University of South Carolina Libraries
HHHHHnHniw HH^^^^HHRP^PP^ioit nod war the PP^9^M?v(rNtn. The moral of my ^^^Hlbjeol u loyalty and patriotism, dero tion 4o your Constitution and law*; and I whatever is wrong in the law*, or in custom or tbe habit* of aoeiety, trust to their correction through your schools, I your churches, yotlr political assemblies, I but never suffer an enemy to raise lui__ band against the nationally or the Union oi the United States." (Loud cheers) Mr. Seward already doubts tho permanency of the Union, lie fears force Jul resistance to the President. ? Tbb Fourth in tiik Sbcoito Mputa rt District.?The following ? from -an order just issued by General Sickiles^ in relation to the celebration of the I Fourth of July : The ninety first anniversary of the independence of the United States, on the 4th ef July next, wilt be appropriately observed throughout the com rnand. At sun rise, a salute of thirteen guns will be fired ; at 12 m., one gun for ov ery 8tate, and at sun-down, a national eahite?at which time the troops will be paraded. At stations where the prescribed salutes cannot be fired, the troops will be pamled at 12 m^ and firn a f/u Jj Upon *11 public buildings?Federal. S'ale or muniepal?the proper Authorities will mum the American flag to be froiated at sun rise, and kept flying until sun-down. The shipping in the several ports and harbors are requested to observe the requirements of this paragraph. All public offices will be c'osed, nn less for the transaction of urgeut business ; and no labor, except thfl necessary policing, will be performed by the troops. . The commanding officers of posts are charged with the exception of this order. Tub ^anta (Ga.) rolling mill has commenced rolling railway iron, and will soon l>e able to roll fifty tons per day. tvsensas 1i AN THE PUBLIC ARB RESPECTFULLY 1NVI ^ OR.E1EN jfafWh AND examine my t.AROE ST where, ?? I am drtarnriniHl to se] vMahv same number in Columbia or Ob SPELLERS AM WtWiu'i Elementary, Southern Picture P penter'a Spelier, Webster's Sequel, Webater'i School Dictionary, Walker's dictionary, Rai Readers, The Union Soriea of Readers, the H< cm A Ml Quaekenboa and Kerles, excellent New Wc Grammar, Grcen'a Analysis, Harden and M< Quaekenboa' First Lessons in Composition, ar QEOORA Mitchell's Intermediate, New, Modern and and Modern, Cornell's Primary, Intermediate The best published, are Robineon'e Prim Higher; have also Greenleaf and toine oth Higher Mathematical works. ?&%%% Parley's, Quaekenboa' Primary, Quackei Froet'e United States, Robins' Outlines, Pinnc Vltt&lTCJ'Ulffly IL^ U III I have th? best elementary Instruction Do French Dictionary, Andrew#' I-atin Diction# A Scott'# Gr#elc Dictionary, and Anthon'a Oil RELIG I flirt a rirloiy of Prayer Book#, Bible#. Tke Psalmist, The l'ealoaist and Supplement, Harp, Muaieal Albums, Sunday School Bell,' i Y A Y 0 I keep PAPDR of arery atyle and ti Letter; from Billet Doux to the broad K< Inks, Blotters, Rulers, Playing Cards, and these article# In large quantities for cash, a the lowest prices. BLABK BOOKS or ALL KI*I ' D1 A if ? It A i 1 have a beautiful lot of FANCY ARTI lioa, WoHr Boxes, Draft-board#, and Ch ss n and Photograph Albums. CIRCULATINi My Custom ere and their immediate famili IVtuttt Fiv* Cents, and have the use of the u Ju'y 4 HHHHradpii), |^H^H?JPB86*esB5ies*saj|fl|p v J. If. Runlon, on tli< ^Hp^Ui' ilOODWIN, ofOre^nLYNCH, of ilea. 1 o?. Sunday, July 7. I 11, A. M., R?r. W. B V^RRodlst Church, II, A. M., Rcr. J. W.' Hun. fiplMopii Chinti, 11, A. M., and 8, P. M. B?r. Iiuiok Cinu. Presbyterian Church, 11, A. M., and 4, P. M., Dr. Bui sr. J0* Paatora are respectfully requested to inform u* when any change oocura in the regular aappllM. ..... I??Ji ' >' ! GREENVILLE PRICES CURRENT. coitnacTRD wssKtr, it I flRAOY, FER8US0N fcMILLER, MERCHANTS. ! GREENVILLE, 0. C.. JULY 8, 1807. I APPLES, buahel, Dried........ $1 80 BEEF. ^ V>, freih, aeeerding to car, S fa. 10 e. BACON, ft ..14 2l?r. I BALE ROPE. ? Th 86 ?. 1 BLUB STONB, * ? ? 20 e. i BAGGING, Gunny, ? yd,.. 40 e. BUTTER. lb,...--....- 20 c. BEESWAX. "ft lb, 20 e. BRANDY, -p gallon. Poach $4 00 C1IICKKN8, *1 head, 18 (ft 28 c. COTTON, lb....v _I8 K 20 c. COFFEE, "ft tb, Rio, .. 83 c. " " " Java, 80 e. CORN. ? bushel $1 40 e. i CANDLES, "p lb, Adamantine, 80 c. , '' " " Sperm 40 e. a am Tallow, 20 c. COPPERAS, "P lb, Eagliib, 10 r. EGOS, "JA doaen 18 e. ' FLOUR, ^ barrel, $14 00 I GOLD...... $1 30 GINGER, lb, .. 60 c. I IRON, -p lb, Swecd 124 c. I " " '* Country, ..8 c. a a it nurM Shoe, 10 c. I INDIOO, lb, South Caroline, $2 00 j " " " Spaniah Float, 2 28 LUMBER. VI 100 feet. Pln?....$l 78 Cai $2 00 LEAD, W lb,. 20 c. LEATHER, lb, 8ole 50 c. , - ** " Upper, .. 80 @ 70 c. MADDER. ^9 lb, 20 c. 1 MOLASSES, Y' gallon, West 1 ndia $1 00 NAILS, & lb, Parker Mill - 12} c. m <i m Horse, 60 c. OATS, & buihol, 76 r. j PEAS, " ? $1 50 PORK, ? lb. net, 12J r POWDER, lb .. 75 c. PEPPER, V ?. Black 50 c. PEACHES, ? bushel, Dried, $1 50 POTATOES, *1 bushel, Irish none. M mm Sweet,. none. I RICE. lb 16 (<$ 17 c. STEAL, 18 lb, Oast, - *5 r. , SALT, IS sack, Liverpool, $1 60 " " bushel, " .1 26 , Sl-OAR, 18 lb, Drown, 16 @ 20 r. u m m Clarified, 20 c. SHOT, 18 lb,..., 20 SODA, 18 lb - 20 e. STARCH, 18 lb 20 c. SPICK. Ml lb, 50 c. SHIRTING, 2. 1? yd, 15 e. TITRKIKS, 18 head 75 c. <cj> 81 00 TOnACCO, Manufactured, *p lb, 60 c. 00 | TALLOW, ? lb, 16 r. TEA, 18 lb, Gunpowder $2 00 44 m u Hyson, - 2 25 " " ? Black - .tl 60 @ $2 00 , WnRAT, 18 bnsbel *2 00 WHISKY. 18 gallon, .. $3 00 YARN, 18 bunch, Factory, $2 25 SSPE69ALLY! GENERALLY, TED TO CALL AT THE rVIIL.I-.13 j 'OCK OF BQOJvS, before purchasing elseII 10 them as cheap aa they Can buy the arleston. , ID READERS. 'rimtner, Southern Wementary Speller, Car Primary Dietlonary, Webster's Common d'a Rogliah Dietlonary, Wilson's Series of >dthern Series of Readers. I1AKS. >rks on Grammar | also, Bullion's and Oreen'a sKlligott'a Analysis, Graham's Synonymea, id Quackenboa' Composition Aiul Rhetoric. lPHIES. Anoient; Col ten and Fitch's Introductory , Grammar School and High b'ohool. JSOET.nos. lary, Rudiments of Writtan, Practical and era. Also, Lomie', Daviea' and Rob Dion's ' ^ ^ % ? ibos' United 8tatea. Markham'a England, >ek's Rome, Grcee, France and England. M AMD QRIEEK. oks, an edition of the author's Grammar* ry, Kalnchmidt'a Latin Dictionary, Lidduli lesioal Dictionary. IOUS. Hymns, Fulms and Hymns, and Selections, Christian Harmony. Luta of Zion, Sacred Concordia, Ac., die., do. )MERY. irioty, from common Foolscap to the best ^uity Hill. Also, Envelopes, Pans, Paneiis elegant new sty la Visiting Card*. I buy nd am prepared to supply all demands at 18. STYLES AVD QUALITIES. a ip n ? iL is s. CI.BS in my lipe. Writing Peaks, Porlfo. a?n. Also, soma handsome Picture Frames d LIBRARY, ea ran read each of the latest Novels for una for oaa work. AUGUSTINE PACON, Agent , rt 1m r * EMM! LAUftlMt RAILROAD. nBiil. II.,8. 