University of South Carolina Libraries
HHHHB8^BMi9^*"*'d ?p?n HBB^SH|^H^pnP&itz?n8 gener ^B^HBS^^^KpgiflFaccount, to jwy Commanding H|^H^H|^fiBK?PR|Rt"*ry District. ^HJ^HB^^BBpfinnpEy to express my own BHwpl^ould be matter of no ^BHHflHffifc^bSfiM I am acting as the ex HfH^HpplflHP^rtne gentlemen present, HHHHpt PWrtl thought best to commit their HnHspwmtpts to writing, and I take great PSKSsttre in reading them to you as folW? hare to. congratulate ourselves that one ao well known 'to our people aa yourselfshould base been appointed to'the command of this Military tJjstwct. The whole country, North and South, la suffering in its business re'a>tioos by reason of the unsettled polili cal status of tbia aeotion of thff Union-. It la our desire, General, and we can apeak for the great masse* of our people, that all dissensions should cease, and every effort be made to reatore peace atd prosperity to our distracted country. The wealth of the country is in the amount of labor emph>ved, and nothing site. It were vain to revy taxes unle-s the wealth is produced to pay them. It i* the Interest of the State*. North and South, that every laborer, white or col -ored, should contribute bis share to (he general proeperily, and uqtil obr pollti* ? I J:*a ? l.i I - J i . L . cii uiiuvuiiitro mie wuiru hum uic itn Southern Slates are represented in Con grese, credit will continue to languish 'and our fields to be but partially cuitivated. We conceive it of the utmost impor "fence to the people of the United States Ibat the labor of .the South should be fully aafi immediately developed. The production of four million bales of cotton, together erilb our rice, sugar and tobacco, will at once stimulate every channel Of industry, giving employment to our mercantile, marine, railroads and manufacturers, and aid in securing the payment Of the national debt. Ho party feeling dheuid -exist towards the Southern States. We are neither sectional, nor are we of any party. We ?aa mould our industry to meet any legislation, whether it be the protection of.agriculture, commerce or manufacture*. In conclusion, sir, we wotild say that OVeey effort will be made by ourselves and friends, and, we think, by the people at Ikrga, to sustain our ruler in establishing a representative Government. * General Sickles replied as follows : ' Gbktlkmbn : It affords me great atisfaction to receive this visit and to hear the gratifying sentiments which have been expressed. I feel assured that thecitiaens generally will do everything in their power to sustain the laws, *nd to aid me in the discharge of the duties which I am to perform. The general interest and prosperity of North and 8outh Carolina have been ikA'rthlAAl nf niv aivitatl m/slt. if n/K* einea *" "V ? I have been in command in this depart mast, and what I have done in this re gard, in the past, I will continue to do tn the future. The solution of the pre* ent political difficulties rests with the citisens themselves. The military authorities will not interfere as partisans in political movements or organizations. We will endeavor, impattiaily and fairly, to promote the reorganization of the civil government in the two States. Ample protection will be given to life, lib e/ty and property. In conclusion, gentlemen, be assumed that I shall always be glad to hear any ezpression of your sentiments, and to comply with your suggestions so far as miy comport with my sense of duty. Belli Botd has arrivad at Boston, Anal U slAntMnt* mW ika IT ? *? WW