14 bushel,....., - fl 40 e. CANDLES, lb, Adamantine...... .30 i. " " " 8 per in,...... 40 c. m ? " Tallow .....20 e. i:uKrKKft?, ~p id, Lnguen, 10 c. ROUS, $1 doacn, 14 c. FLOUR, ? barrel, $14 00 HOLD, $1 ?o OINQKR, & lb, ... 60 r. Iron, fi n>, sweed,.. isj t. ? * ? CoUntf*,.*..". " " " florae Shoe, 10 e. IN Dill 0, %t lb, South Carolina^. $3 00 u " " Spanish Float, 3 36 LUMBER, ? 100 foot, Pinc,...$l 76 @ $3 00 I.KAD, ? ft, 30 c. LEATHER, V ?*>. ?<>? ? ?? 60 ? ? z " Upper, ...00 @ 70 c. MAOTiKtl. th,...........30 c, MOLASSES, ? gallon. West India, $1 00 HAILS, U B>, Parker Mill, 13* c. " * - Horao, ,.,50 c. OATS, R bnfhcl, 76 e. PKA8. S ? .. $| JO PORK, IS lb, not,.. 13} r POWDER, "ft lb, 76 c. PEPPER, $ lb, Black 60 c. PEA011KS, bushel, Dried, $1 60 POTATOES, & bushel, Irish, non*. " " " Sweety. nono. It TOE, V ?>. @ 17 e. BTJtfL, %k B>, Cast,.., - 36 c. SALT, Liverpool,... $1 60 * ? bushel, M -..,..^..1 36 8UOAR, ? ft, Brown,JO @ 30 c. h & ? Clarifiod,...,, ......SO 81IOT, R Ib,....m.? ...M.M.HI.................10 c, SODA, ft >, _ 30 e STARCH^? $J, 36 e 8PIOE, 1* ft .....60 e SIIIRTINO, fl yd, 35 c TUIUtllCH. *? t???d 7A / /? at nr TOBACCO, Manufactured, % jti, 50 e.^ tl W TALLOW, ? lb 14 c TKA, $ *>, Gunpowder- *2 Of - M " Ily.on J 2J * * " Block, - .$1 50 ($ *2 Of VWmAT, V bMhel .....82 Of "WfllflKY, -p gallon, $3 Of YARlf, ^ bunch, Faetojy W *1 CflAtlMTOW, July 9 ? Cotton dull ; tale) Oft boleo? middling 24} @ 26 ; receipt* S! ImIM, Aoaurr*, July 9.?Cotton In better do to ami; mU? 87 bale*?middling 22} @ 28. Katamhah, July 9?Cotton dull?do do 14684; sole* 57 bale*?middling 28; re nipt * MO bo loo MobttO, Jtoly 9 ?Rale* of w tlon 60 bolos market doll?low middling 22. Notice. AH TUB ??tb Booaton of tho B?id Mnm kkmalk school *u ^vgiGconinirng* on tha 16th of July NwSNTnltlon tho aomo. Boerd |10 pei month In oorronoy. ^ r. ii ntio Jtilyn T ? ^ I . K^. s'wood't l?V New Building itKmnCxcBK. RmBHtix. rn?i?i??t ??r HatvaniOoiieg 41 B. Mimoh. Law Piof?r?r, Uni-| f^^rtHBPof Vo,kC. P. biiuvAjf, Soutli Ch? ; JPi; Oov. J. L Oku, South Carolina ; i r-Fx-dov. B. F. P?ttT? HoUtli OuroHliP. P July II 1 . If IT Tbo Columbia 7M, will inKrjk once week for oa? month > - X A DANGINS SCHOOL J"\ANCIN'G U tbo harmony of bodies and _j the poetry of motion, and Is acknuwlged tbo beat of all oxcroiaes. MONS. BERG ER Respectfully Informs the Ladies and Gcntloracn that ha will open a DANCING SCUOOL in Greenville, on Fridag next, tllA'In tbo building recently occupied by McCoucell A Ooodlett. Mona. R. teaches all tho Squares and Round Dunces: also, tbo GERMAN and DEUX TEMPS, wbieh are tbo moat fashionable Dances of the dov ; also Fancy Dances of evorv description. To young Ladies and Masters he teaches a varfoty of Steps which are well ealaulatad to improve their carriage, and * give them caae and graco In all their movements, , M0N8. B. has certificates ft-om tbo beat families and boarding schools of Charleston, where ho has been teaching every winter for a number of yoam. JW*For par Honiara, apply at Dr. LONO'S. July 11 7 tf 50 CENTS REWARD. RANAWAY from the Preahyterion Chnreh yard on Sunday last, after most wantenly breaking up my carriage and crippling one of < my