0., Jnoe 26?h 1807. IBI^HKSr TUESDAY, 16!h instant, the will .ran over this Road h fUw?l, r Mn*. The Bond luvtH booh IHm lblM||h to Newberry, freight end BH will M considerably reduced '. ^KLmhAi ftt A o'clock a. ru., on MonHB^Mne*dfty* and Fridays, Ana arrive at BBbl 12 o'clock. jHKfnevberrj on Tuesday* and ThiirsBHll o'clock, and on Saturdays at halfMSB A'etoek, e?nesting with the down sw^Hp the Greenville and Coluaabla Itail0*3 ?tfHelena Bbow. ^ JOSEPH CREWS, Sup't. Inly 4 > , drv itn Wanted, -ft /"V \ ^ " " ~ ~ ~ 1U,UUU 2U,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT. I 1MIE highest market price in CAS1I paid.' Apply to JL We Folger. Ortenrillr, 8. C. Juno 17 6 3 WOOL. CARDING. WESTMORELAND'S MILLS. I WOULD respectfully Inform the poopls of Greenville and adjoining Districts, that my OAiaiDass? aaAcgnrasyaj? being in complete order, nnd under the control of Mr. JAMKS W PBKRY, a well known and experienced operator, 1 will be prepared to turn oat the BEST OF B.0LL8, promptly and without delay. I will ensure satisfaction lo old aa well as new customer*, nnd Invite patronage. I Card AT OLD PRICES, when the Grease is furnished. At Ten Cent* a Pound, OR A PORTION OF THE WOOL. Ona pound of Grease will he required for from Eight to Twelve pounds of Wool ; or Llia wool may be greased before delivery or shipment to me. A small advance of this rate will he charged for Carding Cottoa and Wool together. Wool will bo taken from and delivered It the Depot nt Groenville Court House free of charge for transportation. In making shipments, address me at nunlersvills Post Office, Greenville District, South Carolina. In cleaning Wool, soak for three or four days in clear cold water; then rln?e out, after which use more water adding lye sufficient to cut the natural grease which forme a suds ; then rinee out and drv in the shade. 8. R. WESTMORELAND. Juns17 6 4 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. OKKKSVILLE DISTRICT. By S. J. DOUTIirr, -fisyiorv, Ordinary of taid Dint riot. WHKItEAS, JAMES P. MOORE, C. E. G. D . has filed a Petition in my Offleas, iirnvtnir ?1?at I^tLUi-a ? on *11 and singular the good* *n<J chattels, right* and credit* of W. A. AloCONNELH. late of (lie District aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to him. 7Tteae art, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and cred.tors of the said deceased, to tie ai d appear in Ihe Court of Ordinary for said District, to he hnldeu at Greenville Court House, on the 1st day of August, to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. S.J. DOUTI1IT. 0. O. D Ordinary's Ofltce, 21st June, 1807. , June 27 5 6 FOR SALE. -"*V Knrm on theXOjnDw SfiK&fr French Bimad WggOpk River, 4 niileseflS&JSfiM* (rout Brevard; contaiuing in all 17& nerve, more or lese. via : 60 acrea ltiver Hot torn. 10 acres Prime Upland, 86 acres Woodlaud. A Dwelling House and Prnme Kitchen. Hie liousa is nearly completed, and the Number, Hardware, Glass, Ac., A., are on hejilaoe. Tlie Farm is offered with Growing Crops, wo Cows aud three Heifers, a fiue lot of Hogs, some Sheep, Ac., also FARMING IMPLEMENTS, Corn Sheller, St row Cutter, Plows, Ac* TERMS and all particulars can he obtained by personal application, or by letter addressed EL II. II. Dunn* Rock P. O., Trnnaylvauia Co.,N.C. June 80 > 4 3 Ale on Draft. JUST Received, a very choice jjmmarticle of CREAM ALE. For sale in any quantity. At lite -HuiinIoii Honw. June 13 8 tf Greenville Mills. ra^HF.O<tEKNVlLLE MILLS hare bean JL put in first-rate onlcr by tne Major, for grinding Wheat. flood attention will be given by old grinder*. The Mill* grind on the old schedule, (the Toll.) Bring along your Grain. June 18 3 If GREENVILLE COACH FACTORY , mnmv ? HAVING MADE new ar 9roBgemente with our workmen, wT SSf and materially reduced the co?t of Manufacture, we desire to ohII the attention of the publla to the fact, that for f'asA, wo will do Repairing at greatly RE DUCED TRICES, and make libera) discount on NEW WORK. We haee on hand an assortment of OPEN AND TOT BUGGIES, ROCKAWAYS and