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^H^^HMHDMHppBfl^PBa ench BB^PB^^^^pWofTyTwe shall endeavPl^WWnVa^tiiiletl Recount of ft ? concealment must date back to the Spanish occupation. [Pensaeola Obtervtr. ? ? Ipl - ? Noibt but all Right at Last ?The qvfet of thia locality was much atirred oq last Saturday by an unusually hoarse and terrible roaring or rather blowing. Some supposed that a whale had been driven by the last atorm up our lit* tie Bush river and from thence to Bcott's creek, where it runs through the railroad embankment, and was there spouting its last, but on rushing to tLe spot it was ascertained to bo the engine of the Laurens railroad, which had at last made a run through. Its terrible whistling was excusable therefor, after so long a silence. We trust, however, that it will use more moderation in future, as the fact of its safe passage through is already known and recognized, and the hepe entertained that regular trips will now be made between this town and Laurens. The travelling public will be rejoiced to hear of the completion of the repairs on this road. We congratulate everybody now, that Newberry and her noble old sister ?Laurens?are again reconstructed? according to the locomotive. [Neither ry Herald. DcAtii or an Arht Officer.?Col. Theodore O'lJara, of Kentucky, died recently in Alabama, where he had become a farmer. He was known thTOUgfiont the country both as a soldier and a man of letters. He was formerly an officer ol the tlnilcd Slates army, arid distinguished himself in the Mexi* can wat. Subsequently, he was associated with Gcu. Lopez in his invasion of Cuba, and was also connected-with Gen. Walker in his Nicarnuga expedition.? Daring the late war, he served in the Confederate army. He was present at the battfo of Shiloh, when* (Jen. Albert ojawrj w v/niiniuu iuii iuui muy wuuuu* ed, and held him in his arms until he breathed his last. The " Hurral of our Deed,** from which the subjoined lines are "frequently quoted, was written bv Cot. O'liars i " On Fame's eternal c&mpfag ground Their silent tents aro spread*, And memory guards wttb solemn rottnd The bivouac of the dead." Tn? Crops.?The Yorkville Enquir r fays: Onr farmers have begun the web come task of reaping what they have own, so far as the early wheat is concerned. From afr accounts, the jreid is better then was expected. If the late wheat turns out to he at all equal to it, the wheat crop of 1867 will be the best made in the District for twenty years. There is little danger now to be appre-* bended, except from excessively wet weather. Cotton and corn are m some places heavily in the grass; but our Ihrtner*, believing a bird in the band worth two i?t the bush, ere devoting their energies chiefly to the gathering of the crop which is made. ?Dkatb o? an Old Thin-trr.?The Be Una (Ala.) Messenger ehrouioles the death, in the Almshouse of Dallas County, on Saturday last, of Robert McTv night in the 84th year of his age.? Mr. McKnight was, perhaps, the oldest printer in the U. 8., having commenced learning the " art preservative ol all arte" in Georgetown, 8. C., in 1708, and until wifhin a few years was able to work at the case. He was an