University of South Carolina Libraries
1 ri>i.f WA m MtflA VID A D USCA S'S "1 Vlij<* vry<JA A DUX OA ICS / V > SfMlffl FAMILY GROCERIES j ^WP MM FAMILY GittXJERIRS SMgHpi/w^S FAMILY GROCERIES ?8 FAMILY GROCERIES Hjjlifeg DRY GOODS 3gygg* _ v hrAfiLE DRY GOODS fWagBBS^mmiiVnpJLJB DRY GOODS STAPLE but GOODS - T STAPLE D&Y GOODS h e " . ^ 9**- ?K-~- > ?* and rtous* tfwiwo article? and house keeping ARTICLES and h0u8b keep i no articles . . and h0u6b keeping articles and bou0b keeping article? itXTREMBLY LOW TOR CASn ONLY XXTREMBL Y LOW FOR CASH ONL Y \ EXTREMELY LOW FOR OASB ONLY, EXtREMKL Y LO W FOR CASH ONL Y BxtremelY Low for cash only v. * > ' ' ' ^ "*v? TV ' K * ^ > ?- ? ;- . \j JUST RECEIVED < - ' ' i for COURT WEEK, Il.U8I.N8, ALMONDS, PRESERVED FRUITS, ^ . "V \ * - . VEGETABLE So SAL HO N, ..r -v -*'* ; i;"' ..?.& . V * PICKLES, ' " v* -i Vjr {' .' -& . - . ftATJCEi, . - ? #. /.? ,w I.;-j;' *>* / ' -v" RW ' ' * Y . - ^ A88ORTMENT ' A'" . vi v . ANli S ^ J . * ? ' . " COW PECTION ARIES 'v - .-'** OF ' Ab& KI1DS, JT resit Whole Bice b ' . CHEESE, ... m 4 *s f . * .- ~ : - >*l; <* r yv&F?' * '< Plows, Hoes, Traces, a ' ' Hames, AKD OTHSR ,??j *?... y ** - . m . ? * * n*? -S v '* J? / . ? *. * ' * PAR ME R S * USE. /*"?- ? > * v-* '*.*," *t "' ft ft V'-'" FBESn JARDl SEEDS, .1) f * . ', "^ p T5 , Vij, - > f O R.A 8 8 S EEDS, wnn,Jk ' vj - . ** llaich 28 V<4 if . . ; \ T,?-? ? r * % v.j? . if AlAJlJai m JJAW 11 i ^ I HAS jufrVreeclved an awortF JfP&k nontot 8FRINO MILUNEQ?0P& JhKk|B HAflR of thn latert etjU' jpRmS/ffym for LaBet, MLims and in' fHlff (tats. f The Victoria and other ftOV*' . fl!U7 NETS. . . rJllIBDOXS FLOWERS ... jjs 6TBAW And other TUIMMINOSr March 29 44 tf : aVktrt em cmrTtr runnrrrt WW? ?? ? ? V* MVV *M VOAWA4AM GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In the Court of Ordinary. CHRISTOPHER M. QBEF.R, Amlnletrator. applicant against Josiah Greer, John Greer, Moaee Greer, arid William Ward, and their heirs; whose names are unknown, defendants-? Citation for revision J of Sale Bill and jtnal ieltlemtul of Estate. , IT APPEARING that Josiah Greer, John J Greer, Moaee Greer, and William Ward, , and their heirs, reside beyond this State, it la ordered that they do appear-at a Court of . Ordinary, to be holden at Greenville Court ' House, on Wednesday, the 2Gth day of ' 7unq next, at 10 o'efock, A. M., to show pause, if any they own, why the Sale Bill of ihe Estate of ELIZABETH SMItll, doceas i ed, should not bo revised, by Introducing testimony for that purpose, to ascertain the I this yahie of llic articles sold, and a final . I settlement of th? said Rotate be made on that ddy ; Shd on failure of- pact ire to appear in person or by attorney, their consents will be taken Jis confessed Given under my hand, at Greenville Court House, this 26th day of March, A. D., 1867. ' 8. J. DOUTHIT, O. G. P. Mar 28 At If 8TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. By S. J. DOUTHrt, Esquire, Ordinary of toiil District. W| HEREAS, W. A. MOONEY, has filed a Petition in my Office, praying that letters of Administration, <fo bcnlsuon, on all and singular the goods and chatfe!