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Hf i i -~ ,1 ? -- tSroft."?In nn I, district, sol many flj P^n Francisco, resides a city, acquaintances occhm^^HKbiiq in bis country qnar HH^HBA ttii society,, and, when HBBHHHHfXaessioN, a troeting oxctu 1n his company.? thrift or-fom good and ? ? iruti nrao agreed to pay the judge a sis ^U. They ariived at tiie town late in the'aherijdon, and one'df the number, a careful, and provident soul, immyttf ately set himself to work to prodnre a lot of. earth worms fur bait, tnlen I ing to start with - the judge after mount^n trop^ew^-dff the oaoroivgt Tbe bait hunter, whom we may call Smith, ovkrsTept himself, snd wlieu lie awoke be found thai (be judge t??* on the bench at the court house, and a trial far a capital offence about to proceed. Late as it era*, Smith had no idea of giving up the excursion, aftd'-"W1 wfefttMo'tlfe ?o*m-house, and worked hi? way to the place where the judge oat, .looking ititent on the serious business before him ? Oet^iug. as close as b?. could, he said. In a pig's whimper. " J udge, them worms *11 spoil 1" j Such an important consequence of his holding court bad not oocurred to the judge, but now the'fact broke on his mind whli (toll forcn. I " Sheriff," said he, promptly, M ad journ the court." "The court wrs adjourned, the prisoner remanded, and the- jolly party, the judge being one, had a three days excursion. When they returned the court was convened, the trial pro eeded, and the man was convicted and sentenced to be hanged. Joktka in Sobool.?Mr. Moody, of the Winlhrop Gazette who ha* had some pedagogical experience, tells the following good joke of himself: Wo once haa a pupil who would not study, but who was a keen, quick wilted, perfect clown. We one day saw him busily engaged with his late. Accidentally pas>ing near his desk, we discovered on his slate a caricature of somebody. We cared Tlrtf Klntv f.\* (Ka rvi^l 11 ro Kut tvtsliinrr ?y b ? v? bim to know we bud seen tt, we tid, ** George." lie looked up end drawled out, "What!" "Were you looking in the glass when you drew that !" M No," said he, " I was look Ing at jou." It is dangerous joking with clowns or fools. Once we est one of the latter class to work in our garden, and suspecting he would " nurse the hoo handle" as soon as we were out of sight, we stole upon him unawares after half an hour. lie stood with his right hand poised over a large musquito that was drawing the foolish blood from bis left arin. Stepping up behind him, we gave him a quick slap on the shoulder, and said, brisk'}*, " Work away 1 mosquitoes never bite a fool." The surprise ha-t ened the fatal catastrophe to pooi 'skeeter : atul as fool rai-ed the trap to see the result, one eye looking ai the bloOdy blotch on his artii and ?h? other askew at us, he said, with very leisurely emphasis/ M Hain't rou glad orn't!"? Waterville Mail. Advantaoks or Latin.? A ve>y food member of the General Assern ly of Ilhodo Island once moved to translate all the Latin phrases in the statute so that the common people could understand thetn. The exquisite /_il_ ?t. lunjr ui ?ii a measure was Dv no means obvious to the great body of the Assembly. It was quite as likely to pass as not. A good solid argument against it would probably have carried it through. The late VIi. Op dike took the grodnd that it was no advantage to have (lie people under atand the laws. They were not afraid of ant thing which they understood.? It was