horses, my indentured apprentice, or bound boy KRVIN, who is about 16 years old, tolerable black, and Stuttors badly when spoken to. lie bos very largo wbito eyos, is largo anil woll grown fbr his ago, bnt can be easily recognised by his stuttering. I warn all persons against , feeding or employing him, as I will certainly enforce tho law against any ono who docs, with out regard to person or circumstances. Ho had on when he left a handeomo grey Twcede sack coat, and Cheeked worsted Punts. I will bo thankful to any body who will inform mo of bis whereat >ut?, or deliver him to tbo Sheriff or tbo District. JOHN D. A611M0RE. July 11 7 , * 3 WALHALLA HOTEL. TRAVELERS and other* . .A v'"'t'nK Wnlhalla. will find ^,'n' the proprietor ot tho above Hotel ever ready to give them's warm re> eeption. Trains now run daily each way frotn and to the place. Kntes of Hoarding ( reasonable. Give bitn a trial. 1) III EM ANN. Proprietor. Walhalla, Pickons List., 8. C., July 0, 1807. July 11 7 6m Greenville and Columbia Railroad Company. TREASURERS OFFICE, Columbia, 8.C., July 6, 1867. NOTICE is horoby given that the Grecnville and Columbia Railroad Company are now prepared to exchange their Donds and Ccrttfleates of Indebtedness, endorsed, by the Ktnto of South Carolina under the Act of the legislature of December 20, ISM, for their Donds and Coupons past duo, secured by a mortgage commonly known as tbo "ftrst niortfor their Bonds, and tho Coupons on them thnt may be dne, endorsed by tho Stato under tho Aet of tho Legislature of January 28, 1881, which aro headed "Confederate States of America." Also, for their Bonds and Coupons past dne, known as "Nrtn-MortgngO Honda," at ono for threo, as provided for in said Act of December 20, 1806. Holders of "Non-Mortgage Bonds and Coupons" past duo, Who per far it will be allowed to take for them, in exchange, tho Bonds and Cer uncaios 01 inoebteunes- or the Com pan J, nocured by a second mortgage, at par* Bonds and Certificates of Indebtedness, sccurcd by a second mortgage, will also be tendered to all parties having any otberclnss of claims against the Cempsny, in payment. J01IN O. KDWAlt 1>S, Treasurer. July It 7 4nn General Superintendent's Office, CHARLOTTE A 8. C. RAILROAD, > Cot.runiA, 8. 0., Ma* 2, ltfi7. f ON and after SUNDAY, Mnv J, the schedule of the P .is sou gar 1 rains oror this Itoud will bo as follow* 1 Leave Columbia hi.,;.; 5.30, p. m. Arrive at Cb'.rlottc ut 12.15, a. in. Lcavo OLarlatta ftl ..... ..... 12.20, a. m. Arr'.ve at Columbia at 0.50, a. in. C.bfO connections aro maju at Columbia and Charlotte with mail trains on tlio North Carolina and Routfa Carolina Railroads. By this arrangement, passengers by tbo (Irecnvtlle Road may go immediately through Eastward, and have no detention In Columbia. ' "^THROUGH TICKETS aro sold at Coluw | bfa to Richmond, Vs., Washington, D. C., . Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia, Pa., and New York city?giving choice of routes via Portsj mouth or Ricliineud?and baggago checked. Tickets aro also sold at Charlotte for Charks! ton and Augusta. . An Acoommoduiion Train, for froiglit and . local passage, loaves Columbia at 7, a. in., on . Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays of each ' week, and Charlotte on the same days jit 1 > hour, arriving at Columbia and Charlotte at 7, |i. in. v. uuunniuiu, ou|' I. 1 July 11 7 u.n. i i . Wanted, 10,000 ? 20,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT. 11IUD highoat market prtM is CASH pal J. Apply to R. W. Folgof. , Oroenvillo, A. C. Jane 276 2 j . Alo on Drafc. ! A\ 11 JUST Reooived. a very eltniee r jflnHBArt'c'u OUKAM ALE. For rale lu any f|'i*nlity. At Ih4- ITfAMftioii IIumm*. June 13 * If <y. ."i In lha Cotirt* of Law, I 9?Si, tsyasiun *3 rr? v i<id iwf M>w ffHHa^Hiil GHEST MARK! six 3ffi. ' r{l ' f !(%>> GREENVILLE, 3. a. JULV 10. YS&?M'68IS .-?: i-*T' ,.! %,.*? ..?, "t THE PUBLIC AHE UESmjTKULEY 1NV B 8 ***&** rfiTZlm AND mminA my LAIIOE S /U-lSlfmW\vh?r*, n* I nip <Lt?rniWi?*J to t SUUf Mm? number In Columbia or 0 SPELLERS A! Webster's Rlertrentarr, Southern Piduro prntrr's Spoiler, Webster's Sequel, Wcbeld School l>ioltonnry, Walker'* l?ic'ionnry, LI' Render#, The Union ifories of IL?td< re, the i GRAN . QnneVenbos nnd Kerles, excellent New W Orimmir, Green's Anulyst?, Snrden nnd & (Junckenboa' First Lesrons in Composition, t GEQOIL MitcluTi'n Intermediate, New, Modern in and Modern, Cornelia Primary, Intermedial ARITH1 The heel published, lire llohinaon's Prii Higher; hare also Greenlenf and some ot Higher Mathematical works. Parley'*, Qunckenboe' Primary, Qunek< FYoat'a United StaUa, Robine' Outlines, Pinu rr?rare"Mi /Him n aspn : ir insuirup u u I lir.vo the best elementary instruction It Frenah Dictionary, Andrews' Latin Dictions ifc Scott's Greek Dictionary, and Antlion's C RELIC I have a variety of Prayer Books, Bibles The Psalmist, The Psalmist and Supplement Harp, Musical Albums, Sunday School Bell, .8 T A T i I I keep PAPKlt of avtry style and v letter; from Billet Ponx to the broad k Inks, Blotters, Bult-ra, Playing Cards, ami ihese articles In largo quantities for cash, i Lite lowest prlaa*. BLAHK BOOKS OF ALL KIN] IP A M (0 Y A I linvc a beautiful lot of FANCY ART lies, Work Boxes, 1)raft-boards, and Ch :as ind Photograph Albums. CIRCUfsATIBi _ My Customers and their immediate famil Twenty Five Centi, and have thu use of the i Jn'y 4 WOOL, CAHDINU. WESTMORELANL'S MILLS. r WOULD respectfully inform thg people of Greenville end adjoining Distiicls, that my bring in complete order, nnd under the control of Mi. JAMBS W PERKY, a W?ll known nud experienced operator, 1 will be pi opin ed to turn out lite BEST OF ROLLS, promptly and without delay. I will ensure satisfaction to old as well as new customers, and invite patronage. 1 Caid AT OLD TRICES, when the Grease is furnished. At Ten Cciit.*i a Pound, OR A PORTION OF THE WOOL. One pound of Grease will lie reqr.ii .