* rights and credits of James Mots, late of the District aforesaid, decease J, should be granted to him. Them are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and.singular the kindred, and creditors of the laid deceased, to he and appear in the. Court of Ordinary for said District,.to be holden at Greenville Court House, on the 8th day of April next, to sIiqw cause," if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. , ft. i: POUTHIT. O. O D. Ordinary's Office, 23tl) March, 1S67. /~M*r2>fi" " \ ' kitf STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA' QREBNVILIE DISTRICT, lly ti. J. DOLTJ'IIJT, Etquire, Ordinary of mid Diltrict. WHEREAS, JA8. 1\ MOORFJ.a b. o. p.. has filed a Petition in my UTtfce, ' praying that Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of ELISI1A F. FENDLEY, late of the District aforesaid, deceased, should be grouted to Mm. 7hete are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kiudred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear in the Court of Ordinary for Said District to be boldsn at Grdenvilie Court House, on the 28lh day of April next, to show cause, if any, why the Said Administration should not be granted. * .H. J. DOlTTfliT, O. Q. D. , Ordinary's Office, lfith March, lSt>7. March 'il 43 0 RMMCTIIE . : ; THE sotoqmube am STORE 18 NOW fully RECON-^A, STRUCTBI), with a fresh FBI supply of * Wk. m&K ???sDSy sff?Tpa?a5fe^ C LOTllirVOj . ~?\ : BOOTS, SHOES, fine, HATS, . HARDWARE,CROCKERY, CROCERIES 0AMEMES, RA^Nf# And (he like, which is offered LOW for CASH or BARTER, - And we solicit our friends to continue the patronago so liberally bestowed be*> ,foro we got ^ RECONSTRUCTEIX v And don't think *e are too (ar Out of Town to gite us a call and get Rccon ttructed yourselves. ~? T. W DAVIS. March 21 48 if *' * *>'?n .? ? >t~.? A Home for a Small Priceroll SALE, a LOT, JlCd' -AiSAuft *'e<1 the iocbvpo'rau WjtftWBK; limits or (Ire Town, Contain leg three muaiters of an Aore. It ia in a* good locality. On it U a CABfN, targe nongh for a email family. A good Well of Water, Apple, Peach and Cherry Tree*, Gsrd an kootoenre, and a Neeeaeary. are aleo upon the placet , - . < - " - \ r?r*oos of small means have in this art opportunity of securing a Home, and thna eare exorbitant rent*, which they ought to inquire about. Will be soldi at a loie price fotf cash, or good paper. - - * attention rvjt the Frcedmen is oelUo to the above. jflfS Enquire at thia oftice. * ' 1 March 8f f 43 4 Hiiilmrafr KEROSENE OIL. JU8T RBCErVKD and for eale at wALTER A WESTMORELAND'^. 7 liar 14 42 . - 41. ' 4 ' -'"'1 - ? heavy w ??r "?M'a by a '.rnlnff $wW"J rrc. oower. March SI 48 8 J. W. ????OD, surgeon i#fisf?r ^^GREENVILLE, S C SB OFFICE for the preavnt 0t( Math Street, one door below tba I'o*t Office. 43 Sio* ^ jl.:?.?.?wji oyer South Carolina &. B mcrssa fRCfSfla trt&mmi A~l"Zl GENERAL SUTTS OFFICE, 1 auiiiw.,?,& C, March 11,1887. 'j?*T ON- and after the 18th ibftt.. the Through MANTRA!?! Will run as follow*, vir.: Leav? Columbia at 11 40 a. ni., ChVn time. ArriVe Kingsville at 1*.20 p. nr., " " Leave Kingsville at 1.X5 p. m., " Arrive at Augusta at 9.06 p. m., " " TAtnyoxu iu.\w. Leave Charleston 8.00 a. m. Arrive at Columbia,. 6.20 p. m. Leave Cblumbia, .AM) a. m. Arrrive at Charleston,... 1...... .4 p. m. H. T. TEAKE, Gen'l Sup't. Mar 21 .' 