University of South Carolina Libraries
?u MI^^^HHUBMPfVlo member* BHHHHgHBBBK, Will h< detailed the colore j that opposite the reviewing H^HHS3KHpiit ground designated for ^^^PWUSHIKIthat every person in the pop oiiii hium me oolora dy lining on Arriving at th? point, thren from the oolorv, nnd, carrying ^V "W** apllftnd marching pant the colors, win the point three pneee dleUnt from the The Mayer *f the elty, the Chief of the Fine Depart an at and the Foremen of Corn, genita. vU* he held responsible for the observance of tkie order ; nod they are here by eethoriaed and requested to arreat any p ere an who disobeys it. Ten will take eueh measures aa you may ftad te be aeaeeeary to ea-Ure the execution ef this order. Very reepeetfully, (Signed) D B. SICKLES. Major-Oeneral Commanding. To Bvt. Brig. Qenl. H. B. Curs, U. S. A., Commanding Poet of Charleston, 8. C. OmotAL: J. W. Clone, Capt. S8lh Inft, - A. A. A. O. The Htnld Sensible. The following editorial from ibe Near York Herald is ?en?ible: It in always a delicate subject to ' touch the pressor deal arbitrarily with it in times of peace. It ia thus not perhaps quite free from danger for our military chiefs iu the Southern States to interfere erith it. Thus far they have done very well in the exercise of their new powers. General Sickiea especially | has acted with a good deal of judgment and wiadom in many tea peels, aU though we do not altogether like bia meddling in that flag bu?ineaa. It waa rather too small an affair, inasmuch as it waa a mare matter of taste. Different people like different flags in public prooeaaiona; some affect red, some bleak, some blue, some mottled and K>ma striped. Teste in banners and standard#, like costumes, is o( the medley order. For instaaee, tba Moslems OH certain occasions carry a burse's Ufll. Occasionally wa find a pair of unmentionables preferred. A woman's '' rights procession might most appropriately adopt a petticoat for the device on their standard. Gesslet.ihe tyrant of Switaarland, insisted upon the people a bowing down to bis cap It is always better to leave these things to shape themselves. General Schofield, commanding Vir. gioia, who is a vary able man, and has n good deal of sense, baa, we pereeive, got into collision with tb# Richmond press. If be would leave the press to oorrect the press, he would save himself a vast deal ol trouble. The 1 -or? ? - ' m*i mu uiu? tukiitd sub war to iIOOIish or violent article in a newspaper is a squib from another paper. It is too paltry a business for a distinguished general to try to conduct any paper.? The more violent a journal is, the more certain and speedy the reaction. During the war t&e Richmond papers were full of the grossest abuse of Abraham Lincoln, ** the Yankees," end so forth. When we got a batch of them we always.published the most violent of their articles, and bad a good laugh at them for the next two daya. We aever got -angry. Wa took their at* tacks in the best of bumor. Therefore we advise our military chieftetoa in lbs South? General# Sickles, Schofieid, Pope and the real?not to meddle with the press. Let the bad taste of one paper be corrected by the good taste ol another. They will find this much the best course in the end. Tna British iron-clads don't prove sq terrible after all. Those of one class are so utterly uoseaworthy and periloui that crews refuse in urs. in iK.m .nJ the Lord Clyde end the Bellnrophon two of the latest tAiili, roll no in the sei that they cannot Are. They can only Cirry four or fire days' fuel. T?? Accidental Insurance Company of Loe^Hteve refused to pay the pol icy of Mr. Parkin Jeffoock, who