University of South Carolina Libraries
>iii i. ?gggagBg^g; ITrnneUtod^fc* JFc#|y S^urd^fttom Di Oarf Nowa, wettmko the acquaintance of on li?t|?ibU norror, whioli, liowevOr, on accounl of its existence in aOch l*rgn qu entity, and tha danger qf Ua dleoemi nation, is oven more '''ah'Or.r u>a( well-known and similar ^ rtoUtW^Sokino. The St. Peleraburw paJBk par fonnde lt? atatameaU upon medical and mm.'- aelentfflo authority; and foveetfgatiane Wr wbiofa have for ihe firet time been made known by the German naturalist. ITerf Lindaman n, Wtha*" Archives of Official Phar maejr anarnbna Rjrglenft," a journal pubJ'ahcd in Bt. Potarsborg. Ha aaya in tubatitaaa as followa: Thht he haamore cloeely Investigated a naw mieroecopic parasitic animalcule, named Oregarlna?that it, infusoria which moke thoir appearance in herda o* broodt. Thaaa anima'ealet era protozoa, ht) 1 tnlnnff ta (Ka trnro IawmI rtltata nf ika development of the animal organism. They ?xiet only aa paraaltes, but are tlioa found in almost nil parte of tha animal and human system?oven in tha blood. With the latter they oirenlata throughout the body, and, nourished by the blood itaelf, Increase ao fnhoh hi dimensions lb at t hoy oan no longer follqw their inclination to aaeend into the Jnnar mlnutj tubes of the hair, but finally are obliged to remain stationary in the body, or, indeed, in aomd part of the hair itself. Hare the Qregarlne ihorease with aueh rapidity that they soon form whole eolonies, eMcead obstruct the blood-vcnsels, and ara thus the enuee of a long list of diseases, such as hydropsy, asthma, tha ao-called Bright'# disease, &c., Ac. Tboy make their appesrgnoe in tho moat striking manner In the human hair; but hair filled with those Oregarine oan be distinguished from healthy hair only by the roagnifying.giaM, or by the keenest eyesight, and then only by little dark-brown knob^ which are mostly found near the extremities of the hairs There little knobs are whole colonies of Gregdrine. Herf Lin demons, at a hairdresser's in Nishni-Nowgorod, examined tht rjUr different specimens of hair, twenty of wnloli he found infected with Qregarine. He made inquiry as to the localities from which tha bnir-drestere preferred to obtain thalr bair, and found that it had in moat cases been taken from the heads of the vary poorest people, especially from the matrons and maidens of the Mordwine and Bnrlaka on tha Volga. When in the spring time the Bqrlake goes forth to work, ue puts on, perhaps, a clean ehirt, l ut heeertainly does not tana it off until ha returns in the autumn. It ia not to be wondered at, that, leading such maimer of life aa this, vermin, those natural scourges of unelcaalinese, aKaiiLI nnnn Annnnr iinnn It'll nertun on/1 In. crease to liorrtble extent. By somo of hia later experiments, Herr Linacmann haa discovered that almost every epecieaof these parisitie vertnin, especially one very dieagreeable variety, whoso name we will not sent ion to eara polite, contain in their in* testinal canals a vast multitude of these Gregarine. and, by further experiment, he convinced himself most thoroughly that the Uregarino of the human hair come front these vermin. But how do the Gregnrlne make their Way into the flesh and blood of mankind T Herein Llio ladies are the principle culprit*?actual ladies, charming creatures in tasteful ball uttlre?who, decked with flowera, sparkling with jewels, radiant with wit and iuimatiou, In the full enjoyment of ]if.<, cent alS'j to shed around them only happi11 ess an d pleasure, h'o, this sounds so uorfilly that we must at least restrict oyr accusation, and limit It to the coils and twists of their own and other peoplo's liair which ladies of fashion wear in greater or leas rolls upon tho back part of their heads, umler the name of " cniguone." This la the way In which it comes to pass. Herr Liademann convinced himself by many experiment# that tho Grcgarine do oot die from want of moistnre, and also that hey cannot be destroyed br boiling. (?)