hon* eat,,industrious, and good roan, and notwithstanding the poverty in which he died, was much respeeted by all who knew biro. He was the fkther of Major Geo. IffKaight, better known as "ilew Brans*" ' An Aeabaha colonel, who was as good, true and brave as be was ignorant of tactics, was marching bis men by the dank when w hot fire was opened upon them. Gen. Rhodes dashed up and gave the order to charge. The colonel looked embarrassed, not natter* Handing that the (General, of oouraa, in tended bin to llrat throw hia men into lioa before making the charge. The order befog again repeated, tlie colonel aaid, u General, do yoo mean for me to charge endwaya T w ( -g A Tawneeaa paper aaya there never hae been, within the memory of the odde*t inhabitant, rich corn crop* in that ecctioo as will be gathered this fall. ^^BBpnVTord Derby. it which huitii BBBm forth thfit donation* to ?2 i 0,000 sterling were fcldthw?*jsgopi* of the United HfflK in 1847; wr the relief of the (amIreland ; the!, in 1809, the same PS were munificent in contributing ^foNft relief of the distress occasioned Py the outton famine in the EiiglMi manufacturing ahtrfda } that the South?rn territory now afHicted by famine is the cotton-growing territory of the world and that, the use of the balances now lying in trust in Lancashire, for the relief of the people of the South, would strengthen the 14 union which should exist between Greet Britain and America." Nxw Orleans, June 24.?It is re ported that, as soon as Marquise learned of the sale and delivery ofQueretaro by Lopes, he opened the documents left with him by Maximilian; amongst them, he found one in which he abdicated in favor of young Iturhide. Mar quise immediately proclaimed Iturbide Emperor, under the regency of the Empress Cailotta. lie also arrested thirty of the most notable Liberals, whom*he imprisoned as hostages for the lives of Maximilian and his companions. It is stated that Maximilian's counsel had been refused a request for thirty days' time to prepare, and that he had been sentenced ; it is also rumored that be bad been executed, but.there is nothing authoritative to this effect. By the last ranil, it is reported that MarqUise had commenced (be execution of the hostages, and had shot two. The death of Mendesis confirmed. All the foreign prisoners are en route for Mon terey ; they number four or five thousand?Auslrians, Belgians and French. Mr. FlaNdkrs, the new Governor of Louisiana, appointed by General Sheri dan, made a speech in New Orleans on Friday, in which he opposed confiscation, and also opposed a project guaran toeing half the offices to colored men. New Yon*, Juno 25. Cotton, 20 ? 262. Gold 88|. * cliarlkstoxf Juno 25V Cotton, 231 @ 241, sales light. Religious Services, Sunday, June 30. Baptist Church, 11, A. M., Rev. J. CFurman. Methodist Cbnrch, 11, A. M., Rev. J. W. IIUVDKHT. Episcopal Church, 11, A. M., and 3, P. M. Rev.. Ellison Capers. Presbyterian Church, 11, A. M., and 4, P. M., Dr. Bdist. jar- Pastors mt? respectfully requested to iulorm us when any change occurs in the regular supplies. GREENVILLE TRICES CURRENT. corrected weekly, by GRADY, FERGUSON & MILLER, MERCHANTS. GREENVILLE, 8. C., JUNE 26, 186T. APPLES, ? bushel, * I 60 BEEF, ft lt>, fresh, according to cutr8 ? 