these Latin words that they are afraid of. Mr. Speaker, there was a man in South King-down about twenty years ago, a perfect nuisance, and nobody knew how to get rid of him. One . day he was hoeing corn and he savi the sheriff coming with a paper, and he asked what it was. Now if he bad told him it was a writ, what would he have cared f Hut he told him it was a capiat ad satitfaciendum and the man dropped his hoe and run, and has not been heard of since. Nor has the proposition to translate the Latin words in the statutes. Aw IIowebt A.nswkh.?Recently a clergyman was preaching in Belfast, when a young man in the congrega tion, getting weary uf the sermon, looked At hi* watch. Juat. as he w?. in the net of examining his time piece for the fourth or fifth lime, the pastor, i with gren' earnestness, whs urging the truth upon the consciousness of hi* i hearers. " Young man." said he, "how i is it with .you f* Whereupon th?VOling man with the gold repeater bawled out, in hearing of nearly the whole congregation, * A quarter pa-t i eight." As may be supposed, the g-av itv of the assembly was much dislu.b- < #d for a time. < Wuim.? An elderly Pennsylvania I woman, with her daughter looking a' the marble aiatue of (tirard in the eollege building ibe other day. Msrtlyrj '< many of the bystanders by exclaiming I in a lond ?oir-e : ** i.a t Rally, bow white he was. ' | II lf?8M A ckrtaj* .minuter had Drprpfajkf ( a little bof ^ hit^r.hbftfd iK company HW ro iWevfolR>wing \ Sabbath. Tho Ihtln follow, although not quite mill old enoujW to Venterfibei* the promise. Uutje^en church time came it.bap pened that he wa* faat asleep, and bU pareuu want away leaving him in bad' Some time after be awoke, anJ calling to ItU ntiad the promise given him lie hnriied down amirs only to find "his father and iftbtber gone. De let mined not tq be fnutfaitNl in this ipauner, Jtef T his wav ipio the >treet. and crossing to where the church stood, entered the opened door. Tile i minister at that iboinent wa? commencing his sercnon. Fixing his evea noon mis father, the lift Id fellow wadilh'd np Hie aisle, 'In lii? night ci ?nies unin uirecuy opposite tne p'ii- |i pit, when lie halted, and faulting up l? at .liin). called out: " I des yuu fordot .net*' ' I Ribbing.?Jo?h Hilling saya there is " one cold, blue, lean kiss, that *U ways makes hiti|, skiver to see. #* Two persons (ov the femail persuasion) who liave wit nest a greao many and voting er and more pulpy daze, meat in some public place, and not having saw each other for twenty-fotir hours, tha fci?* iramegiatelv?then tha tork about (he weather and the younfc man who preached yesterday, and then tha kis* iinroegiatelv, and theu tha Idush and larf at what they say to ea?lt othoy, and (hen kiss again immcgiately. This kind of kissing olwas put mo in mind ov tew old flints trieing to strike fire." Ah editor out west has married a girl named Church. lie says lie has enjoyed more happiness since be lias joined the Chnfch than he ever did in bis life before. A Mobilk paper invites " Yankees" to come South and "settle down," to which some of our New York mer chants respond by inviting Southerners to North and " scute up." The Lady and the Robber. In h large, loue Jiou*e. situated in the south of England, there once lived a lady and her two tuaid servants. They were far away from any human liahiia lion, but they seemed to have felt no fear, and to have dwelt there peacefully and happily. It was