LIGHT CARRIAGES; aleo erery description of Waguua we make. Bt*G|w ne a call). GOWER, COX, MARKLEY A CO. May 2S 52 tf w. k. liltir. a. a. vetu. EA8LEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ANI) IN EQUITY. G RKJNVILLK, S. C., PR\CTICK ia the Courts of the State and of the United States, and give especial Mention to cases in Bankruptcy. June 13 .1 tf H SIT (i W. H. HOVEYT* PROPRIETOR OF TUB LADIES' STORE, fcJh TT> ^OtlLO moit reapect fully rortrrTnl inform (he Lad ice and pnblle T n xeneraMr that hia STOCK OF 3PKINO ANI? SUMMER GOOD* ia bow vary complete. and wall calculated to giva aaliefactlon, beth aa fo price and qnalVty. The Stock aonaiata ft* part at follow* vfr : Challe and Bnclleb Vtregea ; Parle Plaid* ; Hlmnlavaet Colored !*? IMnted Bm. Una ; Spring Prints ; Alapanas ; English and Italian Grapes; Corded. Dotted and Plaid Swtaa; Jaconet; Mull and Nainaook Muslin* 5 White and Colored Brilliants; White and Colored Tarltona; Linen Cambrics and Lawna; Edging* and Ineertinca; Thread Laaeaand ImiUtiora ol name; silk, Cotton and Woraled Tracing ^?Ma; Trimming and Bonnet KiMtona ; Brorhn; Comb*; Collar* ; Cravats; Helta ; Belting* ; Bleach, e.l and Brown Table l>amaek ; Sheetings and Pillow Casing*; Toilet Towels; Doylies ; Linen and Cotton IHapera; Longefotha; Ladiee and Miaaea lloee; Genta and Boys half Hose ; Farmers Drills ; Brown Linens ; Casaitneres; Tweeds; Jeans; 8hoes; lists; 8ammer Clothing ; Ueiu-SlitcleI, Kmbroldered and Mourning Handkerchiefs ; Gloves; Cologne and Extiaets; Castile and Toilet Soaps ; and other article* too numerous to mention. Call and eznmlna for yonrsalre?-no charge mads for looking. April 18 47 tf WOOL. CARDS* McBEE MILLS, GREENVILLE DISTRICT, S COUR Carding Machines are in first-rate order, and under the control of that well known and competent manager, Mr. T. Y. UK1DUKS, who will use every care to prevent unnecessary waste and to insure complete satisfaction. Our facilities are such that we can afford to do the work on THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS, and wo can safely guarantoe to turn out promptly EXCELLENT ROLLS. When tho Grease Is furnished to us. (say one pound ?I tireaee to eight pouods of Wool,) we will CArd Plain Wool At Ten Cents a Found! A small advance on this rate will be charged for Carding Mixed Wool or for Cotton and Wool together. pm- Wool will be taken from and delivered at Ureeuville C. II. free of cburge for transportation GRADY A HAWTHORN. June 20 4 tf wool cardingTC T? A W LAI) nv iric f* OTfinv v ' * r vui' ? iuiii'4 rauivivi | SPARTANBURG DISTRICT, S. C. WK respoclfnlly inform Wool Raisers and others interested, that we have just put up a act of superior CAR1HNU MACK INKS, and have placed tbvui under the management of experienced and faithful band*, who will giro evety attention to prevent unnecessary waste aud to insuro geuoral satisfaction. Our facilities arc Mich that we can afTord to do tho work on The 1*1o?t Liberal Term*, and wo can safely guarantee to turn out promptly * EXCELLENT LOLLS. When the Urease is furnished to u?. (say one pound of Urease to eight pounds of Wooi,) wo will Card I'laiu iVwl At Ton Conts a Pound A small advance on this rate will ha charged for Carding Mixed Wool or for Cotton and Wool together. OHADY, HAWTHORN & TURBYFILL. June 20 4 tf DAVID & STRADLEY, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Axn Dealers in Qrcceries andProvisions PENDLBTOV STREET, NEAB THE DEPOT. Mar 14 42 tf Notico to Plaintiffs and Do fondants to pay Costs. rpilE CLKUK and 81IEUIFP of GreenX ville District respectfully cive notice that having been stopped by Military Or dera from making their Coats out of