met hit death in the endeavor to nave the lir? of hia raen at the Oaks Colliery dixasler on the ground that they did not inauri against accidents voluntarily incurred A WOT fainted a fear daya since if the ears. A medical gentleman prceen who went to her relief, exclaimed, " ha eey gentleman got e flask of whisks1 r brandy f" Or dr thirty poekat-pinol ttaabad in ihn air atonca. A Ma. Lacaon, of Montreal, baa aid* aadil of a rtaaia vaaacl which oan maka apaad of farty-flr# ta aiaty mllea an boar. Moau-a May 7. leltt of notion 760 baiaw?qaiat an iM| artMltaga MA Kwcaipu ??7. Kawannah, May 7. Oatlaa 4aN and nominal, at t4. dab aahapartaat. RooelpU 160 hatwa. OaAttunm, May 7. Cotton baa <1-cllood i a 1 aaol; aab 100 baUa; middling* 16. ' , AoauaTA. May 7. Cotton dlMl. with aalea of 170 halaa iJOHaga aataiaally It Ureal pta 11 bal? HHpHH|PS? '$* &'?> ?~ oqbvo* j*Tt> HBPPIP^vHHNp 1,8 00; Vton' HH^m^dpironi $40 to $10$; Lord* Syrup, ft (oltott, towgMittfeMK# ft S51 Rico, ft R?, 11 c?nU? H^I^pP $>, 10 @ $1. IRbBNVILLE PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED WlltLT, ?T GRADY, FERGUSON & MILLER, MERCHANTS. 0RKBNV1LLE, 8. C., MAT 8, 188T. APPLES, y bwhcl, Dried, $1 00 naDi, cd, ireen, according to cut, 8 (a) 12 ?. BACON, ? B> _ 14 @ I# e. BALM ROPE, ft lb M o. BLUB 3TONB, ft lb - 20 e. BAOQINO, tlnnnj, ft yd, ........ 45 e. BUTTER, W ft, 20 @ 25 c. BEESWAX, Y lb, 20 e. BRANDY. V gallon, Peach, >4 00 CHICKEN8, ? head, 20 @ 25 e. COTTON, ft, 18 ? COFFEE, $ 1b, Rio, 88 c. m ? ? Java, 80 e. CORN, tt bushel, $ 1 55 @ $1 CO CANDLES, ft lb, Adamantine...... 40 e. " m ? Sperm,.,, 50 e. - - - Tallow 80 e. COPPERAS, ft ft, English, 10 c. EGGS, R dnsen, 15 e. FLOUR, 18 barrel, $16 00 $18 00 GOLD,.. $1 30 OINOER, ? lb, .. 50 e. IRON, tt ft, 8Weed, 124 c. u * " Ooantry, 8 e. " " " Horse Shoe,.. 10 e. INDIGO, ? lb, South Carolina,.. $2 00 44 " " Spanish Float, 2 25 LUMBER, IB 100 feet, Pino,...81 75 @ $2 00 LEAD, ? lb, 20 c. LEATHER, ft lb, 8ole, 50 c. " " Upper, 60@.T8c. MADDER, m lb, .. 25 c. MOLASSES, V gallon, West India, $1 00 NAILS, lb, Parker Mill, 124 ? ? ? " Horse, 50 ?. OATS, $ bushel ....90 c. (a) $1 00 PEAS, ' " $1 50 PORK, ft ft, net, 10 c. PQWDER, tt ft 75 c. PEPPER, lb, Black 50 e. I PEACH E8, V bushel, Dried $2 00 POTATOES, ^ bushel, Irish .. $1 00 I , " *4 u Sweet,.. none. RICE, ft 15 e. STEAL, V ?>. Caet,.M 86 c. SALT, |l sack, Liverpool, $4 26 - " bushel, " .. 1 25 SUGAR, $1 lb, Brown, 10 @ 20 e. " * " Clarified, .. 25 e. SHOT, 1b 20 c. SODA, ? ft, 20 c. STARCH, ? lb, 20 e. SPICE, ijft ft so e SHIRTING, J, yd IS e. TURK IBS, ? head, 76 e. to ftl 00 TOBACCO, Manufactured, 1ft lb, 60 c. to $1 00 TALLOW, *1 lb 15 e. TEA, ^ lb, Gunpowder.. ....$2 26 " " M Hyson 2 25 " ? " Black $2 00 to ?2 50 WHEAT, ? bushel, $3 00 WHISKY, & gallon *3 00 YARN, Jft bunch, Factory, $2 60 Bellgloua Services, Sunday, May 13. Baptist Church, 11, A. II., Iter. Prof. P. C. Edwards. Methodist Church, 11, A. M., Rev. J. W. Humbert. Episcopal Church, 11, A. M., and 3, P. M. Rev. Ellison Ctriss. Presbyterian Church, 11, A. M., and i, P. M., Dr. Bcist. Furman University. ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION of the ADKLPHIAN SOCIETY, at 'the Court House, Wtdnetday Evening; May 15fA 1807. Orator?MELVILLE DOZIEK. The public are invited to attend. J AS. P. ALLEN, Secretary. May 9 SO 1 IN MEMORIAM. SHOULD arrowing heart* withhold affection'* offering to departed worth t Simple, but ineere, is the tribute whieh we offer to the memory of our kind and faithful physician and friend, Dr. M. B. Earls, whose useful life was suddenly terminated on Saturday evening, May 4th. Were it possible, we would record every excellence in his character j but that we leave for those whose ability, and long intimacy with him, entitle them to assume such a privilege ; and to us it seems that the grief of meoy hearts best tells what he was. Our words eannot express our appreciation of his skill and kindness. It was in the sick room wo knew him best j there we proved his qualities as a physician and friend, and 'tis there we shall most folly and sadly realise onr great loss. Dear departed friend ! we have looked for the last time into your kind, pitying eyes, where teart 1 wbre wont to gather in sympathy for suffering; we have felt for the last time the pressure ol your toft hands upon our throbbing pulses > we have received for the last time the reliel we always experienced from yonr skillful min I lauiunua | WW U?TC umou OUT HO ItnWIll O | your calm fate, upon which wu ttampec ( Death'a icy aignet; but we will never forge l you?will never ceaae to miai you, when miter , ing we need aid?and often, a? memory recall your image, will Sorrow'! tear expfeaa you worth. To-day, we join in ipirit the mournini ' orphan! and frienda wbo follow you to you laat reeling place. Sadly would we plant abov l your head an evergreen, memorial of on i frien<lahip; deprived of that privilege, w , will (brine your memory in our bearti. I " Told hit pale baada o'er bia bread, Lay him aoflly down to root? 0 I gently place the flowery aod I And leave hia body to the duat, Hit apirit to hia Qod." ? Monday, May 0, 1807. To Publisher* of Hewspapera. A PRINTER witheo to obtain a tltnatioi 1V in some country printing nfllee, a OOMPO.SITOR, or would b? willing t * nteke hlmaelf generally naeful, by workini Pre**, Ac. He can give good reference) He would accept a ait nation In a rata! tore CLFKK. Addreee " Mcare e Enterprise, tlraeuvillo, 8. C. d May # 60 1 Hou ? to Rent * jyWt^X THE HOU8R AND LO near the Railroad Dero WnSBmmS^ formerly known ae the Hat M rieon H?uee, within an eaaj dietance of th bueiaeaa part of the Town. For price an ether particulars, apply to the enheeriber. GEORGE UKLDMANN. a May 9 AC . 1 pWnsmtthino: m*h* wbMrib?r U prepared to do all r?l^ kinds oT GUNSMITHING. ! He will REPAIR everj atria ill ilze of FIREARMS, end will make new "work throughout) upon order. Hie terms will be reaeoaable and to enlt the times Bring along your work, aad It will be despatched promptly. His 8hop ie at WESTFI ELD'S old stand, I near Mesere. Gower, Cox. Markley A Co. W. H. CAMMEIt. I May 60 $ I <~l MlM ? i i? ? QUU&INB STOVES! I HWE just received another lot of COOK! NO STOVES. with fixture* COMPLETE?of V? rious aire*; Not. 7, 8, 9. Thane in want of Cook irtf Stove* should CALL BAKIT. Having sold a good many of thts Pattern, and in every instanoe given entire ealisf.etion, I ean safety recommend to all who wish a good STOVK. I oan also furnish EXTRA PIRR BACKS, TOTS, FRY PANS, Ac. for STOVES. JULIUS C. SMITH, Auctioneer. May 9 50 3 e GOOD INVESTMENTS OP tin nmcis ixpiinrnis OP aMcoi^EY, |~1AN be made at the STORE of THOM V AS STEKN, who is ready to supply the community with the most desirable GOODS, jost received, at the Terr lowest prices. To prove the truth of this, he in vltes all parties to eall and examine hie stock which is complete. May 9 60 tf NOTICE. BE Partnership heretofore existing . under the firm of K. O. BROWN A CO., ia this day dissolved by mutual content. The affaire of the firm will be settled hy the undersigned, who will continue btieineea at the old stand of CARR. Thankful for the pest'kindness of the community, they hope to merit their further confidence ana support W. F. A