10 c. BACON, %t lb, 14 ? 16 e. BALK ROPE. 18 lb 35 e. BLUE STONE, $1 Ibt ?..20 c. BAGGING, Gunny, yd, 40 e. BUTTER, ft MVYmm?h1si 20 e.' BEESWAX, 1ft lb, 20 e. BRANDY, ? gallon, Peach, ?(i 00 CniCKENS, Yt head 15 ? 25 e. COTTON, 18 lb 18 ? 20 c, COFFEE, ft lb, Rio, 33 c. " " " Java, 60 c. CORN. bushel,.. ,.,.)1 40 e. CANDLES, ft lb, Adnmantlne, 30-e. " " " 8 perm,....v. 40 e. ? ? ? Tallow, 20 e. COPPERAS, ^ lb, English, 10 e. EGGS, ft dosen, 16 e. FLOUR, ft barrel, 914 ? dOLD ? $1 30 GINGER, tp lb 50 e. I HON, "p lb, 8 weed 12* e. " M '' Country, 8 e. ? ? Morse Shoe,..., .. 10 c. INDTGO, ft* 1R, South Carolina, $2 00 " - - Spanish Float, 2 25 LUMBER, ? IOO'fcet, Pino,.?gf 75 ? $2 00 LEAD, ? lb, 20 c. LEATHER, lb, Sola,* ; 60 c. " " " Upj>er 60 ? 70 c. MADDER, ft lb, - ?..2U e. MOLASSES, ft gallon, Weet India,-...ft 00 NAILS, ft lb, Parker Mill, .. 12* ? " " lloree, 60 e. OATS, ft buehel, - 75 e. PEAS, " " $1 60 PORK, ft, 12* ? POWDER, ft lb, - 75 e. PEPPER, f lb, Blaok - 50 e. PEACHES, ft bitubei; DtiM... <1 50 POTATOES, ft buehel, Irleb none. M M 44 Sweet, none. RICE, f lb 10 (ft 17 r. STEAL, ft lb, Cait, J5 e. SALT, f seek, Liverpool, $-( 60 ? <1 hnahel ? 1 21 SUGAR, ft lb, Brown, ._ ..7...7.1?@20 r. m H 4*. ciaiiftcd,.... 20 e. SHOT, ft ?..20 e. SODA, ft lb, ?2? c. STARCH, ft lb, .20 e. SPICE, ft lb, 50 e. 8UIRTINO, |i ft vd, 25 c. TURK IKS, f head; .. 75-e. (ft SI 00 TOBACCO, Man ufectured, ft lb, 60 e. (ft $2 00 i Aiiiiun, y m, 19 e. TEA, ^ lb, Gunpowder $2 00 " 7* " Hyson, .............. 2 25 M" " ? Black, - #1 M & $2 00 WHEAT,^1 buehoi ? $2 0? WHISKY, ft gallon .. ?8 M YAHM> ft bBMb, Factory, -..Ft 26 Funeral Invitation. THE Friend e and Aeqaalntaaeer of Rer. and Mr.. B. M ANLT, Jr., and of Mr. and Mm. Jrt-ina 0. Snrfn, an rfcjpcetfhlly Invited to attend the Funeral Service! of the late MrsMANLY, at the Baptist Church, at half-peel It e'rliMk, To-Marrow ( fridnf) Morning. j. Jane 27 6 1 pm^ooo < nifcLS or WH? AT. ( HEl market prle. hi CA81I p. Id. J BE . Apply to n BP Rt W. Folger. ? s. e* w ^E**,7 * *4 IT BMotAy Lodge, Ho. 81. 1 A A BPIOIAL, IuIm4 of IIm B^tW m ?PmOM>aDitMioA, will be h.ld at RK- * COVKKY I.01X1K. No. SI, oo Moadav iwljr lit, M47, at 8 o'clock-J*. M.j wl?en aft Meiob?ri an A|(Me<l to mil for the purpoae ?f ,k? ? r_ ?? ? " Degrees. * By order of the W.\ H.% >. A. Waltk*, Jf., Soc'y. Juno tf 6 1 "commencement. 5 I ^ ^ BgoH -^"V^ 'i"<?5 '-"_.'^y;''10 THE Commencement exercises of (k? ? Greenville Fentala CJollege will Ilk* P1 |>Ue? In lli? College Chapel, on Wednesday, July 3d, at lO o'clock A M. An Address will l>e delivered by Rev. J. A. Broauo*, D. D. ?s A large end beautiful collection of * inge and Painting", exeented by f l<? yonng ladies, will be ->n exhibition, aed those wishing to inspect them oan have access to the hall from 9 o'clock to In. A C. H JUPSOFT, B President. s( June 2*7 K tf WOOL CARDING. WESTMORELAND'S MILLS. A I WOULD respectfully inform the people of Qreenvilio and adjoining Districts, that tny % <i , (DAiaiQassr? -1 I a being in eomplele order, and nnder the control of Mr. JAMES W TERRY, a well known and