43 tf General Superintendent's Office, msmsmSB CHARLOTTE A 3. C. RAILROAD, ) , Columbia, S. 0., March 10, 1867. ) npim SCnEDULE ot the PASSENGER L TRAINS over this Road Is -as foK lows : Leave Columbia at.. t. . .7.36 a. m. Arrive at Charlotte at. .9.50 n. m. Leave. Charlotte at :>. 110 a m. At-riye at Columbia at 11 .?6 a. m. Close Connections are made at Columbia and Charlotte with the Mail Trains on the North Carolina and South Carolina Railroadi, TUROUGH TICKETS are sold at Columbia to Richmond, Va., Washington, D. C , lialtlmore. Mil., Philadelphia, Pa.'; and New. York City?giving choice of routes via Portsmouth or Richmond?and baggsgfc checked. Tickets are .also sold at . Charlotte for Charleston and Augusta. An Accommodation Train, for freight Ariel lounl liAKMim loanoa PatlnmKia as* h - ni , on Tuesday*, Thursday* and Saturday* of each week, and Charlotte on the *ani? ) ?1ays and boor ; arriving at Coluiubift and Charlotte at 6 p; m., . BOUKNIQHT, Superintendent, r Mar 21 " / - 43 \ tf , DAVID & STEAD LEf, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION M EUCH ANTS, AND Dealers ^Groceries and Provisions. PENDLETON 8 T 11 EE T, ' U EAR THE DEPOT. . Mai* 14 42 ' tf NoticeALL Persons having Annual ^Monthly BETUItNS,to make to the Assieiant Amcmot ot the,'24th Division, Ijower llegi-' nient, 3d Collection District, S- C., will call at the Orodh'tt House. room immediately i <Jwr the Post Office,"whither tile Office bus recently been h*uioved , EI) HUDSON SMlTlf, Ass't Ass'r, '24th Div., id Col. Dist. Greenville, S. G., Uarcli f>lh, 1801. Mar 14 ,"wl-* . 42 r * 9 ' TT5 - Notice. '/- . IS hereby given that in future no,person*, block or white, will he f>ernlilte<bio he interred in the grave yard near Greenville Village, known n? the negro burying ground, now owned by myftelf,1 and others; Uy whom I am anthoriaed to afct. AH person* are notified that in future i.?? ..':n ?,.? t.? ?ii??_-J ..ui.. ? ? * muv uy wiiunm, uuutr w?i*" pci?ni ly of (lie law, to outer upon, and go through, tuy premiss, lying 0:1 Reedy River and Hydatid Creek, nrfir Gfccnillle Village, foPftahing, hunting, or any other purpose. 1 have underdtood that person.* have heen purchasing tire wpod from certain negroes and hauling it from It rids under my charge. This is U> notify them ArxTall others, that 1 hsve fio negro agents for telling Wood, and that in future if any persona shall pui chase and haul wood from Said land, I will hold them responsible us trespassers, unless they purchase the same front me. . - * For any violation of the foregoing notice, I shall hnforcc the law. , ?11. CHOICE*. ' Fhb. 14 : ,,"v 38 tf : HSSJ' eSSBS ! CHEAP FOR DASH! AT T. B- ROBERTS* BRICK STORE rHAVEon hand, and shall be receiving itvery we-k additions to my stock, the following GOODS, to wit. t / Ladies'; Gentlemen's, Misses', Boys' and Children's SHOES Shoe LACETH, linen and cotton Note an<} Loiter PATER. fVne Fin- White ENVELOPES COFFEE, SUGAR. TEA. SODA ' d'RPI'EW, SPICE. GINGER COl'PKKAS.1SP#AM SALTS TOBACCO, COliN, BACON 'VAni^s'llStK K*- rs.tT.i Pfne CIGARS; *. ' . BUTTONS, HOOKS and EYES. TTair TINS S..c<J Irish POTATOES, APPLES COTTON YARN. ' lu a few daya I shall b? receiving Additions to my present Stock. Persons wiahing any of the above Articles, Aril! do well to call and extftnlne before buying, for bargains Can be bought at tliis placo. ! BT L will t arter fur