? The agents, by nt>ene of which they could beJcttTed, sneh as acids, alkalies, ether, <ko., could not be used for this purpose, because they also injure the hair itself. Thcro is nothing left, therefore, for the bair-drearers, but to make use of the hair which they bare purchased, no matter how full of Gregerme it may be, for fits manufacture of ladies' chignons and htad dresses. But Ilerr Lindemann likewise convinced himself (hat the Qregarine ara restored to arimnlion and activity even by a very alight elevation of the temperature, and, especially by an affluence of moisture or vspore, quick lv grove, and in a few hours arrive at that atage of complete development which rewrite in their rapid Increase In numbers.? Now, vre shall eoe how they are introduced lota the interior of the human system. Un der the most brilliant phaze of modern society does this take placo. Imngine to yourself a ball-room 1 The blazing lighta, the dancing, the crowd of people, soon raise the temperature, and iftoreaso the moisture In the atraosphore to each an extent that the countless invisible little monetcrsin the meases of false hair, which the ladies wear opon their heads, arc speedily vivified in mnltitudea, rapidly grow and increase, and as is the case among these inferior orders of animal life, arc multiplied by division into aajriads of embryos. These era dispersed throughout the atmosphere of the saloons In millions, are inhaled, fall opon the ra . Ifashntaate offered to the guests?in short, ara introduced into the systems ol thoee present in a hundred different ways, penetrate and poison all parts of the body, and multiply to such an extent, that, like legions ol nvil spirits, they rise again, disperse .themselves through the hair, and didaominstc anew on all sides their seeds of corrafttian, A horrible picture I May the ladies, soon learn to shrink with disgust drOm (lie mounds teeming with disease and anelenidiness, which they build up with (else heir upon their heads and nceks already so lovely without the addition of foreign charms, and to content themselves Aa flilurA wit li tl>a Ailitrnmsnfi a/ <v?un Oat oral hair. To physicians and men of science (he cartons task ofTt-re itself of examining and testing more narrowly tho discoveries of Van JJndemnn, in order that, in cmo they ere shown to be sconrsta and well grounded, the proper means may ba taken to prevent the spread of thia scourge, ileum while, however, the ladies will do well to abstain in future, with heroic rasolulion, from adorning themselves, if not with bor rowed ptutnee, at least with borrowed hair, and to content themselves with appearing to much better advantage without artificial bunches on their nsoks. Tn?t have had warm weather abotit Louisville. Tho Courier says: A young lady from India met her discard0(1 later at the racecourse yesterday; melted, end run into hie arms. So far aa wo have heard, thia is the only accident that baa happened to the divine m. The most of litem take the precaution of keeping under llieir waterfall". Fromiik?l<Vo( U? life of tl)? e?1?br?W r>r. Nott, of 8*?W Or!?*n?, which appears in ths New OtImh Creseent, we meke the following extreet. Df. Nott, m men/ af our I older resident* know, woo o native of thii city, and toon obtained * high place in the front rank of KM professionPaHt'x. Sotsnco and society-have, hi the death oi Dr. O. A. Wott sustained a )ou, which it ii at least doubtful if hie former colleagues will be able to repair. Genial and goner ous, high toned and aernpnlona to a degree that aoine would even crilioiae, read in general literature to an extent but aeldom attained by ao thorough pat} exact a profee ionai man, kind to the poor, a warm Arid true friend, he wae beloved by the etudenta and graduates of the University, eetocmed by hie associates, adored by hie friends, pd mired by ail with whom he ?ame in eon t?oi, ana leavta nothing behind him or hia unmv n?v nonor id? sympathy. And Ttt dlntn of bad; and mind, which lie manfully refrained from exposing to the ?n*o of the world, long weighed upon Mm. fe aba't not attempt to lift the wit in whioh he quietly shrouded It, any farther th?p to eey, that the lore of