the lady's custom to go round the house with her maids every evening, to see that all the win* I ....nnaiKi uuuis wore properly secured. One night, she had accompanied them as usual, and ascertained that all was safe. They lef her in the p???nge, dose to her room, and tlieii went to their own. w I licit wa- q*tite at tlio other side of ihe hoti'H At <lie holy opened her door, she (i'-1iix tI\ taw a man underneath her bet! What' conhl dm do ! Her servants were far away, and could not hear he: if site scieamed for help; and even if they had en ma 'o her assistance those three we >k women were no match for a despera e hoiis*-hre:.k>-r. How, then, did ?h? act f She i rusted in trod Q lie lv she el ?sed ihe door, and locked it on tlm inside, which 'he was nlwa\s in the habit of doing. She then leisurely bin-lied her hair, and, putting on her droving gown. elm took her llihle and sat down to read She | rend a odd. and chose a chapter which had especial reference to God's watchfulness over lis, and cons>*nf care of lis by night and by rlav. When it was finished, rhe knelt and prated at great length, still utteiing Iter wools aloud, particular!) commending her-elf and servants to pro'?*cti'>n~. and <1 ?* *-lI j 'n{? "p"" their utter helplessness and 1 dependence upon him to preserve thein from all danger*. At Inst she arose from her knee*, put out her candle, and lay down in bed ; but she did not sleep. Afier a few min tiles had elapsed, she wat conscious the man was standing by her l>ed side. 11.- . addressed her, and told her not to be ! alarmed. " I came here,*' said he, " lo roh you, I but after the words you have read, and i the prayer you have uttered, no.power j on earth could induce me to hnrt you, : or to touch a thing in your house. Hut i you most remain perfectly quiet, and not attempt to interfere with rue. I chad now give a signal lo my cotnpan ions, which they will understand, and then they will go awav, and you may sleep in peace, for I give you rav sol inn word that no one shall harm you. and not the smallest thing belonging to you shall be disturbed." lie then went ?o the window, opener* it, and whistled softly, lieturning to the lady's side, who bad not spoken or moved, he said : " Now I am going. Yottr prayer has been heard, and no disaster will tw.f.*ii you." He left the room, and soon nil wh? , quiet, and (lie lady fell asleep, ?-t i 11 up i held by that calm and beautiful faith and trust. , When- the morning dawned, and aire , awoke, we inavfee! sure that she poured ! , nut her l)iatik"giv ing* and prai?e to iliur , who had " defended " her under ' IJi* j, wing*." and kept " her " cafe under J i Hi* fet'lie 'ha' 'he was not afraid 1 r?f hi*- terror hi idol it. The man p. . 1 true lo l?la word. I , and not a thing in her l>t?u?e ??' taken. | i 0, all -ill we no; hope In* heart wa> i changed foiui that day fori It, and that | ' lie for.?|i 'k !.is > il i'mii-c, alid c*ri--?l lo , that Soil, " wli i apie u> seek and ! < Lo savy ijial wli i,h was lo*l," and v?*n .it the eioa*, did not njeut (h* p.*niieni thirf! t : ?-e* * From tlii* trite storv let ti leani to ( put oar who1* trust ami cont'dence in i ^1 JJ11LJW i IITIIII Qo4?'