experienced operator, I will be prepared to turn out the g BEST OF BOLLS, ' promptly and without delay. I will ensure ? satisfaction to old as wall aa now taituOfri, J ? and invito patronage, i CA-d ? AT OLD PRICES, l\ when the Grease ia lurnished, ^ a? I) At Ten Cents a Pound, o< OR A PORTION OF THE WOOL* K Ona pound of Orea*? wVR be required for ' from Eight (o Twelve pounds of Wool ; or the wool may be gi eased before delivery or shipment to me. 1 A email advance of thla rate will be ~ charged for Carding Cotton and Wool to- J gether. Wool will be taken frorrr and delivered at the Depnt at Gioenville Court House r free of charge for transportation. In making shipments, add rea* meat Hon- tl tersville Post Office, Greenville District, d< South Carolina. f" In cleaning Wool, soak for thrae or four ?' days in clear cold water; then rlnrc out, ?< after which nee more water adding lye sn<- " fieient ? eut the natural grease which forma k n ends ; thon rinee otrt and dry in iheahade. C S. It WESTMOIlELAKf). ^ Juns 27 6 4 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. . QflEEXVILLE Viarit/CT. By S. J. DOUTJJIT, Jitqniro, Ordinary of 9 tftid Dintrici. Whereas, .James p. moore, c. E. G. If, hat filed'a Petition in nivOf- y flee, praying that Letters of Administration on ali and singular the goods and chattels/ , rights and credits of W. A. MeCOSNELL. , late of the District aforesaid, deceased, '' should be granted to him. Three are, therefore, U> cite and admonish J' alt and singular the kindred and creditors j of the said deceased, to be ar.d appear in the Court of Ordinary for said District, to e bo lioldan at Greenville Court House, on the j 1st day of August, to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should Dot be 'J 1 granted. " " ?. J. DOUTH1T, O. G. D _ ' Ordinary's Office, 21st June, 1867. June *7 6 * p FOR SALE. _ _ A wt.MJQQT|_ iXSIiPa Farm en ? SU^V French Broad TWr'Vir 4 I TlTMll ' from Brevard; aontafhlng'in all 176 acres, more or less, via : 60 acrea River Bottom, / 40 acres Prime Upland, 86 acres Woodland. " A Dwelling House and Frame Kitchen. THe house is nearly completed, and the Lumber, Hardware, Glass, Ac., <fc., are on the place. Toe Farm is offered with Growing Crops, two Cows and three Heifers, a Hue lot of IJogs, some Sheep, Ac., also 17 A RII iwn 111 DI Plf UXTTQ i Miiiiuiiiu >aii uuiiirjJXO) ^ Corn Shelter, Straw Cutter, Plowa, do. TERMS and all particulars ean be obtained by personal application, or by letter I addressed R. II. Hi s1 Dunns Rock P. 0., Tran?ylvaniaCo.,N. C. r; Juno 20 4 8 o Ale on Draft. JUST Received, a very clioiee fl BMBartiele of CREAM AtE. For sale 1 1 in any quantity, o Jbt Ike IffuiisRm House. June 18 t tf ' g Greenville Mills. t FVVtlK GREENVILLE MILLS have Heen J JL put la firat-iute order hy tne Major, . for grinding Wheat. a Good atteutlon will be given Ry old j, grinder*. j, The Mille grind'on the old schedule, (the 1 Toll.) Kring along your Grain. 'i | June 13 3 If i A k; ?llL. - -gg-* I 8RTII ^ ?