-d for from Eight to Twelvo pound* of Wool; or tha wool may be greased before delivery or shipment to me. A small advance of thla rate will he charged for fording Cotton and Wool together. Wf>ol will be taken from nnd delivered ".'v the I)ep3t ut Ortecnvilt* Court House free of charge for transportation. In making shipments, address, mont Huntersvllle Post Otlice, Greenville District, South Curolinn. In clt-wiing Wool, soak for three or holiday* in clear cold water; then rinse out, after whirh n?? more water adding lve sufficient to cut the natural grense which forme a suds ; then rinse out ami dry in the shade. a It WKSTMOKELAND. Juns27 ^5 4 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, QllERXVlLLE DISTRICT, fit/ S. J. 7>OTTTlIJT, Rtquir*, Ordinary of Diktrirt WHEREAS, JAMES P. MOORE, 0. K. O, I) , har filed n Petition iii my Office, praying thnt Letters of Adndniatiation on all nod singular tin' goods and chatltlr, lights and crnlils of W, A. McGONjHiLL, lute of tlie District nforesuid, drceared, should he granted to liini. Thtue art, therefore, to cite and admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditors of tlia said dc>-<-n?rd, to he nr.d nppt-nr in (ho Court of Midi nary for said District, to l>o hidden at CraonviTie Court lloutc, on lh< 1st day of August, to show en use, if any, why too said Administration ubouhl not U granted. H.J. DOITTIHT.a O. D Ordinary'a Office, 21st June, 1867. June 27 6 A W. K. BASt.p.r. o. 0. w ki.i.s, EASLEY A WELLS, Attorney* and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, 0RERNVH.I.E, 8. i\, PRACTICE (a the Court* of the State anil of fho t'nitcd Staler, mui flfivo ospcoin attention to can.f in bankruptcy. Juno l.'t :t 't *rrw fttM?mS H IITISi Mil NUMMH8,' red iu Town, 9&&&' '3S3 ' ! 51 PRICE IN CASH.; MOrtWTiT I d^W^JESltsSS Jtb e 7 u?. J -... i -i- -i sspsetiuAv W> GENERALLY, FTEh TO CALL AT THE JVTT .T .El Sf 011, STOCK OF HOOKA, before purchasing else- 1 <11 lo thorn n? cheap oa they cau buy the ' harleaton. ND READERS. Pi burner, Southern Elementary Spellor, C??r r'e Primary Dictionary, Webster's Common fid's English Diotbmnry, \Til.W< Series of i iouthom Scries of Ucndeitv, IYIAUS. 'orkson Grammar ; olto, Hellion's and Green'* lcKlligolt's Analysis, Synonymea, ind Quackenbos' Cotupos'tlou and KheU-riu. APHIES. d Ancient ; Gotten ;;nl Filch'* Introductory ?, Grammar School and High School. HBTIOS. nary, Rudiment* of Written, Proeflral nnd here. Also, Lomia', Davies' and ltobinson'* 1 ?l>os' United Stale*. Mnrkhaui's England, ock's Rome, Ore ? , Franco und England. /hW? ooks. an edition of the author's Grammar, iry, KalachnrnU's Latin Dictionary, Liddcll Inssioal Dictionary. , ilOUS. Hvmns, Psnlms nnd Hymns, and Selection*, . Christian llnrmony. Lute of Zlon, Sacred Ooneordin, <??.. Ac., Ac., Ac. ? <N1 E (ft Y? nriety, from common Foolscap to the best ' iquity Hill. Also, Envolopes, lVna. 1'enclls I elegant new style Visiting Card*. I buy mil lint ttPi.!tnr?ul tit ? * DS, STYLES AND QUALITIES. B S (D & IB 8 ICLIiS in my line, Writing Desks, TWtfo- ? inon. Also, boiiiu handsome l'ioture Frames [C LIBRARY. ! li'B enn read onch of lite latest Novels for i nune for uuu ?t'ck. ACUUSTINE BACON. Agent, fi lm WOOL, CARDS, McREE MILLS, GREENVILLE DISTRICT, 8 COUH Carding Machines aro in first-rate order, anil wider tlio control of that vrell known and coin)>ctent manager, Mr. T. Y. IlKIIHtKi*, who will uso every care to provent unnecessary waste and to insure complete satisfaction. Our facilities aro such that wo can ufford to do the work on TI1E MOST LIBERAL TERMS, and wo can safely guarantee to turn otit promptly LXCKLLENT ROLLS. When