* *Ih\\ lady's courege ?w indaed wonderful, but ike Lord was her de* Fence upon ber right bund," end with Him nil things Are possible. ,? ? . , [Monthly Packet J or October. We have received nn extract frotrf a letter fully corroborating 1Ike remarkable anecdote of- " I'Tie'JLady and the Riibber," in qur October' number, and adding some facia that enhanced the wonder and mercy of ber escape. We quote the word* of the letter : 4 In the first place, the robber told bar if she bad given the slightest alarm and token of resiatanoe, be was fullv de termined to murder her ; so that it was really Ood's good guidance that told her to follow the course she did. Then, before lie went awav. be said : 4 J never heard such words before: I must bare the4book sfiii luid out tfand .an i.-.l off ber Dible, willingly enough given, you inay be sure. Tliia happened many years ago. and only comparatively recently did the lady hear any mo $f>f\ him. She was attending a tujigiou* meeting in Yorkshire, where, after *ev ! eral noted clergymen and others had 1 spoken, a man arose, staling he was 1 employed as one of the book haw kern of j ,i... i ...i.I .?.! .? ? .L- I fcinr nuviCl> , Willi 1U?U ilif MV? V Ul IIIW midnight adventure, as ? testimony to | the wondeiful pow?*t of the word of 0??1. lie concluded with : 4 I am that | man.' The lady arose frmn her seat ii> j the hall, ami said quietly. 4 It is mII quite true; I am the lady,' and sat <lown agiin."?'Monthly Packet for December. Important Meeting in Mobile. The Mobile Advertiser and Itegisief. of Saturday, contains the particular* of a large meeting of the coloted people ot thai city, held on the previous evening. A eerie* of excellent resolutions was adopted ; among them were the t?o fol lowing : Resolved, That we shall so demean ourselvos as a people that it shall not he | our fault if, pending the efforts at reconstruction under existing laws, the civil officers of lho State are di&tuibed in the exercise of their public functions. Resolved. That we find nothing in the changed political condition of the white and black races in the South that ought to disturb the harmonious rein lions between lhem ; that we are r.*ndv to accord to the latter every tiglt and privilege ip which they are entitled on der the laws of the land ; that we sin cerely desire their prosperity and their improvement in all the moral and intellectual qualities that a>e necessary to make thorn iwfnl inemln'r- of society ; that we are their friends. both fr.nn g'ft.itude for their fideliiv in the past ? Ill ?Y,tr ii* Wi ll a* III pcaCU -rami la'CH'l*.our in.ercsis in 11?< Imnre are itoepaial?ly connected with their well being. Commenting on ilie proceeding* of the meeting, the Adcerti*er ?av? : Last night w.n? a success crowning all the hopes and wishes of the p.? liotic ci.iz'-ns who iitangurated it. The moial taught hv it was. that the citizens of Mobile, without distinction of tace. me prepared to meet squarely in the face the dispensations of Providence, and the decrees of war and political necessity iti the present emergency. It was a withering rehuke to the scoundrels who are aiming, hy wicked agitation, to add I the c dainiii** of the Smith, to deepen the gloom of the inevitable present with the liorors of intestine and dome* tic si life, and hv marshalling in loxtile , aray different ela?>es of the counnunitv, win*, forced hv the inarch of events to live together, are counselled l?v eveiv consideration of polict, hnin-inily, political and social interest. io dwell to gmher in peace for the common g.?<>(i (i taught that Alahainiaii* should nuoe ! together 10 control the tl?->iii i of Ala , bamn. and thai r broad de-iincnm 1 should be drawn between the men <d j Northern birth ulto come here in go?a| faith, to lake their |>hii ami lot in <?nr political deslini?