I>efendanta in certain cases, and having hitherto advanced funds in those cases, they arc compelled to eall upon the PlaintilTs to pay tlio Costa before the 10th of July next. Legal measures will be resorted to for the Collection of all Coets remaining unpaid at that time. W. A. MoOANIEL, C. C. P. W. T. 811 DM ATE, 8. G. 1>. June t3 8 If 8TEVENS HOUSE, 91,S3,!1S&97 BrMdway,IV. V. Opposite Bowling Oreen. OX THE EUROPE AH PL AH. THE STEVENS HOUSE is well and widely known to the traveling pub lie. The loealion is especially suitable to merchants and business men ; it is in close proximity to the businer* part of the city? is on the highwsy of Southern and Western travel?and adjacent to all the principal Kailroad and Steamboat depots. THE STEVENS HOUSE has liberal aeeommodation lor over 800 guesto?it ia well furnished, and poetesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated?provided with gaa and water?the attendance is prompt and respectful?and the table is generously provided with every delicacy of the season? at u>od?rat? rate*. GEO. K. CHASE A CO. Proprietor* Juno 18 3 Am FLOUR! FLOUR! JUST received and for sale cheap, fnr tk* CASH, a lot of e*tra-6ne Country KDOUK. Come quick, If you want good bin cuit. . DAVID A 8THADLEY. May 2 _ 49 ICE! ICE! ICE! AT 3 CTS PER POUND. CAN be had at my Ice House every day from sunrise in the morning, until 8 o'clock A. M., also from & o'clock till sundown, P. M. T. W DAV18. May 2 43 tf Si 9 S S o "i? y J JU8T RXCKiVKO. A lot of Canvassed Ham* of tW least quality, Sugar Cared. For sale by THOMAS ftTKBN, At old stand MoDaeid A DaaSaa. JUST RKCRIVRD, Prime Leaf Lard, In quantities te salt pmrsbaaors. For sate by TIIOMAS 8TBXM, At old ttssd MeDaeld A Draewa. JUST RRCRIVED, A ftne assortment ef Northern Nails and IIrads, various brand's. For sale by THOMAS 8TKKN, At old stand MeDevtd A ltunsu. JUST RECEIVED, A Am irtteh Su?t Scotia Grindatonea. For aale by THOMAS STKKN, At old atand Mc David A Duicu. GRAIN 8CTTI1E8 Of (& b?<t nmththn. Fob nb by THOMAS STERN, At old Stud McDavid A Datican. SCYTHE STONES For Bale by THOMAS STKKN, At old at?od McDavid A Duncan. BUCKETS. BROOMS, Ae. For Bale by THOMAS STKKN, At old aland McDavid A lhineta FRB8H WHOLE RICK, Ju?t received, and for vale by THOMAS 8 TEEN. FLORIDA 8YRUP, Just received and for Bale by THOMAS STUN. GOOD CIDKK VINEGAR. Jual received, and for sale by THOMAS STKKN. SPANISH FLOAT INDIGO, For aale by THOMAS STEKN. SPIRITSTURI'ENTiyir, For aale by THOMAS STKKN. WHITE LEAD and LINSEED OIL, For aale by THOMAS STKKN. KENTUCKY JEANS, A good aasortinent, for aale by THOMAS STEEN. LIGHT SUMMER CASSIMERKS, For aale by THOMAS STEEN. BROWN and BLEACHED DOMESTICS. For aalo by THOMAS STKKN. BROWN DRILLS and JEANS, For aale by TIIOMA8 STEKN. SKA ISLAND LONG CLOTH, For sale by THOMAS 8TKKS. BLAY A BLOUSE LINENS, For sale by THOMAS STEEN. LINEN DRILLS ami DUCKS, For sale by THOMAS STEBN. LINEN DIAPER and TOWELLING, For salo by THOMAS 8TKEN. TABLE LINEN, Or tbe finest quality and desirable pattern. For sale by THOMAS 8TKKN. POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS, Ltnon and Cotton, for sale by THOMAS STEEN. LADIES' HOSE, EuglUh and American manufacture For sale by THOMAS STEEN. GENTS' HALF IIOSK, English and American, at extremely low prices. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. LADIES' HATS and BONNETS, Of various S'yles and Patterns, Trimmed nnd L'ntrimtned. For rale by THOMAS STEEN. RIBBONS and BRAIDS, For salo by THOMAS STEEN. GENTS' CASS, STRAW and LEGHORN HATS. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. CANNED FRUITS, Fresh and good. For sale by THOMAS 8TEEN CANNED VEGETABLES, Fresh and good. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. CANNED FISH, Fresh and prime. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. LEMON SUGAR, Or portable Lemonade. For sale by TIinM AS KTKKV FRESH OYSTERS, la battles. For rale by THOMAS STEEN. At the old aland of McDavid A Duiicun. BORAX, 6ALTPETRE~AcT For aale by THOMAS STEEN. nitlMSTONE and A For sale by THOMAS STEEN. EPSOM SALTS, For rale by THOMAS STFEN. SWEET OILS, OLIVE and SALAD OILS, For aale by THOMAS STEEN. PEPPER, SPICE and DINGER, For aale by TUOMAS STEEN. CLOVES and CINNAMON^ For aale by THOMAS STEEN. BUTTER and SODAtfftACKEHS^ For aale by THOMAS STEEN. RIO HONDO CIGTR^ ^ For aale by THOMAS STEEN. PLANT ATION CIG A RS,^" For aalo by THOMAS STEEN. CirER00T8T^^^^^W^VV^N^ Ot pure Havana Tobacco. For aale by THOMAS STEEN. RIO COFFEE, Jnat opened, and for aale by THOMAS STEEN. i JAVA COFFEE, For aale, by the packet or by the pound, by THOMAS ST KEN. ~ PORTO RICO PUOAR and MOLASSES, For talo by THOMAS BTE1N. KEVIN KD SUGARS and SYRUPS, From the Baltimore Refinery, for tale by THOMAS STEEN. YOUNG HYSON TEA, For aale by THOMAS STEEN. FINEST GUNPOWDER TEA, For tale by THOMAS STEEN. FINE SELF-RISING FLOUR, For tale by THOMAS STEEN There wm>ith (ltd tiding* of Joy (v ad. To yonag and to old. to grant nod to ?aoll; The b?*u<y abiil MM* wo* *o pmlvtt I* ft-** for *11 and *H mag brhfa". by thy uar of CHASTELLAK*S WIITB IUVIS ENAMEL. For improving *ed Baaatifylag tb* gaar pWxibB. Tfo maet ralSiabl* and per feat nDbpatm. tio* in DM for giving lb* akin* naaatWyi paarMik* Mat, that ic oala found la youtk It qaiekly remove* Tan.. Freak!** Pim^H Blotcbee, Moth I'atekee.BaMo w neer. Knop lion*, and all imparities *f the akin, fondly healing the ***** leaving tkr akin *Mb and eUar a* alabaaler. It* dm an# not bo detent?d by Ik* elcsaat aeruiiny. aod Wing a vegetable preparation Is Ptrfiiil bnnataae. It i* tha only artiefo of tMblsb *a*d by tb* FranaR. and i* wiiibdl by tb* Parisian as indlapanaabla t* a posfaat WUst Upntaada of 50,000 bottle* ware sold daring the past year. a sntteient (tnrailM d Ha efficacy. Price only 79 soot* (font by mail, post paid, oa raaaipt of an order. by JJEHU EH, BHUTTd A CtK. Chemist*, ?g0 Blrar fu., Troy, *. y. May ?S M . y 5JT Wonderful MADAMS RBMINUTON, tb* Woel*-*aowaad AatrologUt and SomaaaabnUsti* Clair voyant, while lii a clairvoyant state, Mlant'f tbe wry features of the person yes are |? snarry, and by the aM of a* iMfiliSaH .4 betvaae power, known as the Fsyobewsoirope, guarantee* to prod see a perfect and IBhlllt picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, with date of marriage, oeeapatlea, leading traits of charaeter, Ac. This Is no Imposition, as testimonials without anusbii esn assert. by stating ptaOT of birth, age, disposition, solor of eyes and hair, aad enclosing tfly cents, and stamped envelope ad dressed to yourself, yew Will fdaetoi the pte twre by return man, together with desired information. JUT Address la confidence, M***** Oe*rliens Remisutom, P. 0. Box 797, West Troy, N. Y. May 23 M if Reparator Capilll. Throw away yotit false fritter, yonf swHohes, your Wig? Destructive of comfort, am) not Worth a fig: Come aged, come youthful, come ugly end fair, And rejoice in your own luxuriant halrl SEPARATOR C A PILL.I. For reetortsrg ha * upon be Id beads (flroai whatever cause it may have fallen eat) and forcing n growth of hah upew the Asee, it has no equal. It will ferco the beard to grow upon the smoothest face In from five to eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in Done two to three months. A few ignorant practitioners have asserted that there is nothing that will Co?co er hasten the