=*wc= ta Hi rn u ft 'I "r-:i-3gg. WOOL. CARDS, McHEfi HULLS, tRX&SVlLLS DISTRICT, 8 C"~bUR 0?4U| MmHIbm in in flrat-rata or1/ dor, and andac lk? control of thntserell own ud 00cnpotent nuiftr, llr. T. Y. AlDO 88, wbo will MO every onro to prevent nnotmry wnato and to kmn ootaplate antfatUoa, Oar fadtftiM me iueb t&at we enn alXot4 (o t ikd nrnrk am HE MOST LIBERAL TERMS, ?<< We MB safely (UtranlN to tufa oeU romptly EXCELLENT AOLLI. Whoa Iho tfwm it furninhed to as, (say ?? paand o? flmw to ti(bt|M?D(li of Wool,) will Card Plain Wool At Ton Cento a Pound! cwiwH advene# ?n tfrts rtrts will bo charged ir Carding Miiid Wool of for Cotton and fool together. p*t- Wool will l>? taken from and delivered I UieenrlHi C. If. ftwo of charge for tronssrtatioir CftADV k IIAWTIJORN. June *0 4 tf WOOL CARD IN CRAWFORDY1LLK FACTORY, 8PARTANBUR8 DISTRICT, S. C. 11/ A respectfully Inform Wool Kaisers and Tf others' Itibrwlal, that we bare just at ap a set of Mpertor CAKD1NO HAIUNK8, and have placed them under the lanageiuent of experienced and faithful hands, ho will (ire eveiy attention to prevent sosce'sarjr wasto and to insure general satiaetioOi Our farKHies art s?ah that wo can afford to ? the work on TIn HmI Liberal Tcrmn, i?d We eon safely gunrantco to tarn ont romptfy EXCELLENT ROLLS. When the Oreaso It furnished to til, (say ?e pound of Orouse to eight pounds of Wool,) e will Card Plain Wool At Ten Cents & Pound A Jma'l advance on this rate will bo charged >r Carding Mixed Wool or for Cetton and Tool together. JKADY, HAWTHORN A TURDYFILL. Juno 20 4 tf K. KIILSr< ?. O. VILLI. EA8LEY ft WELLS, tttorneys and Connsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, URERNVILLK, 8. C., PR iCTICH in the Courts of the State and of the United States, and gito oepeclal ttenlion to cneea in Bankruptcy. June 13 3 tr GliE tlNVILIjK " 30ACH FACTORY mnmlf. HAYING MADE itew nr "jffj iw-gy^tangsmenta with our workmen, 2r mm ami materially reduced the rat of Manufacture, wc desire to call the iteniinnof the ptfbli-j to the fact,, thtft for 'a?h, we will do Repairing at grt-affy KE UOED PRICKS. ami make liberal dieeonnt ti NEW WOIIK. We have ntt hand an mi rtment of Ol'F.K AND TOP BUGGIES. OCKAWAYS ?nd LIGHT tfAUIll AGES; ire every d. eeripthm of tVngons we make. ara fro ue a cell I. OOWKK, CO*. MARKLEY A CO. May S3 fn tf fotice to Plaintiffs and Defendants to pay Costs. rHE CLKKK and SHERIFF of Green, ville District fespectfuMy give notice int having l??en stopped by Military Or era from making1 tn'eir Coats out of I)endants in certain cases, artd having hitlito advnnced funds in those cases, they are impelled to call upon the Plaintiffs to pay ici Costs before the 10th of July next, egal measures will be resorted to for t'he olleetion of all Coets remaining unpaid at ist time. W. A. McDANIEL, C. C. P. W. T. SHUMATE, S. G. IX June 13 8 tf 8TEVENS aotfSE, il,33,25A97 Ilrond way, I*. Y. Opposite BoSrflng Green. ON THE KUROrKAN PLAN. ntiv aTvvrvu iiotiiiv u. .,n > uci ui w? i-jno uvuon xx> wuii nnu L wide)y known to the traveling pi>I> o. The location if especially suitable to lerchanta and businessmen; it is in close roximiiy to the buMi>e#? part of the city ? ro'n tli? liifjhWsy of Southern nnd Western ravel?and adjacent to all the principal tailroad and Steamboat depots. THE-STKVHNS HOUSE has liberal aeommodatiou for over 300 guests?it is Well