the flreaso is furnished to us, (say one pound o." tlroiu-e to eight pounds of Wool,) wo will Card l'lain Wool At Ton Cents a Pound! A small advance on this rate will be chargo. for Carding Mixed Wool or for Cottou and Wool together. Wool will l?c taken fVora and dclirerort I in \ircenvuio v. 11. irco 01 cnur^o lor transportation GRADY A 1UWTII0RN. Juno 20 4 <>' It WOOL CARDING. CRAWFOKDVILLE FACTORY, spartanburb district, s. c. WK respectfully Inform Wool Holders nnd others interested, that wo havo just put up a set of superior CARDING MACHINES, and have placod them un<lor the management ofcxporlenced nnd fnithful hands, who will give ovety Attention to proven! annocc?sary waste und to insure general satisfaction. Our.facilille* are such that we can afTord to do the work ?n TIic Hlost Liberal Terms and we can safely guarantee to turn oat promptly EXCELLENT ROLLS. When tlio Grouse Is furnished to us, (say ono pound of Grease to eight pounds of Wool,) wo will Card I'lain Wool At Ton Cents a Pound. A small advance on this rate will ho charged for Carding Mixed Wool or for C?tton and Wool together. GRADY, HAWTHORN A TURRYFILI*. > Juno 20 4 tf i ., . i , , i . i - Groonvillo Mills. fBlflK G?{HKNVILLB Mil.US hare been | JL put in first-rate order by tua Major, for grinding Wheat. Good audition will be gircn by old grinder*. The Mills grind on the oVI schedule, (the Toll.) liring along your Grain. June 13 8 tf ICE: ICE! ICE! AT 3 CTS I'Elt POUND. C| A N bo had at my Ice llouso every day t from MinrW in tbo morning, until S I o'clock M., al o from it o'clock till run! down, I' M. T,. W ItAVItv M i v 2 4ft t? ft" , i mm * ml mi m ? P B-SMl a fcri?ENvriJr,Er DOA H FACTOBt ,g?H, HAVING >Ut)E ??* Ar iongei|ienli wllh out wotkmen. HP "MLotrtd ttmterhilly rcdftM the lum <?f J/atnt/iwtur*, we d?<lr? to cell lli* HUflilf" of iIm fublie to ihe foot, Hint far ' ?a*A. wo wMl J? Uepoiiii.g okgrratU US |UOED PRIQRS? njio moke liberal difeount. >n "N EW "WORK, p imte On liend en e?ortniMnt of OPRlf ASO TOP BUGGIES. ' tOCKAWAYS end LIGIIT CARRIAGES; ] dtwf'ipvloii of Wegune wo make. I i tflf Ui\ e u? ? cell). goWkR, Cox, MARK LEV a co. Mnv ? .V2 If J W II .1IOVEY ? "? PROPRIETOR O? THE < 1 i T\II?0) prPATkt^ ladilo' siunii, > j-) WOULD most i J^DTmW",fv,ln Ladies ond public ^Wrl iii it r '--"r that his STOCK OF 11*KINO AM) GOODS is now r?>ry ooroi>Wte; and well calculated to give ] olirftcliun. both as lu |>r!c< and quality. Th? Stock consists in port it IrMowi viz. i "balls and Foolish lli-rege* ; Paris l'lalds; Himalayas; Colored Lawns; Printed Mu?- 1 Una ; Spring Prints ; Alnpnca* ; English and Dalian Crape* \ Cnrded. Dotted and Plaid dwi*e ; Jaconet ; Mull and NninMOk Mnsllna; W hit" and Colored Brilliants; White and Colored Tnrllotie ; Linen Cambric* and Ijiwiis; Edgings and Inserting*; Thread Lnecsand liultntior* of sfctue; Silk, Cotton ond Worsted Tracing Braid*; Trimming and Bonnet liibbnn* ; Brudiea; Combs; Collar* ; Cravals; Belts; llcltirgs ; Blench* e<l and Brown Table Damask ; Sheetings ond Pillow Casing*; Toilet Towels; Doylies ; Linen ond Cotton Diaper*; Longeioth*; Ladies nnd Misses TIi??e; Oent* and Boys half Hose ; Former* Drills ; Brown Linens ; Casaimcre*; Tweeds; Jeans; Shoes; lists; Summer Clothing ; Liein-Stiloliol, Kuibroid ered and Mourning Handkerchiefs; Qlovet; Cologne and Extracts ; Oasille and Toilet Soaps ; and other nrlicloi too uunierous to mention. Call and examine for yonraelrc?no isharge made for locking. April 18 ( . , 47 , tf DAVID & STRADLEY, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MEUCHANTS, ARB Dealers in Qtoccrics cnt'fcrovifciGZ.s PENDLETON STREET, i NEAR TUB DEPOT. Mnr 14 44 if T. W. DAVIS, WATCH MAKER, eg Would RtipMtfulif inf^-' , vQ form the people of Greenville it. '',e 011 rrotintiin(^ country, i>"1 ',e 'ms Ffiffll hia OLD STAND in the (looA lett House, to a Ynore CONVENIENT ' niif, three doors North of the Man ?i??n llonse; next door to Pickle A Poor, on Main Street, where he ia prepared to do all work in hie line of business, at ehort notice, iti a workman 171c3 manner, and on reasonable tcrrriH. Aug 10 1* tf 8TEVENSE0USE~ 21,93,35X37 Brou<lwny, III. If. Opposite Bowling Grcon. OX TJIE KUllOI'kAN PL AX. "pilE STEVEN9* HOUSE is well rind 1 widely known to the traveling pub lie. The location is especially suitable to merchants an 1 business men ; it ia in close proximity to t'ie bu-iness part of the city ? is on tho highway of Southern and Weatern travel?and adjacent to rill the principal UailrOad and Steamboat depots. THE STEVENS HOUSE has iihernl accommodation lor over 300 guests?it is well furnished, and p<>84o?se? every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment ol its inmnleft. Tlie robms are spacioua and wall ventilated?provided with gas and water?the attendance ia prompt nnd reapectrul?nn<t tii< i* generously provided with every delicacy of ihe season? nt inodcrulc rate*. GEO. K. CnASE A CO. Proprietor*. Jure 13 3 6m Guardians. Trusteos and Receivers, ARE REQUIRED to make their Rotnrna to tlii* Office hy the Jiret Jay ?f June tirrt. All fitiliti|r to make their return l>y that time, will l>? reported to the Court. JAS. P. MOORE. C. EL. U. D. Commissioner'* OlUce, January 23, 1807. Jitu 24 35 tf FLOUR f FLOUR t JUST received and for Sale cheap, for the ('AS//, a lot of extrwflire Country FEOUK. Couic quick, if you want good hiacuit. DAVID A STItADLKY. May 3 49 Notes and Accounts of Brooks. Scruggs & Gibson, Assigned to J&s. 8 Brooks T" HaVE iu.<t received f->r Collection X tlieae NOTES and ACCOUNTS, and refnioai oil HMftuns in.lohtod t?? lh? Virm tn call, without ?i,!ny, to make Mt-tlemcntH anil payment*. G. P. T0WNE8. Attorney at Law. March 61I1. 1S07. 41-tf G. F. TOWNES, attorney at law, ANI> solicitor. in equity. OFFICE at the canto hnitdim.' New Court Jlotiao, formerly occupied by ToWNKS A Caui'iiki.i., befoiu Uusolutio* of the firm. Greenville, P. C Jao St-Jt dr. a n l> e r s o w UK8PRCTFULI.Y inform* the citixen* of (Ireonviilo arol ^*ILT-U vicinity, that ainco the fire ho liu opened hia uKKll'K next uxor to hix roaiilenw, juct in Iho rear of Meccrx. liavid A Stradtey, whero ho la prepared to practieo pen.tal surgery ! iri (toll, ill ln,in. he.. npoijlivc -a.I Hichamj cal, foi the ' \sii V.I- it tf ' -JIL J ILXJH?ri JUST KKCBIYRD, - * A lot of OmvmmI UMI of tba finest qaal* At old ataed McDavld A OmmmI: JUST RKCRlVttO, Prime