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Npq tfve in a?i lime were long d all rand i ui men lent, era'the ound the Expoeition building are in a lamentable elate of confusion. Wagons and workmen were busy earliug away the rubbish when the Emperor arrived.-? Heaps of dirt and straw and packing cases lay around, or were temporarily thrown into the unfinished labors and fancy cottages. Inside the building, was the same scene. Everywhere debris. Not oiie-tentli of goods opened or arranged, but the French Department, of course, in the first order.? Next to that, the Russian, and third, the English. All the departments are not ready. The American Department is one.of the most incomplete, and the commissioners, exhibitors and Americans generally, in the city, are very dis a satisfied with Commissioner Bcckwith, who appears totally insufficient. The only department in operation i? the restaurants, but even here the Atue ricsns are behind-hand. The onlygoods which have been damaged on the voyage are- American. At 1 o'clock, the invited cruests assembled in the An Gallerv, where America made a fine show?rUhuy fine picture* being exhibi ted and well bung; but the English display was much greater. When the guests gathered, however, the 6uperiori ty of the American ladies was conced ed. They were the belles of the day. A brilliant company, biasing with dia raonds and orders, filled the central hall, to welcome the Emperor and Empress, who came precisely at 2 o'clock in the afternoon- The crowd outside the build ing was good natured, but not demonstrative toward him. No cheers greeted the imperial parly. They drove up a long avenue covered with a velvet canopy of green and gold, decorated with Hags and lined with soldiers.? They alighted at a splendid pavilion specially built for the Emperor. The Emperor immediately re-appeared and gave his arm to the Empress, and proceeded on foot to the main door. During the, imperial progress, full bands played the national air. The cheering now grew louder, the Americans and English present leading with hearty hurrahs, and .Turks, Japanese, Italians, Prussians, Germans and French joining in the different styles peculiar to their several countries. The Emperor and Express bowed repea'edly to the crowd, as they ascended the platform which runs round the machine B? The Emperor wore a plain evening dress, with scerf of the Legion of Honor, And carried a heavy cane. He look cd smiling, but pale and fatigued. The Empress was robed in black silk, and looked in fine health. The Prince Imperial and Prince Napoleon were not prosent. The Princoss Clothilde wore a brown v6lvet dress, powdered with gold. A distinguished party of Senators and Ministers formed an escort for the Imperial party. Prince Leuchtemberg re presented Russia. The members or the diplomatic corps accredited to tbe French Court, clothed in uniform, bad upeoial seats reserved for them at the opening scene, but they were complete ly hidden from view. ? Preceded by the chamberlains, tbe party passed round the entire gallery, nearly a mile long The different national commission! stood on a platform over the section) allotted to their countries. Tnrks, Jap aneae, Russians, Moroccoans, Tunisian) and Persians wore their full nations costumes. Tbe Emperor spoke a few words to eaob commission, hot at thi American department be stopped, witl the Empress, and bowed to the crowd who were cheering heartily. Half at lirtlir U <V). ? rri ,? "? ?? im IUW tVUr. joq1 (he cortege doscended and passer through the art end a few other galle riea, and at. 8 o'clock