C?un, lhtoon, BtHt?f, Eggs, Lard. Chickens Ac, * R. L. BURN. March 7th, 18*7. . v . *l-tf SHAVING ' ,?.i7 iff* a ma irksssng, fXEh'RV 0AN7. the Barber, continue# to XJL SM.WK the fWoe and I>KESS UAIK as toriueriy, at his Old Stand, neat Mc**r?. Picklk A Pong*# Shop, where be will be pleased to see his friends and customers, lie hopes, by attention to business and politeness to nil, rcssivo the patronage of the place. March 21 43 Jtf - IHBEO to inlorm my friends, and the pul | general StoCK ?J'MWKIAM) Which I am offering at the above well k> the times by receiving all of the best NEW PUBL And being mindful of the scrfrcftt of mpr o . U.. . _l 1.1 |._ k.J Ik " ? wwiv* vuu uo. unu iu vviWi Charleston- , . x v SCHOOL 1 respectfully invite the Attention of T< ment of SOHQOL BOOHS, hy tlie^nt itn<) will be found all of tho TEXT BOOKS,. El CAL wauled to any School or College. MISCE] I have a well-selected Stock of M1SCK be found a variety of Shored MUs-lC,, for th ELS, Standard tVORItS, HISTORIES, Chil STiTH I keep PATER of every style and 1 Letter; from Billet Don* to the broad Eqi Inks, Blotters, Rulers, Playing Cards, and these articles In large.Quantities for eaali, a the lowest prices. . . BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KIN 1 ar a h ? t: a: I have a beautiful lot of FANCY ARl lios, Work Boxes, Draft-boards, sud r and Photograph Albums. PERIOD ' I nit! selling the beat Weekly-and Jfon advance of thfe hiails. * 3*A KJ m 1 bare just opened a lot of Nqw SO51 be sold at pablhkett prices. 0 R D 1 .' I will ORDER any BOOKS or Tie* very small advance on original cost. 0 1 R e ti l A T I i After Court week, I will arrange to 1c smell eost, end take them buck small expense, to read all the late Nov them Woldd cost qijite a sittQi Come to \he BOOK STORK and look, i Greenville, S. C., March 21, 1867. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Sheriff's Sales. BY YIRTl'K <?f sundry Writs uf Firrt Fnci'an to uto directed, I will soil, at the reikknc* of Mrs. JAMES S. PEDKN, near Fairvicw, on Tuesday after satemligr iu April, nt tlic hoar of 12 o'clock, M., tlie following luminal Property, to wit.: 1 Horse Power, 1 Log Chain, 1 largo "fool Chest. 4 ,?hot Uiilis, 4 Kitlcs, I Musket, 3 Pis. tol*i 1.M plunula Iron Fencing and 2' lot Hound fror., 1 M<i^, 1 lhiir-bushefti^Rure, 1 Wiush Pot, 1 Oven, crop of growing Wheat obout ten acres, 2 Window Curtains, 1 Wheat Fan, 1 Dairy, 3 Jugs, lut iron fencing Knobs, I pair Hand CulTa, Levied on us tho property of Dnvid Hoyd,?t the ?uit of JntueS 8. Pedum, deceased. W. T. SHUMATE. S. 0. D._ Sheriffs OCRus, March ?h, 1867. Jlar 14 '4^ 8 STArE OF SOUTH -CAROLINA GREENVILLE DISTRICT. BY VIRTUE of a Decretal Order from the Court of Ofdinnry, for Oreunville District, I will expose for sale, nt politic tit-cry; to the highest bidder, art tint firr.1 Monthly in April next, the follow log TRACT of LAND, viz j Al! In at piece, pnreel npd Tract of Land situated ic Greenville District, on wafers of branches of North and South I'ucojel Itiv yrs, bounded by lands of Met Toe, Earle, O'Shields, und nlhers, and containing two hundred abd sixty-three act e?, more<or less, sold aatlie property of JAME3 MOSS, deceased. for partition among the lleirs. Ttu.u*.?A credit of twelve mouth*, with interest from day of sale, for nil, except so much as will p'.iy the costs, wliieh will ho ntptired in eneb. Purchasers to give bond with good,security; and a iiiorrgngeof the premise*, if deeuied necessary to the Ordinary, to secure the payment of live purchase money. Purchasers to pay fnf titles. W. T. SHU MATH, a G D. Sheriff*s Office, 1 lib March, 1807. -Mar 14 - . .. 