University of South Carolina Libraries
W fq 9, h [ n eoldien have competed in abnegation nod boldness?I will explain myself ? vjouDtrymen, i cnmo 10 Mexico not only animated WJ'.b the beat of faith, in Aunnjribe felicity of all and each of ue, but called and protected by thb Emperor -of France?Napoleon III. lie, to the ridicule of Fiance, abandoned me, cowardly and infamously, by demand Of the United States, after having use lesbly spent forces and treasure, and shed the blood of ner sons and your own.? When lira news of my fall and doath reaches Europe, all the monarchs of Charlemagne,a country will demand bf the Napoleon Dynasty an Account of my blood, and of the German, Belgian and French blood shed in Mexico.? Then will be the end. Soon, before the whole world, Napoleon III will be covered with shame from head to foot. Te-day be has already seen bis Majesty the Emperor of Austria?my august brother?prnyfnjj for my lire to the United States, and myself a prisoner of war in the hands of the Republican Government, and with my crown and my head torti in pieces. Countrymen, here are my last words : I desire that mv I1..1 . w ._ *. uiooa amy regenerate Mexico, ana serve at a warning to ail ambitious and incAilious men, and that you will act with prudenco and truthfulnoss, and onnoble with your virtues tho political cause of the flag you sustain. May Providcnco save you and make you worthy of myself. (Signed,) MAXIMILIAN. What Moss Cam WiDuI?The New York Sun says: " 1/ ll may be said with truth that no race of suddenly emancipated bondmen ever exhibited more moderation in the enjoyment of liberty th in the Southern alaves, it may be said, with equel truth, that no race of slaveholder#, or of property holders of any kind, ever exhibited more resignation and equanimity under gigantic ioaeea than the former slave-own ere of the South."? They loet three thousand millions of dollar* atodfe blow; but they legalised the abolition of slavery, adapted their legislation to the new order of thinga, secured to the freed men every right of perron and property, gave the negro judicial protection and religious instruction, and " performed with fidelity all their obligations to the General Government." " If," #Sys the Sun, -'the South has sinned, has it not suffcrad t It it has not given proof, in its thorough conformity to ehanged relations, that it has renewed its allegi taee to the Union in good faith, what prool will be sufficient f Stripped of three thou aand millions of property, it has confirmed the act by which it was bankrupted, and gone to w6rk with cheerful industry tc assist In paying the debt which was incur red in its own ovorthrow. If euoh a pcoph are not fit to be trusted now, they wil never be fit to be trusted. Must suspicion exclusion end confiscation be the perpctua rtpnalflinan a scfllinn urKnaa IlKcvtiaa saw/ inseparable from our own, and upon wliosi industry the future prosperity of the whoh country is hugely dependent f" WoxbOdrtl Thick or a CntaasK Magician A marvellous triok, performed by a Chine* magician, Is thus described by Idu Bataln on Arab who travelled in the fourteentl century: "lie took a wooden ball witl several holes In It, through which lon; thongs Were passed, and laying hold of on of these, slung it into the air. It went s highweloet sight oi it altogether. Thrr now remained only a little of the end c the thong in the conjurer's hand, and h desired one of the boja who assisted him t lay hold of it and mount He did s< climbing by the thong, and wo lost eight < him aloa, The conjurer then called to hii three tinese,b\it getting no answer, snatch? up a knife, as if in a great rage, laid hold t tne thong, and disappeared also. By an by be threw down one of the boy's hand then a foot, then the trunk, and then tl other band and foot and last of all, tl; head. Then he eame down himself, a