w?vpg#|TiUg anb IU? A I CU1UIJ V 8h? hays that ebe is engaged to piny in "The Huguenot," at Wattack's New York Theatre. Wasuikotoh, April t I* the Southern Relief basket, at Dr. Oillett'e Oburoh, wss found dollar bill, in wbish eras wrapped a ladies' diamond nog Notice . rrota regular monthly mertino X^ of the GREENVILLE LITERARY CLUB, will he held at the residence of Rev *. IX Tsomas, on Fridmy Evening, April Ikt*. et f .46 o olaek. . The Monthly Address will be delivered hjr Hoe. ?1. F. TOWNES. >v ' G. G. WELtJB, Beeretan G. L C April It 46 1 Pot Sale, ' COTTOV MACHINERY AT BATXITILLE 2, DRAWING KltAMKi *" a SPEEDERS. All la prime working order. ^ JAMES MONTGOMERY. April 11- t 46 6 W NOTICE. THE FIRM between the undersigned has been DISSOLVED by mutuel ^eweeat, to take effect from Tuesday, ItiK Marsh. The liabilities, will be settled by E. A. CAUBLE, who will continue the baa tea at same stand. All persons IWDRBfT. ]U> will nnks payment to him, h. a. cauble, f. a. miles. W\\\ * . "? Beam,' vlhcf) bound notehee. ^nr^liown t murrts/ MWBPt BL-,*dfte. Oerr'a Old Stand. R~T?if receive o7 Irgb stock of i no toons, at the togas. BTEN HOUSE A TERRY, rsfrrlew, fi. C., April 10, 1867. 46-8 TIN HBPinilNG. Im AM NOW PREPARED tod) all mm nor of TIN REPAIRING, at Greenville priors, at the Store of o mil /N I r\ r- A mrm r? r? n % e o i Bmnvuot at, i tnri Y, FAinviEyv. and would solicit the patronage of the surrounding country. T. II. STALL. April 11 46 8 8TATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. O, S J DOUTU1T, Etquire, Ordinary of i eaid District. WHEREAS, J O LANOFORD has filed ? Petition in my Office, praying that letters of Ailminiairation, on all and singular the goods and chatte's. right* and ctedlta ot llenry Langlord, lale of the District aforesaid, d.c. ased, should be granted to him. Thene are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to he and ap|>?ar in the Court of Ordinarj* for said District, to he holden at Greenville Court House, on the 24th day of April inst,, to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. S. J. P0UTH1T. O. O tt. Ordinarv'a Office, 10th April, 1967. April 11 46 2 The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. BY virtue of a Decretal Ord? r front the Court of Ordinary, for Greenville District, I will expose tor sale, at public outer?, to the highest bidder, on the Jirnt Monday in May next, the following TRACT OF LANlh via. All that pitce, psrtel and Tract of Land, situated in Greenville District, on witters of Wild Cat Creek, hounded hy lands of George Harrison, J. W. Jackson, an<f others, and containing Setientyjtve Aeree, more or lees. Sold as the property of "JOHN II. HARRISON, deceased, tor partition aotoi g the heira. TERMS ?A credit of five months, with interest irom day oi sale, Jtar all ?*xcopt so much will pay the coin, which will required In cash. Purchasers tto give bond with good aecuritjr, and a mortgage of the premises, if deemed necessary, to thfe Or diuary, to aecure the payment of the purchaae money. Purchaser* to pay for titles. W. T. SHUMATE S. O. D. Sheriff'a Office, lOtii April, 1807. April 46 6 LAST NOTICE. Deputy Collector's Office. U?ITK? STATES ISTEnNAl. REVESCE, "1 23d Division, 3d District. So. Ca. > OitnKNvn...K, 2d April, 1867. j X IIAVF the TAX RETURNS for Licenses X for Occupation and Business, for Distil-, ling, Ac., for the Lower Division of Greenville and Pickens Districts. These Taxes, must be paid at once, upon which a penalty of ID per centum is already incurred. jZJ-ir- Delinquents will be pfoocded against forthwith by distraint and Sale. THOS. B. TIIRUSTON, Deputy Collector. A ? 