Leaf Lard, In quantities to Milt pirjbiscn. For sale by THOMAS STKKN, At old stand McDavld A Dnaoan. JUST RECEIVED, A Ha* assort iaeut of Ntftttra Sa|b and UratL) various brands. fbflllllw THOMAS SfMH> At old aland MeDnrM A Hf'" IUST RECEIVED, A fine article Nora 8c<>tU H/MMlMk For aale by TllOtiAS STEE#, At old rtand McDavld A Dimu. JKAIN SCYTHES Of the beet manufacture. For aala by * TH0MA8 PTEEN, At did atnnd McDavid A r' ICYTHK BTONKS ^ For aale by THOMA8 8TKEN, At old ataud McDaMd A DuacaU. BUCKETS, BROOM8, Ae. Fur aale by THOMAS STKfcN, At old stand McDavld A Dtneta FUBSIi WIICLH RICti, Juat roeoiVvdj and for aale by , , THOMA8 81Kbit. FLORIDA StktUH Juat received and Ibr aalo by THOMAS STUM; GOOD CIDKR YJ NKGAIl, J uat received, aud for aale by . THOMAS STKKN; SPANISH FLOAT IltpiUO} For aalo by THOMAS 8THBN; SPIRITS fURPtHttlfi* For aale by THOMAS STBKN. WHITE LEAD and LIN8HHD OIL. Fot tale by THOMAS STHBfTi , . B._ KENTUCKY JBANS, A good assortment, for sale by T110MA8 STEKNt i " LIGHT HUMMkR CASBIMKRES, For aale by TU0MA8 STKBN. BROWN and BLEACHED DOMfeSTttfe, f?r sale l>y THOMAS HTKKX. 3R0WN DRILLS ahd Sti\ANlS} Fur mil? by THOMAS STEEN: SEA Ist.ANb LONO CLOTtt. For sale by THOMAS Bfrtfctfi 11LAY A BLOUSE LINENS, T For sale by THOMAS STEEN; LINEN DRILLS aud DUCKS, For ante by THOMAS StEfcN. LINEN DIAPER and TOWELLING. ' * For sal* by THOMAS STEEN; TABLE LINBN, Of. the finest quality And daairabls MMSAA For sal* by THOMAS ST HEN: POCKBT HANDKERCHIEFS, Linpn aud Cotton, for sale by THOMAS STEEN: LABIB8' HOSE, English and Ainarican manufacture, . . For Halo by THOMAS STEEN. GENTS' HALF HOSB, English and Atuerican, at cxtranety low prices. For sale by ... THOMAS STEElf. LADIES' HATS and BONNETS, Of various' S'ylea and Patterns, Trimmed and Untriinmod. ?For sale by THOMAS STEEN* ' RIBBONS and BRAIDS/ Fof (did by THOMAS STEEN, GENTS' CASS, STRAW and LBGHORlt HATS. For salo by .. THOMA8 STEEN. - 1 canned Bruits, Ffesli rind good; For ftalo by THOMAS STEEN i ? CANNED VEGETABLES, Fresh and good. For sale by THOMAS STEBN: CANNED FISH, Fresh and prifno. For sale by THOMAS STKBN. LEMON fill OAR, Or portable Lemonakfo. For Babe by THOMAS STEEN. FRESH OYSTERS, Id bottles. For sale by THOMAS STEEN.* At tho old .stand of McDsvkl A Duncan. bolt AX, SALTPETRE, Ac. " For by THOMAS STEEN.- . biii MSTONE and XLtiXt. For sale br THOMAS STEEN. EPSOM 8ALTS~ For Bale by THOMAS STEfilT. SWEET OILS, OLIVE and SALAD OILS, For ?alb by THOMAS' STKENv PEPPER, SPICE and aTNOEK, For ralu by THOMAS STKBKCLOVESand CINNAMON, ?? For nnlo by THOMAS STERN, liUTTBR and SOB A CRACK For ?ale by THOMAS STREW, UIO HON BO OIOARsf~~~ For nnle l?y THOMAS STREW. i'LAWTATION CIUAUS? For rale l.y THOMAS STREW, CHICK OOTS: Of pure Havana Tobacco. For rale by THOMAS STREW. RIO COFFEE, Jurt opened, and for rale by THOMAS STERN. JAVA COFrRB, ror smr, i>y inc jinoKoi or ny me pound) rty THOMAvS STEEN. POHTO Kit (i SUGAR MOLASSRS, For n?W by THOMA? 3TEBW. RRFINBD SUGARS nn.l STRUPP,^ From the UeltimoK ttiflnerv, for 'ill by THOMAS STERN. YOUNG 1IYFON TEA", ~~ For sale by THOMAS STEEN. FINEST GUNPOWDKK TEA, For ?nlo by THOMAS STEEN. FINE SELF RISING FLOUR, For mI? bv > 111" >1 A S ST W