J. H. MORRIS. Greenville, S. C., A'pril 80th, 1867. May 9 60 3 REAL ESTATE SALE! . WIJX.BE SOLD, before the Court Ilouee door of fl"~2KQkGre<>nville Distriot, on the Bjjrrqjffrfirtt Monday of June next, all that piece, parcel and tract of land, shunted fu Greenville District, on waters of Rockv Crerk, bounded by lands of Mrs. Mary l?. Hudson, W. A. Hudson, T. C. Ross) and others; and containing one hundred acres, more or less. On the premises, is a DWELLING HOUSE, good well and all oecessary out-building*. Sold aa the property ol JAMES L. HUDSON, deceased, at directed by the will of deceased. Tubus:?A credit of 12 months; Interest from day of sals, with note and approved security, and a mortgage of the premise! if deemed neccsiarj'. E P. HUDSON, Executor. Greenville, 8. C., May 1st, 1867. May 9 60 S CHEAP PRIHTIVO PAPER o To Editors and Publishers LETTER FROM G. W CLARK, ! ?., raxsinxxT or Tax SOUTHERN PRESS ASSOCIATION A I LAN 1 A, ?A, ArntL 19, 1867. J 8. THRASHER, Esq.?Dear Sir: I' afford* me much pleasure to comma nicst* to you the following reaolution o the Southern Prets Aaaoelation : " Ketolred, That a* a teatimonial of oui appreciation for the zealous, faithful am effective service ol JOIIN 8. THRASHER Ksq., as Superintendent of this Associatioi in years naat, we hereby tender him th< thanks of this Assoeiation, and confer upoi him the complimentary position of Agen of the Southern Press Association in th< City of New Vork." The terms of commendation employed it the above resolution do more than jiutiw to your important services during your Sn Eerinteudency?services which none ha< etter opportunity to know, and none cai more highly appreciate than myself. ; Should occasion require, I shall be glad t f avail myself of the aid provided for by th 'resolution. Very respectfully. Tour obedient servant* W. 0. CLARK, President Notice. I WOULD respectfully request every Da lv, Tri Weekly, .8emi-Weekly, W?*kl and Monthly Journal, 8outh- of the Pot< mae and Ohio Rivers, and the 36th deg. 8 min parallel of latitude west of the Mil publish this advertisementtwld and send to me at New York, eaelt time, copy of the paper containing It, poet pal< with bill for same. It is desirable, in my combinations I procure cheaper printing paper for SeuM ern journals, that I shall have the tullei information regarding the sices of pap? used by lha several publication*, and I cs procure it iu no other way than by n questing particular attention to the need < sending copy of the publication with bil I deaire it sent twice, to provide again t mail failures, and that they be post paid I - eeeure post-offiee delivery. J. S. TIIRASHKR, Boa 6,939. New York, N. Y. " May 9 60 9 i FLOURt FLOUR! :j X UST received and for sale cheap, for t ! ! fl CASH, a lot of catra'flne Cotint FLOUR. Come quick, if you went good bi cult. DAVID A STRADLEY. May 1 ' 41 tf r ICE! ICE! ICR J i, AT 8 CTS PERPOUNI be hed et my Ice Ilouee every di from runrino in the morning, until o'clock A. M., also from 5 o'clock till en down, P. M. T. W. DAVIS. May J 49 tf SPT"" ____ W fammmmmmm in m in uil i urn STATE OF 10VTH CAROLIMA, dRRENVILT.K DI8TRIOT. By B. J. Douthit, Enquire, Ordinary rf raid Diririct. WHEREAS, ELVIRA ROSS and WM. M. ROSS hare filed a Petition -in my Office, preying tbnt Letter* of Administration, with tlie Will nnextd, on ell end singular the goods end eheltele, righte end credit* of WILEY W. ROSS, late of the Dlstriet aforesaid, deoeeeed, ehonld be granted to them. There ere, therefore, to eite end edmonieh all end singular the kindred end creditors of the said deoeeeed, to be end appear lu the 0?urt of Ordinary for said