hie beloved wife, whom he loved and honored ae the beet of women, not without cause, was a shock from which ha never recovered. Yet, as from the first, so to the last, he performed the duties of hie ehair, and filled uie plane in ooeietr as became Mm. lie w?iborn in Columbia, South CaroMna, on the 29th of June, 1819. Of bla early days, we know comparatively llttje. Ills father, Judge Nott, a gentleman of the old eehool, highly esteemed in all the relatione of life, took the highest pride in the edueation of Ills family, and Oustavue profiled by H as well, In hie way, aa his eminent elder brother, Dr. Joshua O. lie graduated in the Medical Department of the University of South Carolina, and shortly afterwards went to Paris, where he remained for a couple of years, increased his practical knowledge in lils profession, and lift knowledge of the French language, with the literature of which he was richly informod.? On the 19lh of October, 1846, ho was mar ried to Miss Hannah Patterson, daughter of Judge Patterson, a worthy legal aaseciate of his worthy father. About 1837, he came lo New Orleans, and iu the following year ho was elected Profeeaor of Anatomy In tho Medical College, now a department of the University of Louisiana. In 1840, he resigned the Clinir of Anatomy, and returned to South Carolina. In 1848, lie returned to New Orh ane, was elected to that of Materia Modiea, and thin lie Continued to fill with efficiency and woith to the day of hla death. SPKKAD or MAXtTTACTXmiKO.?Wo Are gratified to obaetve that, in some portions of the great grain-growing regions of the North west, the subject of the establishment of manufacloiiea is, at length, being taken up by the people. With tho magnificent water power in that section, taken ia connection with the high bounties they have to pay to the Eastern manufacturers, the only wonder is that they had not embarked in the business long ago. It is proposed lo eiect a large co'.ton factory at tbo falls of St. Anthony, and the people of Minneapolis, Minnesota, who havo tho undertaking under consideration, hr-lier* ilmt it ^^ mm " vu?n UO very profitable. One of the papers say that water-power llxfre is certainly ntnch cheaper than iu Lowell, Lnwtence and similar places ; labor Is as cheap; the cost of, in that land of wheat, of meat and of general plenty, would certainly be much cheaper than in the East, where bread?tufl\ beef, potlc, lard and cheo?e are largely procured from the West. Why, then. It is properly asked, should not a yard of cotton cloth be manufactured as cheaply there as in Lowell t Wo quote from n Miuuesola paper: u The cotton to go East is first sent from tho plantations by steamers to ports of shipment, and there transfers ed to sailing vessels bound to Boston, Now York or Philadelphia, when, for use here, it would be put ou board n i loat on tho lower Missiwtpi or tributaries, and not again unloaded till it reached within convenient dray age distance of the place of manufacture. Certainly, there would be a saving on the freight of tho raw material.'' | The writer nrges the above rontons for going into the business extensively, With the exception, perhaps, that, at present, the South is not a grain grow* ing region?it is improving in Uiat res pect, however?slio hna nil the ndvantiv gei noticed above, only, peihnps, to n greater extent. If manufactories were established in the States, the cotton, or the bulk of it, could be hauled from the plantation to the factory, or to its agent j in any town or city. Wo have abunj dant water power ; wo can raise provia ions, And the double commissions, dray' ago, wharfage and storage, which make up a long nrray of chargos to bo deducted from tho amount the cotton sold for, would bo avoided. With the South, West nnd Northwest engaged, even moderate!v. in cotton and other manufactures, the days of protection hy high tarilfs, drawbacks, dec., would be at an end. The consumers, in every section of tho country, would be relieved of a heavy burden, and be enabled to livo in comparative comfort, as prices of all the articles they need would assuredly tumble down.? We hope the good work will go on. [fAantf. ? ' Dried Dr. a csn erries.