orntefled, and possesses eVery modern imiroveinent for the comfort and entertain, nent of Its inmates. The rooms are spaious and well- ventilated?provided with as and water?the* attendance m prompt nd respectful?and the table is generously rovided with eVery delicacy of the season? t moderate rate*. * 6WK K. CHASE & CO. Proprietor* June 13 3 6in ~~ ICE! ICE! ICE! tT 8T CTS PEli POUND,. ~iAN be had at my Ice JIouso every day from sunrise in the morvrihg; utttil 8 clock A. M.,- afro from i o'clock till sunown, P. M. T. W. DAVIS. May t 40 tf -TAILORING. W M. WHISNANT [~> ESPECTEULLY informs the public tftat lie continues to CUT and MAKE IP, in the moat fashionable and approved lyl?% GENTLEMEN'S GARMENTSle rhay ha found in the building on Maintreat next door below McIMierson'a linkejr. IV> the front store will be kept a supply f FAMILY GROCERIES, nch at Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Spices, Soda, Sc., which are offered at low prices for Cash r Country Produce. April W " 4T tf Ichoduio Spar. & Union R. R. and after Monrtey, the tOtb May lost., L/ the Pasnengor Trains will ran on Moneys, Wednesday* and Saturdaye. Down rains leave Spartanburg 0. II., at 5 a. m.; rrive at Alston at II.SO a. m. Up trains >ave Alston at 13.30 p. m. ; arrive at Spartanurg 0. II., at 3 p. m. TH08. B. JRTBR,. President P. A II. Railroad. ITnionville, S. C., May 10, 1807. June 13 3 d.h. 9 R I * 8. JDflT RBOKIVKD, A lot of CtaraiMd Hum of the finest quality, Sugar Curvd. For rale bv THOMAS 8TKBN, At old atarid MoDmrkl A Dmran. JUST KRCRIVKD, Print* ImT Lwf Is qnutiilN to suit porcbHtrt. M sale by T*OMAS STRUT*, At old at and MeDarid A UuutMK JUST UKCEtVRD, A Am amMmnt of Northern Walls and Drade, various brands. Tor sale by THOMAS STERN, At old stand Mr-David A Duncan. JUST RECEIVED, A fine article Nova Seotia Grindstone*. For saU bgr THOMAS STERN, At old stand McDarid A Dwncan. GRAIN SCYTHES 01 tfie best manufacture. For rale by THOMAS STERN, At oM stand MvDavid A Duncan. srrrYfiB stones For sale bj THOMAS STBEN, At old stand McDavid A Duncan. BUCKETS, BROOKS, Ac For aate by THOMAS 8TKEN, At old itud McDavid A Duncan. FKES1I WHOLE RICH, Just received, and for ale by THOMAS STERN. FLORIDA SYRUP, Juat rota Wad and fo# fttfo tf THOMAS Rt fkn, GOOD CIDER VINEOAR, Just rocaived, and for solo by THOMAS STEEN. SPANISH FLOAT INDIGO, For sale by THOMAS STEEN. SPIRITS-rt&I'ANTINE, For ?alo by THOMAS STEEN. WHITE LEAD and LINSEED OIL, For ?*ta by THOMAS STEEN. KENTUCKY JEANS, A good assortment, for sale by THOMAS STEEN. LIGHT SUMMER CAS8*Ml5RF.S, For sale by THOMAS STEEN. BROtVN and BLEACHED DOMESTICS, For ante by THOMAS STEEN. SHOWN DRILLS and JEANS, For rule by THOMAS STEEN. SEA ISLAND LONG CLOTII, For sale by THOMAS STEKN. BLAY A BLOUSE LINENS, For rale by THOMAS STEEN. LINEN DRILL8 and DUCKS, For sale by THOMAS STEKN. LINEN DIAPER and TOWELLING, For sale by THOMAS STEKN. TABLE LINEN, Of |he ftocat lytolity and AeaWaVIe y-"t?erbf, For ante by THOMAS STEEN. POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS, T.innn and Pntlnn fni* anl.t It* THOMAS STEEN. LADIES' Eugluh and American uianu foe I uro For sale by THOMAS STEGN. OKNTH' HALF IIOSK, English nud American, at extremely low prices. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. LADIES' 1IAT8 asnl BONNETS, Of various Styles an?l Patterns, Trimmed iAkI tlnfriihitfcd. For sale by Tflc/MAS STKEX. RIBBONS and BRAID3. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. QENTS* CASS, STRAW and LEOHORN 1IAT8. For sale Wy THOMAS STEEN. CANNED FRt'lTS, Fresh and gOotf. For sale bf THOMAS STERN CANNED VEGETABLES, Fresh and good. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. CANNED FISH, Fresh and prime. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. LEMON SUGAR, Or portable Lemonade. For sale by TROMAS STERN. FRESH OFsf FRsr In botffcr. For rafle l>y" THOMAS STEEN. At the old stand of McDaVid A Duncan. BORA X~6 A LT PETRE7Ae7 For sale by THOMAS STEEN. BRIMSTONE and ALUM. For rale by THOMAS STEEN. EPSOM * aula 1. THOMAS STFEN. SWEET OILS, OLIVE and SALAD OILS, For salo by THOMAS STEEN. PEPI'EH, SPICE and DINGER, For aale by THOMAS STEKN. CLOVES and CINNAMON, ~~ Tot'rtAo by THOMAS STEEN. HUTTER and SODA CRACKERS, For sale by THOMAS STEEN. RIO HONDO CIGARS, . , For aale by THOMAS STEEN. PLANT ATJPON ClDWRS, For sale by THOMAS STEEN. Shkroot^~v"~s~ ? Of puro Havana Tobacco. For wile by THOMAS STHHN. RIO COFFER, Just opened, and for salo by THOMAS KTRKV. JAVA COFFEB, For sale, by the park At <rf by the pound, by Tift)MAS 8TKKN. PORTO RICO SUGAR ud MOLASSES, ** For sale by THOMAS STEEN. REFINED SUGARS and^8YRU From the Baltimore Refinery, for enle by THOMAS STEEN. YOUNG HYSON TEA, For ule by TIIOMAS ST***.. FINEST GUNPOWDER TEAT For rale by THOMAS STKF.N. FINK SELF-RISING FLOIJR, For sale by TIIOMAS STEEN. Mji WBR i J. J). ASHUOKE'S; HOM'f 0161 STAND ^ Oil OOOE SOUTH MtW COVET XOVSX. J igpT ig tap J ill wulSJH WHO IS now nwittM <t large a ad rarfod St<>ak of mmmATWuz ?<mm9 BMBEACIHO t Brown & Bleached Shirting? and Sheetings* Ticks. Dwiitn*, Stripes, Cottona^ea, Linen Ducks and Oiilla, Dlsy and Spaniali Linens, Irish Linens, T..I.U T\.n.,..L. T ^11: a_ mHUIC tvwoninga, ?k<% Calicoe*, Prl?tc* Lawat, Jaconets, Gingham*, Chnmbinys, Mohair*,, AngUcs, Alpneca, Bombasine*, Challie, Ac., Ac Caatbri?, Jae?H?t, IlalMMk, Swiss and MulT Muslins, Victoria Lawn*, White and Colored TtrMom, Braids, linen Collars, Cuff*. GlovcsoHd Hoilerf, Veiling, Lace Fall*, Love Veils, Lace Veil*. Trimming!, 11 at and Belt Ribbon*, Drew Button* and TriWmiifp. French Corsets and llooj> siirta. Corset Lacets. -v Bsr^ieHosrs as? wiiiaMnrs CA8HMBHHTTP, Ham. Mack and colored cassimerbs, French Dral> d'Eta and Cloth. maw MADE CLOTHING. SHIRT*, COLLARS, CRAVATS, Ac. Men and Boy*' Wool, Far and Straw Mat*. Ladic*' TrlmaaA Hate. Vntrimmed Hat*. Boots and Shooa. Umbrella* and Pardtdld. Hardware and Cstbffi Croekery and OlaaaWaro, Sugar* and Coffee*, all grades. Oroeerics, Bye Stuff*, Ac., be. tsr Corn, Corn Starch, Rye, Flonr, Bacon, Sugar Cured llama Lard, Butter, Egg*, with many other article* too tcdiou* to mention, at (he lowest prices for cask or produce. Sad !le*, Bridles, Girth*. Stirrup iron*. Riding and Buggy Whips, El well'* ana Seovill'e Ste^l and Iron Hoos, Foolscap, Letter laftd Jfote Paper, White *md Colored Envelopes. 