District, to be ho idea at Oreeavllle Court House, on the lid day of May last., to show eause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. a j. notrrniT. o. o. d. Ordinary's Offlee, 8th May, 1887. STATS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, QUEEN VILLE D/STXIOT. By S. J. DOUTH1T, Squirt, Ordinary oj laid Ditlricl. WHEREAS, W. D. ThreldkcM. Ella*. bath Forester and James Letiderman, bars filed a Petition in my Office, pray ino that Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of LEWIS RODGEKS, late ot the District aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to them. Three are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased; to be and appear in the Court of Ordinary for said Diatriot, to be hotden at Greenville Ooort House, on the 18th day of May intt, to show csuse, if any, why the said Administration should not be greeted. S. J; DOUTHIT, O. 0. D. Ordinary's Office, May 4th, 1867. May 9 60 . 2 JUST RECEIVED, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF SPRIRG PRINTS. SUO AR of all grades, Coffees, Candles, SHOES. Cheese, Crackers, MOL \8SKS, Bleached and unbleached Cloths of all Rort*. Null*. Iron, BUCKETS, Chewing and Smoking Tobaco, Rice, Floor, Corn and Bacon, Lard, Rya, Ac , Ac. In any quantity and will be sold low for the CASH COKE AND SEE US. David & Stradley, GROCERS AND COM. WAREHOUSE. April 26 48 lm To Stock Raisers. m THE Subscriber will Stand fcIA hie horse FRANK HAMP ^!^v^k.TON, the present SEASON hie stables. He will serve mares at ten dollar? by the Seaton. FRANK HAMITON is a Black Hawk Morgan?a pure black?large and power* fully formed ; and a eure Foal getter. He al*o has a few YOUNO BULLS to , dispose ot for the benefit of Stock Kaisers, consistine of ENGLISH. DURHAM. DE r VON, AYRESIURE and BROUGHAM. | * E.S.IRVINE. April 26 48 4 Assistant Assessor'* Office, 1 28d Piv? 3d I)irt , U. S. Internal Rktenue Gueenville, S. C.. April 24, 1867. ALL Manufacturers of FLOUR, MEAL ^ COTTON. Ae., Ac ; and all RCTaII - iiE.ALr.ivi, I II I OlU AD9, LAW 1 fcllr> and other Occupations, upon which a Spe cial License is required by Is w to be Ukei . out, are hereby notified lo come forward a once, and make application for the same, 01 in default thereof will be forthwith report ed for aeglect. All who hare heretofore taken out Spe eial License, are notified that they inns come promptly after the 1st of May neat and rsnew their applications. \ EDMUND HOOKER, f Assistant Aaseesor. April 25 48 3 1 W. H. HOVEY, [ PROPRIETOR OP THE : LADIES' STORE, kLIh S TT> WOULD meat respectfull] ) RSwiTTfl't inform the Ladies and publii r HriMTi T|i. ii hi inn "mnr nt SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS is nor 1 rery complete, and well calculated to girt a satisfaction, both as to price and quality The Stock copsists in part as follows via. 0 Chslls and English Bereges ; Paris Plaids e Himalayas| Colored Lawns; Printed Mas llns ; Spring Prints ; Alapacas ; English an< Italian Crapes; Corded, Dotted and Plait Swiss ; Jar.,net; Mull and Nainsook Mua llns; White and Colored Brilliants; Whit and Colored Tarllona; Linen Cambries an< . Lawns| Edgings and Inserting*; Threat Laces and Imitations of same; Silk, Cottol y and Worstod Tracing Braids; THmmini and Bonnst Ribbons; Brashes; Comb* Collars ; Cravats; Belts ; Baitings | Bleach ' ed and Brown Table Damask | Sheeting f| and Pillow Casings: Toilet Towels: Dovliea f Linen and Cotton Diapers; Longefoths ' Lidin and Misses Hoee , Qents and Boy half Hose ; Farmers Drills ; Brown Linens "? Cassimeres; Tweeds; Jeans; Shoes; Hats ' Summer Clothing ; Iletn-Stitched, Kmbroic 1 ersd and Mourning Handkerchiefs; Qlovei 1 Colog&s aud Extracts ; Castile and Toili " Soaps ; and other articles too numerous 1 mention. l)a Call and examine for yourselve?n charge made (or looking. 