-? An T?*. change calls Attention to the fact that there is a wide market for dried blackberries, in New York ; nnd savs that do .lera here can afford to pay fifteen to soventccn cent* a pound for them for shipment. They are very abundant all over this State this year, and can be made an important source of revenue. They tnay be dried in the same manner as peaches, or may be exposed to the sun on wire-cloth or coarse sheeting, or any substance that allows the circulation of air. London, June 19.?A pub-io breakfast has been tendered William Lloyd Garrison by a committee, of which the Luke of Argyle is chairman. TSTUFi .I.HI MP m = On a certain occasion one "Paul Denton, a Methodist preacher in Texas, ad1 v?rtkcd a barbecue, with better Hqum, thith is usually furnished. Whio^we people aaaerobled a desperado in the , crowd cried out,M Mr. Paul Denton, your reverence has lied. You promised I not thily a good barbecuo, but belter thunder, and pointing Ws fong bony a sound like -a shout of joy h-om the bosom of the earth. "There I" he re' peeled, with a look terrible as lightnia^ while hia dfrhijM adteidly iffem Died at hi* feet, M tb*r? is lb* liquid which Odd, lh* Etornsl, brews fbr a!! bU children! Not in the simmering till, aver the smoky fires choked with poisonous gases, and aurrounded with 1 the stench of sickenthg odors and corruption, doth our Father in heaven prepare the Dttdhhi? AAnde of life, pure cold wstw. But in the glade and glassy dell, where the red deer .wander* and the child lore* to play, there Ood brewa it; and down, low down In the deepest valley*, whore the fountain murmurs and the rills sing ; and high up in (he mountain tops where the naked granite glitter* like gold in the sun, where storm clouda urood and the thunderstorm* or ash ; and far out on the wide, wide boa, where the hurricane' howls tuuflfo, amT tba big: wkvfea roll (M shorn*, sweeping the march of Qod?there lie brews it, the beverage of life? healthgiving water. And everywhere, it is a thing of beauty gloaming in the dewdrop, Ringing in summer rain, shining in the ico gem, till they seem tamed to living jewels ; spreading a golden vein over the netting sun or a whito gauze around Die midnight moon; spotting in the cataract, sleeping in the glacier; dancing in the hail-shower; folding it? bright tnow curtains softly aroun<Tthe wintry world ; and weaving the many colored iris, that seraph's cone of the sky, whose warp is the rain drops of the earth, nil checkered over with celestial flowers by the mystic hand of refraction ?that Mossed life-water, no poison bubbles on its briuk; its foam brings not madness and murder; no blooU stains its liquid glass ; pale widows and starving children weep not burning tears in its depths I Speak out, my friend*, "would yon exchange, it fur the demon's drink, " alcohol!" JjF A shout,' like the Yoaring of a temp | ost, answered 44 No I" Tiik Military Tost or Coi.umuia. The ariiva! of Gen. Burton and his command at this poet is hailed with univer an] satisfaction. 11 o is endeared to llin Southern people, as (he commanding officer at Fortress Monroe, for the kindness nnd courteous treatment he extend t*d tiro Slnle prisoner he had nnder his chnrgo from the auunfhtion of his com> nt:ut?l at the fortress, lie comes among us with H high character as a soldier ' nnd gentleman, and wo have no doubt will be Cordially received by the citizens of Columbia. This post has been highly favored i with commandants ami orderly troops, nnd Gen. Burton is a futing successor to Gen. Oreen, who has just left ns fur moro aclivo duty in tho We??. [1'hut his. Shout Spkbcii from Mr. Davis.? , Jefferson Davis mads tho following brief speech to somo gentemen who had i waited on him at the residence of Mr. Mason, in Canada; " Gentlemen : I (hank you sincerely i for the honor you hnvo this evening , shown to me; it shows that true Brit , ish manhood to which mufortone is al wr.yn attractive. May peace and prosi pority bo forever the blessing ef Cana, da, for she lias been the asylum for ; many of my friends, as sho is now Missy, lum to myself. 