42 ^ 3 S'fATE OF ^tTCTTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. By 8. J. DOUT1IJT, Esquire, Ordinary of I said District, WHEREAS. J/?MES P. MOORE has filed a Petition it| thy Office, praying that Letters of Administralion on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and enedi*8 of CHARLES SCYON, late of the District afofesaid, deceased, should be grunted to him. v 's ? "*> Y THets are, there/ore, to cite nnd admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ot the said deceased, to he and appear in the C*Ktrt of Ordinary for said District, to be liotden at .Greenville Court House, on the 22d day of April next, to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. ~ 8. J. POUTH1T, O. G. D. ( Ordinary'* Offioe, 12th March, 1867. Mar 14 . \ ,v **'- 42 ' 6 STATE OF SCUT 6 CAROLINA GREENVILLE DISTRICT. By S. J. DOUTIIIT, ?squire, Ordinary of said District. WHEREAS, Jas. P. Moor*, C.ELG.TX. has filed a Petition In my Ottioe, praying that J.etters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chall.l?, rights and credits of THUMaS J*. AU8TIN, late of the District, aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to him. Tjif*e afe. Ihort/ofe, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the raid deceased, to be and appear in the Court of Ordinary for ssid District, to be holden at Greenville Court House, on the lid day of April next to show Canae, if any, why tile said Administration should not be granted. v 8. f. DOUTBIT, 6, 0. D. Ordinary'a Office, 12th March, 1867. . Mar 14 42 A tfi' ? a us a - . To Hire at Low Prices. A TWO HOHS?* WAIJON and TfcAM, with driver, by tl?o day, job, or week. JNO.'L. ASHMOPS. Marsh 6tb, 18C7. ;;.u , U r _ YK HP'. STORE, t>lio generally, that in addition to the largo BOOXBmS&S'GOOBS lowtf establishment, I atu keeping up with I catIONS i ley,' 1 am determined to SELL aa CItEAP mbia, oV elsewhere ih tliu Stale, outride of BOOKS, oeehera aft'd paretics to fifty extensive assort- I moat populaAeSt author*. Amontrat them fGLtSJl, CLASSICAL aud MATH KM ATI- i L.x_.Ia.r<r5r. LLANECUS WORKS. ?norgat which Will e different denominations * the latest KOYflreu's 8TOKY BOOKS. Ac , Ac., Ac. raHety, from eomihen foolscap to the beat nity bill. Also, Envelope?, Tens, Pencils, elejtaut new style Visiting Cards. I buy ?d tire prepared to supply all demands at )S, STtLES AND QUALITIES. & TP It (S tf 12 8 ? I'IGLES in bay Hue, Writing Desks; PoftfouOn. Also, some handsome Picture Frames 1 *r : .. * I C A L 8 . thly Pel iodieals, and always have them la IGS, and Ineliumontal PIECES, wliiuli will !R8/ res of MUSIC wanted, and will charge a i e i t b bar st my customers have Books to read, foy a By 'tliin menus persons will be enabled, els, and other publications, while! to buy und examine my Stock and prices A. BACOH, A&ent. ? - 4Mm Notes and Accounts of Brooks. I Scrnggs & Gibson, Assigned to Jas. S. BrooksT llAVE just received for Collection I 1 these NOTES and ACCOUNTS, and re | quest all persons indebted to the Firm; to call, without delay,' to make settlements and payments. G. F. TOWNES. Attorney at Law. March G'h, IRfll. 