puffing and panting, and with his ololhi all bloody; but presently he took the boy limbs and laid t hero together in their plac and gave a kick, when presto 1 there wi the boy, who got up and stood bsfore thorn mniioni am**!, p?nfl*7, June i?. D*ptl?t CUuroh, 11, A. M., Jlor. Kethodbk Chnreh, 11, A. If., Rev. J. A HuiiMi. Kpi?eopal Chnreh, 11, A. M., and S, P. ] R?t. KUiIkx CAmna. . Proabytorian Church, 11, A. M., and 4, P. 1 Dr. Bria*. I'artori am re?pect/?lly requeitcd infer*) * when any thange occur* in the r? ular lupplie*. w. K- nitir. a. a. wkli SABLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at La AND IN EQUITY, OftnBffVILLR, e. 0, X)RACTICHiu the Court, of tho State n of the United Statu*, uud gUro uupcc 4^^Bntion to citeoa iu liaukruutry. ^Tuna IS S tl f ?i Adamantine...... ...4U.r. " Sponn,...... ... ..,&0 o. " Tallow, SO c. IJMYrAR, fl B>, English, 10 e. dsisn, 1ft e. fcPrr'SwPb^1 harrol, .............m........... $ld 00 NB?P| ...~...... $1 30 Mh, lh .SO r. Bwwd, ? 12* o.l KK ** " Country, 9 e. g?. " " Horse isiioa, 10 c. I1NUIUU, ft ft, Boutn Unrol in a, uu u f> ? Spanish Float 2 25 LUMBER, ^ lOOfbet, Pino,75 ? $2 00 LEAD. ? ft,..?. 20 c. LEATHER, ft lb, Pole, ...u ....60 e. ? " " Upper, 60 (g) 70 c. MADDER, ft ft?? 20 e. MOLASSES, ft gallon, West India, <1 00 NAILS, ft ft. Parker Mill, - 121 e. " " " Hone, 50 c. OATS, ft bushel, 25 " PEAS, ? " 30 PORK. ? ft. not, 10 e. POWDER, H9 1b, 75 c. PEPPER, $ ft, Black ." 50 c. PEACHES, fl bushel, Dried $2 00 POTATOES, ft bushel, Irish, nono. " " u Sweet, none. RICE, ft ft 16 ? IT c. STEAL. ft 1b, Cast, _ 85 e. SAL I, T? sack, Liverpool. St 25 " " bushel, " 1 25 SUGAR, 1ft ft, Brown, 16 ? 20 c. " " " Cl&viflod, 25 c. SHOT, M ft, - 20 e. SODA, "W lb? 20 c. STARCH, a lb, 20 c. SPICE, a ft 50 0. SHIRTING, 1, ft y?b TURK IKS, *1 head 75 c. ? $1 00 TOBACCO, Manufactured, a ft, 60 c. ? $2 00 TALLOW, a lb 1.15 c. TEA, ft ft, Gunpowdor, $2 25 " ? " Hyson, 2 25 " " " Black $2 00 <?> $2 50 WHEAT, a bushol, S3 00 WHISKY. ft gallon, $8 00 YARN, ft bunch, Factory, $2 60 Alo on Draft. HfV JUST Received, a very clioioo JJHhK111"1'0'6 of CREAM ALB. For sale tu any quantity, At the IHnualoii Homo. June 18 8 tf Greonvillo Mills. T1IIE GREENVILLE MILLS Imve been put In first-rate order by t te Major, for grinding Whcnt. Good atteution will be given by old grinders. The Mills grind on the old schedule, (the Toll.) IJring nlong your Grain. June IS 8 (f Notioo to Plaintiffs and Dofondants to pay Costs. CLERK and SHERIFF of Oreen1. ville District respectfully give notice that having boen stopped by Military Or dsrs froiu tusking their Costa out of Defendants in certain cases, and having hitherto advanced funds in those cases, they are oompelled to call upon the Plaintiffs to pay tho Costs before the 10th of July next. Legal measures will be resorted to for tho Collection of all Coats remaining unpaid at that time. W. A. McDANIEL, C. C. F. W. T. SHUMATE, S. G. D. Juno 13 8 tf 8TEVEHSHOUSE, 31,93, 27 Broadway, 91. Y. ' Opposite Bowling CJroen. ON TUH EUROPEAN PLAN. THE STEVENS HOUSE Is well and widely known to the traveling pub lie. The location is especially suitable to !> merchants and businessmen; it is in close proximity to the business part ef tlie city? I is on tho highway of Southern and Western I travel?and adjacent to all the principal uailroad and Steamboat depots. ' THE STEVENS HOUSE has liberal ac| oommodation for over 300 guests?It is wc'l I furnished, and possesses every modern itn provement for the comfort and entertain1 ment of its inmates. The rooms are spa .! -_.i II ! .1 :.u noun mm wen vniuinieu ?jiruvuitu nun * nnd water?tlio attendance is prompt and respectful?and the tabic is generously 8 provided wit h every delicacy of the season? at moderate rates. . GEO. K. CHASE A CO. r. Proprietors e Juno 13 3 Cm LAURENS RAILROAD. gNEW SCHEDULE. OFFICE