1 hope that Cinad* msv firnvAr nmiln n h.-l r.t il.? II-!" .v.v.... rm % Ul tliu uruish Kmpiro, and may God bless you all, i and the British flag uover cease to wave i over you. ! Pkxstlyakia.?There it aome talk t of placing this Stale In a condition for . reconstruction. There are, according to no less authority than Forney's Tress, , 15,000 colored men in Pennsvlvnnia, , many of whom were in the Federal army during the late war, now without the ballot. The urbane and generous patriots who run tho radical machine are more than anxious to bestow unb , versal suffrage on the South, but will , have none of it at Lome. If a black man would enjoy the privilege of voting, he must keep out of the Stale where Forney and Stevens live. | Up-Dill Businbm.?One of the slowest, and hardest, and roost unnecessary jobs ever undertaken, is fur a mnn to build up a successful business without ndvprluincr Fifiw m > - .... ??? _. ..u.iurw yoars ago it km oasier, because tiiere wm lew competition, and the facilities for getting advertisement* before lb# ' public wero not so good ; but in the jostle of modern competition, those who sit down end wait for customers are almost 1 sure not to get many of them, while by ' judicious advertising a man may, in six 1 weeks, mako hit name and business as familiar to the public as those of his > competitors of twenty years' standing. [Phoenix. i ????? Swbktxr Tit am Hoakt.?For the . benefit of our lady readers, we note a staloment that two pounds of pure white eugar, dissolved ia ae much hot watar ae it necessary to rednee it to a syrup, and mixed with a pound of strain* od clean honey, and added warm to the 1 melted sugar, will make a honey more palatablo than the genuine article. ip top w{bt. a. paper, sgabbmb^f the raofsfH "TVAILY and W wmWt ; or toR^H U LY GLEANER, p<Mleh?l?OT*^H| 9i . ' Tn* Tnteet new*, Foreign and Aa?H9 beeidee a ra?t Amount of miaoe)tan?>vo^HMj ing, will b? (band in than# publication^?^ Tl.* PHffiNl* And OLEANER are the <B1 paper* Tn tliTBUt^ OUtahle of CnftlniB ' whieh pay tot And regularly pablkh Tel* rrepblo fnu-lllgeneet Keery taaua of the fttHy1 contain* from Ton to Fourteen Coimniti tff Reading If Alter; the Tri Weekly from Twenty to Twenty-Pour, And the Weekly Forty-Eight Column*?making it tbo Largest and Cheapest Paper lo tbo 8onth. Subscription roaaonable. Specimen* forn lebed on application. An examination of their merit* i* solicited. Term* for Six Month* ft* adegace: T)*ILy_ ?. ? ?.VWM1?*W JliUUAOlV/iUl' TJLA VE on h?Ml, and shall he receiving eyery^oak additions to my stoek, the roH.?w1nVot>ons(tn *u.; Ladies', Gentlemen's, Misses', Boys' and Children's SHOES Shoe LACETS, linen and cotton Note and Loftier PAPER, fine Fine White ENVELOPES COFFEE, SU(S Alt. TEA. SODA PEPl'EIt, SPICE, GINGER OOPPERAS, EPS AM HALTS TOBACCO, CORN, BACON Venison HAMS, Ess. Coffee Fine CIGARS, BUTTONS, HOOKS nnd EYES. Tlair PINS Seed Irish POTATOES, APPLES COTTON YARN. In a few days I shall be receiving nddi lions to my present Stock. Persons wishing any of the above articles, will do well to call and examine before buying, for bargains ean be bought at this place. . or I will barter for Oern, Bacon, Battel1, Eggs, Lord, Chlelccns, Ac. R. L. BURN. Mareb 1th, 1807. 41-tf OR. ANDERSON W* III || RESPECTFULLY inform* RSDHL the oilisons of Oreonviile and ^*4XZir vicinity, that since tho fire ho lias opened his OFFICE next door to his residence, jnst In tho rear of Messrs. David k Rtradloy, where he is prepared to practice DENTAL SURGERY in both its branches, operative and mechanical, for the VASH only. Fob 14 M tf Notes and Account* of Brook*. Scruggs A Gibson, Assigned to Jas. B Brooks I HAVE iust r??oired for Collection 1 then? NOTES and ACCOUNTS, and reqnert i?M neraona indebted to the Firm, to call, without delay, to make settlements nnd payments. O. P. TOWNE8. Attorney at Law. Marolt Cth, 18?1. , . 