*?. and the prophet-.ol evil who come. like (he intruder in'o the I domestic circle, to |iii< a?un ei tli^cf | whom the decree* of G?mI ami * he d?? , limes of fortune have j dried fjr,.tlc r. The latter, as one Colored speaker re marked, are serpents, who should be ' watched, inatkcd. scotclwd ami trampled ujKin. We have taken a new de part tire ami a hold, forward ami gigantic step 'oward lire realization of the duties of the hour. ' (ilorv be to God on | high ; and on earth, peace, good will to lit '! ?; * ' icii i i in* m miihI linn meeting : teaches, and hencforth, let .Sun Item men black and white, take care of I hemselve*. and spit in rcirn and contempt, upon all intetmeddlers wh . seek their own vile advancement by trafficking 'n bad blood between litem. [Correspondence of the Courier.] Fluto Cointt, Ga , April, I8fl7. If ther? is on? thing sorer than another ' which denntid* the earnest conn deration and CO" potation of the people of lh? , South a? this time?one duty which ia paramount to nil others?It ia the effort to make ouraelve# ? ? !' rust lining people; to manufacture our own goods, nnd w-nr them; to tan 6nr own leather, m ike our own shoe* ; to establish fuetoriea nod foiin ' Iric, and'potteries, cabinet makers' shop*, snd coopers' and tin shops, tailoring and millinery establishments; in short, th-r# fa room for every aperies of handicraft. I knot* the answer to this will he, wo need money to do all these things, mid we have j it not?we are an impoverished people.? ' That this involve* ua in serious difficult!. a, ! [ am free to admit; hut thcaa difficult tea ; S'Mild bo overcome, if there was not on* ; >'her want, more powe ful than ih? want ?f nionoy, and that is, want of pstrona;??. If the wind? people would unit? fri ex-, .ending n liberal and generous aid to those i/ o'ir own pfopU who arc struggling t? e#; ah.ish in o?r nbd?t the necessary wo> khops for the supply of our wanU^ the/ 1 could aeon he established on a fun. ba?ia ] nfW? DAVID & STEAD LEY, ? FORWARDING AND C0MMI8SIQN . M ERCHANTS, AWfr ' I Dealers in Groceries and Provisions PKNDLBTON STREET, . * t jf-i? M * ' I -| * * NEAR THE DEPOT. Mar 14 4S If CHEAP FOR 0ASH1 AT T. B ROBERTS' BRICK STORE IH llAVKnn li .11.1. Iin.l rIihII 1.0 r.c iv ii.ic |?rrj ??" w tn inv at el, tlic fnllnwiiilt'iOl'I'S, * i'.: | La.lieV, G?ji.?It'iii. iiV Mlis.V, and Children' Shoe LV.'ETS. -md cotton No'** ami l f?t. . PA PI R. fine Fin- While ENVI LOPES COFFBK, Sl.4. AU, IB A. SO!?A PEPPER. HPirR. dSQKU COPPERAS. EPSAM -ALTS TOBAC' O. CORN. BACON Venison IIAAI-S, Ess. Coffc* Fin.- PIG A US, HUI'IONt, HOOKS nt.d EYES Ilnir TINS Seed Irish POTATOES, APPLE* <'iriToN YAliN In n IVw ?lny* I slind lie ripfivinu additions '<? my pr-s-nt. Stock. IVinoii? w gli n g n-y 1'i- above m i ide*. will ilo well c.i11 Mini -xnniiiio livfiirr hut in/. f?r bargain oiii lie l><>uglU )?l ilii- plnco &r I will mlcr for O'hf. Bacon, Bui- I tor, Eggs. 1-ard, Ohick*r?s A*. R. U BURN. March 7lh, lH?i7. > 4l-tf Hotice. IS ln-reLy Riven that in fomreim person*. JL Mack in white, will In- permittid to ho interred in the giave yard near (ireenvill* Village known n* the negro burying glnUtid, li?W owned hv my self, and Olivers, by whom I nin authorised to ncl. j All person* are notified that in future they will not lio nllowoit. under th- penal ty of ihelaw, to enter upon, and go through, mv premise*, lying