returned to th< Palace. The Exposition will not b< ready till llay. One half of all th< epaco is allotted to France, and i not complete, the Bogliah are verj strong in machinery, beating the Amer icans in that department. England be . ing near, Pari* accounts in a grea measure for thie. There la nothing lik so mane strangers here as were ex peel ed. The number of Americans is n< much greater than usual every seasot Prices have gone np fearfully. The h< tele raise their charges fifty per cent. a ter this week. It is useless to oome I tse this Exposition before May. A man ia Mount H?Uj, F. killed h horse tbs other dsf, by striking hiss on tl bssd with his fist RHBhwI' c. door bo* (taperiatendaat. Wathodist Churcb, 9, A. m.?e. F. Stoesb, I Esq., Superln tender, tEpiscopal Church, f, A. M.?Mr. W. K. Barlr, Superln ten den t, Pmbyierlau Church, ?, A. BL?Mr. A. A. Fostbr, Saper'nteudent. S3RM0X8. Baptist Churoh, 11, a. m., and 7, p. m., Rot. W. D. Thomas. Methodist Church, 11, a. m., Rev. j. w. Hmm Episcopal Cburgb, 11, a. m., and 8, p. m. Rot. Ellisom Capsrs. Presbyterian Church, 11, a. m., mad 4, p. ml, Rev. w. b. Jonas, of North Carolina. To Stock Raisers. ? <A THE Subscriber will Stand hia horeo FRANK HAMP^ff^EATON. the present 8KASON * at hia stables. Ha will ssrra mares at ten dollars by tin Beaton. FRANK 'HAMPTON is a Black Hawk Morgan?a pure black?largo and powerfully formed; and a sure Foal getter. * He also has a few YOUNG BULLS to diapoae of for the benefit of Stock Raisers, consisting of ENGLISH, DURHAM, DEVON, AYRESHIRE and BROUGHAM. E S. IRVINE. April 76 48 4 JUST RECEIVED, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF SPRING PRINTS. SUGAR of all grades, ? Coffees, Caadles, 8HOKS, Cheese, Crackers, MOLASSES, Bleached aud unbleached Cloth* of all ^Mta, Nam, Iron, BUCKETS, Chewing and Smoking Tobned, Rice, Flour, Corn and Bacon, Lard, Rye, Ac , Ac. In anr quantity and will be told low f?r the CASH COME AND SEE US. David & Stradley, GROCERS AND COM. WAREHOUSE April 25 48 lm SPRING AM)llIMElt AT J. D. ASHMORE'S; HOKE'S OLD; STAND ORE DOOR BOOTH REV COURT HOUSE. iirel JiH JIH WHO IS now receiving a large and ya ried Stock of SISAS0HA3BIL!? ???IDS," EMIUtACIHO : Brown & Bleached Sh'rt'iig* and Sheetings, Tleke, Denlme, Striper, Cottonadea, Linen Ducks end Drills, Blay end Spenith Linens, Irish Linens, Table Damasks, Towellings, Ac. Calicoes, Printed Lawns, Jaconets, Ginghams, Chambrnys, Mohairs, Bareges, Anglaea, Alpaeca, i Bombasines, Challie, Ac., Ac. I Cambric, Jaconet, Nainsook, , Swiss and Mull Muslins, Victoria Lawna, White and Colored Tarleto&s, ) Embroideries, Braids, I Frilling, Ac., Linen Collars, Cuffs, Embroidered Sstts, Ac., Ac. 1 Gloves and Hosiery, J Veiling, Lacs Falls, ? Trimmings, 1 Hat and Belt Ribbons, f Dress Buttons snd Trimmings, Frcnolk Corsets and Hoop Skirts. > ssrcDwaoDJWB iuST , OAHHltSBBTTK, ) tweeds, , jeans, | BLACK AND COLORED OASSIMERKS, French Drab d'Bta and Cloth. : REAmr mm cLosiHtuG. 0 SHIRTS, COLLARS, CRAVATS, A*. * Mon aad Boy*' Wool, Far ul Straw Hot*. - Ladio?' Trimmed Hot*. 1 Boot* and Shoo*. Umbrella* aad Paraaol*. r in mrnm it Mardwaro aad Cutlery. Orookory aad Glee* war*. i a f- Orooorte*, By* Stuffs, A*., ft*. ? tf Corn. Corn Starch, Ryo, Flour. Bo. eon, Hugsr Oared Ham*, Lard, Butter, Eg#*, wltli many other artleUs too Udiou* to J* roootion, at the lowest price* for CASK l# OR PRO DUCK. JOHN 9. ASHHIORE. BR|^M?RKLIT * 0O*8rE5kbli.h- 1 Motone horse. carriage, ?ui nwft fomr peraoaa It baa baaa lataly ra- 1 Uml, ana la la ?mpl?U ordar. Alao a No. 1 TOP BUGGY, U thorough rapair, aa good aa naar. 1 And at my OAna iaaaaadiataly altar tba i abore: Sundry artialaa of FURNITURE. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, DRY GOODS, COTTON CARDS, MENS, BOYS, and LA- < DIBS HAIR, Aa, Aa JULIU8 0. SMITH, Anelionaar. April >8 48 ? j For Sale, A VERY SUPERIOR OCTAVE I X FIANO, Roaawood, T 'TM ill " ' - uiwuhuvornvri,unick6r* i ing, maker. This Inst j-u ment known to the Professor* of Music in j this town as one amongst the beet, and the t only truly fine ene now offering. Sold be- ? eauee the owner ia about to move away, and baa no further use for it. Will be eold at t Private Sale. Apply to JtJLIUS 0. SMITH, Auctioneer Oreenrille, S. C. April 25 48 8 Assistant Assessor's Office, JSd Dir., Sd Dist , u. s. I.itiiimal RiTiavi, Guekntill*, S. C., April 24, 1857. ALL Manufacturers of FLOUR, MEAL COTTON. Ac., Ac , and all RETAIL DEALERS, PHYSICIANS, LAWYERS, and otber Occupational npon which a Spe- , cial License is required by law to be, taken c out, are hereby notified to oome forward at " once, and make application for the same, or 1 in default thereof will be forthwith report- * ed for aegleot. , All who hare heretofore taken out Spe- . eial License, ere notified that they must . come promptly after the 1st of tiny next, . and renew their applications. s EDMUND HOOKER. Assistant Asseeeor. April 26 48 S j STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. I GREENVILLE DISTRICT. a By 8. J. DOUTHIT, Ksquire, Ordinary of I said District. e WHEREAS, NANCY PONDER, hasfil n ^d o Petition in my Office, praying I that Letters of Administration with the 1 Will nnncxed, on ail and singular the goods h and chattels, rights and credits of MILTON C PONDER, late of the District aforesaid, de- ? ceased, should he granted to her. e These are, therefore, to cite nnd admonish C all and singular the kindred and creditors S of the ?aid deceased, to ire and appear in n the Court of Ordinnry for said District, to be holden at Greenville Court House, on ?s the 6th day of May next, to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. S. J DOUTHIT. O. O. D. OrtllnnpiV nfltfto ?'lj a. , ? V?IV\| * ?v? M I'l II, / O" t , April 25 48 2 ssi?a i SPRING SEASON." IB?! 1 ARE now receiving a Urge anJ varied Block of SEASONABLE GOODS, EMBRACIKG I Brown & Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Tick*. Denim*, Stripe*, Cottonadea, Linen Ducks and Prill*, Biay ar.d Spanish Linen*, Iii*h Linens, Table Dmnarka, Towelling*, Ac. Calicoes, Printed Lawns, Jaconets, Gingham*, Chambrays, Mohair*. Mozamhiques, Lenof, Melanges, Bn rages, Ang'nce, A'pnecas, Bombazines Chnllie, Ac. Cambric, Jaconet, Nainsook, Swiss and Mull Muslins, Victor's Lawns, White and Colored Tarletons Embroideries, Braids, Frilling, Ac., Linen Collars, Cuffs, Embroidered Setts, Ac., Ac. Gloves and Hosiery, Veilings, I.nce Falls, Crape and Crape Collars, Bobineta, Wash Blond, and Silk Illusion. Trimming#, llat and Belt Ribbons, Dress Buttons and Trimmings, French Corsets and lloop Skirts. NOTIONS IN VARIETY. CA8HMEHETTE, TWEEDS, JEANS, HLACK AM) UULUKKU UASSIMKUES, Ficoch Drab d'Eta and Clolb. READY MADE CLOTHING. 