41-tf Guardians, Trnsteos and Re* ceivors, ARE REQUIRED to make their Return? to this Office by the firti day of June next. All failing to make their return by that time, will be reported to the Conrt. JA9. P. MOOUK, 0. K O. I>. ( Vim mi salon ?r'a Office, January 18, 18R7. Jan S4 8ft tf Dissolution. TIIR FIRM of JUTtKSDALE, PERRY A Ca. 1? dissolved. Parties to whom the same Is Indebted, will present their Claims at th? Factory, or to in? at Greenville, 8. O. W. M. THOMAS. January 7, 18ft7. Jan 14 85 tf nrar r* wwrnw wju. r. rxuuiii ATTORNEY AT LAW, DAHLONEGA, GA., WILL practice In tho Countio* of Lamp kin Ilnweon, Gilmer, Fannin, Union, Town*, Mr hi to and Unit. Jm 10 SS tf Sullivan, 8tokes St Stokes. GREENVILLE, S. CL WILL practice in the Court* of law nod Equity. Ofllco on the I'ublio Square. , All boainea# Intrueted to their ear* will ' receive prompt attention. < Cuailu P. Sullivan, John W. Stoxm i KmvARi> F. Stoke*. July 19 11 tf K Job Printing of nil kind*, mieh a# Book*. Pamphlet*, Posters Card*, Bill-Head., U.ndbllla, m well m Printing in Color* promptly xeeeud, mmi * mmuh pri??* u will mki ^HinaufMncni |or persona to forward ordem. Ttm CM ill f JttLIAR A. SKLBT. Pn>'r. v Colombia, B. a, June 1. ft-tf FLOUR! FLOURt JV8t received ud tor ul? cheap, for tie CASH, a lot of oatra-One Country VLOVR. Cow qotok, If you want good Macolt. . ^ DAVID A STRADLKY. ^May? - y *9 <S. F. TOWNE8, ATTORNEY AT LAW. UP solicitor nr equity. pVFFlCR at tho uma building adjoining NlF Court lluusc, formerly occupied by Toymas A CaarBRLL, before dlaaolutlon of tho Km. , flrocnrtllo, 8. C. Jan 11-8 DAVID & STBADLEY, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCIIAKTS* MjiMs^raiSaa Dealers in Groceries andProvieious PERDtRtOTf STREET, BRAB THE DEPOT, Mar U 4* if mm mmsi CHEAP FOR CASH 1 ATT n TJfiaWJTB' ODTnir ofrnnTi And being raindfanPHlH^^H^B as the me articles WrvH^H^B Charleston. I respectfully Invito want of SCHOOL, BOOKS. by the iMfjW will bo found ell of the-TEXT IMHMffH OAL wauted in any School or MISOEH I hero well-selected Stock of MISC1S be fonnd e variety of Seered MU8I0, for thi ELS, Standard WORKS, HISTORIES, Chi], S T A TT 0 C I keep PAPER of every style and 1 Letter; from Billet Donx to the broad Eqi Inks, Blotters, Rulers, Flaying Cards, and t these articles In large qnantities for cash, ai the lowest prices. BLAHK BOOKS OF ALL KIKI t&HID7 A! I h.T? bwiUfal l?t <4 FANCY ART lloa, Work Boxes, Draft-boards, and Chess a and Photograph Albums. PERIOD I am railing the beet Weekly and Mont advance of the mails. IKK TtT m I hare jnst opened e lot of New SON be sold at jKtblithert prices. ORDK I will ORDER any BOOKS or rioc. very smell edvanoe on original eost. CtRCtlLATtN After Court week, I will arrange to lei small cost, and take them hack uninjured, at email expense, to read all the late Novc them would eost qnlto a sum. Coma to tho BOOK STORE and look, a Greenville, 8. 0., March tl, 1801. MfkiMiYs mrm. PASSENGERS ARRIVING IN COLUMBIA ON TUB DIFFERENT BAILBOADS WILL FIND I Omnibuses, Carriages AND Hnggogc Wagons, In Rcadiucm to Carry them to and from hli FREE OF CHABGE. Itetponeille pertont in attendance to receive Chech and Baggage. T. 8. IM( KI RSO\, Paorann, Ang 23 18 " tt ~ MlLUnNOtltE. Corner of Mooting and Queen Street*. CHARLESTON, 8. 0. TIIIS wo11 known FIRST SafiWfr CLASS HOTEL boa just >' 'ffTuP' been thoroughly repaired, roflttad and re-ftirnished, and is now ready for tha aooommodaiion of tbe travelling nubile, whose patronage is respectfully solicited. Merchants visiting tho city, arc respectfully invited. Every accommodation will be offered them. Coacbos always In readiness to convey passengers to and from the Hotel. The Proprietor promises So do all In bis power ler the comfort of his guests. JOSEPH PURCKLL, Proprietor. Fob 31 19 p.i. TO TOE PUBUC. The Pavilion Hotel, CHARLESTON, 8. O, BO LONO and ably oondnctcd by the late H. L. BUTTERFIELD, will aUU BLa35iBLJJB? h? kept open for the aeeom* modntion of tho traveling publio. And its former friends and patrons will find tha usual accommodations and attentions l>c stowed on tbem as formerly, and the public favors already ao veil established aeTOE HOTEL of