LAURENS RAILROAD, 1 o Laurens 0. If., 8. C., May 28, 1867. j e /"kN and after Monday noxt, 27th inst., th< >f Trains will run as follows, until furthoi e notice. The Road having been completed ? through to Newberry, freight and passage wil J( bo considerably reduced : jf Leave Laurens at 5 o'clock, a. m., on Mon ^ days, Wednesdays and Fridays, and arrive a j Newberry at half-past 10 o'clock. - Lv.ivo Newberrv at 25 minutes past 1 o'cloc) , on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, thui eonnoeting with both tho up and down traim * on tho O. A C. Railroad, on the days abovi mentioned. ' JOSEPH CREWS, Superintendent. II Juno 13, 1367 3 D.n. f>8 ? s Superintendent's Office. O. & C II R COLUMBIA, May 30, 1867. " /"VN and after Saturday, June 1st, Train V ' will bo run ovor the Bine Itidgo Rail P road, between Anderson and Wallialle, dally Sundays excepted, as follows : Leave Andorson 5 10, p. ir ~~ Arrivo at Pendleton .....6 " Arrivo at Waihalla 7 30, " " Leave Waihalla 4 16, a. n A .6 I>n.,.l1?l,.n A O O 41 Leavo Pendleton 5 40, " Artivo at Anderson 0 SO, " ' ? Connections made with tho trains of tli Greenville Road, up and down, every day. But days cxcoptod. B. SLOAN, Superintendent. Juno 13,1867. 3 n.n. .1. Schodulo Spar. & Union R. B ON and aftor Monday, tho 20tb May insl tho Passenger Trains will run on Mm W days, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Don trains leave Spartanburg C. II., at 6 ?. m arrive at Alston at 11.30 a. m. Up trnh loavo Alston at 12.30 p. ui.; arrivo at Spartai bnrg C. II., at 7 p. in. nd TKOB. H. JKTRR, ial President H. A U. Railroad. Uiiionv ille, t?. P., May 16, 1607. f .Time t8 3 t) if. Bp ^Hn^^^HBWpVccovcr)' M on the Lodge* t K-ir, ?n?l llt? public invito! tO?tlen-l. ^^a^Sp?r|r,K. [ committee. J.,?.je?'" """"S > A 8pooial Communication *3B7SW&&&& 5S nflerwoon of Monday, the 21th ins*., At 8 o'clock, f?.f the purpose of conferring the Bv or?U^?'" w-M F. A. Waltbu, SccroUry. .. June 6 - 2 H DANCING SCHOOL. MONS. BERGER, FROM CHARLESTON. RESPECTFULLY inform* the Lidl*. nnd gcnllcmcu of Greenville, that l?o propoB<R opening ft DANCING SCHOOL this Summer Mons. It. loaches oil the new Dunce* of the day?Round as well a* Square on**.? He also tcaohca the GERMAN, now bo fashionable. Mons. It. has certificates from the first families in the City, nnd nleo from the vnI rious Boarding Schools in which he lifts been tenching (or years. Tuition?Twelve Dollars for Eighteen Lessonr?six weeka. School to open as soon as a sufficient number of pupils is obtained, ttr Lbts will be found at Mr. \V. (I. Hovky's and Messrs. Wilusms A. \ViiITMiuk's. June 6 2 2 A Handsomo Howard. LOST A SHORT TIME SINCE, KltJgwAaa A SMALL MOROCCO PURSE. containing Thirty Seven Dollars i ... Jnnd some cents, in "Grcnbuck*,'' United Stntos Treasury Notes nnd National Currency. One J20.C0 bill, two >5 00, and some fracllonnl bills, with one >2.00 and one $1.00 bl 1. The Purse also eontnined ? Scaled Note of hand, on Samuel Payne, for >15.00, dales not remembered; Ono Scaled Note f6r ItiO.flO. on Moses Penile r (n colored man 'l willi G. Iiiett witness dated in January, lost, payable on demand ; One Sealed Notion K. B. Clark, endorsed by Trnatco, W. A. Clark, for 8200.00, with a crolit of some 803.00 or $85.00 on it, dated in October, 1859, payable on demand ; One Sea'ed Note on Sarah flielt. for 812 00, dated In the summer of 1805, payable on demand ; One Scaled Joint.Note, on John W. Onyton, and Onyton Guyton, for fil,*83.83}. dated 2Sd December, 1858, payable four yearn after date with interest, from date, besides sundry smaller due bjl'a, all payable to myself, with aevural IL-e-ipu, and n Commutation Kaiirood Ticket. All p-rsons are warned against trading fur any ofth l?o< a described Notes, as payment is, and will ho Stopped. I will give the finder the money contained in the I'nrsc, and