1 Jt Notice. ALL Person# indebted to the Estate of J. IIAKVKY BAKER, deceased, will make payment imtnedialely ; and nil tlmaa having demand# against said Estate, will present thein properly attested for pay nieut. # T P. BAKER, Executor. April 4 46 3 Notice. INCOME TAX? INCOME TAX !! Office Ass't A#se*#or Intkrnal Revenue, 1 23d Division, 8n Collection DiSt , v Grbkn*iu.k, S. C., April 2d. 1867. ) HAVING been appointed Assistant. Assessor of United States Internal Revenue for the Twenlj-third Division, Third Collection District, comprising the First Regiment S. C. M., with headquarter# at J Greenville, 8. C., all person# residing within ' the above named Regiment, who have not given in their INCOMTETAX required under the Exclae Law. for the year# 1864 and 1865, are requested to call nt my Office and adjust the same without delay. The especial attention ot Distillers of Spirituous Liquors is called to tl>e above notice, as they must come forward and re' port at once. tlT Office In the old Pott Office building. K HOOKER, Assistant Assessor Internal Revenue, April 4 4fi If II THE CSBBT 6! S1HS, Greenville District* SDUINfi TKKM 1867. ON MOTION OF THE SOLICITOR i It is orttered. That all pro*editions for barren v and Mtmierasanor# licretofnra eofn inrno*?], tut made returnable to the Court of Sessions, be tranafered to the District Court, end that tbe Clerk do rauae notice to be Riven to Proeecutorei Defendant* and Wltneaaes, re. quiring them to appear at lb# Section of tbe aid Dietriot Court, tb be beld ou the fourth Monday in April next. THOMAS GLOVER. March 39th, 1967. > THE above ia a true copy of tbe ordee obtained at tbe laat term, and all person* intern (ted, Pruaecntor r, Defendants and Witneaaea, a re* required to be in attendance at the next silting of the District Court, which la 4th Monday in April next. Magistrate* and. Cohatablea are notiffed to notice to pugtta* to be in attendance, where any papere were issued by tbem and 1 dtade returnable to tha Court of Common Pteaa, to kppear at next Diatrict Court. W. A. McDAMXL, 9. o. p. Cierk'e Office, March M. 1M7- April "C. ^ it * i .I/ / e " 1 ' <% ' s' '* . * " PVricB or AmutaSt > 23n pivisior, So Cou.*ctioiiDfWfctJr, > (< i:?:?:s vili.S, 8. (VA^nl 4th, 1887. J A LL Perron* 41)<fc'??AtV heretofore, made A Returns or iMWmii for StlCIAL El CENSE tv, Cjtpt PM\ f>a?Ke, Arysredecessor ia office, ere hereby notified thaV they ate required to male# the satae Return* and Application* to me. EDMUND nOOKER, Assistant Assessor Internal Revenue.' April 4 46 l1 J. 4V. NO II WOOD, tURGEQN DENTIST. GREENVILLE, 8 C 'lESI^b OFF1CK for the present on (m||HA Mail. Ktreet. one door below the Post Office. Ma eh 81 4S 8m* DAVID & STRAD Xtf, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION Merchants, AID Dealers in Groceries *1td Provisions. PENDLETOS STREET, NEAR T1IE DEPOT. Mwr H 42 tf 8PRIM1 MHil.l\P,li?~I :?o-:??? MISS JM c K A Y . 