1^, April 18 47 t# TAILORING* _ W M. WHISNANT RBtPKCTFULLY Informs the publ that hecrvntlnuee to CUT and MAK1 hi UP, Id the most fashionable and approve ry styles " GENTLEMEN'S 6ARMENTSHe rnny be found in th? building on Mni street next door below MoPbsrson's Bek ? ry. In the front store will be kept e supp !; " FAMILY GROCERIES, Such ?s Soger, Coffee, Ten, Spices, Sod Ac . which ere offered el low prices for On or Country Produce. April IS it 11 mil. T MAI STffBff THOMAS IfCM THOMAS STEBS THOMAS STEEIV THOMAS STEK1V AT OLD STAND McDA VID A D UNO A NS A T OLD 8TA NO McDA VID A DUSCAN8 ATOLD STAND Me DA VTD A DU SCANS A T OLD STAND McDA VID A DUNCA NB A T OLD STAND McDA VID A> nusnA v.? SELLS FAMILY GROCERIES SELLS' FAMILY GROCERIES SELLS FAMILY GROCERIES SELLS FAMILY GROCERIES SELLS FAMILY GROCERIES STAPLE DRY GOODS STAPLE DRY GOODS STAPLE DRY GOODS STAPLE DRY GOODS STAPLE DRY GOODS AND H0U8B KEEPING ARTICLES AND HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES AND HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES AND HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES i AND HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLB5 EXTREMELY LOW FOR CASH ONLY EXTREMELY LOW FOR CASH ONLY EXTREMELY LOW FOR CASH ONLY EXTREMELY LOW FOR CASH ONLY EXTREMELY LOW FOR CASH ONLY just" received FOR APRIL TRADE, ALMONDS, PRESERVED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, SALMON, PICKLES, SAUCES, mc moouk i ivitrx i or AND CONFECTIONARIES o' A S* St KXKDS, Fresh Whole Rice AKD ; CilEESE, > P10WS, - Hoes, ; Traces, Haines, ANfr > OTHEP. AF.TIOLEB FOR FARMERS' USE I UMBSBTN'S ; FRESH I GARDEN SEEDS, GRASS SEEDS | OHMM 8?F 8, ? dbo. ! J. W. NORWOOD ] SURG&OM DEIITttTi GREENVILLE, S C OFFICE for tli? prevent, ot< i; WH1TMIUE <fc PRROUrtON |. Store. i; Maroh 21 41 8ro* st - Notice. a ??;o INCOME TAX ! INCOME TAX ! _ Orricie Am't Assessor Internal Revenue, 33d Division, 8d Collection Dist., OfcKKRviLLK, S. C., April 2d, 1867. HAVING been appointed Assistant A sessor of United States Internal Re . enne for the Twenty-third Division, Thi Collection District, comprising the Fii ? Regiment 8. O. M., with headquarters Greenville, 8. C? all persons residing with the above named Regiment, who have n given in their INCOME TAX required u n. der the Excise Law, for the years ISM ai e- 1866, are requested to call at my Office ai adjust the same without delay. !y The especial attention of Distillers Spirituous Liquors is called to the abo notiee, as they must come forward and i pert at ones, la, rW Office In the old Tost Office bulldii sh E BOOKER. Assistant Assessor Internal Revenue April? 41 II j. D. ASDMOHHHH| HOKE'S 010 HHHIR on ooom sowers BRlra !P&im W^S' JE5S28 Jn I n 117 HO IS now roocivinr i lanra and ra Y Y rl?d Stock of 88A80HABIUK ?0?mS, EMBRACING : Brown ft Bleached Shrtings and Sheetings, Tick*, Denimr, Stripe*, Cottonades, Linen Dock* and Drills, Bltjr end Spanish Linen*, Irish Linen*, Table Dtm**ki, Towellings, Ae. Calicoes, Printed Lawns, Jaconets, Ginghams, Chambravs, Mohairs, Baragee, Angiace, A1 paces, Bombasine*, Challie, Sc., Sc. . Cambric, Jaconet, WgliMk, Swiss and Mn)] Muslin*, Victoria Lawn a - White and Colored Tarleton*, Braids, Linen Collars, Cuff*. Cloves and Hosiery, Veiling, Laoe Palls, Love Vsil^ Lsce Veils. Trimming*, liat and belt Ribbons, Drees Buttons and Trimmings, French Corsets and Hoop Skirts. Conset Lscets. ss,?ts,n?ss,s ass- w^aaa