ask no questions, if it Is returned to ino with the 1'apcrs, A gentleman, left with me,'sometime since, $26 00 old issue, of the Bank of the 3'ate of South Carolina bills the memorandum of which was nlR<> lo't In this Purse. The ltd s wore sold in Charleston, nml he can ^t the proceeds by cnlliiig at my store. JOHN D. AS11MORF. June 0 2 3 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. O11KEy VILI.E DISTltlCT. IIy N ./. DUU'J'lllT, Keqnire, Ordinary of *aiJ DUtrict. WHEREAS, ABSALOM BLYTIIE 1ms filed a Petition in niv Oflicc, praying tlmt Letleis of Administration on oil and singular the goods nod cbattela, rights and credits of SARAil MoJUNlvIN, late of the District aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to him. Theut art, therefore, to cite and admonish all aud singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be ami appear in the Court of Ordinary for said District, to be holden nt Greenville Court Ilou-e, on the 18th day of June, to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not bo granted. S.J. DOUTI11T. O O. D Ordinary'* Office, 4t>< June, 1807. June 7 .2 2 GREENVILLE COACH FACTORY rjfKTWSL' HAVING MADE new nr1 nngements with our woikmcn, vTy^ T.*T nr.,1 materially reduced the cost of Mauiifaeture, wo desire to call the attention of the puhlis to the fact, that for ' (\i*h, wo will do Repairing at greatly HE DUCKD PRICES, and make liberal discount on NEW WORK. We have on hand an as ! sortment of OPRN AND TOP BUGGIES, \ ROCKAWAYS and UGIIT CARRIAGES ; . ulso every description of Wagons we make, gy Give ns a calll. OOWfcR, COX, MARKLEY & CO. I May 23 62 . tf \ Atxop cV Vocitiffcr'M : GENUINE SCOTCH ALE, IN QUARTS AND PINTS. !L?M??M OOTM ?YOIDT AM? POSTER. fyFor Sale nl llio IVuiitloii '? IIOIIMC. , May 23 62 tf ,. WINES. SUPERIOR MADBRIA, SHERRY ANE PORT WINKS ,o ClIAM PA (INK i- CLAKKT BRUNCH CORDIALS AC., AC. l$TAt tlio iTfaiaslou IIoiinc, r May 23 62 tf ? J.-.T r-,,.. L- Superior 5 COGNAC 1]RANI)Y. ,9 SUPERIOR JAMAICA AND oT. CROI> RUM PURE HOLLAND OTN CABINET WHISKY. Ifr'Al I Ik- I loitx*. ?T t ?1 62 tf Peaf br ^oWmsr MAIN STREET. AT McDavid & Duncan's GREENVILLE, S. C., HA8 JU8T RKCKIVKD n Full Awortmout of Groceries, l)ry Hood*, Hardware, Fancy Goods, llaU and DvunoU, which ho will coll ni remsrV&hlv low nrli>u. for PiuK and Invites bis cuctomon to oall and oxauiiuo bis stock ? Coffees. RIO, LAGUYRA. JAVA. Sugars, ABAC Refined, (Soft.) 0 Yellow. A Crashed. Porto Rico. Molasses, TRINIDAD, EXTRA GOLDEN SYRUP. BEE HIVE SYRUP. Teas, YOUNG HYSON, GUNPOWDER, OOLONG, ENG. BREAKFAST. Cheese, OHE8IHIIM, UMOTA. Im?. ?AQIRY,, Lard, FLOUR, SUPERFINE, SELF RISING, CORN SI ROIL MAIZEN. Chocolate, COCOA BROMA, SWEET CHOCOLATE. Sweet Oil, OR SALAD OIL, W/~i7>nT7>C!'rE,T>C! rrTnt^ o * TTrvr< M V/IWUO I JjlWOI 1 1 Ul'i OAUVyI!i, ENGLISH ONION TICKLES, enow enow, nee a lilt, i, MIXED. TICKLES. Oysters in Cans, 1 and 2 lbs. SALMON IN CANS, LOBSTE88, SARDINES, STICED OYSTERS. Tomatoes in Cans, GREEN CORN IN CANS, TEACHES IN CANS, TINE APTLK, STRAW I JERRIES. Jcfilics. teacii, CURRANT, ATTLE AND QUINCE. Hiaglfsh Mustard, IN CANS, BOXES, and PIvAGS, FRENCH MUSTARD IN DOTTLES. Soaps, TURPENTINE, FAMILY und TOILET. Crockery, TEAS, COKl'EhS, PLATES, SOUPS, PIT01IE IIS, Ac., EWERS and BASINS, CHAMBERS, Ac. Cloths, CASSIMERES, (lipl.t) DOESKINS, LINENS, DTTCK, DRTLI^S, BLOUSE and BLAV LINEN, CRASH, TOWELLING, HUCKABACK, DIAPER, Ac. Calicoes, PACIFIC, SP R AGUE'S, AlEliRIMAC, WAMSUTTA and OTHER KINDS Figured lflu?linsf RWTRS JACONETS and CAMBRICS ORGANDIES, MOZAM PIQUES, BA RAGES, TAMATINE8, Ac., Ac liOll^ClotllS, * SHIRTINGS, DRILLS, JEANS. PRO. DOMESTICS. STRIPES CHECKS. PLAIDS, TICKINGS, Ac., Ac. Misses' and Ladies Hats, PON NETS nt unumnlly low prices > GEN IS'nn.l POYS' STRAW, : LEGHORN KELT HATS SHOES, Ac., Ac. ?-v?ry rtiir?" n?rfnt, from n onml>ri uvotllo, to a liU 1. of >i?