the TRAVELING MERCHANTS of the South, will, by earnest efforts, be faithfully preeerved. Oct as 42 pp. T. W. DAVIS, WATCH MAKER, ^ WOULD Reapeetfully in iy-^|^Torm tne people or Greenville {f~-f 42Band the surrounding country, he hae From hie OLD ST A N in the Good* ett House, to a more CONVENIENT one, three doors North of ^e Men ion Hones, next door to Piekle dr Poor, on Main Street, where he is prepared to do ell work iu hie line of business, at abort no* Ue?, in a workman Uka manner, and on reasonable terms. Aug SO 18 tf Notice. WE respeetfully Invite all persons owina ns, to cotno forward *?d pay up. A word to the wies is snffleient to save eoste.? We eaa he found at the old Lsllnsr Hotel. Home and settle soon, or yon will have eoets to pay. A. J. VANDERORTFT A CO. Jan 3 *2 tf ilfgant new atyle ViaiUog Card* I -'^ i" d are prepared to enpply all demands at w ^ 8. STYLES AKD QUALITIES. ?i IT H ? Hi IE S. 1CLE3 in my lino, WriUng Coob, Portio. on. Alao, eume handeomo I'ieture Frame* I C A L S lily Peiiodloala, and alwaye hare them la OS, and Instrumental PIECES, which will R S. m of MUSIC wanted, and will charge a 18 LIBRARY. 1 my customers hare Books to rsad, for By this means persons will be enabled. Is, and other publications, whilst to buy nd examine ray Stock and prioea A. BACON, Agent. 4S-4m General Superintendent' Office, fcygy LTQ-'iiVn i CHARLOTTE A S. C. RAILROAD, ? Comtoma, S. C.. March IB, 1867. C TUB SCHEDULE ol the PASSENGER TRAINS over this Road la a* fellows i Leave Colombia at 8.M a. m. Arrive at Charlotte at. 9.60 a. m. Leave Charlotte at ..6.10 a. no. Arrive at Colombia at 1 l.M a. as. Close connections are mede et Colombia and Charlotte with tbe Mail Trains on the North Carolina and Sooth Carolina Railroads. THROUGH TICKETS are sold at Columbia to Richmond, Va., Washington, Dl. C.. Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia, Pa., and New York City?giving ehoiee of ronton via Portsmouth or Richmond?and baggage checked. Tickets are aieo sold at Charlotto for Charleston and Augusta. An Accommodation Train, for freight and local passage, leaves Columbia at fa m.,on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays of eaoli week, and Charlotte on tho same days and hour; arriving at Columbia and Charlotte at 6 p. mM a BOUKN1GHT. Superintendent. Mar 21 48 XX Schedule over South Carolina B. & BcaflB PBM| GENERAL 8UPTS OFFICE, . I Chakuuton , S. 0., March 11,1887. j ON and after the 18th inet,the Through M A1LTRAIN will run u follow*, m: | Leave Columbia at 11.40 a. m., Ch Vn lime. Arrive Kingsville at 1.80 p. m., " '* I Leave Kingsville at 1.85 p. m., " " Arrive at Augusta at 0.00 p. m., " " r assxaon thai*. Leave Charleston 8.00 a rnArrive at Columbia, ..8.20 p. m. Leave Columbia, A60 a. m. Arrrive at Charleston 4. p. m. 1L T. PEAKS, Gen'l Sup'W Mar 81 48 O.H. GREENVILLE ft COLUMBIA B. B. f a jt"l wmmmr w j jlji?aw ma? 1 OENX SUPERINTEND"!? OFFICE, ? Columbia, Sept, 18, I860. | ON And after MONDAY next, 17th inet, the Pneeenser Trains will ran (Snndsyv oxoeptod,) until further doUm, m follows: Lea re Colombia it. 7.16 a. m. Leave Alston at 0.06 a. m. Leave Newberry at 10.85 a. m. Arrive at Abbeville at 8.18 p. n. Arrive at Anderson at........5.10 p. m. Arrive at Greenville at 6.40 p. m. Leave Greenville at 6.00 a. m. Leave Anderson at 6.60 a. m. Leave Abbeville at ....,8 95 a. n?. Leave Newberry at. liOpw, Arrive at Aleton at.... 8.46 p. as. * Arrive at Coliunbia at.......A 40 p. ?. Sept. 21, 1866. 46 &JL SHAVINa aid ffl&UE IE) 181 IE SMUG. nENRY OAST, the Barber, continue* to 8IIAY K tbe theo and DREH8 HAIR aa formerly, at kie Old Stand, near Ketm. Picklr h Poon'a Shop, whom be will be pleaeed to eee hie friende and ou?*o?er?. lie hope*, by attention to bnaiuem and pojltenoee to all, to raeeira the patronage of the plan. March 31 U M. | LAW CARD. COODLETT A THOMAS, Attorneys at Law* A*B *? * SOLICITORS IN BQUITY, HAVR tbla day formed a Copartnership la the practice <A LAW and KQUITY on the Western Cirenlt, ? Office in the old Ooort Ilonee Bnilding. a. p. ooooL*rr, wm. m tiiomao. Dec 30 30 tf