1IA8 ju?t received an a*?ortorient ol SPRING MILL1NKUY GOODS. JgUESUL HATS of the ityle* for Ladies, Miaoe* and ' in .jf-'"""be Victoria and other BONRIBBONS FLOWERS STRAW And other TRIMMINGS. March 28 44 tf NotiteIS hereby given that in future no per*ona, I Mack oi while. tVill ?? peimiited to he interred in the giave yard near Gfeentille Villaee, known a* the negro hurving ground, now owned l? v my eel f, and oilier*, oy whom I am authorised to act. Al! person* are notified that in future they will not he allowed, tinder the penal ly of thel.iw, toenter npbn. andifo thmllgh, my premise*, lying on Refcdy River and Richland Creek, n- ar Grcen\ille Village, for fi-diing, hnntinir, or any other pornoae. I liiiv** nnHnrstAiul been purchasing fire wood from certain negroes and hauling it from lands nndrr tfiv chatge. Tliia is to notify them and all o*liere, thai I have no negro agents for relling wood, and I lint in tin ore if any person* slwili pmchnse and liniil wood from said land, I will hold th-m responsible as lrespassers, unless they pni chase the same fiotn me. For any violation of the foregoing notice, I shall enforce the law. WM. CHOICE. Feb. 14 38 tf CHEAP FOR CASH! AT T. B ROBERTS' BRICK STORB T 11 AVE on hand, and ahall be receiving 1 every week addition* to my at ck.the following (JOt)l)S, to Wit,: Ladies'. Gentlemen's. Misses', Boys' And Children'* SlIoES Shoe LACKTS, linen and cotton Note and Letter I'At*Kit. fine Fm- White ENVELOPES C< iFFKK, SL'ti Alt. TEA. SODA PEPPER. SPICK, MSGKR COPPEUAS. EPSA-M SALTS TOBACCO, CONN. BACON Venison HAMS, Ess. Coffee Fine CIO A US, ItUnONS, HOOK-? and feYE< Tt dr TINS Seed Irish POTATOES, APPLES COTTON YARN. In ? few days I shall he receiving additions to my present Slock. Persona w-ahing any ot the above articles, will do well to call and examine before buying, for bar- 1 gain* can be bought at this ptscA* W wl" ' *? rer ior uorn, UHCon, Duller, Rgg*. Lard, Chickens. A". H. L. BURN. March 7th, 18t>7. 41-tf General Superintendent's Office, CHARLOTTE AH. C RUI.KOAI>. I Columbia, H. C., March 16, 1867. f rpiiK schkduik oi ik? passenger 1 TRAINS over this Road is as follows t Leave Columbia at..,,, 8.86 a rft. Arrive at Charlotte at tt.'fto a. m. Leave Charlotte at ..ft. 10 a m. Arrive at Columbia at .I1.2C a. m. Close connections are made at Columbia and Charlotte with the Mail Trains on the North Carolina and South Carolina Railroad*. THROUGH 1ICKKT8 are ?,] ? at Columbia to Richmond, Va.,-Wanaington, lb C, Baltimore, Mil., Philadelphia, Pa , and New York City?Hiving choice of routes tr'a Portsmouth or Richmond?and baggage checked. % Tickets are also sold at Charlotte for Charleston and Augusta. An Accommodation Train, for freight anfl local pansage, leaves Columbia at 7 a. m .on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays of each week, and Charlotte or. the same ays ami hour; arriving at Columbia and Charlotte at 6 p. m? C. BUUKNlGllT. Superintendent. Mar Si 48 tf est..dn1. ?? n.?tt.. n *> ??UOUIUU UV9* QUUbU VAlVllUa Am? JEW jFi^rs^ UEN E?AH sor rs OFFICE, ) 0uABi.t*T6*,&e , Match II. 1867. | ON iixl nftfrilif ilih inat, the Through . M AlLTKAIN will rtiri as follow*, via.; ' Leave Oolurvl>:a ?t II 40 a m . CbVn time Arrive KingeviHe at 1/So p. ? ? Leave Kfag?vttle?t I 86 p. m., * ' j Arrive el AugooU *1 B.IH) p. ,r " L* *A?Btl?0*B TftAlM. " Leave CI.u^?. ,800 a m , A'/IVe akCol'fmbift)...t.a.gnp m Leave L'**U misty .. ....... .8.60 a. m.' ArrrUe A? 0h?4 *??...4 p. m X T. PEAKK, Geu'i gup't ? Mar 11 H * r: \ *4 r M Km SHODIAI STEEII TilonAS RTEElf THOfllAI 9TEEIV THOIAS IT EE IV #HO?AR STEEIf At OLD StASD M< DA VlD A DUNCAN'S A T OLD ST A SD Me PA VID A DUNCAN'S AT OLD STAND McDA VID A DUNCAN'S A TOLD STA ND McDA VID A DUNCAN' 8 AT OLD STAND MeD AVID Ar DUNCAN'S * If'. SELLS FAMTLV GROCERIES SELLS FAMILY GROCERIES SELLS FAMILY GROCERIES SELLS FAMILY GROCERIES SELLS FAMILf GROCERIES STAPLE DRY OOODS STAPLE DRY GOODS STAPLE DRY OOODS . STAPLE DRY OOODS STAPLE DRY OOODS AND HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES AND HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES AND nOUSE KEEPlfcO ARTICLES AND HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES AND HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES low for CAStt osl y ex tr em elr Low for cash osly extremely low for cash osly extremely low for cash osly extremely low for cash osly JUST RECEIVED FOR APRIL TRADE, IUMX8, ALMONDS, f, n rnrnir rv i?iti mn riiLdE.lkV12.JJ JMlllld, ?EGETABLEI, SALMON, PIC KLES, SAUCES, ASSORTMENT or AND COXFECTIONARIES OF'" A&& K 3 ff D. 8 9 Fresh Whole Iticc AND CHEESE, Plows, Hoes, Traces, Hames, AND OT33?. A?,5:3L3a tOK FARMERS' USE. uasasm FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, GRASS SEEDS, CSOT SS?3, " V . ?4?o. r* - >V. *. V- V- -Y . i ' ' Y ^ f?. . -* ' r Match S? 44 tf 9 II I 9 8 . STATE OF SOOTH CAROLINA ORERNVlLLE DISTRICT. In the Court of Ordinary. CHRISTOPHER M GREER, AminUlrator, PpHcint Josiah Greer, John Greer, Moirt Greer, ind William Word, nd their heirs, whoM names oro unknown, defendants?Citation for rrvirion of Sole IiiH and final oettUmtnt of Eotat*. IT APPEARING that Joeiah Greer, John Greer. Moaei Greer, and William tYard, . and their helrn reside beyond ih? Slate, it I* ordered that lR?-y do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to he hoiden at Greenville Court House, on Wedlieedav. the iifiih dav of June next, at 1*0 o'clock, A. M., to ?lioe cauee, if any tliev can, why the Bale Bill of the Ka'ateof ELIZABETH SMITH, deceased, should not be revised, by introducing testimony for that purpose, to ascertain the true value of the articles sold, and a final settlement of the said Estate be made on that day } and on failure of parties to appear In person or hy attorney, their consents will he taken as confessed Utven under my hand, at Greenville Court House, this 26th day of March, A. D., 1867. 8. J. DOUTniT, 0 O. P. Mar 28 44 tf STATE "OF "SOUTH CAROLINA. GREESVILLE DISTRICT. Hy 8 J DOL'TlllT Enquire, Ordinary of laid District Wll EKEAS, JA9. P. MOORE, o. *. o. p.. has filed a Petition in my Office, praying that. Letters of Administration on all and singular the grinds hi J chattels, rights and creditsof ELlSII A F FENDLEY, Utc of the District aforesaid, deceased, should he granted to hltn. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the snid decessed, to he snd ajipear in the t'ourt of Ordinary for said Dieti let to he Itolden at Greenville Court Ho?t8e, on the 26llt day of April next, to show cause. If any. why the said Administration should not be granted. S. J. POnTllIT, O. O. P. Ordinary's Office, 16th Murch, 1867. March 21 * 43 6 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. By S. J. DOUTIIIT, Esquire, Ordinary of said D'nttitt. X17HERKA3. JAMES P. MOORE has v v filed a Petition In my Office, praying that Letters of Adminlst rot ion on all and | singular the goods and cliHttels, rights and er.di* of CHARLES SCYQIf, la If of the Distriet aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to him. These are.'therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the Said ducertSed, to be and appear in Ihfe Court of Ordinary for said District, to he holden at Greenville Court House, on the i'2d Jay of April next, to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. S. J. DOUTFI1T, 0. G. D. Oi din try's Office, 12th March, 1867. Mar 14 .42 6 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA GREENVILLE DISTRICT By S, J. DOVTHIT, Esquire, Ordinary of said Jtixtric'. WH EKKAS, Ja*. P. Moore, C.E.G.D.. has > filed a Petition in my Office, piAying that Letters of Administration on ull and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of TilOM AS J. AUSTIN, late-of the District, nloresnid, deceased, should be granted to him. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish nil and singular lite kindred ahd creditor? of the raid deceased, tt> be and appear in the Court of Ordinary for said District, to be holden at -Greenville Court House, on the ltd day of April next to show cause, if any, why the suid Administration should not be granted. f?. J. DOUTMIT. O. O. D. " Ordinarv'a Otfice, 12th March, 1867, Mar 14* 42 6 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA! GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Iu the Conrtof Ordinary. U7 1LSON HAWKINS, Adiuinistrator, applicant airninst the heirs at law | of J. li. 11AWKLNG, whose namea are i tinknownt W urren Hawkins, and other",! i ^-t- ! Kill ninl final (Settlement of E.-tnte. Il appearing the hcir&-al-lnw of J. II Hawkins, nnil Warren llawkinft I reside beyond this Siate. It is ordered that they dt> appear at a Court of Ordinary, to lie holdell III Greenville Court House, on ' \\*ed?e*day, the 8th <lny of J/ay next, it 10 O'clock, A. J/., to show cause, if any- they enn, why the Sale Kill of ihe Estate of MAHTIlA HAWKINS, defeased, should hot be revised, by introducing for that purpose, to aseerlnin the title value of the articles sold, mid n final settlement of the Said Estate he made On that day ; and on failure of parties to-appear in person or by j attorney, their couseots will he taken us Cotlf.-s8ed Given under my hand, nt Greenville Court llouse, this 6ih day of February, A. D. 1307. S. J. DOUTRIT, 0. G. D. F. b 7 - % &7 8tti State of South C rolina. ORF.EXVILLE DISTRICT. IN COMMON PLEAS. WiliJam Watbi.vs vs. George W. Brookr ? Attach menu WilKUEAS, the riaintifTdid on the 17' h day Jf ovember, file his Dhe aiuiion against the Defendant, who, it is said, is ; absent from and without Ihe lirnits of this State, and has neitl er wife nor Attorney known within the same, upo- whom a copy I of the said Declaration might he served: It Is therefore ordered that the said Defendant do appear and plead to the said Dec-la laration on or In-fore the 17th November, whioli will be in ihe year o?" our l.ord, ?uD j thousand eight hundred and rixty fi..?i -...1 -U....I...- !..? n I W...V. ? io? Miiqi n'Hi ni?auuiir juuililinil Will then tit* given mid awsrded Hga'.nst him. Clm k'n Office, Greenville liist., 8. C? l)e Ce tuber 8, lHtili W. A. McDAXIEL, C. C. C P. D*e? 28 ly STATE UK SOU HI OAKOUN A. ] ORERNtM.LK niSTIIICT. r< st rs '(? ter a Bill for Stilt of Land to port Debt*, d'f ? j Jamk* P M 'liftr., Administrator vi? AkaMimta T. WtstlhKLU. el al. FIAJIK following paragraph from the Decretal Order ol Chancellor Johnson in the above cast* is published for the iuforma tion of (hose interested. "It is further ordered that the Cofnmis siofler of this Court do forthwith publish a rufe, requiring all the creditors of the said DAVID O. WESTFIEUD deceased, to come in within nine months from the publication of sab! rule and establish by proper proof, tna i.mure airu Minouut of thoir claims against said deceased. v J. P. MOORE, 0. F.. O. D. Commissioners Office. 8* pt. 21, lb68. Hop 27 17 . HiD < * .; !??!#" "X* ^P?JBj8 ^g^agiiMjBPM^BW -. ?