8trd PoOa, Ink, Spelling Book^Slalo and Load Pencil*. Silver and tfteCf TMASP blc*,. Hooks and Eye*, English and American Pins, round and Mourning Pin*. Factory Yarn, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Scgars, Pipes, Black and Greea Teas, Oolong Tea, Nails, Handsaw Files, Door and Window Bolts, Glass, Tsckr, Screws, Candles, Ad. and Sperm, Rioe, Crackers, CoDdy, Salt, Violin Strings, Caator and Sweet Oil, Turpentine', Letwtswour, Paregoric, Gum Camphor, Essences, Cologne, Ac., Nutmegs, Mace, Citron, Currents,Clever, Ac., Sulphur, Blue Stone, Alum, Sallfttra Bri' tstonc, Logwood, Ac., Ac , Ac. I J on m D. AS11IHORE. W. H. HOVEY, PROPRIETOR OF THE LADIES' STORE, fltWj V W) ^I'OULD moat respectfully SfsirT-rrtJ inform the Ladies and pnbiie 1 1TI T) n i nllj that his STOCK OF SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS is bow - very complete, and well calculator? fo give satisfaction, both as to price and quality. The Stock consist* mi part aa follows via.: ChaHe and English Beregea ; Paris Plaids ; INmalayas; Colored Lawns; Printed Muslins ; Spring Prints ; Alapaeas ; English and Italian Crapes; Corded, Dotted and Plaid Swiss ; Jaconet; Mull and Nainsook Muslins; White and Colored Brilliants; White and Colored Tarltons ; Linen Cambrics and Lawns; Edgings and Inserfhtgs ? Thread Laces and Imitations of same ; Si)k, Cotton artd Worsted Tracing Rraida;' Trhnming and Bonnet Ribbons; Brushes;: Combs; Collars ; OraVattf; Belts ; Beltings ; Bleach, ed and Brown Table Damask ;= Sbeetinga and Pillow Casings; Toilet Towels;-Dor Ilea ; Linen and Cotton Diapers; Longeloths; Ladies and Misses Hose; Gentfs and Boys half Hose ; Farmers Drills ? Brn#? Csssimeres; Tweed* ; Jeans ; Shoe* ; Hats; Summer Clothing ; ilem-StitchOd, Ambroidetvd ntul Mourning Handkerchief ; Gloves; Cologne and Extract* ; Castile and Toilet Soaps ; and other articles too numerous to mention. , Gall and examine for yourselve?no charge made for looking. April 18 47 tf LAXJRENS RAILROAD. NEW SCHEDULE. OFFICE LAITREN8 RAILROAD,) Lavhrnh C. H., 8. C., May 23, 1807. ) ON and after Monday next, 37th Inst., thtft TritlnV t*117run as follow*, nntrtt fdHhdK notice. The Road having boon com |.listed! through to Newberry, freight and paasago will be considera'dy reduced : Leave Laurens at 6 o'clock, a. m., on Mondnys, Wednesdays and Fridays, and arrive at Newberry at half-past 10 o'clock, i heawe Newberry at 26 minutes past To'clocft on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, thus connecting with both the up and down trains on the G. ?fc O. lt?llm?ii- ?? -*?- ?* ?y vuv IOUT1 mentioned. JO.5FPII CREWS, Superintendent1.Juno IX, & D.inSuperintendent's Office, (J.ftCl X. cor,CM IUA, VUy 30, W??L ON and after Saturday, Juno fee, Train* will be run over the ltlito Ridge Railroad, between Anderson and Walballa, daily, Sunday* excepted, as follows : Leavo Anderson 5 10, p. m. Arrive at Pendleton C " Arrive at Walhalla 7 SO, ? I,eave Walhalla 4 It, a. m. Arrive at Pendleton 5 S2, " Leave Pendleton .....6 40, " Arrive at Anderson 4 BO, ?? Connections made with the trains of the flreonvilic Road, up and down, every day, Sundays excepted. B.SLOAN, Superintendent, Jlmc 1.5, 1*157 ,1 n.1^ . a '' T