-ir j fioin collai PI|g|v ---J-s. .:? - :- t~ W. H. HOVET, PROPRIETOR OP THE LADIES' STORE, rrjvppj WOULD moit respectfully JStjrpr.l infrtrm the Ludita and pnliln ?9o~J lJlL) generally thit ids STOCK OK SPUING AND SUMMEtt GOODS it now very complete, mid well caleulnted to give satisfaction, both as to price and quality. The Bthck consists in part as follow* via.: Challe anil English U. regee ; l'aria Plaids ; ! Himalayan Colored Lawn*; Priuled Uua- | llna ; Spring Print* ; Alnpneaa ; English ami 1 Italian Crapes; Corded, Dotted and Plaiil 8wi*s ; Jaconet; Mull nnd Nainsook Mus11 na; White nnd Colored Brilliant*; White nnd Colored Tarllona ; Linen Cambrics nnil Lawns; Edging* and Inserting*; Thread Laces nud Imitations of satne; Silk, Cotton and Worsted Tracing Braids; Trimming nnd Bonnet Ilihbons ; Brashes; Combs; Collars; Cravats; Belts; Beltings; Bleach, ed and Brown Table Damask; Sheetings nnd Pillow Casings; Toilet Towels; Doylies ; Linen and Cotton Diapers; Longcfolhs; Ladies and Misses Hose; Gents and Boys half lloee ; Farmers Drills ; Brown Linens ; Castiroeres; Tweeds; Jeans; Shoes; lists; Summer Clothing ; Ilem-StitchoJ, Embroidered nnd Mourning Handkerchiefs; Gloves; Cologne nnd Extract* ; Castile nnd Toilet 8onp* ; and other articlo* too numerous to mention. Call and examine for yourselve?no charge made for looking. April 18 47 tf ~TAILO KINOT W M. W HIS N A N T Respectfully informs the public that hocontinucs to CUT and MAKEUP, in the most fashionable and approved styles, GENTLEMEN'S GARMENTS* lie may be found in the building on Mainstreet next door below McPherson's liukory. In the fiont store will be kept a supply ?f FAMILY GROCERIES, Snch na Sugar, Coffee, Ten, Spices, Soda, ?e., wnich are uttered at low prices lor Cash or Conn try Produce. April 18 47 tf ICE! ICE! ICE! AT 3 CTS PER POUND. CAN be lind at my Tec Tlonso every day from sunrise in tho morning, until 8 o'clock A. M., also from 5 o'clock till rundown, P. M. T. W. DAVIS, Mny 2 40 tf IF VOU WANT A THOROUGH NEWS PAPER, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE PHOENIX, DAILY nn.l tri weekly; or THE WEEKLY GLEANER, published every Wednesday, in Columbia, 8 C. The latest news, Foreign and Amerioan, besides a vast amount of miscellaneous reading, will he found in these publications.? The PHOENIX and GLEANER are the only papers in tho State, outside of Charleston, which pay for and rtgularly publish Trie graphic Intelligence! Every issue of the Daily contains fr-'in T?-n to Fourteen Columns of Reading Matter; the Tri Weekly fromTwenty to Twenty-Four, and the Weekly Forty-Eight Columns?making it tho Largest aud Cheapest Paper in tho South. Subscription reasonable. Specimens turn ished on application. An examination of their merits is solicited. Term* for Six Month* in advance: Daily Phoenix ?4 ; Tri-wcckly ; Weekly Gleaner ?IJ. Job Printing of all kinds, such as Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Cards, Bill-IIeads, Handbills. ns well as Printing in Colors promptly executed, and at such, prices ns will make it an inducement for persons to forward orders. Terms Cash. JULIAN A. SELBY. Pro'r. Columbia, S C., June 1. 2-tf STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In tho Court of Ordinary. nTT r? rctTAiii iun \r ? - l.i - * ? \.j111v i??iv m ihju xvi. uui^i^n, /\(niiu?irninr, applicant Josinh Greer, Joint Gioer, Moses Greer, and William Ward, and their heirs, whose names are tinknown, defendants?Citation for revitioti of Sale Hill and final settlement of A\tate. I t APPEARING that Josinh Greer, Joltn Greer, Moses Greer, and William Ward, and their heirs, reside beyond this Slate, it is ordered that they do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to bo holdeti at Greenville Court House, on Wednesday, the 20th day of June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to show cause, if any they can, why tho Sale Bill of the Estate of ELIZABETH SMITH, docensed, should not be revised, by introducing testimony for that purpose, to ascertain the true value oi the articles sold, and a final settlement of the said Estate bo made on that day; and on failure of parties to op ponr in person or by attorney, their consents will he taken as confessed, i Given under my hand, at Greenville Court House, this 20th day of March, A. I). 