4l-tf Notice. ALt, parties indebted to the Estate of Mrs. ClIItfSlIANA 11. TALmitl), wilt uiako payuiout ; and all parties having claims against the tetaUs, will present tlicui properly attested, w ithin three months, to the Executor, Fit AN KLIN TA Lit L It b,,n{ Beaufort, "S. C.f or to us fill Grconvllle, S. 0. GOOPLETT & THOMAS, Attorneys at Law, January ift, imi;. ;rz otu REMOVAL. IIIATE removed from Roberts' New Brkt Store, to Col. DAVID HOKE'S old stand, one door South of the new Court House, where I keep constantly on hand the following, with many other articles, to ON IIAND f ' Krerh Batatas Soda Crackers .Citron, Soda , trim l'owder, F. F. F., Shot Bace Ginger, cbeAp A large variety of Sugars, from 10 to 23 els per pound Fine Assortment of Table Teas Cutlery, a variety Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under Shirts Linens, Diapers, and Cassimeres Towelling, Spelling Looks, Slates Collins' Axes \Vood Screws Soda and Butter Crackers LuckejR, I'nils Brooms, Brushes, Ilair Crushes, Blacking Brushes Spades, Shovels '* Baltimore Sugar Cured Ilatns Copeias, CAndles, Ginger, Indigo Lend, Madder, Nails Bice, Staich Tohac^o Kneinrv Yarn. Allspice, cheap Pickles, assorted, 60 cts Smoking Tobacco Currants _ Black Pepper "6 Boxes Cheese , , English Dairy Cheese Oysters, 60 eta per box Candy, SO cts per lb Lnguyra and liio Coffees. JUST ARRIVED. Fancy I'rlots Bartgef . . Dress Trimmings Flannels, lied and White Spool Cotton, assorted Heavy Brown and BIcAched Shirtings and Sheetings B'rafds Linen C. Ilankerchiefs " Head Netta Ladies and Gents gloves Morocco Pelts Brown svnd ltlcached Drills Buttons, assorted Scovell's Steel Llbes, assorted sizes , and qualities Knives and Forks Pocket Knives,- tplertdid assort* meot, cheap / Wire Serves ' The above good* aro sold at the lowest possible protita for cash, or country produce ; ana Tam receiving, every week, from BaUitbore, $ew York, und other markets, fresh supplies, which 1 lnteud to sell at prices to suit tlnn-a. My Goods are bought entirely for owtt cash, and onn consequently,, be sold at. lower figures th?ti those that are bought OU tiuie, however short. JOHN l?. ASlIUORE Feb 25 . , 40 ?"* " \ U o * 7 " ' ./ ? , ' * , 1 ' * A^^ney^^K^^SH 'T vSr ft %wl ' /VFFlOfi at tU iwlfl' *. . :.: v 17 N?* <Wt Ilouae, ftW.'-V<r;i>jt| . ; !< 7CZZ1 Ui*""'"- IRPI . (?roenmf% S. 0* JHPW?PF<| .-??.WW ^*?4fci.JlUW W II. CAMPBELI/, (District Judge.)' W^HIM. I'ltACTIOE ,lp the Superior Conrle of LAW and Etmity ,. yar~ OfPfee. ia the new Codrt Houm, Greenville, S. 0." y Oct 4 - j,tf aiW>??e^*M-*?wa MM| Mill* HQtijii. Corner of Meeting and Queen Street*. CHARLESTON, 8. 0. -f. TNI8 well known PIRSlF CLASS HOTEL baa jn.t *e*" *lwy4r"" been thoroughly ropeli'ed, iW flttcd Atidro-mrniabed, and ia nonf ready far .1 . I .! . l?s - * iiiu lUToiiimoMaiioo oi mo travelling gUDliO* whose patronage is respectfully solicited. - " Merchants visiting the city, aire respectful*!