fro* CA8HM.EBETTB, TWEED8, JEANS, BLACK ASD COLORED CASSIMERES, French Drab d'Kta and Cloth. REAOT M ABIE CLO T MING. SlllRTS, COLLARS, CRAVATS, Ac. Men sad Bays' Wool, Par and Straw Bate. Ladies' Trimmed Hats, Un trimmed Hats. Boots and Shoes. Umbrsllas and Parasols. ?r a ? -a nwawue ana uiatty. Croekery and Glassware. Sugars and Coffees, all grade*. Groceries, Dye Btuffa, do., do. BT Corn, Corn Starch, Rye, Flour, Bacon, Sugar Cured Hams, Lard, Batter, Bggw, with many other artlclea too tcdioua to mention, at the lowest price* for CASH OR PRODUCE. Saddles, Bridles, Girths, FllrTup irons. Riding and Buggy Whips, Powell's and 8eovill'a Steel and Iron lloea, Foolscap, Letter and Note Papsr, White and Colored Knvelbpea, Sleol Pens, Ink, Spelling Books,Slats and Lead Pencita Silver and Steel Thimbles, Hooks and Kyee, English and American Pins, Pound and Mourning Pina, Factory Yarn, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Segara, Pipes, Black and Oreen i Teas, Oolong Tea, Nails, Handsaw Files, ' Door and Window Bolts, Glass, Tacks, i Screws, Cabdles, Ad. inu Sperm, Rice, Crackers, Candy, Salt, Violin Strings, Castor and Sweet Oil, Turpentine, Laudanum, Paregoric, Gum Camphor, Essences, Cologne, Ac., Nutmegs, Mace, Citron, Currents, Cloves, Ac., Sulphur, Blue Stone, Altera, Saltpetre, Brimstone, Logwood, Ac., Ac , Ac. JOHN B. A* 1171 OKE. State of South Carolina. orReNville district. IN COMMON PLIA8. William Watiimvs. Okokgb W. Brooks.? Attachment. WHEREAS, the Plaintiff did on the ll'.h day November, file bia Declaration against the Derendant, who, it ia Mid, ia absent from and without the limits of this Stale, and has neither wife nor Attorney known within the Mine, npon whom a copy of the aaid Declaration might be served: It is therefore ordered that the Mid Defendant do appear and plead to the said Deelalaration on or before the 17th November, which will be in the year of our Lord, on* thousand eight hundred and sixty MVM. otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. Clerk's Office, Greenville Diet., fit 0., December 6, 18b3 W. A. McDANIEL, C. 0. C. P. Dec fl 38 ly 8TATE OF SOUTH CAEOLIHAGREENV1LLE DISTRICT. In the Court of Ordinary. CHRISTOPHER M. GREER, Amlnlstrator, applicant against Josiah Greer, John Greer, Moses Greer, and William Ward, and their heirs* whose names are on' known, defendants?Citation for revieion of Sale bill and final otttl count of Jintate. TT APPEARING that Josiah Greer, John A Greer, Mom Greer, end William Ward, and their helr^ reaide beyond tbia State, it is ordered that th$y do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to be holden at Greenville Court 9 House, on Wedneadav, (be 26th day of June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to show cause, if any they eanj why the Sale Bill of the Eatate of ELIZABVTH SMITH, deoeaaed, should not be revised, by introducing tt testimony for that purpose, to ascertain tko "S true value of the articles sold, and a final settlement of the said Estate be made ou tbat day; and on failure of partiea to ap? _ pea- in person or by attorney, their oonseata will be taken as confessed Given nnder my hand, at Greenvilla GOnrf House, this 26th day of March, A. D.f 1867. I! 8. J. DOUTHIT, O. O. I>? \ Mar 28 44 it ) Qs F. TOWNE8, T. ATTORNEY AT LAW, r<^ and ! SOLICITOR IK EaiJITY. fVPEICE at tba same building adjoining lot Lr New Court House, formerly occupied by m- Towaca A CaurtiubL, before dissolution of ltd the firm. nd Greenville, 8. C. Jan IJ-3A ?#f For Sale, re! COTTON MACHINIST AT BATXITILLH 2 DRAWING FRAMES 9 SPEEDERS. AH In prime workintr order, JAMES MONTGOMERY. f April 11 48 ?