growth of the hair or beard. Their assertions are false, us thousands ef livibg witnesses (from their own ex peris ass) can bear witness. Dnt many will say, bow arc wo to distinguish the genuine from the spurious ? It certainly la difficult, as ninetvnths of the different preparations advert lard or the hair and beard are entirely worthless, and you may have already thrown away large amounts in their purchase. To such wo would say, try the Reparator Capilll; It wiU eeot you nothing unless it fully comes up to our representations. If your druggist does not keep it, send us one dollar and we will forward it, postpaid, together with a receipt for the money, which will be returned you on application, provided entire satisfaction is not given. Address, W. L. CLARK A CO., Chemists, !L>. 3 West Fayette Btrcct, Syracuse, N. Y. May 23 62 1/ CRISPER COMA. Oh! she was beautiful and fair, With Itarrv aym. *r*rt mlUni k*?V Whose curling kndrili soft, en I wine J, Knchainod tho very heart and mind. Critpcr For Curling tbe Hair tf either Set iota Wavy and Gloaay Ringlets of Heavy, Massive Curls. By using this article, Ladies and Gentlemen can beautify tbemael^s a thousand fold. It is the only article in the world that will carl straight hair, and at the same time givs U a beautiful, glossy appearance. Tbe Crispor Coma not only curia the hair, but invigorates, beautifies and cleanses it; la highly and delightfully perfumed, and is the most complete article of the kind ever offered to the dsarasa public. The Crispcr Coiaa will be sent to any address, sealed and postpaid for $L Address all orders to W. L. CLARK A CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayottto Street, Syracuse, 9. ?. May 33 63 ly Know Thy sstiny . MADAMS E. F. THORNTON,, the great English AstPologiat, Clairvoyant and.' Ptyehometrician, who- las astonished the seientifto classes of the OM World, has new located herself at nudsoay N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such wonderfsl power* of second sight, as to enable her to impart knowledge af the greatest importance to the single or mr rieu 01 eiiDcr sea. While ta m ikUof trance, nho delineates the very features of the person you arc to marry, on J by the aid of an In ? rain.-nt of intense power, known as the Psyeomotropo, guarautoot to produoe a life-like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage, post, tlon in life, leading traits of character* *0 This is no humbug, as thousands of testimonials can asset t. She will eend wbeft desired a certified certificate, or writtea gnarantee, that the picture is what it purports to be, tfy enclosing a small lock of hair; and stating place of birth, age, disposition and completion, and enclosing fifty cents and stamped entelupe addressed to yoMrsolf, you #lll feeeite the picture and desirod information by return mail. All comrnonieatioas sacredly confidential. Address In confidence, Madam* K. F. Thorrton, P. 0. Bog 223, itudson, X, Y. May 2? 52 \y STATE OF south cakouna, ORKKNTILLE DISTRICT. a i*r Bill for Sal0 of Laud to pay Ihbtm, dv?~ Jamm P. Moors, Administrator ts A kami xt a T. Wk8t#iku>, et al. TBE following paragraph from the Decretal Ofdtf of Cnaheellor Johnson ia the abova eaaa ia published fur the inform* tion of thoae interested. It ia further ordered that the Com no I a aioner ot thie Conft do forthwith publish a rule, requiring all the creditors of the tal<t DAVID G. WE8TFIELD deeeaeed, toeom? in Within nine months froru the publication of a*id rale and establish by proper proof, the nature and amount of their claims * acainst said deceased. .1 p. moorf. r. e <i n. Com oisatonera Office, Kept 24. US* i Sep *7 17 PQ1