on Reedy River and Richland t'r-ek, n-nr (ireeniiile Village, for fishing, limiting, or nnv oth*r purpose, 1 have understood that pel son* have been purchasing fire soikI from certain nogroes and hauling it fr?vn b.nd* under mv charge. This is to notify them ami all oilier*. that I liavf no negro agent* for telling wood, and that in future if any persons |mivcnnw nn i nam woiin Icoin ftthl j IttnH, I will hold ill*in rerponrlhle n* ire* pra, unless they purchase the *atnef>om mc. For nny violation of the foregoing notice, I shall enforce the law. WM. CHOICE. Feh. 14 " 88 tf D l(. A NDE ii ^ O Jf RESI'ECrFl'T.T.V inform* the citizen* of Oroenviile and vicinity, thnt ?ineo the Ore bo has opened hi* OFFICE no*I door to hi* rc?idenoe, just in ?b<t rear of Jltori. David A Slradle.v, where ho it> prepnred to practice DENTAL SUItO KItY in hoth its branches, operative and mechanical. for the CASH only. Feb 14 '3d tf STATE OK SOL I II CAROLINA. ORlCEVVIM K lllBTKICT. u :& q \(j ii ze ?? . IiUl for Sal* of In pat/ Ihbtn, <{v ? .Iavk- 1' M aiitk, A-linini-irnt*-r vs Ar.vmivt.a T \Vk"tirit.i.n et nl. I fJAlIE ln||.>wii'|? |> It n'j'-nph tr.tlil the De*. crrtnl i irlci til Ci? n -ollor Johnson i? the n't 'Ve ens..- i* tlMtMie t t o tlic inform* | ii.ui of tioi-e i oi ?*? ?ai? i.. It iafimiiJr toro.fti tfi".. ! ition-r ot '.Iru' <* ' > tot t,U with pul>'i?i? u ] rnW, r(J'll'ilc 'f ' lit t! >N|?t 1) \\llm. W |v> ' F| T, * V. ;.<) * *e.(. tovoinej in wlfli'ii itiii iii i 11 "i iIn* | i liiMlion nf mi<l mi'"' * ti I . st .hi -!i lv |iiii|i<ii |iiiuit, III r Iinlilltf Mill lili'llnl ui *t|i'iv |?imn llftllllfl FHIil l| Cl*ea -eil. > .1 l?. Mill IRK. I' K. II. D l*o:iiii>i*-ioii?*i * Oiliti". S. pt. 24. I Niiii. Sep 27 17 tm Notes and Accounts of Brooks. Sctu<?g*& Qibioii. Ai-sigui d to Jos. S Brooks II \VK j'i<i riitriv^l f>r ''nllfdion 1 ili-ae Nol K"! ami ACCOUNTS. uini rf q o* t >>11 pei*a* ma ?iolel<le.l l<i tin* Firm, to cull, wit limit <lfl.iv, In mnlr Mll'rnwnll ami payment-. u. F. 'R)\V N I'ft. Attorn*) m. Low. i M ir.-li G il. ISfil. .. 41-tf Guardians Trustoos and Ilcceiv rs, VRF. IH'QUIICl l? to tii'ikr tli Si Return* lo Ilii- (ifTii-o liy lit- Jir*t ti'ii/ of Jutt* tifrt All fiulititr to in ik< tlii'ii return l>y that lime, will l>e rrpuMwl to I It-- Cmiri, J \S. P. MuOliE. t'. K, (I. I?. C<niimi-?ion< r'* Offiee, January 28. 1867 Jan 24 86 tf Dissolution* rilllK riltM of RAIcKSDALE, PERliT * A Co i* ili**olvnl Purlieu to wlioin i|i?> rniio- i- ImlrhteH, will preaenl tneir Claims at the Factory, or In roe at Oiceu ville.8. C W M. THOMAS. January 7, 1867. Jan l* 85 If WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DAHLONfcGA, GA, WILL practice in the Counties of Lump I kin Dawson, Gilmer, Fannin, Union, Towns, White and Hall. i Jan 10 33 if | LAW OARI). COODLETT & THOMAS, Attorneys at Law, AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITf, HAVK this <i?y funned i* I'npsrLntr J ship in 11?? |MHCtl?*?" l,AW ami ( EQtfl'l\ on ihe W'mu-i-M i n cult i (Ulifciu the oli! Court Hi-u > ' a. P. oo 'Pl.l.tT. WM. m tiiom ?e. , i>?? iO , f, r ; , * ? i *tf | AAA A MnNTFI:?X'.r.VT ">' ?< '?* i ffli/V ?iif eotli.ctj n ?,? '. . ?. j. ? AJ-ifi'S" ) l\ y<\ i(Y., ,|f c limn,ii.(r, IL Mi-f.r.I, M.-. Way Tt V ?i ' -,ly as J. general swck o j iBoiiPMB Which I am offering at the mBHpnMB the timet by receiving aT1 of the wMH*31 NEW P ir Bl| And being mindful of the scarcity of men a? ihe anine article* can be had la Colui Charleetoo. SCHOOL 1 r??