1807. 8. J. DOUTTIIT, O. O. D. Mnr 28 44 tf DEMOREST'8 MONTHLY MAGAZINE. ' TTNIVHRSALLY acknowledged th< \_j Model Parlor Magazine of America devoted to Oiiginal Htories. Poems, Sketch es. Architecture and Model Cottages, House hold Matters, Gems of Thought, Persona and Literary Gossip (including special do Krtments on Fashions) Instructions or salth, Gymnastic, Equestrian Exercises, Music, Amusements, etc.; all by the bos authors, and profusely and artistically il lustra ted with costly Kngrnvings (mil sir.-useful and reliable i*?lt?-rrs, Embroideries * Jewelrj', and a constant succession of nr tistic novelties, with other useful and cn tertaining literature. No person of refinement, oconomicn l housewife, ? r lady of taste, can n(Ibril to d( without the Model Monthly. Single copiei 30 cents; hnok numbers, as specimens, 1 cents; either mailed free. Yearly, $3. will a valuable premium ; two copies, $3.60 three copies, $7 60; five copies, $12, nrn splendid premiums for olubs at $3 enoli, wit the first premiums to each subscriber. AO dress. w. JENNINGS DEMOREST, No. 478 Broadway. New York. t Pemorest's Monthly and Young A metier together, $4, with the premiums for each. May 16 61 tf FLOUR! FLODRT i, TTTTRT reeeivod and for sale cheap, for th e) CASH, a lot of extra-lino Countr FLOUil. Corno <ju1$k, if you want good bii a cult. si PAVID A PTRADLEY. May 3 f'? Know Thy Lcstiny. MADAME E. F. TUOKHTOK, the grewt English AstrologDt, Clairvoyant ntf *y<*r metrician, who has astoulshed this eolantfle .J? classes of Iho Old World, hiu now looatOfher elf at lludson, N. Y. Madame Tktntoa jjgflH possesses such wonderful power* of sueastd fljH sight, as to enabto her to impart knowledge of rjflB the greatest importance to the single or tug' "^SWI rlcd of either sex. White In a state of traaee, sho delineates the very features of the p*rMS you are to marry, and by the aid of as iastro- jfl meat of Intenee power, known as the Pi/list otropo, guarantees to produoe a life-like pk< | tare ol tho future husband or wife of the op* plicant, togethor with date of marriage, peal* tion in lifo, loading traita of aharneter, A# This is no humbug, as thousands of testhao nials oan assort. 8ho will send wban desised a certified oertifioate, or written guarantee, that the picture Is what it purports to be. Bjr enclosing a small look of hair, and stating placo of birth, ago, disposition and complexion, and enclosing fifty ocnts and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will rooeive the picture and desired information by re tarn mall. All communications sacredly confidential. Address in confidence, Madams E. F. Thornton. P. 0. Box 223. lludson. N. X. May 23 62 It CRISPER COHA. Ob ah? was bonutiful and fair, WUh starry eyes, and radiant hair, Whoso curling tendrils soft, sntwinad, Enchained the very heart and mind. Crisper Comit, For Out ling tbu Hair of either Sex into Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or Heavy, Massive Carls. By using this artiole, Ladies sad QcnUomea can beautify themselves a thousand fold. It is tbo only article in the world that will oarl straight hair, and at the samo time give It a beautiful, glossy appenranco. The Crisper Coma uot only curls the hair, but invigorates, beautifies and clcansosit; is highly and delightfully perfumed, and is tho most complete nrticlo of the kind over offered to the American public. The Crisper Coma will be sent