* invited. Every accommodation will be OtfCfcd them. , Coaches always in readiness to convey p'iOscngcrs to' and.from the Hotel. The Proprietor promisee to do all in his poWer tor the comfort of his guests. joseph ptlrcjisll, Proprietor. ' Fob 11 ; 39 a To Rent. . THE DWELLING HOUSE opposite the Baptist Clidrch, flfor the,present year; Alto, HOUSE on the oofobr of satue lot. Apply to ' ? TIIOS. B. TflURSTdN: Jan 10 S3 tf The London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. "fTtOR RALE BY . ..... ' . x walter a westmoreland, MANS/OH HOUSE BUILD ISO". January S 32 _ If . OLOOK'S EXCELSDIR HAIB RESTORER. J71 OR SA-LE BY *< Walter a Westmoreland, maxsiox no use BlriLDisb: January 3 32 tf uuaraians, rruateog ana Jte-4 ccivcrs; ARE REQUIRED t<> male their Return j to this Offich by the first day of Juno next. All failing to make their retiirn by that time, will be reported to the Court. JaS. P. MOOKB; I?. E. O.. D:. Commissioner's Office, January 23, 1867; Jan *24 86 . tf Dissolution. rpilE FIRM of BARK9DA.LE, FERRY * <? Co., is dissolved. Parties to whotri i|\e same is indebted, will present their Claims at. the Factory, dr to me at Greenville, S. C. . * W. M. TIIOMAS. January 7, 16<J7. . Jan 21 85 tf ItCTIOVALi WILLIAM WHISNANT, ' Merchant Tailor; S RESPECTFULLY informe the community of Clreepvijfe, that he hss REMOVED to tfib Store on Main Street, three doors above Washington, and next to Mc? PUERSON'S Bakery, where he will CUT ft MAKE TO ORDER im rnr l ?-rroT o + ul f I I'M int LftltOI 0 1 TLC, GENTLEMEN'S WEARING AfnPAREL. | Juet received a full supply of TRIM* MlNGS, of the beat quality, which will be disposed of on very reasonable TERMS EOft 'CASH. ! Jan 1? 34 ./ _ tf STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA GREENVILLE DISTRICT. t* * ' . ;**? " In the Cottrt of Ordinary. WILSON HAWKINS, Administrator, applicant against the heirs at-Iaar of J.. II. HAWKINS, whose names are unknown, Warren Hawkins, and others, IJefchdanbi.' C'Untion for revision of Sale lilll and tinal settlement of Estate. It appearing llial the heirt-at-law of J. ^ B Hawkins, and Warren Hawkinsreside beyond this State. t It is ordered that they do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to be holdm at Greenville Court House, on W'tdncejuy, the 8th (lay of Hay next, at 10 o'clock. A. M., to show cause, if any they can, why the Sale Hill of the Estate of/-k MARtUA HAWKINS, deoeased, should" not be revised, by introducing for that purpose, to ascertain thte true value of the articles sold, and a final settlement of th? said Estate be made on that day ; and on failure of parties to appear in person or by attorney, their consent* will be takes at coufessed. ' > . , , Given under my hand, at GreeAville Court House, ibis Olli day of February, A.' D., 1807. t s. ); DouTfnT, o. o. d. Feb 7 87 8m Agents Wanted rN EYKBY COUNTY of North and Soudt" Curolinu, to can rase and soil Lloyd's New Double Mip of North Aui?rica on the fnco'. A'COUNTY MAI' of tho Unitfd States on thtt back?cota ?*??* t' ^ 3 4 Kagunrc Feet of Manila* Willis Mf Other Agencies can bn given if dealttA^ I Agent* muko l'rom f j to $20 }>er day. . Andrea, ' .. WAR It EN It. MAirVnAtn, General Agrtlt Li<.y'd|fi Map. . ? Columbia, 8. C. Ail Caronna papora ii<*?Ttir: inis notice to the amount of st< wil' mW , cvfry of ?ha Man in payiuubt. u' \ \* . as . s.: ? Av * ' . -A. ' /: ' r 4^f.' * k - .' - . . , ti " _ ? /