81IIRT9, ObLLARS, CRAVATS. Ae. Ken and Boyi' Wool, For and Straw Hata Ladies' Trimmed Hata Boots and Shoea Umbrellas and Farasola Hardware and Cntlery. Crockery and Glassware. Groceries, Dye Staffs, &c , See We are tkaakfoi for the rtry flattering attention girea ae heretofore, and will be dlliifeat in oar effort* to fire oontinaed aatiifee' tion. H. BEATTIE & CO. April U 4T S HPnTTi HflpZoHIKe. WM. W HISNANT BSPRCfTFULLY inform* the publlo MVbatlnues to CUT and MAKSIM In the moet fashionable end approved GENTLEMEN'S GARMENTS* Fie msy be found in the building on Melatreat next door below MePh arson's BakeJ In the (root store will be kept a supply FAMILY GROCERIES. luoh m Sugar, Coffee, Too, 8pieee, 8ode, k?., wh ioh trt offsred at low price? for Cook >r Country Prod ires. April IB 47 tf ieeretary'sOffice, O. AC- R E- Co.. COLUMBIA, Apbil 15,1B07. rllK ANNUAL MEETING of the Btockholdera of the GroenrUle and Columbia tailrond Company will bo held in Columbia on THURSDAY, the second day of May iext, at 10 o'clock a. m. Stockholders will bo passed over the road o attend the meeting free, as heretofore. C. V. CARRINGTON, 8ec'y. April 18 47 td W. H HOVEY, PROPRIETOR OF THE LADIES' STORE, iMjl j y > WOULD most respectfully ^nikLvTXtn inform the Ladies and publio Tk'rlTilffrni rally that his STOCK OF IPRING AND 8UMMER GOODS is now rery complete, and well calculated to give atiefaction, both as to price and quality. The Stock consists in part as follows viz.: 3halle and English Bereges ; Paris Plaids; Himalayas; Colored Lawns; Printed Musins ; Spring Prints ; Alapacas ; English and Italian Crapes; Corded, Dotted and Plaid iwisa ; Jaconet; Mull and Nainsook Musins; White and Colored Brilliants; White ind Colored Tarltons ; Linen Cambrics and ..awns; Edgings and Iusertings; Thread ,aees and Imitations ol same; Silk, Cotton md Worsted Tracing Braids; Trimming ind ' Bonnet Ribbons ; Brushes; Combs; 'olliirs ; Cravats; Belts ;* Beltings ; Blench, d and Brown Table Dsinask ; Sheetings nd Pillow Casings; Toilet Towels; Dovliea ; .linen and Cotton Diapers; Longefoths; .adieu and Misses Hose; Gents and Boys alf Ilose ; Farmers Drills ; Brown LineDS ; lassimeres; Tweods; Jeans; Shoes; Hats; Summer Clothing ; Ilem-Stitchod, Kmhroid...1 ~-.l II.....!? u ? 1 ' "* .?? o..u oiuuiiiiiij} iiunuKercniei* ; uiorei ; lolngne nnd Extract* ; Cnstile ami Toilet ioap* ; and other article, too numerous to mention. Call and examine for yourseltre?no barge made lor looking.* A f?ril 18 47 tf TIN HBPMIUNG. 1AM NOW PREPARED to do all manner of TIN REPAIRING, at Greenville trices, at the Store of 3TENHOU3E & TERRYj FAIUVIEW, Hid would solicit the patronage of the uriounding country. T. H. STALL. April 11 46 8 For Salo, 30TT0N MACHINERY AT BATESVILLE. O DRAWING FRAMES 'J SPEEDERS. All in prime working order. JAMES MONTGOMERY. April U 46 6 NOTICE. rilllE FIRM between the undersigned JL has been DISSOLVED by mutual consent, to take effect from Tuesday, 26 th March. The liabilities will be settled by II. A. CAUBLI2, who will continue the business at same stand. All persons INDEBTED will tuake payment to bint. H. A. CAUBLE, F. A. MILES. April 11 46 3 IIICT DCACIMCni A LARGE STOCK OF SPRIMU GOODS, AT THE STKN HOUSE A TERRY. Fairview, S. C., April 10, 1867. 46-3 Notice. INCOME TAX !'INCOME TAX ! OrricK Am't Amihob Internal Rrvknuk, 1 23i> Division, 3n Collection Dibt., V Greenville, S. C., April 2d, 1867. J HAVING been appointed Assistant As essor of United States Internal Rev enoe for the Twenty-third Division, Third Collection District, comprising the Firsl Regiment S. C. M., with headquarters al Greenville, S. C? all persons residing wilhir the above named Regiment, who have nol given in their INCOME TAX required un der the Excise Law, for the years 1864 and 1866, sre requested to call at my Office and adjust the same without delay. The especial attention of Distillers o Spirituous Liquors is called to the abovi notice, as they must come forward and re port at once. rgj~ Office In the old Post Office building K