to any address, scaled and postpaid for $1. Address all orders to W. L. CLAKK A CO., Chomlsts, No. 3 West Fayotto Street, Syracuse, N. V. May 23 32 ly Roparator Capilli. Throw away your falso, yonr switches, your wig? Destructive of comfort, and not worth a flg: Come aged, como youthful, como ugly and fkir, And rejoice in your own luxuriant hair. RKPARATOR CAPILLI. For restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever causo It may havo fallen out) and forcing a growth of hair upon tho face, it has no equal. It will forco the beard to grow upon tho sinoothost face in from five to eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to throa months. A few ignorant practitionors havo asserted that thoro is nothing that will force or hasten tho growth of tho hair or beard. Tboir assertions aro falso, as thousands of living witnesses (from their own experience) can hear witness. But many will say, how are wo to distinguish the genuine from the spurious ? It certainly fs difficult, as nlnetcnths of the different preparations advertised for Ilio luiir and heard aro ontiralv werthlnmt ami you may bavo already thrown away large amounts in their purchase. To such we would say, try tho Repnrator Cnpilli; It will cost you nothing unless it fully comes up to our represontations. If your druggist duos not keep it, send us ono dollar and wo will forward it, post* paid, togothor with a receipt for tho money, which will be returned you on application, provided entire satisfaction is not given. Address, W. L. CLARK A CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. May 23 62 |ly "Wonderful but True. MADAME REMINGTON, the world-renowned Astrologist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a clairvoyant state, delineates tho very features of tho person you are to marry, and by tho aid of an instrument of intense power, known as tho l'sychomotropc, guarantees to produco a perfect and life-like pieturo of tho future husband or wifo of tbo applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, loading traits of chnractcr, Ac. This is no imposition, as testimonials without number can assert, By stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stomped envelope ad1 drcssod to yourself, you will receive the pieturo by jrcturn mail, together with desired Information. , f Address in confidence, M.vnAME Gkr* thude Uemisoton, P. 0. Box 207, West Troy, L N. Y. May 23 62 ly I ' There cometh glad tidings of joy to all. To young and to old, to great and to small; The beau'y which onco was so precious nnd rare, Ie free for nil and nil may be fair. . BY TIIE U3E OF ; CHASTELLAR'S : WHITE LIQUID ! ENAMEL, ) For improving apd Beautifying tbe Com* , phxion. 1 The most valuable nnd perfect preparation in urn for giving the skin a beautiful ) ncarl-likn tint, tl??t is only found in yonth. ( It quickly removrsTan, Freckles, Pimples, Blotches, Moth Patches, Sallow nee*, Eruptions, nnd all impurities of the skin, kindly healing the same leaving the skin white ] nnd clear ns nisi aster. Its use can not he a detected by the ch aeet scrutiny, and being i, n vegetable preparation is perfectly hartn0 less. It is the ov'v article of the kind nsed fi hy the Fren?h r. d is considered by the ; Parisian ?s indie) . salde to a perfeet toilet, rl Upwarda of #0,uu0 hop It s were sold during h the past year, a sufficient guarantee of its |. eflieacy. Price only 75 cents. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of an order, by JlliiiU B.K, ttllUl lis ? U).( UnCITlKM, 285 River St., Troy, N. Y. it May 23 62 ly G. F. TOWNE8, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AHD SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. y d \FFICE at the srnuo building adjoining s- | \ t New Court House, formerly necupM by Townes A CAMruri.r., bof< ro dissolution of I tlio firm. 1 flroonviltc. P. C, .T?in 31 ."J