|>eoMuHy invite the attention of T? ni? nt of SCHOOL BOOKS, by the beet and will be found all of the TEXT BOOKS, EI> GAL wanted in any School or College* i -JJ " ' U MI8CB3 I have a well-selected Stock of UfrCS be found a variety of Saorcd MUSIC, for th ELS. Standard WORKS, HISTORIES, Chil : -K- CTJ a "? n ? U ^ 0 u % I keep PAPER of every style and > Letter; from Billet Doux to the broad Eqi IhUk, Blotters, Rulers. Playing Card*, and < rlieae articles In large quantities for cash, ai the loweat prices. BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINI V A H Q Y A : I have a beautiful-lot of FANCY Alt'! lios, \V?>rlc Boxes, Draft-boards, umhCh ear and Photograph Albums. PERIOD I nm selling the beet Weekly and Meu advance of the mail*. mm mjr a I hnve just opened a lot of New SO.S be sold at jjablither* price*. O H.J) 1 I will ORl>F.R any BOOKS or Plc? very small advance on original cost * C t ft CI) LA T H I titer Court week,' 1 will arrange to 1? small cost , and lake them hnrk uniiff tired, at small expense, to read all the late Novi them would cost quite a nun. Come to the UO( >K STORE and look, t Greenville, 8. C , Mareli 21, 18fl7. mmm hotel. PASSENGERS .. j y A RRTVIXO IX COLUMBIA OX T7TE . . '< DIFFERENT RAILROADS WILL FIND Omnibuses, Cariiages A3fD , - , LtT - 4% Bn^agc Waffon*, In RfiidlumtoCarry Ihciulo nml front III* FREE OF CHARGE. Iit*pon?iUe pertoH* in attendance to re ertir (Jhrtkt atid linggage. T. S. NKCKEBMOil, Proprietor. Ann 2S 12; ;/ ? tf GREENVILLE & COLUMBIA R. R. GKVL SUPERINTENDS OFFICE. ) C?'H MniA, Sept. 12. 1866. J ON And nrt?r MONDAY i.ex?, 17th Inst, 11?? PuprngfrTraini wll! run daily, ( - iin lny* excepted ) "? ?1 further notice. as ('iitowj: Leve Columbia at. 7 16 a. m. LiiTf Alston ?t ............9 i<6 a in. l.e.ive Newberry at 10 85 a. in. Arrive at Ottidilli at X.13 p. m. Arrive at. Anderson at 6 10 p m Arrive at Greenville at 6.40 p. ni. L*ave Greenville at 6.00 a. m. Leave >. ( d-rauii a' .6.30 a. m. Leive Abbeville at .8 35 a. m. Leave Newberry at 1.20 p in. A'rive at Alston at. 2 45 p. m. Arrive at Columbia at 4 40 p m. Sept. 21. 1866. 46 - if . TO TUK PUBLIC. The Pavilion Hotel, CHARLESTON', s. O., So LONG and al?lv eona .^al ^ v msTW^L.- . \ ducted l.y il>*< I tie II L. |;}>0 BU'lTKKi'IELD. will ciii| 1 fflftiBW ! kept open lot tlio IKTUIII nxximton <51i he trnvclli ur 1?* And ll* lormer friend* nml p?t<nr.? will find lli?usual accommodation* (ind ni i < tit ion* Im slowed on theni a* formerly. and the public fivois, Hlr-ndv ?<> Well <'*| iiil1?ll?'d aaTIIE Hotelofili. tii wbliwi merchants of the South, will, by earnest effort*, be faithfully preserved. Oct 26 22 If mills house./ , Corner of Meeting and Queen Streets. CHARLESTON, S. C. J /L^ykr^I TIIH* well known FIRST CLASS HOTEL I. a* ju.t ILdAniiiB*. been thoroughly repaired, rellfed and re luruished, und is now reudy l< r j he accommodation of the travelling public, srhimo pair, mure I* r?)pectf>:1ly solicited. M< rcnant* \ .?itmg the city, are respectfully *. uritcd. Every accommodation wm! be oflbrrd them. Coach.* always in iVadinma l? entlvey pa?- * onger.i to and front the Hotel. I lie Hmpriftur promise* to do *11 in hi* pew- r r tor the comfort of hi* giie*t?. ' t . JOHfcPII yVRO?tLt Proprietor. r*b 31 * <t? ftohTs and inoat papular roLldU, CLMCAn^f|^H LLANEOUS WORK*. a diHVrewt denomination? ; ?hfe UtMt N9P-" '^IWB Jren'. STORY ROOKS. 