HOOKER, Assistant Assessor Internal Revenue, Anril 4 45 tf J. W. lVORWOOD? SURGE aw DIE MUST, GREENVILLE, S C tf OFFICE for the prwnt oi FrQtfXMtojL. Main Street, one door beloi tlie Post Offioe. March XI 48 3m* LAW CARD. GOODLETT ^ THOMAS Attorneys at Law, AMD ' SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, HAVK this day formed a Copartnei ehip in the practice of LAW an I EQUITY on the Western Circuit Office in the old Court Houae Building, e. t>. OOODLKTT, wm. U THOMA1 Dee XO 80 U PI I Si a I' T*:" at;.' ^ ,jk , C'-?' OIVAS STEEH TVOHAR STEER THOMAS STEER THOMAS STEER THOMAS STEER Ar OLD 8TAND MtDA YID A DUNCAN'S A T OLD STAND Me DA YID A DUNCAN'S A T OLD STAND Me DA VID A DUNCANS M, T OLD STAND Me DA VID A DUNCAN'S A T OLD STAND Me DA VID A DUNCANS \ * y * BELLS FAMILY GROCERIES SELLS FAMILY GROCERIES SELLS FAMILY GROCERIES SELLS FAMILY GROCERIES SELLS FAMILY GROCERI?8 STAPLE DRY GOODS STAPLE DRY GOODS STAPLE DRY GOODS STAPLE DRY GOODS STAPLE DRY GOODS AND HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLE8 AND HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES AND HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES AND H0\JSE KEEPING ARTICLES AND HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES ? EXTREMELY LOW FOR CASH ONLY EXTREMELY LOW FOR CASH ONLY EXTREMELY LOW FOR OASH ONLY EXTREMELY LOW FOR CASH ONL Y EXTREMELY LOW FOR CASH ONLY JUST RECEIVED | FOR APRIL TRADE, RAISXNg, ALMONDS, PRESERVED FRUITS, If E GET A RLE ?, SALMON, TICKLES, SAUCES, tin* ASSORTMENT Of AMD CONFECTION ARIES OT AKtKt KIMS, Frcnh Whole Rice AND CHEESE, Plows, I Hoes, ' Traces, t ' Hames, i 7 AND t OTHBB. ARTICLED ton FARMERS* USE. FRESH n ' mmh sunns. 'GRASS SEEDS, f wm inn, d cf3o. Mareh *8 44 tf IVmB -vSli ^ , JaMoMW^MB The State of SgjBBHHHHj^^^H OREBKYHiTttitwPlPlBBB^^^^BB T)Y virtue a 0**?IWhH|H JL> Court of OrdUukM^dN^HH^^^^^H District, win outcry, to tbo hiidtflff Monday in Mof OF LAND, via.: H All that piooo, situated in Of wild Cot George Harrison, J. and containing /SnMNBpMBwiOffi|H^BH9H^^BH Ion. Sold m tfeo nroneritfe'dMHHWPHBflaWHBHS HARRISON, decoaaed, for pWj?HnHH tho heirs. TERMS.?A credit of ?re id?BnDHB lnteveet from day of aale, for all aXROHM^KdjPPl aauchaa will pay the wrt^j^jdjifigB8WM8Ei .^ UW ?m. t'urebasers to glv?MHH||M with good security, and a mortgage of tn^KS^gM premises, if deemed neoesaary, to the Or^HH diiiary, to aeeure the payment of the purchase money. Purchasers to pay for titles. W. T. SHUMATE. 8. O. D. Sheriff's Offico, 10th April. lMf. April 40 8 STATS OF SOUTH CAROLINA I GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In the Court of Ordiaary. CHRISTOPHER It GREER, Aminlalrator, applicant against Joaiah Greer, John Greer, Moses Greer, and William Ward, and their heirs, whose names are unknown, defendanta?Citation far rofilsu I of BaU Bill and final settlement of Estate. IT APPEARING- that Joaiah Greer, John Greer, Moaes Greer, and William Ward, and tbelr heirs, reside beyond this State, it is ordered that they do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to be holden at Greenville Court House, on Wednesday, the 26th day of June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to show cause, if any they can, why the Sale Bill of the Estate of ELIZABETH SMITH, deceased, should not be revised, by introducing testimony for that purpose, to ascertain the true value of the artieles sold, and a final settlement of the said Estate be made on that day ; and on failure of parlies to appear in person or by attorney, their consents will be taken as confessed. Given under my hand, at Greenville Court House, this 26th day of March, A. D., 1867. S. J. DOUTHIT, O. G. D. Map 28 44 tf STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Gil BEN VILLE DISTRICT. By S. J. DOUTHIT. Esquire, Ordinary of I laid District. WHEREAS, J AS. P. MOORE, a n. a. v., has filed a Petition in my Office, I praying that Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of ELISHA F. FENDLEY, late of the District aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to him. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular the k'mdred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear in the Court of Ordinary for said District to be holden at Greenville Conrt House, on the 26th day of April next, to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should I not be eranted " ft. J. DOIITHIT, O. 0. D. Ordinary'* Office, lfith March, 1807. March 21 43 0 8TATE OF SOUTH CAKOLIWA GREENVILLE DISTRICT. , Iu ilic Court of Ordinary. V171LSON HAWKINS, Administrator, YY applicant against the heirs at-law of J. II. HAWKINS, whose names ar? unknown, Warren Hawkins, and others, Defendants. Citation for revision of Sals Bill nnu final settlement of Estate. It appearing that the heirs-at-law of J. B. Hawkins, and Warren Hawkins reside beyond this State. It is ordered that they do appear at a Coort of Ordinary, to be holden at Greenville Court House, on Wednesday, the 8th day of May neat, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to show cause, if any they can, why the Sale Bill of the Estate of MAUTUA HAWKINS, deceased, should not be revised, by introducing for that purpose, to ascertain the true value of the articles sold, and a final settlement of the said Estate be made on that day; and on failure of parties to appear in person or by attorney, their consents will be taken as confessed. Given under my hand, at Greenville Court House, this 6th day of February, A. D., 1867. S. J. DOUTHIT, 0. G. D. Feb 7 37 Sra State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN COMMON PLEAS. WltXtAU WATKINS VS. GkORQK W. BROOKS.? Attachment \AJ 11EUEA8, the Plaintiff did on the 17'.h Vi day November, file hie Declaration against the Defendant, who, it ie said, ia abler. from and without the limits of this State, and has neither wife nor Attorney known within the same, upon whom a copy of the said Declaration might be served: It is therefore ordered that the said Defendant do appear and plead to the said Declalaration on or before the 17th November, which will be in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty seveD, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. Clerk's Offioe, Greenville Diet., S. C., December 5, 1866. W. A. McDANIEL, C. C. C. P. Dse6 28 > ly STATE OF 60UTI1 CAROLINA, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Bill for Sale of Land to pay etc.? .Tames P. Moore, Administrator vs Aramivta T. Westfield, et al. THE following paragraph from the Decretal Order of Chancellor Johnson ia the above case Is published for the information of those interested. < It is further ordered that the Commls I sioner o! this Court do forthwith publish a j rule, requirinsr all the *' *" __ .. ? ui tug Btia DAVID O. WESTFIELD deceased, to com* in within nine months from the publication of said rule and establish by proper proof, the nature and amount of their olaima against said deceased. J. T. MOORE, C. E. O. D. Commissioners Office, Sept. 24, 1846. Sep 22 12 tn DAVID A STRADLEY, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AMD Dealer* in Groceries and Provision* PENDLETON STREET, DBAS THB DEPOT. Mar 14 42 If