- ^mB. '^jfjlMB^MM ON HANP Vtenh R?.Wn, " IMiiiiH Bod. Crjd^a rm^RPRRRER^R^^^^RI A larjje variety of 10- to 23 cU per pound ^sJl Fi n? A*At*tI int-nf: nf TaKlu To?a 7? Cutlery, * variety Ladies' and Geullenren*i? Under 8m rU Linen*, Diaper*, and Cassimere* Towelling, Spelling Books, Slain* Collin*' Axes Wood Scews Soda and Butter Cracker* Bucket*, Pail* Broom*, Brushes, Ilair Bros bee, Blacking Brushes Spade*, Shovel* Baltimore Sugar Cured Ilame Cojieras, Candle*, Ginger, Indigo Lead, Madder, Nails Rice, Starch Tobacco, Factory Yarn. All*pice, cheap Pickle*, assorted, 50 eta Smoking Tobacco Currant* Black IVpper G Boxes Chec?e English Dairy Cheese Oyster*, 50 ct* per bo* Candy, 50 ct* per lb Liguvra and Bio Coffee*. JUST ARRIVED. Fancy Print* Barege* Dress Trimmings Flannels, Red and Wbfld Spool Cotton, assorted Heavy Brown and Bleached Shirt* Ing* and Sheetiug* Braid* Linen C.'IIunkercbief* Head Nett* Ladies and Gent* gloves Morocco Belt* Broa n ahd Bleached Drill* Button*, assorted Sen veil * Steel Hoes, assorted size* and qualities Knives and Folks Pocket Knives, splendid assort* ment, cheap W ire Seives The above goods are sold at the lotvest possible profits for cash, or country produce and I aui receiving, every WerKJrm Baltimore. New York, and other markets, fresh supplies, which I intend tosell at prices to suit times. My Goods arc bought entirely for netl cash, and can Consequently, be sold at. lower figures than those that are bought on time, however short, john d. ashmore. Feb 28 40 tf WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. DAHLONEGA, OA., WILL practice in the Counties of tumpkiu Dawson, Giluicr, Fannin, Union, Towns, White and Hull. Jan 10 33 ~ tf G. Fs TOWNE6, ATTORNEY AT LAW. and SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. Office nt tho same building adjoining New Court Ilnuse, formerly occupied by T-.wnks A Cami-bull, before dissolution of the firm. Greenville, s. c. Jan 31-38 Guardians Trusteos and Receirrrs, VRK REQUIRED to rrmHe their Returns to this Office by the Jir*t day of Juno nrtt. AH foiling to make their return b/ that time, will be ifeported to the Court, JAS. P. MOO KB, C. E. O. D. J'omnmsioner'a Office, January 23, 1887. an 24 35 tf Dissolution. rpiif. FIRM of BARKSDALE, pf.rry -R A Co. is dissolved. Parties to whom the same is indebted, will present their Clai'ns at the Factory, or to me at Green .ills, si P. tir If TI1/4U i o ni.r|u. ? IT - iU. 1 IlViUAO. January 7, 1807. Jan '24 S.I tf REMOVAL. WILLIA JllVJ f ISN ANT, Merchant Tailor. grmgTk RESPECTFULLY inform* WpBfffK ?he community of Greenville. I" ''JP3''>nt ' #? REMOVED to the t.*yi? on Main Stieet, three do?i? uo?>ve Wn?hing'nni and next to Mc? PHElb'OKU Bakery, where he will CUT & MAKE TO ORDER IN THE LATEST STYLE, GENTLEMEN'S WEARING APPAREL. Just received a full riupply of TR1M? MINGS, of the beat quality, which will be <iit>|ms^.<i of on very reasonable TERMS FOR CASH. Jnu 17 84 ' tf Notes and Accounts of Brooks. Scruggs & Gibson. Assigned to Jm. B Rrnnlr. IHaVB juit received for Coilrotion lli.-se notes and ACCOUNTS, and re! q-iei-t all persons indebted to the Firm, to cull, wiliiout delay, to make settlements and payments. O. P.T0VKE8. Attorney at Law. March 8'h. tPfil. 41-tf LAWrAklX GOODLETT & THOMAS* Attorneys at Law. ASK j SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. HAVR this day foimrd a Copartnership in the practice of LAW and * BQIjI I Y on the Wtatern Circnit. "Office in the old Court House Building, ?. n. ftut-DimT, ^ WM. M TUOMM. flee W t1 Art H i ?