4a, 4p-, 4a. ^5j J W E R Y; "* ilpgartt new atyle Veiling Cordw (* brty^ ad are prepared to oupply ?U deraaad***.' . :? a . ? - v * )S. STYLES AND QUALITIES. air a ? its. flCLES in my line, Wrltiny De^kr, rojt/o--, i??n. Also, tomb haiidtmne I'leturfe'FYame* <l ' ICAL8. thly l'viioiltcuU, an/1 alway* ha>* them in . J > i! il J'wU vtA *T SB * CS IGS.and loeltunvnial IMJSCF3* which wil .0 -A .A .A 5 R S. - . ;es of MUSIC wanted, and t?r*U *hnrge or > f>7T /il) laiiutibo -dT IG UHARf, ;V t my customer* have Huuks to read. for a Hy tli is means persons wiU he enabled, els, and other publication*; whilst to buy ind examine my Stock and pricea A. DACOK, Afetit. .i i ..?? 4S-4m ?' TWI)A VIS, WATCHMAKER, <&> WO^LO Re#t>ectnilly lnform the people of Greenville (f?' djSu aad the surrounding country, tjiat he has iiKaMaowKan From his OI.D STAND in ther Aetd* lett House, to a nttore CONVENIENT iuc, tkr?? doora North of tho Man slon House, next door to Pickle di Poor, on Main StfVet. where>jie la prepared tq do all work in his line of husinese, at bhorl notice, in a Workman like manner, and est 1 reasonable teriua. Aug SO IS t tf General Superintendent's Office, (TIAUl.OTTK A S. 6. RAILROAD. > Columbia, S. C.. March- 16, 1867. J T'lIF. SCIIKDULK of the TaSSEKGER [ I TRAINS over this Road is as follows: (ft * i" " * Leave Columbia at .3.86 a. m. Arrive at CharlotU at...?..... .9.6Q a. m. Leave Charlotte at A. 10 a m. Arrive at Columbia at. .'.IliC a. m. Cloee connection* are made at Cotantldo and Charlotte with the Mail Trains on the North Carolina and South Carolina UaU> roada . r THROUGH TICKETS are .old at Columbia t<? Richmond, Va., WHanington, t). C., Raltimore, Md? 1'hiladelphla, Pa., and Wear York City?giving choice of route* '? Portrmonth or Richmond?and bavgago checked. Ttcketa are a!eo a<>ld at Charlotte for Charleston and Augusta. An Accommodation Train, for freight and local paeaage. leaves Columbia at 7-a. m . on Tuesday*, Thursday* and Saturdays of each week, and Charlotte on the same ays and hour; arriving at Columbia lad Charlotte at 6 p. tn? " O. UOUKNIOHT. Superintendent. Mar 21 48 ? tf Schedule over South Carolina R. R (JKNEKAt HOPTH OFKft'K, ?* CnARi.b<ToN,S. C., March 11, 1867. J ON and aftertb? 18th inat ,'lh* Through MAlLTKAlN will ton a? follow*, vti.r Umt Columbia at 11 a m., Ch'a'n time Arrive Kingsville at *20 p. tn., *' n Leave Kingavllle At 1 85 p. m., " ** Arrive at Auguata at 2.00 p. m., * " raAAKNon TttAitt. Leave Charleston,. 8.00 a. to. A .rive at Columbia .I,W p. m. Leave Columbia, .6.50 a. ?n. Arrrhe at Charleston, 4 p.m. II. T. PEAKK, Oeo'l hup't. Mar 21 48 -If SHAVIKTCt 7 4X0 >/ fflASl BttflBHW. TTENHY (lANT, the Barber, continue* to XX BHAVK the face and DTtKBfl IIAIR aa formerly, at hia Old Stand, near Meaar*. PickLa A Tooa'a Shop, where he will be , . ... mo iikiki* Hliu PUClOlBCrt. tie ho|n k, by attention to buaineaa and |*olit?nea? to nil, to receive tbcf patronage of tbe plucec March 21- 43 ttf ... .? . ...I I m Notice.' WE reapootfnlly ifiri'.o *11 pnraona owing ii*. to come forward ud pay up., A word to the wise l? VntRcWnf^o tave Voatr.? We can ?>e found -at lira oM bttititt Hotel. Come aud acttle aoop, Of you wiU have eoato rajr' A. r. TAypgRumrr htty."* Jan 3. 82 tt Sullivan, Stokes 6c Stokes. OI*F.ENVII?JLE,?. Ce WILf, practice In I he Court* ot La* an<l Equity, Office on the Public *P1',r*- . 4 n, , All huafnea* Intfuated to their ear* ec^ive prompt attention. /'Biatta J"ii.N W. Siu**? EHWABO P. MTC.K**. July It 17